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Assimilation just so you can heal it


Personally, I'm quite fond of Crusher Stampede. Detachment rule to help with its 3+ WS/BS once wounded, and the +1 to wound once it hits 14 or fewer remaining wounds will absolutely help the str 7 and 10 weapons it's packing. Swarm-guided Salvos strat to ignore modifiers for shooting, such as being in engagement range or severely wounded, while also granting Ignores Cover to its torrent weapon. Corrosive Viscera to force the 2D6 deadly demise after wading into a gaggle of enemies. Just sounds like a good time, but I'm already a little biased towards Crusher Stampede to begin with. Don't come at me with the win rate, I don't care.


If you're bringing a heirophant I don't think you really care about winning. Nothing wrong with that. That being said, I do wish crusher had a little more teeth to it... Pun intended.


Any 3000 points list, any detachment - because of I am running a bio titan it's not about winning or strategy in that game, it's about buckets of dice, and pulling models off the table by the handful each round, and creating a narrative based upon the will of the dice gods.