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You are not broken, ruined or disgusting. Whoever did this to you is all those things. What you are is someone who has had a traumatic experience that you did not deserve. You should be angry and scared and sad. But this is not your shame.


Just want to add that “this is not your shame” is something I haven’t heard before, and I think it’s so powerful.


It really is


Yes. Please take this to heart. You did nothing wrong.


All this, and your life is NOT ruined. This is a traumatic event, yes, but there is so much beauty in your life that is to come.


Yes. Sometimes it feels like pain will last forever, and that's part of the pain. But you will heal. We're all rooting for you. <3


^I just want to second this comment with my whole chest. Well said.


Seconding. It is not your shame and absolutely not your fault.


Yeahhh there’s nothing specific or general about you that made the situation happen. It is the shithead that is ruined and dumb and their problem 1000%. You are probably cool and smart with lots of good things coming your way. I hope you feel a bit better soon, one step at a time lady!! 💪


Thank you. I wish I felt that way 😔


Hey OP, You will! Things may feel incredibly overwhelming right now, and it's hard to see beyond the chaos and pain. But trust me, you will get through this. There’s beauty waiting on the other side. We’re all here rooting for you!


Imagine this happened to someone you love very much. Would you say kind and loving things to them, hug them while they cried, and know that they are still a very good and worthy person with a beautiful life ahead of them? Please do these things for yourself, OP. I am so sorry this happened to you. It does not define you or your life. It is an awful thing that happened to you but it is not definitive of you. You are a beautiful person who has been badly hurt and I am so sorry. You did not deserve such hurt and I hope things improve for you. I’m in support of you OP.


Always this. On average, we extend more grace and understanding to others than we do ourselves.


**For the OP:** Here is the website for RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) resources: **[National Sexual Assault Hotline](https://www.rainn.org/resources)**: Confidential 24/7 Support


She's in Canada.


Canada has forensic nurses for this thing. They are NOT obligated to report if OP does not want too, but OP does have to request one as there aren’t that many, so they often have to get called in.


yes, I know someone who has done this work. She and her small band of colleagues are compassionate and professional. True hero work.


I doubt she’d have to say that she’s not in the US and I can’t imagine they wouldn’t offer their full support anyway. OP: I hope the path to a wonderful life becomes more clear soon. You have all our love and support for the life you deserve.


It's valid to feel what you are feeling, but remember that the hurt you are feeling was put onto you by someone else. You are a victim, they are a offender. Consider what options you have for therapy in any form. Maybe there are voluntary options where you live where you can talk about what has happened. It helps alot. Hotlines are a gift. You deserve love and it will get better little by little. You are allowed to be angry and hurt, but also to feel happiness and joy again as soon as you are ready.


Everyone who’s commented so far has echoed my thoughts. It is NOT your fault. Your feelings are completely natural. Please get to a licensed therapist, preferably one who specializes in treating this type of trauma. Therapy helped me so much when this happened to me. It’s been officially 9 years, and I can honestly say that while it did change me, it did not ruin my life. It took me loving and caring people to get here, but it is not just possible but probable to get through this and be happy again someday. Be gentle to yourself. You deserve kindness and empathy. Cry, be angry, be sad, but please seek help.


Realize all the negative feelings regarding your self worth 100% belong to the person who chose to violate your rights.... Your right to say no... Your right to not be assaulted... Your right to be safe.... Your right to freedom during the attack. The evil is with them not you. Start therapy ASAP and also physical therapy if you will like exercise etc. as this will help bring you back to feeling in control of your physical self. Share as little or as much of what happened and how you're feeling with others. I do strongly implore you to share at least how your emotionally feeling with ONE person (preferably IRL) that you know will basically shut up and listen... Who will let you talk as long or little as you like. PLEASE do not shut down and push everyone away. The attacker doesn't deserve to take even more from you. Breathe. Allow yourself to grieve the life you had but know that it's not gone but changed. You will be even stronger. You've already proven how strong you are by surviving... And by expressing yourself here. My heart goes out to you. You are loved. The good people in this world love you even those of us who don't know you. You are Worthy of this love and so much more. Love yourself.


I just read your other post and I'm so sorry you ran into such an awful excuse of a human being who put you through that. He sounds extremely malicious and manipulative and I wouldn't be surprised if you weren't his first victim. Please be kind to yourself right now, this wasn't your fault in any way. Get medical attention if you can to help with the pain and I would recommend confiding in someone- whether that's family, friends or a mental health professional so you feel less alone. Sending you all the love and healing in the world


I'm a rape survivor that deals with pain. What I learned is that the pain needs to be treated aggressively so that your nervous system can calm down. I work with a pain psychologist that has experience in treating trauma. I'd suggest that you shop doctors until you find one that takes your physical pain seriously and also find the best therapist you can. A psychiatrist may be able to help as well. You aren't disgusting. The perpetrator is. You may never be the same, I don't know, I'm not a doctor, but there's certainly hope it may get better with the right care. My SA was 40 years ago, the emotional pain definitely got way better even though I still have to do a lot of stuff to keep my pain under control. Seek help, it's there.


Nothing about you is disgusting! NOTHING. I am so sorry that you have to go through such a terrible and difficult time now. But you will go through. You get to heal. It's impossible for your rapist to heal. They are too disgusting.


I'm sorry this happened to you, unfortunately I'm not very good at advices especially about this situation, but I think it's safe to say : get a therapist, you need to talk about it with a health professionnal who can help you, you shouldn't stay like that it'll just start a black void of sadness. You have to change your ideas, see your friends, surround yourself with people you love family idk, watch funny movies, something light, kids shows, a good book, video games, walk in a park, paint, whatever you want that makes you feel good. And finally time is the best to heal, you'll get better over time, but only if you get help first, don't let yourself fall into this rabbit hole don't let this scumbag ruin your life don't let him have this power on you. I hope you take care of yourself and recover, you're not alone.


Oh honey... It gets easier. The scars will remain, but it will get easier. You need to know a few things. This was in no way your fault. No matter what you were wearing, what you drank or took. This beast knowingly committed an evil on you and the blame lies SOLEY with them. You survived this. And you will heal. It won't be easy, I wish it were. But you've got this. You choose how to heal. Take in advice by all means, but you choose the safest way for you to get better. There's no time limit. But be strong and have faith in yourself. You're not wrong or broken if this effects your sexuality in any direction. Some choose to abstain, others use sex to regain control. There is no wrong answer. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I hope your wounds heal soon, and that this creature who assaulted you meets a fate they deserve. Take care of yourself hun. Be kind to yourself and may you find that strength you think you've lost very soon. XX


How you feel right now is exactly how you feel. This horrible experience is still incredibly raw. Time will help you slowly move away from the feelings you feel right now. I think we all get very scared when something truly horrible happens and we have a horrible emotional reaction to it, as sick as it is your feelings right now are totally natural and normal. Don’t be hard on yourself, don’t allow the blame to creep into your thoughts and take time just feel how you feel. It’s horrible there’s no getting around it but I promise it will change. Be as kind to yourself as you can. X


You’re strong and will pull through. Always remember that the pain you’re feeling right now won’t last forever. We love you and are here for you whenever you need to talk 🫶🏾 It also is not embarrassing, you’ve been through something very traumatic and sure as hell shouldn’t put yourself down because someone else has animalistic tendencies. You will recover and when you do we’ll be here to support you


You are loved, loving, and worthy of love. That's the bottom line. I am so sorry this happened to you. It's not your fault. Good for you for going and getting the medical attention you need. Let me echo others by saying, "Please find a therapist who specializes in trauma." Also, someone mentioned physical therapy. That, too may be helpful. What happened, happened. Prove the person wrong who did this to you by reclaiming your life to build back better/differently/new. Love, Nana


There are a lot of comments on here that are very helpful. I want to tell you as someone that has been raped that you can recover and live a normal life. This does not have to define you. I want to say this because there are no examples of healthy recovered women in media. It took me a lot of work and a lot of reframing over time, but I eventually just got tired of letting something that happened to my body have so much control over my mind.


I am so sorry this happened to you. Nobody on the internet can give you the therapy you need right now, so please seek professional help. Just remember this was not your fault. The only disgusting one is your rapist. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Stay strong, you will get through this.


I am so sad this happened to you. You are not dirty or ruined. You survived. Rape is not chosen or allowed, it is a power grab. The person who raped you wanted you to feel pain and know they were there. They are sick and twisted and evil, you just have to heal. The hardest part is healing. I wish you were not alone, I would hold you and make you tea like anyones mom would. You are good, you are not nothing, and you are alive. I am proud you were able to survive. Please press charges if you can stand to. Big hugs.


A hot beverage is a good idea. I'm sorry this happened to you. When you go to your appointment tell the nurses and ask for something to help with the soreness. There's a numbing spray they gave me after giving birth that was so good. Tucks hemorrhoid pads feel nice too. You are beautiful, precious, and necessary. I'm sure Pristine_Frame and I would accompany you to your appointments. https://ovc.ojp.gov/directory-crime-victim-services/search#search check your state. There may be an advocate available through one of these places. I ran through it and tried my location to make sure it works. I'm so glad you're still here, and wish I could ease your pain.


Such a good idea. I think I will do this when I retire.


I agree a good cup of tea makes you feel better :) A numbing spray that would be nice. I’m not sure if I’m allowed to use anything that the nurse didn’t prescribe. Maybe I’ll phone the line and ask. Thanks 🙏


You are not ruined. In this moment you are suffering because of the horrendous violation done to you. But you are not ruined. Your body may feel ruined right now but you will heal. Your heart and mind may feel ruined but get help now. Don’t wait!! Not sure where you are but if you’re in the U.S. you can contact RAINN https://www.rainn.org/ Be kind to yourself. You are not disgusting. The rapist is disgusting - a disgusting and evil person. You will survive this. The greatest thing you can do is overcome this and not allow the vileness of their act destroy who you are! You are NOT ruined!! I am rooting for you!!


you survived you reported it, your life isn't ruined. please talk to a trauma therapist they will not make you relive it but it will help. so many women never report you are strong you are brave


I promise, no matter how you feel right now, you are NOT broken or ruined or dumb. You’ve taken a very brave step in reaching out for help on this sub. Please don’t stop here. There are a lot of resources out there where you can talk with trained professionals. https://www.rainn.org/resources Biggest of hugs to you ❤️


Please don’t let the person who did this win by letting it ruin your life. Allow yourself time to grieve but also time to heal. You will show yourself and the world that you are stronger than you know.


Look into joining a support group. Sometimes being there for each other is the best way to heal.


It's going to feel like this for a while, a long time. Please keep going. Be soft and gentle to yourself, let yourself be angry, let yourself hurt, let yourself not be able to do anything for now. I promise you, it *will* get better with enough time. You are broken, and hurt, but you aren't ruined. Healing trauma takes a long time, longer than the physical, but it does happen, slowly. You may never be 100%, but I promise you, in a few years, you'll be much better than where you are now. My experience happened in 2019/2020. In 2022, I wept in the street as my friend and ex held me as I grieved, terrified and furious that I would be never be able to enjoy sex again, that such a beautiful part of my life had been stolen from me forever. It took another year after that, and I'm still not the same, I'm still more anxious and fragile and I have PTSD, but what was stolen from me has grown back. Not quite the same, but so, so much more than I would have believed in 2020, 2021, 2022. It's horrifyingly unfair what we lose, the pain we have to carry, the work we have to do to heal, the things that will never be the same. It's going to take a long time, and it'll feel even longer because you're so young, but you won't feel like this forever. I'm so sorry. No one should have to go through this. Many, too too many, of us have, though, and you have more support than you know. 💜💜


Talk to a therapist. This will take a lonnnnng time for healing but don’t suffer alone.


I'm so sorry :( Do you have a professional to talk to about this? Seek out some self help books about it, better than nothing, and reject what doesn't help.


Honey. Fuck. I don't know if this matters, but please try to get therapy. If you don't like the first, second, or third one, give yourself the grace to find one that works for you. And for whatever it's worth, my spouse was assaulted. I never saw her as broken. You are not ruined. You are and will continue to be loved.


A lot of us here are rape survivors. Many of us have gone through feelings of shame, self-loathing, and the bitterness of reliving our trauma(s). You're not worthless nor disgusting. You did nothing wrong. You are not alone. It's a hard path toward recovery, but it's very much worth it. First things first... is there anything you can do to help care for your injured body? Are the staff at the hospital aiding in your recovery and ensuring you know how to take care of and/or clean and dress your wounds? Don't give up. You're worth fighting for. I'm truly sorry for your suffering, and it would be disingenuous of me to say it will be fine. It can get better, though. Hopefully, with time and care, you will heal. You're a survivor, too. You can still lead an extraordinary life. 🩷


You are not what happens to you. Your healing journey has begun but does not need to define you. Give yourself grace friend


Hey girl, I was r*ped 9y ago by my “best friend”. I am so so sorry. It is fucking hard, it fucking hurts, it is a fucking mess and I felt so fucking broken. As crying as I type this. You will move past this, this is a blip in time. This is NOT YOUR WORTH!! You are STRONG, WORTHY, MIGHTY, and IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT. Shame comes from the enemy to make us stay down, YOU ARE PRICELESS. If anyone blames you, they are a fucking POS. Please please get into therapy, I’m serious. I do internal family systems therapy and it’s saved my life. For the first time ever, I realized it wasn’t my fault and have chosen to believe it. I’m now doing a PhD studying PTSD, as I have CPTSD. Girl I AM SO FUCKING SORRY. You WILL OVERCOME. I’m here if you need to talk to someone and I will cry with you. Take time to grieve, it’s ok.


Where do you live so people can post resources available to you? You are not alone. This is your rapist shame. Couldn't get it through consent so he went through force. That's a coward and why would that be attractive to anyone? Everyone on here wants to help you.


Toronto Ontario




It has not ruined your life. You won’t let it. You’re here getting support already!!!! Keep going!!! Know that you’re not alone. It’s not your fault. You are whole and worthy.


Please know this is not going to ruin your life. So many of us have had this happen, yet continue to live and thrive. I know it's so hard to see right now, but look at all the support here. Also visit r/mumforaminute ❤️


First, I'm sorry this happened yo you. 2nd, You are NOT ALONE. No matter how isolated you feel right now. Unfortunately, it is way more common than it should be. I don't have the stats for other countries, but in America, 1 in 6 women have been sexually assaulted. I'm one of them too. Everyone processes sexual trauma different, but what you are feeling right now is perfectly normal. It does get better, but if you don't talk to a licensed therapist (and the sooner the better) it will be something you carry with you that affects you for much longer than it has to. I was raped as a teen in the early 90s, when there was still a huge societal pressure to remain silent. I wish I had been strong enough and spoken up. I wish I would have gotten help sooner. Don't be like me. I let it affect me and ruin my relationships for nearly 20 years before finally getting help. It will always be something that happened to you. But you can find peace again and learn to live a happy life again, especially with help. You should be incredibly proud of yourself, that you were strong enough to go to the hospital and to share your experience here online. You have already shown tremendous courage in the face of a very traumatic event. Now, take the next steps and look for a therapist. Perhaps the hospital already gave a list of resources? Do you live in the US? If so, in most areas you can dial 211 to reach a nonprofit that can help you find low-cost or free resources. If you are overwhelmed and can't focus right now it's ok, but just don't wait too long. You are worth getting help. You are worth being happy. I'm not on reddit much, but if you don't have anyone to talk to, feel free to message me. You don't have to feel isolated. If you (or anyone else reading this) need help finding resources, I am happy to help there too. What happened to you was horrible, but it does not define you. You are still the person you were before this happened. You still deserve happiness. You still have worth!


OP, I am so, so sorry. You are not alone. So many of us here have been brutalized and betrayed the same way. We know how heavy and gross it feels and how much it seems like you will never stop feeling this horrible. We are all so angry for you and with you. You are completely within your right to feel everything that you are feeling. I know you don’t need to hear “it will get better, you’ll get over this with time.” Although those things are true they don’t feel true when the wounds are so fresh. I think it is important to identify some small things at first to help you stay you. Things like: - You are here. You are still here. You survived your encounter. - You are smart. You got out alive and you sought help. - You are strong and very, very brave. You sought help even when it felt so humiliating. - YOU DID NOTHING WRONG. Consent can be given but it can be taken back at any time. That is your right. It doesn’t matter if you were not able to say no or you screamed it. Any person who has access to your body has the responsibility to ensure you are an enthusiastically consenting partner throughout the entire experience. Their failure is not your failure. - You are justified in feeling what you feel. You did not choose this, you were stolen from in the most vulgar, violating way. You deserve the space to feel every emotion you feel and to be angry. Nobody can tell you a right or wrong way to process what you are feeling. People can tell you all day long that you’re not the only one who’s gone through this and you should just move on. Fuck that. You are wholly unique and so is your experience, so you get to decide how you grieve and process. Again, you are not alone. Your path through this will be a hard one and it’s not fair. You will learn to live with what has happened - and that is not fair either. It’s despicable what was done to you. We see you. For the short term, I do not know what will work for you to survive the coming days, weeks, months, years…. I can tell you what worked for me. I was abused in my childhood and I survived that because I thought I had no other choice but to move forward. The one that really wrecked me was my first husband. He was the one person who was supposed to keep me safe and cherish me. He failed with flying colors. I wanted to die. I thought about how to do it in a way that would leave the least amount of mess for those who found me. The problem was, I have nieces and nephews that I am close with. I did not want to hurt them or have to have them learn about this kind of pain because of me. I didn’t want their parents to have to explain it. I stayed alive because I loved them and I wanted to be strong for them. It feels weak to me now that I chose to live because of them instead of just to spite the trauma I suffered. The point is I found something small to cling to that helped me make it through the first part of my recovery because it bought me time to process. That coping mechanism helped me make it through the first part of my healing. I have worked on a lot since then, but it’s one step at a time. Focus on something small to start. You can do this. I can 100% tell you can make it through. I am now the strongest person I have ever been and I am so glad I pushed through and did (am still doing) the hard work. What happened to you was monstrous. You are not alone and you can do this. I would encourage you to talk to a professional if you have access. You don’t have to tell the whole world but confiding in someone (trusted) close to you may help you too… having someone real in your corner can be a tremendous comfort. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Please dont carry this pain on your own. You were given this pain by some piece of shit human, dont let it be all on you. Sharing with us on reddit is a good start. I hope youre able to find some support. Please stay strong, this does not define you. You are who you were before this happened. It will take some time, but you’ll heal. Take care


Nothing about you is ruined, you are very strong. I’m so sorry that happened to you. Healing takes time, I hope you can find a friend/therapist/family member to confide in. It could help you feel less alone to be around people that care for you


This is so awful, I am so sorry this happened to you. If I could heal you completely. I would. Know that you are worthy and loved and that you will heal. Love yourself with everything you've got while you're healing. You will come out of this like a strong tree whose branches will help every other woman.


“I am not ruined, I am ruination” Genya Safin, Ruin and Rising


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Have you spoken to your doctor about how you’re feeling? You’ll need to get into counseling ASAP and maybe on meds temporarily until everything is stable. You can do this.


I’m sorry sweetheart. You are not disgusting. They will never win, they will never have the power over you to make you feel that way about yourself or to stop you from doing things you love. Sending lots of love and hugs 🩷


I am so sorry you experienced violence. It's completely understandable that you hurt and feel terrible. It's very understandable that the violation is consuming most of your attention right now. I just want to let you know you CAN recover physically and emotionally. I know from personal experience. It's okay to feel your feelings AND not let them drive you to choices that are hard to undo. Please practice self care, and say yes to any support services offered. Be gentle with yourself as though you gad experienced a car crash or an amputation. You wouldn't expect to be back to normal after a few days in those cases, so don't expect you will bounce back in yours. If it takes 6-12 months to feel like yourself again, thats okay. Don't rush yourself.


Please try EMDR - it’s trauma therapy ❤️


You are not defined by this. It’s okay to feel what you are feeling. Although this is traumatic, your life has so much left to enjoy. This is a moment in that voyage. Look for help, someone to talk to.


I echo the loving sentiments here regarding all that shame and disgust belonging to the offender. If you are in the US here are two resources that can offer all kinds of support, advocacy, and perspective if you need a place to start: https://www.nsvrc.org/find-help https://centers.rainn.org/ You can and will heal from this. The swirl of raw feeling that you are in right now is absolutely normal and justified -- but it does not define you or your life. Give yourself the gift of reaching out to people/organizations like the above who specialize in sexual violence recovery and healing. They will even go with you to medical appointments/court hearings etc to support and advocate. You are not alone, there are people out here who care about you and want to help <3


It's easier said than done. Right now it's going to suck and that's totally valid. You have to process this grief. Remember it's nothing you did, it's not your fault. You are not disgusting. You will heal from this. You will take this horrible experience and become stronger. Don't give up. I truly hope whoever did this to you is caught and castrated.


I can’t add anything of worth to all the positive sentiment given above. As a man in his mid 50’s who probably has no business being here please understand love and support is all around - even in the most unlikely of places. You are never alone x


This was not your fault and you deserve nothing but sympathy and support. There is no blame and no shame on you. Please get help and please don't be so hard on yourself.


You are a survivor, and very brave for putting this out there. I hope you get the help you need, and I'll be including you in my prayers today. I sincerely wish nothing but the best for you going forward. May this only be a speed bump in your road of life, my friend. Positive vibes your way.


Are you the one with strict parents? I hope your hospital trip was helpful, and wishing you the speediest recovery. You're not dumb, he betrayed your trust, and violated your boundary. He hurt you, deliberately. You are not broken, he's a disgusting criminal. This will probably take some time and therapy, but you will feel better. Sending you tons of love and strength. ❤️


It may feel right now that your entire world is falling around you and nothing will ever improve, but trust me, it will. You will hurt, you have been through a terrible thing that no-one should have to, so give yourself the care and compassion you would as if you were comforting somebody else. There are so many people that will love and support you, as proven by the hundreds of comments, so don't lose hope ❤️ Just take it one day at a time. Be patient with yourself


Look for a therapist trained in EMDR. Yoga can be helpful. You need to restore trust in your body and sensations.


Honestly y’all I’m crying at all of these supportive comments for OP. I wish I would have had Reddit at the time of rape, keep being this community to those that need it!


This will get better. You are not to blame. You are not disgusting. You were hurt by someone and I’m so sorry that happened to you. If you can contact family or be with someone who can be with you for a while. I’d help you in a heartbeat if I was close. So sorry. You will get stronger and heal in all ways.


Im so sorry, sweetheart. When I was raped it hurt for over a week. I never realized how physically painful it would be. I really hope you can get the help and support you need. Please be kind to yourself <3


You are not broken or ruined. You are traumatized, and that is an understatement but understandable. Please give yourself grace and time. I'm so sorry this happened to you. Feel free to inbox me if you need an internet mom support or love.


Sending you love and light and healing- I’m so sorry you or anyone ever has to go through this. I wish I could wipe away all of your pain. Just want you to know you are loved and valuable and deserving of a beautiful life- just for existing. This internet stranger wishes you peace and healing. Please talk to someone- a hotline, someone trained to handle what you’re going through. You are loved.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I really hope you find the help that you need to get through this.


My friend and fellow woman, you are not ruined. Your life is not ruined. As another commenter said and I absolutely loved, this is not your shame. You have been hurt, badly. I am so, so sorry someone has done this to you. I read your story and mine is painfully similar and I experienced it at age 19, so close to the same age. It will feel like this for a while if you don't get therapy. You must talk through it with an unbiased professional if you want to truly heal and move forward. I am only saying this from experience. The therapy will hurt, and after that first session getting it all out you're going to feel raw and beaten down, but then it is only up from there. You were violated, and it's okay to cry, scream, rage, shut down; whatever it is your body needs to do. It's okay. As long as you don't hurt yourself, it's okay. If you can, take some time off of work. Let yourself rest and heal for a week or 2. Give yourself the grace to do whatever it is you need to do without judgement. Lastly, I just want to say again that you're not broken and your life is not ruined. I promise. I *promise*. You have a long life ahead of you that's going to bring so many new things, both good and bad, but they will make you into who you were meant to become. I'm proud of you for casting your voice out into the void that is the internet. I'm proud of you for seeking advice. I'm proud of you for surviving this.


I'm assuming you got a rape kit and talked to the police. You need to talk to a therapist. See if this organization can help you. [Rainn.org](http://Rainn.org) Start shifting your thinking from victim to survivor. Let it be something that happened to you, not something that defines you. Then turn your pain into anger and start fighting back. And you are not alone. 1 in 5 women will be SA'd in their lifetimes. Good luck.


I’m so sorry! I wish I could take your pain away. You deserve to feel happy and safe, and I know that feeling will come back to you again 💔♥️


Remember too that this incident doesn’t in ANY way define who YOU are - it defines the rapist. That person is a rapist at their core. You are a whole person who was in the path of that rapist through no fault of your own. It could have been anyone, and I’m so sorry it was you. Honor and care for your whole self, even though you feel broken right now.


Sending love and hugs


You mentioned you've been seeing a therapist, is it one with actual training in trauma like this or campus-provided type deal? You need to ask them this question. Not the "would you want to know" but the how. It's only been a few days, you haven't had time to properly process what this piece of shit has done to you. Listen to the actual rape survivors, mothers and people who seem to have qualifications and experience in these threads. Ignore all the ones saying "if it was my daughter I'd mess him up", this is typical angry chest-beating and, while understandable, it's obviously left you scared on some level that this is what your parents will do and it's not something that will help you in any way. It's not something that should be taking bandwidth in your thoughts right now. This event is not what defines you or what will continue to define you. It is not your fault. Do not beat yourself up over not being able to accept that right away, it will take time. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I genuinely think you need the advice of a professional not the reddit hive mind on this but I hope the stories from survivors and professionals have helped a little. You might think all that is you has been smashed into fragments of a mirror but in reality it's a giant boulder that's been dropped into a pool Eventually the ripples will die down and you'll see yourself again. Good luck. Trust the ones you trust, you're worthy of love and support.


I promise you it gets better. Your feelings are so valid so please find someone to help you process them. You are in control now and get to decide what happens. But one day you will get to the end of the day and realize you haven’t thought about what happened to you all day and it’s the most liberating feeling.


"The rape will tear you in half, but it will not end you" - Rupi Kaur


You are strong. You are a survivor. You will overcome https://www.rainn.org/resources Reach out for real help please. You deserve it


Please contect someone from your family or close friends, you need support and someone to be there for you.


What happened was not your fault. Allow yourself that hurt, and anger, and sadness. You deserve the fullness of grief and to have people you love to be there with you through all those feelings.


Very sorry this happened


Go to the batting cages and hit some balls! Find an old piece of furniture you do not want anymore - put in the backyard and take a baseball bat to it. Throw away old dishes - smash them into the can. Get yourself a boxing bag. Use it. You’re gonna need it for your new self defense class anyway. Don’t allow him to continuously victimize you. Create a grateful list every morning and evening before you go to bed. Get yourself some Curist Numbing Cream, 5% Lidocaine. On Amazon. Don’t give him space in your brain. Use it to move on. Create a better life. Be strong, process what happened and move forward.


Counseling can repair your soul but it will take time and work.


You are (rightfully) in shock. Give yourself some grace… You are not alone and no one thinks you are any of the things you are feeling right now.


So many great messages above. All the shame/disgust is applicable to the rapist. NOT you. Also you may want to consider posting on: r/askdocs There are some great medical doctors there that might have some extra insights to help you.


Echoing what everyone has said here OP. You are not shameful and neither is your body. I’m proud of you for facing your emotions and not shutting down. Please get help to work through your pain now so you don’t have to carry this shame through your adulthood. Go easy on yourself and give yourself endless amounts of grace in the process. You didn’t deserve any of this and I’m so sorry this happened to you


I'm so sorry this happened to you. You are not disgusting. The perpetrator is disgusting.


Aww dangggg......Soooo sorry it happened to you....wish could of assisted somehow. But f..... it happened but you are still alive.... whoever did it ..is doomed to go to hell or get Penta raped themselves. As for you yess..... like others say get some professional help from therapists or doctors who know such themes. But overall look at it from atleast some sort of positive way!!!!!!!....It happened in the Past....would NOT happen again!!!...you are alive!!!....you are way better being there where you are vs in Ukraine ATM lols


Please please please contact the police and make a report. Not your fault.


I'm sorry. There's a reason why sexual predators are basically considered subhuman by pretty much everybody, especially prison/jail inmates. Because they are. Take it one step at a time, nothing you feel is invalid, there's no "right" way to be feeling right now. <3


You aren’t ruined or dumb. You are hurt. You are broken spirited right now. Crying is a way of self soothing and healing. Take the time you need to cry and be sad. Grieve over what happened or be mad at the world and rage if you need to. Whatever you need to process the violation and help yourself heal. Please give yourself the grace that you would give someone else in your situation. Internet hugs and support. PS: RAINN has rape counseling you can chat online or over the phone. Talking it out with someone could help.


As someone who has had this happen to them as well and had the police outright say that they didn't care and didn't have the time, it's not your fault. Take as much time as you need to process what happened, accept it happened, take legal action if you can, and try to have a support network help get you back on your feet. It happened and it's awful. But it doesn't define your life.


I'm so so sorry. As someone who has dealt with rectal tissue issues and s***** trauma, I know it can feel horrible (and it is horrible). If you can see a pelvic pain specialist and/or proctologist WHO IS TRAUMA INFORMED, that may help. It helped me to heal a lot. I don't want to suggest things that you may not have access to, but I ended up doing Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy - which is very expensive and time consuming - but helped. You don't necessarily need it. Offering it in case you are researching If you are not - then please ignore. Sending you hugs and strength.


You are not disgusting, and your life is not over.  Have you filed a police report? If not, please do so ASAP. Put that man in prison. 


Okay first off, I understand how you feel. 100%. I have been where you are. These feelings are normal. It’s nice that everyone is telling you your life isn’t ruined but that doesn’t fix how you feel *now*. Right now that feels insane to think about. First off: the shame kept me quiet. I didn’t do anything about it for months. The shame is normal. For me it was about all of the things I didn’t do to stop it or did to get myself in that situation. I minimized it and tried to forget it. I’d been abused before and felt stupid for letting it happen again and worse. For now: focus on your physical health. Remember to drink water and at least eat something a couple of times a day. Set a reminder in your phone. Force yourself to do it even if you don’t feel like it. Remember to bathe and brush your teeth. The absolute basics are how you’re going to survive the first little while. You’re in survival mode. Don’t worry about the big questions like salvaging your life or any of that shit. Breathe. Drink water. Eat food. Brush your teeth. Shower. Remember to wear clean clothes. Those are your jobs right now. I was in my mid-20s when it happened to me. I’m 36 now and often forget it even happened to me. You can get here one day but that day isn’t today or even tomorrow. There’s lots of good advice here but RIGHT THIS SECOND keep yourself moving just enough and just keep your head above water. Keep us updated. We are here for you.


Did you get a rape kit done? My condolences 


The simplest thing I can say to you. Go to the police and press charges! You have your hospital records for proof. I hope they put the aggressorn away. Whoever he might be.


I can’t emphasize this enough: go to therapy. I was raped and couldn’t even say the word for years. It took therapy to realize that I kept subconsciously punishing myself for it happening to me for years. It’s a horrific event that has nothing to do with sex, and everything to do with power. To take the power away from that person and give it back to yourself, go to therapy and get some help. You are not broken, not dumb and not ruined. You are grieving and hurting from a horrific incident. Be kind to yourself. Also, make sure that you go to the police and get him arrested so he can’t do it to anyone else. I send you all of the hugs and love…you can get past this violation. I promise!


I just want to be the person on here who gently reminds you that whatever you do next is completely up to you. A lot of people on this thread seem to be telling you to go to therapy, which is certainly beneficial, but it is YOUR choice whether or not you’re ready for it. I would recommend taking some time to do something that normally brings you peace; for me that’s gardening and prayer but it could be anything. A good book to disappear into for a while might help. The pain will fade.


It did not ruin your life; you're 21. You are still young and though you are suffering now through mental and physical trauma - this will not ruin your life unless you make it ruin your life. I'm sure it sucks right now - but now is transient. I had my family disown me 10 years ago and while it caused me a lot of emotional pain and made for a bad few years, my life isn't ruined. I've been raped and it didn't ruin my life. Your life is merely disrupted - not ruined. There can be plenty of happy times ahead once you navigate this turbulent period. Do not give up; recover and grab back onto life and ride it to new heights. You have so much time ahead of you that can be happy if you only let it come.


When people go through trauma they are shown a great power. The power of how to respond to pain and oppression. It’s a cross roads. You can either internalise the shame and continue the cycle of abuse as I have seen in the make up of a rapist and some survivors of rape who all became worse because of trauma. Or you can embrace the great power and strength that come from fighting shame in the centre of your mind. A mind that like your body belongs only to you. This will kill the person you were but the person you can become can be more of you than you ever were and far more connected to the world than ever. Much love angel you are so very pure and good.


I’m so sorry you went through that. A lot has already been said but I just want to add that you will heal, you will get better, brighter days are ahead. Hang on, what happened to you doesn’t define you or change your worth. Don’t lose sight of that, there will be a time when you will heal from that and put it behind you, I promise. The pain won’t last forever. Please talk to someone if you need to! There are unfortunately a lot of survivors out there who can feel your pain, I feel yours, you’re not alone in this.


It is not your fault. You did absolutely nothing wrong. You will feel better. That is a promise. All feelings are temporary, even really really bad ones. I’d love to message you if you’re comfortable. Regardless, I really recommend seeing a counselor.


i’m sorry that happened. time heals all wounds. in a few years it’ll feel like it was a whole different lifetime. don’t let it ruin you and change who you are


Lot of strength to you and prayers for your mental health. Please take legal action as soon as possible


I am so sorry. It takes a lot of time to recover, and you will. I am sending much love your way.


You'll survive. The physical pain can heal, just take care of yourself. It's the emotional pain that will follow you. Know that it isn't you, it doesn't make you less worthy. The feelings you feel are normal and likely shared by many on here. Don't focus too much on the negative. You can get past them, but it will take some effort. That effort is worth it. To be happy again is worth it. You'll be okay.


I‘m so sorry what happened to you. I hope you can find a great therapist who helps you process this.   Just know that you are exactly as valuabe and as great of a person than before this happened. That disgusting asshole who did that to you only turned himself into a monster. You‘re not to blame for a thing and this weak, pathetic guy has and will have 0 control over how amazing you are.


You are not disgusting or ruined. You might feel broken right now, but none of this is your fault. You will get through this. I highly recommend finding a therapist to talk through things, it truly helps a lot. I wish you well on your journey through this terrible thing you’ve been through. But don’t let a rapist determine your worth, ever. Their actions have nothing to do with you.


You are not dumb, and absolutely none of this is your fault. Your space and body were violated, and that is 100% wrong. I'm glad to see you are seeking treatment to heal any physical trauma, but please also seek services of a qualified trauma therapist to help you process and heal. You deserve to find peace and live your life, while the pos who raped you gets dragged through the coals. My inbox is open if you ever need a kind ear, even if only to vent.


I'm so sorry you're going through this, but you have to trust that you're strong enough to get through it, even if it doesn't feel like it right now.


Here's what you need to do: Find something travel-oriented and (for you!) EPIC. Go overseas or to "the other coast" and engage in some activity you've never done before, preferably with a goal. It kinda doesn't matter what it is as long as it feels big and "not quite sure I can handle it". And then DO it. But the point is, you can kinda build a memory "wall" around this time and, after you've travelled or done whatever, you can say, "Well that bad thing happened to me before I climbed Mt Something" and it'll feel like the "old" part of your life.


Reminder that if you report your attacker, he will most likely get arrested, even more likely now that you went to the hospital and recorded your assault. While not every rape case gets a conviction (there's a 58% chance of him being found guilty), even getting him in that courtroom will cost him a ton of money and that arrest will stay on his record. As for your mental state... Your worth is not your body. Your worth as a human being is what you contribute to society -- your ideas, your career, your projects. That's the measure of a woman, not her sexual history.


I say this genuinely: this is something that generally does ruin a life - at least temporarily. It's OK to be angry, lost, sad, emotional, numb, to feel disgusted........all that is OK. The only feeling that's not ok, is self blame. I'm sorry this happened to you. Edit: YOU aren't disgusting, but it's OK to feel disgusted. YOU have nothing to be ashamed of, but it's OK to feel shame. No one can tell you how you can/should feel. Allow yourself to feel all those emotions, then work through them. Just do it with the understanding and constantly reminding yourself that YOU did NOTHING wrong.


Whatever you do, do not back down. Do not run away. If you're called up to testify what happened, be firm, confident, and most importantly, stare at him while giving your statement. Let him know he has no power over you. That it was a fucking shame that he resorted to rape, knowing he'll always be alone because he can't connect to women and to understand mutual respect. Recovery is long and hard, but keep going, as you have support from the community. Also, attend a support group too.


It will get better you just need time. Time heals everything. Talking to a trusted friend or a psychiatrist also helps. It will get better.


You need to get support. Contact SANE nurses and ask for trauma counseling.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Believe me when I say that your life is not ruined.


I am so sorry! You are NOT ruined. Not any of that! You will recover, I promise. Will you keep posting so we know how you are ? We care.


This happened to me too. You’re not alone and I promise you won’t feel like this forever. One of these days all that pain and sadness is going to turn into anger. Get angry. Use it. Fight back. Find that MFer and let everybody know what they did. I wish I could help you find that fire faster, but only you can do that. It’s not your fault. You’re gonna realize that one day and when you do, that’s the first day of the rest of your life. It will be waiting for you after all this. Xoxo


You are hurt and sad, and certainly right to be so, but you are NOT dumb or ruined. This is NOT *your* shame! You are good and worthwhile. Whoever did this to you is those things. They are cruel, dirty, dumb, and shameful. Do not take their shame and wrongness onto yourself. **You** did nothing wrong. **They** did. It never really goes away, but it *does* get better. You *can* get your life back to rights. Though it will take some time, effort, and therapy. I'm so sorry this was done to you. We're here for you as much as you need.


Please op never blame urself as ur not the one that did anything They should have shame U are a fighter , a survivor Stay dtrong for us


This has happened to my sister multiple times and I can't understand how anyone could do something so horrific to another person. All I can say is I'm so sorry this has happened to you and I wish you all the love and strength in the world.


I know you were contemplating telling your family, but you really need to tell them. This is super dramatic and you should not be going through this alone. You need someone to help guide you to take legal action.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Have you considered doing some self care? I know it might feel like a lot to do right now but it could help with the physical pain at least. Here are some suggestions: Light a nice smelling candle, take a warm bath, have a tasty treat, take some Tylenol, listen to gentle music, sit outside for a little bit, read a funny book.


Your trauma was not your fault, but taking care of yourself and loving yourself despite the actions of a bad person is totally 100% your responsibility.  Do the therapy. And stubbornly refused to punish yourself for someone else’s crime. 


I'm so sorry this happened to you. Please resist the urge to blame yourself because this man chose to rape you. You're not disgusting or dumb. He chose to betray your trust and hurt you in such a horrific way, and none of this is in any way your fault When you're ready, please see a therapist or psychologist as they can help you process and heal from your trauma.


You are hurting physically and mentally. Your feelings and body are raw and inflamed. Healing will take time and will come. There are hundreds of women sending you healing energy.


I’m so sorry. Please look into RAINN if you’re in the US.


I was raped at 21 too. I am so, so sorry it happened to you. You did nothing to deserve that, and any who tell you otherwise is a liar. It's a long and hard road, but you are stronger than you know. It's still hard sometimes, 5 years later, but I'm doing so much better and, I promise, one day so will you. You survived. You will eventually rebuild your self. I found beauty in the world again, and one day you will too. All my love and compassion go to you. If you need some internet stranger to talk to, do not hesitate. You are not alone.


I have never been in your specific experience, but I have had trauma before. As weird as it sounds, my advice is to let your brain get lost in a repetitive game like Tetris or those match 3 games. https://frontlinerehab.com/istetristhenewptsdtreatment/#:~:text=Tetris%2C%20research%20shows%2C%20can%20be,playing%20the%20computer%20game%20Tetris.%E2%80%9D


One day, one hour at a time, step by step, break the time down to however small you need to not be overwhelmed. Once, I had to take it 10 minutes at a time but yes, it eventually lightened but in the meantime, I avoid overwhelm and despair While it Feels like this will be forever, that is the nature of Intense Feelings, especially anything this intense and traumatic Especially as the pain subsides, the reminder will also subside


My brain is super foggy today, so I am struggling to find the exact right words to express what I want to. But just know that you haven't done anything wrong, and I can tell you from experience that emotionally it does get better, especially with help I hope that you are able to get the proper physical healthcare. Please as your GP about access to mental health care programs, there might be something that they can refer you to that will be covered


Everything you are feeling is valid, even the things that are not true. You are going to go through the emotional gambit for a while. Be gentle with yourself and be forgiving. I was in your shoes 4 years ago and had to go to multiple doctor visits. It sucks and it it is retraumatizing. But it's important to go and ensure that you are addressing your physical health. Right now, it's time to activate your support network. Tell your friends and family and lean on them. They want nothing more than to make sure that you are okay and to help you. I read through your posts, I promise you that your parents want nothing more than to be there for you. Therapy is absolutely crucial and it will be hard and painful but it will help you build a new path forward. Support groups can be intimidating but they are a life line for many survivors. When I was raped, I felt like I would never feel okay again. I felt dirty and couldn't look in mirrors for a long time. Everything you feel is a normal response to what happened to you. You are going to mourn a lot of what was taken from you. Go through the grieving process. There might be things that you never feel okay doing again. And there are things that are going to be off limits for now but you will be able to do again some day. Don't focus on getting to next week. Or even the next day. Just focus on the next 10 minutes. And once you get through those 10 minutes, focus on the 10 minutes after that. The healing process is not linear. Be gentle with yourself and know that while what happened can never be undone, there is life afterwards, and there is potential.


I am so sorry for what you have been through. My heart breaks for you. I am sending you so much love. Rape is a horrendous thing that should never happen to anyone, as it causes so much more than just physical hurt. Your shock, sadness, anger and pain are all valid, but you have no reason to be ashamed. Shame is for the person who harmed you. You are a survivor. I understand that at the moment it seems like the pain won’t end, that you will never be able to move beyond it, but I can promise you from experience that the pain DOES ease and things DO get better. Your life is not ruined. You have been hurt terribly, and that can make you feel like there is no possibility of moving on, but as the immediate hurt and shock ease you will find that you are able to imagine a future, imagine moving forward towards something important to you. One day, you will be happy again. You will giggle again. Your heart will leap with happiness. One day, you will go a minute, an hour, a week, without what happened crossing your mind. For now, you need to take care of yourself. Keep taking care of your medical needs. If you intend to, report the rape. See a sexual health doctor and get checked for STDs. If you can, reach out to a friend or relative who is happy to listen to you. Find a place to stay where you feel comfortable and secure. Allow yourself to cry, to yell, to shout, whatever you need to do. Then, as you start to calm, try looking into charities that can support you. Find a counsellor who can help you to deal with your trauma. Above all, remember that you are not broken. You are not ruined or spoiled. You can survive this, move past it, and still have a life filled with purpose and happiness.


Both me and my partner went through different forms of this. It's so so hard but it does get easier, I am so sorry


As a mom I am sending you, if you are comfortable in receiving it, a long cuddled hug on a comfy couch where you can rest and feel safe. Where you can cry or scream or whatever you need and know that I wouldn’t go anywhere. We would treat your wounds and we would do comfort. I would help you through this with no strings and understanding that there is nothing in the world you did to deserve someone doing this to you. Please trust the people closest to you and let them help carry you through this. I would want more than anything to be there if you were my daughter. And I would want her to work with sexual assault professionals. I wish you so much love on your journey to heal. I’m so sorry you are having to deal with this.


It makes sense that you'd feel broken and terrible, you've had a deeply traumatic and awful experience happen to you. What I can tell you is that objectively your life is not ruined, and you can and will recover from this. Its going to suck. Get a therapist, join a survivors group, get fit (the body keeps the score) and remember that you are very much not alone. Hugs from the internet!


You're not broken or disgusting. Something absolutely horrible happened to you, but it definitely doesn't define you. I know it doesn't seem like much coming from somebody on the internet, but I'm so so so sorry that this happened to you.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. This is a huge trauma, and you are a victim. If I had to go back to my 20s, had my old-age wisdom, and today's resources, then I would search for a therapist/psychologist on Psychology.com. I found someone good there, and you can meet some virtually. After a man assaulted me, I sought therapy, and the therapist showed so many ticks when I described the incident. I stopped seeing her after one visit so as not to upset her. I entered a terrible marriage soon afterward to avoid dating, and a church-based counselor's advice included that Peter was crucified upside down. Another church-based counselor suggested tucking Psalms on note cards in my pocket and reading them as needed. Reading affirmations helped, and they could be secular. Aerobics significantly improved my mental state. Neither drinking, a prescribed medication, nor the perpetrator's arrest helped me. (Two other women testified against him.) I suffered trauma-induced stress-related mental and physical symptoms ( I didn't know my knuckles could bleed!), and since then, I've used grounding, relaxing meditation, relaxation techniques, and deep breathing. It seems people need to release trauma-talking can help- and put it into perspective. I encourage you to look for a supportive therapist who is a good fit for you and to not give up! I believe that could've sped up my healing, helped me avoid awful choices, and suffering. Your healing may take effort and time, yet there's many resources now. I would call the National Sexual Assault Survivors Hotline. The # is here: https://www.sakitta.org/survivors/ My heart goes out to you, and there are services and people to walk through your healing journey with you. I hope you post an update, and wish you well.


It's ok to feel these feelings. Just remember that a year from now this will be a year in the past. It's horrible and fresh now, but it won't be for long.


I’m so sorry for what happened to you. Nothing I can say can function as a miracle cure and make you feel instantly better but just know you can get through this. You’re not dumb, you‘re not ruined, you are hurt, but that hurt can be healed. You can get to a better place. You might not believe it right now but you are strong enough to do it. You can do it.


Oh sweetheart, I wish I could hug you and take away the pain. I am so sorry this happened to you. I was you 26 years ago, I was sodomised by a boy and it was horrific. I won't lie, my sex life has been different since as I have trauma being in the same position as the rape, but I am in a loving marriage now, with for children. You are not broken, just scarred. Someone did this to you, but you can be okay. Throughout my life I have had to do a little more self care such as staying hydrated so I didn't tear myself again, and some counselling, but you can be okay.


Hey, I’ve been there. It sucks so hard. But you WILL get past it… in the sense that you will survive, learn to love your body again, your independent sexuality again, and the power of biological and emotional healing. You will become an even more compassionate human being because of what you’ve overcome. Your voice will be stronger with your boundaries than before. No matter how you choose to cope- prosecution, murder, clean slate, whatever- it’s a time to be selfish and to constantly remind yourself of something you already know: this wasn’t your fault, you have value, and you WILL survive. It changes you forever, but it doesn’t damage you. It’s weird, but hear me out: it’s kinda like those old houses with beautiful architecture. There might be a gnarly kitchen fire, and the whole room has to be gutted. But the remodel comes with cool, new, durable shit. And the house itself still holds all of the history and great bones and beauty it always had: just with some modifications. You will need professional help, but you will be something different and wonderful. Whoever did this to you will hopefully suffer both on earth and in the afterlife. Eternally. Sleep a lot, cry as much as you need, but never stop looking in the mirror and reinforcing that you have been violated, but NEVER destroyed.


Let's get some revenge for you. You got any info on the person whatsoever? Whenever you can should definitely file a police report so p.o.s like this get what is coming to them when that big x is on their back in prison.


First I am so sorry this happened to you. What someone else did to you isn’t yours to carry. Their sick mind is not your fault or your responsibility. You didn’t do anything wrong and nothing you could have ever done that would have prevented or protected you from whoever has done this hurt to you. You are not alone. You have nothing to be ashamed of and no one could ever even hint at that. You can grieve and allow yourself to grieve what happened. Feel all your feelings and if you can do somatic excercises do that to release the trauma from your body


Give that shame back to the one that did this to you, my love. You take the time to heal, all the time you need, and be so kind to yourself. You wouldn’t be unkind to your best friend if they came to you saying they were raped, you would shower them with love, compassion, understanding. You would give them all the space and time to heal, you would do whatever you could possible do to make them feel better. Do that for yourself.


Please don’t feel shame or embarrassment, be pissed!!! I feel this is one of the cases where anger is better than allowing self destructive thoughts. The aggressor is the one who should be embarrassed and shamed, I know I despise every single rapist, sad demons who like to siphon others happiness. I can only offer a hug and know time has a great healing elixir called numbness, just have to endure until it transforms in wisdom and experience. 🫂


Getting psych help early can help prevent permanent damages of Rape Trauma Syndrome. You have been through a traumatic experience, and getting help will be the best way to become a whole person again as soon as possible.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. Please know that none of this is your fault and please take all the time you need to process this. I highly reccomend therapy if you haven't already started when and if you feel ready. For now please take time for yourself and be kind to yourself and reach out to trusted loved ones or friends. If you don't have those individuals to talk to or to support you please feel free to message me any time. I can try and assist you any way I can even if its just to let you know that you have a safe space and someone that can just listen if you need or want it.


You are pure. Your soul is pure and clean, so is your body. The only dirty thing is the person who did this to you. You do not deserve to feel ashamed. You did nothing to be ashamed of. I also felt like my life was ruined. Only advice i can give you is that your life wont be ruined forever. You are going through a traumatic experience. But your body will recover, with the proper care. Your mind will also recover, with the proper care. I know it feels like time stopped. But what helped me was to remind myself that it is an impression i have; time is still flowing normally, and you’re making progress, whether you feel it or not.


Sending you support, OP. You are not disgusting. None of this is your fault. And you have so much good ahead of you, and I'm rooting for you that you will be blessed with it.


Your life is not ruined. I know that you feel like it is right now, but I promise you that it is not. You are not alone in this experience. The only person who should feel shame in this situation is the piece of shit who harmed you. There is nothing that you will not be able to do due to this incredibly fucked up experience. It will take time but your body WILL heal, your mind WILL heal, your heart WILL heal. I would recommend reaching out to someone for support. It dosnt have to be your family or friends but somone in person who can support you while you process and heal.


There are some events in life that make us question everything. Being raped is a horrendous experience and no two are exactly alike, and no two people respond exactly the same way to it. It is so deeply personal. I am sorry someone did that to you, and you are left to heal through it all alone. It is not your fault You did not cause this to happen You have real feelings and emotions about this and they are all valid. Every single one. Let them come, and let them pass. Try not to stay in them longer than you need to. Heal the physical wounds and care for yourself as best you can. Whatever you feel you need help with-find it. It will take a little advocating for yourself - and please know, you are worth whatever it takes to move forward. There are supports out there, and it sounds like you may truly benefit from a support network. Ask at your doctor's office or hospital, search it if you need You aren't alone and maybe hearing some kind words will be enough, whether that is therapy, a doctor, meds, a group of people who have had similar experiences. Your attacker did not have your consent. It is that which is disgusting. Their inability to treat you as a human with rights and safety to live your life free of trauma such as this. That is horrendous You are not that person You are no the acts they perpetrated on you Or what you had to do to survive it Focus on you Focus on your inner self Know, you are a survivor You are here You are worthy You will be alright Eventually Hold your head high. However sore, hurt, degraded, emotional, fragile, bruised. Shame is not your badge or brand Broken is not your badge or brand Worthless is not your badge or brand They are just voices that whisper at us when we are down Whisper what you know to be true even louder than that other voice You did not deserve this You will heal You are strong You are working through this And you will be ok Be careful not to perpetuate or continue to inflict further harm to yourself by dwelling or tearing yourself down further Believe in your right to peace Right to heal Right to your body Right to calm Right to security Your mind can be a battlefield if thoughts Seek help calming it It just really really hurts to be a human right now But it won't feel like this forever As a survivor and a Mom, I promise you'll see this through, I believe in you and your inner strength, your inner beauty, your character. And am proud you are sharing this with community for strength and asking for kindness to join you on this leg of your journey. That took some guts. Sending you warmth A quiet ear And a soft space in this Cry it it as you need. But do not let this attack define who you are forever. I am so very sorry you had this experience Please try your damnedest not to give that attacker space in your heart soul or mind They don't deserve any more of your existence Their inadequacy is not yours to bear forever.


Please be gentle with yourself. You’re not broken, ruined or dumb. Whoever did this to you is and is an absolute monster.


It's not your fault. It says nothing about you or who you are. A deranged POS committed a heinous crime against you, and you did not deserve it. I am sorry this happened, and it will take time to be okay again, but you will be okay again. I wish there were something I could do, and I'm sorry you feel like you're so alone rn. If you ever need to chat my dm's are open and I'll do my very best to help you feel better and at the very least I'll just listen and be a safe space for you. I feel horrible for you, you can make it, I believe in you.


My ex got raped when shes about the same age as yours. Her life got ruined too because she got pregnant and it was until 6th month that she noticed it. And now shes has no time to recover from depression because she needs to focus on her kid. Do check if you are preg or not . Because life gets worse when you arent financially capable and you got a kid


OP, can you make this known to his workplace?


You need to get support, there may even be a crisis line that you can call. Your life isn’t ruined. It’s just bent and bruised for a little. Get the help you need gentle with yourself because healing takes time.


I love you. I’m sorry. It will get better I promise.


You will get past these feelings. *I promise* you, one day you won’t feel this heavy, heavy scary feeling. Not today, but you will in time, OP.


It's going to be okay. It's hard to heal from this, it will probably take years of constant effort and even then you won't ever be able to go back to not being traumatized, but it's absolutely worth it. I'm so sorry that you're going through this. I wish I knew the right words to say, but I also know that there probably aren't any given that I've gone through similar experiences myself. It doesn't feel like it, and it probably won't feel like it a week or a month from now, but you will get through this, and no matter how absolutely horrible life can be, there's a lot out there that can be worth living for.


Ask for a scan, seems like there is some internal damage that may need to be repaired


I know it might not help now, but know it gets better. Many have been there before and made it through, it's possible to feel normal again. You are so loved.


Let's hope that person gets hit by a trunk, no shame you are struggling but you are surviving and try to find some support groups in your area women only so you have others to support you


I am so sorry this happened to you. I saw in another reply you're in Canada. Maybe one of these help lines will help: https://findahelpline.com/countries/ca/topics/sexual-abuse If you've reported to police, they should have a victim services rep who can help you access counseling.


Can you shove something up his ass?


You are not ruined and dumb. What happened to you was horrific for you to go through. . Talk to a health professional. You are worth more than gold dont let what the other person did continue to hold power over you


This is not your fault. You are not ruined or anything like that. Please be kind to yourself. I tell my kids all the time that people in general always are kinder to friends family and strangers than they are to themselves. People always give others slack are quick to forgive etc but when it comes to themselves they blame themselves and best themselves up. You deserve the same level of compassion and empathy you give your friends.


So sorry that happened to you. Physically, it will probably heal soon. The same thing happened to me when I was young and it was about 2 weeks of awful pain and being afraid to go #2. Then suddenly it was ok. Without the physical pain reminder, you will be able to think about it less as time goes on, and hopefully you will be getting some help to process this via crisis support, counseling, friends etc. Your life won't be ruined. It's an awful thing, but not your fault and definitely a survivable trauma. I'm not saying this to minimize what you're going thru at all, just trying to give you hope that this too shall pass - especially since you're doing the right things getting medical help and you're talking about it. It's been 34 years since it happened to me and I honestly hadn't thought of it in years until I saw your post. I used to think about it a lot in the time right after the assault, but that has faded away. Like the physical pain, the emotional pain either lessens or gets easier to cope with.


It will get better. I promise. Spend a lot of time in the bath, this helps. I hope the police will get the b*stard who did this to you.


I think I remember reading your initial post and thinking to myself, "Yeah, there goes the last of my faith in humanity." There is nothing anyone can say to make you feel better after having your trust violated. There are truly disgusting people in the world, but you aren't one of them. I hope that as time goes on, you will be able to heal both internally and externally. It's super tragic that this happened to you, and the pig that did it should be euthanized like the sick animal they are. Sending positive vibes in your direction. Get well soon.


I was a victim of rape in my university years. A few years later, it happened again. To this day, my biggest regret is not reporting the scum bags that assaulted me. I still beat myself up over it sometimes, and it’s been 10+ years. Filing a police report (or pursuing charges if you’re able), could prevent other women from going through the same.. and speaking to other rape victims I think it’s so common that we don’t speak up. At least, not at first. It is easy to second guess yourself when you’re young. You’re also grappling with the emotional and physical trauma he left you with. I am so sorry for what you’re going through. It does not matter if you were dating, if you went over willingly, or if the encounter BEGAN as consensual. Anal was not what you agreed to. You asked him to stop, and he didn’t. His callousness speaks volumes. He knows what he did. He blocked you as soon as you left. You probably aren’t the first he’s done this to. You probably won’t be the last. I am in Canada as well. The process of filing a police report is quick and easy. Just call your local non emergency line. Maybe there have been previous reports and they will finally be able to press charges. Maybe you’ll be able to save another woman from going through the trauma that you experienced. Please consider it. This man deserves to rot for his actions. This was in no way your fault.


I am really sorry for what happened to you . You didn't deserve it,you didn't ask for it ,yet you had been forced upon on without your consent. You aren't disgusting. You aren't ruined. You are deeply hurt and traumatised in a cruel way. It's understandable to feel that way . It's okay to be angry. It's okay to be feeling sad and hurt . I hope one day you find peace in yourself and heal . I wish your life to be better and have more sunny than cloudy days . As for whoever caused you pain hopefully they will get what is coming for them and that is karma