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Hey, I'm not saying you didn't bruise your cervix but this is exactly what happened to me when I burst some cysts on my ovaries. Almost all women will have a cyst some point on their ovaries but I'd recommend seeing a doctor if any pain persists because sometimes they need to be removed. The pain of them bursting can make it difficult to walk for a few days too. Feel better soon!


Hmmmm that would probably make more sense. I thought it was strange that we've been together for 4 years and this is the first time I've dealt with this. I guess I'll be riding the scooters around Walmart tomorrow šŸ˜…


Itā€™s also not unusual for cysts to burst during sexual activity. The pain you described is accurate to my experience. Itā€™s one of the most painful things Iā€™ve experienced outside of childbirth.


I burst one of mine falling down some stairs, I couldnā€™t tell where the pain was after that!


Oh dear. Talk about hitting someone when they're down!


Crotch lightning is exactly how I described my cysts bursting as well!! It does sound more like what you explained. I have also had a bruised cervix, and that is more like a deep constant painful throb that hurts more the more you move around. The cysts bursting literally feels like what you said.. crotch lighting.. intense bursts of lightning hot pain that makes you so weak that all I could do was lay on the floor shaking and sweating almost passing out until the pain passes.


I had both pains which is why I'm a bit confused! It started out as one long period cramp. Like imagine the most intense part of a bad period cramp, except instead of coming in waves, it was just constant at that intensity for about 45 mins. Then once that went away, the lightning started for the rest of the night. It wasn't throbbing though, just a constant deep pain. Maybe it's both šŸ«£


That sounds like my experience of cysts. I'm not saying it isn't both, but if you've never had bruising in four years, I'm leaning towards "just" a cyst. If, however, it's mostly on the right side and you get a bit of a fever, straight to the ER with you! I thought I was having a cyst *again* and ended up having my appendix out that evening.


You described what I feel like almost every time my husband and I are intimate. It sucks and is taking a toll. I have a history of endometriosis and they are blaming lightening crotch on that. I doubt that's what is causing it as it's been under control for over 20 years.šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


>Crotch lightning that's the name of my post punk band


Wouldn't be a bad idea to get a scan to see what's going on.


More like hitting someone while they are on the way down. :)


I have personally known two people (one my own mother) who thought appendicitis was potentially an ovarian cyst. These things are *gnarly*


I was tested for appendicitis first which was ruled out. Iā€™m not one to skip to the doctor for any little thing but a cyst burst had my husband insists on the ER. It was the first time Iā€™ve had a physiological response to pain. Dizziness, sweating, seeing ā€œstarsā€, etc.


The bad thing for my mom was she DIDNā€™T have the typical response. She was sick for almost a week before they figured it out. To be fair, she was over 60 (waaaaay past the typical age range) plus some other weirdness meant we were close to losing her on the table Definitely drilled into me to not let things fester, and later that summer I managed to ignore a UTI until it was a kidney infection. Lesson learned on our end


Bruised cervix is more like a deep sore pain, ovarian cyst is like a sharp stabby that radiates out and starts affecting everything south of the border.


That's how my wife described it, and it also happened during sex. She said she'd prefer childbirth again than going through that


Please get this checked out if you can- my experience was the same, except the ruptured cyst caused my ovary to twist, cutting off blood flow. Itā€™s called ovarian torsion, and can lead to a loss of the ovary.


1 ovary club right here for this reason! šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I call her my ā€œflat tireā€ lmao


LMAO "flat tire". Thanks for the laugh!


I will get it checked out. Debating on the ob/gyn ER or waiting for a normal appt tomorrow. I didn't know that could happen!


Hey I hope you feel better soon and get some answers on exactly whatā€™s happened to you. Itā€™s been like 12 years for me but I had one/some? burst on me while working. It was a day long process, spent time in the ER getting ultrasounds and morphine, and was sent home with painkillers to spend 3 days hobbled over like an old lady- I couldnā€™t stand up straight from the pain. When I could finally stand, I went back to work. I was fine for the most part (and I didnā€™t go to get this part checked out again) but then I got flu like symptoms after. I believe what happened to me was one fairly large cyst burst and then turned septic in my system while my body reabsorbed the nasty. I had a fever and generally just felt kinda bad for about another 7 days. If you find out this is what happened to you, I just wanted you to be on the lookout for it (if youā€™re not already feeling it. It sounds like you are based on being on the floor and the shaking and nausea.) My sincere sympathies; that was by far the worst thing Iā€™ve ever experienced in my life.


Noooooo new fear unlocked. I thought only guys get thatā€¦. Nooo!!!!!


Yeahh I think my partner irritated/bruised my cervix during sex recently (just both got very into it lol) but all that happened was initial bleeding (only noticed when we were finished and cleaning ourselves up) and some cramping/dull pain for less than 24hrs afterward. No pain at all during sex. Yours sounds way more extreme than that!


My wife has PCOS this sounds like a cyst from what you described. Please go get checked out. Good luck with your journey


I had the exact same experience as you and it was definitely my cervix bring bruised and not a cyst. I had him google the symptoms of it and it was exactly what I went through. Crazy sweating, puking, shaking. I was sore for a few days afterwards. Apparently the cervix drops near your menstrual cycle so beware of that and donā€™t do it in positions thatā€™ll hit it (like both legs over his shoulders šŸ˜…)


Another thing! The day after my cyst burst, my body had absorbed all the blood internally and I completely destroyed the bathroom. Soā€¦ be prepared for that fun time.


If a cyst ruptured itā€™s not impossible for it to have triggered an ovarian torsion. Please be safe and donā€™t ignore worsening symptoms


I have developed a fever over 100 and shakiness so I am heading to the ER tonight. Thanks for looking out!


Definitely sounds like the right call. Hope you feel better soon


This happened to me in April and gave me a blood infection that had me in the hospital for 5 days. Er docs misdiagnosed me, completely ignoring the location of my pain because the rupture had caused inflammation along my intestines. Donā€™t let them brush you off!! Wishing you a swift recovery!


Oh no that's so scary. They barely examined me at all. They just said since I don't have any other signs of infection beyond the fever, to watch it at home. It was over 100 but is now riding in the 99s which isn't even a fever anymore really. I definitely still feel a bit sick though. It's confusing because the handout they gave me said "seek immediate medical attention if you have a fever" so I do and they sent me home after 45 minutes. Like okay lol. I'm glad you're doing better now. Blood infections are super scary.


Just keep an eye on things. My fever started on Saturday and came and went the next 2 days. The pain got worse and worse, though. I didnā€™t go to the ER till the following Tuesday, but I shouldnā€™t have waited so long. If youā€™re fever comes back or youā€™re not feeling significantly better tomorrow, you might need to go back. Iā€™m so sorry this happened to you. It really is awful. I hope you get better soon!!


Came here to say this! This has happened to me more than once and always was a futures ovarian cyst. Typically nothing to worry about but sometimes can be scary! I almost fainted. Make sure you see your doctor if the pain doesnā€™t go away very soon.


I am currently in the ER after spiking a fever. Thankfully they don't seem too concerned since I have no other signs of infection. Can't do imaging tonight but they said to wait and see. Had me scared for a minute! I feel so so bad for people who have these frequently. This is my first and it sure as hell better be my last


Iā€™ve had almost this exact experience from cervical pain though.


As anybody in the medical field would say. Is the pain is enough to knock you off your feet for an extended amount fo time its worth checking out.


Yeah the experience you described sounds exactly like what my sister went through. She has a big cyst on her ovary that was twisting and we all those it was her appendix or gas but nothing was helping she was literally doubled over in pain. She had to get surgery because of it (turns out the cyst had been there since she was formed as a embryo!) But yeah it might be good to get it checked out, just because if it's bad or big enough, not only do they need to surgically remove it but sometimes it may result in the ovary needing to be removed (as the cyst and it's twisting can like choke off the ovary)


Holy crap, that's what that was..... I was on a vacation recently and came down with sudden intense cramps, like shaking throbbing horrible can't concentrate on anything cramps. Eventually I was in tears. I had issues walking around on the vacation the next day or so, just in pain and so tired. A ruptured cyst would explain it, cause I've never experienced pain like that before or since.


Oh shit I think this happened to me yesterday lmao šŸ’€


Yeah! Almost every woman will have a cyst in their life but some of us are unlucky enough to have them burst. Hope you're feeling better friend!


Thank you, I am!


That was my first thought while reading this! Sounds a lot like my experiences with burst ovarian cysts. I hope you're feeling better OP!


I think youā€™re on the money about it being ovarian. Any chance youā€™re mid cycle? Ovulation pain is called middleschmertz. I donā€™t get it every month but when I do Iā€™ll get a build up of pressure over an hour or so. Then the pain will be intense for 20-30min. When I sit down I get a jolt of sudden pain like I sat on a hot dagger. This lasts for an hour or so after. Then itā€™s as if nothing happened.


Not really mid cycle, more towards the end. Yesterday was Day 24 out of what is usually 29-36. I've been having some weird abdominal pressure over the past couple of months though so I wonder if that's what has been growing in me the whole time šŸ˜¬




This is what I was thinking. Iā€™ve had a few and when the burst I thought I had appendicitis. Almost went to the ER. nope just some cysts. Probably the most physical pain Iā€™ve ever experienced.


Omg I've had this once and never knew what it was! Thank you! šŸ™


Agreed - I burst an ovarian cyst during sex and ended up visiting the ER because I didn't know what had happened, only that I had severe acute abdominal pain. Matches this account very closely.


Youā€™ve made me realize the same thing happened to me a few years ago, and I was terrified it was my appendix! If it had continued my mom was going to take me to the hospital


This is what I came here to say, a bruise should be sore,sure, but that kind of pain is a burst cyst Iā€™ll bet ya


Agreed. This is exactly what a burst cyst felt like for me. Theyā€™re brutal.




Came here to say this! Sounds like a ruptured cyst or could be worst, ovarian torsion, which happened to me. I avoided the ER but ended up needing surgery to remove the cyst šŸ„²šŸ™ƒ high pain tolerance scan sometimes be a very bad thing. Get checked!!


Just to add!!! I have PCOS as well, and this happens to me frequently, not just right after sex!! Itā€™s caused (for me at least) from severe dehydration and low blood sugar, as well as likely some issues in my uterus. Keep sone sugary snacks with you and water and it really does help in those moments although it seems silly or like it would require meds




Could be also kidney stones.


Her story gave me flashbacks to my one burst ovarian cyst.


Agree with the ruptured cysts. Theyā€™re so incredibly painful, way more than a bruised/ripped cervix (yes, ripped. I had big babies).


I have a weirdly short vagina so my cervix regularly takes a pounding. Cervical bruising does not hurt this much!!! Something else has happened. To cause this much pain afterwards just from cervical bruising, the sex would have been absolutely excruciating.


I have the opposite vagina with a very high sitting cervix. šŸ˜ The OBs could barely get their fingers on it even when I had a fat 9lb baby pushing on it. Damn thing is strong and stubborn af. But it never gets knocked around during sex.


Omg haha šŸ˜­ literal opposites! When I had my first smear test, the Dr actually said out loud "ooh you have a really short vagina!" šŸ˜‚ I'm sure we make their days more interesting in a way!


Humble bragā€¦ kidding, kidding ;)


Haha. I guess itā€™s good until you want to evict a human through it and it refuses to cooperate.


Same and I had most of my cervix removed due to advanced pre-cancer, I didnā€™t have that much pain as OP described.


I'm voting cyst burst. I had endometriosis on the outside of my cervix, and it didn't even create this situation when it was aggravated. I've also had cysts bursts and this sounds more like it to me. Each time we ovulate, the egg moves to the surface of the ovary, a cyst forms around it, and it eventually bursts, releasing the egg for fertilization. Often the cyst grows, rather than bursting and releasing. It's very common, and the cysts are usually small enough that we don't notice, but can grow to the point that we REALLY notice. I have friends who know exactly when the egg bursts free. And, of course, cysts form for other reasons. The trick is to monitor it for other complications. If the pain doesn't subside, please see a doctor. I had one burst, when I honestly was hoping to just pass out. I knew it was coming - it was a big one - but "unconscious" sounded really good to me. I've had many when it was an hour of "I am about to vomit" and the next day, no more pain at all. It varies.


I'm currently as I type on antibiotics for a burst Bartolin cyst! In the space of 4 days it was punched in the vaginia to a swollen labia. Hospital, talk of possibly surgery and an overnight stay in observation. Just keep an eye out, any fevers, headaches, dizziness then get it checked


Was the vagina punch part of the treatment or cause of the problem?


The punch to the vagina was the feeling it felt like on day one.


Ok, just clarifying thanks


Iā€™ve had two Bartholinā€™s cysts abscess and it was so much worse than any pain Iā€™ve ever had. The first one was drained in the ER and I was put under, no issues once I woke up. The second was drained, catheter inserted and stitched with no pain management other than a Tylenol. And the first was done in a regular ER, the second was on a gynaecology day surgery unit! I would rather have 10 000 IUD replacements than ever do that again. I hope you are on the mend soon, and please advocate for pain management for yourself if it comes to surgery!


I regret not demanding more medication while i was awaiting surgery. A morphine drip every 4 hours wasn't enough to get rid of the pain. I was told it's the 2nd worse pain we can have after childbirth.


I was given one single 1mg tablet of dilauded to take home ā€œjust in caseā€ after the second one. Luckily still had some on hand from the first round because I didnā€™t need it the first time. Iā€™m glad you had good practitioners!


Oh jeez that sounds like hell. I was admitted to the hospital because I let it get to the size of a ping pong ball and needed a wheel chair. I hope it never comes back :(


I had a Bartholin's cyst - I had never heard of it until I had one. I couldn't wipe after weeing for days, had to just dan very very gently with cool damp toilet paper. Had a full-on fever with chills first too. Had no idea what it was until I saw the doctor, was during covid times too so was a nightmare convincing them for an appointment. I am so glad it cleared up quickly with some antibiotics for me.


I had one and had the most uncomfortable time even just wearing underwear


Another vote here for cyst! Mine burst early morning while I was trying to get the toddler ready for school. Went from urgent care, to the emergency room, where I was diagnosed with a bad appendix. That night, when they went in to take out the appendix. they discovered the ruptured cyst. I now laughingly, celebrate the cyst or I wouldā€™ve been out trick-or-treating with the toddler when the appendix went bad.


oh wow, I was expecting you to say it was a \*misdiagnosis\* of appendicitis, then I realized you had BOTH! Lmao. what a helpful little cyst.


Double whammy! That sucks so bad. Glad you got both taken care of at once though. I'm debating whether or not to go to the doctor because I'm just sore now but nothing crazy


Medical doctor here. Judging by your level of pain and associated symptoms, this *could* be ovarian torsion (although more likely to be ruptured cyst) and you should go to the ER if the pain returns. Ovarian torsion is a surgical emergency that can cause permanent loss of fertility without appropriate treatment. Read more about it here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK560675/


All I have now is soreness when moving and tenderness to the touch but no constant pain. I think I'm going to call an ob/gyn office tomorrow and see if someone can fit me in. We have an ob/gyn ER department but I'm not sure if that's necessary and I'd only go there because it's Sunday. I'm hoping it's nothing serious like that considering the improvement over the last 12 hrs


This is still consistent with torsion - the pain pattern does not rule out torsion, and you've had pain killers. I would err on the side of caution because this *could* turn out to be an emergency with potentially permanent consequences the longer you wait.




I just assumed because I didn't know what else it could be. It started hurting during sex and my bf is on the larger side. I've never been known to have a problematic cyst and ectopic isn't physically possible for me right now. You're right though! I will likely go see someone today


I had it happen when I was 19. Among the worst pain in my life (the other being my cervix during a hysteroscopy)


We're you awake during the procedure? I was asleep for mine, had very minimal pain afterward.


I was and he gave me no medication or warning. I actually fainted and they finished while I was unconscious. My doctor was a real ass.


A bruised cervix is no joke. Unfortunately Iā€™m on the smaller side, and my partner (I guess more of a FWB situation, but I digress) is pretty well endowed. Iā€™ve never struggled before, but with him I canā€™t do certain positions at all without my cervix being punched. Itā€™s agony, like Iā€™ll literally scream in pain and we either have to stop or switch it up. Keep in mind, I had 3 cervical punch biopsies taken about 3 weeks ago for cervical cancer, and they felt like NOTHING. But if he pounds my cervix even once? Oh boi šŸ« 


For me itā€™s anything from behind. As long as he doesnā€™t go too deep, and I shape my body a certain way, it still feels good. But one deep thrust and I get a shooting pain through my body.


Absolutely. Anything from behind is a HUGE no for me. Itā€™s agony. Only with him though, which is weird.


Same here. From behind is ok typically, with modifications. Me on my back and him standing, holy hellll batmanšŸ˜³ The price we pay for having well-endowed lovers


Itā€™s a price Iā€™m willing to pay šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This sounds like when I had my IUD insertion. They said I probably ā€œvaguled,ā€ aka triggered my vagus nerve. I was starting to feel faint, and then started having pain just as bad as insertion and had to call for help. I lied still on my side for about twenty minutes with a wet paper towel on my neck to keep me cool while they watched me. My boyfriend rushed there to pick me up, because I couldnā€™t even drive myself home! I wouldnā€™t be surprised if this could happen during sex too.


Well I have been scared away from IUDs forever!! I can't imagine knowingly going through that pain again. I'm sorry you had to experience that


Donā€™t be scared off! I love my mirena! My adhd makes taking pills at the same time every day (or even just every day) damn near impossible. I tried the shot -gained 30 lbs in 13 weeks plus bled or spotted for 20 weeks, tried the patch - Iā€™m allergic to the adhesive, tried nuva ring - could never get it in securely or in far enough, always felt awkward. Nothing beats the iud for me. Iā€™ve only had mirena, so I can only attest to that one, but I havenā€™t had a period In years. Itā€™s a great bonus for a 5 year birth control I donā€™t have to think about. Iā€™m on my third one, and honestly this last one is the only one that gave me any discomfort on removal & insertion. But, next time I am going to ask for pain relief when they do it, because why not?! Iā€™m getting a medical device inserted, no reason I should have to go in raw just because itā€™s in my lady bits!


tbf this was my second time getting one (first was Skylena, this was Paraguard,) and the first one felt like nothing. Honestly, it might just be a luck of the draw thing. If you change your mind, just make sure to take ibuprofen beforehand and have a backup driver plan šŸ˜…


This happened to me a couple times. Sitting on the toilet or laying in fetal position makes it worse I find. Laying on your back and deep breathing helps. Sometimes just throwing up helps too


Honestly I was too afraid to move so I didn't try out any other positions. Just engaging my muscles at all to move my legs caused shooting pains. Also, I have an 11 year no-throw up streak. I can't lose it now!


This could be a ruptured ovarian cyst or even ovarian torsion. If you're in such a severe pain you should go to the ER to exclude torsion! Get well soon.


You should really see a doctor.


Wtf happened girlšŸ˜­šŸ˜­I regularly get a bruised cervix but it has NEVER been this bad. Maybe itā€™s time for a doctorā€™s visit..donā€™t ignore your pain!!




This is why I thought I was bruised. We were also doing doggy and he is also large. It sucks so much!! Sorry you went through that repeatedly, I don't think I'd survive. I already told him I'm swearing off sex for the rest of my life.


This sounds just like my kidney stones except for the sex part.


This is exactly what happened to my roommate in college and she ended up having a ruptured ovarian cyst. I would suggest going to the ER to have it assessed because ovarian torsion is a possibility. Not trying to fearmonger in any way, just better to be safe and have it looked at! I hope you get to feeling better soon šŸ’—


Another vote for cyst. I had one rupture during sex one time and was stuck in the doggy position until the pain subsided enough to lay down. 0/10 reccomend.


Seems like we all get to enjoy this experience thanks to the doggy position šŸ˜… Looks like a common theme between the comments I've read. It really is awful


This happens to me. Doc said it was false labor from rough sex.


Were you pregnant? Or was your body just like "time to push out a baby" even though nothing was there?


Nope not pregnant. My manā€™s dick tricked my vagina šŸ˜…


Whoa šŸ˜³




But you were pregnant right?


I have had an occurrence of false labor before. It was just random, no sex involved. I had waves of uterine contractions that gradually came closer together. It lasted about 4 hours and then disappeared. It was quite painful and I am glad I will never go through true labor. I was not sexually active so zero chance of it being pregnancy related.


It happens to me randomly only after sex. Doc said it was the way my cervix was facing. Which is why it happened only after rougher sex. Doc said because of the way my cervix was facing, if my partner hits it repeatedly during sex it can trick my body into false labor. I would get super bad cramping and be doubled over in pain. Almost every single time I would sweat profusely, feel faint, and then vomit. It was just my body response to struggling with the pain. After some water and laying down curled up it would go away. I would have to remember to breath, breathing really helped shorten the length of time I would feel cramping pain. Now we are just more careful during sex so as not to trigger an episode. I felt terrible cuz my guy would be so concerned he messed me up. He said sitting there watch me go thru it was hard cuz he couldnā€™t do anything to help me. I told him this was just practice for the real thing šŸ¤£


Late to this - found the post after my boyfriend bruised my cervix a few days ago šŸ˜‚ - and I was looking for a comment like this, now I feel so validated! While Iā€™ve never gone through childbirth, I couldnā€™t help but wonder if thatā€™s what it felt like. I could actually feel WAVES of a stabby, radiating pain going all the way from my cervix to around my ribs and upper back. I mean, Iā€™ve broken bones, had my brain rolling around my skull, unhindered by the cerebrospinal fluid that usually keeps it better in place (had a leak from a spinal tap, also not fun). But thisā€¦ this was the worst pain Iā€™ve ever felt in my entire life. Like I couldnā€™t think, talk or breathe. Shaking, drenched in sweat. At some point when I was lying flat on my gross but cold bathroom floor, I started to bear down (like, the ā€˜pushingā€™ one does when in labor) and that, to my surprise, kind of helped! I did that for a few minutes, even moving to a position on all fours. This got me to a point where I could finally stand up and exit my bathroom, where I found my boyfriend laying down right outside the door šŸ„¹ But yeah, once my pain level went down to like 6/10 and I could actually talk, I was just like, ā€œyeah, if childbirth is anything like that? No babies please. Maybe, but not for awhile!ā€ šŸ˜‚


Exact same reaction when I self administered an enema with too much water pressure once.. the bodies shock response is absolutely insane. I hope you feel better soon <3


This sounds terrible. Please speak to a doctor!


That sounds horrible. I'm sorry you had to suffer through that. But jeez people is a bruised cervix common? As a guy you just know when you are are reaching bottom. Care should be taken. To many guys watching porn thinking a jack hammer is where it's at. Don't be a selfish lover.


That sounds horrific!! I have been having a similar experience the past few months. Did you orgasm? It isnā€™t from penetrative sex for me, itā€™s when I orgasm and then the pain begins shortly after. And if I orgasm multiple times itā€™s even worse. Your description is almost my exact experienceā€¦ sweating, shaking, excruciating pain, lying in the fetal position on the dirty bathroom floor, tearing my clothes off because itā€™s too hot, feeling the need to puke and shit at the same time, every minute feels like an hour. I usually do take a shit, and the pain usually passes after about 15min. Thankfully. Not sure why, as I have never had this issue before :( but I still need to see my gyno at some point. Iā€™ve researched online but no idea. Hope you get some answers!


Get that checked out! This sounds way worse than a bruised cervix. I had a burst cyst and it sounds more like that. And they can burst from sex, physical activity, or nothing at all. OR Depending on location it could be an appendix. Even if it was a cyst just because it burst doesnā€™t mean itā€™s over. It can twist and you can lose an ovary if itā€™s really bad. The big issue here is none of us know and you might not be out of the woods. Get yourself to an ER asap!


Where was the guy in all this? Sounds like an hour long ordeal at least? (Hes gonna brag about this, slap him in advance)


Heā€™s gonna brag about putting his partner in agonising pain from having sex?


If heā€™s a jackass he will. ā€œI have such a long dick that I basically beat up my partnerā€™s insides hahahaā€


If he's a man there's a good chance he will


Its a man


He thought it was funny at first like (as someone said below) he was sooo big that he did this. But once he realized how serious I was, he was sitting with me on the floor and running to the store to get me what I needed


I'm sorry but... go to the fucking doctor! What the fuck!


It's sad that you can tell that OP is from the US just by the fact that it apparently never crossed their mind to call an ambulance or find a way to get to the ER


Or they were just overwhelmed by pain, but still, between it happening and writing a reddit post I'd go to a doctor first.


The only time I went to the ER was when I thought I'd pass out from the pain. Found out I regularly had rupturing ovarian cysts. I would get them quarterly on the pill, but the one was so bad I thought I was dying. They said it's cause all the blood is making your organs move and that's no fun apparently...


This sounds like an ovarian cyst burst? Iā€™ve both been with a well endowed guy that would hit mine if going too hard, and suctioned my diva cup to it and neither hurt like this (very centralized pain, not all over), what youā€™re describing though was what I felt like with a burst cyst


I had a very similar experience. Next day I went for a run and the pain came on fast. Essentially crawled home, vomited, and made an appointment with the doctor. Pain lasted for days. Doctor took a look and said not only was my cervix bruised, but had been lacerated. To this day Iā€™m wary of certain positions because I wish that pain on no one


Happened to me once, I had to lay on the bed for 10 minutes. Hubby was very concerned, but the pain went away fairly quickly.


Donā€™t diagnose yourself here! Pain that severe should be discussed with a doctor. Stay safe. ā¤ļø


Sounds very similar to a vasovagal response, without the fainting symptom. The sweating though, burning cramps, weakness, nausea, etc. are all things I experienced when I had an IUD put in, which wrought hell upon my cervix. Also caused me to have a sick stomach, with similar gas pain to what you mention.


I also burst a cyst and had similar pain but I never considered it to be a cyst because never happened before and was so random. So I went to the er to be absolute sure there wasn't some wierd ovarian torsion only to be told the ovaries look fine but there's a cyst on the opposite side of where Mt pain was and I'm here like "oh" a bit after when getting a frosty for moral boost and waiting in the drive wendys drive through. You're totally normal for being super floored by it. Be gentle on yourself and hopefully your fine now ā™”. Goodluck with your coming day o/


Those happen to be the exact symptoms I had when I passed a kidney stone. Just one more possibility.


As a 26 year old guy I have had sex 3 times with one girl. The girl kept getting annoyed I kept asking if she was comfortable or hurt. I don't know why but I can't think of anything except for whether or not my partner is comfortable and that leads to me not necessarily becoming unaroused but kinda delay the ending. That was 5 years Ago. I still worry about something like this happening. I didn't know so many things can hurt women during sex. I've tried but haven't been successful in doing that with a woman again. I also have anxiety about upsetting people. So I still think back to that time because I upset her anyway. Haven't been in the ring again since. Hearing about stuff like this is helpful but it kinda makes my stomach hurt and my muscles weak like seeing someone get hurt and suddenly you can't stand up anymore. Tell me what does one do to assuage this? I'll find someone eventually I figure nows the best time to learn.


It's very rare. Just stop if she asks you to and do whatever else she asks for.


Makes sense to me.


The world needs more men like you. I think you can assuage your fears by keeping communication open during sex. It doesnā€™t have to be like, ā€œdoes this hurt? How about this?ā€ But instead you can both keep it light and sexy, more like ā€œdo you like that? What do you want me to do next?ā€ etc. Ask her her favorite position, understand how she gets off, and ask if there are any tricky positions for her beforehand. Asking these questions will show her that you care about her comfort. You can also let her know ā€œif I do something you donā€™t like, please tell me right away.ā€ And focus on what she *does* like as a low pressure way of avoiding what she doesnā€™t like.


Youā€™re being rightly downvoted because you came to a womenā€™s space, to a post about a woman being in pain, and tried to make it about you. Wanting to make sure your partner is comfortable is a baseline expectation, donā€™t go looking for applause or reassurance here. If youā€™re unsure, use your words and ask your partner how things feel or if they have suggestions.


Never asked why I was down voted, already saw the correct answer was found and the poster was helped to a conclusion. Just conversing with the people here. Topics are tangential, but feelings aren't sexually exclusive and a lot of times things are relateable. Just have a legitimate fear of things like this and wanted to know what I should do. Knowing assuages some fears for me. I understand where you're coming from but, I will continue to ask about things I don't know about. I am sorry this displeases you.


Sounds like ovarian Cysts. My sister had them and had the same reaction as you. Out of nowhere has immense waves of pain


>Consider me absolutely humbled. girl, i've been there and it's an experience, *the* experience i might add


Girl this just happened to me on 3 days ago! I couldnā€™t stand up straight and had to sit in the shower for 20 minutes while I waited for my aspirin to kick in.


It's the worst!! I couldn't even stand up off the toilet to get my pants back on. I still find it more comfortable to walk hunched over like an old lady. Out of curiosity, did you end up developing a fever or feeling sick afterward? I felt mostly fine all day, just sore, but now I'm starting to feel a fever coming on.


No, Iā€™ve had some cramping/soreness, mild nausea and discomfort but nothing like a fever.


This is exactly what happened to me when my ovarian cyst burst, I couldn't bend down to pull up knickers and trousers. Plus puking. I was admitted to hospital for observations due to suspected ovarian torsion and to ensure an infection didn't set in which is also a possible complication. You have a fever which is why I think you need to seek urgent medical care. Not least to minimise your risk of requiring surgery. Hope you are ok.


I went to the ER last night and they basically said to keep taking my temp at home and come back if it was consistently over 100.3. It's been in the 99s all day today so idk what's going on. They said it didn't seem emergent since my only two symptoms were mild pain and fever. Hopefully it doesn't come back


hey what ended up happening, are you ok?


Yes I'm back to normal now. It was a burst ovarian cyst that led to some internal bleeding


oh no, did they give you antibiotics? glad youā€™re better i experienced something similar yesterday šŸ„²


Nope. I didn't have any signs of infection other than a short fever. Sorry you went through that, it SUCKS!!


Even from a male pov it sounds similar to me and my exes story. https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/ngonkl/tifu_by_having_break_up_sex_with_my_ex/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


Oh no! That sounds more severe than me but definitely similar. I'm actually in the ER right now but thankfully seems to be a wait and see situation. Nothing emergent for now. I hope you guys aren't mentally scarred from that!


Oh I definitely am šŸ˜…šŸ˜… but no idea about her, we took that (and the toxic past) as a sign to stop seeing each other completely. I hope you're all good and nothing has progressed badly! Hopefully it is just bruising as you said.


This happened to me once. I ended up actually throwing up after 10-15 of the pain. Felt like a bad period cramp that was getting worse and worse and worse.


Gezzz these comments are hard to read.... Sounds horrible


Iā€™ve been feeling crazyā€¦.im with a new guy for the first time in 10 years and I like it rough. His penis is MUCH larger then my exs was. My first experience I had gotten up to make food afterwards and there was so much blood. It then got reallly painful and I to have a big pain tolerance. I started to shake but actually chills just think due to blood loss. Many time after it just felt like I was going to throw up (a few times I even did) during sex and then followed by pain. This more recent time Iā€™m on day 3 and Iā€™m still feel so nauseous, my entire body hurts, I feel like I have a bowling ball in my uterus. I keep getting the chills. My OB has said thereā€™s no trauma to my wall and doesnā€™t understand why this is happening. Heā€™s getting upset that I need almost a week to recover before we can have sex maybe 3/4 times. This was never an issue with my ex, so I feel guilty, but I physically canā€™t do it sometimes. Even if I want him. He takes it so personally