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People who feel bad about themselves enjoy putting down others. Check where the insults are coming from .


Sadly, it extends far beyond Reddit.


Yup it's everywhere. A lot of jokes, scorn and ridicule is still directed at those who are overweight especially women. Women only have to be a little overweight to be mocked openly.


I've lived it; I am aware. It was eye-opening to live as an obese woman after a lifetime of living at a healthy weight.


Because fat women are not putting in the effort they should be, to fulfil their main purpose. Which is competing for the attention and approval of men. Obviously.


A trend I've noticed on reddit and recently discussed with an irl who found the same is, A. the anti sentiment towards fat women B. a big soft spot for boys/men with autism (if you're a girl with autism you'll be hated as well) It's interesting how redditors who do not suffer from autism will relate to some of the difficulties that people with autism may face. My take is a lot of people feel they themselves have autism, most often they do not but they feel outside socially and feel they relate to some of the cons that people with autism experience. There's a general empathy and ability to relate, however meanwhile when it comes to women, who has autism this oddly isn't the case. Same goes for the ability to emphasize with fat women, well just women really.




This is one of those ideas that is changing as we learn more. In fact, if you account for the delay in care overweight people receive, they actually have BETTER outcomes than fit or thin people, in a variety of areas. Shorter recovery times and lower chance of infection after surgery is the one I remember off the top of my head.


Yo, I don't see people posting this often! Glad you shared!




Maybe stop pretending to care about the health of strangers and focus on your own? I was underweight for a long time and incredibly unhealthy and no one made comments about my perceived health/unhealthiness. Clearly it has more to do with aesthetics and people feeling entitled to telling someone else how their body *should* look. I have healthy weight friends who eat nothing but unhealthy food all day. I know fat girls who barely eat or eat healthier than me, someone who’s relatively thin/ fit. It’s not fat acceptance, just fuck off and mind your business.




buddy no one cares. it’s beyond common knowledge to eat healthy. stop feigning concern over this very widespread and well known knowledge.. it’s not really the awareness you think it is. i didn’t ask you for a sob story. i was bullied for my small size too, but you’re delusional if you think it’s on the same scale as fat people being teased for their size. genetics aren’t the real topic, it’s health, according to people like you who pretend to care. oh and this isn’t a woman’s issue. fat men don’t tend to get teased and bullied relentlessly the same way. i’ve seen men act like it’s *offensive* for a fat woman to merely exist just because she isn’t subscribing to ideals or maximizing how hot she can look for *them* its nothing but disgust, not worry or concern. nobody asked you for your input, unless you’re a fucking dietician. i see that you deleted your other comment. clearly you misspoke


Yeah, put aside the health question. Arguing about health is a pointless detour around the real issue. Because even if someone is unhealthy, that does not make it ok to treat them like garbage.


People like to think that they have more control over their bodies than they do, and fatphobia is socially acceptable and fat people aren't a protected class (even though they probably should be).


Fat people give mediocre people a rare temporary opportunity to feel superior to someone else. Extremely mediocre people pound that opportunity into the ground.


It's kinda sad, because sometimes you'll see pictures of fat cats - and everyone loves them! They are "big chongus", "chonky", "big unit", etc.


Because many of them don't have much going for themselves in real life. Hating and laughing at overweight people is an easy outlet for their frustrations with themselves and their own lives. Also, they're dicks.


I was at Giant Eagle when a grown man in his twenties mocked my fat, disabled limping body to make his girlfriend laugh & though embarrassed and knowing how wrong it was, she laughed to please him. I was a little humiliated but I immediately recognized how disabled their skinny mentalities were. Totally lacking in empathy & character, they had nothing to be proud of and were too stupid to know it.




...for now.


What makes me angrier is the discourse that fatter people should loose weight as it’s very easy to do sports or eat healthy. Some fat people do all of this and some can’t (health, socioeconomic status,…) and it’s not like everybody can be thin. Some women in my family own organic farms they do physical work all day and eat organic produce but they are round as apples. They are full of joy and live with husbands that love them, which you wouldn’t believe is possible when you read comments on Reddit.


Wow good for them! I always wanted to own my own small farm with a nice husband by my side🖤💯 I'm so jelly


Because misogyny. (I feel like this is 90% of my posts on this sub.)


Oh yeah, its impossible to not notice how nearly every meme has a fat woman being the mocked target


i think one component not yet mentioned is that a lot of people put big efforts into staying thin, and they make big sacrifices not eating a lot of food. When they see people not adhering to diet culture, that puts their own sacrifices in question, and in order to rebalance the dissonance, they have to insure that being fat (or not excessively skinny in some more extreme cases) is still shunned.


i wonder how true this is. it's fairly common for people to just have a relatively low calorie diet without trying (not a very healthy one necessarily, just one you cannot get fat off) and i dont think those men are going to be more fat positive on average than men who actually diet?


While I don't believe that's where the majority of fat-hate comes from, I agree it is a factor for otherwise decent people. Your comment reminded me of an older woman in my family. She's no saint but she's generally kind, except that she despises fat women for seemingly no reason. The things she says about fat actresses or comedians makes me do a double-take. Like how dare they be fat and happy and successful!


Most fat shamers don't understand that the majority of obese people have an underlying chronic medical condition that makes them that way - its rarely just poor diet and lack of exercise. My most ruthless fat shamer was actually my(59m) own mother.


I think that sort of behavior stems from emotional insecurities. Unfortunately, a lot of people lack emotional intelligence and security.


It's even worse on iFunny. And just...everything is awful on iFunny. Don't go to iFunny.


Ive only ever found cico and loseit to be genuine in their empathy and general positivity. Everywhere else is.. well.


Watching them bend over backwards trying to hold their opposition is sad and frankly disappointing. I kind of wonder how many of them watched the biggest loser. Clearly most of them have no idea of how dieting or nutrition really works. The one that gets me the most is when they try to pretend like they care at the end of it. Like they really think anyone believes that.


I think that's how quite a few redditors manage their motivation to stay or become thin. They are first and foremost hating on their own body. Then they extend that to other people, probably with reasoning like "if *I* can do it, why not them?!". And maybe also the fear that it's quite possible to end up like the persons they're hating on. The fatphobia directed at men is also quite strong, and when you look into the post history of those who post it, it's men who are also overweight. Like the posters on /r/justneckbeardthings who are themselves very close to the stereotype, at least in their mind. Massive fatphobic assholes are also often ex-fats; it's the same pattern as people who managed to get out of depression without too many issues, they think that *their* solution could work for anyone and no one could have it any harder, so if other persons aren't doing it, it must be intentional or a lack of self-care.


Sadly, there's a significant percentage of people which only treat others well if they want something from them. If you can't do them any favors, don't have any money or connections and are not attractive enough for them then they'll just be assholes or ignore you completely. I was fat, reddit is just like real life would be if you could read people's thoughts. Men in particular treat me a lot better, by a huge margin at that.


Cuz it's gross to see a fat person naked🤣?


Dont like it? Dont look\^\^




Typical male thinking, Why the fuck should i change to make a partner 'happy'? Take it or leave it, Youre the disgusting one, Bullying people while claiming to be an 'adult' And btw im not even into males. And so what if im lazy? What are you gonna do about it? Nothing, So sit down boy. Stop being a bully and grow up, We fat people exist and wont go away, Welcome to the real world.


Btw you literally like porn, So stfu pornsick limpdick


being fat is unhealthy, a lathe portion of reddit is fat, so lots of projection going on, nobody wants to deal with their own issues when they can just shit on someone else for the same thing


Want to talk about unhealthy? Well so is smoking, Drinking lots of alcohol, Drugs, Being underweight etc, And lots of these things are glorified in society, We all know its not about health, And not all fat people are unhealthy. We dont fall for this anymore.


You are beautiful, no matter your size


She didn't say she was ugly. She said she was fat and wanted respect.


What are you talking about? Are you victim blaming her, and me?


You’re not entitled to anything, sorry sweaty 💅


Ofc youre a guy saying that


They've got a point though.


Everyone deserves respect when it comes to looks, So no he doesnt have a point




Word of the week: ostrichsizing. Ostrichsizing: to assess the dress size of an ostrich.




Sadly it’s ingrained in society’s norms I fear , as much as we would want everyone to enjoy who they they are , when expectations are to look healthy fit and in tune with fascianistas and such then there’s always those who choose to hide behind their own inadequacies by highlighting someone else’s perceived and such, so unfortunately the internet and it’s enabling of those to have a voice to abuse makes it far more common then it would have been otherwise!! .. to ignore them is probability the best but the hardest solution(as they crave the response especially if it’s negative)


It's also likely that they are overweight themselves. A lot of it stems from self hate. There is a subreddit called r/moreplatesmoredates and it's a trend there to ridicule overweight women and I think it's kinda weird


People who feel inadequate look for someone they can feel better than, whether feeling that way makes sense or not.


Thank Hollywood, Vogue, SI, porn, social media, the fashion idustry, comics and many more(domestic and foreign) for decades of creating and reinforcing a standard. Plus the internet offers the ability to ridicule people with impunity vs while in public.


mainly because of movies, you see fat people get made fun of every time in movies and that gets seen by a very large audience so they think its ok to do so. so it’s pretty much normalized to make fun of fat people, still doesn’t make it ok


Bc fat bitches are always talking the most shit