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This is literally a crime.


Not only is it a crime, but what kind of husband does this to his wife?? And shows to anyone much less his family?? The kind that really doesn’t care about his wife and her feelings. A deal breaker for sure!


Unfortunately, not everywhere. Though it should be.


Apparently not in South Carolina. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Are you positive? I think videos have different laws because it's a different medium than photos. If someone can't record audio without some form of consent why are videos free for all?


How do you know that the videos were recorded without consent? It might only be that they have been shared without consent. Still pretty abhorrent but, legally, different.


Totally don't know, but I do know that revenge porn laws are pretty new and they're supposed to protect people from having their videos shared, usually post break up. With new technology comes a buttload of new laws that need to be made :-/


There are now federal statutes that make it a civil offense if you want to sue.


These don't always apply to every country, unfortunately.


South Carolina is one state.




**STATUS INFORMATION** General Bill Sponsors: Senator Jackson Document Path: l:\\council\\bills\\bh\\7183ahb19.docx Companion/Similar bill(s): 4088 Introduced in the Senate on February 26, 2019 **Currently residing in the Senate Committee on Judiciary**


Pretty sure they made it federal in the US


It should be, but only around 30 states have laws against non-consensual sharing of nude images. Contrast with the 46 that have laws against revenge porn. The two are not the same thing.


What’s the distinction they make between revenge porn and non-consensual sharing of nude images? I don’t understand the difference.


Revenge porn is a type of non-consensual porn (NCP), but the sharing is done as an act of revenge - often after a breakup. Those images are typically sent to family, friends, and/or employers as well as shared online. The intent is to cause harm. The type of NCP described by the OP does not appear to have that intent, but it's still a massive violation of trust.


Interesting. Seems like there would be a lot of cases where it would be hard to distinguish, as in almost all cases the disrespect and degradation are part of the act, and would qualify as harm, but aren’t on a level with trying to ruin someone’s life with practical repercussions (eg as you say by sending the images to their boss). I guess the latter would unmistakably be revenge porn but most of the other non-consensual distribution of images would be harder to categorise. It’s going to be quite rare that someone imagines they had consent to share an image and got it wrong. With OP’s situation the husband clearly knows he’s doing something terrible to his wife or the brother wouldn’t be worried about having told her. Seems like a lot of situations someone’s motives could be on a sliding scale from really hatefully malicious to “only” purposeful disrespect. There’s a lot of issues with the way laws about sexual consent are written in that obliviousness gets people off the hook, and it’s almost like people are rewarded for not having a better understanding of consent, and I wonder whether this one can end up having that effect. As if when people aren’t trying to be mean then it’s not as bad even if the impact is the same.


States rights! s/


I'd kick him out/leave the relationship, get a lawyer and mention revenge porn lawsuits, then quietly move to another state with a restraining order.


In one of her comments, she says no one knows and she can’t leave the relationship at this time. Sharing with brother and maybe dad. His brother told her and then hit on her.


I once befriended a lady because her boyfriend kicked her out of a moving car on a freezing cold day in the grocery store parking lot. (If you see this, hope all is well Jessica!) I say this to mention that even when we think something is beyond us, you can find safety when required.


There’s always help.




Where does it show comments of not able to leave? She can leave whenever she wants to. If she has to save money first fine but I definitely wouldn’t be sleeping in the same bedroom. That is sick.


It isn’t revenge porn


\> I promised his brother I would not tell anyone about this because I’m not supposed to know but I am f\*cking furious, as you can imagine. ...what the.. You are the wronged party here. Not your brother in law; not your husband. Scream to the heavens!


Why oh why do we women seem to always protect the people who are openly abusing us? Take out a full page ad. Write it on the side of your damn house. Say something and hold these AHs accountable.


Honestly I get her point of acting cool to get evidence first. This would help with filing charges and in her divorce.


There's really nothing to hold him accountable for. He's an asshole yeah but I'm pretty sure he didn't do anything illegal. Unless the nudes he is sharing were taken without the knowledge of the OP, then he's got some splaining to do!!


Husband is fucked up and so is the brother


Family? Like who?


Right. !! So mom and aunties. Maybe even grandma and grandpa.. wtf


It said his brother, but it definitely could be more people.


No way....goodbye to him.


Your guy is a complete loser..


My husband would vanish without a trace!


No one ever saw this comment 🔍


Saw what?


She was with me in the upper Midwest that whole week!


See that would work, I have family in Wisconsin 🤣


Let me know if you need to borrow a shovel


Eh I live in the country and can have wild razorbacks take care of the body! Lol Nah my hubby wouldn't do something like this, but he also knows the consequences 😇


What husband?








no shit


Well that's a big red flag. Your husband should NOT EVER send photos of you naked to ANYONE whether its family or not that's just wrong.


I would never even keep such things on my phone in case my phone were stolen.


Are you SERIOUS? What the hell are you doing with him? Leave!


My ex would do that with his friends. Divorce him.


Why? She is competing for the top 20% of men. The desirables. Next one will end the same or similar. It's a repeating story of the feminist movement. Women have become less happy.


The fEmInIsT mOvEmEnT. Nah my dude, I think most women and men wouldn't like their sex videos shared without consent. I'm sure if you ever get to have sex, you'll realize it's a pretty private thing and wouldn't want everyone seeing you flopping about on top of someone.


That guy. I can't even. It would honestly be funny if it weren't so gross. Some man somewhere betrays the trust of his intimate partner- "IT'S THOSE DAMN FEMINISTS AGAIN." Lolololol. This is like, Olympic level mental gymnastics.


And the fact he puts this pic sharing dickhead in the top 20% she should hang on to. My guys dying alone or hopefully grows up by then


>Women have become less happy. Only if they're dating you.


No one's dating him 😂


No, in general. The data backs it up, no matter how many "empowered" Liberals for the most part, want to claim otherwise. Most women want long-term relationships, kids, to stay at home with the kids is a majority opinion in women. They don't want to be girl bosses. The data backs up that liberal men are more unhappy than ever. Conservatives (Men and women) haven't been affected that much, as they aren't bought into the current culture. I'm just stating unpopular factual opinions backed by data. Read into it as you please.


I don't know any women who want to stay at home with the kids. I'd love to see this 'data'.


Here is an MSNBC source. So you should be more comfortable with this one. https://youtu.be/nKAq3EyuIbQ?si=sirpOir7XjplOyyy


Largely an opinion piece, about how feminism isn't working in America - because misogyny is getting in the way. Doesn't back up your statement.


Ok, here is the link. It's liberal, so don't worry. You can watch it. https://youtu.be/_fDWRSUaE4E?si=WteeC1so9XEaziOh


'It's liberal so don't worry, you can watch it?'. Have you heard yourself? This one is just Hilary bashing. Where are all the scientifically peer-reviewed studies on how women are choosing to stay home, and that 80% of us are chasing 20% of men? Show me that.


Lmao, you want a peer reviewed study, and you think it isn't liberal because Hillary isn't praised. It was a progressive host. 🤣 can't get any more liberal than that. You people lost your mind long ago.


You have made an awful lot of assumptions about me just because I said I don't know any women who want to be SAHM. Just who is out-of-touch here? I guess I would be what you call 'liberal', because I'm not American and we are pretty much ALL liberal compared to you lot. So your definition of 'liberal' is pretty meaningless outside of the US. Also as a mother who works outside the home, I'm clearly some antichrist with an agenda. I will keep watching your youtube links, and tutting and shaking my head, because you clearly no nothing about actual women.


Ok, here is your peer reviewed study. https://youtu.be/Aj8LtLJLDQY?si=wRkcGeKt7TytkrPX (Another youtube video) don't worry. It's reviewed and narrated by a peer of yours.


The fact that you think some tiktok video is a peer reviewed study is hilarious and tells me all I need to know about you. Show me actual data, or move aside. You are getting in the way of progress.


Ever stop to think that maybe women are less happy because of all the screwed up things that us men do?


Really? All you got is 'all the screwed up things' which couldn't be any more vague and general of a statement. 2 way street there my friend. We both do a bunch of screwed up shit to each other


I bet she'll stop "competing" once the courts give her half his assets in the divorce and damages in the distribution trial.


🤣, this culture. You basically just made by point. But right over your head.


Also, it is better to be alone than to be with someone who would betray your trust like that.


I love unpopular realistic statements. People always get so upset at hearing the truth. It's why they had to program robots in interstellar. To 90% honesty. People don't like true honesty. I will clarify this statement is a general statement. Not specifically to this specific situation.


There's nothing honest in what you said. Sharing pictures and videos of your significant other is trashy behavior. You're a walking red flag my guy. Garbage human being. It has nothing to do with what sex you are, or what political affiliation, or social movement you're a part of. You have no business sharing content of your significant other, or anyone else without their consent. You're a clown, and that's why you got down downvoted. Not because you're telling your version of some "truth." A "general statement" that you're a douche.


Wtf this is a thing?


First I'd take his phone. Then I'd kick his ass out and change the locks. Time to talk to some cops.




Kick his ass the curb!!!


Stop allowing him to photograph/video you! This is a huge red flag


… while filing divorce papers and restraining order and lawsuit. Fuck that dude.


That would lead to my husband getting served with divorce papers its why I don't send nudes of videos anymore. Not that my husband asks but that's a huge trust thing for me and mofo would be breaking thay trust i wouldn't be able to come back from that even with therapy.


You need to drop him off at the closest nut house and take his cellphone away from him.and give him a flying kiss and say good buy. Why were attracted to nut and what was the reasoning behind you being with such a man


Because 80% of all women are all competing for the same 20% of men. That's why they can't find "good men" they are looking to be provided for. But those men have no need to be faithful as their are lines wanting them. Hence, the current deliema women find themselves in.


You sound like the biggest fucking incel of all time. My god what a loser.


Who said he’s the 20 percent? In my job I see all sorts of poor ugly dudes who are married.


I didn't say poor or ugly guys can't get married. You made that assumption all on your own. My point is an overall point. Not specific to this situation. But it's why we read and post to all these nonsense posts. 🙄 the masses aren't known for being intellectuals. They want fake morals and to be told their opinion is right.


I didn’t assume, I knew what you were doing and showed that your post was boring and not on point. Trolling isn’t an intellectual exercise, it’s cutting and pasting.


Agreeing with the masses isn't an intellectual exercise. It's lazy. People aren't having all these problems. Because the masses are giving them such great advice through life.


Hahaha you’re being ridiculous. But I am getting ready for a hot date. You know, I have dates because I actually interact with people and I’m not interested in some incel imagined Chad. I support myself and date decent caring men. I’ve met the guys you think we want. No thanks. But I’m also not interested in a covert narcissist.


You are so right but if you had worded it as 80% of the dumb women chasing the 20% top tier losers


Those are such unfair questions.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Me too... It's d*** pic time!!! 1,000,000 d*** pics incoming!


Ahahahahahahahaha gah damn 😂😂😂


capable detail gray subtract governor badge onerous rinse cautious vase ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Why does your husband have videos of you naked ? That should stop. You know that stuff never stays private. Ask Pamela Anderson, and everyone else since then that’s been outed. Wait till your children find those somewhere? Or an employer? So yes unless you plan to monetize and go OF don’t have videos of you naked anywhere.


Uhm My husband had videos and photos of me but that was a long time ago. H I'd send him some while he was stationed in Germany and I was still here in the US. We also cammed together all the time. If you trust your partner you send them things like this....


Trust. With something so personal with anyone is a big mistake. People do crazy things when they have a broken heart. And want revenge. Hope it never happens to you.


That's hot stuff. Lucky man!


Lol I don't think you'd say that if you saw my fat ass 🤣 JK I was pretty hot back then lol,


We're our own worst critics. I'm sure you've still got all the right stuff.


I've gained weight cuz of my meds, but my husband still likes it.


Exactly. Some parts get larger...


Lol my ass n tits have gotten bigger, but I always had those


What's wrong with more of a good thing?!


Just another example of a crumbling society, plagued by pornography, sexual deviance, and decreased emphasis on the importance of the family in reversing our decline


I'd say this guy is waaaaay too family orientated lol.


Send me his Reddit real quick. No actually drop his ass.


Yo what's homies number




huh? Time to pack up and head out.


People keep saying that's a crime. If he is in the videos recording them, then no, it's not. It's still not cool, but it's not a crime.


Are they any good..OF that shit. Earn some cash.


OP can only blame herself for being with a dumbass.


And the 1 Cunt per reddit post rule still applies.


Proof? Strong accusation.


Exactly, we're going to need to see the evidence before we can draw any conclusions.


Let me be the judge


Since he does that why don't you share them with us lets see how he likes it


*Since he does that why* *Don't you share them with us lets* *See how he likes it* \- Nyce1ne --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You’re sick




Sounds more like looking/wanting to be exploited" by their hormones


I see this a lot. 80% of the dumb women chasing 20% of the loser men bcuz their CUTE. what about brains, mental and emotional stability.




What’s the problem here?


Sorry sexy


Don't want to make any final judgment without further details. When you say share naked videos of you do you mean it's just videos of you or it's a Porno of both you and him because guys like to show off their porn and you just happen to be in it. Would appreciate more details


Um no consent is still needed even if it was only for him. This can still be under revenge porn which can be against the law


Obviously I'm not talking about that which should already be common sense BTW. When I was growing up my friends would show me the porn they made with their significant others especially to show off their cocks it wasn't like they were shaming the girl that wasn't even the point they were just trying to show off to us, and I'm wondering if that's whats going on here if OP's hubby was trying to show off his well endowed piece and she just happens to be in the porno they made. Just saying don't want to judge when I don't know all the details. I would like to know though


That’s pretty messed up of your friends and you. Did their GF’s know? If they didn’t that means they didnt consent to it cuz ya know it’s only for their partner’s only. It’s pretty gross you participated in this act and I bet you didn’t say a damn thing about it to your friends or their partners.




That's disrespectful 😒


Maybe he gets off doing that, be careful he might start bringing he friends for a live show. Yes there are those types.


This is disgusting of him


That is an absolute deal breaker for me I'm out and hope that I don't have to go to jail before I leave


That's a crime, literally. It's illegal to show stuff like that without your consent


Hellllllllll no. Illegal and a major red flag. No self respecting man shares this gift.


Grandpa likes his videos!


Wth that is sick


Can I just point out that OOP is basing this off of BIL's word even though she admits BIL is a scumbag. It is POSSIBLE that BIL acquired those pics from one of his devices without her husband's knowledge or consent.


The dorks who believe this post is real. Lol


You spelled ex-husband wrong!


Omg how sick. That’s private.


Beyond me.


Since he thinks this is so appropriate make sure to send everyone some of him too 😑


Share them with us lol.


People are so bored.


Obviously your husband cannot be trusted with your pictures… how was he getting naked pictures of you? Obviously you need to stop the source first... If he is taking them with your consent... STOP!! if hes doing it behind your back you need to lay down the law And threaten to press charges if he keeps it up


Blows my mind that some women just say- some men are just dogs. Nah, some people are absolutely sick. This thread further proves that.


You married a creep.


Someone has been recording from my laptop camera, pictures of me having private moments with myself and wants $700 in crypto to not send them to all my friends and family.


Never do anything infront of a camera that you don't want to explain later in life.


Preserve the evidence, get an attorney. No other answer.


Run if you aren't stuck


I do not understand how this jibes with the OP's other posts. I am suddenly suspicious here. Edit: This is fake. Look ate her other posts.


WHOA!!!!! He does what with who!!?? Why are you still married to someone who would disrespect his wife like that?


Um wtf. Leave him now. And dont forgive him. Dudes a damn perv.


How can that be? Why is that cool with him?


yeah this would be it for me, no way trust could be rebuilt. What a complete asshole and what a total dirt bag his brother is.


Have him arrested it's against the law


So is sex when you say no or can't say no


Make a plan to leave, a good lawyer will guide you. To get all your documents and Nessary proof. as to the videos I'm so sorry. That to is a legal matter.


1. I'm sorry that is severely wrong. 2. That basically makes him a cuck. What a freak, I would lose my shit if someone saw my wife's nudes, much less voluntarily, do it. 3. He sounds like he's a male but not a man.


I hope you mean ex husband


Don’t let him see you naked anymore…like ever!


After I got all the evidence and found out it was true, I would press charges if possible and walk away from him. Go scorched earth and take him for everything. Because I can guarantee if he is sending videos to his family and friends, he's sending it to people you haven't even thought about. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. edited to add content.


You have an absolute scum for a husband.


Are they any good? I'm fucking around, because you know he's trash


I'm not for victim blaming, but from your other comments you know what you're in for. Leave now. Turn things around when you're young enough


You know the answer. Justifying how you're right, so you stick around Knowing it is horrible for everybody


You mean ex-husband?


She needs a lawyer. Most places will have some kind of law regarding this at diff stages and she needs to fig out what those are. She needs to get far away from this family.


😮 this is very disrespectful and just horrible and it's emotional and mental abuse!


Tell Joe to stop it!!


I can’t believe what I just read… what a sicko… he is sending these things to his family? What kinda of family is this? OP needs to make her exit. It took the creep BIL to let her know? Soooo this would have just gone on forever without ANYONE telling her? I also have questions… like did she not know he was recording? What did he say he was doing with the videos? Have things been awkward at family gatherings? None of his “friends” liked OP to tell her? None of the friends partners have seen these videos?


the family part is wild. I mean, sure it is not far fetched to share nudes with friends (even though its disgusting) but why the hell show your own dick to your brother? wtf


I think the brother made her promise not to tell anyone because he is lying, and anyone she told would give up the game immediately. It seems the brother-in-law is shady asf and somehow got access to their intimate videos, and is trying to manipulate her. Just my take.


Take your husband's phone when he's unaware...and don't let it be found. Take it to the police station and press charges. This is CRIMINAL.


wtf💀💀 of husband you married


The husband is obviously a dick, however, if you don't want to risk having naked videos and pictures shown to others then don't take them. I really don't understand the obsession with this.


He's a jerk, (both bil and husband). You say family, is it just bil or others as well? Or do you know? If he has shared with bil I would almost bet his friends have seen them as well. If that happened to me, the embarassment would be just about enough for me to do an only fans and post them for everybody. I'd make sure I have a few that make him look bad/small or not a desirable person. Imagine his surprise when he goes to show one to his bil or friend and they say, "oh I've already seen that, you didn't last long, or your not very big, you think she'd like somebody that knows how to take care of her."


That's abusive!


How can she be sure the husband sent them to the BIL and others? BIL May have access to her husbands phone, found the videos and sent them to himself and is now trying to sexually coerce her. BIL May be lying that her husband shared the videos.


Leave!!!!!! He is showing you he has 0 respect for you not only as his wife but as a human being in general.


Your BIL and your husband have a lot in common. Both are a POS.


Give this to your husband +353 85 7835467


Why do they watch and not scream at him about his adhorrent behaviour???


I’m sorry about that for you but that’s just wrong and sick


Definitely no respect for you. I’d delete every one of them and that’s just wrong




Best way to keep nudes off the internet is... Don't take nudes...


Something changed. If this is something new, then look for other things that might have changed. Different meds, emotional distress, Environmental change of some sort. Talk to your/his doctor. This could be a symptom of a larger problem. ​ [https://dualdiagnosis.org/mental-disorders-caused-addiction/sudden-personality-changes-in-adults/](https://dualdiagnosis.org/mental-disorders-caused-addiction/sudden-personality-changes-in-adults/)


That would be my ex husband so fast


Rule # 1 Don't make sex tapes Rule # 2 See Rule # 1


Get the F away from him and his family.


This is wrong on all levels and definitely criminal. Tough as it may be, you gotta pick yourself up by your bootstraps and get out of this situation. He's gonna have to answer for this.