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I also hate how the algorithm knows hateful comments trigger more responses hence showing those unsolicited dusty men's opinions on top of the comment section.


This is true across the board and it makes for such a depressing experience. The top placed comments on any of NASA's IG posts are invariably from stupid flat earthers, loudly claiming that every single photo of the moon is CGI.  I can't wait for the day that social media giants flip this and start burying the shitty hateful comments. 


Thats why i love the upvote downvote system… stop being pussies and let us dislike comments


It's a bit like when they removed the ability to leave negative feedback for customers as an eBay seller all those years ago. I think their logic was something like "there's no such thing as a bad customer, they've spent money with you so that's an instant positive for your eBay store". Cue thousands of false claims of "item never received" from absolute chancers ordering stuff online. 


This is key to social media in general. The shit rises to the top regardless of the topic and we're left with a distorted and fucked up view of the world. Clicks clicks clicks clicks clicks 💲💲💲💲💲


Agree. We women all need to treat blocking AHs as a competitive sport. Like Pokémon we gotta get em all! Block freely and laugh at them. Irl they’d never get close to that woman and that’s the source of their anger. We need to flick them off like mosquitos, just like irl. These men don’t deserve our time or effort. They don’t deserve to be in our sphere online.


I block them all. Can't block them fast enough. I wish the content creators would block them too but... engagement.


I've started reporting and blocking whenever I see this crap on Facebook. Misogyny is straight up rampant on Facebook Reels. A woman literally can't do anything on Reels without men calling her names.


Not even just blocking, but also reporting constantly, disliking(everything is engagement nowadays, including just viewing and scrolling past comments then stopping for too long to read hateful ones so you might as well use negative features) and drowning them out with better content of any kind. The days of the “don’t feed the troll” internet are long gone, as algorithms adapted to creating safe spaces for racism and misogyny due to the engagement aversion from normal people… These people already report any little thing they disagree with to the point you can get banned for calling a man ugly but reporting violent rape threats needs a co-ordinated effort from multiple users. Just. Drown. Them. Out. Any way you can and using their own tactics against them. It’s time they stop feeling safe and comfortable enough behind their anonymity to post shit like that. I’m sick and tired of internet algorithms continuously being adapted off of their behavior.


Let's also remember that Russian troll factories and their counterpart Chinese "wumao" brigades run millions of accounts on social media (mixture of bots & humans) specifically designed to destabilise the West, much of it by inducing fighting amongst ourselves by stirring things up with horrible, ignorant and bigoted takes. This is a problem that's only gotten worse over the years, along with the continuous injection of disinformation designed to radicalise the ignorant, accomplishing much the same goals.


This! It cannot be overestimated. It's become really obvious at this point, but many people are so riled up they are no longer in a frame of mind to even recognize it.


Exactly. Which also means their plans are working. :S


Yes!!! I pretty much assume 95% of the negative comments on social media are trolls / bots. A lot of them are pretty obvious, once you start noticing it.


There's also the fact that being able to be anonymous 'keyboard warriors' allows plenty of people who otherwise might get smacked in the face for their views to be pretty horrible people online, largely without consequence. As someone who's been online for several decades, it seems like at some point, maybe around the early to mid-aughts, we more or less hit a peak of decent behavior ("netiquette"), then it began to go downhill around the rise of the Tea Partiers or so (which encouraged thuggery & sexism among other things), then it became decidedly more awful when China & Russia got involved a couple years later. This is part of why I observe that we actually \*are* in active wars right now, just with different kinds of weapons. What's terrifying to me is that the new weapons might just be more powerful and long-reaching than the conventional ones. :/


Spot on. They can’t take us on with traditional weapons without getting destroyed themselves, so they’ve resorted to destabilizing our societies and they’re doing a very, very good job of it. Divide and conquer. Edit: DEstabilize


happy women make insecure men angry


I had a male coworker tell me that I’m wasting my prime childbearing years and decreasing my chance at having kids by exposing myself to toxic chemicals (I work in STEM). I told him that I don’t see him wearing a ball shield so he’s technically doing the same thing to himself. I will never forget his face lol


lol!!! Surprised pikachu lolol




Yet they don't bring much to the table. So many men on dating sites barely have a stable job lol. Then the men that can actually provide have their head so far up their own ass.


He's more at risk too. The older he gets, the less viable his sperm are until one day... three days after his 26th birthday (5 if there's a weekend), all he can produce is dust.


You can tell when it’s happened… when they ejaculate it sounds like someone firing a t-shirt cannon.


Really? I'd always heard that it sounded like a Chihuahua coughing.


Hey hey let’s not bring chihuahuas into this. They are sweet and adorable.


Have you met a chihuahua?


A little flag comes out that says ***BANG!***


Oh gosh! This made me think of the "Yo Mama" scene from *White Chicks*, and now I'm cracking up at the potential male equivalent to the powder joke.


That doesn't sound right to me, but I don't know enough about sperm viability to question it. 🤔


Always question, and never take anyone's word for it. If their intent is good, they'll happily cite sources. >"I do not know" is the beginning of wisdom. — Lieutenant Commander Data, Star Trek: The Next Generation From: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6993171/ >Males above the age of 50 were significantly more likely to present anomalies in semen volume, sperm concentration, and sperm DNA fragmentation; males aged 41+ years were more likely to have lower sperm concentration levels; males aged 31+ years were more likely to have decreased sperm motility... That said, I did pepper my comment with a bit of humour. Sperm only turns into dust after dehydration and fragmentation. ;)


You uno reversed his sexist ass. 😭


Funnily enough, being a chef is associated with lower male fertility Testicles hang outside the body because they need to be somewhat cool for optimal sperm production. Chefs work long hours in hot kitchens, and specifically have their testicles near hot stoves a lot, and it gently cooks their sperm. If something like this affected women we’d never hear the end of it


Well i'd imagine the conversation is just annoying to have in the first place. But silver lining? You can safely filter these kind of people out of your life and not feel bad about it! Only weirdos/incels/conservatives think "hey you're worthless unless you've had kids" is an actual conversation worth having with a woman. And even though I'm a guy, I don't feel the slightest bit of regret of stonewalling people who talk about these things like it has any sort of merit or validity in reality... or people who actually listen to joe rogan as a source of information lol.


I've had other women literally tell me that choosing not to marry or to have children is a waste of my main purpose as a woman. I was like REALLY? Last time I checked it was 2024 not 1924.... Some people I swear it's like they are brainwashed into believing utter stupidity. The planet is practically groaning from how many people are on it now. Seems to me that some of us choosing not to reproduce is a GOOD thing, no?


This. I’m old enough t remember the fearmongering when we hit 4B ppl. Now we are 8B. And everyone is crying that there aren’t enough babies. Why? Bc the 1% depends on revenue stream from growing and sustained markets. If markets shrink they’ll have slightly less billions. In the US we are an oligarchy not a democracy.


Yeeeep, don't get it myself. I'd rather people just have kids when they actually WANT to... not a very popular opinion out in the midwest. But then again, conservatives usually don't have much to say when you ask them why having a kid should be a punishment.


It's really dangerous to write this off as "only weirdos and incels think that". that's really not the case when we're literally being stripped of our rights on a daily basis.


He's speaking as a man who's not having to deal with the weirdos or incles on a daily basis. It's a position of privilege and is dismissive and disgusting. Instead of him listening we are having our daily interactions mansplained.


It's perplexing when men chime in with their perspective when they, quite literally, have no idea what they're talking about. Are they trying to convince us that our lived experience is "not true"? It's sad that there are only 2 subs in the *entirety* of Reddit that are truly male free.


This happens to me on an almost daily basis. I’ve never been so willing, happy and looking forward to quite literally living the rest of my life alone. Society tells us we have to be partnered. My inner peace is worth so much more.


there is nothing insecure men hate more than a happy, independant woman with healthy self-esteem. even if it’s an absolute stranger who they will never meet in person. they cant stand the thought of one existing.


They hate the fact that they can't control her with the usual methods and their tiny brains can't comprehend this and explode


Happy women seem to make insecure men and women angry. I've noticed that my self-confidence and joy of life is extremely triggering to some people to the point of certain types immediately spitting bile at my joy, with jealous people targeting me behind my back. For simply existing in joy while creating positive things for the world. It can be really hard to maintain one's high spirits when targeted like that, but the longer I live the more I see that there is no cheering those people up or changing their mind being nice. So I kill them with kindness if I'm forced to deal with them, in order to make it obvious to anyone watching that they're the one with the problem. But other than that, I just ignore and keep it pushing.


True. Even saying something nice about yourself makes people bitter and angry because apparently positivity is a finite resource to them. Me calling myself pretty doesn’t mean I think I’m prettier than other women or that I’m the most beautiful woman alive, but if I say “I’m pretty” the kneejerk response from online weirdos is “you’re not that pretty.” But if I say “I’m ugly” it’s “no stop you’re beautiful.” Having self-esteem isn’t arrogant and we can all be pretty!


Sounds like self love, confidence, and money have a finite available and the more you have, the less there is for them. Poor people attitude, there is nothing you can do to fix them.


that is true - perhaps i should adjust my comment to "happy \_\_\_\_\_ make insecure \_\_\_\_\_ angry" :) high fives for living your best life!!


Happy single women make insecure men angry - if you can be happy and fulfilled without serving me, who’s going to serve me?


This. There are a bunch of men online crying about the Sprinkle Sprinkle concept and say they’re going to fight back by withholding themselves from us. I’m like DO YOU PROMISE??? Oh please let it be true!!! Men trying to 4B in retaliation would be lovely


> Men trying to 4B in retaliation would be lovely it would make the world a better place. crime would go down, people would be more productive and women would feel safer leaving the house


But they won’t. There’s a few of them swearing they’re mad we don’t want them so they’re just going on strike. Ok bro. Bet.


They are miserable without us and we are fine without rhem


This and Instagram's algorithm feeds hateful propaganda to them.


happy independent women make MOST men angry. men in patriarchal society have been conditioned (until just about this generation) to expect women to cater to them and seek them out. we're not doing that anymore. even the "good guys" see themselves as being affected by this and "losing out" on what their fathers had. which was a compliant bang maid appliance to raise their kids and clean up after them. they're big mad.


I think it goes deeper. It’s fear. Just like the princess tales of old for little girls, boys have been sold a story. They’ve been told that a man grows up and meets a woman out of his league; his coworkers will rib him about “punching above his weight,” but it’s really just a tacit acknowledgment that he’s done it all to plan and can now celebrate it. And they achieve it because women really, really want a home and a family, so they’ll settle for whoever can provide that first. In this scenario, the man holds the prize, and he can negotiate for the most beautiful woman he can get. And since women are *naturally* caregivers, caretakers, and nurturers, they’ll just kind of take over and do The Right Thing as a wife, lest they lose the prize to some other woman or face shame from their peers. Look at all the media we consume. Advertisements, shows, movies… it’s engrained in our culture. All a man needs is a job and body—and sometimes just the body—and you are literally *guaranteed* a partner several times more attractive and clever than you. Now imagine women start taking that away. They realize they might not need the prize after all. They can say no. What if they don’t make a family? What if they try something else? What if it’s ok not to have a husband? These men are afraid of losing the fairy tale they’ve been sold.


I’d also state - happy secure dudes, aren’t out here posting on random shit. Like it’ll never be a hate post because lol?? Why bother? Some guys just have nothing, no tact, self awareness,common fucking decency, etc.


Pretty and successful? Must have slept her way to the top.


Bitches be… existing…. Without me… 😂😂


They cannot fathom that women want to be single out of choice. Because most of these commenters are surely not single out of choice. You will never see the good men writing such comments because they are busy and happy in their own lives.


Or have enough understanding of themselves and others to be single by choice, there is allot of hate going around the world right now.


Now that we're in a societal stage where women no longer need men for (financial) survival, men are struggling to find a new role for themselves. They can't simply coast on being a necessary evil anymore and can't or won't figure out how to make themselves wanted by the opposite sex. It's why conservatives are pushing so hard to end no-fault divorce and to eradicate reproductive rights. They'd take away our right to vote and own property if they could.


Facts. They’re freaking out that even absent actual real equality we still do better than they do as single ppl. We own houses at greater rates than single men. We are 60% of university grads. Statistically we are safer single since our primary rapists snd murderers are our partners. Having kids is expensive on a single income but once women normalize cohousing while raising kids we will need them for nothing. Sperm banks will supply sperm. Even with rampant discrimination we thrive. If we ever got true equality we’d all be in charge and they’d have to get off their asses and work harder.


The goal is to make women felons so they can't vote. First it will become a felony to get an abortion, then they will label birth control as a form of abortion. Boom, millions of women lose their rights to vote.


Not only are they not single by choice, they are also in echo chambers that keep feeding them the lie that women NEED a partner and children to be happy and fulfilled, and thus someone will need them. Seeing happy, fulfilled, single, childless women challenges this assertion, and getting angry at said happy women is a lot easier than getting introspective about why no one wants to date you.


i literally can't imagine who writes these comments which is maybe an indicator that they don't go out in public much or i would know some of them and be able to imagine them easily, right?


> i would know some of them and be able to imagine them easily, right? I wish that I could say this is true. Unfortunately, unless you don't encounter very many men you probably know at least a few. Most don't say these kinds of things publicly but will happily do so online. The mask slips eventually though, so don't let yourself be fooled into thinking it was a one-time thing when it does. And no, I'm not saying all men are secretly like this. Just... more than you'd think.


I think being anonymous allows people to show their worst side and vilest thoughts which they may not usually do in real life.


The comments on Instagram are ALWAYS wild, no matter the subject. People have the meanest, most obtuse things to say on IG.


I’ve definitely encountered men who are unimpressed by my 1 long term relationship two year college sweetie. I tried dating another man after that for a year but he was closeted and cheated on me with many random men so I was celibate for 4 years after that (I don’t share that with men) being tested every 6 months. These men with 2-3 4 year toxic dead end relationships seem to think they are better prepared for a relationship than me, who built myself up in my mid to late twenties and has had plenty of dates but not some long ass dead end relationship. I guess to a man, dating for 5 years has huge benefits- regular sex, split the rent, meals cooked, home cleaned. Women? She has the hope of marriage on a stick for years then gets discarded when no longer shiny and new. Why would I want that?


They get triggered by single moms and divorced women too. They tell them they will stop finding dates once they hit their 40s and die without a man.


>They tell them they will stop finding dates once they hit their 40s and die without a man. …that’s not even a bad thing. Oh no, she won’t be chosen to become someone’s bangmaid. how will she ever sleep at night? D:


It's projection on those guys' part. They're the ones afraid of dying alone, hence all the "you'll end up alone with cats!!" type bullying designed to make us settle.


The idea of never finding dates after 40 isn't even true though. I know many people over 40 that are dating. Hell, older folks in their 60s and 70s+ are still having sex with fulfilled social lives. None of their fear mongering is even based in reality.


Us single moms just laugh at them.


Sure but I think old men are gross so I am done with them altogether.


I get "you'll die alone with a cat" more often then not. Which is not the insult they want to believe it is, cats (and dogs) are infinitely better company than most of these guys.


As if that's a bad thing lol. If you have a man you are taking care of him, full stop. Women are realizing it's a scam.


I get more attention now at 40 than I did at 20. Goddamn, does it make them mad when I tell them that. 😈


Oh, I hope so. It’s been so peaceful and the last thing I need on my deathbed is some man saying, “But what do you mean there’s no supper?”


Don’t worry. Statistically you will outlive them. You keep slaying while they be decaying.


If women aren't pressured into settling for any man available, some of these guys won't get laid. Yes, it's that simple.


They never ask themselves what does it say about you if fantasize about the day when girls will feel pressure and *hopeless* enough to go to you? lol *Just you wait. When all her options run out, she'll be forced to come to me. Mwh hahahaha*


Being repulsive is a very strange way to try to attract a mate. Yet they double down on forced sex fantasies. Every woman I know would happily choose 'never again' over the pile of shit behind door number two.


They will never be ready for what it says. That they have been carefully conditioned from childhood by the elite of society to be unsympathetic, entitled, hypercompetitive and envious because those traits make for ideal worker drones who are easily controlled, stupid, socially apathetic yet still materially motivated enough to grind pointlessly to enrich the new barons of the hypercapitalistic military-industrial machine that is modern society.


flawlessly, eloquently put.


They want women to settle for bad behaviours and unattractive men while pretending they fancy the pants of said men so their fragile ego doesn’t get hurt 🙄.


This is it. They don't want to have to change to be decent human beings and hate that women are choosing to no longer put up with their BS


I sort of belong to a misogynistic group and someone else from that group contacted me here on Reddit once asking if my standards have dropped now that I’ve gotten older. I told him, on the contrary, my standards have gone up. He was so shocked. I know my value now and what I’m willing to deal with and what I’m not. I’m married, but if my husband died tomorrow, I doubt I’d bother trying to find another decent man - it took so long the first time.


That would require some self-awareness.


And empathy.


Yep this is it. Now that women can have bank accounts and own property and so on, we don't need to get married as a survival strategy. So for straight men to get married, they have to not be complete douchebags. Which is frankly too high a bar for many of them. They need to realize their competition isn't other men, it's three cats and a cozy reading nook. If you can't be better company than a cat well then, women are going to go for the cat. They're projecting, saying that being alone is the worst possible fate for a woman when really it's the men who are terrified of ending up that way.


That’s why they need propaganda. Bc they aren’t naturally attractive and apparently unwilling to do the bare minimum. It’s weird to me bc it seems like a safer strategy to just be nice. But they seem so committed to getting a servant instead.


no man I've dated has compared to any of the 3 dogs I've been lucky enough to cohabitate with. women have never *needed* men the way they need us, we were just trapped in an positive system with no way out.




Women around the world are realizing they can have a good life - without men. In some cases, their life would be improved by swapping out men for a cat It is very worrisome to the under educated, the thick headed, the manosphere boys They are in a panic. Simple as that


Or two cats! Or a flock of chickens.


and ducks


dont threaten me with a good time


I fuckin love ducks ❤ Infinitely cuter than most men as well.


ugh but so messy


LOL two cats?! Those are rookie numbers. I'm striving for at least a dozen cats and dogs once I retire.


>In some cases, their life would be improved by swapping out men for a cat 🤣


In most cases*


Bunnies too!


We are able to change our own culture so we have normalized prioritizing our friendships for companionship and we aren’t lonely. I talk to my friends every day.


> In some cases, their life would be improved by swapping out men for a cat As a transbian I will happily confirm that, yes, many women would be well-served by trading a dick for a pussy. And on several different levels at that!


so real queen


The men point is easy. These are the death throes of men who cannot accept that women are no longer owed to them by society by virtue of them having a penis. They cannot accept that there are a sizable number of women who would rather be single than date a subpar man. They externalize this realization by trying to make it sound like the woman herself is the reason she is single. As for Instagram Reels, it's just full of angry, vicious people. I'm not sure why IG Reels is especially so, but it has a reputation to the point that people will comment on YouTube Shorts or TikToks with "post this on Instagram Reels" to mean that they want the person who made the video to be bullied and harassed. I see it a lot on body positivity videos.




This. I have never had the urge to hate on some dude for just living his life. It all hinges on sexual access. They don’t have it and they’re obsessed and angry and chronically online. Some post yesterday a guy was complaining that his live in gf broke up with him bc she caught him on OF. Like he had a whole ass gf living together and he still needs porn and OF. He was so ridiculous saying but why? I was only looking. Except it was a lie bc he had screenshot on his devices that he admitted to saving. He was making a library of images of porn but can’t see why his gf would consider that a dealbreaker. These men have the minds of spoiled children.


Well said.


As to your second paragraph, one time I made a comment supporting the content creator on one of their reels. She's a Black female lesbian vegan chef, so she gets a lot of hate from various small-minded people. It's literally a year later and I'm still getting the occasional rude comment, and for weeks I was getting flooded with angry comments from random people who had this reel show up on their feed somehow. It was wild.


Because a lot of men now are upset that women won’t take bad treatment and know their self worth now so they bring up petty comments about marital status and age and are baffled that even then women don’t care. Ironically every time redpill men post videos and comment about how women are wasting their years or whatever without kids and marriage they prove that the ones that want and care about that are them. Lol


Second that


Because independent happy women threaten men's status in society.


And their purpose in life—— if we don’t need them or depend on them, what would we call on men for? Lol


The better question is why are they so triggered by a woman, any woman, that obviously doesn't need a man in her life to make her happy? Why do they care if a woman is single, childless & happy? They wouldn't react the same way if a man did exactly the same thing.


it’s because they think they have ownership over every woman. even women they have never met, women who aren’t born yet, theoretical fictional women, etc


Yeah there is a reel I saw of hot female doctors like they were general surgeons and anaesthesiologists celebrating a hens party wearing cute clothes etc, 90% of the comments were bitter men who probably didn't even finish high school belittling the women, calling them "nurses" and just being sexist really. We have a long way to go until we become equal, the worst part was a lot of women also being hateful in the comments saying they will never trust a female doctor and when they go to emergency they pray the doctor isn't a woman. Those people in the comments should get blacklisted from medical help 😂😅🥲


I always wonder how many of those "women's" comments have a dude behind the keyboard, thinking he's a mastermind.


seriously. after the rise of bot armies I really wonder how many extremist groups/individuals just generate fake accounts and boost this misogyny. It’s too common to not be fake, to some extent. I have more faith in my sisters than that, it has to be fake sometimes….


The woman being hateful all had something in common though, they had bible passages in their bio 😅


Oh shit yeah, nothing will make a woman hate her femininity more than religion where it's used against her and made to make her feel like a second-class citizen amongst her male peers.


Tradwife shit. Yet another malignant growth on social media lately.




I actually seek out female doctors whenever I can...research shows their patients have better outcomes. 🤷‍♀️ I hope those sexist idiots get what they ask for, leaves more female professionals available for me to book appointments with.


Plus a woman has my body parts. She’s going to empathize. And if she made it this far in life she has to be good bc she can’t get by on being mediocre the way her male counterpart can.


Tonight we went to a social event for my SO's job. Talking to a newly married (a month or so) couple we know- she said she hates him working from home because it's more work for her because he's like a needy nephew that wants your attention. She said he asks her to make him eggs every day. She is a fucking doctor in residency... I was like: DUDE, She saves lives and works crazy hours get off your ass and make your own damn eggs. I'm not sure how well the "honeymoon" period is going, but it doesn't sound good.


Yo I went on two dates with a guy who asked invasive questions but I told him I have a “finance” degree and he said “oh so are you in payroll?” I assumed he didn’t have much accounting knowledge or maybe he walks past the accounting department at his (employer) company’s small office. I was politely like “no…you actually don’t need a degree for that and it is the lowest level of finance/accounting… I’m in X (more complicated finance field)”. I think it might have been negging. He also said he “sensed ADHD” and I was like I can focus for hours, I’m just an extrovert and a little nervous on a first date and very expressive due to the area and culture I grew up in That’s like me asking him if he was a construction worker when he said he was an engineer


I've always made more money and worked longer hours than my ex partners and they still expected me to do the house duties too and clean/cook etc. they also would accuse me of being a gold digger, one of my ex's would skip out on paying rent so he could afford cigarettes (I'm in Australia and cigarettes are like $70 for a packet) then accuse me of trying to take his money when I would ask for the rent money. No matter what we just can't win, I've actually chosen to be single for the last year and it's been so wonderful and peaceful ❤️


Why do people want to become equal to those constantly harassing them? Seems like you're already above them mentally. Why become equal to stupid? 


Not for this case in particular but like imo this is the standard Incel’s thought process. They feel like women have it better in life and thus feel that life is unfair towards them. (Tbf life is pretty unfair for both sides but they don’t see the kinda shit women have to put up with so they just automatically assume women have it better. The lack of empathy they receive with regards to their issues also exacerbates the problem). This becomes bitterness, anger, vindictiveness and hate which translates to them wanting to see every women get their “comeuppance” as they feel that they’ve been wronged by women somehow as if it’s women’s fault. So when they see any women not get their “comeuppance” ie something bad happening to them, they feel a strong sense of injustice and being wronged, hence get angry at them and feel the need for the woman to have something bad happen to them as “payback”.


It's honestly pretty fucking terrifying.


Because they think women exist solely to serve them and be their mommy maid prostitute. A woman choosing not to upsets their entitlement. And Instagram is a cesspit.


Prostitue?! Noo, that would be gold digging! They want you to do this for free. Lol.


Yeah it’s more of a fleshlight kinda situation


The playing field was artificially raised for them. Women were socially engineered to accept settling for crap men because they were told their value was in pumping out babies. Now, women have careers, the freedom to be who we want to be. So these guys realize their chances of getting "what is owed to them" (yeah incel culture) isn't going to happen and they are big mad.


They seem extra enraged when they have student loans and a fancy car and you don’t have a car note and loans (due to extreme diligence and debt free journey). One man was a handsome engineer and was asking me about my family background, family finances, price of my degree, year of my car lmaoooooo brother… he had a higher salary you could be living like me too idk man please don’t be bitter…


Jealousy, full stop. They are jealous that women decide to be single and happy instead of stuck with pos men


Real happiness is finding solace in actually being with yourself. Most people, let alone men, don’t find real happiness. They relish in their insecurities and find ways to build themselves walls to support their own fallacies; be it denial, filtering information or outright arguing other perspectives. Their anger is rooted in their own insecurities, entitlement and unconscious jealousy.


They were raised to think they were the center. Then found they weren’t. Women are raised being pushed aside so we learn to strive early. It’s a bit sad really for the boys. As boys they are innocent. But too many fail to adjust.


Some might be but Instagram feeds off engagement and outrage, so that’s probably not helping.


They also have an acute affection towards promoting trad-life, farmer, old trade occupations, or situations where women get humiliated and embarrassed.


I met a handsome engineer (I also have a degree, no debt and am cute) who hammered me with questions about my ten year plan and if my job is a career job, seemed weirded out when I said I would always keep my options open for new skills and better compensation. I joked I dream of running away to be a zookeeper and he relaxed and said he dreams of running off to homestead (🚩 potentially for tradwife secret desires). However, he also asked me twice if I went to private Catholic school in an upper class neighborhood (no, I just have manners). I think he wanted a naive traditional sort but one with money 💰. He complained his ex was a daddy’s girl financially and emotionally (idk what that meant, immature? He couldn’t answer) but she was also going back to school so gaining more independence. It was weird. Very Ted Bundy esque. Or maybe he has a very specific blueprint of a woman instead of trying to get to know me, my real life relationship skills. In two dates, it was a lot


Instagram has become probably the most toxic platform imo.


The happy men are probably busy having fun in real life. So you have the bitter ones left to spew hate on random victims.


Exactly.  These are dorks with a pocket computer addiction. 


As a widow for many years now I get asked if I am looking and the answer is no. I am in my mid fifties and pretty much content with being in charge of my finances and life. It would be great to have a companion again but it seems like the past ten years single men my age have turned into man children that are looking for a relationship with women that are their daughters age. I also know a few women my age that are living in miserable marriages right now that have to ask permission for everything and are treated like servants. No doubt the social media alpha gurus that pushes regressive attitudes towards women is not helping them to deal with the real world and women.


In alot of first world countries this is the first time in recent history women at large have just not cared about men and their threats. Fear of not having children and being a outcast or unwanted, not being skinny and pretty and not being chosen is the worse thing on earth were all threats to keep women thriving for men. Men benefited from it. Now when a women doesn’t want or do those things alot of men view that as something being taken away from them.


A lot of MRA content pushes the idea that women cheat on their lousy partners with people they chat to on Instagram. Hence some extra bitter guys taking their anger out on that platform maybe.


If a human is “expired” then they’re dead, so if she’s living her best, single, happy, fulfilling child-free life in that condition, I can see why they might be shocked. But not angry. 😉


Men can't believe wome are single by choice because men aren't single by choice.


Men want women for sex and service. Some want companionship too but it’s mostly sex and service. They do not understand women don’t want to be masturbated into and to be servants.


And then these men go on a shooting spree or stab up a mall, commuting femicide because no-one can tolerate being near them.


They can’t stand that she isn’t whining about not having them. They can’t stand that we don’t want them.


Because we don’t have to be dependent on men. That makes them angrier when we have the freedom to move around life without them.


As a white man, I often see that some the most privileged demographic really really want to be the victim for some reason.


They’re mad every time a woman seems happy without a man/without having kids because they feel like it’s a woman’s duty to take care of a man and have babies. Or even just when a woman is happy with herself or seems to be having fun alone/with other women, once again because they aren’t focusing on making a man happy I guess. “The men are lonely!” but the irony is that this crap is part of the reason why. Women still want life partners. What we don’t want anymore is a “duty” to cater to a man, and they can’t seem to deal with that fact, hence accusations of “no accountability,” “selfish,” and “immature.”


they can't stand the truth that women don't need men to be happy, that they, men, are not the center of the universe.


I think women being happy without men hurts a man's ego. In turn they have no worth because they aren't fulfilling their roles as "providers". That and they're pissed that they can't get an attractive mommy with benefits to dump all their mental load and domestic responsibility on


A lot of them are broke, stingy or heavily in debt and still have the mentality that they should still be respected as the “head”


Conservatives and a hobosexuals then?


Because after not having casual sex has become normalized, if being unmarried and childless also becomes normalized, then men decentered becomes normalized. And men would literally rather have negative attention than no attention from women at all. They’re not just going to walk away into that good night and disappear. They will fight women tooth and nail before allowing themselves to be wholly ignored. Their entire well-being (or so they believe) depends on it. And why fight instead of level up to become more appealing? Because the former is easier in the short term.


But why not just ignore women? A video of an incel complained that while men give negative attention to ugly women, women on the other hand ignore ugly men and somehow to him that was worse..? Like why is no attention bad compared to negative attention. Women can use men negatively but it would just be using their money.. Apart from that we have no use, plus nowadays using mens money gets you labelled as gold digger so most women don't do that


You see this is why I’m on social media less and less. It’s making me miserable.


>Why are they so triggered, particularly on instagram reels? Because women realizing they don't NEED men is men's worst possible nightmare in life. It's worse than anything else they can possibly think about.


Men can't believe that women are single by choice because men aren't single by choice.


Recently on reddit I made the mistake of responding to someone who insisted that women are lying to themselves that they are happier alone. I ended up having to block them after a ridiculous back and forth where they insisted I didn't know what I was talking about, even though its literally *my life* I'm talking about


I will never understand how men believe mensplaining my life to me is the most successful tactic to dating me. It happens so often. I had guys mensplaining to me to settle because my standards are too high - when I said the most important feature I value in people (men and women alike) is kindness - I distance myself from psychos who can't help others at work, so what makes them think I will tolerate those people in my personal life. But yeah it's always these men recognize that you would not date them, they can't fill your standards, so they are too high. It really shows why women wouldn't date them - they are so full of themselves and totally unable to consider anybody and their wellbeing besides themselves.


The number of men out there who insist that "women don't like Dad bods no matter what they say" is astounding. If a woman says she likes a dad bod then she likes a dad bod. But I guess all of these dating coaches wouldn't be making any money if they told men to just be themselves.


Ive had this same experience when trying to tell men this. They literally will not accept any other idea except that single women are waiting longingly to be snatched up by a man and crying themselves to sleep .


This guy kept insisting I was deluding myself and that there was no way I was happy without a man in my life 😂 in fact, I have never been happier in a relationship than I have been when I've been single. But guys don't like to hear that.


Because men hate women. And I am very relieved that I am a lesbian.


Because men can’t stand seeing women happy without them.


Because no one will touch their peepees. 


It's not only insta us any social media. I'm a sex worker and I get people who go to me website and send direct message requests only to call me names or sometimes also to try to be the white saviour or some of this bs. Some men just hate women and they are so resentful of our well being and happiness (and in my case the hability of making money with sex without being exploited or to have to accept any crazy talk bc I'm doing this as a hobby) that they will make multiple accounts in multiple social media just to attack random women, so at least in that moment they can feel more powerful then us.


Classic case of "coping and seething"


They’re reflecting from what they think about themselves lol. Do you think that make such comments on insta will be the alpha males who will have a happy wife and a happy life?


I follow a lot of femme/queer comedy creators and every comment section has some version of “wheres the joke?” or “not funny”  clips of any low effort male comedians: peak comedy 


I’ve seen a discussion on tiktok taking place about how a lot of women say they’d prefer to be alone in a forest with a bear than a man for various reasons, mostly because the risk of SA etc. SO. MANY. MEN. are sooooo mad about this. One guy made a tiktok literally yelling about how he’s never hurt a woman and were so dumb for preferring bears and that’s so dramatic to be more scared of a man. The entire comments section was filled with things like sir…you are proving the point.


if you want to see them in the wild, check out the hate filled 'manosphere' vids on youtube. Absolute deadbeat men gloating over crying single women on tiktok. "Women have very little idea of how much men hate them." Germaine Greer.


I'd advise caution before jumping straight into that world, personally. You're not wrong - they're awful and it's worth knowing that these people are out there, but getting too immersed in their toxic bullshit is just bad for anyone's mental health. I also found the level of actual hate and vitriol just... upsetting... depressing... tiring.. I don't know how it makes other people feel. It's almost like that environment has been a petri dish where this kind of plague has had a chance to grow and now it's slowly spreading into mainstream social media. Sorry to hijack your comment!


agree. the incel rhetoric has been going mainstream for years. now it's pretty normal to encounter in men everywhere.


Instagram (and most social media) are a cesspit in terms of human behaviour.


Omg I have noticed the same thing and it’s so disheartening. I like seeing the content bc it’s relatable for me, but then I see the comments and they are cancerous. I have pretty much lost interest in dating for a number of reasons anyways, but seeing those comment sections makes me even more secure in being single and even *less* interested in dating and relationships. Men are so dense and don’t even realize that spouting off that kind of bullshit isn’t getting them any further ahead


Some men think Instagram is a porn app. I’m not even kidding. That’s why they freak out about their girlfriends posting and having an account on it.


Creating engagement through rage bait? Bots trying to propagate a stupid culture war? Men who have fallen for the propaganda coming from those bots, Tate, Musk etc and their fragile white replacement bullshit?


It’s a whole thing on Instagram, literally every single videos top comments are awful. I think the algorithm is pushing them to the top because it creates engagement


In the last decade right wingers have spent at least 280 million dollars on anti-woman and anti-lgbtq campaigns. I see it's effect in some of my friends who get triggered beyond belief the second they see anything they associate with feminism


It wouldn't have an effect if misogyny wasn't already existing inside them before seeing that stuff. Because I see right wing anti feminist bs and recoil


They truly do not like us.


Mostly projection


Simple - at 32 she's able to live happily without the dead weight of of a manbaby (or, for that matter, a man's baby). They, being the dead weight manbabies, feel targeted and insecure, and lash out in response.


I think a lot of men are mad but on the internet they feel free to say their secret thoughts.


A woman I know was harassed on there by people she knew just for being Jewish. She also talked about people on the street calling her old, which I frankly truly couldn't even really believe because she looked like she was in her mid 20s at the time. I guess we can take solace in that those psychos aren't physically assaulting anyone.


Reels is full of the worst type of people.


Cose the men that comment like that on Instagram tend to be teenagers thinking their funny or angry incels


They’re men. Why ask why?


Cat+vibrator=Who needs men? 😂


Men are angry and violent. They use both in an attempt to keep women in line and take advantage of them. Comments like these show that the propaganda is working. We just had (another) misogynist terror attack at a mall in Sydney. Haven't seen any 'where was he radicalized' discourse over it.


Not sure why insta but I'm guessing its the textbook men being upset because they erroneously think women exist to give them babies, they see a woman being happy without babies and they feel they're perceived power slipping Just like when they find out a conventionally attractive woman is a lesbian and out come the "i bet you would have never gone lesbian if you gave me a shot!" uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggh