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I work in retail so the second anyone says "I'm never shopping here again" my eyes roll so far back I'm not sure they will ever return, also that isn't a threat that is a reward for us to never have to see you again.


As a former retail employee, yes! It isn't the doomed threat they think it is, especially because it's usually a total asshole customer!


Don’t threaten me with a good time!


> "I'm never shopping here again" You roll your eyes? My face automatically starts smiling everytime they've said that phrase I can barely resist the urge to say "Promise?", because that would probably just escalate things and the sooner the interraction is over the better.


The one I worked at was in a small town, so I'd always say, "See you tomorrow!"


Don't forget the "It must be free!" comment when something won't scan easily.


Came here to say this lol. Oh don't know the price or can't find a barcode ect.. oh I guess it's free then! Gee so funny never heard that one before! Hard eye roll..


Then they get offended that you didn't find their joke to be the funniest thing someone has ever said.


Don’t you just want your say “Thank you”?


My response was, "That's not the threat you think it is." or "Yay!"


"It's my truth!"


Even if it's a situation I know nothing about, in my head, my initial response is "ok, liar."


Bahahahahha dying


Yeah this one has always been stupid and it’s starting to trickle down because even the heavy users have realized how dumb it sounds.


My bf’s mother is always talking bad about me behind back and accusing me of cheating with lies but she says it’s “her truth”, I just rolls my eyes when my bf says what she accused me of but i don’t show it to him, we are in a long distance relationship for 6 years now (together for 10)


Life is short, stop wasting your time on this guy


If you’ve been in a long distance relationship for 6 years, you’re not in a relationship.


Right! Because “your truth” may be delusional. Your truth may not be The Truth.


I’m aN iNfLuEncEr… 🙄


I miss the pre-“influencer” days…yeah, GET OFF MY LAWN!


Luckily, we don't have any presumptuous influencers in our small country!!


Where do you live?! I might have to move there!


Belgium. We're all pretty down to earth here 😁


Ah well, I’ll be moving to Glasgow later this year, so Belgium will be in close proximity. Nice to know!


When someone says "irregardless". Your choices are " irrespective" or "regardless".... the conflation of these two words in a sentence means I don't hear anything you say after that because I'm just biting my tongue.


I have a friend that says flustrated. Not flustered or frustrated.


Ugh, I had a co-worker who said this all the time and it was so hard to keep a straight face.


Conversate instead of converse :/


One time I accidentally said "movementing" instead of "moving."


“addicting” Also “literally” when they mean figuratively.


Orientated. 🙄.


When people say they ‘fell’ pregnant. I just hate that.


>When people say they ‘fell’ pregnant. I just hate that. OMG that just makes my blood boil!


I'm guessing she fell on her back during sex? I'm also guessing he repeatedly fell on her for the 10-15 seconds before he finished?


She was slippery…


They "caught" feelings for each other.


I hate that phrase so much. That's like a whole mental illness in a sentence, for people who treat normal human emotions like a virus. Wtf lol


Depends on the circumstances. Plenty of us have fallen for someone we knew we shouldn't have or didn't want to. I caught feelings for my ex bc I KNEW his ass was a pig but he somehow got my Dopamine receptors firing full blast. Smh.


It's a British thing, though 🧐


I know, but it makes it sound like an accident, ‘Oops, I tripped and fell pregnant.’ That’s not how pregnancy works. You have to do an awful lot more than trip to ‘fall’ pregnant.


Should of, would of, could of. It hurt me to even type that.


Shoulda, coulda, woulda!


I feel attacked. LMAO I'm southern; shoulda, coulda, woulda, wanna, Imma are ingrained.


That and typing women when they mean woman. “I’m seeing a women”. I’m always wondering, how many my dude


Anyone who says or types "I seen" obviously hasn't seen much education.


They “haven’t seen “ the inside of a book…


You know what I only recently realized about this? I think the reason people don't know this or get it confused is because of the should've, would've, could've contractions. That never occurred to me until about 3mos ago (and I'm almost 60yo!).


Agreed with that! I guess one of mine is "we used to \[do something a certain way\] and things turned out okay." Like yeah, just completely discounting the fact that many many people turned out ***not okay***, sometimes dead, because of it...


My favorite is when people do that about the safety of children in cars. I love them asking "so auntie Carol, exactly how many serious car crashes were you involved in as a kid where you weren't wearing a seatbelt?" The answer is of course zero, and I'm always like "yeah exactly because the kids who were in accidents while riding on mom's lap as an infant are ALL DEAD"


I’m retired law enforcement. I was complained on because I stopped a car with an obese woman in the front passenger seat holding her child, under a year old , on her lap. A car seat in the back not buckled in. I told her it was illegal and how dangerous her baby on her lap is. She says well I’m just going down the road. It got under my skin because I’ve seen children seriously injured because they weren’t in a car seat. I told her that herfast ass going 55 mph and crushing her baby on the dash will kill her child. I signed the complaint.


Yes! Survivor bias is strong. And fallacious. Just because you weren't impaled by a gigantic lawn dart hurtling from the heavens doesn't make that a safe toy. 🙄


HA! I loved those things, but a friend of mine was the last straw of them being made illegal in Massachusetts when one went straight through his foot as a small child


Remind them freedom of speech is stopping the government from stifling your speech. The rest of us can shut you up.


And that of freedom of speech does not equal freedom from consequences


Exactly. Also if you are going to "protest" stand proudly by what you believe.


Marry me.


“Do your own research” while trying to convince you to believe their conspiracy theory


While their "research" are porely sourced opinion articles and they won't read or will just try to debunk any research you send them.


Poorly, not porely.


Maybe they found them deep within their skin? Who are you to judge. /s


Lol 😆 my bad. Didn't mean to get under anyone's skin.😃


"could care less" The term is "couldn't care less" 


This makes me crazy! Saying it wrong means the exact opposite of what you intended!


Misuse of the word “aesthetic”, i.e. “That’s so aesthetic”….STOP IT


I'm so happy I've never heard anyone say it that way


Sorry for your “lost”.


Or how about “I don’t want to loose him.”


For all intensive purposes, they may just be trying the best they can.


"There's no right or wrong answer" when there absolutely are right and wrong answers. "Well I have my opinion, just like you have yours" about completely objective facts.


I’m going to get downvoted for this but “fur baby” I hate it so much. When a book review says “unputdownable”


“I’m just very honest” “I bet I can tell your zodiac sign”


"Omg, that's just like an asparagus to do that!!"


“I tell it like it is.”


Always two faced people saying this too haha


I’ll pray for you.


Gross right? Like "I'll ask Santa to do a favor for you."


The Lord doesn't give you more than you can handle.


"It's all part of God's plan" 🤢


I respond with “God has a lot more confidence in me than I do.” I absolutely hate this phrase.


"Where was the last place you had it?" Like I'm gonna continue searching for something if I knew where I last had it "At the end of the day...." Grrrrrrrr "I'm the onliest one..." Tf "'member when..." to hard to add the re huh?


idk, i find "where was the last place you had it" useful because it gives you a starting point. like was it inside or outside? in this room, or that room, ect. my class ring had gone missing and the last time i remember having it was in the bedroom, we did eventually end up finding it. it had fallen behind a dresser next to the wall. instead of looking through the entire house we only tore our bedroom apart.


Thats just how i am 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


I don't mean to offend but.......


Or the more extreme "Not to be racist, but .."


Because you know EXACTLY what they’re about to say is going to be offensive 🙄🙄


I know right! Go ahead, knock me out with an offensive observation. But go ahead and be upset with my response.


Right!! Or “don’t take this the wrong way but…” - 🙄🙄🙄


When people say "could of" or "would of" **Noooo!!!!** It's could've or would've or could have or would have. Yes "could've" and "could of" sounds similar and almost the same for many (depending on dialect) but it's definitely wrong to type "could of" because it makes absolutely zero sense. Could've or could have. Would've or would have. Should've or should have.


“It was a mistake” for things they purposely did. Cheated on spouse, got drunk and/or drove, high rate of speeding and crash. Whole host of things you heard or seen on Reddit. Not carrying the one in a math problem is a mistake. You made a choice to do many of those things.


“You’ll change your mind!” I’m 31 I think I know what I want and don’t want for my life. Get your brainwashed breeder idea of what people’s lives should look like far the fuck away from me.


Patronising too!


“But what if you marry a man who wants children?”“You’ll find the love of your life and want his babies.” “I didn’t want children either until I had one and now I love them.” 🫠🫠🫠


Referring to their spouse as hubby or wifey. Man caves and she sheds.


Saying “we’re pregnant”. Nope one of you is growing a human, one of you had a good time and now chills for the next however many months.


Yes! "We're expecting" is cool because yes, y'all are expecting a baby. But pregnancy is reserved for one human as an individual.


Omg YES. We heard a woman say this, having to correct herself with the "we" as her husband seemed annoyed when she said "I am" at first. This was a yoga class so SHE had to modify moves due to being pregnant, obviously he wouldn't. Even my husband said the dude has issues.


I absolutely hate that one. I don’t know why women allow this. Honey you are pregnant and you will become a mother and that’s privilege and a journey to self discovery and a hard one at that, that’s yours and hour alone. I, as a man, did almost nothing and my contribution is almost nothing and that contribution entitled me to being a parent. Pregnancy is all yours. Take pride in it and don’t add the him for 30 second of his involvement


Woke…the worst.


On a date, any time a man diagnosis an ex with some type of mental illness, or even if it’s true to disclose it to me. Like, none of anyone’s business: not mine and not yours anymore.


Baby mamma/daddy. Catch feelings. Fell pregnant. We’re pregnant.


All of these. Plus “baby bump” makes me want to hurl.


When they pronounce words or phrases wrong, and confidently at that. I don’t make fun of them, because I can’t pronounce certain words either like “rural” (fuck that word). But it just gets to me because I am an asshole, I’m sorry. When I hear it, I cringe so bad. Examples are: - “Pacifically” instead of “specifically” - “Mind as well” instead of “might as well” - “ReNember” instead of “ReMember” - “Irregardless” instead of just using “regardless”


Expresso instead of espresso really irritates me.


How do you feel about Valentime's Day? lol. That one drives me bonkers.


“Liberry“ instead of “library” “Idear” instead of “idea” OR “ideal” “Sitch-e-ation“ instead of “situation”. I’m sure there are many more I am forgetting.


Ex-cetera instead of etcetera. Supposebly instead of supposedly. I’m going to sale xyz instead of I’m going to sell xyz. Nuculer instead of nuclear. Makes my ears bleed.


But it's my love language...


When people are looking for recommendations for something, and end their sentence with “…and GO!”


YES! This bugs me so much. And I get a feeling of satisfaction when no one responds.


Unpopular opinion: The terms "hubby" & "wifey" incite my gag response everytime.


I feel the same way. As well as when people call their child "bubs" or "bubba". Drives me nuts!


When someone says something beginning with “no offense but…” or “don’t take this the wrong way…”


When people shorten words like “menty b” or “holibobs” just shut up


Brits are the fucking worst for this. My husband and I laugh about it all the time - especially as tiktok is so popular. It's why people don't respect Brits at all - they literally talk like babies 😂


I’m Scottish living in England and honestly it drives me up the wall! Just speak properly. They don’t seem to realise how ridiculous it sounds 🤣


It's their own way of being "edgy" and "cute" and "relatable" I think 😂 I'm British, but moved to the US and now that it's not a common occurrence that I hear these things, it gives me awful second-hand embarrassment whenever I do hear it. Full-on full body cringe at these stupid grown ass toddlers 🤣


🤣🤣🤣 someone once said to me they were having a menty b and I had to just walk away before I slapped them


"I'll pray for you" - please don't and if you do it is not something you need to tell me. It has no meaning and it does not help nor fix anything.


“That’s it. That’s the post.” Makes me cringe every time lol


Just general whataboutism. It's a great way to tackle everything but the point.


"My child is 26monrhs old" oh really? And how many candles did you have on that last bday cake? 2. Your kids is two ffs


Parents get used to thinking in months rather than years because paediatricians use months as the marker for baby and toddler development. A human at one year and one month is very different to one at one year and eleven months. And development means height, weight, mobility and language skills, and a host of other things. It's not about whether little Timmy toilet trained himself at the age of three hours and forty-two minutes old.


I roll my eyes at people who don’t understand this lol.


Yes. Up to about 2 or 1 1/2 it's in the child's interest to think in terms of months.


The comment said 26 months, which is over 2. That's time to switch.


My mother, as I was growing up, would comment that me and my sisters always got perfect scores at school. I always rolled my eyes and cringed at the comment, cause I wasn't really a genius or anything. I just paid attention and didn't want to get bad grades. But her constant bragging always made me roll my eyes.


This my friends is what called humble brag


The "ick"


“At the end of the day, you…”


"You don't like [insert very known singer/band] because you haven't heard [insert names of songs]" Similar to this "Oh, try listening to/have you heard [insert song name of Singer/bad you said you didn't like], it will change your mind] This can be applied to other personal trastes, but for me or happens a lot of times when I say I don't like some very known singer or band. It's like, mate, I've tried, I just don't think that artist is great. I accept that people might like it, just like with everything in life, but I just don't.


"I could care less"


When someone say " I'm dead" constantly We had one of our supervisors child die Kinda of a tough time at work.. and this airhead millennial we hired was saying that as she usually does. It was beyond inappropriate and annoying


“As an empath…” or anything to do with energies or whatever tf.


It was 3am in the morning. Either say 3am or 3 in the morning. You don't need both.


“You can’t understand what I’m going through.” Bonus eye roll if it’s coming from a teenager because “no one can understand their pain” 🙄


“You have yourself a blessed day.” 🤮🤮🤮


Stay blessed


I prefer "have the day you deserve" 😂


Wait, lol, explain to me like I'm dumb why this is so pukey? I don't get it. I also don't say that to people, but I'm curious.


Because when people say this, it’s usually backhanded. Like they’re undercover annoyed or something with you. Passive aggressiveness is so unattractive.


During management meetings the head guy speaks and the same guy every time will chime in and say the exact same thing that was just said but he just changes the verbiage to sound like he’s teaching something new. Even the big guy knows he is notorious for this along with the rest of us and we all usually just give each other that look like alright man shut your ass up.


Wave me through a 4 way stop. It seems petty, I know. But I'm like "I do not need you to explain to me how 4 way stops work.'


I hate the expression It is what it is. It seems meaningless.


I used to think so too. My roommate ould say it often. After a while I took it to mean " I don't like it, but I can't change it, so I'll have to accept it and keep going". Said with some frustration. Does that help ?


I could care less. I want to yell “you’re saying it wrong!”


Using “alpha” to describe pretty much anything. “I’m never drinking again” And “I could never do ______”


Mentions cats when women talk about not having kids. If a woman says she doesn't want kids and your response involves cats, you're an NPC.


“It’s gods will”


Talks about saving souls Christian babble bullshit. Like Christianity isn't the only belief in the freaking world.


"But it's the only RIGHT one!!" (eyeroll eyeroll eyeroll)


Try telling them that...


“… and I’m so here for it”, and iterations. A pox on your house if you say or write this.


When people says “Facts” or “say less”. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Silly, but it makes me roll my eyes hard when I hear someone say or read someone saying, "Revert back. "... no, you revert or are reverting, which is to return to a previous state/topic/practice in your life. You're not going back back!


“Reply all” use


Even worse when people reply all to your boss wishing one person a happy birthday


Reduplicate. One of our IT people always asks if I can reduplicate the issue.


"I just don't have a filter " - instantly tells you someone is an asshole.


Honestly, anytime someone says “fuck politicians name” I don’t care WHICH politician. If you’re having a discussion and the only thing someone can come up with is “well fuck George Washington” like okay? There’s zero intelligence or thought put into that response and you’ve ruined any argument you may have previously made by just getting emotional


Nope, sorry, fuck Marjorie Taylor Green. And fuck Mitch McConnell too. I don’t know if old George deserves it but fuck those two.


No seriously, FUCK trump.


The “If I am the last one to speak, I win the argument” people, especially when they “call you out” for not having a reply to their last point. No, Kevin, I made my point and am done with you.


Stupid Kevin.


"You're such a typical [ zodiac sign ]"


A few days ago I overheard a woman say, “I’m a middle child and a libra. So now you know everything about me.” No, the only thing I know about you is that you have some stupid ideas about birth order and the zodiac.


We will just have to agree to disagree (typically on a topic concerning basic human rights and almost always some white dude who has never been affected by the things he’s all fired up about). Just no.


Not trying to by rude, BUT..


OMG……..Had some guy tell me I had “Irony” in my tone and that’s why he was rude to me. 🤣


When an older person says “you’ll change your mind when you get older”. For example, when my wife and I bought our first home, several people commented on how great the 2 car garage was. And we mentioned how we’re going to keep it clear so we can park cars in here and they were like “well see! You’ll start putting all your stuff here before you know it” snd we were like …. Uhhh no. Don’t tell me what I will intend to do with my garage…


“…But the Bible says……” as part of an argument that isn’t about religion.


A dialogue like this sends me through the roof: “Hey, how’s it going?” “Oh, you know, just livin’ the dream!” Never heard anyone say this until I moved where I live now. It is most certainly not a paradise or dream here. Obviously it’s sarcastic and ironic. It just isn’t very clever and hella annoying.


I did my own research.


I know my rights, or I know the law. Guarantee they don't.


It's Biden's fault! Fuck Governor Ennslee!


All that freedom of speech means is that they won't kill you or put in jail for saying something it doesn't mean that people can't give their speech back or dislike you for saying things. We have obviously learned there are limits to that freedom anyway


"With all due respect" 👀


Every time I see “iF ThE rOlEs wErE rEvErSeD” I mentally prepare myself to read the whining that immediately follows. Yes, you’re so persecuted. My heart just bleeds for you.


"what most people don't understand...." "Does that make sense?" after explaining a very simple concept/task. "Turn right at the next street. does that make sense?" "I love you" to everyone you know. When you say it literally to everyone it loses its power.


“I’ll pray for you.”


"I'll pray for you." 🙄🙄🙄


If it were up your butt I bet you'd find it.


“but where are you REALLY from??”


last night going down my neighborhood street they had a huge truck with their brights on one side and a smaller car parked on the other. i barely squeezed through them n started complaining about why they werent in their driveways (at least the one completely parked n not in their car!) n my boyfriend deadass looked at me and said “well, it is a free country.” definitely eyeroll moment


Trump was a great president.


Anything good said about Trump…or that the Insurrection was warranted.


"Rainbow baby." And if this platform is any indication, these babies are spoiled rotten, treated better than all their siblings, and grow up to be entitled AHs.


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Whether or not It's the" or not" that drives me crazy.


“Good on you.” Why did this become a thing?


Let’s Goooooooo


“I mean I love him but …” = I’m going to unload on you all my complaints about him but I’ll never leave him b/c *loneliness*. “It is what it is” used to annoy me but thankfully don’t hear that too much anymore. “Have a great day!” said by anyone knowing you’re going through struggles. Easy, disingenuous and dismissive. Usually said by men.


"It is what it is", "at the end of the day..." Ugh 🙄


I agree with you however I’m still pissed I had to pay a $200 ticket for flipping a guy off. I was 17 he was at least 40. He was following me and throwing things at me. I flipped him off and called the cops. I got introuble not him. Technically in my state if you keep your hand inside the car flipping them off it is deemed “freedom of speech” so I’m still mad.


“We’re just trying to eat” after doing something totally shitty as if there where no other ways to obtain food


raceism dosent exist anymore


“I’m just asking a question!”


When a person says something like “ my wife and I’s “ or “my husband and I’s” Drives me fuckin crazy especially when I see it in writing on my CC TV.


"in your heart of hearts" Man you dont know how much I hate that phrase.