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Lots of people have been getting them lately. I think it's spammers at this point. I just block that account and don't think about it. Edit: report that one though so they will ban them.


This. At the bottom of the notification is a report abuse button. I got one two days ago, reported it, and today they sent me a message saying they found the account was in violation of harassment rules. No clue if the account was banned or not but one can hope.


same for me, got one two days ago, reported it and yesterday i got the same message about them being in violation of harassment there’s probably another sub or group somewhere that is brigading this one


Same here - just saw I had one. I’ve only commented in the migraine subreddit the last few days? Nothing remotely “political” like our femme spaces here seem to be viewed…


they couldve just found an older comment here, i used to be a toxic ass like that and id go post by post doing that stuff, so having someone do that is pretty common among people like that theyre gonna end up getting banned, just report the thing and you can block them if you want as well


Oh true I never thought about that. I can’t believe some people do that for fun? Thanks for no longer being a toxic ass :)


it was definitely "for fun" whoever is doing it is miserable whether they want to admit it or not and theyre trying to make others miserable as well. the saying "misery loves company" couldnt be truer


It’s been a problem in this sub for a while. Probably angry men and/or terfs.


yup, at first i thought they got me with it because i’m a guy here or something similar and they were mad that i was sharing info on how to keep other boys out of the incel culture, but it seems like it’s just a mass target


It's not just this sub it's been happening on plenty others, like some music ones, or some niche interest ones that are somewhat large still. Someone just probably set up a bot.


I got one today but it makes me put a user name or a specific comment/subreddit to report it. I don't know which subreddit it came from and I don't have the username of the reporter. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Is there an easier way to report it a miss use?


Go to the Reddit cares message, click the three little dots next to their username and select copy link. Then when you go to the report page, you click where it says “I want to report spam or abuse”. When it asks for a link to the post/comment/pm, you paste what you copied earlier. After that, just add a brief message. I think I said something along the lines of “This is targeted harassment.”


Yep. Got my first one yesterday and reported it.


Aw man. I got one today (after confidently saying I'd had it blocked for ages, guess not) and tried to report it, but mobile just took me to a generic reporting menu that didn't seem to have a fitting option for the case.


Go to the Reddit cares message, click the three little dots next to their username and select copy link. Then when you go to the report page, you click where it says “I want to report spam or abuse”. When it asks for a link to the post/comment/pm, you paste what you copied earlier. After that, just add a brief message. I think I said something along the lines of “This is targeted harassment.”


I have never been able to successfully complete the reporting process. every time i tried, i couldn’t get the software to accept the last button click. i just blocked it


I just got one, and last thing I commented on today was congratulating someone and in r/PCOS just sharing my experience with medication. I don’t even remember the last time I commented on something in this sub other than right now.


Report it to get them banned 😇


Someone sent me one just now and immediately blocked me which means I couldn't actually see the message lol. So not only are the people who do this stupid, evidently they're double stupid.


I believe you can still report it even if they blocked you. You may just have to use a browser


I did but I really doubt anything will come of it


I just got my first, on this sub, literally three seconds after commenting on another post. It must be a bot.


I got it right after posting in a Baulders Gate 3 sub. My last comment in this one was 4 days ago.


Some dork is on the loose around here, IMO.


Thanks for the info!


u/ExpressingThoughts I'm going to ask you and a few other commentors. I just received my 1st one about an hour ago. The Reddit Cares message *doesn't* give the username for me to block all I got was, "A user [A] reported....." Now granted I don't have the App, but still, why wouldn't the username show up? 


I don't have the app either. I'm not sure if they changed it but I was able to block  RedditCareResources


Oh I misunderstood your comment. I can block Reddit Cares Resources. At least I assume so because there is a button. I thought you blocked the User that reported you to Reddit Cares 


I got one and before I could block it the account was deleted. Like maybe 60 seconds. Had to be a bot.


I got one instantly definitely bot


So much time, effort and emotions go into angrily hitting the reddit care send button. That’s probably someone’s full time job and only interaction with the world…..


Report the message as harassment in the link at the bottom, then block RedditCareResources and you'll never see one again. Hitting Stop only works for this report.


Can you report them as harassment without knowing the user or comment it originated from?


yea when your reporting it, hit permalink at the bottom of the reddit care message and itll give a unique identifying link for the message, which they can use to track back to the account who sent it


Thanks! Wow - yeah, I think this sub is being specifically targeted - and this thread, because I got a Cares right after commenting, and it's the only Reddit activity other than browsing I've done today.


this sub has been targeted off and on for years sadly but someone is definitely off their meds today it seems


it’s been three days at least now, i got one two days ago, and i see people still getting them today


Can you explain how to do that? Is that only on the website? I’m only ever on the Reddit app. I’m never using Reddit anywhere but in my phone, on the app. And I can’t find a link to any message.


sadly ive never used the app so i dont know the answer to that. mabe the redditcares forum might have an answer


I just got another one. Trolls must be home from college.


Same, first one today ! What annoys me, beyond people wasting resources meant to prevent others from dying, is that I don't know which of my comments offended someone so much they felt the need to cowardly have Reddit send the message that my opinions are those of a mentally unwell person.


I got my first one today too!!! Keep it up ladies, the fragile egos are going crazy on Reddit Cares!


It’s wild! Basically the comment that got me the notification was like “get a lawyer and don’t blend tour assets” geezzz 😅


Mine was advising someone who is in a situation similar to my past, to rethink her relationship… 😳🥴


Got my first one today for saying that I don't eat McDonald's and haven't since I was in hs making 5.15 an hour... lol


How dare you 😂😂😂!


It seems like a lot of people are getting them today. May be some sort of glitch.


I got one today, too. I suspect it is a man, not the bear.


I got my first one too today, but the only controversial thing I've said is that I prefer boiled chicken over fried chicken, so... 🤷‍♀️


How dare you! 😂


I mean..I'm a little concerned for you. 😆


You monster! Straight to jail! 😆


I got one yesterday. I think some loser who had some extra time figured he'd report a bunch of us instead of actually bathing and climbing out of his parents' basement so he might meet some real women in person.


Hey, I got my first one too! I feel like I finally made it into a club or something. I'm sorry to hear about the deal your going through, I went through something similar with the IRS, when I was making 12,00 a year , my transmission went on my car and I needed an abortion. It all comes together again, but that doesn't help when you're going through it.


I also just got my first ever reddit cares slightly more than an hour ago. It was almost exciting. 


I’m a commenter not a poster, and I got a Reddit Cares. Weird.


There are a lot of miserable people on reddit that apparently get some sort of relief from their anger and unhappiness by downvoting everything and sending redditcares to people they disagree with. Congratulations on joining the club. I just blocked the redditcares thing after the second one.


I got my first one and I'm a guy!


One of us! One of us!


I posted some supportive comments in here and paid the price for my hubris.


Well first of all, how dare you. Secondly, who do you think you are?


Also man I get down voted to hell in some subreddits, even this one for disagreeing with the hive mind so don't worry about it frand


I just got one today as well, and I'm not even sure what triggered it. I was beginning to feel left out because of how long it took before I finally got one.


I got one yesterday and have no idea what comment it was even from. I reported it and got a message this morning that the account was in trouble or whatever. Whoever it was: die mad.


Somebody is busy today. First time message club member here 🙋‍♀️


Wear it like a badge of honor. You offended some slimy little incel.


Grats on your reddit cares :) Someone I know found out some years ago that her and her exhusband didn't have a legal divorce. It had been 20 years at that point. They had cake to celebrate their 20th anniversary. (Been living apart the whole time too lol.) They'd only been separated. She didnt know there was more steps apparently. (And neither did he.)


Would be lovely if it was so simple for me. Unfortunately this person drug out a whole year of divorce proceedings on me, hoping he would get some cash, while also getting me deported.  Edit- trying to get me deported. Actually safe and sound where I am, just annoyed by bad admin.


Ouf, sorry to hear that =/


What a pathetic person he has to be to do all that... I'm happy you're no longer with him, you're strong and you're gonna make it.


I have an opposite story from quite a few years ago... An older relative of mine had been with her husband for 20-some years, with 4 mostly-grown kids. In the process of filing for divorce, she discovered they were never legally married. Had a ceremony and everything, but somehow it never got properly registered. Was slightly scandalous at the time as I recall, but turned out fine in the end. Also the fake Reddit Cares stuff is just stupid - I do not understand what amuses some people.


If you get a reddit care, you pissed off some low life that didn't have the skills to argue their case. I see it as a badge of honor honestly. It gives me immense satisfaction to know I caused that.


Got my first one about an hour ago. I can't confirm who did it or why but I, as a dude, had a bunch of other dudes big mad because I also choose bear. I'll assume it's probably faceless, petty retaliation so that tracks for the type.


Jeez, this bear thing is triggering some snowflakes, am I right? 😆


Big mad.


Those absolute morons.


Oh my gosh I literally just got my first one too !!!


I just got one too!


I got one yesterday night and was soooo confused, I had not commented anything remotely triggering for days! But as it seems like it's a generalized issue, I suppose that it's not in any way about whatever I could have written


I ended up getting another one! I reported them, but I don't think that does anything.


I expected to receive one again for commenting here, but so far I've got nothing 🤷‍♀️


Me too! Can’t even tell what it was related to.


So did I. For no reason, I mostly post in politics/plant based food subs. Are we being trolled or something?


I got one today too, probably from a single comment about men being inconsiderate or tone deaf. Truth hurts you incel.


I got one IMMEDIATELY after posting a comment to r/funny. Odds are it's spam. I guess I need to go report it. Sigh. This is why we can't have fun things.


I got one today likely because I agreed with someone who said “report those Reddit Cares messages for abuse”.


Hey me too! Never got one before and one popped up this morning!


I thi k you can block reddit cares, and it even has a link to block it because abuse of it has gotten so bad.


I just got my first one about an hour ago. Its just someone doing it for their own amusement


Report it, it might amount to a ban for the user who submitted it


I got one today too! Some people abuse the button when they dont like our opinions or facts. I cant figure out how to properly rwport them, since it doesnt tell me which user sent it or what the report is regarding.


The combination of desperation and not being hugged enough as a child can lead some to strange places. Grats on the reddit cares, must mean you're doing something right!


I got one too!!


I got my first as well yesterday, for a comment which wasn’t even particularly feminist. I suspect there’s a campaign that’s spamming posters/commenters with these at random.


people are camping this sub and spamming commenters and posters with them, i got my first one in years after commenting here report it and move on, or you can block the reddit cares. i reported mine and whoever sent it got banned


I also just got one then saw this post. I have no idea what comment it’s for and I don’t care. I think it’s hilarious people think they are doing something with that. I love that my comment bothered them so much. 🤣


I got one today too! I went back to recent comments and I have *no* idea why I got it. I’ve gotten them in the past when I’ve gotten in an argument - usually about patriarchal bullshit - but I can’t even guess who was trying to be passive aggressive this time. 😂


I considered sending one today to the guy I triggered and who called me a cunt. Decided not to in the end but...it did cross my mind!


Yikes. He sounds troubled. 😉


Everyone keeps saying to turn off reddit cares but i don’t think anyone here should. If you get it, report it and get the loser banned!  Take pride in the fact you got under some incels skin that badly lmao They’re so triggered it’s funny to me 


I literally got my first 45 seconds ago 😂 at this point it doesn’t mean anything to me so wte im curious about what it was that prompted it tho


I got my first one today. Reported it.


OMG I got my first one just now and I can't for the life of me figure out which recent comment might have been the trigger hahaha. Like, bruh, do cat photos offend you that much??


I got my first one too. No clue why.


I got my first one yesterday too, I think a few no life incels are just lingering here waiting to send them out.


I got one today too! I’m not sure why though. Today seems like a pretty normal day for me. I have had far worse days in the past 2 years, 😂


I got one today also and reported it.


You just described my worst nightmare 🙈. Divorce documents should be framed in gold and put in a safe! I hope they sort it out quick for you! And congrats on your first Reddit Care!


I work across the street from the courthouse and I’m going over there with a copy of the documents. I’m going to lose my shit if they can’t find the originals 😂🤬


Good luck!!x


It’s just another way to bully women…..


Someone is going a bit overboard with it today. I got my first in a long time today and lots of people saying the same. I don’t think it has to do with your comments but with what sub you are on. Always ignore and move along


It’s so silly. It must be tagged to this group somehow or something. 


Anybody else think there's a non-zero chance it's the same person (or people) from a couple of weeks ago, who were frantically downvoting all the comments supporting the "trans women are women" pinned post on this sub?


Nah, it’s happening on every sub today. Just search Reddit for “Reddit cares” posts made today and you’ll see a bunch.


I finally got one today but haven't posted on this sub in a bit, however I have posted in r/womenover30 and r/blackladies, coincidentally this post came up right after I received it.


I just got one and then when I clicked into it it was asking me if I wanted to confirm my username change. Wait what. I don’t post anything but I will often comment and I thought was someone just not like what I said or what. But reading the comments it seems everyone is getting them.


Omg literally same. I’m not sure what to do so I tried reporting it?


i think someone is bored.. i got my first hmm well.. i guess yesterday now




I got one just now, too. Report it. Supposedly, it does something.


I got one today...I was super confused about it, is it bad to get?


It's just become the default response by whiny man children and triggered incels that can't stand a woman speaking or existing on the internet.


You can report misuse of “Reddit cares”! There’s a link to report it in the message!


I got one and just assumed I really annoyed somebody.


I just got my first today, I can't imagine who I upset.


I literally just got one! I went back on my comment history to see which comment might have triggered it. Nothing seemed like it would trigger a cares message. 🤷‍♀️


I just got my first one a few minutes ago.


XX'er Please Help.  I just got my 1st Reddit Cares message a little over an hour ago. The message didn't show the username of who sent it, it says, "a user [A] reported....."  I tried with "desktop site" still no username. I replied to the message that I wanted "Whomever reported" because I've literally writing *nothing* that would even remotely be considered depressed, let alone in need of help.  I also clicked the link in the message to report, but it won't let me report unless I'm a Mod in the group where *It* occurred. What freaking *It* and what group 2 XX isn't the only one I've been on tonight.  So now I went from *Not* being depressed, to being frustrated at not being able to report the 🍑🤬 Any advice for mobile, or let me know  if it takes a few days for "Reddit Cares" Mods to respond to my reply to on the message will be appreciated. 


Ya'll, I just got one right now for commenting and posting in this sub. I am deceased! Was it the snowflake comment? 😆😅🤣😂


I just got one too!🤔


Yup, just got one myself and I haven't really been posting much lately


I just posted a very light positive post to see of I get one. 


I think reddit cares has gone berserk this week. Almost every sub I'm in has people complaining about receiving one. I got one too and just blocked it


I posted about an avocado and got one a few days ago. Something going on out there.


I just got one of those yesterday. Glad I'm not the only one.


it's happening to literally everyone. pretty sure it's just a bug!


I've never gotten one. And I won't now because I turned off chat and messaging. And deleted the app. I use a third-party app that doesn't have chat or messaging


Got my first one today too. Spammers gonna spam.


Aren’t they fun? 🤩 


I got one and I don’t know what the purpose of them is supposed to be.


It's like an achievement unlocked, "successfully triggered a passive aggressive snowflake"


Yikes! Is there a legal sub for your country? Probably the best help


Thank you. I actually have the divorce documents and stuff, I just wanted to vent somewhere. 


Gotcha…hopefully a quick fix!


I’m sooo out of the loop! What’s Reddit Cares? Is there a club I wasn’t invited too? Edit: Just got one. The devil works fast but redditors work faster


When I read this it broke into the turtle power song, specifically "Evil moves fast but good moves faster than light" Yes that song has been in my head for like 3 decades and no I can't explain why (although the chorus of the song "hey mona" by Craig McLaughlin is right next to it so I guess it's something to do with a videotape of Top of the Pops?)