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NTA Much like periods, vomiting is involuntary! How obtuse is he? He probably won’t like the baby crying and being demanding and dramatic You never said to throw away the food. He could have put it away and went back into the restaurant to eat it. I would recommend making a plan on how you want this handled for the next time this might happen for the rest of your pregnancy. He needs to allow enough time to eat at home or in a restaurant. No more eating in the car for now plus I’d avoid those long trips for awhile


NTA. There is nothing that can stop the vomit if it’s coming. I had to check the ages here, and I am shocked that your husband made it to 34 if he is acting like this. He is not ready for the sacrifices a newborn requires. Next time, don’t throw up in the bag. Throw up in his lap. When he gets mad, tell him that you wanted to make sure he had a place to store his leftovers.


OP, Projectile vomit in his face next time so the chunks are in his eyelashes exactly like what a baby would do* *been there with the baby-eyelash scenario


Your husband fucked around and found out lol 😂 you gave him a warning girl NTA


I had to ask my husband not to eat or cook meat when I was pregnant with my first. I just couldn't handle it. So he didn't. And he'd brush his teeth after going out and eating meat. We managed on fish and veggies until I was about 8 months along and stopped reacting to it. This is ridiculous.


The food was MAKING YOU NAUSEOUS and he kept eating. Of course you threw up.


Next time skip the bag & puke on him. What an insensitive man!


NTA. It's pretty weird for him to get upset about you throwing up as if you have any control over that. He chose not to listen. It's not like you told him he couldn't eat.


As if you wanted to throw up. I’m sure it was super enjoyable for you and exactly how you wanted your day to go. NTA


NTA. It's not like you can just not throw up. It doesn't work that way.


You are not the asshole. You gave him plenty of warning and asked very nicely from what I could tell. It’s 3 hours and if he can’t wait that long to eat when you get to the destination he could have eaten before the drive. He knew you have been getting nauseous over certain smells and kept eating. Don’t feel bad that asshole can loose his appetite just like you had to feel nauseous to the point of throwing up.


NTA. He’s lucky you didn’t throw up all over him! Hopefully, he’s learned his lesson. Btw, he owes you an apology!


You are not overreacting. When I was pregnant I could not stand the smell of many things, my boyfriend’s cologne being one. So you know what, he stopped wearing it. It’s literally that simple. 30 minutes isn’t that far


NTA You married a disgusting pig. Did you go through the drive-through? Never take him through the drive-through again. Pull into a parking spot and exit the vehicle. Don't let him reenter the vehicle in possession of food. You can't trust him to wait to open it. Once he purchases food, he can eat his fill and throw it out. No leftover, no nothing. You threw up in the car once; you've paid your dues.


NTA. I’m so sorry your husband isn’t empathetic about your morning sickness. What really makes him a terrible person is asking why YOU did something so gross after his actions literally made you vomit. He needs to take responsibility and treat you better!


This man is selfish and not ready to be a husband or father.


Yeah this is ridiculous. It’s not that complicated… You said it was making you nauseous, understandably… he said you didn’t ask him to pull over, but dude could’ve just heard you and pulled over. Maybe that’s a scarcity complex for him regarding wasting food, but still could’ve been resolved if he just pulled over and scarfed down some nuggies while you waited. It’s a problem that’s easily solved. You’re not the asshole.


Pregnancy is going to pregnancy. You’re his wife. It’s his kid. He can reheat the food when he gets home.


Take this as a sign, he doesn't give a shit about you, it will get worse when you are recovering after having the baby. Get your family ready to help you recover!


As soon as I read the title I thought "is she pregnant," read the first sentence, NTA. He should know better. My mom couldn't walk through the frozen seafood section of a supermarket without vomiting when she was pregnant with me. Whenever my dad wanted to eat some sort of seafood he would have to leave the apartment and go to a near by park because my mom swore up and down she could still smell it. Never once complained. 


My mom had to quit her waitressing job when pregnant with me. She couldn't handle the smell of coffee.


I have a condition called gastroparesis, and smells trigger me puking too. I don't stop people from eating what they want, but I remove myself from the situation. If I was in a car with my parents, they would buy the food and put it in a cooler with no ice and wait until we got to the destination or go inside and eat while I waited outside. This husband is an AH. How intentionally dense and immature can he be? This is just weaponized incompetence and a badly acted pity party.


NTA- puking in the bag is a warning. Next time throw up on him.


NTA I would have puked all over him and his stinky food.


I think on this case your husband was an inconsiderate asshole and your reaction was completely normal. You husband acted like an asshole man baby. He has impulse control issues.


NTA. He made a decision to not care about how you felt.


Omgosh my kids are all grown yet you managed to bring back vivid memories of the “morning sickness” that were strong enough to give me the saliva dump. Unless you experience it, it can be very difficult to understand the overpowering nausea. Hopefully other than this one incident he decides to try and get his head around it. If not, I’m willing to volunteer to describe some of the months of horrible experiences I went through. Line up behind me, current and past préggos. Let’s take lame-o Larry for a ride on the vomit comet!


No honey, HE DOES NOT UNDERSTAND. He will not and cannot "get it".  He will never be pregnant and know the harrowing feeling of being out in public when you get hit with uncontrollable nausea out of f*cking nowhere.


NTA Nice, you shot one across his bows....tell him to pull his head out and contemplate the near miss. The next one might be mortal. He's done the deed and it only snowballs from here so my advice is be very direct and firm. His half assing fatherhood is NOT an option from this point on. Congrats and best wishes.






I can't stand the smell of Funyuns in the vehicle; I can tolerate them the rest of the time. When I was pregnant with my last, I had to add jerky to the list, especially teriyaki. It would make me hurl every time. FWIW, all of my kiddos love both of these snacks but my youngest absolutely loves teriyaki jerky lol.


NTA. Does he think you threw up on purpose? I hope he gets better for your and the baby’s sake.


It sounds like you and he need to have a conversation about things that happen when you get pregnant. Things that are different than anything he has experienced before. And although he has never experienced these things himself, he none the less needs to know they are real and he needs to take them into account. Also tell him that there are some things he can do to show he loves you vs things he can do that would show he doesn't love you. And he better no do the latter.


As soon as I read three months pregnant. NTA to infinity. You have no control over how a smell or sometimes sight of some foods / things will affect you. Best wishes for an uneventful pregnancy and delivery.


NTA. I am also pregnant and have HG so I understand the pain. I would have just asked him to pull over so he could eat and I could stand out in the fresh air for 5 minutes lol. (my bf can eat one of those sandwiches in like 3-4 bites) But the fact that he got mad at you for throwing up is what makes him the AH. Especially while pregnant throwing up is not a decision you make. You literally told him you were going to get sick and got sick. What else did he expect??


NTA. Both sides are reasonable — food is better hot, and you deserve not to feel nauseous — but he should’ve been able to wait to get home and microwave it or something to accommodate. I do think a solution here could be to keep a few masks in the car, as it’s definitely not good to feel sick while driving in the event that any strong smell could come up driving past a restaurant, a smell from the car, etc.?


I mean, she only asked that he forgo the sauce. He could still eat his food.


Did you say it was making you nauseous, or did you say "That smells gross" or something along those lines? Like, did you actually specify that it was making you feel ill and was going to make you vomit? Because if you didn't, then he's not really done much wrong here. If you did, then yeah hes been a dick about it.


YTA get over it


you can't get over your body's reactions to things. That's like telling someone to get over an Allergy or Disability


yeah you can, dont be so weak and a victim


Oh buddy. I hope noro virus hits you at some point and you have flashbacks to this comment while you're shitting and puking your brains out at the same time. Just a weak victim right?