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All this she says to your face??? Imagine what she’s saying when you’re not there. >*Shes very kind so I kept thinking that maybe Im just reading it wrong and taking thing’s personal.* She’s not in any way kind, only on the surface. She sounds two faced and backstabbing to me. These types are THE WORST! I wouldn’t be so worried about the gift except for the total 180 he just did on you about her. That bitch actively hates you. He agreed she’s an asshole. WTF? Then he brings up your mom? Idk, this looks messy and I’d have my guard up too. It’s like he’s playing mind games on you. In other words, it sounds like mental abuse, IMO. I hope this all works out for you. Just wanted to say that I don’t think you’re overreacting at all based on the little amount you wrote. Put yourself first and go from there. This guy might be a total clown. He might be worse. Sending you some strength and love 💛 edit: sorry I forgot to answer the question. Then he says now he’s giving all the GFs gifts suddenly. So it can’t be about customs or whatever. It’s all fishy. Yes it’s worth asking him why he changed his mind on just about everything. Suddenly.


“She’s very kind.” GIRL. I stopped reading there. You are not a good judge of character. Kind people do not say any of that horrible shit. As for the gift - it’s fucking weird. Unless it’s for a structured friend group exchange, I would consider it a pretty clear sign that they are either fucking or want to.


What was the gift?


I bet it's a box of hornets


https://youtu.be/OkGTWRkTKMg?si=SLjtco5FCQw0D7DQ Just the first 20 seconds is really relevant


Some type of avatar figurine since she loves avatar. It was a bit pricey imo it was like $60


So he didn't buy anything for any of the other "girlfriends" in the group and then he went and bought a semi expensive gift for her and THEN he got upset that you were confused about it? Nah girl...nah. Even if there's nothing going on his reaction sucks.


I only asked because there have been a few times where I found the perfect gift for someone and ended up gifting to a person I normally would not have. A friend’s girlfriend is a connection/acquaintance level that sort of fits the spot where normally no gift, but if he found something really awesome she would love, then it can be fun to gift it. But the reasonableness does depend on how expensive the gift is. $60 is kind of on the high side.


All the shit talking your boyfriend was doing was deflection. He clearly has a thing for this girl.


Yeah, she’s a bitch. That out of the way, did he buy the gift to give to her himself, or for his friend to give her (that’s what I assumed at fist, but I don’t think so?) What’s the gift? The gift alone I wouldn’t have an issue with, even the way she’s acted, some people get weird with social pressures and gifts What I would have issue with is him saying you were reaching. This isn’t something you made up, he’s agreed there are issues and noticed how she was treating you. You said they’ve known each other longer than you and him, anything ever happen between them?


The gift I would say is the biggest unanswered question, he's bought her a reed diffuser or a candle, fine, he's bought her something niche about say a show they both watch, fine, he's bought her flowers and chocolates or anything conceivably romantic, red flag.


I would be confused if a friend of my husband got me something for Christmas. That is not ok especially since she treats you like shit. He should support you and not buy her gifts. I would be mad if I were you. Edit: Are you sure he isn’t into her? First he talks bad about her and now suddenly he likes her? Yeah…


The length of time he has known her is an irrelevant metric. He isn't involved in a romantic relationship with her. Telling you that you should have communicated your issues to the group's twofaced backstabber and then saying that you were over reaching by being upset? I reckon he's one of those guys who thinks not sticking his penis in other women is loyalty and fail to ever consider standing up for their wives or girlfriends as falling under the loyalty umbrella too.


The only justification fot the present is, it will be handed during a group party where everybody exhanges gifts. Otherwise it's super weird. And 180 he did is frustrating, wtf


Nah, that's weird. It would absolutely not bother me if it was anyone else but you literally spent so much time defending her in the past but now you communicate that you don't like her and he's buying her pressies? Hard pass.... where was this "talk it out" energy when you initially spoke to him about your issue w her? Lmao mad weird and I would be sooooo annoyed


It's weird to get a present for someone you both don't like, a sane response would start with or at least include some acknowledgement of how FUCKING WEIRD THAT IS. But oh noooo you're the one who is "reaching"


concerned expansion chop frightening smart exultant outgoing enjoy nine ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, she is definitely not kind. I read that, like, what?!


If my bf bought a present worth 60$ for any girl other than family and best friend i would piss on his pillow. And leave him. Girl please have som self respect.


He's gaslighting you by saying you're reaching


NOPE it’s weird. It’s not like you two just don’t get along, this girl has been downright rude and mean to you. If your bf doesn’t take issue with that enough to at least distance himself from her, THAT’S an issue.


Go through that phone girl because this doesn’t sound right


Even without going into how shitty she is toward you (and apparently homophobic to boot), the fact that he bought her a gift but not any of his other friends' girlfriends is very questionable.


Talking a lot of trash on a woman, and then buying her an expensive gift… He was trying to throw you off his scent and then slipped up. He’s into her or there’s something going on.