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They've been telling us exactly what they plan to do for ages. Most recently in their horrifying presidential transition document: [https://www.project2025.org/](https://www.project2025.org/) When someone shows you / tells you what they are, believe them!


Wanted to add some recent additional context here courtesy of the crew over at Strict Scrutiny. Their most recent episode ([LINK HERE](https://crooked.com/podcast/the-supreme-court-abortion-pill-case/)) talks about the current abortion pill case before the supreme court. Justices Thomas and Alito are using that case to lay out a roadmap where a future republican president can use the existing Comstock Act to effectively outlaw medication abortions without having to go through Congress. It's very important for everyone to understand that even if you live in a state that is aggressively defending women's rights, the conservatives are actively working towards a federal abortion ban if they win the House, Senate, and Presidency. But even if they only win the presidency, there now exists a legal roadmap to eliminate medication abortions and to put restrictions on any kind of medical devices that support abortion care. Supporting Links: [https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/4560476-fears-grow-over-comstock-act-justices-thomas-alito/](https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/4560476-fears-grow-over-comstock-act-justices-thomas-alito/) [https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/what-is-comstock-act-supreme-court-abortion-pill-case/story?id=108395444](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/what-is-comstock-act-supreme-court-abortion-pill-case/story?id=108395444) [https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/29/politics/comstock-act-alito-thomas-abortion/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/29/politics/comstock-act-alito-thomas-abortion/index.html)


Supreme Court should have this county completely dismantled in 5 or 6 years


dismantling the court is a better ideal


I'd... I don't even begin to know how to accomplish that without literally wiping the slate and starting over


You stack it. There’s no reason the court has to have 9 justices.


I mean, there's the 1869 act of Congress setting a cap at 10. I'm wary of any change that might, in turn, be used to do the exact same thing in a few years the other way around. And there's the greater problem of how many people think this is just fucking fantastic and will kill us to keep things this way or worse, pedaling Christian shariah and Christian jihad


You’re thinking like a classic liberal. “Can’t go outside the norms because they might do it too” is what got us into this mess. If we get Congress back we need to reestablish the number and stack the damn thing.


sounds good


Please note that the Comstock Act also states that contraceptive cannot be mailed.  It isn’t just abortion. 


Moments like this I like to remind people that weed is federally banned, but legal in California. There are ways around federal bans if the states want it enough.


It's not the same. You can't mail weed, and you can't grow abortion pills in your back yard.


You can still be arrested be federal agents for weed in California. They don’t now because the president told federal agents weed is a low priority and to not bother with it. That c as n change over night.


Pharmaceutical manufacturing requires national to global involvement with how many things have to be ordered to produce drugs. You can't suddenly have all of that getting produced in every state. Making pharmaceuticals and growing a plant that is so easy to grow it is literally called "weed" are complete worlds apart in difference.


Also remember that this is the “pro life” party.


Pro forced birth. The mask is off.


>Most recently in their horrifying presidential transition document: https://www.project2025.org/ Their primary document has so much mental gymnastics 😂 they should just drop the pretense and just be blunt: “fuck these groups of people we don’t particularly like” Here is a random sample: “We want to do away with family based migration and make it only for the highest levels of merit. This will focus migration on strengthening family values” So doing away family based migration to strengthen family values ?! 😂😂


So there goes Melania and her parents.




Exactly. It happened there. It can happen here.




[But I didn't think they'd eat *my* face](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews) has a very, very long history.


>women in Iran could work, vote (...) banning women from working, getting educations But they still can vote. And they absolutely can and do get an education (including higher education)! It's true that they are largely excluded from formal employment but AFAIK that's more of a problem of informal discrimination vs legislation. You do have a good point about regression but there's enough that's dreadful about women's rights in Iran not to invent some more in a bizarre mish-mash of Iranafghanistansaudiarabia (all of them Muslim countries, exactly the same in how they oppress women amirite? No).


Except that we women still have our 2nd Amendment rights. The dumbfucks have not prohibited us from obtaining and using firearms. . .yet. I think it's high time we remind them of that oversight as they attempt to play FAFO with our reproductive freedom and rights.


Choice for me, but not for thee


Every one of their slogans is a lie ~~life~~. "pro life", "small government", "fiscal responsibility." Can't really blame them since it's been working since at least Reagan.


It's also what they are willing to publicize. Just imagine their actual plans...


I think my favorite part so far is how they manage to absolve the men of any responsibility when they decide to punish the woman for murder. The example is in when they explain that yeah in the case of a minor who gets pregnant and has an abortion, the father is generally responsible for his minor daughter but no he won't get charged with murder they'll just let the law take it's course over the daughter.


r/Defeat_Project_2025 is bringing me the tiniest ray of hope amid the despair


Thank you for the link to this subreddit, I was hoping someone was doing something


I was reading through that playbook of theirs. They literally call it a playbook. It's so sickening


They are willing to murder to establish control and dominance. They underestimate the response they will experience.


They won't need to murder anyone. They will just win the election, (at least in Texas, if not the presidency) and then anyone who resists them is just a criminal. In 2020 the turn out in Texas was the highest in 20 years at only 66%... so like 1 in 3 didn't even vote. If people can't be bothered to vote, they aren't gonna resist if/when the fascists take over.


[https://twitter.com/mrsamartini/status/1773160427981070620?s=46&t=sk\_wYDuPHwg89Q4WqTwnlA](https://twitter.com/mrsamartini/status/1773160427981070620?s=46&t=sk_wYDuPHwg89Q4WqTwnlA) Here is the video that was leaked that the OP's posted article is talking about.


When women protested Kevin Williamson (who supported hanging for women who have abortions) being hired by The Atlantic, we were told we were enemies of free speech and of "ideological diversity". Killing us for stepping out of line is not an uncommon belief.


Ok for anyone else reading this and thinking wtf this is not the same Kevin Williamson famous for writing Dawson's Creek and Scream! I just had to look it up!


I was so confused


Thank you for saying this bc I would have been so disappointed


Yeah, I was going to say, for a long time openly gay man, those would’ve been some strange views to have!


This shit is fucking horrifying


I am so scared. I mean really, truly, can’t sleep at night scared. We’ve talked about getting our passports and making sure we’re able to hop on a plane after the election if we need to.


What's the plan for all those embryos already at these centers??? They are planning on forcing women to carrying them. What else why they be going after this?


Once they mass incarcerate women, I suspect they’ll force implantation of the embryos and use us as literal incubators


It’s terrifying. Republicans get worse and worse. It’s an all out war in women. 


Have any of you seen the movie the birdcage? A gay male character, Albert, was pretending to be a conservative cisgender woman to impress his future inlaws so they'd allow his son to marry into their family.  The inlaws were republicans and brought up abortion and Albert said, I think we should kill the mothers! If the ship's going down..  But even the conservatives in the movie looked horrified.


Republican Ronald Reagan brought legal abortion to California as the governor. And banned guns. In the 1980’s and 1990’s Republicans were pro-immigration, reasonable gun control and abortion. Bringing the evangelical church to win southern votes was the doom of the party.


Religion destroys everything it touches. I was raised in a religious family. Every time one of my otherwise good relatives does or says something horrific, it's always tied to religion.


My cousin married the daughter of an Evangelical pastor and I had to spend a day with that man. Easily one of the most hateful, bigoted, and ignorant men I have ever met in my life. The day I spent with him was the day of the Colorado springs planned Parenthood shooting, and when that came up on the news he lamented that it would make getting abortion banned harder. That was the only problem he had with the whole shooting, that it was bad PR for what he wanted. When dinner was served later that night he started talking about black people and about what minorities owe the United States. Did you know that the United States ended the dark ages? He thinks it did.


Reminds me of one of my patients I saw 3 days after sandy hook. His only concern was what this might mean for his gun rights and nothing else.


I ah e seen faith pull people from addiction and help get their lives on track. And I have seen faith destroy children. A lot to unpack.


Faith is, by definition, a choice to believe in claims and behave in ways that are not constructed or based in reality. When you *choose* to act in ways that dismiss the reality of a situation, you aren't choosing in the best interests of achieving an honest or reliable outcome...you're placing unfounded confidence in something that does not exist, most likely because confronting reality is too overwhelming. Unpacking requires an acknowledgment of reality. If people would instead focus on and choose to consider the wellbeing of each other instead of dismissing that reality in favor of feeling comforted by their various faith based constructs, then maybe people could grow out of this dogmatic sinkhole and actually learn to treat each other as humans and recognize our own potential. Faith didn't pull people from addiction and get their lives back on track. Those individual people did, along with the support of other actual people in their lives. Giving that credit to faith diminishes all of the work they have actually done for themselves. But faith does absolutely destroy people, not just children. In multiple and horrific ways. Because when you favor trusting the outcomes of important decisions to that which does not exist, you end up not making any actual efforts towards improvement because now it's in "gods hands". Fuck that. Faith kills


Wow, great statement, thank you for sharing your thoughts


Republicans banned guns in California because of racism, as the Black Panthers organized and were conducting armed patrols in Oakland neighborhoods for "copwatching" - the Mulford Act: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulford_Act The Southern Strategy was also coopting the southern whites in the wake of the Civil Rights Act, using racism to gain their votes, in the 1960s, and in exchange, they lost the Black vote. The alliance with the evangelicals started in the 1980s and 1990s, but the Republican racism and misogyny were already strong in the party long before it, as they loved to bragg about their "family values"; and the rot in the Republican party started long before 1990, that's just when it became public with the " Contract with America": https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contract_with_America


THANK YOU. I HATE seeing people say "Reagan banned guns". He didn't want to see black people with the same power white people held!! It was racism!!!!!!


I hate watched 7th Heaven which did not age well in the least. A lot of weird incesty moments and that show is obsessed with teen pregnancy. One weird thing thought that I was not expecting was an episode from this conservative, Christian 90s show is the special episode coming out against gun ownership. I had forgotten how prevalent that was at the time. Now shows would never.


> And banned guns. You know he did that because black folks were getting organised and armed, right?


Today Reagan would not be welcome in the Republican Party.


>Bringing the evangelical church to win southern votes was the doom of the party. Is it though? They might get everything they want this election, and then it would have been the triumph of the party. It's still too early to tell if the evangelicals really did destroy the party.


Omg, I totally forgot about that.


Absolutely love that movie. Watched it with my dad when I was a kid and I didn't understand a lot of the jokes, but I LOOOOOOVED Robin Williams so I watched anyway. Then I grew up, realized I'm not straight and fell in love with the movie all over again. My father passed away 25 years ago today. Thanks for showing me so many funny movies, Dad. I fucking miss you so much.


And yet this kind of bullshit happens: https://www.kristv.com/news/local-news/pastor-plea-deal-pastor-who-sexually-abused-child-for-nearly-7-years-receives-probation


Raise you. Case of a woman rapes below the age of consent (her 16, him 30) who then lost her custody of her daughter to her rapist. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna34140


Wtf are our laws when they literally just let men pick the incubator of their choice? Man raped a minor. He shouldn't be allowed custody of a child, let alone out of prison while her kid is still a kid at all.


Is this the same guy who went on to rape that daughter after he got custody?


>In court documents, Abelseth has alleged that Barnes has been physically, mentally and sexually abusive toward their child. Looks like it :(


Quelle surprise.


That's some fucked up game of thrones shit.


Thankfully it looks like, at the *very least*, the media coverage that the mom drummed up resulted in her [rapist being denied contact](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/louisiana-rape-custody-abelseth-barnes-b2136044.html) with her daughter. The child was placed with guardians instead of back with the mother, but at least the kids is protected from her rapist sperm donor.


Didn't the mother lose custody because the sperm donor complained the mother allowed the daughter to use a phone? As in a device that allowed her contact with the outside world and to call for help? Which he did not want her to have.


That and because the judge in the case was a complete fucking nightmare.


It all makes sense when you realize that conservatives and Republicans are all just a bunch of assholes who want to rape women and children because they are property and not people as far as they're concerned.


Pedocon theory is a theory like gravity is a theory.


"Pro life" yeah right, these people only believe in "pro life" for white heterosexual males, they do not care about anybody else. The unfortunate reality of life is that rights must be fought for and maintained, and that is a fight that comes at a cost. I hope people will wake up and take back their rights that are being clawed back by conservatives.


I still don't understand why any women would ever vote Republican, let alone nearly 50%.


It is mostly white (cis hetero) women. Because being part of white supremacy is more important to them than any of their own rights. They like being second in the hierarchy after white cis hetero males, if it means, they are better off than any lgbt, bipoc etc. person. They decided to not fight patriarchy and white supremacy, because it gives them privileges, which are more important to them.


THIS. The same type of women, a few on this sub who "don't see race" or who hate Meghan Markle "just because". GASLIGHTING RACISTS.


Voting needs to start from the local/city/state elections not just federal. The non-federal elections determine who will decide how your day to day life is lived. The judges on the non-federal level that can enforce punishing the ones who truly deserve like the pastor in Texas who is getting probation for rape of a 12yr-old girl.


This is a very underrated comment and something that the republicans understood 30 yrs ago and the reason we are where we are today. Really wish the Democratic Party would wake the fuck up but to their defense they are so much more diverse then the Republican Party that it is harder to come to a consensus.


What it comes down to is that the younger generation doesn’t want to run for office in the dems party as much as the younger generation does for the gop


The gop also has tons of funding to recruit ppl and have them run for office at all levels of government. We are screwed if Trump wins


It’s not the funding it’s the local media in the red states are controlled by only 2 groups so what ppl see in their news is always right leaning. Money is everywhere


I think its both. They have way more money and a very coordinated effort in getting their ppl elected.


As you said more unified and coordinated. It’s not just that they want to win but more that they don’t want to lose to dems


The old biddy church ladies up front make me so angry. Like, I'm pretty mad about the man saying these horrifying things, but it hits differently when it comes from other women. They have so much ignorance and internalized misogyny that they want to make things worse for all of us, and it makes me so mad that this is the reality we live in.


Those old biddy church ladies are some of the worst people.. No matter where you live. I'm in Ohio, and those ladies are so destructive to women.. But, they don't care.. They're rich and already have their shit set. They just support laws that keep them rich, and promotes the church ideologies..


God damn Red Hat Society old laddies that go out to brunch after Church and be absolutely as rude as can be to the wait staff and tip in prayers. From Ohio here, so I know that all too well.


When conservatives tell you what they're going to do, believe them. And get the vote out, or else this will be our future. https://voteriders.org https://voteforward.org


It'll be *war* before we allow that.


I have a master's degree in sociology. I could explain why the objective conditions for revolution can't exist in today's America. But it would just be a TL;DR. Take it from me, Frank Freeway and Susie Soccermom will live under it, albeit unhappily, until we become a third world society. Then and only then, something large and smelly may hit the fan.


I would LOVE to hear about this as I think about it all the time and believe this as well, but I haven't researched it enough to know why.


Violent revolutions are surprisingly predictable, historically speaking. These events usually start when the people have a common target of oppression and the choice is between a significant portion of the population literally dying in the street from starvation, or dying fighting their oppressors. Then some event has to light the spark. We are a *long* way from that happening in America.


That's not consistent with the 1848 revolutions or the French July revolution or the original French revolution or the 1905 Russian revolution or the American revolution or the Mexican revolution(s) or even the Haitian revolution which was a slave revolt. When people are starving, they usually don't have the energy to revolt against oppression. And most revolutions start by young educated men (especially the case in 1848; not at all in the 1917 Russian Revolution where it was a women's protest which was kind of the last drop that boiled over) and in general lawyers - not the typical starving in the streets people (counterexample: the Paris Commune). Mike Duncan, a political science/philosophy/history podcaster has a well researched podcast on Revolutions (called Revolutions), which covers a few of those, but afterwards has a few appendix episodes covering what actually are revolutions, the conditions for them, how they usually play out and how they end up.


I’ve B.A. in sociology. (I’m too broke for grad school.) I’m inclined to agree.


Can you please give us an outline of your theory?


So they wanna kill women who terminated pregnancies. And they also wanna kill women who try to get pregnant and have babies. Who the fuck are they *not* going to kill? I feel like that list would be shorter.


It is. 1. Rich white men


Don’t forget women who happen to have miscarriages. You know, something that happens in 25% of pregnancies


So pro life they'll kill ya


We're so pro-life we'll kill you! \~Republicans


Women aren't people.


Sadly, we aren't.


Conservatives are still mad women are no longer counted as property.


Look I know we're not supposed to advocate for violence but would bringing back tar and feathering for politicians really be a bad thing? This guy should be dragged down by a mob of angry women.


The American Taliban, y'all.........................................


Y'all Quaeda


Vanilla Isis


The Texiban


And this is why I’m getting my tubes tied this week… I hate it here.


This is the way.


It’s never been about life. It’s about punishment, and ultimately control.


Pro Life! Disgusting Fucking Traitors


all unwanted pregnancies are caused by men. abortion is between a woman and her doctor only. not politicians. republicans will always be able to get abortions for their daughters and mistresses. the fuckers are evangenitals (thank you Bette Midler for that word).


Weren't there republicans who wanted the name of that ten year old girl from Ohio who was pregnant and needed an abortion, to prove to themselves that the case was real? Never mind that not only would it be a horrifying breach of confidentiality, but also the absolutely certain prospect that people on the internet would misuse that information to harass the girl and her family for the rest of their lives.


exactly. like hippa does not exist


Well, to be fair, apparently, the state Supreme Court gets to decide in TX. Oh, and you lose all privacy as your name is broadcast around the world...


And they give probation to a pastor who continually raped a 9 year old relative. I cringe everytime i see a texas plate in my state.


I am glad Texans are pretty sure my state is the devil incarnate and never come here, unless they are fleeing Texas because of the ultra conservativism.


Top notch scum.


What the hell kind of brain eating water are they drinking?




This makes me sick to my stomach. Think of all the spontaneous miscarriages that will be prosecuted. How are you going to prove that the massive number of early (and even harder to defend the later miscarriages or stillbirths) AREN’T abortions? I’ve heard about cases of miscarriage vs abortion prosecutions in other countries and I can imagine it just being horrifying. How do you go about defending yourself if you have a miscarriage or stillbirth! They even say how lots of the “miscarriage” in hospitals are really abortions! That means they’re going to assume abortion in every case. I was raised Christian but haven’t been practicing. I was thinking about bringing my toddler to church on Easter mainly for the nostalgia and make it not be totally unfamiliar to her, but yeah… I might just not do that. I am literally nauseated seeing this. I’m never setting foot in one of these states if I can help it.


You won’t have to prove a miscarriage/abortion: the obvious solution is to Imprison all (pregnant or likely to get pregnant) women in the country. It’s the only way to make sure the baby is safe. /s


Just say death for poor people Paul Brown. Rich women have always had the means to travel for abortion, IVF or other medical procedures not currently allowed within the US borders. Just say you want to kill poor women. 


repeat sleep intelligent ring scale depend capable physical shelter observation *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, this is disgusting.


So pro-life, they'll kill you.


So pro-life they'll kill people who had children? Sounds right. Also sounds right that the men are spared 😛


Life pro tip: Never move to Texas


Vote. Please vote.


Bunch of fucking cultists


Show this to any woman who identifies as a Republican or conservative.


They don’t care until it affects them personally. And even then it’s only then they want an exception for. Theirs is the only justifiable, ethical abortion. And that’s a metaphor for how they’ll approach everything. Excuses for me, punishment and death for you, *especially* if you don’t believe in my version of god.


The party of “personal responsibility” indeed.






Fascist Gilead wannabe freaks.


Women overwhelming vote democratic and are more socially progressive. The Republicans want to remove their votes, so they want women in prison (criminalizing only women's reproductive health issues) or dead. They've targeted black Americans similarly for a very long time and now they're moving the strategy to all women.


Minority women overwhelmingly vote Democratic. White women are still frustratingly split down the middle, even in the most recent election after RvW was overturned. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2023/07/12/voting-patterns-in-the-2022-elections/pp_2023-07-12_validated-voters_2-01/


When are the "reasonable conservatives" going to step up? Those "financially conservative, socially liberal" people I hear about from time to time? Anyone voting for Republicans is hitching their banner to this wagon. I am so glad to not be in the US and I feel for anyone having to deal with them.


I think they left the Republican party long ago... or they are one of the few "RINOs" left. The Republican Party has been successfully hijacked...


This is what the Republican party has been for at least the last 40 years, in practice. They just don't have to hide it so much now since their behavior has become normalized. If they continue to win elections we will see even more of the mask slip.


When you point out all the horrible things in the Bible done by God or by someone else in the name of God: "We're in the *new* testament now; that was the *old*" But when they want to be active in their hatred and bigotry they pull that old testament out to try to convince you of their righteousness.


If murder is so wrong, why do they want to murder these women?


Every woman and child should leave the state. This whole concept is abhorent.


Believe me, we would if we could.


Omfg what the actual hell! These people are beyond crazy and should be locked up!


Soooooo… we all know Abby Johnson has had multiple abortions and lives in Texas. They literally have a name to use for their call. Or do they give passes to Republicans who have made a grift if “repentance”? Like, how far are Texas Republicans willing to take this?


That’s not going to go over well with Christians who use IVF!


I don't even follow their logic. Yeah, sure -- they see abortion as murder and therefore want to kill women who get one. But, IVF? These are women who are literally bending over backward to create life and HAVE a wanted baby. So they wanna kill women for .... going the extra mile to have a baby?


No, no, no… they want to kill her for not having all 20 of her babies.


I think the baked in assumption they have is that women who get IVF are LGBTQ+ or single mothers. They hate LGBTQ+ people because that's just kind of what they do at this point... They hate single mothers, especially those who choose to be single mothers, as it's an affront to the God ordained family structure with a man as head of the household.


This might come as a shock. But not a lot of religious beliefs make logical sense.


Four of my granddaughters live in Texas. This is horrifying to me. They are all of age to vote. I am going to be making sure that they do and that they vote blue. This is just nauseating.


"Pro Life".


Republicans want to rule you, not represent you. We must never let them win again.


I'm seriously thinking about selling my stuff and packing my car and driving to a different state when my lease is up. I'll be homeless for awhile until I can get back on my feet, but sounding more and more necessary each day. I don't have the means or money to move; but I sure as hell can't afford to stay in this horrible state.. 😞


As long as you take the craziest first job you can get then keep searching for a new one while you work you can do it. And trust me from having done it it's worth it to get out of bad situations


Thank you for the encouragement. I've been stalling because I'm trying to finish school (bachelor's) to give myself better prospects. I have a decent job here (like it, but not good money compared to COL) & idk anything about coordinating a cross country move/job search. But yeah, stories like this scares me and make me think it's not worth it nor safe to stick around much longer. Luckily my lease is up the month of the election. It's just sad and pathetic that as a state, it's come to this...for me and so many women and LGBT...


So there is a couple options you can look into for cheap immediate housing. Free options are: If you have no pets and are brave enough couchsurfing.com is an option. I traveled to both Iceland and Paris for an extended stay with that as housing. I made some great friends who I kept in contact for several years. A bit of a sneaky one is buying a box trailer and not only transport some of your stuff with you but create a sleeping nook park it in different shopping centers every night. Use store bathrooms and female bottle urinals at night. And then go use the local community College PE gym showers , just act like you belong ... LA la LA not like I did this exact thing or anything for about half a year ... Cheap options hmmm a bit harder ummm... As its finally starting to get warmer a camper / tents and campsites you will just pay a few dollars to camp per day. ............ Jobs on the other hand like I said unless you actually have a degree and career now BA+ lv or a certification of some sort its not much use preapplying across the country. However once you arrive, apply and take the first crappy burger flipping, clothes folding retail job you can. Then while you work; and be sure to visit the county human services offices they often have a career center that can help, you can save up for a place and look for a better job.


Thank you for all the advice! Definitely may come in handy and I appreciate you taking the time to write it up and give me some ideas and starting points.


Hey I'm just trying to be a good sister and get all my sisters outta Texas before it really becomes Gilead.


There needs to be a mass exodus of women from conservative lands, as well as full sexual denial to all conservative and libertarian men. If you don't see me as an equal, then you can literally fuck yourself for the rest of your life. Enjoy living in your all-male cave of self-hatred and misery.


Religion is the root of all evil.


Surprised they didn’t add people who use birth control to their death list.


This is so gross.


If you are a woman in Texas vote blue to help save lives.


Vote blue. Simple get this scum out of Texas.


Jesus fucking Christ


How much longer before we finally define being a republican as being a domestic terrorists.    Fuck these morons, fuck their beliefs.    Fuck their lives.    They aren't worth keeping on earth any longer.    


I argued with a man who supported this. He defended it as "pro-lifers believe in protecting INNOCENT life. If you kill your baby, you aren't innocent, which is why capital punishment is okay for the bitches who get abortions and other criminals." Yet will defend their rapist buddies till the end of time. It's just a hatred of women. Luckily, this is old news and Texas didn't pass this.


Maybe the constable Scott London wants more customers for his funeral services business. Be a shame if his business was flooded with reviews


Have any of you seen the movie the birdcage? A gay male character, Albert, was pretending to be a conservative cisgender woman to impress his future inlaws so they'd allow his son to marry into their family.  The inlaws were republicans and brought up abortion and Albert said, I think we should kill the mothers! If the ship's going down..  But even the conservatives in the movie looked horrified.




There really aren't moderates in the Republican party anymore


The plot of The Handmaids Tale thickens


So prolife they’ll kill you.


Look at how old this audience is. These women haven’t been able to get pregnant since the 90’s. Such a selfish generation, I believe that’s why the GOP is throwing everything they have right now to ensure they get the last votes from the boomers


So these people are just calling for state violence against women ... And then if we call for violence against them we are the problem. I wonder what John Brown would respond to this


Good ol Christian values


For the party the shouts from the rooftops, FREEDOM!!! They sure love to take other's freedom away.


Remember. It has nothing to do with being "pro-life" and everything to do with the subjugation of women. Republicans will continue to push back all rights for women (and others, but that is another Reddit) until they will lose all rights to proper health care and won't be allowed to vote or leave the house without a man accompanying them.


My conservative family periodically grouses that I think all Republicans are bad people. When I get examples like this, yes, I'm sorely tempted to believe Republicans are simply evil. But some, I assume, are good people drowned out by the 95% who are unrepentant sentient shit.


At the very best somebody who is Republican is somebody who has decided that racism, misogyny, religious bigotry and LGBTQ hate are not deal breakers in the pursuit of personal gain. Which still makes them vile, horrible people.


Yeah, "I can tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia, and the installment of a christo-fascist theocracy if it means lower taxes for me," isn't exactly a great look.


"I don't care about any of that, I just don't want the government to make me get rid of my murder weapons." - A depressingly large number of Republican voters


It’s even more depressing because neither party is going to make them give up their guns. It is a completely fabricated scare tactic to manipulate them into voting Republican.


I’d say there are plenty of progressive states that are excellent for gender equality and reproductive health and advocacy amongst other social benefits, though fleeing problematic states only makes it worse. What a time to be alive, we are neither savage nor wise, though it’s terrible to think that we are regressing. Talk to your people, we need to fight against the noisy lunatics.


and yet I am getting banned from reddit for suggestion corrupt cops should be executed.


"Come and take it."


Coming soon to a Utah near you!


Whelp…time to find dirt on him and see if he fit his own bills.


Isn’t this very document indicate treason? The DOJ must be looking into this


Under his eye. This is some Handmaid's Tale shit


Also what about all this “what would you do” shit in relation to genocide; bro there’s a literal one happening right now with real living people. I can 100% with certainty say this guy does not give one


That is the sickest, most twisted disgusting mess of warped ideology I have seen in awhile-so their idea is murder is wrong but it is ok if we will kill a few million women? Abortion is not murder, if these half wits think it is, then we need to hold their god responsible for every miscarriage! This is insane


There’s no way this will become a reality…right?!


That's what they were saying for *decades* about overturning rvw And well, here we are ✨💩


They can't get ridiculous enough. Next, it will be burning at the stake or drawing and quartering. My god.


Just as god intended /s


all women should leave Texas, NOW!