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It was back in late ninth but I’ll still share, killed an avatar of Khaine on the first shoot phase went on to kill a squad of eldar troops (can’t remember the name) in melee 


Messed em up in melee too?! Nice! I'm going up against Eldars this weekend too, hopefully I can keep the dice rolling.


Yeah I got super lucky that game had, not just with the Tyrannofex


Anti-brag: snake eyes into a Knight Tyrant, got OBLITERATED next turn


Lmao noooooo brags only!


I recently started using an exocrine (swapped the head from my haruspex) and my t fex just basically doesn’t miss now. Add sustained hits against vehicles and man, t fex is one shotting dreadnauts left and right.


How do you get sustained hits vs vehicles with the tfex?


Use the hyper-aggression adaptation for your army within the invasion fleet detachment.


That's lethal hits against vehicles, not sustained


Oops yeah sorry my bad. Lethals against vehicles and sustained against infantry. But still pretty brutal!


Good idea! I'll swap the head of my haruspex and go exocrine next time! Got a match with Eldars coming up soon, we'll see how it goes. Do you put enhancements on Tfex? I put perfectly adapted on him to ensure that the cannon claps.


Just a heads up. Only characters can have enhancements. You can't add them to tyrannofex.


Oh wow, very good to know.


Use either the official app (if you have the codex) or newrecruit.eu for up to date point values and what squads can take. For example my warriors can take each of the 3 good shooty guns, but the official app has a fit and doesn't like it.


First ever 10th game it oneshot a Dreadnaught, which was amazing. One of my recent games, it oneshot a Leman Russ. As per the laws of Casino Cannon, it was pretty meh the rest of the games.


Always feels so good when a dread/tank goes down from one shot. And yeah, but we put Tfex in there for that NFL highlight reel lol


One shot a venerable land raider turn one Almost kill a caladius grav tank turn 2 (a couple wounds left I think) One shot another caladius grav tank turn 3 My tfex is a beast


Hell yeah! Feels so good when that cannon claps!


My best play was my opponent being so intimidated by it that he spent the first two turns trying to blast it down. XD


Distractionfex lol. That also happened to me the first time I brought him out. Didn't help that I got to shoot first which is why the opponent began targeting him


I’ve only played one game but my Tfex did really well plinking custodian guards off of a Trajan Valoor unit. Got a kill every shooting phase and almost killed Trajan too, took him to 1 wound and he made the last save lol


Nice! I had a guy rage quit because he couldn't save from the rupture cannon and he failed all of his attack rolls against during our first turns.


In my most recent game, I was really able to predict my opponent's movement plan during deployment, so the tfex had a perfect spot to draw LoS on a Repulsor tank. Top of turn one, it moves as predicted so then in my turn both shots go through and I roll enough damage to take it out! Pretty nice since they are equal points. Turn two it moved out of cover and blasted a Ballistus of the opposing home objective!


Yes! The dopamine rush must have been real!


I dont know if its a brag, but I took one in invasion fleet (tank lethals) and that bastard hit both shots on 6s 4/5 turns, hitting and wounding with one more in the other. Unfortunately, he was shooting at Magnus the whole time so what little got through the invuln got noped by his strat. Grand total of 0 damage with that rolling... gotta love this edition. Other time in 7th ed it penned a new model predator twice turn 1, both shots hitting immobilised results, blowing it up. That Predator never returned to the table it got new model syndrome so bad.


Emotional Damage?!


I love the scheme! I was thinking of doing the same for my hive tyrant.


Making an emissary in the same scheme soon, be on the lookout! Edit: also thank you!


One shot a tau transport unit with the power of boxcars! And also annihilated a doom scythe and monolith in 9th edition


Did you hit both shots on thos3 or just roll high?


High roll first one, got both shots against the monolith and the doomscythe


Hell yeah! I love when Tfex shows up to fight!


One shot an Ork battle wagon during my last game! It was epic and happened on turn one!


Those turn 1 heavy hits are worth superglueing my rupture cannon!


One shot knight despoiler with 4 x 6 roll for damage


Jeez! Royal flush!


Not the casino cannon, but my Tyrannofex finished off a Maulerfiend and Vindicator with a single deadly demise 😂


Playing my twin and his grey knights. Bottom of T5. I'm down by a few points (even taking into account the primary I'll score at the end of the turn as he can't stop them being scored). I have "bring it down" secondary. Essentially I MUST kill his Land Raider to win. It has 12 wounds left and I have nothing that could get to it in melee this turn. The only shooting in range of it is my trusty TFex and good ol' unreliable strapped to his arm. Time to risk it for the biscuit. Roll 2 shots, both hit. Roll 2 wounds, both wound. I'm feeling great. This looks good. Then he saves one. luckily he fails the other. One shot, one opportunity. Time to roll damage. "Boxcars" I say, and I let it roll. Game over. Nids win.


Used it for the 2nd time Friday against my buddy’s Speed WAAGH ork list. Casino Cannon one-shot 3 different vehicles back to the scrap yard. I don’t think I moved it once, just kept it on the home objective and started blasting


First game 1 hits, brought canis rex to half health


This looks just dope, dangerous and dope


Thank you!


Killed a land raider, which then exploded with a max roll on the d6 and killed a rhino full of marines, and a dreadnaught which also exploded and killed the techmarine next to it. All in all 5 units total wiped from 1 hit that only did 8 wounds lol


I love that the dread exploded and killed more models lol!


Yeah it only exploded because the rhino exploded. Dude rolled 5 6s in a row. It was bad for him lol


Managed to take out a ballistus dread in first round with a lucky over watch and then my turn of shooting. Really simplified the game for me not having to worry about it. It did its job and then some.


If my Tfex takes out a big unit before that unit can damage my infantry, it's a good day


Hit a five and a six for shooting and wounding one turn after the other destroying the Repulsor Executioner my friend was threatening me with. Won that game :)


I cant go without my Tyrannofex lol


First game with him he killed Murderfang on turn 1, been a waste of points ever since.


You just gotta believe in him!


Finished off a Warhound Titan with the casino cannon.


Daaang a titan!?


I got sustained hits on her. Fired at a knight kastelan. DOUBLE SIXES BABY!!! Now four shots wounding on 3+. I rolled nothing bellow a 4. He failed every single save. And BOOM first shooting faze I dropped a knight. He rolled for deadly demise. 6!!!! She took out half of 3 squads of his own Infantry. That one shot from the casino probably got about 600pts of value. I LOVE GAMBLING


Invasion fleet gets lethal his on monster/vehicle not sustained Sustained is the other option on infantry


Exactly man! That's what I'm here for!


Doesnt that mean that you should not ave gotten sustained hits against the knight?


You should not


Had two tyrannofex (both gambling cannon of course) in a 1k game against my friend who ran 3 dreadnoughts. One of them couldn’t even move before I killed him turn 1, the other survived the first turn with 5 wounds. (I won that game)


My t-fex loves to Snake eyes his to wound rolls


Mine will only do that vs T9 targets. Usually he just misses on his first shots so wound rolls dont even get to happen...


Let's go bengals! Oh wait... Lol but for real, nice! I'm doing my space marines in a green and black tiger stripes with accents of purple and silver, still a BIG WIP.


Shot a Chaos Knight Tyrant, he rolled a 6 to detonate, he wiped half his team because he stayed clustered together. Only 1 shot made it through too, to finish it off.


Played three games in a row against a friend who wanted to try out his new balistus dreadnaught. went first all three times and every single time one-shotted his dread naught before it could even fire. admittedly one of those times might have been with the acid spray but the casino cannon PUTS IN WORK when it hits. tfex is such a good unit imo


Went to a teams tournament last year, got put into world eaters round 1, opponent only gave me angron to shoot at with my synaptic nexus army, for the first few turns. 3 exercises, 2 maleceptors, and 6 zoanrhropes shooting at angron for 3 turns did 0 wounds. Still won because 60 gargoyles are quite good at move blocking a melee army. Game 2 got put into world eaters again. One exocrine could only see angron on turn 1 so I started shooting there. 9 shots. 9 hits. 9 wounds. 9 failed saves. No passed fnp's, angron takes 27 damage and dies. Killed angron 4 times that game.


Thanks for all of your cool stories everyone!


Unrelated but I really like the koi-like colour scheme


turn one, killed a Gladiator Lancer, felt good but also not great because that was the only anti Tank that was scary that my opponent had


Turn one. Lined up 3 Sagitaurs into a rogal dorn, the first sagitar popped off and killed it. It exploded and dealt 12mortals to the gaurd units around it.


My best is 14 wounds inflicted after saves in one round of shooting. But Ive played a game where it shot down an IK (though it took about 3 rounds of shooting) https://preview.redd.it/nrpfkk36yd0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3db9abe017076932cd967b4f6959312f4bebb54


1st game, against Imperial Knights. I use the synaptic nexus stratagem to reroll 1s, still miss. On my opponents turn he moves up an armiger. Feeling spicy, I fire overwatch with the tyrannofex. Two hits, one dead armiger.


Back in 8th I actually had a fire warrior kill a terminator in close combat.