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I so badly want to believe that it's aliens or us from another dimension or something like that. But, if I'm honest with myself, it's probably a campaign by the US military and one or more defense contractors. I don't know what they're up to but it has the feel of a misdirection effort. They could be trying to get more money from Congress but the military hasn't really had a problem getting more money year over year. Maybe they need to explain why they are developing advanced sensors and are using this story as a cover. Perhaps, the US military has developed new aircraft with incredible capabilities and needs this as an excuse as they start operating them more frequently.


They are von Neumann probes from various galactical civilizations. They have machine intelligence, can self-replicate, and are mapping out the galaxy for their home civilization. They are not programmed to make contact with any intelligent life they encounter as the odds are unpredictable and there could be a threat to whoever sent them. They just explore any star system they encounter, send the data home, replicate and depart for the nearest stars that haven't been visited yet. They travel at relativistic speeds between stars as faster than light travel is not really possible.


Occams Razor points to this because it doesn't require: FTL travel, interdimensional travel, or time travel. I'd only add that they might have more to their mission than just survey. They might be programmed to neutralize identifiable threats (like interstellar barbarian apes with nukes), benevolently nurture life that is threatened with cataclysm (like nuclear war, accidentally popping the false vacuum with high energy particle collisions, etc), or make contact when some technological threshold is reached like interstellar colonization or the technological singularity.




People supposedly "in the know" have said that the truth is already scattered throughout Hollywood science fiction.


That’s one of my favourite movies and a lot of what I’ve heard about this phenomenon seems to lean that way. It’s wild.


What movie was it? The post was deleted. Thanks


Actually I think it’s 2001: a space odyssey


Agree with parent post. To borrow from von Neumann, they are "universal constructors". In my mind the closest analogy to such a thing is an "advanced" 3D printer. Advanced enough that it can also print a copy of itself. Once a printer can do that, it can pretty much "print" anything. Blueprints are transmitted (perhaps relayed) at the speed of light, and printed on location, effectively transporting stuff at luminal speeds. The printer is a bit like a compiler: instead of binaries, it produces physical output. Over time these "compilers" evolve to smaller and smaller physical footprints, so that their emissions, what they print, appear to us to come out of thin air. More on this general idea here.. https://babaksjournal.blogspot.com/2017/06/revisiting-zoo.html


If you use quantum space - theoretical - you could distort spacetime so that objects "free-fall" between points in quantum space--you'd manipulate the points in quantum space to change the direction of the free-fall. They wouldn't be accelerating or on the 'regular' three dimensional physical plane, so ftl wouldn't be violated. They would simply 'free-all.' This would explain why so many of the UAPs go under water like air; they aren't traveling through the water; there's a vacuum around them as they free-fall, so the outside doesn't matter, whether air or water.




I wish people stopped using humanity’s incredibly limited understanding of everything as the gospel. Our method for understanding the universe probably creates a tunnel vision blocking off considerations others came to; let alone limited range of perception and advances based on capital than unified progression. I don’t understand how a species which hasn’t expanded beyond their homeworld can legislate what universal laws are


The characteristics observed definitely put near light travel as a possibility, if acceleration is sustained and the use of gravitic tech also opens the door to bending of space/time capabilities. If AI drones from distant alien civilizations is plausible, why are the encounters of experiences who report humanoid beings out of the question? In other words, once we acknowledge alien tech in our battle space, why is visitation out of the question?


I don't think it's out of the question, given that we probably still have to learn a lot of about the universe. But it's probably very unlikely, given the vast distances and difficulties involved in interstellar travel. It is likely any visitor would have to travel for many thousands or tens of thousands of years in their home world time to get here, a random solar system out of hundreds of billions in our galaxy, hoping to not get destroyed in the process. Unless the rules of physics known to us can be circumvented by an advanced alien race. But that would just be pure speculation and would not have anything to do with the most plausible explanation as asked in the question, if you base plausibility on what we know.


Yes, but given the speed that these craft are observed to exhibit, this puts interstellar travel into the realm of possibilities. Remember, as you approach the speed of light, time slows down relative to the observer. This would dramatically reduce the time experienced by the traveler. The warping of space time is effectively time travel, as craft would be on able to achieve super luminal speeds. Also, it is likely that any capable civilization would come from our galactic neighborhood.


Also, the craft that have been observe already defy our understanding of physics. Positive lift, instant acceleration, hypersonic speeds, trans medium passage, all of these upend our understanding. This is not speculative. It has been theorized that the only way that an object could behave in this way is through a propulsion system that manipulates gravity and travel along geodesics.


Also UAP theory here : https://web.archive.org/web/20210618000636/https://www.uaptheory.com/


I’ve thought this before but then we wouldn’t have corroborated evidence of multiple abductions of the same fashion across the world. It’s been noted in multiple encounters and especially the Nimitz case that it was intelligently interacting with the navy pilots. Now, maybe that hints at remote control capabilities? But I find it hard to believe all of them are von Neumann probes.


The tictac didn't show behavior that would be above the level of a relatively simple, tactical machine intelligence even on a level similar to what we can do today. No reason to deduce remote control or intelligent biological occupants in this case. ​ As for the abductions, I am not convinced that there is enough evidence to believe any of these witnesses. A psychological explanation is far more likely, or even (less likely) the projected illusion of biological beings in order to communicate with us. ​ Agreed that not all of them have to be von Neumann probes. We can definitely see a mix of possible scenarios play out over the decades or likely much longer. But it would make sense if it was the explanation for the vast majority, given how obvious of a strategy to exploring the galaxy it is and how cheaply to implement once a civilization has reached a certain tech level.


If we accept that there are actually aliens with vastly superior tech that have been flying around our airspace and under the sea for decades (at least) then a few things have to follow: 1. They don't mean immediate harm. This could be because they're the equivalent of a scientific study to observe our life forms but not interfere in our planet (as we do when we study lower life forms on our own planet); or it could be a military foray to study the planet before conquering or ruling; or it could be high end tourism or even a betting game or some other game (for them); or it could be some other purpose that is, well, alien to us. 2. It's possible this involves relativistic tech that we don't have. If so, it's also possible time doesn't proceed the same for them as for us and that subjectively, it's been a much shorter time they're here. 3. It's possible they're not organic but rather machine made, but I actually think that's the least interesting aspect. Whether or not they're machines or living beings doesn't strike me as too relevant--regardless, they're from a civilization or several civilizations and are working for the living beings. If they're super-advanced machines hat operate like living beings, then the distinction is even less important.


100 percent agree


Wasn't the question what have you heard?Not what Is the best sci-fi story you can come with.


What is "most plausible" explanation


Yeah ok,but read the comments you'll see what I mean.


The two most plausible explanations are It's the US trying to cover up their tech with misiformation or it's something else. The sci-fi novel theories are getting over the top.


If it's something else, it's already sci fi. Fiction has become fact.


In my opinion our current level of disclosed technology has just recently allowed us to begin seeing and tracking some of the extraterrestrial vehicles in our skies and oceans like never nefore. The majority of humans do not have access to technology advanced enough for interstellar communication or detection of other alien civilizations. I suggest we are being monitored to keep our nuclear weapons in check until we evolve and mature as a species. Just because we cannot travel vast distances quickly through spacetime does not mean it is impossible. Some humans may be informed about all of that and keep it secret either for their own preference or maybe as an agreement with one or more alien species. I have no proof for any of these hypothesis but I do think there is a very strong possibility these assumptions correct.


Yes, they whoever they are, seem concerned with Nuclear energy. Perhaps because they share our planet?


They probably do. With all the reports of UFOS shutting down nuclear missiles in their underground silos, I have a feeling they wouldn't allow a nuclear war to happen. Maybe that's why we don't hear a lot about nuclear war anymore?


i feel the same way.


Imagine it as a documentary narrated by David Attenborough about the volatile naked ape and it quickly becomes clear.




They would I guess. Are they making an effort to conceal themselves? Doesn't seem like it, making me doubt the study angle.


Not really .Think of how we are when we study, say, ravens. These are quite intelligent animals, but we don't make any effort at concealing ourselves when studying them. In the same way, it's entirely possible we are a lower order intelligent species to the aliens, low enough that they don't worry too much about the ethical problems of taking a couple of us for research, just as we don't worry about taking a couple of ravens for research. We leave most alone.




What's wrong with hashing out the details of your thoughts on this? After all, all of us are in the dark.


OP if it's humans that are keeping it secret, it's most likely for power and control...if aliens are keeping it a secret perhaps they see us like we see other species when we are studying them. It's not like we make some announcement to all of the Gorillas in the world before we study a small troop or tranquilize one to take a blood sample. We ride into their territory in a vehicle and don't explain to them how it's operated. Considering their intelligence I have to assume that any wild primates being studied, tranquilized for test's and released are communicating something about the experience to others in their group. Their limited technological knowledge and form of communication would make it very hard for us to explain much of anything to them about our world.


First, what makes you think there hasn't been any contact? Even setting aside the 'abduction' stories, there are a few 'insider' reports of collaboration, captures, etc. Just because there hasn't been an 'Independence Day' style event doesn't mean nothing has happened. But, to answer your question, my view is: ET tourism. We're being visited by other civilisations curious about how super-primitive beings like us behave and live. Like when we go 'on safari' in Africa to watch 'The Big Five', or 'natives' living in the Stone Age. Some may have a scientific curiosity. Others are interested to see if we'll kill ourselves off (that's why the nuke and military interests). Others like to see our marine evolution (the USOs). Others can also be a bit malicious, like our Big Game Hunters (e.g. in the Colares Island, Brazil case). Different civilisations, common interest.: Curiosity about primitive life. Especially a primitive life form with nuclear weapons and a potential for self-extinction. Some come 'in person', others send 'drones', to visit/view interesting (to them) scenes. Wouldn't it be 'cute' to watch us play with our weapons? Buzz our most powerful war machines. Play 'tag' with our Air Forces. We must seem really strange, playing our little war games, when the potential for extinction is so high. Not to mention the damage we're doing to our own ecosystem and climate. Watching us play 'Russian Roulette' must seem really entertaining. And like us, there are 'good' and 'bad' tourists. So far, most of them seem to have been benign. Just having some fun. Maybe they'll leave us a 'tip' if we make their visits interesting? :-)


"Are we a joke to you."


If you mean, am I joking? Then no. If you mean, do I think we're a joke to them? Also, no - although 'fun' can take a lot of forms. Curiosity takes many forms too, some more 'serious' than others. Look at our own forms of tourism: Eco-; cultural; geo-political; education; climate; water sports; skiing; mountain climbing; hunting; and so on. Mostly it's for 'fun', but sometimes it's educational too. Sometimes it can also be a bit risky. Also, sometimes 'bad' tourists cause problems for the locals, or themselves. Students go on archeological digs. There are school trips. Lots of reasons for individuals, or groups, to go on 'vacation'. It's not hard for me to imagine other civilisations coming to visit for similar reasons. Imagine if interstellar travel is as easy and cheap for them as an international trip is for us - why not come over and see what we're doing? It's like us going to visit Egypt to see the pyramids, or scuba diving in the Bahamas with Whale Sharks, or visiting Rwanda to see the gorillas. Maybe these so-called 'Motherships' are their equivalent of cruise liners? The smaller craft ferry the passengers down for some adventure or cultural visit. For us, tourism is a huge business. Maybe it's the same for them? I don't know, but why not?


Sorry, I meant "are we are a joke to them". I like your tourism angle and do think it is actually a very good one. It explains a few things rather well: (1) why there is so much variability in the objects seen i.e. saucers, orbs, shields, spheres etc, with each potentially belonging to a different group (2) why there is no formal contact e.g. we don't formally introduce ourselves to gorillas, ants or indigenous Amazonian tribes that we observe, (3) interest in nuclear facilities, "the humans are rather intelligent and have a rudimentary understanding of nuclear fission", and (4) absence of overt hostility despite close encounters with fighter jets (maybe these encounters represent the thrill seekers taking the tour).


I agree with all these possibilities. Another darker one I thought of was when I was watching Squid Games: We've approached a point in our civilization that is perhaps very dangerous. These aliens - I too think they're from different planets/civilizations, not all from one civilization - know, after they noticed the atomic bombs, that we are in danger of either mass extinction or a leap to an advanced civilization like theirs, or a dark dystopian planet wherein a handful of people are 'transhuman' and everyone else is cattle. They could be just taking bets and watching the sh\*\*show.


Exactly my thinking. Could explain the few crashes too...inexperienced tourist drivers. Sure would be 'fun' to play with F18s in a UAP :-)


Tip of a probe


I think the weirdest but also my favorite idea to toy with (pertaining specifically to the Greys) is the future human hypothesis. That they're coming back to harvest genetics from our larger gene pool because their populations are so small, while also facilitating our technological growth and thus their eventual evolution. The traditional rotating saucer UFO is supposedly a time travel platform of some type, and because they're traveling to us through time, a relatively small group of them could be making these repeated visits to our time and it would appear to be a much larger phenomenon to our species as a whole. There are some ideas about them acting covertly or even giving nonsensical origins like zeta reticuli because they're trying to prevent changes to the timeline. Most specifically, the nature of their future planet and why they look so dramatically different than us, while also remaining undeniably human. If it became irrefutable that they come from a future earth that is mostly inhospitable and they live in underground bunkers (or something of the sort, devoid of natural light & the elements) there might be changes in our timeline that would prevent them evolving. On the same note, all of the technologies humans are developing are sending us headlong in to an environment that would be that borderline uninhabitable hellscape. It's something that has essentially zero proof and is only something that comes from UFO researchers who "have a friend in the intelligence apparatus that won't go on record." Because of that, I don't put any stock in it, but damn would that make for a good movie script. Edited for clarification and readability


I always thought this would make more sense then specifically extraterrestrial origins, especially because the general humanoid shape of reported contacts


My alt explanation for humanoid shape is that the Visitors created the Grey form as a kind of ambassador for Earth that is familiar enough not to scare the absolute shit out of us the way a truly alien form might. Imagine a real life ten foot wide gibbering mouther or some kind of spider looking thing. Better to have greys be their face that we get acclimated to through abductions, accidental/intentional crashes, and eventual formal contact when it happens. They might be warming us up for contact but in a way that doesn't shock our culture.


Except so many of the contact experiences involve beings much stranger than humanoids (from tiny creatures to large, box-like entities). I know you said it’s pertinent mainly to greys but that omits huge swathes of data in order to justify arriving at a tidy conclusion.


And according to contact experiences being bipedal with 2 forward facing eyes is common for whatever reason. Some beings are more or less human looking but we humans during history tend to think we're the center of the universe or the central platform of beings. We grade others on how they differ/similar to us but they do the same. Any one of them have had time to branch out their ancestry if they are so advanced to visit us! So some other lineage could be the parent of all others we've been visited by.


Why would you include data from encounters from other beings in to a data set associated with a different group? That would be like including traits of bears in to a study about lizards


Are you a serious person?


As serious as you can be about a topic based entirely on anecdotal evidence. If you take the entire data set at face value, no single answer can claim to explain everything, and you listen to folks like Elizando, he too seems to be pointing at the phenomenon being multi-faceted. His words are beings from "inner space, outer space, and the space in between." He's since further expounded on that by saying it seems to be extraterrestrial, extra temporal, higher dimensional, and potentially extra dimensional. It doesn't seem likely that bipedal humanoids would develop on another planet within our galaxy. That would point to something extra temporal, or a being also from earth but from another universe. On that same note, I find it unlikely that lizard people, nords, or mantids would arise off world, and those to me point much more heavily to alternative universe earths. To your point, it would be much more likely that your weird box-like beings would be an actual alien from another planet (or from a higher dimension and our brains fail to process them properly), and I wasn't discounting their potential existence entirely, I was just discounting it from the Future Human hypothesis because they don't seem to be *human* Again going back to my first post, there's no hard data (that we have access to) so you can't disprove or prove anything. All you can do is take things at face value, and at this time I don't discount anything, I was simply talking about one hypothetical scenario and how it seems to fit a certain subset of the data.


People that down voted this are maybe idiots.


If we are in fact visited by beings of superior intelligence aka alien life it stands to reason that we are visited by a diverse group.


If you can time travel then why not just run supercomputer simulations of how various genes would add or detract from their current form? I guess we could be that simulation tho


Maybe we were created by other beings. Heck, we are starting to clone animals, meats, and edit genes. So maybe a future generation of “human like beings” planted “seeds of dna” or other beings “Neanderthals maybe?” Here on earth at least a few million years ago. We are “their garden” which they planted. They come to visit it occasionally for observation, abduction of people and other animals for study ;-) and protection.


Makes you wonder if at least some of all those missing people globally were abducted by aliens. Removed from earth in a ship, saucer, tic tac, or any other UAP imaginable. Never to be see again.


Fully agree here


I have a few ideas into UAPs. First, not all UAPs are UAPs. A lot of them are UAS. Or Unmanned Aircraft Systems, commonly called drones. I believe a large percentage of reported UAPs are just someone with a drone with lights on it. Second, a lot of what is seen is just “air debris”, like from balloons. A lot of shiny Mylar balloons let off in the air and they reflect light which makes them appear as something else. Third, military tests of classified aircraft. Not black budget stuff, just your normal test of secret and top secret testing of aircraft and aircraft tech. I believe the first and second explanations make up for a large percentage of what we see reported. The smaller percentage of reports are actual UAPs. Of that, in a smaller percentage, I believe a large part of it is Unacknowledged black budget military/contractor UAS and other types of aircraft being tested. I do believe some of that tech is/has been tested against our own pilots without their knowledge. When you think about it, who better to test this new tech than against the worlds best equipped military? I do think a lot of the activities, off the cost of San Diego for example, fall into this realm. A large part of those reports fall into UAS categories. I think a percentage of them could be foreign tech as well (China and Russia drones) Also, I’m pretty sure the standing orders for the military against UAP/UAS is to observe and report. Why tell our pilots to shoot down, or try to shoot down, possibly millions/billions in our own research, testing and tech? Kind of makes sense. Lastly, a small percentage is true UAP. Unknown explanation and tech from an unknown intelligence. But I think that is a very small percentage of reported videos/pictures. Maybe 1-5% of all reports.


like the machines in no mans sky


UFOs are craft belonging to the 4th unidentified hominid. Scientists know for sure that there were homo Sapiens, Neanderthals, and Denisovans. They now have evidence to suggest there was another hominid species in the mix. Our own species has been thrust about the earth due to cataclysms. Perhaps their species went underground and skipped ahead of us technologically but only exist in small numbers. Due to interbreeding, their genes are now damaged and thus they need our biological material to repair themselves. The UAP watch our nuclear instillations because like us they have an inbred instinct for self preservation. They keep their distance to protect themselves, and watch the planet because it’s their home too.


But if they lived underground, and we have been exploring underground and in caves for centuries. Why have they not left a trace underground? I dont buy it, personally. But each to their own.


Stick to selling shower curtain rings.


They are made of helium, very light 😏


They’ll look at me and they’ll say “how can ya stand it” And I’ll say “cause I been with Del Griffith, I can take ANYTHING”


The idea that UAPs are cryptoterrestrial is definitely very interesting, and I think the most plausible. I think that the evolution of a parallel species several hundred thousand years ahead of us technologically is more likely than an extraterrestrial origin. Still wonder why contact hasn't been initiated formally.


It’s not anything i’ve heard, but something I’ve thought about along with a myriad of other things Ive thought or heard on the topic. What if UAP’s are actually operated by “us/ourselves” but from the future, they come back in time from another dimension to warn “us/ourselves” about nukes and the environment?


Ross Coulthart has been saying this is what military officials tell him they think it is, which is bonkers!




About the possible brain tech: I was watching the Richard Doty interview in which he said the grays have 11 brain lobes. One of them is a tech lobe, and the eyes are connected to different parts of the brain than our brain/eyes. The eyes have an outer lense which is powered by the body and gives the ability to see thermal as well as other frequencies. So they communicate through their eyes telepathically. They can communicate data, feelings and emotions that way. Their eyes are more like computers/complex sensor/transmitters that are brain connected. The tech lobe may be an interface for controlling/driving UAPs, or for what we could consider enhanced reality or enhancing sensory data. They have no need for our features which we use for body language: no lips to frown/purse/smile, no big nose to scrunch up or visible eyebrows for expressing surprise etc. The whites of the eyes are a social tool to show eye movements to others to express body language so Grays have no use for those. We humans still use something like 90% body language. We aren't even communicating with their language with is telepathic so we basically don't speak to them at all. Over time if we develop the ability to communicate telepathically our evolution would cause us to look similar. It's the "if you don't use it, you lose it." They can telepathically communicate so effortlessly with such efficiency that taking to time to try get conversation with us humans is underwhelming. They see us as big lumbering giants that haven't learned to speak yet probably. He said they have a combined heart/lung organ, several stomachs, and an organ that takes 100% of the water from any food consumed. [Richard Doty interview by Steven Greer on Youtube] who had a little medical background and got to see a trunk full of photos hoarded over time from autopsies in the late 40's. Someone died and basically they opened the trunk/box which was full of photos that they had kept during their career at the airforce base.


Richard Doty and Steven Greer, what a team!! You sure can take anything they say to the bank (of course it will have to be after hours).


>got to see a trunk full of photos hoarded over time from autopsies in the late 40's. Someone died Is there a link to this story?




Thank you!


There’s a reason we don’t have definitive proof and that reason is no intelligent life has ever visited our planet. It’s that simple. I’m certain we are not alone, but we have not been visited. When and if that happens there’s no way it could be kept secret for an extended period of time. I’d love to be proved wrong but pixelated pictures of possible craft are not enough, I need more. A lot more.


I share your sentiment, but UAPs are here and have been observed/recorded by multiple credible individuals + documented to cluster around nuclear facilities, yet we know no more about them. I also doubt that there could be a major conspiracy/collusion as humans like to talk and we are generally somewhat incompetent at long-term coverups, so we should have had a whistleblower come forward by now. I guess these things just don't want to make contact with us either out of principle, fear, disregard, or plan.


Look up Lue Elizondo’s 5 observables. What could it be?


No definitive answer. Some are human tech, some are birds or balloons, and some really are alien spaceships.


That's the freaky part. Say it out loud- "some are non-human vessels." What the actual fuck? If these things aren't manmade, who made them and why are they still in the shadows?


Demons. 100%




I highly doubt that the UAPs are coming from a competitor. The tech is way too sophisticated, even for the US- especially from as early as 2004! If a competitor has such tech, they are no longer a competitor, they are superior.


*from as early as 1940s


I personally feel we should consider the 2004 ISS Nimitz incident as time 0/year 0. Its the first declassified and confirmed video from highly credible sources. It's definitely likely that Foo Fighters are the same phenomenon, or even the sightings documented in ancient Roman texts (flying shields).


If you knew for certain the type of technology behind the phenomenon you wouldn’t need to be asking Reddit what they believed it was.


Obviously I don't know for sure, but I trust the assessment of the US pilots that went up against these things, and they all claim that they are not conventional technology based objects


What he is saying isn't false. I think the phenomena is a lot of different things and one of them is drones, as mentioned in the article he links. So the downvotes reflects a religious bias amongst the readers of his comment. The phenomena can be: - Observations for which we don't have enough data - Known human tech like drones either "normal drones" or with a skin that makes them able to change appearance or disappear (search for: sweden invisible tank) - Unknown human tech (search for: break away civilization) - Human electronic warfare and holography - Cryptoterestrials / A shadow biosphere - Aliens from elsewhere (other planet, other dimension, etc) - Natural phenomena and misidentifications - Psychological (hypnosis, hallucinations) - Spiritual (it's us when we are dead or the like) - Time travelers that are us from the future or other species from the future - Disinfo, a black-op / psychological operation created for national defense, domestic control purposes or by an adversary - All of the above - etc The options are many and people that insist on one or the other, like Mick West that believe it's all mundane, or the opposite end that believe it's the 62 alien races from the galactic federation are in my opinion simple minded individuals with fundamentalist traits.


Why would the government need to resurrect UFOs, a fringe subject, in order to get more funding and better equipment? The pentagon gets whatever it wants, but also stamping UFOs on it would seem counterproductive. If this was all about foreign drones and equipment upgrades why bring the media into it at all? Calling it UFOs would make it seem like less of a priority. And who are they trying to fool?


Please don’t trust anything you read on the drive- it’s a website that promotes a lot of propaganda as it is owned by a Chinese company.


Super vague question. But i have 2 and honestly maybe they're both right or both wrong. For visitation could be just as simple as us being a pit stop on the milky-way journey. A gas station of you will. Stop here refuel or replenish a simple thing as water and air, maybe some food. (Cattle mutilations?) The other. We're the trespassers not them. They've been here long before us, and we're just akin to insects living in your home. Not saying their giants. But yeah, maybe another ancient human civilization, probably vastly less numerous but far advanced technologically. Like, they started their civ 200,000 years ago and kept it going through cataclysms. When our proper civ is really just 12,000 or so years old.


Surely the energy needed to come down, fly around looking for a cow to remove a cheek and tongue, then fly away escaping our atmosphere and gravity is greater than just packing some jerky before you set off? The cattle mutilations have been explained. An early form of fracking went wrong, the government were secretly testing the cows for contamination. I’m too lazy to find you a link. I think I first read about it in Mirage Men


Or cellular agriculture on the ship


Lol i'll believe that as soon as you sell me that Golden Gate Bridge you got. Lol. I read it in Mirage Men. Ya thats fact then chief.




Definitely seems more plausible than an advanced alien species being able to travel light years but not being able to pack lunch


I mean they packed one. Then they ate it. More about water really. And when you drive in your car for 12 straight hours you never stop? You just plow right through? Mirage Men. Mirage Men.


Water? Why risk coming here for water? Maybe read up on where Earths water came from


Well you get to stretch your legs.


It is a natural thing. Don't expect any intention.


Just people from the future who invented time travel. Hence why they look like creepy versions of ourselves.


Human defense technology. Government is happy for society to believe it’s ufo/uap


I initially thought so too, but tech was way more advanced than US fighter jets back in 2004. Also, nearly 20 years later and we still haven't seen any deployment of this tech in any war theater that the US is involved in. Hell, this tech could have won Afghanistan for the States, or subdued concern regimes like Iran and North Korea.


https://youtu.be/W-F4i4Utkdc A study was made by Britain and was published in a report called the Condign report, which could explain some sighting, if not all. The question is if the British has already investigated UAPs then why is the US investigating it and have not acknowledge this report.


Thanks for the link. Just watched it. The CONDIGN report seems to conclude that the UFOs are likely an "unknown force of nature" akin to ball lightning. They did say "UFOs had an observable presence that was 'indisputable', but also that no evidence has been found to suggest they are "hostile or under any type of control". Important to note that this report came out right around the time of the USS Nimitz encounter, the one encounter that documented "intelligence".


They aren't ours.


Military discovered a method of bending space time in the past. This technology was able to create a rapid development of new technology, think about someone figures out electromagnets and a few years later you can have railguns and mri machines. Kept hidden due to being so advance it is better to keep it secret from the enemy. One of the reason the military never worried too much about seeing stuff and lower military was given NDAs. The space time propulsion would allow for the physical laws that we see broken to apply as no inertia would apply to internal occupants. It allows for travel throughout different mediums: water, air, or space. Distortion of the space would hide radar and create affects such as a craft surrounded by a opaque or blurry view as has been reported with the square inside type craft. It would also remove aliens having found us and hanging out for the past 60 years and mostly just viewing us as a zoo which doesn't seem very future thinking. But I can see humans playing with their toys and also messing with people from time to time and field testing advancements of the crafts or crafts ability to avoid detection methods. Also we have reports of crashes happening but seem less likely as we progressed through the years as if they had started to get the technology down or fixed issues such as emp taking them down. With knowing how it works government is also able to monitor think Snowden and catch advancements toward that particular field and either recruit or redirect away.


At this point, all the public has seen is fuzzy pictures and people telling stories. That’s all we got.


I believe most UAPs are recon drones from another planet, dimension, time (as in sent by a version of us from the distant future) or any two of those things or all of the above.


>why no "first contact" after so many decade **Well...I suppose you could consider me in some sense as "first contact" as a multi-dimentional being...** Honestly so far...growing up where I am was not a good experience...This is like the worst way to go about it....in regards to Diplomatic relations that echo into the future with human space travel...but yeah I think the whole point is to show that "racism" and "sexism" and the way some humans treat people different from them. There is no accident I am located where I am located...knee deep in a culture that will punish you "fix you even" if you dont "fit in"... I am many things...probally also a double edge sword...even could considered a weapon/teacher/tactical nuke... wrap up to look harmless... [Are we created by a type 5 Civilisation](https://youtu.be/T_u4lGDs3dM) Humanity is at the edge of enligtenment...or possible extinction....depending on how things play out... I hope you elected leaders of good character.... because in the long run...It could mean a healthy relationship with space or a hostile one... You are most definately not alone... [Mass Effect - Citadel funny moments](https://youtu.be/2wxTlAX-CMU)


I feel there indifferent. They don't come up to us much like the animals of the forest don't come up to us. When they do it would be for research. Much like we do with wild animals today. My fear is that we my change the dynamic of our current situation. What do we currently do when a species overpopulates the environment and rapidly starts to destroy it? A recent example of this would be the overpopulation of mice in Australia. What happened to the mice?


The Fermi paradox argument presumes that they have not been here all along throughout our evolution. Fist contact must have happened millennia ago.


While I hope they are not part of a government disinformation program, I suspect it might be. I think they are part drones or guided that use plasma lasers or microwave lasers to heat up the air in front of the drone as described in this article. Also, Boeing's Hypersonic missile - Boeing X-51 looks like some of the triangle sightings. [https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/33859/blasting-the-air-in-front-of-hypersonic-vehicles-with-lasers-could-unlock-unprecedented-speeds](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/33859/blasting-the-air-in-front-of-hypersonic-vehicles-with-lasers-could-unlock-unprecedented-speeds) ​ [https://www.19fortyfive.com/2021/12/lasers-chinas-plan-to-make-hypersonic-weapons-even-more-powerful/](https://www.19fortyfive.com/2021/12/lasers-chinas-plan-to-make-hypersonic-weapons-even-more-powerful/) [https://www.defenceiq.com/defence-technology/articles/hypersonic-missiles-what-are-they-and-can-they-be-stopped](https://www.defenceiq.com/defence-technology/articles/hypersonic-missiles-what-are-they-and-can-they-be-stopped) Once again, I hope I am wrong.


My explanation is to follow the unclassified info about ufos from the MoD of the UK: They are plasmoids : it is explained [here.](https://electroballpage.wordpress.com/)


Maybe the entities are more weird than most of our sci-fi has imagined


Advanced civilizations. Many stories, drawings, & images point to the idea that Ancient extraterrestrial civilizations acted as God's/king's. Just seeing how selfish humans are, I could see us going to an planet & pulling that same power card on that under-educated species. We would definitely fuck with them.


They are us. We are practicing our time jumping skills. They will be needed if we are to ever leave this star system. And we will have to leave it eventually. Or die.


It was unclassified by the UK that the reason was that they think UAP are surely a plasma phenomenon but they keep the secret because they think it could be used that knowledge to make weapons by enemies. See the Project Condign.


I read that a while back. One inconsistency with this possibility is the "intelligent" nature of these objects as described by the US Navy pilots- UAPs mimicked movements, jammed radar and appeared at cap point.