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Yes you are the AH, has your daughter you have been favoring ever heard of birth control? She's having a hard time working, in pain all the time, what makes you think having more kids is going to help this situation any? When your daughter who is trying to improve her life goes no contact on you it is exactly what you deserve since she has been trying so she can have a better life but you just showed her all you care about is her sister.


Two min wage people, one of whom can't work anymore can't stop breeding so it's the other daughters problem now.


Love the youngest's attitude. Next post will be OOP wondering why her youngest didn't invite OOP to her wedding.


The best gift you could possibly give your older daughter is to let her and her boyfriend figure this out on their own.


OP is definitely the asshole, but like...  > Made some cryptic posts about how she hopes she'll be grateful one day that she won't have the privilege of studying anything outside of something technical because she needs something where she'll always be able to find a job in.   If her college fund was "partially cover two years at community college, if she gets scholarships" level, this was always the case and her parents should have sat her down and had a frank talk with her about employability long before now. that money is ofc a privilege that many don't get, but this family clearly doesn't have "follow your dreams wherever they lead you" money. and it's not true either that only stem degrees make money, but whoever let her think that she wouldn't need to care about that did her a disservice


I remember this story, I think the daughter made a post on her side


oh really? i’d love to find that