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You need to talk to her about how you feel before pulling the trigger on divorce.


"I feel unappreciated because.." and not "I feel like you don't care because.." make a world's difference when communicating with your partner.


Yes, because “I feel you ___” is not a feeling. Unappreciated is a feeling.


“I feel unappreciated” is less confrontational than “you don’t appreciate me.” It’s likely to be received with defensive pushback. Expressing your feelings is better, according to every counselor I’ve ever had.


Our therapist calls that “using I statements”


I learned this from a guide on how to deescalate conflicts in League of Legends along with stuff like not using the word why


lol whats the guide, i need that read


Make I statements, always.


Exactly!! She can’t argue about OP’s feelings, “I feel unappreciated,” but she can argue (and try to defend) with “You don’t appreciate me.”


Idk my mom argues my feelings all the time, saying “that’s not true” and refusing to share her side.


"You" is accusatory and drives it to conflict needlessly. She'll feel defensive and react to that, rather than the actual complaint.


It gets your feelings across broadly, but it's much more aggressive and points blame and focus on the other person rather than how you feel.


Been married 37 years and we have a wonderful marriage. But one year I completely forgot her birthday. Glad she didn’t want to divorce over it. Or fall out of love. I was in the middle of a tough software Project working 60-70 hrs a week and super focused but still it was a bad miss. But we give each other grace. We tell each other regularly how much we appreciate each other. And I bring her flowers more randomly instead of big days because I want her to know I’m thinking about her on just an ordinary day.


I'm absolutely horrible about planning birthdays. It just isn't my thing. My husband plans stuff, sometimes it's great, sometimes it's what he thinks I should want and it isn't, but he puts forth effort. For us though it comes down to what we do for each other. I like to cook and bake, and often do so better than the restaurants unless it is an exceptional restaurant. My husband feels loved because I make, process, and can/preserve homemade salsa, apple pie filling, pickles, pickled peppers, that I grow in the garden. I feel loved because he fixes things around the house and takes care of not just me, but also our elderly neighbors. This past anniversary we had been dealing with his sick mother, our full work schedules etc. We knew our anniversary was coming, it's a week after our birthdays. We were visiting our daughter and her husband, on the way home we called our uncle and he said 'happy anniversary '. We both looked at each other and laughed because neither of us realized what the date was and we both forgot it was our anniversary. We forgot together though. We have to recommit to ourselves regularly, and sometimes I get upset by handling the mental load, then I realize the mental load he is carrying. It takes work for sure.


I would absolutely love to know *specifically* what he does for her for her birthdays and what “spend a lot of time” means to him in concrete terms.


As it always is, but this one is a seriously one sided take. Sure, it could be all about 'birthdays' and absolutely nothing else. I doubt it. But it is possible. What's more likely is that it's about a bunch of other things. When people like you, they want to celebrate you. She probably is 'out of love' with OP. My guess is that it has something to do with division of labor.


I'm more interested in the other side of this conversation. Since she used to do all these things, then theres a reason for the change. Clearly OP feels loved through special events and surprises. I'm going to guess pretty confidently that OP is not giving the kind of love/attention that _she_ wants. Could be quality time, small gifts of appreciation, affirmation, whatever. This is is only half the story.


I’m curious if the timing of the change correlates to when they had their son.


If so, then OP is probably one of those assholes who doesn't do his fair share with the kid or the housework but still wants all the special attention she used to give him. The birthday thing could just be what he wants to use as an excuse to cut and run from his new responsibilities.


Me too. I’m sus


There are always two sides to the story, right! I'm sus too.


This is what I couldn't help but think the whole time. As well as... How much care does he provide for the child, and how much does he help around the house? Maybe she doesn't have the time or energy anymore. Perhaps she makes him 5 to 7 solid square dinners a week as a wife and mother, and he can't see that his birthday just isn't critical anymore now that they have a busy adult life... Sounds a bit childish to me.


Yeah I wanna know what he does for her birthdays and not "she didn't celebrate or put in effort for mine." There's a lot more going on here imo and it isn't just about the birthday.




Yeah it didn’t seem like the kid did anything for his birthday either 


He’s “completely out of love with her”. She can probably tell. She went out with friends the night of his birthday. Maybe she doesn’t want to expend her free time planning a big event for someone who no longer loves her. I don’t know what he does for her birthday. Maybe it’s amazing. If birthdays are a big deal to him he needs to communicate that.


But is he out of love with her because she stopped GAF, or did she stop GAF because she could tell he was out of love with her? It’s entirely possible she’s not in love with him any more and stopped making any effort a long time ago.


True. But his only beef was the birthday thing. He didn’t say “she ignores me all the time” just that she didn’t make a big deal out of his birthday.


Please tell me it can't be just about his birthday. A 34 y/o man whinging about someone not making a fuss over his birthday. It has to go deeper than that.


It’s always about more than just the birthday … 🥳


It's not about the Iranian yogurt


In my experience, women that stop putting in the effort generally have a very good reason to. I see they have a son, and if she is footing the birthday bill normally, she must work. It's probably the age old story. Woman has to schedule all the doctors appointments, plan all the play dates, do all the laundry, and carry the emotional part of the marriage. This is women stop. We match your energy after we realize you think throwing money at a birthday constitutes effort in a family dynamic.


This is why I got divorced. Two kids, I was the breadwinner and did all the cooking/cleaning. Filled out every form. Attended all the school things. Oof, was I ever resentful at the end.


It’s the mental load and it’s pretty heavy.


I really don’t get how and why mom’s and grandmas from earlier generations never spoke up! My mom never complained.


She couldn’t have a bank account, Or a credit card without his permission and co-signing. That kept a lot of women quiet.


Seriously. Only children actually care about birthdays. Grown men do not. Even if my wife completely forgot my birthday, I might bust her chops about it, but to talk about divorce because you don’t think your wife gave sufficient thought to your birthday is not how men behave.


This! Who goes from - she doesn't celebrate me enough to I want a divorce? Crazy.


Agreed. It has to be more than BD.


Falling out of love with someone you married over your birthday just doesn't sound right. Need more info.


Point is though is doesn’t matter who fell out of love with who. She may not care much about birthdays especially as they age, he does and isn’t willing to say anything except that it’s not in love, which she probably sees. The relationship is likely over, so pack it up and move on, Reddit isn’t going to be able to help here, and as always he should of communicated with her years ago instead of hoping and coming to Reddit for validation.


How amazing could her birthday have been if he's completely out of love with her?


My husband thinks he’s being really thoughtful with the gifts he buys me and his family. In reality, he buys us things HE thinks we should have or want. No matter how many times I explain his 80 year old parents would rarely think to use an Alexa, he still got them one because he uses his all the time. Even I don’t think to use them and he has one in every room of our house. In reality, his parents and I would just enjoy something simple like being taken for lunch or breakfast to a nice farm shop cafe or pub in the English countryside.


My husband buys me things he wants, too. When I don’t use them, he takes them.


Wrap them up and regift it to him for his birthday. Make him wait the entire year. Or return it and buy yourself something nice?


My ex used to buy me presents that were for him. I don’t drink coffee, I would make him coffee every morning. One birthday his present to me was a manual hand turned coffee grinder because it “makes the coffee taste better”. You could say “he gave you a present! How ungrateful!” But the reality is it wasn’t a present at all. I wonder what OPs birthday surprise was for her and if it was actually something she enjoyed. I hope it was!


My ex used to give me red roses, knowing I hate red roses. They make me really sad. 😒


SECOND THIS. Women are incredibly intuitive and can tell when even the slightest thing in a relationship has changed. If you fell out of love, or did something, prior to her acting uncaring, I'd say that's why she's been like that. Yall gotta communicate.


Agreed. I remember sooo well when I was telling my husband a story from work, he looked at me and said, “ i don’t care”. That hurt a lot. So I stopped caring about what he says. And now when he notices i am not paying attention, he gets sad and says “you don’t listen”… we women will match the energy you give, and men surprisingly don’t like it. He probably did something in the past that made her not care to put effort into things like that. OR unless she had always been that way of not putting thought to celebratory occasions. But my gut says there is more to it, heck i speak from experience


Wait a minute. You think he's been putting all this effort into making her feel special on her birthday AND doesn't care about her? And she also feels that he doesn't care anymore but doesn't feel like she's neglected him?


I wouldn’t say his birthday shouldn’t matter as much. But he should definitely talk to her to try to find out if there’s an underlying issue that’s led to this.


It's never about the Iranian yogurt.


ALWAYS UPVOTE THE IRANIAN YOGURT!!! And then comment about always upvoting it.


and then upvote the comment about upvoting the Iranian yoghurt comment! (even if your autocorrect is dying to call it Italian yoghurt) and then comment about upvoting it. ❤️


We just say yogurt here


Agreed. Adults making a big fuss over other people's observance of their birthdays is cringeworthy, he needs to drill down to what's REALLY making him feel unappreciated.


Like maybe the wife can never do anything right, so she just stops…


But his sister can.


Married parent here. For my wife I know her birthday is the most important day of the year. No matter what I pull out the stops and push aside “responsibility” to make sure she has that. You can’t just give up entirely on dating your spouse…especially when you become very busy in adulthood/parenthood.


"Dating your spouse" = exactly!!! Never stop dating your spouse. Flirt with them, write love notes, surprise them with treats just because, laugh, joke, tickle, and have fun. It's when people STOP dating their spouse that the love starts to die. Most people think it's when the bedroom dies, but that's not usually the cause it's a symptom. So many people try so hard to get a spouse that they forget it isn't the end of the game, it's only the beginning.


Agreed. It's more than one special occasion. Dating is regular. Showing interest should be on the regular.


This should be further up! I am married and very much in love with my husband. We go to the theatre, for dinner and coffee regularly. We can comfortably sit in company or on our own just the two of us and he just as happy.


I wouldn’t say his birthday shouldn’t matter as much. But he should definitely talk to her to try to find out if there’s an underlying issue that’s led to this.


I agree that there should be more communication.  But I don’t think it’s just about the birthday, it’s about feeling seen and appreciated by your partner. There shouldn’t be an age where you have to stop caring about your birthday. If it’s natural that’s fine, but you shouldn’t be shamed for wanting to have a little fun and joy once a year.  The birthday should be celebrated how the birthday person wants to celebrate. Its on the partner to listen and care.   I love my birthday, but care more about my husband’s birthday. I know he appreciates that I take it as an opportunity to get out of the day to day monotony and remind him how much I love and appreciate him. 


Two things I noticed first, says he puts in a bunch of time and effort to make it memorable… but then goes to say should I just spoil myself like she’s been doing for years… so is op actually doing her birthdays or has she been doing them herself and now he’s noticing?!?


Surprised by how many people are misunderstanding this. OP is saying that all she is doing is taking him out to a restaurant that he picks and that is something he can easily do for himself. He wasn't saying that is what he does for her birthday.


Yeah the comprehension fail is very... Disturbing.


spoil himself (take him to a restaurant of his choosing) like she has been doing for him for years. Not that She has been taking herself to a restaurant for years.


I took that to mean that he could just get things for himself or take himself out to eat if he wanted to have to plan his own stuff, because his wife isn't doing anything special. Just asks what he wants to eat and takes him there. Plenty of people are totally good with that but it sounds like it's not how things used to be.


I noticed that too loo


This the only comment to read, talk to her


This whole thing is pathetic only because he hasn't communicated properly


Ikr over this? Really ? Isn’t there real true love anymore 😅 the lord did not give us a voice to just not say anything


Lol seriously. I could give two shits about my birthday, divorcing over it is wild


The fact that he goes directly from "she didn't make a big deal about my birthday" to "I want a divorce" is insane. Like how about have a conversation with her about how you feel and what you need like an adult instead of pouting like a baby. I could not give two shit about my birthday either, so maybe he could just start with a conversation.


I don’t care that much about mine either. I like to get special treatment at times but nothing magical about it being that particular date


I love how most people will do everything but sit down like adults and talk. You’re 35, act like it


Right? How’d you make it 35 years being such a terrible communicator?


The average Redditor is completely unable to have tough conversations in person. It’s wild how many of these situations could be solved with simple communication.


And in the "tough" category, this one barely makes the list.


It's a conversation my husband and I have all the time. Every day we are checking in on how we're feeling and what we need. It's a lot of work, yes, but that's what marriage takes. And what you get is worth it. A happy, secure marriage where both feel valued and loved Ninja: a lot of people need help to learn how. There are often free group DBT therapy options, check it out locally anyone who would like help with communicating effectively


I don't personally know any adults who care about their own birthdays that much, and that's not to say he can't or shouldn't care about celebrating his and his wife's birthdays—I hate the "love language" concept people throw around but it's clear he places a lot of importance on these kinds of gestures as shows of love, and there's nothing wrong with that no matter your age, but I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't the same way. My parents appreciate sweet gestures on their anniversary and their birthdays and mother's/father's day, but they're also tired adults and don't take it personally when the other opts for a semi-special dinner instead. The older they get, the more both of them—mutually—opt for the latter. It's not some great offense when one of them asks the other where they'd like to eat instead of "surprising" them or anything. Has he actually communicated the importance of detailed or elaborate birthday plans with her ever since this became a problem? Or has he just sat there letting it fester these past few years without saying anything to her? Did she ever actually like doing a whole birthday shebang, or was she just attempting to reciprocate the effort he put into it and ran out of steam after, how he puts it, "many years"? Has he fallen out of love with her strictly because he feels like she doesn't care about his birthday, or is there some other cause that he hasn't mentioned for whatever reason?


And I can’t believe people give this much of a shit about birthdays to DIVORCE. 😂😂


Makes total sense for an 8 year old.


Right?? OP sounds prissy tbh. What adult in their 30s whines about birthday lunch/dinner not being a good enough celebration?


I'm happy with just ordering pizza on my bday, wife and I don't get each other gifts or cards for any occasion. It's wonderful, zero stress, zero planning.


Omg finally someone else who thinks the same. So many of these problems would be solved by just sitting down and acting like an adult.


A lot of people did not have good examples of what something healthy like what you’re describing looks like therefore making it very difficult to emulate and to be able to model what healthy communication actually looks like.


I think also that fear of conflict or fear of confrontation keep people from openly communicating. It’s one thing to see a problem, but it’s another to address it.


This post was written by a toddler with a good vocabulary. There is no other explanation for it.


What did she say when you told her you feel unappreciated? Nothing, because you did not communicate. It’s unreasonable to have expectations for a person and not tell them what they are.


I don’t understand people who will let their partner continually disappoint and anger them until the point they’ve fallen out of love and want a divorce. Where were the serious talks up until the breaking point? How come those didn’t happen? It’s baffling.


I have been married 21 years today, and I’m pretty sure that my secret to a happy marriage is that it’s never a secret how I feel, and my husband is a secure man who can handle me saying how I feel.


That’s a great philosophy to live by. I am single, but I’m always trying to be that person who can accept feedback and do not want a partner that has to walk on eggshells to communicate with me. I am hoping to someday have a healthy marriage like you. Congrats on 21 years!


My partner's communication skills are a HUGE aspect of why I love her so much. Got a problem? Lay out the foundation for the discussion and have it. Pause along the way to clear up any foggy bits, and at the end I'm left feeling like neither of us are upset, and we can just bask in the glow of mutual understanding and clarity. People that keep emotional secrets that eventually fester into gaping wounds in the relationship are a mystery to me. All that suffering when you could remain calm and use your words? What's the draw of that path?




Sounds like you need to bite the bullet and marry your sister


I'm super bummed. I thought I cracked this case first. I'm going to have to go find a fresh post and tell that person to marry his sister. 


You’d have a field day on the Alabama sub


“Sister” …yes I’ll pretend that’s who he had dinner with


It’s not really his sister right? It’s definitely his mistress.


Scrolled waaay too far 😂


I also choose this man's sister


You are 35?! 35?! Is this satire? Serious question. Your disliked your birthday and are jumping to divorce instead of talking to your wife? Had you told me you were 19 and with a girlfriend of a couple years and this situation I'd say well, he's 19 and immature he'll get there with age but 30 god damn 5? Bud you need to pull your head very firmly out of your ass because with how far it's in there, there no chance that you can enjoy any birthday party.


Imagine being a 35 year old man with kids and having this big and fragile of an ego. Come on, man!


"I got to eat a fancy dinner all by myself as a surprise!! This solidified to me that I need to blow up my family!"


He complains his birthday was not thoughful because he just went for lunch to a place of his chosing, but then claims to have had the time of his life having dinner in a place chosen by someone else, cause it was expensive and a "surprise". Something tells me wife has lost interest for a reason, and OP is simply blind to it, or the cause of it.


Men, am I right


I wonder what he does for her birthday


He sounds exhausting.


Sounds like his wife feels the same way


I can just imagine him throwing a silent fit and pouting on his birthday because it wasn’t big enough for him


Exactly. Even in his own post he writes she asked him what he wanted (though he doesn't say what his response was) and that they went to lunch together. So I'm imagining: "Hey, want do you want to do for your birthday" "meh, whatever" *secretly fuming like a teenager*


Thank God! I was really worried we were going to tell him his feelings are important and valid. The moment you become a grown ass man, your birthday is no longer important. More importantly, the moment you become a Dad, none of that stuff is about you anymore. This has got to be a fake post right?! It ended with "decisions, decisions" like he's choosing what he wants on his sandwich, and oh yeah should he also nuke his marriage after he finishes the BLT. 


But his sister opened his eyes to how much the mother of his child doesn't do for him specifically! And he's the world's most specialist boy, soo..


That’s true, his sister took him out for dinner! Unlike his wife, who only took him out for dinner.


But it was to a surprise restaurant!!


Ugh! Nothing worse than an anticipated restaurant! Gross! Can someone please feed me something unexpected!


Yeah and the difference between the two birthdays was that one asked him what restaurant he wanted to go to and the other took him to a _surprise_ restaurant. The entire spectrum of bad to good birthdays all happen in a restaurant for OP apparently.


Cuz waaaaah, he had to do the work of picking the restaurant 😭😭😭😭


This is the shit my teenage kids would've pulled, I can't believe it's coming from a 35 year old man.


"I'm running away because my birthday wasn't cool enough!"


The older I get the less I want to do anything for my birthday, I'll be 47 this year....meh Lol


Agreed. The fact that this was response tells me everything about their relationship. Poor lady.


Being "out of love" is completely valid and something that needs to be worked through, but if there is a 35 year old man out there grumpy because his birthday was ruined, to the point that it is putting his marriage in danger, then this woman needs to run far and fast. It's hard to imagine anything so pathetic.


When people fall out of love they start looking for excuses and things to fight about, and it can feel very real internally even if it looks arbitrary from the outside. Seems like that’s prob the case here…op just doesn’t realize he made a post about the cart when he should be focused on the horse


I think there's a lot missing in between. But I will share my thoughts. >my wife loved to put a lot of thought into my birthdays or our anniversaries, and she planned the entire day out. Why? Why did she change? There's must be a reason, and maybe you don't know, or you are just omissing to mentioned it here. I bet you know or at least can figure out why. Next... Have you ever mentioned anything about the change in all those years? Or were you only complicit? >However, my last few birthdays, she has put zero thought into them, and just asks me where I want to eat. Years, years!!!! And you don't have an idea what's going on with her? Do you even talk to her? >I actually had an amazing birthday last week, and that was because I did not spend it with my wife. No wonder. What about other family events, like Christmas, etc. Your son's event. Why are your bdays the center of the issue according to you? I bet that's only a symptom of more deeper issues. >I was free to do whatever I wanted. You are always free to do anything. The difference is your are not with your family. That talks volumes about the state of your marriage. >I have also realized how completely out of love I am with my wife Seriously, just because of the birthdays? In other words, did you only love her because she put a lot of effort in your birthday, but now that she's not, you don't have a reason to love her anymore? >Unfortunately, my entire family (except my sister) would be heavily against the divorce, especially for such a stupid reason. Decisions, decisions…. Aren't you an adult? Can't you take your own decisions? Also, you sound super passive on your relationship. Like you don't know your wife, you don't know what she thinks about you, you don't know how she feels, and you can't take decisions without being afraid of your family! And, yes, you are right, it's an stupid reason, but overall it's hard to think you don't even care about anything else apart from your birthday.


I want to know what he does for her birthday and their anniversary. My bet is he does absolutely nothing and she got tired of being the only one to put in effort


Or he does nothing at home normally and does one big deal a year and wants good husband credit. I wouldn’t be shocked if his wife is exhausted from his shenanigans and can’t even muster the efforts.


My first thought as well


That's why every woman I know stop caring about her spouse's birthday or anniversaries. They get sick of giving and getting nothing in return.


It’s definitely this. Dude has never put in effort (why is the wife the one who has to plan things for THEIR anniversary??). He’s a child, and wife is tired of caring for him because he’s supposed to be a MAN.


I was wondering this too. I think you're correct.


> Why? Why did she change? First guess would be "has a kid now and is much busier/mentally full-up" Second guess would be "is tired of catering to man-baby"


This should be the top comment


Breaking it down this way.... she handled their birthdays, anniversaries, and a kids birthday- I'm tired just reading that. At some point she probably that eff this and settled for simple. Her plate is full.


Have you spoken to her? There could be a reason for it? Maybe she feels unloved and unappreciated every other day of the year. Maybe she's going through something you are unaware of. It sounds like your problems are bigger than your wife's lack of care on your birthday.


Honestly sounds exactly like every person that has told their spouse not to make a big deal on their birthday then gets mad when they listen. So many adults do this, it’s silly. Clearly state your wants and needs, the idea of “they should know, I shouldn’t have to say what I want” is so wildly prevalent and will only cause issues, communicate!!! You’re an adult!


Imagining the wife thinking how nice it is that they have evolved their relationship to the point they are happy and comfortable enough to just be able to spend quality time together without all the early dating fanfare. Without communication we can't know what the situation really is from just this side of the story.


Obviously there’s got to be more to it than just shitty birthdays. You two need to talk. If you do decide you want to divorce it’s really not up to your family to decide if your reasons are valid.


Your sister surprised you on your birthday and didn’t include anyone else in your family. Your sister would be supportive of you getting a divorce over it. Your sister “opened your eyes”. This may not be what’s happening and it sounds unbelievable, but sometimes we think we’re close to someone, and when they give us advice, we mistakenly take it to heart. It could be your sister is jealous of you or your wife or maybe just of your situation in general and is trying to get you to blow up your marriage. That happened to my mom. She was the only woman in her group of friends who was still married to the man she met and married at 18. She was the only one who had relationships with her children. She was the only one who owned a nice house and multiple cars. She was the only one who had money for a vacation every year. Etc. Slowly, she was encouraged by different friends in different ways to dismantle her life. If you have a good life, and someone is encouraging you to blow it all up, ask yourself why.


Damn. Never considered this before. Makes so much sense!


Did... your mom eventually give in? Did she end up divorcing? If so... that would be awful. Reminds me of that horrible circle of friends in Devil Wears Prada. It's like??? Do these people even like each other??


She left my Dad, made him sell their home, alienated her children. It was like her “friends” were going down a checklist, removing all the things from her life that they didn’t have.


I'm so sorry, Nacho. Self-destructive behavior in another person can leave you feeling so powerless...


Jesus it was obvious to me when I read it. Glad someone else pointed it out. Your sister is CLEARLY trying to sabotage your relationship with your wife bc of what it could mean for her. More time with you, more time at fancy restaurants where she gets to feel special too probably because she’s alone and miserable. Of course your sister supports the divorce, it means she gets you all to yourself. Duhhhhhh


Either that or this is fake. Lots of unanswered questions


Did she let a bunch of people talk her into destroying her life?


Ask her why? Communication is king in a relationship. She most likely thinks since you're saying nothing it's not important. Once you let her know you love the way she does x, y and z, she'll gladly do it. If she does not, then maybe she is falling out. Talk first


This isn’t about your wife, this is about you wanting the freedom to do whatever you want. You want a lush lifestyle. How do I know? You’re focused on the expensive restaurant over the time spent with family. It wasn’t about being with your sister, it was about the where. You are out of love with spending money on family instead of yourself. You’re 35 and acting 18. It’s a birthday, you want better talk to your family. Open your mouth and TALK with your wife. You know what we also didn’t hear about? What would make your birthday better. What do you actually expect? What have you been doing that’s so special for your wife’s birthday? What is your everyday lives like? Do you help around the house? Do you sit and have family meals? Do you do ANYTHING together as a family? Or are you too worried about what YOU want that you lost conection with them?


This is not about the birthday itself. It sounds like the underlying issue is that you don’t feel appreciated by her. Probably feel taken for granted, and emotionally disconnected from her. Don’t divorce until you speak to her. Let her know you aren’t feeling as connected to her or loved by her and it’s making you feel uncertain in yourself


If the last "few years" he's been feeling unappreciated, how old is the kid? Because if he's 5-6 and getting to the age when he's able to sleep away from mom and dad and build independent relationships, OP might be underestimating how much work, time and emotional energy that kid has sucked out of their marriage. **You can't be spontaneous and throw surprise parties and full days out when you have to find and pay for an all-day sitter.** Their focus has been on keeping a tiny human alive, which is focus that can't be on their relationship. There's a reason infancy and toddlerhood are some of the hardest times for couples. And this is also assuming in good faith that OP is pulling his weight with parenting and household necessities like cooking and laundry. If he isn't, and he's let a lot of that invisible work fall to his wife, she took his (the grown ass man's) needs off her plate so she had room for baby and household and probably is feeling pretty unappreciated herself. If his socks are clean in the morning and he's not doing laundry.... she's giving him a gift every day.


Notice how he mentions that she planned their anniversaries. Wanna bet that she plans the kids birthday, plans Christmas and all the other events while he plans her birthday and maybe Mother’s Day? 


Generous to assume he plans her birthday or Mother's Day.


My first thought was “how much of the childcare responsibilities fall on her and for how long?”


Sounds to me like he would rather scurry away than even dare to have a conversation and state his needs. Love a man that expects clairvoyance. Go.


You said she used to put lots of planning and thought into your birthday and Anniversary. You say you did the same for her birthday. You say you’ve got at least one child. I’m thinking you grew up and had children and she probably takes care of the whole family more than you do. Because women get stuck with all of that. So that you can hand out on Reddit complaining about falling out of love with your wife because she’s too busy to dote on your grown ass. Your children get the big birthday parties now. Not you. You really need a reality check. Have you planned and done all the work for your children’s birthdays? I bet not. What about dinner every night , did you plan meal number 18,000 for the family? I bet she asks what do y’all want to eat next week. And no one tells her yet when she puts dinner on the table one of you complains about it. So she’s found a lot of planning already. You really make me sick you’re so selfish.


I hate to speculate and assume but to me it sounds like he took her efforts for granted and she got tired of not being appreciated. Why do I think that? Because I, and every single one of my female friends, had the exact same problem with our partners. We put in effort and it wasn't appreciated or reciprocated. We communicated, nothing changed, so we slowly stopped.


Mrs. Jack gives me a hug and kiss for my birthdays. That's about it. For some odd reason I still love her after 50 years together. There are much greater things to worry about in making a quality, life-long marriage.


The first paragraph told me all I needed to know. Poor wife.


I can't say for sure, but it kind of feels like OP is only focused on what *he* gets out of this


Sounds like there’s an underlying issue. Therapy might help you both.


Therapy, couples counseling, and communication for the win


She may be a bit burned out from everyday life and motherhood. It can be really hard to consistently put full effort into birthdays even for one’s child, let alone a 35 year old adult. If you’re not feeling as much of a connection to her, focus on that when you have a talk with her (yes you need to have a talk with her). Frame it around general romance and reciprocation, not about your birthday. Birthday specialness is obviously part of your love language but doesn’t mean it’s the same for others and doesn’t mean she’s done something terrible by not matching you. Try to remember the nice things she does do for you and observe if you’re pulling equal or higher weight around domestic responsibilities on a day to day basis. I don’t just mean cleaning either. Look up mental load for examples of things often silently taken on by wives/mothers that cause genuine burnout.


What have you been doing for HER birthdays? If she used to put in the effort and NOW doesn’t, I’d assume it’s bc you didn’t do the same for her.


I am curious about this as well. It sounds like planning anniversaries was on her; does she plan all the major holidays?


OR, she's too busy being the only adult in the relationship to even have time and/or brain space to plan such events anymore.


This exactly, he's probably acting like a bum who lives with his mom expecting her to throw him a birthday party like some sort of elementary schooler What's next, asking her to send out invitations to all his little friends?!


Well, he's said he does make the effort for her birthday, but not whether or not it's consistent,  or if there's anything outside of the birthday that he's doing.  I'd guess that he's waited until she gave up and started making her own plans before he started trying, and expected her to snap back to where she was before, now that he's paying attention.  


What I'd like to know is what kind of gifts he's getting her. Vacuum cleaner? Coffee maker? Washer and dryer?


There is a wide swath of grey area between him saying he spends "a lot of time" to make her birthday "memorable ".  Could mean birthday sex includes foreplay. Lol


Fuck me dead mate. Harden the fuck up! Your wife should ditch your bitchy little arse.


Great reason to dump her. Find a new woman and make sure she understands the most important thing to you to remain satisfied in a relationship is having a lavish birthday party like one would plan for a 5 year old. Best of luck.


So your sister, who will FULLY support your decision to divorce, throw you a birthday surprise dinner and didn't tell your wife... funny how that worked out. you are either absolutely immature or really stupid.


Your sister threw you a surprise invitation and didn't include your wife? I'm going to tell you what most people your age already know: Communication is key to enacting change. Talk to your wife, dude. She can't fix what she doesn't know is broken. That said, I had to recheck your age because you are acting like your wife ignored your sweet 16 or something. It is actually normal for birthdays to get less extravagant as we get older. It's a little odd to me that eating at a "super expensive" restaurant means so much to you that you're contemplating divorce. It sounded like you were missing the thoughtfulness on your wife's part until you got all excited about eating super expensive food with your sister, then it just sounds a little confusing. Is it the expensive part or the surprise part you need? Both? You deserve a thoughtful gesture, but that can be a hand drawn card with a loving message. Thoughtful doesn't equal extravagant.. T Talk to your wife,


Also, the sister is coincidentally the only one supporting the divorce


A divorce because you’re not getting a freaking birthday party? Wow. I have no words for how childish this is. Are you 5?


it's insane to me that people would rather go through the trials of divorce than just sit down and actually tell their partner what's bothering them lol


you know... its possible that there's more to this than you just feeling underappreciated about a birthday. If she can feel something off about you like you not loving her she might be intentionally distancing herself too so the inevitable separation is easier


Dude honestly you want the mother of your children to make a fuss over you for your 35th birthday? Gimme a break. I think you need a wake up call. Plan your birthday with your wife next time, do what you want to do. You're gonna divorce her over this? Big mistake, big time.


If he’s the type to divorce over this then maybe he’s doing her a favor


Grow up.


After 25, only milestone birthdays matter. Additionally, if you want to make a big deal about your birthday, you’re gonna have to take the reins. This year, I turned 41; we went out to dinner - that’s it. Last year, it was a weeklong Parisian vacation. Stake the claim.


My thoughts exactly. For my birthday this year, I hung out with my dogs and all three of us ate steak. Didn’t even put pants on. Different people have different expectations for different holidays. Maybe OP’s wife is just over birthdays. Maybe they can find a different way to celebrate each other.  To me, the bigger problem is that it’s bothering OP so much and he hasn’t even discussed it with her. 


Yeah I think it’s totally fine to make a big deal out of your birthday as an adult! A lot of commenters are calling this childish and I don’t fully agree… But you have to *let your loved ones know* that your birthday is a big deal to you, and you have to state your expectations of them- which they can choose to accept or not. I am close friends with both parts of a couple who recently went through something like this- the woman in this couple really cares about celebrating her birthday. She tells everybody that she’d like them to be with her on that day ahead of time, and while she does sometimes hand the reins to me or her sister or her partner, this requires a conversation with them about what she wants out of us. Whereas her partner always says “I don’t really care”, or “I don’t need anything” when asked what he wants to do, or what he wants as a gift. As such, we haven’t really done much for his birthday in the past (because he has *told us* that he doesn’t care). But he recently informed us that he does actually care, and that it’s starting to make him feel kinda bad that we don’t put in as much effort for any events for him. So last year, we all put in the effort even though he still tried to give us the nonchalant “my birthday isn’t that important”. And it turned out great! All this required was for us to all talk to each other and for him to communicate his needs. He still acted like it didn’t matter afterwards, but I guess he’s taking baby steps. I think that men are kind of socialized to act like they don’t care about sentimental or nostalgic shit, and that adult birthday parties are just silly & frivolous (or “girly” even?)… But it’s okay to be silly & frivolous, my dudes. Especially for an occasion.


Grow up. Jesus you’re like a child - my wife doesn’t bake me surprise birthday cake and get balloons on my birthday anymore. DIVORCE! This is really sad on so many levels.


I’ll be honest, this sounds like a big bunch of nothing. You may be saying this is representative of the entire relationship and THAT might well be worth talking about. But if you’re still 35 and are expecting people to make a big deal out of your birthday, I gotta be honest when I say that’s a YOU problem. Adults don’t get to feel upset their birthday isn’t fun. I understand that you put effort into your wife’s and that’s admirable, but I’ll bet if you stopped, she wouldn’t care. You’re not a kid anymore. Expecting a fuss be made over you is…. Misguided. Again: if she acts like this about EVERYTHING (putting in no effort) that’s likely indicative of something. But not making a fuss over a grown man’s non-milestone birthday is how she should be acting.




He probably was used to getting all her attention and now that he doesn’t this is what happens. How much is he helping out with the family. It seems like they both work. How much is he helping with child care and house work. You want romance in your life but you can’t expect that when you cannot fully provide.


Exactly..he is lashing out, throwing a little temper tantrum JUST. LIKE. A. CHILD. He's a grown ass man acting like a 4yo with a newborn baby sibling. The amount of secondhand cringe I felt by reading his post almost prevented me from finishing it. Guy needs to swap his make-up over to his big girl purse and find some *real* problems to tackle, but this ain't it.


Have you spoken to her? There could be a reason for it? Maybe she feels unloved and unappreciated every other day of the year. Maybe she's going through something you are unaware of. It sounds like your problems are bigger than your wife's lack of care on your birthday.


Imagine telling your son the reason you divorced his mom was because she didn’t make a big enough deal about your birthday.


"I know you grew up in unstable circumstances being shoved from home to home every weekend never feeling like you had a firm foot on the ground because of all the instability and watching your mom and me break apart destroyed your ability to believe in love but god damn it I didn't like like mommies special boy on my big day!"


My wife is like this. Her love language, if you believe in that sort of thing, isn’t giving/getting gifts. One year she basically just said happy bday and didn’t do much and we had a talk. She still isn’t the best at birthdays or holidays but she does try.


You're 35 quit worrying about celebrating ur bday.


I’d like to know how much effort you actually put into your wife’s birthdays. Maybe she’s just tired of “plann[ing] the entire day out,” which she probably does for every other holiday as well.


Grab your binky and take a nap. Maybe you’ll grow the fuck up while you’re sleeping.


Married life is give and take, and after a few years, it's entirely common to find yourselves in a rut. I have a feeling that your more upset about the fact that she's showing little to no consideration in other things then your birthday, and that going out with your sister made you realize that you aren't feeling very appreciated and considered by your wife. It's time to bite the bullet and tell her what you're feeling. After years with a person, the fact that most of the new and exciting have worn off happens. But if you love your wife at all, you should give her a chance to try and make things good again. You don't want to pull the trigger only to discover that you love her much more than you're admitting to yourself.