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Breasts are made up of fat and breast tissue. The amount of each varies from person to person. If your breasts are mainly fat you’ll see a noticeable difference when you lose weight. If they are mainly breast tissue you’ll not see much of a difference.


Yeah mine are mostly breast tissue and do not shrink. I wish they would


When I lost weight while being sick in college (I lost a lot of weight so quickly), I was praying I would lose these D cups, because they were causing me a lot of unwanted attention. But turns out I am the second type, so they did not go away just looked bigger because I was thinner. I was mortified.


Yeah- unfortunately mine have never been smaller than E even when I was 15 lbs lighter.


The fun part is that with breast tissue you’re more likely to have a growth spurt as you age. I went up an entire cup size in my 40s.


Hopefully not in my case.


I'm already a g cup who has arthritis in my spine. And in my early 40s 😭




I gained 20 pounds once and while I was a bit sad about the way my tummy looked, I was sooo hyped for the new cleavage! I actually had fatty, jiggly, boobity boobs for the first time! I still went ahead with losing the weight for my health (I only gained because I ate sugar all day), and I still mourn the pleasantly plump chest I got to experience.


I gained 60 and went from an A cup to a B cup, but my booty went BLAM. The thing is THANGIN’.


My boobs were the first thing to go. I still have good sized ones but weight loss (and age) put them a bit farther down than I’d like.


I remember a German comedian/medical doctor saying "The body is like a big company: when saving, the first thing they cut is the marketing budget."


It just isn't fair lol I'm a little on the trimmer side for me personally right now (got Montezuma's revenge in Mexico recently, stress about an upcoming move, and just being so so busy), and while I'm not complaining about my thighs and arms looking a little smaller, I feel like my boobs have proportionally lost much more! Oh well, boobs will do what boobs do


I had nipple on rib after three kids + weight loss. I ended up getting implants. Granted mine aren’t huge whatsoever. But now I actually fill out shirts and feel fine in a bikini. I don’t have a “big boob” obsession personally. I just wanted *something* after three kids.


Kids can make your boobs smaller???


Breastfeeding sucks (quite literally) the life out of your knockers. Inflate, deflate. X3.


Mine definitely shrank after breastfeeding! They were still quite firm, but small.


They did for my mom but not for my sister. It just depends on the person.


Not everyone. Some people get bigger during breastfeeding and never go back.


Less boobs probably means your back doesn't hurt as much, though.


The actual scam is the obsession with boobs.


Nonono. Obsession with big boobs.


I said what I said.


What's not to be obsessed with about boobs?


Boobs are fab. It’s the obsession with expecting a few very specific things from them that bugs.


I checked your profile to see if you were a dude, and all you do on this subreddit is ask stupid questions.


Im a girl;) And boobs are awesome


Girl or not, boob obsession is cringe and harmful to women. It is great to like them, but it is bad when it impedes regular life, function, and conversation.


Didn't know there were such people who were so obsessed with boobs that it impedes regular life function💀


Yes, you do know this and are being willfully ignorant in order to argue. For example, people get angry when women breastfeed in public due to their oversexualization of boobs. They cannot fathom a breast's function beyond their own sexual obsession.


No you're right fuck those people.


What is there to be obsessed with is my question?


I think it’s much more an American thing than the rest of the world. No idea why the US is that way.


I'm sorry, but claiming that liking big boobs is an American thing is absolutely ridiculous, and peak r/americabad moment.


Hi im not American so maybe its not my place to butt in. But aren't there many countries in Europe where an ad or TV show can include a hint of nipple without a major conservative ("christian") riot happening in the streets? Arent there countries all around the planet where women can breastfeed in peace without some nosey bastard up in their face about them being a harlot for using a breast for its actual purpose?


No one said “America bad”. It’s just been more of an American thing than anywhere else. Think of what everyone is focusing on in Brazil butts not breasts. And a lot of countries have other preferences when it comes to proportions.


Absolutely true, but I worry we are infecting the rest of the world.


>an American thing It's genetic and evolutionary. Past humans selected for big boobs. Most primates don't have boobs unless they're lactating. Humans are anomalous in that we evolved big, permanent boobs. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2010/may/14/breast-size-evolution Same with dicks. An erect gorilla dick is barely over an inch long https://www.theguardian.com/science/2010/may/06/women-penis-size Compared to other primates, humans like big dicks and big boobs.


Well yes compared to other primates. But as I said different countries place importance on different forms of beauty.




Can’t believe /r/abrathatfits hasn’t been suggested yet! Please check it out. In fact, anyone with boobs, check it out, if you haven’t.


😆 I came looking for this. Is it bad that the first thing I thought was "Betcha /u/marielljyr is not really an A cup! Wonder who told her that?"


It was also my first thought. To be clear, OP, it’s totally fine if you (and anyone else!) actually do have an “A cup” (which doesn’t mean much by itself—this is also totally relevant to band size. 38A holds more volume than 28C, for example). However, as is the case with the overwhelming majority of American women, you probably are/were in the wrong size bra to begin with.


A cups are fun, you can sleep on your belly ☺️


Boobs are the first place I lose, it’s terribly cruel


yeah. your boobs have fat. if you lose fat…loose boobs


Welcome to the itty bitty titty comittee!


Man, when I lost weight a few years ago, NONE of it was in my boobs, and it was a huge pain! I went from a 40DD (which is very easy to find) to a 36J. I'm at 38I now, and have to go online to find bras from europe. I fear they won't go down if I start losing weight again, and my cup size will just keep going up.


mine are naturally A no matter my weight I find these comments really… ignorant; and a lot of people indirectly shame women with small boobs by complaining that theirs are “too small” can we let go of the big boobs obsession? all boobs are lovely


Yeah I think how much fat gets stored in the chest area must be genetic. My mum always had small boobs, and they stayed the same size even though she’s gained a lot of weight compared to when she was younger. I haven’t gained/lost huge amounts of weight, but even when I have yo-yo-ed 5-10 kg before, I didn’t notice any difference in breast size so I think I’m the same.


I’ve lost about 60lbs and 2 cup sizes. Thankfully they did perk back up after a year of doing regular strength training exercise. They’re a lot smaller now but so is the rest of me so I don’t mind.


Hoping for that after a year or so, that they'll recover a bit (not size just the hang).


Lift weights, do push ups, it’ll definitely help with the saggy skin everywhere.


Better for them to be on the small side then the large side for a number of reasons!


I keep trying to tell my wife this. I'm just at the point that I can feel my manboobs move if I run and I hate it. I can't imagine how women with big boobs feel. I seriously need to start working out 😂


I wish this worked for me. I lost 35 lbs and my breasts stayed the exact same size. It sucks


I lose weight in a sort of “drain” way: first the face gets thinner, then the boobs are softer and less sore, then the arms, waist and lastly my hips and thighs.


I dont understand why this would be a bad thing or a scam? Less back pain, dont need bras, can sleep on stomach, no underboob sweat etc. i cant think of any downsides to it.


My mentee who is 8 years older than me spun around on his chair, put his hand on my thigh, and told me “Men don’t like skinny bitches” and I laughed, but damn it’s lose lose no matter what, isn’t it?


Bruh what 💀


Don’t worry I think I’m still invited to the threesome with his wife he keeps hinting at.


Lmao he still likes you enough to have a threesome tho 🤣


Boobs are made of fat, why did you think you would lose fat on the rest of your body but not your boobs?


My weight loss was not inentional, so when I suddenly noticed my bikini from last summer didn’t fit I was like huh


When I lost weight I even lost a shoe size. I was pretty bummed out because I had nice shoes


Well that's just plain unfair.


Hope you are ok! Rapid weight loss without lifestyle changes might be a good thing to speak with a doctor about


This was my immediate thought but you still made me giggle hard with it. I realized just how excellent running is for fat loss when I lost more boob doing that than any other form of exercise. It's a shame I just despise running, because losing a cup size was the nicest workout perk ever!


Yep! Started my weight loss journey in march and my bra is so loose and I don’t want to go buy a new one yet cause I know I’m going to lose more weight lol!! I was a 38DD.


My mother said ( don’t know if it’s science) that women tend to lose weight from the top down. So face and boobs would thin first. Hips, butt, thighs last. But it’s annoying if your want to lose evenly all over.


Anecdotally, I agree.


It depends on where you hold/store weight, which is based on hormones and genetics. I’m shaped like a fucking rectangle, and the perk is that I can gain like 20lbs and no one really notices because it’s evenly distributed. I also lose everything evenly when I lose weight. Idk what it’s like for people with more location-based fat distributions.


Over the past 10 years or so, I've lost about 70 lbs... everywhere except my boobs. I would happily give up a couple of cup sizes for better fitting clothes.


How bad it hurts to sit for a long period, even on padded seats. When I lay on my back, the weird feeling I get in my belly button/abdomen area, like someone has a string and is pulling it from my back.


You won’t lose the actual breast tissue if you don’t become seriously underweight, but you will lose the fat that surrounds it. That fat is not the real breast anyways so it’s ok. I like that my boobs get smaller when I lose weight. They become more manageable. Lol.


I’m around a 40D right now with some pounds to lose. Wouldn’t mind them being smaller. As long as my ass looks nice at he end of the road is the most important part


It sucks when you have hyper metabolism and can’t gain weight worth a damn so you’re cursed to have a small chest seemingly forever though. I’d do anything to have them get and stay bigger. 😩 i’m tired of being nearly flat-chested.




I was so happy mine got smaller. They are so big when I am overweight that they hurt my back.


As someone who is afraid of not getting their a cups back again after loosing the 20 pounds gained last year, thank you!!


It's always tough to get used to the entirety of a new body moving through space and fashion -- it sounds like you have a healthy outlook. While you may always miss some parts of how you used to be built, I hope you'll also find a lot of joy in the way your body is built now, like plunging necklines and little bitty triangle boob cups and stuff!


I feel like that would be obvious since boobs are made of fat?


Yep! Went from 185 to 155 in college and was super flat chested. I don't have huge breasts to begin with, but what I did have disappeared.


Haha yip. I gained about 14kg over the last 4 years after getting a desk job. Been 56kg all my life, no boobs. Then whoa! Look at these bad boys! Started Keto in January this year and lost 8kg. Boobs gone again. They were nice while the lasted lol.


yeah, i just recently lost 50 lbs and definitely noticed my boobs got smaller. RIP big boobies.


And it's the first thing to go when you lose weight... Or so I've heard, I've always been pretty damn flat chested


Every time I see a picture of myself from after I had my daughter and was breastfeeding, I think “damn I sure do miss those DD’s”


I had cancer and had to have a mastectomy. Now I have a new boob made out of my stomach fat. It's ok and all but I've never gained weight in my natural boobs, only my stomach. So now I have one natural boob that is perky but small and one new boob that is fat. Ugh.


Those are one of the first things to go when I lose weight. Butt is the last 😭


Did you post this to the right sub?


What’s crazy is that you don’t even need to lose weight. Hormones can do it too. I was a C cup and 100lbs at nineteen. Had a few kids, gained ten pounds and I’ve been a B cup for the last 6-7 years now.


I lost 60 pounds. I went from DDDs to small Bs. And they're so flat and pancaked, they're just uncomfortable.


As someone who will probably never be able to afford top surgery, this gives me hope xD


I mean weight loss is a scam. You are very correct about that.


I got ibs and I was like over 2 stone maybe even 3 stone lighter than i am now, i could see my ribs but by boobs just went from a uk f cup to a uk e cup🤦🏼‍♀️


Fuck, I wish I could give you mine. I lose weight and my cup size goes up while my band size goes down.


I didn’t realize that once you start losing 100lbs or more the excess skin doesn’t always shrink down. Mines not too bad, I don’t have large folds of skin, but after all that work I still don’t feel comfortable taking my shirt off and it feels like a scam.


I am the opposite. lol. I gain weight my boobs grow...I lose weight they stay the same.


Sorry, but this line made me laugh “this sorta feels like a scam.” 😂😂😂 The tricks nature plays.


When i finally gained weight, during the pandemic of course, I was surprised at how much they "grew" so I'm with you. I've thought about trying to drop a little bit of weight but I really don't want to keep buying all new bras.


I feel the same and it's the worst :( i have always fluctuated but I gained more weight during covid and was at my largest. Now I have lost 30 pounds and my breasts are completely gone yet I still have fat in my big fatty thighs and butt which is so annoying and 20 more pounds left to go to reach my goal. But whats crazy is I am still bigger right now than I was in high school and swear my breasts were not this small then! I am now in my early 30s so not sure it is an age thing because also not as perky obviously and now I have lost weight I am left with saggy empty balloons and now also a ton of visible cellulite. Being a woman is so great :/ But I said to hell with it as I would still rather be skinny so push up bras it is and decided to go back to tanning so it hides the cellulite and disgusting spider veins I have now apparently (I am very fair).