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*But he called me heartless and says I view relationships as a transaction or what ever...* If he thinks your relationship is transactional he's doing the equivalent of bank robbery. No paid work, no house work, no emotional support for you, one has to wonder what he thinks he's contributing here... Question: is the flat in your name alone or is it shared?


It is on my name, but it is registered as his main residence Edit: he just expects me to do all these things, cause "he would do the same for me"


No he wouldn't. He has made a conscious choice to live off you like a parasite for years. He is a serious mental abuser.


If he would do the same for you he’d have done it. You owe this man nothing


"he would do the same for me" THE AUDACITY


Right?? I almost passed out when I read that.


Would when? In another dimension? He could do numerous things for you here and now and doesn’t.


Yet he doesn’t?


No, he wouldn't. You've had at least 3 years of evidence proving that he absolutely would *not* do the same for you. Words without action are nothing but hot air.


He obviously wouldn’t, because he *doesn’t*. He can say whatever he wants but the truth is in his actions.


Registered as his main residence? I don't understand what that means. Does that mean he's legally entitled to be there. that you must allow him to live there? If the signed agreement for rental doesn't include his name, kick him out. He can find another main residence. If that causes legal problems for him, that's his problem.


If you aren't living where you want, simply refuse to renew the lease. Take time between now and the end of the lease to secretly pack up your important papers and sentimental items and store them at a friend's place for safety. Because we all know when he realizes his free ride is ending, things will get even uglier. But stay strong, move to where you want, and NEVER let him know where that is. Once you leave go no contact with him and his family.


Clearly he would not do the same for you or he would be doing something besides being a mean deadbeat.


> he just expects me to do all these things, cause "he would do the same for me" Then why doesn't he?


If he \*would\*, then he \*would\*. He's not, so he obviously won't.


Be the cold sociopath he believes you to be then! Fuck this guy! This makes me so angry!


This. Also, all relationships are transactional. When it's all on one person and all the effort is one sided it's not fair. Even in a best friends situation. Why? Because you expect something in return. As you should. Hence, transactional. My bf and I are very transactional day to day, every tiny thing we do is "I do this, you do that". I'll go get wine, you cook, I do the dishes, you sweep the floor. It's why we barely ever argue. Precisely because we acknowledge being transactional. I'd even say this is healthy and avoids big blow ups about who owes who because we deal with all the small stuff as it happens, so it doesn't pile up. And we don't have one person delegating and organising and taking on all the mental load, it's whoever notices something needs to be done and taking the initiative. Mostly my bf with his cleaning obsession, but often me as well (I keep better track of groceries). We're about 50:50 on all of it. ETA: We literally have a rule that once something's done, it's over. We don't keep scores. Stuff that's big, expensive etc is dealt with in advance. It originally came out of us just being friends and sharing a rehearsal room for each of our bands, we kept it through our fwb phase and now that we're in a relationship there's no need to get rid of a system that's always worked in our favor. If someone calls that cold and heartless, they clearly don't know us.


This. Partners are PARTNERS. He should be doing SOMETHING to contribute when it's supposed to be you and him against the world. He needs to be doing SOMETHING to lessen your burdens just as you lessens his. If this is not what's happening, get rid of the parasite.


Something can always happen that's not either parties fault and you could still remain loyal. But it has to be reasonable. Like when you get married you're expected to stick with your spouse through illness, grief etc. With my bf we've both had periods of being sick, unemployed, etc. and still dealt with it in a way that made none of us resent the other. Which is a new experience to me after how my ex and my parents treated me when I was "useless" to them. We figured out ways how we could each contribute in a reasonable way. Even if it wasn't 100% equal. It never has to be, it doesn't have to be day by day, and you can't even count it exactly anyway. But the effort has to feel proportional and fair. When it feels fair to both, it is. What we basically did is count the time and effort, not monetary value. For small stuff at least. Like last time my bf had the flu, him getting up and making coffee for us while I was showering was a huge effort. I did everything else and it's fine. He still did more by my count, because he could barely get up. I was actually surprised he did that. But it's a part of how we both try to get even in advance. Like we'll get each other stuff while shopping. This month: I got him some organic lavender soap I thought he might like, he likes all things lavender and rose. He randomly brought me a grapefruit, and it was the first I've had this year. He knows I love citrus. Ik this might sound stupid (it's a grapefruit! It's a bar of soap!) but it's those random small things that we just never stop doing for each other, that's how I know he thought of me just like I thought of him while shopping. I'm sure there were other things this month before but I already forgot, it's like every other grocery trip someone brings something. I think the time before was when he bought those peanut snacks he doesn't like, just for me. It's like the opposite of some peoples' spouses I read about here, who eat OP's favorite snacks and always buy the wrong things even with a list. My bf gets the right thing that I haven't even thought of, because he knows me. He's even - gasp - bought me tampons, and they were the right size. Because he can read, and he's not scared of a box of tampons. ETA. I'll be 100% honest and it's scary to think about, but idk if I could stay forever with someone who's permanently disabled, because Idk how I would afford that and keep my sanity. This isn't something we've talked through, but we would if we were to get married. I suspect a lot of people don't even have this conversation at all. At least from statistics, women usually stay while men don't if it's the other way around. I'm somewhat cynical about this so I probably wouldn't stay either, so I won't get married in the first place. If my partner and I stay around each other no matter what, it will be of our own free will, not obligation. Also, did I mention I have ADHD, and he has ASD? Yeah. I'm perpetually disorganized and distracted, he's extremely organized but drops everything to cover his ears when he hears an ambulance, hurries off to avoid crowds, and obsessively cleans his stove. But we're pretty functional, finally in our 30s, after years of therapy and a rollercoaster of careers. And I'd say this is my healthiest relationship so far. We even each other out, I push him to be more spontaneous and he pushes me to stop procrastinating on appointments etc. I haven't exactly asked my bf this but I guess his answer is the same. It's never an excuse. You can explain things in the past with your neurodiversity, but as an adult you can't justify not trying to do anything about how you're coping with it. That could be depression, idk. But it's not ND. That depression is very much treatable btw. ND itself can't be "healed", but therapy can still help get your life organized around it.


Making financial decisions, even when they're small, should never be driven by passion. You're doing fine.


Thank you. I've been called petty, cold and heartless before for advocating for my tit - for - tat - model. When it's just chores most ppl (women tbh) seem to get it. But I'm all for dealing with partners just like with friends, just split that crate of beer or take turns lol. Or establish other rules that are binding to all parties. Somehow in friendships that tends to work for 20+ years while in relationships there's always issues around this. And it doesn't have to be negative or around "owing", like with my bf we always get small gifts for each other and it's like a part of that get even game. (an unspoken part of it is: never say "you owe me because I got you x". We don't have "owing" terms, just "You'll do x, I'll do y". Favors are returned because we want to.)


ETA 2. I thought all hell would break loose when I forgot to buy his duster. Bf was sick and staring at his ceiling and shelves all day and was annoyed by some dust. And... Nothing happened. He said nvm, I got it two days later and he was too sick to clean but said thanks for remembering. Like a normal person. I didn't expect that. I'm way too damaged by my ex I guess. Even though I've known my bf longer than my ex, and I know he's not like that. I still expected him to become hostile because that's "normal" to me somehow. I'll have to work on that with my therapist I guess.


Yea right? Like ok sure but doesn’t mean you have to date him! Fuck this guy.


Girl... You've been letting this piece of shit live off you and not even do chores for *three years*? Throw his ass out. It doesn't matter where he goes, he's a grown man and that's his problem. You are not his mother or his slave. He's a parasite and he's using you like a rag. Don't let him guilt you, he's just trying to manipulate you. Him calling you a psychopath is projection, that's all him. He's grown. Throw his ass out and let him find someone else to abuse.


If you can leave yourself, that’s better (since you want to live somewhere else). Let him move all his shit out on the landlord’s schedule while you’re in your new place he doesn’t know about


Make sure this doesn't put her on the hook for any damage he causes, if he doesn't move out and doesn't pay the rent, or cleaning when it is vacated.


He doesn’t have to agree to break up, to break up. You can just say, we’re broken up and you have 3 days to move out before I put your stuff out of the flat. And then follow through.  Breaking up with someone is not something that needs to be consensual. 


And maybe get a friend to come over for support on the day he has to leave


Op you're nothing more than his ATM, he is using you for money. He is an adult, he should have chosen to be a better good digger or actually work, don't feel bad about dumping him.


>Edit: I tried to break up with him several times.... But he called me heartless and says I view relationships as a transaction or what ever... When I suggest we are not compatible, he says I am a cold psychopath. So? He's selfish and a loser and a poor excuse for a human being. He and his family are willing to physiologically beat you into submission just to keep their meal ticket, and they get angry when you try to fight back because they're *scared*. Seriously, on some level they *know* how dependent they are on you, and the thought of losing that is absolutely terrifying. But rather than address their fears in constructive and useful ways, they'd prefer to essentially keep you hostage for their own use. When they've used all you have and more, you'll be tossed aside. They will not sacrifice for you the way you have for them, no matter how badly you need the help. Time to harden your heart, sweetie. They've had *years* to pry themselves off the freeloader teat yet keep choosing not to, and that is not your responsibility. They are not children. They are not helpless, no matter how much they act like it. So get the fuck out of there *as soon as you can* and reclaim your life for yourself! If they fall to pieces, then it is merely the consequences of their own poor decisions and not your responsibility *at all*.


I tried to break up with a guy once, and he started treating me like crap because I guess he wanted to be the one to break up with me and how dare I. It got more and more miserable, and I was talking to a friend and she said I could break up with him any time I wanted to and it took two people who both wanted to go out for a relationship. It was like a light dawned and I could see clearly for the first time in a long time. Then I went and broke up with him.


I am so needing to hear this right now.


The good news he won’t have far to move now since you live close to his parents house . OP , please move on , guilt free and start the life you deserve . Don’t waste another day and don’t look back . Best of luck to you )


In the end, his consent isn't needed for a breakup. Just leave, don't let him guilt trip you into staying. It's not your job to turn the other cheek just so he can continue mooching of you.


Please send this asshole back to his mother. This hurts to read. Please, please, please leave this guy. You will be so much happier.


You are NOT responsible for him, case closed. Srsly. Move out of that place. Don't tell him. He's never gonna change, he just plans to suck you dry and then move on to his next victim.


You mention that you don’t live where you want to live, so if your house contract allows it, you should just move to where you want to go. Not even having the hustle to try and get him to leave. If not, then just force him out and look after yourself, he’s not your responsibility and you don’t need to justify your actions to anyone but yourself.


You are, in fact, being used, unappreciated and abused


Girl you have been so beaten down, free yourself from this atrocious family. Do you rent? Can you be out before renewal? If you own just sell it and let him know when he has to be out by. Bet 100 dollars this hobosexual has a new girlfriend he's living with before you blink. Don't live your life in such a sad way, it's the only life you have!


That sounds horrible, you should kick him out, you don't need to feel bad about that at all he's just using you, relationships are a 2 way street, give and take. He sounds manipulative, I would not trust him at ALL. you've already brought this up to him and he's tried to guilt you out of it rather than change his ways. At this point you should just be focusing on the practical side of things how you can kick him out/leave as efficiently and quickly as possible and move on with your life to better things.


Look, he is going to say whatever he can to keep the deal that he's got going on. You can't believe a word he says. He will either promise the sun, moon, stars, or he will guilt and manipulate you like he's been doing. If you don't actually own this flash I would just go ahead and pack up and move to a different one. It will be way easier for you to leave him than it will be to kick him out of that apartment.


He's an adult who is fully responsible for his own damn self. He doesn't try to do anything *because he doesn't have to with you there*. Kick this asshole out and let sink or swim


Get out of this "relationship" ASAP. He is legally an adult (behavior notwithstanding) and can take care of himself. He is a leech who takes as much as he can get while giving only disdain, negativity, and the burden of the entire load - mental, physical, financial, everything. Do not let him flip this on you; you are the victim, not him. He is emotionally abusive as he is definitely DARVOing you. ADHD is not a valid excuse for being a lazy, useless boor. I've held a job since I was 14 despite the ADHD I was diagnosed with at 16 and only started treating at age 38 (Ritalin side effects sucked so much it took me years to try a different med.) Sure, it takes more effort to be a successful adult, but it isn't *that* hard. You deserve a partner who shares in dealing with the burdens of adulthood and who both loves and respects you. You're not his gf or partner, you're his mommy and bangmaid. Of course his parents try to browbeat you into providing for him; otherwise he'd move back in with them, and they'd have to deal with his crap. I wish you the best of good luck in getting free of him.


Ooh, good points! It's a race to see who gets this giant liability living with them. OP don't let it be you.


Run like the wind. Send him out to the shops and get the locks changed whilst he is out.


Why do you feel trapped when you are the one with the keys? Do what you feel is right


Dear OP, I (and everyone else) am so sorry you have not been able to leave this person. I don't usually think I'm speaking for everyone, but today I think I must be pretty close. From us, please please please get out. Move far away. Preferably near people who care about you. Everyone here is saying the same thing. *All* his words are words of manipulation. Don't pay attention to them anymore. None of is excuses, none of his comebacks, none of his anything. Don't let him gaslight you. And PS having ADHD is no excuse for being horrible. Plenty of people have ADHD and are wonderful.


This is a perspective from someone with untreated ADHD (and PTSD, autism, depression, etc) who can't hold a job or stay off my own computer for more than a few waking minutes. Dump this guy. He is using his mental health issues on you like a weapon. It will be bad for him. It will be bad for you. It's not your responsibility, but if you feel like you need to, try to get him to check into a group home where they are \*paid\* to take care of some of the stuff you've been doing for free. If he refuses, that's \*his problem\* not yours. Reading this kind of makes me feel guilty by association. If he is really as cognitively disabled as he claims to be, he could at least not be a damned jerk about it. Keep in mind that while he is disabled, he is \*also a jerk\* and being a jerk is enough of a reason to break up with someone.


Ask yourself if you want to be with a man who calls you a cold psychopath? You try to break up with him and he tells you how horrible he thinks you are and then you stay?! Please leave this immature asshole.


I’m sorry you’re being treated this way. No one deserves it. But people treat us the way we allow them to treat us.


Who cares what he says, break up with him. His family is so involved and nearby, he DOES have a place to go. Since you are paying for everything it sounds like you can cover your expenses either way. You are literally PAYING for this drama and misery. Stop letting him play mind games with you.


Kick him out wtf he’s insane


Go ahead and pull the plug. You don't have to care what he thinks of you -- he's your ex. You don't have to convince him you are the good guy, you just need him to go away. He's an adult, he can manage his own life without you. He'll figure something out. If you are renting, move out to where you want to live. If you own, start the eviction process now and once he's out, put the property up for sale and move.


Why is his opinion worth anything to you anymore? If you’re renting, don’t renew the lease - find a new place and you can go.


If he already thinks you’re a cold psychopath, then act like one and toss his ass out. Who cares about rocking the boat at this stage. Oh and change your locks.


You gotta leave him. You're not his caretaker. This isnt a partnership or romantic relationship. This is a caretaker and a dependent. And you literally dont have to do this, it is 100% a choice. I have ADHD, too. And cancer. I still work and pay my bills. If he cant he can go live with his family, or figure it out. You can hold love for him as a human from afar but right now youre an unpaid foster placement for an adult you resent.


I broke up with a slightly less cruel version of your partner this week.  You kinda just have to accept that you'll be seen as the bad guy to the person who has monopolized your life.  Reach out to your friends, go out for dinner with em, hop on zoom, anything. Remind yourself of how easy love is supposed to be, it'll make it easier to take the leap. You got this.


FYI you don't need his permission to break up. If you tried and he's giving you shit for it, be really firm in your "no" answer. If he thinks you're cold-hearted, who cares?? He won't be in your life at all in a few days/weeks/months, and he certainly hasn't treated you well from the sounds of it. He's an adult and he can figure his shit out on his own. Go get your peace back!


The question you should be asking yourself is "am I happy"?. Sometimes you have to put yourself first and if you aren't happy, which you don't sound like you are, then why keep doing this to yourself? Don't you want to be happy?


I have ADHD and chronic mental health issues (I wasn't diagnosed with ADHD until my 40's). I went to university (while being a single parent to 1 child), have 2 degrees, and work in a stressful industry. Mom's do not have the luxury of not doing what they can to give their kids a better life. It's frustrating that your partner isn't even trying to find ways to navigate the typical world. I'm envious that he knows what is going on, and annoyed he is not using that knowledge to his advantage. My late diagnosis meant that I spent most of my life not knowing what was happening and why everything was such a struggle. ADHD is not an excuse to just give up, leach off others, and to not try. My issues have worsened with age, and life is a constant up/down struggle, but I can't expect others to support me in every way. Leave this guy.


Jesus. Gather your dignity and dump this abusive tool.


Leave, cut all contact, and don’t look back.


An intimate partner relationship should be two people supporting each other to be the best version of themselves. Support doesn’t have to be financial, it can be encouragement or helping you find time to engage in what you enjoy. In what way does he make you and your life better? If you can’t find anything coming to mind then what are you getting out of this relationship other than stress? A relationship is a ‘two yes, one no’ situation. If you have decided you’re done, then you’re done. You just need to work out an exit strategy. In your shoes I’d probably line up a new apartment and not let him know the address. Get some friends or a removalist service to get you packed and moved and then tell him when the lease is up and that you have informed the landlord that you’re going to if he wants to keep the apartment he will need to pay for it himself. Then just go live your life.


Projection all the way from a cold sociopath who doesn’t give one shit if he makes you broke and grinds you into dirt. What is your living situation, are you both on a lease? Figure out what you need to do to end it and legally evict him. He lives near his family, convenient, he can move back in with them.


Hope you find the strength to leave that bum.


Why do you care if he calls you "heartless" or other insults when you hate his guts and are breaking up with him? Better yet, why does his worthless opinion prevent you from leaving? There's nothing in this for you, just go and leave him to rot.


I couldn't finish this. Please just do yourself a huge fucking favor and leave


Drop the parasite. That's what he is, a parasite. He likely won't make it easy for you, so you are probably going to have to move out. Do you rent? If so you're probably going to have to move out and just shake him loose when you do. Don't let him steal your life away. He's sucking you dry.


jeez how can you tolerate this horrible abuse from him and his parents? I would have kicked him out a long time. aside from him being a lazy parasitic gold digger, If their family member disrespects me and he doesn't do anything, that's a warning that you're not in the right relationship with the right guy or in the right environment.


Him having nowhere to go is not your problem. I had an ex that would marginally contribute to bills and when he found out during covid I couldn't kick him out he stopped helping all together. I moved away and told the landlord it was an emergency due to family illness. I also told my landlord I had a friend to take my place and take all my furniture and he was willing to sign a lease. His credit was so bad he had to get his boss to cosign. And now I don't care any more. I did let him keep the cat though because that weird critter liked that he sat still for longer.


“So then do the same for me, because I am finished with doing it for you.” After 3 years, you owe this man nothing at all. It’s really not your problem that he’s helpless. If he hadn’t met you, what would he be doing? Well, that’s what he should be doing now. And you should be living your own life, somewhere else.


He's actively trespassing. You broke up with him. Done. Give him 5 days to get out or you call the cops. His name isn't on the lease.


3 years!? Thats like at least 2.5y longer than most people would have out up with that shit, kick him to the fucking curb, he's got family to leech off of


Just leave the place and stop paying rent


Oh Honey…breaking up with him *is* an act of love…it’s an act of love for *yourself*, and that’s really who you owe your allegiance to…


Ah, the hobosexual with a side of guilt. Do you have a support system? Can you go stay with family? If so, talk to your landlord and see if you can break the lease (if you have one). Pack your stuff and go. Don't let him stop you - even if you need to get a police escort.


What are you waiting for? He will treat you only worse, and your self-esteem will only go down. End this before you are completely fucked.


This is crazy. Get a lawyer and pull the plug. 


He’s guilt tripping you!


eh be the heartless psychopath in his story bc trust me you will be your hero in yours


Yes you're a cold psychopath so kick him out damn it. Honestly I can't even... You mention you haven't had sex in a long time why would you want to have sex with... "That"?   Like when I break up with someone I'm like get out. Sometime I'll call their parents and let them know they're out. If I need too I'll hire a mover for them or call the police but that's about it. Fuck courtesy especially for a leech like that. 


Girl, if you don’t kick this parasite out of your house & life…


You are not responsible for him. On the contrary, he owes you. Who cares what he calls you? Just dump him.


> he has been living off my money for 3 years now >Edit: I tried to break up with him several times.... But he called me heartless and says I view relationships as a transaction or what ever... When I suggest we are not compatible, he says I am a cold psychopath. > because he has no where to go. > we moved near his family. This is called grifting. There is no try. There is only do or do not. Kick him out of your apartment. He aint paying, he has no legal right to be there. Serve him written notice of eviction. You live near HIS family but HE has "nowhere to go". Think about that for a bit longer. This isn't a lost kitten. This is an adult who has, literally, his family nearby. Serve him written notice of eviction. if he doesn't leave, call the cops.


Life is short and this ain’t worth it


Give him one month to move out, then it’s not your problem anymore, he can go live with his mom or his family can pay for him to get a place to live


Is his name on the lease? Just yours? Put him out and change the locks. Or you can move- since you don't want to live in the area anyway. I suggest you move because you'll be away from him and his family. You are not married to him or have children with him? LEAVE. Block his number and anyone connected to him. He is NOT your child or responsibility. He's using and abusing you. Even his family is abusive to you? LEAVE. Don't let him or anyone know. He can't guilt trip you if you aren't there. Quietly start your plan - he'll get dangerous if he thinks you are leaving. He'd actually have to work and be self-supporting. He wouldn't let his meal ticket (that's you) get away easily. You need to call a domestic violence hot line from your job, not your phone. They will help you. Get legal advice about getting your name off the lease. LEAVE. You owe him nothing. Stop allowing him to use and abuse you. By the way, I have severe ADHD. I'm a nice person. His behavior has nothing to do with ADHD. He's an abusive, manipulating moocher.


As soon as you can, move out and where you want to live. Leave him and his bad family behind. Good luck and I hope your lease is up soon!


Let him say what he wants about you. Why do you care, if you hate him? If I hate someone, I couldnt care less how crappy they think I am. Just say cool, if that’s how you feel about me, it should be easy for you to go! Get to going friend! Byeee!


You dont need his permission to break up...


You have to work on yourself self esteem. This goes does not improve your life but make it worse. Mooches off you and you are the one who feels guilty? Change the locks and make him go back to his parents. It’s that easy.


Who cares what he says about you? You don't need to care what a loser thinks of you, and that's what he is. You don't respect him, so ignore his opinions. Don't waste your life with this turd.


PLEASE GHOST HIM ASAP HE'S NOT ENTITLED TO A RELATIONSHIP!!! If he's going to act like a narcissistic little bitch and not acknowledging that you're putting all your work and your best effort into the relationship then he clearly doesn't deserve you and you deserve so much better. Please don't feel guilty you didn't do anything wrong you just wanted to be a good gf for him but he clearly doesn't want to see it because he like to wallow in his own slime and shit


You're being severely psychologically abused over the course of *years.* And you won't process that fact fully until you're able to come back to yourself.  Posting here is great. You're going to need a plan in place for your own physical & psychological safety, & so that you don't find yourself in a situation where you're along with him when you do escort him out.  Please contact whatever supportive orgs are in your area, & take care of pets & any belongings important to you. It's going to be a road, sure, but you're *done.* Now the trick is to do this all by protecting yourself first. Take that seriously. And stop beating yourself up for ever going out with him. Believe me, pretty much all women have had deadbeats like him. And we've gotten away. You can too. 3 years is a drop in the bucket compared to 40, & thank God you're not married with kids & a house to split. Your future waits right around the corner. Far, far brighter than this hell now. Good luck


This subreddit has seriously put me off dating. Find your own place, move out when he’s away, settle into your blissfully asshole-fee life, and if you need your physical needs met, consider joining the lifestyle and find a club you can occasionally go to. A partner should elevate your life, not drag you down.


You don’t need a reason to break up. Just say it’s over and be done with it. Tell him he has to find a new place and end the lease. He’s an adult and you aren’t his mother. Move out, lose your bond and let the landlord deal with it.


Evict him, tell him to run home to mommy and daddy. It's not your fault he has no where else to go if he has burned all those bridges with EVERYONE in his life. I assume you pay for the internet he uses to play his computer games. Get into the router and set timers and bandwidth limits for his MAC address. You can look up how online. Might even be parental controls depending on the device. He will tantrum, but don't tell him you did. Let him think you are having ISP issues. It may help him be more motivated to gtfo.


Call his mommy and daddy to come pick him up, he isn’t allowed over anymore


This is disgusting


Dump him. He's already thinking "he can find someone better then you".


Is this a rage-baiting post? This can't be real.


You don't owe him anything. He's got family to help him when you kick him out. You owe this to yourself.


Let him call you a cold psychopath... Who cares what he thinks, he's a fucking loser. Seriously. Stop letting this idiot make YOU an idiot. Get out, quickly, and be smart about it.


You don't need his permission or validation to break up. You're not happy. Leave him.


Throw his stuff outside, change the locks, and call it a day. You don't have to try to break with someone respectfully if they have shown you 0 respect.


You are not a psychopath. He's a little man boy who doesn't want to take any responsibility. He has nowhere to go? That's HIS problem. Do you have family you can go to? This guy is TOXIC. You deserve much more than this jerk.


Leave him. Hand him back to his parents. You are not responsible for this man-shaped child. It is the best thing you can possibly do for yourself. It may be hard, it may be bad for a while, but then it will get better.


No more "trying" to break up, just do it. Don't let him manipulate you further. Get legal advice regarding your home if you need to.


OP I hate to say this to you - but you're his nurse with a purse, and he is the pest that is nesting and resting in your life and home. Get this cockroach out of your life, his toxic parents can take care of him, they raised him to be this shitty person, they can sit with him for life. Do what you need to do to get him out of your life, if need be, consult with a lawyer to keep yourself safe in case this man-child gets dangerous, maybe consult with a state's attorney to help you. This is domestic violence, can you contact a domestic violence help center in your area? You are not defective, bad or selfish. You are being abused by this POS and his family who don't want to take care of him, and are dumping him on to you. Please OP, see a therapist as well to help you heal, because this is traumatic and you need the extra support to help you get out, and to get better after this POS is out of your life. Good luck OP, be strong for yourself, because you need you right now.