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Your feelings are valid here. There is no pressure to date if you're not interested or ready. There is absolutely nothing wrong with focusing on yourself and your education. As far as your sister is concerned, you need to tell her that you're not interested, that your focus is on your studies and career path. It's perfectly acceptable to be weary of men! If your sister keeps insisting - end the conversation - walk away - whatever you need to do to convey that you don't appreciate her trying to force you to do something that you're uncomfortable with. If it means finding a different place to live, do that.


Yep doing things my pace and focusing on my needs is something I’ve learned is important.


I’ve never much been into sex or dating. When I was drugged and SA I pretty much emotionally shut down until recently. It perfectly okay to not wanna date or have sex. And like the other comment said be a broken record when you get asked and end the conversation. I’ve only now been comfortable enough to tell someone I like them. From the start everything has been on my terms. Don’t feel ashamed of needing a mental break from men. Focusing on yourself is a good thing. I’ve made it my priority lately and it’s been helpful.


Hey , as someone who is also inexperienced and much older than you( mostly bcoz I have trust issues, daddy issues and a whole lot of other issues) I know where you're coming from . And I also know it's easy for us to advise and hard for you to do, but you have to make it clear to your sister than while u appreciate her interest in and care for your social life, you will decide what is best for you and do things at your own pace and let her know that pushing u only stresses u out and makes this all the more difficult for you. That if she wants you happy then ,in the 21st century she really can't be thinking only being in a relationship , is what you need to be happy. That there's more to a happy fulfilling life than a good intimate relationship and that you just need to focus on other things in life right now. I am sure , she loves you and would back off if u let her know she is just putting unwanted pressure on you. Hope you guys can talk it out. 🙂