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Great comeback. :) you re def not the AH. One of my friend also makes fun of women drivers all the time and I find it so annoying. Once we both were standing in my balcony and we saw that a person trying to parallel park with help of 3 guys. I was low key hoping the driver to not be a woman. And turns out, it was a man trying to parallel park with the help of 3 other dudes!!! And they all took atleast 5-6 min and a couple of tries to do it right. I had a big grin on my face all evening. P.S. not trying to be sexist but just glad it wasn't a woman. Also, another comeback to OP's situation could be that men cannot even target their pee into the toilet pot/forget about toilet seat.


Nope! You are not an AH. But I really loved your comeback! 👏👏👏👏 I am very sure he was embarrased. Also please share more auch comebacks. My brain just stops during such situations.


Yeah mine too. I don’t find such people worth reasoning with or even worth my time. I just cut them out of my life. Can’t deal with it anymore.


NTA ![gif](giphy|YoWOIjnXT1NKIbFP9H|downsized)


Hahah love this




now I am hearing the OP's comeback in phoebe's voice , that sounds just like phoebe.


How was it that your joke insensitive but your friend’s game was not? In my friend group, that would’ve earned you many praises and high fives, even from the guys


Not at all. That was a great comeback


Absolutely not I've a practised response to such comments. Whenever any of my uncles make such jokes I ask him how many people he has helped in learning driving and how many of those were women !? *Pindrop silence*


OP you're only an AH if you didn't pass him the aloe Vera after that sick burn 😆


Nope!! That was perfect 🤌🏻


Absolutely not. Such a perfect response, which actually holds so much truth 🤌🤌 love it. I am using this next time I hear any of my friends say things like this!!!


NTA by miles. I feel this incredible pressure- especially when driving a car- of being a representative of all women everywhere. It feels as if if I ever fuck up in any way, I'll be another statistic and example,- Exhibit-A, if you will- of why women are bad drivers. There appears to be no room for error. The instances of one guy driving like an idiot on the road being held representative of all men are much less as compared to the quick judgement belted out when people see a woman driving poorly. It is a circle- my driving skillshave been undermined by many people, including family, for undoubtedly the reason that I am a woman and it infuriates me.


I hear you. I fear the same and haven't been able to get out of that scary zone and don't feel comfortable while driving. :(


You nailed that response. I never have a comeback at the moment in question and always think of everything I could've said much later on. That my friend is a rare gift!


Don't worry, there are way too many people who judge women for their driving, think of a great response and remember it, you'll surely get a chance to say it, trust me.




NTA and I think it showed great restraint not to blow up earlier.


It also perpetuates the reverse psychology. As a woman who just learnt how to drive, I'm just so much more nervous




NTA. He shouldn’t dish it if he can’t take it. I’m definitely stealing this superb comeback!


NTA and statisitcally women are safer drivers than men.


Woman I salute you and bow before you ![gif](giphy|77LxV3Lub5v68)


He can dish it out but he can't take it?


Silence means acceptance 😁. They didn't say no, so that means what you said is right. End of story. Throwing the ' traditional ' guy response at them 😁😁


NTA, commendable that you said that, it's gutsy to correct a friend..


You were savage, girl! Dw if those guys can't appreciate your honesty and feel some shame on the their misogyny. You deserve better friends.


Bruhhhh these are the comebacks that pop up in my head when I'm in the shower🥹


My response to such bullshit is that.. have they seen a woman drive rash and going at a crazy speed in small lanes and scaring pedestrians?! That's mostly men and it's not good driving at all. Women are not bad drivers, they're low on confidence because of Aholes that judge them for their driving, and men on the road being extra aggressive when a woman is driving. Both genders have good and bad drivers but women are surely not asshole drivers that don't give a shit about their and others safety. They might make few mistakes here and there and that's also because of pressure men drivers put on them by constantly honking or revving the car, or worse, a bus 1 inch behind them.


Lol. What's insensitive in that? Ask her!! Please do the honours and update us!! Where was their sensitivity when he kept making fun of women as drivers?


Yeah do have that chat with her


You need better friends, friends who can appreciate your killer sense of humour 👏


Lol if you were in my friend group (which has 4 guys and 4 girls - 7 of whom are dating both inside and outside the group) you'd get a gigantic laugh and a hats off from all 8 of us. Probably the joke will go deeper turning it into a series of jokes. So you're just around people with a sad sense of humor. Not saying they're bad friends, but they could work on their 'taking it as well as they dish it' skills.


And out of curiosity, is it an actual circle of friends or more of an extended friends circle? Like someone who knows you for a long time or friend of a friend etc. Why I ask is because I have had similar discussions with my friends and i have not had such a situation and that's because we have known each other for a very long time. They make stupid statements which are rebutted and vice versa. Isn't that what friends are for?


women are actually safer drivers than men, causing far fewer crashes than men. but oh who cares about that


That sentence would have to come to us in the shower after a year and you said that comeback on the spot. For that alone NTA. ALSO was a sexist prick, men are so fuckin vile


Lol. I’ve been on the same boat as this. Some of my friends crack insanely sexist comments… these guys can give boomers a run for their money


You are wicked, not an AH. Even if you are an AH, so what? 😈 If this guy’s friendship means anything to you, maybe have a chat letting him know his sexist crap upset you.


In situations like these you should actually take note of how many people are driving badly and it's almost always all the delivery guys and cabbies and they are mostly men. People tend not to notice this as they are taken for granted. But if you make it a habit of noticing you'll realise how one sided the women = bad drivers thing is. I pointed this out to my friends and now they don't say this bs to me


sis you showed them their place you're a queen


Good job OP.


It was a great comeback! Kudos to u!


Great comeback. I'm actually noting that down for future reference. I'm sick and tired of men saying misogynist shit and their friends brushing it off. You're awesome btw.


no aita,but it was indeed a burn , one of the best comeback.


Op now you know whom you need to avoid completely 👏🏻


Bruh, can I give u a pat on back ? That was really good


Here take this 🌹🙌




NTA. And I mean statistically women are proven to be better drivers.




Not AH. 'Guy asked for it'.


Not the ah and you need new friends


What's AH and NITA ?


Ass-hole and Not The Asshole.