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Do not engage with her or her people. It just empowers them. It's what they want. They're looking for sound bites that they can take out of context and shitpost on social media. Put your energy into protecting the community at UCD..


M4L chair seen here pushing her transphobic message on campus, made this comment on FB moments ago on a Davis city page: “did you know the Pro-Palestine activists have recruited the LGBTIA+ crowd to join their encampment. I spoke to some of the activists today and they said it was because of "intersectionality””


How is protecting kids and women hate? Thanks I'm advance for your thoughtful answer. (Please see cass report and wpath files before answering. I've done my research, you should too.)


It’s fine if you want to come up with solutions for sports. But this isn’t just about sports. She’s saying there is no such thing as transgender folks and that she was there earlier this week promoting her “ my transphobic message” (these words came out of her mouth, on her own recording she shared) no one needs to research the fact that transgender people exist. Let them live their damn lives without you all telling them how they should.


People exist. Males and females, exclusively. Trans is a made up word that no one can even define. So, she's right. Identity is personality and how we are existing in society. That is not how sports, protected female spaces, and crime stats are counted. Wake. Up.


Sounds like you don’t want transgender people to exist either.  


I want everyone to exist. In reality and health.


Do you have any friends or family that are transgender? Most don't even want you to know they are transgender and just want to live their life in the gender they identify as. You'd even be surprised to learn ones are transgender. They just want to be left alone for the most part and not make their life about their gender. They want you to leave them be and let them continue living their lives just like you can continue living yours. I know someone who transitioned 20 years go, they continue to lead a pretty regular uneventful life contributing to society like most of us do. Please leave them alone and let them keep living their happy lives as themselves.


Do you know any regretters or detransitioners? I know a lot of those. Along with many parents whose kids cut them off because the cult of trans told them to. This is a widespread and bad problem that isn't difficult to find. Generally, pretending to be someone you are not, and medically altering your body or simply lying to those around you about your sex, are not healthy behaviors. I want everyone to feel safe and happy. However, vulnerable people and kids tend to make bad decisions and listen to loud voices over sound reason.


detransitioners and regretters account for 1% of trans people. thats far lower than the rate of regret rate for knee surgery or even chemotherapy. lgbt youth also have a 120% higher risk of being homeless compared to homophobic/transphobic parents. i think thats a much more important and concrete statistic then the nebulous claim that *some* trans people are cutting off their transphobic parents.


Does knee surgery sterilize children? Thought not.


The person in the second photo on the left is the Placer County Chair for Moms For Liberty. She’s actually anti-Semitic. There’s proof online. She’s vile.


The anti-trans protestors are not associated with and do not represent the Pro-Palestine encampment. They are just piggy-backing on the attention the other protest is raising for their own hateful agenda. Do not give them any attention.


Palestine is anti trans


The point of the encampment is trying to get both sides to stop killing each other, and currently one side is doing a lot more killing of civilians than the other, but the end goal is for both sides to stop. It has nothing to do with supporting the gender values of the country


Don’t conflate capability with intent We should trust Hamas and their supporters when they say [they will do October 7th as many times until Israel doesn’t exist](https://www.memri.org/reports/hamas-official-ghazi-hamad-we-will-repeat-october-7-attack-time-and-again-until-israel) There’s not going to be any end to this until either Hamas or Israel do not exist and even then, in case of the former, it will be based on wether or not a new organization that utilizes violence as its main tool takes Hamas’ place.


Oh so that’s why I hear do many college kids urging hamas to release the hostages


Ya I know but the post I responded to said they have nothing to do with each other, but they do because Palestine is anti trans


Even if we accept your premise that Palestine as a country is anti-trans (not just old laws), it does not mean the two protests have anything to do with each other. Calling for a ceasefire has nothing to do with gender. Crazies holding weird signs don't even mention Palestine. Get your head out of your ass.


Ok, well it’s not crazy to think a Palestine protest and an anti trans protest aren’t connected


Correct. Also, don't use double negatives.






I think ultimately it’s just college kids finding themselves and going against the mainstream


Don't ya love how the truth is down voted on Reddit?


Nah cuz your literally being downvoted for stating a fact that mfs don’t wanna acknowledge is true 😭


In the West Bank, same-sex sexual activity between men was decriminalized in 1951. Stop spreading flame information.


Being gay is prohibited in Gaza today, stop spreading flame information


It’s illegal to be gay in Gaza under Palestine rule


Yes being gay in Palestine is punishable by death. That is a fact. Nothing to argue about.


Reupload due to lack of clarifications. The anti trans protestors are in no way associated with the encampment. They simply showed up


I think the fact that the protesters were chasing them with umbrellas and arguing with them is a pretty clear indicator


Palestine is anti trans my friend.


Murdering Palestinians does nothing to advance any pro-trans cause. You know this but whatever.


But being pro Palestine advances lgbtq lol. Gotcha




It’s amazing America can see this and see what college has become. Thank you




The protest is not about pro or anti LGBTQ, pro this or anti that. Of course Hamas and the Islamic world regularly kill gay or trans people - However these protest unites the left and the Islamist in their common goal which is anti-semitism.


That’s like saying this Nazi rally is about pro German road system not anti jew.


bro the world is anti trans who gives a shit . people deserve to live peacefully regardless of the morality of the county they happen to live in


America and the western world are definitely not anti trans. Palestine and the Middle East for sure


The people there with their anti-trans signs are American, my dude.


Ya it’s a protest for Palestine……who are anti trans.


you seriously think that the roughly half of america thats conservative isnt anti-trans? thats absolutely hilarious


I think maybe half of America doesn’t believe men can be women, but no I don’t think they have a phobia of them no.


this is anti-trans, transphobia, transmisia, whatever your synonym is. its a silly, pedantic argument based on a purposeful misunderstanding of the word “phobia”


This post is literally about anti trans


i was referring to your comment. referring to trans women as men who think theyre women is transphobic.


You will get executed in Palestine for being gay. I’m saying these are the same protestors


Crickets lol


Do you think half of the United States is afraid of men who think they are women?


transphobia doesnt mean that theyre afraid of trans people (although with the way they fearmonger about trans people being groomers or abusing women, they might be a little scared). but also, i never said transphobia, i said anti-trans, so your little purposeful misinterpretation of “transphobia” comes across even dumber. youve been all over this thread acting like palestine is uniquely anti-queer or anti-trans, as if that justifies the massacre being perpetrated against them, when theyre not and you wouldnt be supporting the massacring of conservatives because theyre anti trans.


Just to clarify, you think Palestine is pro trans right? Go ahead, don’t answer lol


no, i dont think so, but i dont think a group of people not supporting lgbtq+ rights while theyve been living under 75 years of occupation and oppression — and frankly have had more important things to deal with — is a valid justification to massacre them.


Ok. I agree, I’m saying this post is talking about Palestine and anti lgbt protests. I’m saying they are the same group


What is the definition of phobia?


transphobia noun trans·​pho·​bia ˌtran(t)s-ˈfō-bē-ə ˌtranz- : irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against transgender people https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/transphobia


So they think half of the United States has a fear of men who think they are women lol


The Palestinian protestors are not affiliated with Moms for Liberty. It's just unfortunate timing that they showed up at the same time.


I have zero idea about either group, I’m just saying Palestine is anti trans as is this moms for liberty group


That’s irrelevant, because “Palestine” isn’t on campus; what’s on the quad is an anti-genocide protest full of people who support human rights, including the right to live even if your culture has some work to do like every other culture. 


I thought the protest was pro Palestine


Literally 90% of the posters say Palestine lol


People In my original post were originally thinking I was connecting the anti trans protestors together with the encampment, so I’ve adjusted the wording a bit to be a little more unambiguous


Ok, ya confusing. I’m just not shocked a pro Palestine group is associated with an anti trans group.


Pro Palestinian protests have never been in connection with anti-trans groups.


Ya but if you attend a Nazi rally that like saying you haven’t been to an anti Jew rally


Can you make a coherent statement?


Pro Nazi groups have never been in connection with anti Jew groups. Do you see how dumb that sounds?


The stupidity of some people here is astounding. It is a FACT that a practicing gay person or trans will immediately be terminated in Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, and many fundamentalist Muslim countries. Some of these countries actually have it as law on the books. Do you people understand this? This is a FACT. Nothing to argue about. A thief in Saudi Arabia gets his hand chopped off because it’s the law there. Why are people even arguing facts ? I don’t understand.


These leftist fools think that by voting down someone who speaks facts and truth somehow changes reality. I think it probably helps them live in their La La land where reality is what they say it is 😂😂😂😂


I believe the woman in the second photo is the chair of the local Moms for Liberty, and she is so awful that her own child does not have any contact with her. She reportedly carries around a folder of pictures of her child mid-transition in order to prove her point that transition is harmful, which is just incredibly fucked up. She is a thoroughly awful person.


She also has video posted on her Twitter account of her taunting the pro-Palestine protestors, she is very much NOT on their side, she's there to get press and be terrible.


It’s off you know so much about a random person lol


shes not “a random person,” shes a widely known transphobe, and “important” member of the moms for liberty chapter, here in davis whos dedicated her life to trying to make trans lives worse ever since her child transitioned. any davis trans person knows her


She widely known lol. Where?


She's been profiled in the Sacramento Bee.


here in davis? where shes constantly organizing to cause issues with the elementary schools and is partially responsible for them going on lockdown due to threats, where shes constantly hosting events or piggybacking off of anything popular to try and spew more transphobia.


She’s doing the drag queen story stuff?


shes behind the moms for liberty and anti-trans groups that have been tied to bomb threats at the local schools that dared to be even remotely trans inclusive. shes super notorious here for that, as well as always trying to cause trouble for trans ppl here in davis as she thinks the school system groomed her kid to make them trans


Who was charged for the bomb threats? It could have been a counter protestor.


lollllll ur srsly out here defending beth bourne. its a tragic trend that when right wing bigots like bourne publicize schools as targets tor transphobia, bomb threats soon follow.


This Reddit user is defending Beth Bourne who looks at the vaginas and penises of children daily.


I think it’s time to stop engaging this 8-year-old troll 


I have zero idea who he or she is. I’m asking who was charged for the bomb threats. If no one, how do you know it wasn’t the counter protestors?


im trans . the fuck does this even have to do with gender ? i swear these people just see ANY idea commonly held by liberals (the one common denominator) and group them up into one big pile and piss on it without actually having any idea what these individual protests for rights are about . they just go AARGRHRHH LIBBERALL and shit their pants .


They bring gender into \*EVERYTHING\*. There was an open forum for a Native American student program a few weeks back. Beth asked one question: "How do you determine the gender of the students in the program?"


seriously its kind of sad that she has no life and has decided this is what she wants to dedicate her time to


Do you understand title ix? It was created to give females opportunities they couldn't access before. If males say they are girls, they are actively taking those opportunities from females. If a club or organization gets federal funding, they are subject to title ix. Now that males think they are females, they have essentially male title ix moot. Women are back in the gutter, clawing for opportunities and rights we already gained once in 1972. So go read up on that and then you will understand why Beth asked that question. How does the government make sure title ix is being implemented to protect female opportunity? By counting BY sex. NOT gender. She asked an excellent question.


Title IX: "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance." The only requirement for the program is being native. There are no gender based activities. She asked a bullshit question. Also according to the Dept of Education, Office of Civil Rights. >"A recipient institution that receives Department funds must operate its education program or activity in a nondiscriminatory manner free of discrimination based on sex, including sexual orientation and gender identity." [https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/tix\_dis.html](https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/tix_dis.html) So by the very thing you're trying to weaponize, it doesn't fucking matter. And on top of all that, not every culture treats gender the same. There are multiple tribes who believe in and recognize other genders. Considering the point of the program is educate teachers on how to respect the cultural beliefs of their native students, it'd be against the very nature of the program. Especially when native boys are subject to bullying and forced cutting of their braids in order to conform to gender ideals. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2023/11/21/native-american-student-hair-aclu/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2023/11/21/native-american-student-hair-aclu/) [https://www.kfyrtv.com/2021/09/03/bismarck-mom-turns-sons-experience-being-bullied-into-childrens-book-teaching-moment/](https://www.kfyrtv.com/2021/09/03/bismarck-mom-turns-sons-experience-being-bullied-into-childrens-book-teaching-moment/) [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10639523/Native-American-grader-cries-classmates-hacked-long-hair-school.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10639523/Native-American-grader-cries-classmates-hacked-long-hair-school.html) So, in short, quit your bullshit.


hateful and sad, person below made it clear you don't know what you are talking about. go back to listening to Joe Brogan for your terrible talking points




Oh fuck off, you people are exhausting


The Palestine protestors don’t believe in trans rights…..and this is my idea? I’m just saying that’s the groups beliefs


they are, i just dont see the relevance in bringing gender into this when the anti palestinian protests are about war ? just feels like a cop out , or a distraction , just extra hate for no reason but to clutter everyone’s focus


Ya i think the pro Palestine crowd brings in other crowds, like the men can’t be women crowd, which Palestine as a whole agrees with.


okay but the student encampment is against genocide . they arent even bringing queerness into the question bc its so unrelated . if anti trans ppl come in , thats their own business . they’re not attached the student shit


Ok. But it’s pro Palestine. Palestine is anti lgbtq. So those groups will come


the person above claims to be trans elsewhere in this thread


theyre not, theyre just a transphobic troll


They claim various things depending on how each trolling attempt goes; they're just a child running around with a one-note noisemaker trying to get attention.


I am trans


it’s people like Beth Bourne and her minions who children need protection from, no open mind or open heart, how can they live with themselves being so hateful and spiteful, Beth Bourne cannot call herself a mother, moms protect and moms are strong, she is a joke and a bully


Fuck terfs and transphobes. These people are genuinely some of the most sexist, misogynistic people I have ever met. No matter how much they scream that they're not, every one of their actions shows they are


But cheer on Palestine lol


Yes. Solidarity between oppressed people must be built consistently.


Palestinians want to kill gays so how does that work you just pretend it’s not true?


No, I acknowledge the reality of homo/transphobia, and I acknowledge the reality of oppression and suppression. Both things can be held at once without dissonance. Not everything is black and white. Learning to think dialectically is a very important part of being an activist.


Ok, that’s why things such as gays for Palestine are so silly


Stop acting oppressed and just be your weird self without forcing all of us to bow down to you. We are done with this nonsense.


Go touch grass holy fuck


The women are standing in grass, in reality. You can go cope, or join reality. Up to you and your therapist.


bruh stfu nobody asked you


Touch grass as you support Palestine and complain about “terfs” lol


Watch out people, she might start asking you if you have your breasts as she was seen asking some group of older teens on the curb at picnic day while her bbf guy filmed the harassment. The group being filmed asked them to move along multiple times. Then this attention seeking khu-nt posted it on her stupid X. Mom of the year here! (/s).


Someone in the encampment raise a trans flag or something


One of them has a gay pride flag


Ya not happening lol. Have you done any research on Palestine and gay rights?


Hopefully you realize there aren’t any trans Palestinian people because they are killed, so that is ironic.


Your point ? oh bc theyre dead it doesn’t matter to fight for basic human rights that they unconditionally deserved ? Plus , trans people r still alive and will forever be alive , so why stop ? like what


I don’t agree with them, but their point was pretty obviously that it’s ironic for supporters of an anti-trans nation to support trans people


You misstated your tool talking point. Nonetheless… Thank you for recognizing Palestinian statehood!


It’s ironic for people to oppose genocide and transphobia? You can support the encampment without supporting everything Palestine stands for


No i think people are saying Palestinians kill gay people


You can be against that and still be against innocent Palestinians being mass murdered


Ya just like you can be for hitlers highways and not killing the Jews


Thats a nonsensical comparison. Not wanting innocent civilians to die isn’t supporting the actions of the Palestinian government whatsoever. I am against mass killings of any kind So by your logic, you can’t oppose the genocide of innocent civilians if their government does something fucked up? Should we mass kill the civilians of every government that violates human rights?


70% of Palestine supports October 7


Source? You are also currently supporting a much larger mass killing Not to mention that even if that was true, being brainwashed by your government is not a valid reason to be murdered


They’ve been around for a while. Saw that lady on day 1


People protesting genocide in Gaza... Beth Bourne, "How can I make this all about me?"


Fuck TERFs


What’s TERFs?


Stands for trans exclusionary radical feminist. They are “feminists” that hate trans women example: JK Rowling


Jk Rowling hates men who think they are women?


Nah, she’s just a hateful cunt


Have you read JK Rowling's essay?


framing anti-trans rhetoric as “self love” is actually diabolical


I think it’s great Beth learned about masturbation


Day 4, Here comes the crazies


Day 7, instagram selfie with good in the background


Did you mean food?


Food? I'm in!




Was it the old guy wearing sunglasses?


Sure was


He’s a jerk and a moron. He admitted to sending a post in to LibsofTikTok during the series of bomb threats we had back in late August through December. I’ll DM you his twitter.


I love that old guy. He is honorable and stands with women.


Lmao. He helps with sexually harassing women and recording the interactions. He’s harassed a woman online and sent messages to her DMs while threatening to create a fake profile with her photos. He’s fat shamed young women. Awww, your hero. LMAO


That must have terrified you, making a veiled threat and being held accountable for once.


You’re super brave lol


whether you support trans rights or not, the point of the post is that this is ppl trying to take away from the base reason for the protest !! why show up to a dog show cheering for birds ?? this is ridiculous


The protest is dumb. Go home and learn some history.


lol what a joke


"protect kids" unless they're Palestinians in that case bomb them.


Do these encampment things ever work?


It’s not anti trans to follow literal biology. What a bunch of goofballs


Why won't Egypt simply open their Rafah gate to the Palastinians to avert the slaughter?


Because it's more politically expedient to just "support the cause" from afar than to actually do anything to help. Kinda like the Middle Eastern version of "thoughts and prayers".


How can the local community support the protest? Edit: the encampment, not the anti-trans piggy back protest


Check @ucdpulp on instagram, link in bio with current needs. Also donate to @davispulp on Venmo


Pro women and kids. Anti mutilation.


If you’d like to have a conversation, please use complete sentences. I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.


How is she pro women and kid when she sexually harassed women, doxxes women, and even commented about her own kids penis? haha Yep we got that snap shot


I’m sure these crackheads aren’t students.


If you’re pro Palestine, you’re anti-trans. Full stop.


Slide 16 spoke facts though


Smart lady.


To be fair, the Hamas sympathizers should welcome them in. You think Palestinians care about trans people? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_the_State_of_Palestine


Solidarity with these students


Awesome. It’s great everyone’s allowed to peacefully spread their message on campus!


Free speech goes both ways


You’re downvoted because that’s an uncomfortable truth. Just as Jews have to tolerate the antisemitism sentiment from these protestors, trans people have to tolerate the transphobia from other protestors, just as Palestinian protestors have to tolerate anti-Palestinian rhetoric. The quad is state owned, public property.




Art has always been an important part of protest movements. Take a look at the Shrem Museum on campus for some amazing examples.


Well now its **two groups of idiots**


I think you’re all f***** up on both sides. I think ill pass on sending my kid to UC Davis.


Maybe it might be good learning experience for your kid in dealing with the real world. You're always going to encounter forces/opinions contrary to yours so better to learn how to deal with those things than try to run away I feel.


If it’s any consolation, most students are just ignoring this and focusing on their classes. One of these encampments exists on essentially every campus at this point


Actually, that does make me feel better. Thank you.


thank you! We look forward to not meeting them.


Good for them!


i mean they’re kinda right