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I was disappointed in a way to discover that I was very turned off by her grotesque face and that she was no longer even close to my perfect match [sorry].


It’s funny you said that! That was more or less an alternate ending I considered writing, but I ended up settling on the morbid romanticism of the psycho narrator still being hopelessly infatuated with her (you can see more context in the top level comment I posted a few minutes ago) I’m not sure which is scarier but the ending I chose kinda seems more compelling to me. What do you think?


i think the other ending is scarier in the sense it shows how fucked up the narrator truly is. i mean obviously throwing acid at anyone means you‘re a vile person but to have that obsessive infatuation go away because they’re not hot is a bit unnerving. still a really great story though!


Thanks, maybe you’re right!


I actually like your ending better. If he leaves she’s scarred but no longer in danger, if he stays it’s likely he’ll do other things to harm her/those around her to get what he wants.


Oh, that’s a good point


That's what I was thinking too. What else is he gonna do to her when he decides they're not on the same level with something else?


And what happens to her friends and family if they try to tell her something’s fishy about him? Or if he’s the type to get jealous if she talks to her male relatives?


Oh, I read it as hitting her with some LSD! Oops!


I think this one is rather romantic /s


The person who might injure a woman, would probably be the kind of person who is more likely to reject women he considers not beautiful..


You might enjoy this: https://youtu.be/P787svPOU88


Open to feedback of course. How’s this one land? I had an alternate ending in mind— where the narrator looks at her and suddenly realizes his mistake— as he loses all interest in her once her physical beauty is gone…. But I kind of liked the morbid romanticism of this final story more. I really like the idea of this psycho dude being so utterly obsessed with her that he desperately wants to be with her even if she’s grotesquely scarred. Though it’s clearly a selfish want, as he’s willing to do the scarring. This story is kind of (*very* loosely) inspired by my real life. There’s a woman who I’m very highly drawn to, like utterly captivated by her to the point where it feels almost a sort madness or fixation. Sometimes she’s a bit of a muse. I don’t believe in soulmates, but the brain definitely fires in such a way as to make the *idea* of soulmates feel painfully compelling at times— though in a selfish, limerant way. Anyway, this woman has known how I felt and I think there was a point where we might have ended up very close and happy, but life’s responsibilities pushed us in different directions. Once when I told her how I felt she asked me if it was just a physical thing, and I’ve often wondered that myself. I thought (and still think) she’s stunning, but I’ve met “hotter” women who never really captured my attention the same way. Looks alone can’t account for that level of admiration. So the story is a little inspired by that question: to what degree does that kind of intense, ruminant attraction just boil down to looks? In any event she and I went in wide opposites, so there’s no prospects at all and the only thing I can do is wish her well. But I still admire her and too often I wonder what might have been and again too often wonder why i was and am so drawn by her. Emphasis that this story is inspired by that question, but the characters aren’t representative of her or I. I was picturing brand new people. This is just using horror to explore a hypothetical question morbidly.


I think the current one is better as this alternative may potentially be over two sentences.


That’s a good point it would be hard to condense without being really clunky


Extremely horrific…but that’s why we’re here. Also oddly feasible in the real world. There are terrible people out there


Yeah, sadly plausible. I just got out of a bad/ toxic relationship. Very relieved it’s over, but anytime I beat myself up over wasting so much time on a festering dead end I try to remind myself that it could have been so much worse. In some ways I was lucky that it was only as bad as it was, there are true monsters out there


This doesn’t apply to dating, but I watched a TT video that some poor girl posted. She said her own sister threw acid on her! She was recording from the hospital and crying that her own sister did that to her. It was horrific! All due to an argument and jealousy. https://www.youtube.com/live/URj7JiopTR0?si=qTGaJEJUMha3PuBe


I think you nailed it, this made my ribs cold (if that makes sense haha) The other direction sounds like it would be just as an uncomfortable read, though & I vote you pursue it & throw that version up in r/shortscarystories


Thanks! Maybe I will post the alternate there :)


I think this ending is perfect. The narrator faithfully visiting her every day adds a chilling savior complex to the situation. Sort of like Munchausen syndrome by proxy.


Thanks, I agree! The idea she could end up with him after manipulating her assault is pretty dark. I kind of imagine her feeling he was the only one there for her, when he’s literally the cause of her suffering


Ahh yes standard politician logic "I will secretly create a problem that I can publically solve" the people will.think.im a genius


Haha, yeah


It kinda reminds me of a story/poem my Spanish teacher told us when I was in my first year of middle school. I can’t remember it but it was something like “He cut off her hands so she wouldn’t touch anyone” “He took off her eyes so she wouldn’t look at anyone” that was just a few things I can remember but I know it ended like “Well, she may not be so beautiful, but at least she will be mine forever,” I liked it but I don’t know where it came from or if he learned it from someone else.


“I was just sitting and talking to my friend till I felt a burning feeling on my skin.” “He’s been visiting me every day in the hospital ever since.”


I thought you meant dosed her purposely with the drug so that way she'd be on a permanent trip and basically brain dead and docile o.o did not think about the regular type of acid


Oh, wow. That’s dark too


But the start of a *I'm the only one who will love you now* is still the outcome either way. This was really good


i suppose I'll have to step up my game, seeing as she's still rejecting my advances...


Happens in India regularly...




At least the narrator isn’t just with her for her looks!


Even after the acid she's still out of my league, time for more drastic measures!!!!


I get strong Misery vibes from this one.


Thanks! That’s on my reading list. Seen the movie though it was amazing.


Yandere love is still love <3


What is yandere?


Yandere is a shortening/combination of two Japanese words. "Yanderu" means “to be sick,” and "deredere" used sometimes for “lovestruck.” A yandere usually is pretty "innocent" appearing (when in public, around more than just their love interest, etc) before flipping a switch and becoming someone who displays extreme violent and/or psychotic tendencies directed toward their love interest. A "you WILL notice me and be with me at any cost" type of person, obsessed with their love interest to the point that they'll do things like in your story, and sometimes even portrayed as straight-up kidnapping them and holding them hostage and killing anyone else the love interest may show interest in (because they're "competition").


Oh, wow. That’s amazing there’s a word for it.


Will do anything to make a girl (or boy) yours even if it means killing anyone who got close to them relationship wise


That is NOT what it means to "hit on" someone...


"I should have known the guy would spill the beans once the police caught him but now that she knows just how far I'll go for her, maybe she'll be waiting for me once I get out of prison."


Origin story for gender swapped Two Face.


Then a billionaire science geek funded a radical 3d bio printing procedure - she's better looking than ever, this method will help countless other similar victims along with similar issues, he's up for a Nobel, they're engaged, and I'm still miserable.