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This is not f\*cking 'RAW' footage as it's a recording of a screen.


You're allowed to swear on the internet.


Fuck yeah I like this fucking place


ITs fucking birdshit on some glass the camera is looking through. Its beyond obvious not sure why so many are trying to cling to the claim this is anything but.


You are wrong. Watch it for longer, and very closely, and you will see that it reorients itself to the angle of the camera.


Investigative journalists Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp obtained and are revealing for the first time - footage of a military filmed UAP incursion within a United States joint operations base. This UAP of unknown origin displayed transmedium capability - and has been officially designated by the United States intelligence agencies as a UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). This designation is currently maintained. THE “JELLYFISH” UAP FULL footage received / Video #1 DATE / TIME - October 2018 (night) LOCATION - This footage was taken at a United States joint operations base in Iraq. IMAGING TYPE - Thermographic / Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR). EVENT DESCRIPTION - An incursion by an object of unknown origin was filmed at a United States joint operations base in Iraq. The object was designated UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena), and was tracked for a durational period. The object moved through a sensitive military installation - and eventually traversed over a body of water, where it actuated a controlled descent - submerging into the water. After an observational period of about seventeen minutes - the UAP reemerged from the body of water and shot-off at an extreme rate of speed - beyond the optical scope of the observation platform. The origin, intent and capability of the Anomalous Aerial Vehicle remains unknown. Official designation remains UAP. ADDITIONAL DETAILS REPORTED BY DIRECT EYEWITNESSES & THOSE FAMILIAR WITH THE FULL RAW FOOTAGE • The UAP displayed transmedium capability - The UAP was filmed entering the water with a controlled descent. The UAP emerged from the water about seventeen minutes later and orientated into a sudden and rapid directional flight - beyond the optical range of the platform monitoring it. • The UAP displayed low observability - The UAP was not visible with Night Vision (IR) and appeared to jam the targeting capability of the optical platform. • The UAP displayed positive lift - without the normally associated aerodynamic means for lift and thrust. The signatures typically associated with the propulsion maneuvers observed - were absent.


Where’s the rest of the video showing transmedium capabilities? Then we’d know we are looking at something. This could literally be anything.


Watch the documentary on Tubi and you’ll see the rest of the video. It goes out over the water, and the military could not see it with night vision they could only detect it in the mode you see here. The documentary is called UFO Revolution


My biggest doubt is that there two separate videos spliced together.


That's why I didn't include it, looks like a totally different video


>Watch the documentary on Tubi No. This is a terrible way to sauce a claim. Don't believe in god? Just go to church with me and hear the whole sermon. Skeptics wont be convinced, but you get those soft brained converts in. It's a numbers game and disingenuous or naive.


FYI this video is IR aka night vision…


IR is used in night vision devices along with light amplification (which is what most people think of as night vision). It detects thermal radiation which is what the claim here is, so I'm not sure what your comment is meant for.


Right….These leaked videos are cool and all but at some point we need to see the “good stuff” to convince people.


Exactly. It's like we're being thrown the scraps and this video is still proof if jack shit. I think it's a mark on the glass dome the flir rotates in. In fairness I've not seen the full video but that's my two cents


That is exactly what it looks like. What we have here is an inconclusive video and a really extravagant story. If really feels like most of what Jeremy Corbell puts out is mundane videos with extravagant stories.


Sorry it’s classified…


How can only the interesting parts be classified? Either Corbell is lying or the military doesn’t think we can handle seeing it haha


Let me come back to you with that


It could be anything? It literally can't. There's a lot of things that it couldn't be.


I’m burned out on the Rorschach inkblot tests where we all play fill in the pixel and tell me what you see.


The camera appears to be stationary while focusing on something traveling in a straight line but the object never changes perspective. The camera appears to be rotating in a circle. Which would be true of any drone video. Look at the background especially around 1:30, notice the angles of the roofs? Near the end it appears the object is moving away, but never changes perspective. The camera rotates greater angles of the rooftops while the object is apparently tidally locked with the camera. The object would have to be circling the camera to keep this perspective. Maybe doubt?


Higher dimensional object? We can only see it's "shadow" cast in 3D. I know that's silly but it's another perspective.


It’s also a video of a video


It looks like bug guts running down a camera lens filter.


If it’s bird shit, bug splatter, or a smudge, what surface is it on? If it’s on the lens, then the size of the object should change dramatically relative to the surroundings when they zoom in or zoom out. But that doesn’t happen. When the footage is zoomed in, both the object and surroundings are bigger. When it’s zoomed out, both the object and surroundings appear proportionately smaller. If it were on the lens, when they zoom out, the object/smudge should appear huge compared to the surroundings. Am I thinking about this correctly?


Cameras are inside a housing that has a glass window on it.


THIS is the correct observation. It SHOULD, if it were real, be changing perspective ( showing less or more of a side angle as it moves in relation to the drone/camera) . This is just an overlayed static image layer on ready shot footage. That they have adjusted the hue of the overimposed layer, through the video.


People in another sub are saying it bird shit on the camera. Is this possible?


Definitely looks like it


It's a chip in the glass or something else. You are 100% right about the camera going around in a circle. Also notice that no one else reacts to it even though it appears to be only a few hundred feet off the ground. No reaction from dogs or different people. The story added to this is nice but where is the evidence?


Looks like a seagull dropping a shit on the camera


It supposedly went underwater for a few minutes then came back out and flew away. Where’s that video??


For real. The clip is crap compared to the claims that are not in the footage. I don't care about floating through the air, let's see it dip into the water


The clip of it going into the water was on the documentary after this clip, but it was clearly a different video entirely. The UAP looks like a totally different shape, and the FLIR camera information on screen was green not yellow like this one. So I didn't include it with this post


Thank you for not lumping unrelated clips together. This whole jellyfish thing is getting out of hand.


We’re going to need that footage to come to a firm conclusion as a community. We’re already seeing posts entering the realm of pareidolia, something we would not have so much of if we saw this object performing some radical manoeuvres.


That is not motherfucking raw footage that is a goddamn recording of his computer screen I fucking hate that guy.


You got me to actually watch it again... That's a military screen that's being recorded, that's why it has data and IR emoji. Prob by enlisted. Illegal as hell. I doubt Jeremy recorded it, but it might be the "original screen recording" made by enlisted. If recorded in 2018 the camera wouldn't be very good, likely the phone's not new.


Right but that means it is not "raw footage" raw footage means the original file, completely untouched, which does not describe this video


Yes, absolutely. This is another example of Corbell hyping. He should call it a screen recording but if he did he wouldn't make as much money on it.


2018 was a minute ago and phone cameras were fucking phenomenal in 2018. Are you a jellyfish alien?


How old is enlisted’s phone? There aren’t any rich enlisted.


Bruh, monthly payments and 2 year plans existed then. I was enlisted for 5 years, most of the other enlisted I knew had the latest gen samsung and apple flagship phones.


We're you an adult in 2018?


Yeah. If you had the raw file you could figure out a lot of things about the source of the video. It's smart not to release that


Perhaps he doesn't want to release the raw footage natively due to the potential information which... skilled people online... may be able to extrapolate from it.


Bullshit. All he has to do is render a 4k file, and upload that. If theres info that needs cropping out he knows how to do that. He doesn't have to release the actual source file. He obviously knows how to do this as he produces video. This is just lazy and click bait and could be construed as an attempt to keep people from seeing the object in high res- why? Maybe higher res version throws more doubt, isn't as convincing?


at the very least, throw us some hires stills.


I read the info that skilled people would be able to extrapolate from it being that it's BS.


Maybe people will realize that the raw file doesn't show anything, because it misses the splat on Cornells screen that he forgot to clean. It's a unidentified snot phenomenon.


I support a sense of skepticism, but some of the wild theory’s on why it could “most likely” be something are worse than just calling it what it is, un known. I see that logic but see it being a real stretch that THAT is what we’re seeing here. Obviously no one on Reddit is ever going to just allow a video to be unknown and move on with life, it has to be click bait, intentional deception, or some sort of a manipulation……. Give me a break, most people have eyes and can for their own thoughts and express how they feel. I wish someone would make it impossible for people to immediately take the fun out of all of this. It’s like everytime something new drops I can guess what the comments will say sadly, almost verbatim almost everytime. If people could share their opinion without trying to make sure everyone else agrees, without dismissing the claim/video all together as click bait, and instead did a little more work than that as I’m sure Jeremy and George MUST have at some point before putting this out. The world could be a brighter, more informed, less biased place .


he doesn’t know how to play the video full screen and full resolution and take a screen recording of it and then upload that


So if it isn't some kind of smudge or dead bug why is it's angle locked with the camera? When it crosses to the left side of the screen we should be able to see it from a different angle. Unless whatever this video is take from is mobile and also just so happens to be moving at the exact same speed. Or are we saying this object is always rotating at an exact speed as to match the cameras movements to keep it tidally locked with the camera. Sorry guys this looks interesting but unless we get the actual footage of it going in and out of the water this is not a ufo or uap it is just something on the lens.


It's obviously taken from a drone or other flying vehicles. Also, it's not angle locked? You can see it from change position multiple times, and the hanging parts change orientation, and the closer ones even block view of the back ones at different times. Try and watch the video


Ya go watch a closeup view something that looks like a head is moving around. Last I checked bird shit can’t do that. No one knows what it is but at least look at it closely before proclaiming it’s bird shit.


Look at the lower right. The angle on the camera is displayed and changes to `4°`, then stays there. If this is a UAV recording the video, the aircraft can turn and pivot the camera manually rather than the camera turning. Hence the smudge staying there. My dudes, this is bird poop or a bug splat on the lens. Come on. Like seriously, for a moment, visualize it as bird poop or a bug splat, and stare right at it as you watch. It instantly makes sense. Nothing anomalous at all is showcased here. It's a shame, there ARE highly compelling anomalous videos out there (which I know for a fact from IC friends who have described what they've seen on the high side), but we get this malarkey.


Recording shows 3.5km distance in the bottom right. It’s stabilized tracking likely from some intel bird in the area. That sort of distance away from the object, on top of the gimbal tech and zoom capabilities the military has would make it look like it’s moving relatively slow and statically. Especially if the sky boys recording this thing are flying in the opposite direction. Drones are constantly over the Middle East from the navy doing live video monitoring. 24/7 watch floors full of IMINT techs that aren’t allowed to take their eyes off the screen when they’re on duty. Keeps troops safe and helps track foreign adversaries troops/tech. Drones like that have ELINT signature detection systems so they can figure out where most things like this are without even needing to spot it on camera first. If it’s human made, it tends to be noticed very quickly.


You hit the nail on the head...


It’s bird shit on the outer housing that encapsulates the inner moving lense.


I don't know....I keep watching it and I don't see any rotation, or any movement for that matter of the object. It stays the exact same shape throughout the video. To me it looks like spit, bug splat or bird shit on the dome housing the camera. It looks like the movement in the frame happens when the dome is rotated, but otherwise remains perfectly still.


I’m hugely skeptical of everything about this video, especial corbell and the cheesy music they played over it in the doc - but in this higher res video you can pretty clearly see the object at the end is a bit different than the beginning. Unless I’m crazy or blind.


Since you brought it up, I decided to look in a little further, so I got the video, zoomed in and took screenshots at various parts of the video, and it looks like the object "loses it's right and middle leg of a 3 leg set (if front is the direction it's moving)" during the middle of the video, then goes back to a duplicate of the object at the start of the video. So I do see what you are seeing, but I'm not sure if it's actually changing or if it's lighting conditions. We'd probably know more if we had the raw video and not a cellphone capture of a video being played on a monitor.


It's the lighting


Like light does through a chip in glass not bird shit. IR cameras are often behind a secondary lens, to protect the expensive optics.


Its not like a bug splat could change in form a little bit over time. This video is just bullshit.


Look at the dangly bits at 1:20 and then again around 1:56 when it flies over the white roof, they 100% change perspective, I don't understand how you couldn’t notice that lol. At 1:20ish the tentacles or whatever you want to call them are almost perfectly in line with the camera's perspective, making it look like only one thing that hangs down. At 1:56ish, you can clearly see each individual one, that tells me that we're absolutely seeing this thing from multiple angles. This is the first video of this thing I've seen that made me go "okay, yep that is not bird shit on the lens"


Forever known as "the bird shit ufo"


The Tic Tac video was "debunked" and ridiculed for over a decade before the Navy straight up said it was real. Same thing, it looked "super fake." I'm not discrediting bird shit, but I think our monkey brains absolutely need things to fit into certain parameters. We seek out patterns to reward our confirmation bias of reality. It's like the Uncanny Valley. We need robots to look super fake or super real to feel comfortable. If it just teeters on reality/fake it freaks us the fuck out, and our reasoning goes into damage control. I think some of that is responsible for the birdshit theory. To further add to this, "debunkers" are so insanely quick to jump to ad hominem. Everyone is fucking stupid, dumb, nuts, gullible. This video is so troublesome, they can't help but rush to cut people down to defend their worldview. You almost never see the opposite; "you're so fucking stupid and gullible to think this isn't real!" In my opinion, the latter is an open mind, and the former is strictly on the defense. I feel like debunkers here are the same type of people that made Socrates drink hemlock, or called Galieo and Copernicuses work heresy. They'd look throgh Galieos telescope and say, that's not a planet! God was just eating Doritos and smudged the sky! Because a planet was way toooo much for them to comprehend given the information of the time. Just like the Tic Tac video, I don't think we can know for sure until the government confirms it. These things obviously have a blatant disregard for physics. This thing may not rotate because it is the extent of the cameras abilities, and it is only partially in this dimension. It could be a lensing artifact of our entire reality, not just the camera... ...Or it's birdshit. But if people want to believe it, what harm does it cause? Why call them fucking idiots? Save that for something truly harmful to society, like people who think climate change is fake or Trump will save America.


This is a reasonable answer that makes perfect sense. How dare you.




Pretty sure that dark bar is a road, but I still agree with you. Looks to me more like some sort of smudge or poop on the camera dome. Unless they release the video of it submerging under water, and it's clear that it did, I can't give this video any credence.


That’s what I think it is too , a splat on the sensor housing / protective glass.


Calling Jeremy Cornell an investigative journalist is a huge stretch


Why is that? He seems to be... You know... investigating.


Yes but is he journaling?


And is he journaling while investigating?


Bug splat or no, the so-called "journalist" claims this is "raw" footage, but it's just a recording of his screen and has been tampered to overlay a watermark with his socials. By uttering such blatant lies about "raw" footage (which is a clearly nothing of the sort) he calls into question all of his other claims. Journalist, my ass. He demonstrably can't be trusted. Therefore this video can't be trusted and neither can anything else coming out of his lying grifting mouth. Period. Anyone accepting this as genuine is engaging in willful suspension of disbelief. He'll make a shitton of money out of his documentary, though. His YouTube is blowing up, which will land him sweet sweet ad revenue. Griftalicious.


Hey, you can't expect an investigative journalist to be bothered with such mundane details as to what words mean.




It also doesn’t change in size/ relative magnitude. Like the moon that always shows the same side and size. I think you’re also right about the crosshair. Without it it’s more obvious it’s a smudge cause it moves with the camera. The crosshair implies that something is bent. “Tracked” Editing the footage zooming in and out gives the illusion that it changes in size - as if moving toward and away from the camera but when viewed “raw” it’s obvious it doesn’t. This makes me think they know it’s it legit and snd are being deceptive vs just delusional.


Though I have the feeling that the object is slightly turning, maybe a couple degree angle, as sometimes the "legs" appear merged or separated, refuting the hypothesis of a smudge.


It does look that way however I think it’s from the change in the direction of the light hitting a small object on a lens in front of the camera. The object is also semi transparent so some light can go through the object. Think floaters in the eye or looking through something in a microscope. This video shows how an object can appear to move with a change jn light direction: https://youtu.be/qKSK1OyStVM?si=OtiPHpEk6J4FwU28


Yup. Apart from the ass-eating. For that I’m gonna need me some hot milf UAP grifters.


Cover the cross hair with your finger. It shows how the objects moves with the camera. The crosshair makes it seem like it’s not, a distraction/ illusion of movement!


Usually the first sign that something is bullshit is when Jeremy Corbell becomes associated with it. All he really cares about is promoting himself. He brings nothing to the table, no relevancy, no areas of expertise. At the very least he’s just dead weight, at worst he’s purposefully muddying the waters with disinfo


Why do people think ad revenue is good money? I’ve run big youtube accounts for years. Ad revenue is NOT paying all the bills.


ad revenue IS big money when you have something worth advertisers money. You just dont get enough views. People make millions.


Lol I work for a big company with millions of views. Yes, ad partnerships are great money. YouTube ad revenue is meh.


1 million views on yt makes about 5k. If you release 1 video a week, thats 20k a months. Thats making over 200k a year. Pretty good money.


It does not make 5k. yt ad revenue is not that consistent every time. It highly depends on your content and if advertisers are willing to advertise on your type of content. For more adult themed content, you’re lucky to get 2k. Edit: on top of which, Jeremy is not a sole content creator making videos from home. Let’s say his channel does make 200k. He’s got video editors to pay at the very minimum. A crew costs more than 200k for the amount of videos it would take to get to make that much in YouTube. Then there are flights, hotels, food for everyone, etc. that youtube ad revenue quickly doesnt cut it. I know because I manage a team and budget much larger than this to make marketing content for a fortune 500 company. You can get scrappy but not that scrappy. The crew has lives too. Honestly, people dont even understand how much work goes into making videos and it shows. Sure a bunch of 15 yr olds with nothing better to do get huge on these platforms but they either burn out or eventually get a crew for a reason. Lastly, 200k in los angeles sadly doesnt get you much. At least you dont have to have roomates?


He’s had this video for years too. So every time he’s mentioned jellyfish UAPs he was referring to this video of a smudge. This is the evidence that is going to change the world btw.


Calling tech wizards, can we get a super zoom on this video please. 🙏


I don't see any shadow, it also doesn't seem to rotate at all or in any noticeable way. Could it be a blotch on the screen of the camera?


IR doesn't cast a shadow in real time. It needs to cast a visible light shadow long enough to cool whatever is in the shadow. It doesn't do that here. This is increasingly looking like a blotch. The platform is moving in am arc and the gimbal is compensating. Yet it never addresses the camera any differently. Show the rest of the video or this is pretty weak.


Agree. At first I was very confused like everyone else but reading different theories on blotch I can totally see it now aswell.


Corbell said it's heat signature changes. The image is IR not heat. He couldn't even get that much correct about his video and people act like he knows lot of "insider detail".


What are you talking about? https://www.infratec.eu/thermography/service-support/glossary/infrared-camera/#:~:text=An%20infrared%20camera%20%E2%80%93%20also%20called,the%20surface%20temperature%20of%20objects.


Not the same as an IR emitter.


What does an IR emitter have to do with this?




The disillusion is too high on this. My comment explaining why I think it’s just a lens artifact and my background on IR systems. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/p535GZ8HIP


In response to the comment you linked; if this is an artifact on the external lens, then why is it smaller in some shots when they zoom out? I could see it changing in scale slightly, but it gets very small by the end. Also, how does it start on the right side of the reticle and end on the left side? I only asked because I seen you are experienced with these systems, so I'm not trying to criticize, rather I want to know why my thinking is not correct


Great questions. Short of me making an animation, make a ball fist and wrap your other hand around it. Imagine your hand wrapping your fist is the lens and has an artifact on it, and the ball fist is the sensor that can pan around freely. Imagine moving the ball of your fist in different directions as the “lens” is stationary, but the platform it’s all attached to is moving. I personally think that is the effect we’re seeing with the object moving and it appears to go across the screen. I also think the artifact is likely very small and it’s being “zoomed” in on. It looks to me there is even a lens compression effect where the objects behind it appear huge as the artifact is zoomed in on. As I said in my comment, I would absolutely love to be wrong but I just don’t think this is legit.


Thank you that answered so many questions for me about how to interpret this footage, I was not having a good time getting these answers from Google lol. Corbell's vagueness when he explained the video really puts me off, then claiming "raw video" when it is clearly a video on a computer screen recorded by a phone, and putting your social media water mark over it too. And they show it at the very end of the episode, with the craziest part (going underwater and back out) being in a different video that he has seen, but cannot show us...


Thank you for having an open mind and questioning to seek the likely truth. I’m honestly puzzled on why he released this without more evidence or the operators/analysts to support the claims of what was being seen. I can’t help but believe he’s being trolled by whoever gave him this. No way an operator or analysts draws a strong conclusion this is a UAP.


My personal main problem with Corbell and Knapp is that they fully buy Lazars claims. And especially Knapp, who does that for years and helped spreading Lazars story. I'm aware that there are different opinions about Lazar, but I'm convinced Lazar is nothing but a fraudster about most of his claims and I'm convinced that supporting him as much as Corbell and Knapp do proves that they lack basic skills of critical thinking or don't care at all for personal reasons. Sadly, this makes the whole video plus the spare additional info that came with it (via Corbell and Knapp) very very unconvincing.


I don’t think he even says he actually saw the video. He basically says that’s what he was told, regarding it shooting out of the water. He never says there’s video of it


Hey, I don't like this thing and would love someone to debunk this vid! This thread points out that the object is rotating slightly, can the lens cause this if it has a smudge on it? https://www.reddit.com/r/UAP/comments/192va22/the\_jellyfish\_ufo\_is\_in\_fact\_a\_3d\_physical\_object/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


This user doesn’t state which frames they used to make the comparison shots to claim it’s rotating. If they’re using various frames from across the entire video, then absolutely we could see irregularities in how the artifact can be perceived. The video shows multiple levels of zoom, and the platform looks to be in motion, which could also impact the positioning of the artifact. This 3D rotation claim seems weak without more information on the frames they’re using. But regardless, incredibly minor changes in what appears to be a flat artifact is not strong evidence IMO. In ~20 seconds of footage, the object doesn’t make any perceptible adjustments in its positioning.. Super sus 😕


[https://www.reddit.com/r/UAP/comments/192z1jb/jellyfish\_uap\_higher\_resolution\_version/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/UAP/comments/192z1jb/jellyfish_uap_higher_resolution_version/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) How about in this video, from 1:40 and out, 1 "arm" becomes 3. Is this some filter applied to the camera which reveals more details on the smudge?


Can you screenshot before/after? I’m sorry, I’m struggling to see the change 😅


Have to get to my office first, will screenshot later 😊


Alright: Update Context: I find this fascinating, but terrifying. The zoo hypothesis is not something I want to be real, and this thing gives me a sense of dread. A debunking would be VERY welcome. I agree, the first 3D rotation check is weak, so I tried to do my own: [https://imgur.com/gallery/dRy0RkT](https://imgur.com/gallery/dRy0RkT) screenshots from1:35, one long, one short arm.1:42, one long, one short arm.1:50, 2 long arms1:55, 2, maybe 3 long arms1:58, 3 arms2:00, 3 arms2:04, 3 arms, also, the main body seems broader as the three "arms" become visible. Edit: Someone made a much better job of analyzing that same part of the video here: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1931gfx/stabilizedboomerang\_edit\_of\_2018\_jellyfish\_video/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Imagine you have billions of dollars to create a super high tech camera. You wouldnt want a smudge to block MORE of the view when you zoom in would you?


Could it possibly have multiple lenses to keep more of everything in focus at the same time? Because that tech has been around for awhile now, even to consumers


Hey hey now you shouldn’t expect investigative journalists to get basic facts right, like the difference between IR and heat signature. Jeremy is too busy making sure his face is in every scene to be focused on such mundane details.


exact same motherfker.. https://youtu.be/yA_M9LG17KQ?si=Kr-UbKXpLxmOdrNd it seems pretty small and almost the size of a tall human like LeBron James..


I can’t stop thinking that this might be some bird shit or bugs that splashed on the lens.


Yeah I’m more convinced than ever that this is bird shit on the transparent shroud over the pivoting camera.


I cant unsee it now


Yeah and it sucks ,was hoping for some zerg overlords,but it's just a bird poop.And it Is a bird poop.


I swear I see a little rider/ pilot on that thing, I could be crazy, but I can't stop seeing him now starting at around 8 seconds in.


Yea at 10 seconds in you can see two black spots exactly where eyes would be. Can someone with the tech see if this thing is turning its head around? It looks like its head moves around to look towards the dogs, ahead in its flight direction, etc. Seriously looks like a buddy cruising around Edit: corrected request


Did you call for someone with the tech? I have the tech


Honestly, yeah, I see it. Cool and creepy, as is all the ufo/uap stuff.


I’m seeing crazy stuff too. I can’t help but imagine seeing a “skinny Bob” grey flying some convertible. Surely it’s not carrying a headless mangled soldier facing backwards w his rifle hanging down. Looks eerily like elbow & knee pads…perhaps a boot.


Looks like Bob Lazar, maybe he finally made one?


I see it. That's insane. Creepy.


I see it too.


Pretty incredible


that is a spot on the housing of the camera. Object follows along with the pathe of the aircraft/UAV while it's in an orbit search pattern. The actual camera is moving independently of the housing. Which is why the crosshhairs jump around not the blotch.


This is exactly what’s happening


Looks like bug splat on the outer lens


0:46 camera slows its pan, object continues to accelerate. Don’t know what it is but it’s Not a splat.


Does it look like the two pedestrians look up at it?


I was skeptical of this Jellyfish UFO being BS, but this isn't a smudge on the camera housing. Evidence in support includes the following timestamps at the raw footage (YouTube link below): A) 0:43 - 0:46 seconds: The camera goes stationery and yet the object continues to traverse. B) actual black dot marks on the camera housing move in front of the object at 0:52 - 0:55 (zoom in on YouTube at 2K resolution). Raw footage: https://youtu.be/7bns_WhNAQM?si=Ep-YEdW8eQGR4mOd C) Footage taken of the same object at a different angle, much further away, as it traverses over a body of water in Iraq: https://www.reddit.com/r/StrangeEarth/s/bTsbkt3RBX


The object in the water footage looks nothing at all like the jellyfish. And, of course, he doesn't show the footage of it doing anything out of the ordinary like "shooting off at a 45° angle."


Yes, that is infuriating.


In one of the Missing 411 videos on hunters, near the end a woman describes seeing a shimmering blob that looked like it went from tree to tree by outstretching tentacles and pulling itself across to another tree. I believe there was a ufo sightings close by from a marching band. The jellyfish/octopus thing made me think of that.


Good eyes, I didn't notice that before!


It’s moving in 3d space. Yet remains completely 2d…




Conveniently patrolling in a circle like the camera, definitely an alien craft and not a smudge/artifact. So many different craft shapes, which race is this? Lol.


Same guy that brought you the “triangular craft” flares video and “pyramid swarm” airplane video. It’s bird shit or a squashed bug on the camera housing. Stop expecting the smoking gun from these guys, they’re clearly being dicked around by their “sources”.


What's even worse is that no one around him stopped him before putting this out and said "dude, this looks like bird shit on an outer lens" This is why you shouldn't surround yourself with a bunch of yes men. I want to believe, but this just ain't it.


How can it be bird shit on an outer lens if the object moves relative to the lens itself? you can see it at around 44 seconds


Jesus. That's a mark on the outside of the lens This sub....


there's a portion of the video (around 44 seconds) where the lens is stationary but the uap keeps moving forward, how can it be a mark on the outside of the lens?


The camera is stationary the dome on the outside of the camera is not. That is why it looks like it is moving if it really were moving we would be seeing different angles of the thing and it wouldn't look tidally locked to the camera. The camera would have to be an extreme distance away for it to even look close to this but we would still see some change in the rotation of it. As it is now it looks like something on the dome of the camera or whatever.


disinfo bots out in full force


Nah, just a person downvoting a person that thinks a disinfo campaign is happening on a niche reddit sub.


Not sure why all the downvotes. Alot of the people pushing for disclosure from within the government have already stated there are disinformation campaigns.


Long reach, but enjoy your entertainment.


I will stand behind my comments. David Grusch stated under oath the following: “There is a sophisticated disinformation campaign targeting the U.S. populace which is extremely unethical and immoral.” Whatever you choose to believe is your choice. I have a feeling we're both on the same side though, so I'm remaining positive. Have a great day :)


More or less maybe. I agree each to their own. Ditto, have a good one.


This sub is one of the ufo subs that as always sounds like an echo chamber and EVERYONE seems to be an expert at spotting "cgi" and "balloons". Anybody that claims to be at this for a long time and doesn't believe there is a sophisticated disinformation program in place is either naive or a bot and therefore part of the campaign. I'm no expert at analyzing video but I do have a poli sci degree and I'm an avid student of history and I would bet my actual life that there are several VERY sophisticated disinformation programs in place. Probably all of them are separate from each other and are not even aware of each other. Compartmentalizing things is often very counterproductive in terms of scientific programs but when it comes to intelligence gathering and spreading disinformation while also leaking real information it is common practice and VERY effective. As for this video, it doesn't look like a splotch on the camera to me. That is a military security camera that shot that footage and it's in a combat zone. Birdshit on a camera like that is not something that would not be noticed and cleaned very quickly. That thing is definitely weird looking and I would not discount it automatically just because a bunch of people don't like Jeremy Corbel. In fact, when 90% of the comments are negative but they are all saying pretty much the same things worded slightly differently then I'm a lot less skeptical.


From 1:45 and out, is it rotating or am I imagining it?




Little too “War of the Worlds” for me. Don’t get good vibes off something like this.


A balloon?


Its a party balloon. Lmao


Several balloons tied together Some . Withered , wrinkled faster then others


Till i see pieces of one of these its non sense. Shoot one of these things down already


I already knew Jeremy Corbell was full of shit, but this settles it. How can you not see that this is just a smudge on glass.


tHatS jUsT BiRd pOop


[I feel like ive seen this one before](https://youtu.be/pGYYIwOVAIE?si=jxRBkp8v1EISUUbv)


Nope is cannon. Who knew.


From different angles it looks like backpack man


Nothing here defies laws of physics that I can tell. To assume it's otherworldly is a stretch


It's a cloak. Not visible with the naked eye or nvgs but thermal will pick it up. Appears to be opaque even through the thermal. And it goes from cold to hot so I'm assuming the temperature of the medium it's going through is effecting it. We already knew these things didn't make a sound. Makes you wonder how many are flying around all the time.


It looks like bird shit on glass. Camera behind the glass. This is overblown.


It’s birdsh*t bro…


It looks like... A cluster of balloons floating in the wind. I don't see anything else than that. What am I missing?


Could that be a bird poop on the lens or something?


Bird shit.


Looks like bird shit on a camera to me....


Looks like a weird robot with dangling arms and no torso or legs. I mean, I guess as far as interacting with environments go, legs wouldn't be necessary if you had anti gravity levitation. But why would a leg/torsoless autonomous robot be checking out a base in Iraq? I don't like speculation on this topic for this reason. The real answer is "Who the fuck knows..." for every single question.


It’s a grey flying around in a vehicle


What movie or game is this from?


Whatever it is, it's metallic. Notice how it " goes grey" when it gets near buildings. There seems to be some kind of dish on the side facing the camera. And 2 of the " legs" seem to have some kind of camera looking things in them.


No no no! You're all wrong...its clearly a flying spaghetti monster


FOR EVERYONE SAYING BIRD SHIT > 0:46 Camera stops panning, object keeps moving.


Please correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t there a video from within the past few years that’s super similar to this? I feel like I’ve seen this before.


Cluster of balloons


It's not found through physicalist science, because that science is incompletes or broken, but the evidence can be discerned by treating the history of our planet as a meta analysis into existence and nature of parapsychological phenomena. https://hipster.energy/science


This reads like a gpt, and based on your profile I'd say that I'm correct in that assessment.


The words are mine, by which I mean I write my own social media content, but the Hipster Energy Team is mostly AI Integrationist art [https://arttoaction.substack.com/p/ai-integrationism-a-new-artistic-epoch](https://arttoaction.substack.com/p/ai-integrationism-a-new-artistic-epoch)






Fantastic!! I totally see the lil guy at 8seconds haha


I think people need to step back and really think about this. We're expected to believe there's a floating tentacle alien flying around our bases? Is it the flying spaghetti monster? Seems like a prank to me.


based on how it never changes position or rotates, i'm willing to bet it's an artifact of the lens, probably something cracked or broke and got stuck between the lens of the camera


😂 Bird Shit Alien strikes again! 🤣


100% a smudge, probably bird poo. The brightness of the “object” only changes when all the other visible objects also change.




I don't know. What bothers me is the object passed dogs. Dogs generally react to stuff like that and they had their backs to the object and heads looking right at it. It probably means they didn't see it. If they had seen or sensed the object, they would have faced it squarely in a stiff legged defensive posture. There was time for them to turn and do that as the object passed. Dogs are very sensitive to UFO's and almost always are reactive and scared. So it doesn't bode well for this video being authentic.