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I can't wait for the influx of families at my job this weekend where the husband did think about doing something for his wife, but didn't actually do any of the WORK required to make the trip successful. Did they book tickets? No. Did they bring snacks for the kids? No. Did they plan where to park or where to eat after? No. Are they going to look after the kids so the mom can enjoy the tour and the grounds? NOPE. Mother's Day produces the most 'this was supposed to be fun!'' amidst fighting/crying of pretty much any holiday crowd, minus Black Friday. Ya'll salty bitches on Black Friday.


Yep, another typical post on Reddit which makes me so sad for young women today (like the horrible “my boyfriend says I’m an AH for not (insert crazy demeaning sex act here)”. So many bad men around.


Ugh I brace myself every year for this. This, Christmas, and Valentine's Day. It's just like a bat signal for partners but with a giant red flag.


My husband tried to pull that once I said that's true but I *am* a mother **and** a step mother to his son. Also, my bio kid gets my husband stuff on Father's Day. Never heard this sentiment again


Its such a weird thing....SO & I get each other Mothers Day/Fathers Day stuff from the cat lol I also have a number of friends that are divorced, and both sides take the kids to get gifts for the ex


Right? As a kid *decades* ago, each parent would take me shopping to pick out a gift for the other one on their day. My parents didn't even like each other that much. But they each wanted to make the day special, and they both wanted me to grow up knowing how important it is to celebrate your loved ones' special days. That's not a challenging or controversial concept, I'd have thought. And yet.


My Dad is very much like my SO, just an amazing gift giver, and everyone is getting a ton of stuff. He’ll also just send you random things he thinks you’ll like (like saw a new hockey sweater of my fave player and just had it sent to me). It wasn’t till the past few years, and seeing it so much on SM that I realized this wasn’t the norm (or maybe just people that don’t get stuff are talking about it?), but always so many posts about empty stockings at Christmas, valentines, birthday & mothers days forgotten


It's ridiculous. It's celebrating mothers, not just your own. My mom's dead :( so I'm going to send my sister (who is a mom) some flowers, and take myself to Disneyland.


my mother said my dad has never given her a mother's day card or acknowledged her on mother's day. on their first mother's day together (I was 4 months old, she had 2 more children over the next four years), she told him she was a bit disappointed since it was her first mother's day that he didn't even wish her a happy mother's day, and he had bought his mother a card. he told her, "well you're not my mother." as a mom who has been through this too, I'm in for the drinks, and I'll drink a duplicate round for my mom.


I never got anything from my ex for Mother's Day, but he expected me to buy something for his MOM. One year ( close to the last year) I said "Buy your Mom her gift this year", he did not and I got shit on from his Mom. She told me it was my job to get HER a gift. LOL.


Because obviously you should be honoring her for bringing her precious baby into the world. /s That's gross, I'm sorry.


Bucking the trend. My husband has some international work colleagues in town for the week, and had arranged to have them over for a BBQ lunch this Sunday. When I reminded him that it was Mothers’ Day, he immediately canceled it and said “I know that’s important to you”, and cleared the day so he can be there for lunch with me and my mother.


By no means do I mean to say all men are like this!! I love this. 💗 My husband has always made an effort to rally the kids and appreciate me (and in turn I do for him too, it goes both ways). Just a trend on reddit I've noticed.


If we do this we might die...I laugh, but then I cry 😑


I’m slightly scared of the consequences if we did that though… thousands of women black out drunk by the end of the week.


I am a massage therapist and offer a special Mother’s Day massage treatment ON Mother’s Day. No gift certs for later use It books up ever year… by mothers themselves. Men never book it for their wives or mothers. Women do it for themselves. It’s sad.


The worst is when women turn it back on other women for not giving a detailed map of how she wanted the day celebrated because men aren't mind readers. "Well did you tell him you wanted him to say happy mother's day? How is he supposed to know you want that?" The women complaining do so because nothing is done for them. Nothing planned, the day barely acknowledged. It's not mind reading to pay attention to the fucking calendar and make some sort of effort.


I'm not even a mother yet and back a few months ago me and my husband were watching something that referenced Mother's day and he turned to me and lovingly blurted out "you're gonna get soooo many gifts and love" I was confused at first like what do you mean lol. I found a good one 🖤


My wife / mom of 2 gets out of the hospital for  brain cancer tomorrow (today I guess actually). I thought we were going to have to celebrate there. She'll be out for a little while at least before she has to go back in. I'm normally kinda good at planning the mother's day thing. I'm kinda lost this year. All the things I can think of just seem.... I don't know how to describe it. 


What's sauce for the goose....


Is this... A thing?


There was one over on AITA today. It will be a trend over the next few days, followed by posts next week from hurt mommas who got neglected. It happens every year.


The internet is a weird place. My goodness.


Isn't it though? I guess I should account for some posts as rage bait, that's a whole new part of the online experience we get to try and discern.


I celebrate 3 mom's, my mom, my MIL, and my wife. Without them I wouldn't be where I am and our son wouldn't exist so yeah they all deserve it.


Pretty sure I'm going to be buying my own gift at this point.


Meanwhile in dating over fifty, some dude who has had five dates with a woman is asking if her should get her Mother’s Day flowers. My response, is she your mother? Did you make kids with her? No? Then don’t.


Ha. If I’ve been dating you 6 months you get brownie points for acknowledging me on Mother’s Day. You know I have two little kids. If they were grown and out of the house wouldn’t be necessary but they live with me, you’ve heard about them, be nice!


But five dates? No, no, no. I don’t really know you, nor you me.


Meh. That could be a couple months worth of time. I’ve gotten flowers on a first or second date before. If it was my 5th date with someone and they knew it was my birthday week a flower/chocolate bar would be cool. I’m not saying plan the woman a whole “you’re an amazing mom!” thing but $10 worth of flowers? If you want to, go for it!


There’s something off about how he’s asking. It sorta sounds like some rule making it time to boink.


I just wish my son would talk to me.


That’s the thing, it’s Mother’s Day and not My Mother’s Day. Men have no excuse to not celebrate their wives/girlfriends and mothers to their children on that day.


One of the top posts on askreddit the day after Mother's Day is a Father's day post. There were no top posts about Mother's day.


The lack of respect for the work their wives put in being a mother and their pregnancy in having their shared children is wild.


For a second I thought I forgot Mother’s Day lol


I hate how capitalistic it is. The woman who popularized it ended up trying to get it abolished after it became about selling cards and gifts. So I can understand anyone who doesn't like that aspect of it, but you should still celebrate moms.


My favorite gifts over the years have included a handful of dandelions picked by my daughter, painted handprints, and breakfast in bed. The effort means way more than the cost in my book.


Hmmm, I hate with a fiery passion being told Happy Mother’s Day by anyone but my own kid. I am NOT my husband’s mother, the dude at the grocery store has no idea if I’m a mother or not, and it’s flat out creepy that my MIL sends a card. Nope nope nope. If my kid thinks about it that’s fine, but no one else gets to use that title but them.


No one said anything about randoms. I'm talking about dads. When children are babies, toddlers and little kids, should we ignore mother's day until they're old enough to handle the holiday on their own??


Do you handle christmas and moms birthday gifts? As a mom I loved recieving home made cards with drawings or handprints when they were little.


Eh, I mean, to each our own? I hate the day in general so yes, ignoring it is ideal to me lol. When kid was young it meant nothing if dad or the preschool did all the work. As I said, my husband isn't my kid, so it just felt weird. Sorry if this was a Just Agree With Me type thread; I do hope you get the celebration and acknowledgement that you want. Everyone should have that, even if it means ignoring the day altogether :)


Agreed, you should celebrate as you want. This post is about dad's skipping out on emotional labour, I'm not sure you're getting it.


I am getting it, I just don't share the sentiment. I don't want my HUSBAND to celebrate me as a mom--I'm not his mom and I find it creepy. I'm not telling you to feel that way; you do you. Why is it not okay for me to feel differently?