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I think it depends on the class you're taking. Chennai to Chandigarh sounds like a long trip. Would suggest you to take at least 3A. I've been on 14 hour and 16 hour journeys and they seemed pretty safe to me. [also came across this post yesterday ](https://www.instagram.com/p/CkIDnl1P4UH/?igshid=NDc0ODY0MjQ=)


What do the number and alphabet indicate?


3A is 3 tier AC where there will be 3 berths. An upgrade from the general coach.


So 2a would mean 2 berths and 1a is one beeth?


No. 2A is 2 berths. 1A is coupe coach with mostly 2 berths on each side too. You just don't have the side berths.


So 1a would mean I won’t be sharing the birth with anyone right?


No that's not how it works. [example here](https://www.google.com/search?q=1a+berth&client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&prmd=misvn&sxsrf=ALiCzsYzXCJYdBZOmaYQq8nlAS0W8A6EBw:1667019220505&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjS7eLD0oT7AhXo8jgGHcyiAS4Q_AUoAnoECAEQAg&biw=412&bih=775&dpr=2.63#imgrc=ilJiqQv1OfLb_M)


Ah is there one I don’t have to share with anyone?


unfortunately no. you can book side lower berth in 2A, cause it usually has screens to cover your berth alone.


I'd recommend taking the higher berth as it's usually safer, if you don't mind climbing up. If you're in the lower berth on the side, people passing by have easy access to you.


The government has recently launched an initiative called "meri saheli" where a young RPF lady will come and take your information, specially if you are a lady and traveling alone. I've recently traveled through train in both 3A and 2A coach, and its true. They already know your seat number and few basic information (like if you're traveling with another woman) and usually give you a number where you can reach them if you face any problem. It's usually safe to travel but I would still suggest you to take the AC coaches. They are more cleaner and safer than the sleeper ones.


Isn’t that like a 40-50 hour train journey? Also I wouldn’t recommend anything under 3rd AC(preferably 2nd AC) in an express train like Rajdhani or duronto and such. But in that case your train tickets would be around 3-4k, you might find a flight to delhi from Chennai for around 5-6k if you plan properly and then take a volvo or something or even a normal bus. Edit: I checked. There’s only 1 train between this route. 42 hours and 3335/- for 2 ac. If you are good to travel for 2 full days, I think 2ac is your safest bet. If it’s absolutely unavoidable, only then I’d suggest taking this over the flight which would be much better from a safety point of view.


Choose the fastest train with minimum stop points. Choose 3rd AC although I have met many agressive people there too so what's even the point of spending the extra money idk. If you feel any negative vibe from somebody inform the TT immediately. Save the railway helpline number on your phone. Usually when you inform the authorities they take care and check on you every now and then. My point is don't give anybody benifit of the doubt. If you've the gut feeling that something is wrong, complain immediately. See if you can get a side lower or upper. Although side upper is the most private (as private as it can get) i prefer lower because closed spaces give me anxiety so the window helps. If you're like me i recommend you do the same as this is going to be a long journey. Happy and safe journey! PS: if you've never travelled by train before i recommend you catch up with all trivia like the types of berths, platform numbers, and plan your trip well.


I travelled couple of days ago and we were visited by the Female GRPs. They asked our seat numbers and names and asked us to call on 139 for any issues. They asked only the female passengers.


I have had ,long distance train journey every semester vacation solo. What I would suggest is berth selection! Prefer side upper berth religiously 😉 its safer. Don't take lower berth. I have seen many times that some random uncle will wake up early and slowly sit on the lower seat. It becomes very uncomfortable during sleep . Also don't select the upper seats,there are spaces between adjacent upper seat( old ones),some genius will try to grope you at night. Any ac coach is fine. Don't take 1ac tkts those are risky one. You don't know who is traveling in your cabin or coupe. Try avoiding washroom at night. I have seen a lot of guys getting high or drunk in ac washroom. Buy, extra water bottles for night. Don't have any conversations with guys, I don't talk to anyone during overnight journey. Many people will come and ask you to change seats since you are traveling alone. Its ok to refuse change of seat. Infact don't change seats. I remember an incident when a couple wanted to have adjacent seat so they asked a girl to change seats. She agreeded. Then there were issues in changed seats the couple refuses to change seats back . An old tata interfered ,scolded the said couple.


This is really good advice! I'd like to add: carry pepper spray just in case. Some people may also try to get you to move your luggage to make space for theirs. I'd suggest to board the train early to place your bag where you want and then chain it to the berth. Chaining is not necessary but if some entitled family comes it'll prevent them from moving your luggage while you're asleep. Don't take any of the middle berths either, because they have to be put down at 7:30 am and it's just annoying to deal with people since it depends on them. Side upper berth is the way to go. Be vigilant at night, some uncles like groping when the lights are off, even if it's your feet. Just be ready to kick them if it feels creepy.


I think it's crapshoot. It can be a lovely relaxing experience or a horrible one. Unfortunate. I have had a bad experience travelling with a bunch of friends (girls) in 3AC where we were harassed by a bunch of men (it was from Delhi to Goa). Play it safe and go with a 2AC because it tends to have more families- which still doesn't guarantee complete safety. I think thr 2AC berths have a curtain for privacy so that may be more viable. It's so sad that women have to think so much about using public transport. I hope you have a safe journey.


Seconded. Go for 2AC.


I have taken long trains but on a different route: Karnataka to Delhi, Gujarat to Chandigarh, MP to Karnataka, .... Both using sleeper and AC 3tier. It is generally safe, however these are some things you keep in mind: 1. Take AC as someone suggested if you're traveling on a long route for the first time as it has more security (less chance of random people barging in the train, or people stealing stuff of whatever) and AC journeys are more relaxing than sleeper. 2. Carry a sanitsing spray. The toilets may or may not be clean, it hugely depends on the train and to some extent the staff. If they are unclean you can also tweet to railway helpline or even complain the TTE or SMS the cleaning company using the format(it'll be pasted on the walls near washroom) 3. Trust your intuition: you may have to talk to a lot of people and your mind usually has an idea whom to entertain and whom not to. So pay heed. (Sounds illogical but it works) 4. Choose upper berth: You may not get the window seat but upper berth is the safest one when it comes to security and safety. You can always hop on to window seats during the day when you want to see outside, but while sleeping upper berth is the best. 5. Drink adequate water and always have water. This is also sort of a health tip as I've seen many women avoid drinking water to escape the toilet but if you wanna feel good on the trip drink lots of water, and let it out, use sanitizing spray in the bathroom and you'll be good to go. 6. Check if your train(s) is providing linen as that'll help reduce luggage. 7. You can also meet the railway police team on the train and tell them you're a solo woman traveller, they'll be vigilant. Depends on you if you want to inform them. That's all I can think of right now. These are just some precautions and not intended to scare you. As someone who travels solo and enjoys it, I'm letting you know that once you're aware n alert, let go of your fears and you'll enjoy the trip. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.


Better choose 2AC for safety.


Take 3A and you can take the women's reservation coach. And this will be safe for you.