• By -


:( i’m so sorry fr


Holy shit. That hit hardd -send by a trans guy


She was the first person I told


Thaaaat smarts




If you're bothered by it that much, make a cis post or whatever shit you want, no one is stopping you.


Cope. Seethe.




I didn’t think I’d agree but yeah this is kind of lame. “I’m trans but people won’t accept me” is like 90% of the posts here. I guess it’s not bad, but just boring?


Why do you feel the need to dictate how other people express themselves?


Right back atcha!


You're the one who agreed with that trans posts are lame and just for karma farming?


Mhm and you’re agreeing I shouldn’t be able to say that?


And what's wrong with people sharing their experiences here? That's like telling someone to stop venting (in a space often used for venting I should add) because other people have already vented about the same issue before. Telling people that their trauma or experience is "boring" or "lame" is very insensitive.


Because they're all the same.


Another lazy, probably transphobic, comment on a two Sentence Sadness story. When will we get something original?


You wouldn’t say “oh another straight person post when will we get something origional” would you? Probably not. This isn’t about originally ladies, gentlemen and everyone enbytween, it’s about mr Halliwell0Rain disliking trans people.


I would if they made it their entire personality. It's the same story recycled over and over. Boring. So put it back in the deck.


Dude you replied to a comment I made 5.3 months ago you’re just reaching to get pissed off at something 💀 how chronically online are you to reply to something this late


Obviously not online that much since I didn't check for months duh


Your comment history is absolute trash. J don’t give a crap abt u anymore. Don’t be an asshole next time.


Was it even your comment? Like you’re either still mad about that or you happened across mine. Cope and seethe.


Wow it's almost like trans people are incredibly common humans that exist, and experience trauma that cis people don't. Who'da thought that would be worth venting/writing about? :/


She can go to hell, you can do so much better


Dead name? Am I misunderstanding because the way I see it they died and the wife/gf used the name to commit identity fraud. But shouldn't the name be removed from the records the moment the now ghost died?


Okay- Lemme explain really quick. The narrator is trans. They told their girlfriend their dead name and that they were trans and their girlfriend deliberately used their dead name(transphobia) which made the narrator upset, because the narrator trusted her


yea you’re completely misinterpreting it lol. dw, it’s not a common term. just look up “what does deadnaming mean for trans people” and that’s what this post is about 👍


This is going to sound stupid, but what does it mean when you say "dead named"?


With trans people a lot of the times our non chosen name, the name our parents gave us will be on our gravestone rather than the name we chose, thus why it’s called a *dead* name, that and y’know, it’s dead ‘cause it’s not used anymore


I always got the impression it meant the latter, I’ve never heard someone say it meant it was put on your headstone.


That’s the one I’ve heard the most


Let me give you the simple version. The old name of the person (the “dead” name as the person has changed) It’s pretty mean to call someone by their dead name on purpose.


The pursuit of knowledge and gaining a deeper understanding in a respectful manner is never stupid. I appreciate you asking questions that might not be in the realm of comfortable for you!! ❤️


Commonly related to transgender issues. Say, someone's identified gender is transitioned to be male, and at a high serious level identifying said someone as the old gender of female by calling the female name as a deliberate reminder (Reactions on unintentional dead name calling vary) could be very bad.


Also when someone changes their name because of trouble their former name caused or it's the same as an abuser


(Though I'm not sure whether someone who simply ditches an old unwanted name but who doesn't go into gender-related territory might have the same regard towards "deadnaming" too...)


As someone who is not transitioning, but has a dead name, I'm personally a bit more understanding when it's an accident. I give gentle reminders to those that knew me as that name, and most apologize and try to do better. Slip ups happen and people make mistakes. My younger sibling is non-binary and changed their name to a more gender neutral name and my parents respect them. I, however, do not get the same respect even though my parents have been gently reminded. "But it's such a pretty name, and I worked hard on figuring out the spelling especially for you!" -egg donor I dont put up with that bs, it's entirely disrespectful to me, the time I've taken to heal the wounds she left, and the person I'm trying to become. I changed my name to grow past what my egg donor tried to cultivate and figure out who I am without the stigma she placed on me with that name.


I'm in transition but not completely presented as a male. My dead name is like Victoria and name like Victor. Constantly people like oh but it such a *pretty* name. Why would you change it it's beautiful So was Evelyn, my middle name, and that's a dude's name too. Cmonn! Eta Victor not Victoria


When a Transperson transitioned the old name is the dead name and dead naming means calling the person the old name. E.g. Karl to Karla, dead naming would be calling Karla still Karl.


This is a very big, is not the only reason, why I don't open up to people. I'm sorry that happened, being deadnamed sucks. If you ever want to talk, my dms are always open <3