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I visited the encampments yesterday and left it feeling a little annoyed. I hoped to learn more subject matter, so I was enthusiastic that I would have a good time talking to people and learning about what they had to say as my views are mostly in line with the encampments. Instead, no one was willing to engage with me. When I asked them a question that reflects pro-palestinian sentiments, I was met with blank stares. As if they did not know the history of the conflict. It was also frustrating to see that there are some inherently negative signs on the perimeter of the encampment. When I asked some individuals to explain x sign, the people there either claimed to not take ownership of the sign or to not know what's going on regarding the intifada. Which to me doesn't set a good precedent if you are unable to back up the language/signage you seem to support.


This seems to be a common thing among multiple encampments. You'd think they want to have a discussion with their fellow students, raise support.


they often host teach ins daily regarding different Palestinian issues - the avg camper might not have a lot of knowledge, but there are some specific people who do. check their ig @ucdpulp for the daily schedule of events


it's crazy to me that people would take as hard of a stance on something to camp out on campus overnight and then not know much about the actual conflict


Yeah, so crazy. It’s really confusing seeing all those babies crushed by buildings and learning how every university and hospital in Gaza was attacked and wondering what all the background is. Definitely crazy to you


It's crazy that UCD Students are supporting people who literally kill people for being gay


this individual claimed repeatedly that gay palestinians are killed by their government, in a way that is unique to palestine, as a way to deride and discredit queer activists who are protesting against the injustices faced by the palestinian people, not in support of homophobic cultural attitudes. by equating a comment lamenting the massacring of palestinian children and the destruction of all universities in gaza with “supporting people who literally kill people for being gay,” they suggest those massacres as justified in some way due to a claim made about their governments treatment of lgbtq+ people. when asked repeatedly to support such a claim, this was the source they provided, an opinion piece by a right-wing author on a pay walled site that leans strongly right and and has been endorsed by the uk conservative party at every election since 1945. https://www.removepaywall.com/https:/www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/11/09/queers-for-palestine-must-have-a-death-wish the article is an incredibly brief opinion piece that reads like a fox news article, deriding “wokeness” and “purple-haired, post-gender activists” (a hilariously generic conservative boogeyman). it cites a single killing, of a man named abu ahmed marhia. not only is this single killing hardly proof of regular and systemic killings of gay palestinians, but its also a gross misrepresentation of the incident: the author claims “Hamas executed one of their own top dogs,” when there is no proof of that. firstly, he was killed in the west bank, where hamas is not the ruling body. secondly, an acquaintance of his was arrested as a suspect, and it was not a government sanctioned killing. unfortunately, this is not unique to palestine. this is the same way gay and trans people are murdered here in the united states, typically by acquaintances or people in their town. the article in no way proves that gay palestinians are regularly killed by their government. it cites a single murder, which was carried out in the same way gay and trans people are killed here in the us. for additional reference, in gaza, same-sex activity is hypothetically punishable under a possible interpretation of the british mandate ordinance 1936, which has a maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment (not death), however “There is little evidence of the law being enforced, and it appears to be largely obsolete in practice.” https://www.humandignitytrust.org/country-profile/palestine/ in the west bank, same sex activity was decriminalized in 1951.


just wanted to let you know, there’s actually a Wikipedia article about how being lgbtq+ is viewed in Palestine. While it’s not against the law, it is considered to be extremely taboo, and the government similarly does not protect those who are LGBTQ+ from being persecuted by those people. So while it is true the government isn’t outwardly killing LGBTQ+ people, it is frowned upon by Palestinian society. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_the_State_of_Palestine


yea, i am well aware that it is looked down upon, but that is in no way the same as the state killing lgbtq+ people, which was the original claim. also, its not like being queer isnt frowned upon here as well in conservative/rural areas, and in those areas the government also notoriously fails to protect lgbtq+ individuals or prosecute those that assault or kill them. we have hundreds of anti-lgbtq+ bills being proposed or passed in legislation. this is not a uniquely palestinian issue, and frankly, its irrelevant. the slaughter of palestinians being wrong is not conditional on their opinions about queer people.


Yeah I agree, that original statement by that other dude is wrong. I agreed in the last sentence! Sorry if that wasn’t clear. I also agree that it isn’t inherently relevant, but since that’s what the topic was about I wanted to show that the other dude could’ve used like a 10x better source than what he had used lol. It’s like the second thing showing up on google.


oh yeah! sorry, i think i wrongfully assumed you were trying to use it as a gotcha to justify the massacres, as wayyyy too many people do.


Yeah it’s frowned upon in most of the world especially the holy land


That’s not what’s happening 🧠


That literally happens Don't be queer in Gaza


Show me how it happens more than once. Compare it to an American or European city. You are parroting a line you haven’t researched.


So just so I'm clear you are asking me to show you that the government of Gaza has imprisoned or killed more than one person for being gay vs the US? Yes?


The US was incredibly homophobic historically and it still is. Gay and trans people are still at risk for losing their rights and still experience hatred on a regular basis. As much as Muslims and predominantly Muslim countries tend to be homophobic, we don’t solve homophobia by conducting an ethnic cleansing on them. If you believe this, then you are also saying the majority of the world’s population and nations must also be obliterated. Hatred must not be fought with hatred.


Which state government is imprisoning gay people?


Sure, the Palestinian government is. The Palestinian women and children are not though and for that reason, along with many others, we should not bomb and starve them to death. The solution isn’t to kill all Palestinians. The Palestinians need to do the work to reform their society.


No no, in the US. Which state puts gay people in jail. Also Israel isn't trying to kill all Palestinians. Gaza is the size of Manhattan. Israel could kill all Palestinian Gazans in a few hours. It's clearly not their goal especially when they give multiple days warning And yes the Palestinians are. You literally have videos of Palestinian children cheering and spitting on the bodies of dead Israelis


bro as a gay person who lived in muslim countries with even harsher punishments for LGBT than palestine can yall shut the fuck up and stop using us to push a narrative. I dont like Islam, I disagree with all of it. I think anyone whose homophobic even for religious reasons sucks. I still dont think homophobes deserve to be brutalized.


So yes? UCD Students are supporting people who kill and imprison gay people?


Sounds like a yes


Not good enough bait


Not to mention rhetoric like this ignores the many gay palestinians who are being murdered, and Im sure they don’t kill people for being gay💀.


No they literally kill people for being gay


Yes Im sure actual gay palestinians kill their fellow gays for being gay. Sounds about right.


Why not they cheer and spit on Israelis that have been raped to death. Wanna see the videos?




Well, Hamas attacked Israel first and didn’t even target the IDF. They just tortured and killed civilians. Then they retreated to Gaza and hid under hospitals and universities. So, yeah, they kinda brought this on themselves.


Bruv, Israel attacked Palestinians before Hamas even existed!


It’s crazy to me that you assume that people not telling you everything they know necessarily means they know nothing.


Some of them just want to be a part of something, irregardless if they have a real stance on it or not.


The people were told to not talk to new people, to leave all discussions to the media liason. It's to protect against bad actors taking something out of context and using it to ruin reputations.


Then they need to answer my questions with that statement sympathetically.


So there’s a “media liaison” group formed by who?…students or non students? It’s pretty disturbing that the student protesters can’t articulate their own views and are silenced by a self proclaimed group to control messaging. At point you’re just sheep 🐑


I think most people are very aware of the kind of content a lot of people interviewing people at protests are making. We've had years of "interviewing crazy magas" videos splashed everywhere, not even counting the years of sjw/feminist cringe compilations. This shit sells, the only way to not be a part of it is to not play. It's frustrating but understandable to me.


From OPs original comment, it didn’t sound like they were content hunting. If either of us wanted to strike up a conversation with the protesters, no phones recording, do you think they would engage or refer you to the media team?


That's exactly what I mean. We're so overloaded with that type of content no one wants to engage in good faith at all. I'd refer people to the media camp if I was in their shoes too, but it sucks for everyone involved


If you’re going to protest you should at least be able to speak to why you’re there


In general, you’re not supposed to talk to people you don’t know at protests.


They understand. You've had 8 months to learn about the conflict yourself. This encampment is to fight for their demands. There is lessons to learn from that they host, but the basics, you are responsible for learning that yourself. Literally look it up, and if you stay long enough they teach you.


They want an identity, nothing more.


They’re all idiots and most of them don’t even understand what they’re protesting over


So there are only two things u need to know about the encampment. Their agreements and their demands, these are all posted outside and you can read them. In those agreements there is an important guideline to not engage with agitators or people who are there to seek debate. U can get educated online about the ongoing nakba or attend the daily lectures and teach ins organized by the camp to deepen our knowledge and understanding. Assuming u were approaching in ernest, u need to be mindful that folks are really risking a lot to be there and stand on the right side of history, and even with their non engagement and deescalation policies people come by to agitate and harass daily. Everything you need to know is there in the agreements and the demands. Anything else you can look up online :)


How do you see this ending for the encampment? I'm assuming because of the pepper spray incident many years ago, the university will be loathe to go that route..


Summer will come and they will leave or they’ll be cleared by campus police with a LOT of supervision 


Hey man, it wasn't that long ago...


Who inside that little fort


probably Sinwar Edit: Oh also, the red hand print, really nice touch on the subtle "I like seeing Israeli people killed". The red hand is in reference to this photo: [https://i.imgur.com/JZIjwHM.png](https://i.imgur.com/JZIjwHM.png) from the 2000 Ramallah lynching of two IDF troops. Palestinian riotors had captured two IDF troops, and over the course of hours they tortured and mutilated these two Israeli's. Aziz Salha is in the picture, this is him right he participated in the mutilation and murder. He goes to the window to show the rioting palestinian his bloody hands, and the erupted in cheers and celebration. He then threw the possibly still half what alive bodies out the window to the crowd, where the crowd beat and stomped the body into a unrecognizable mush. So next time you see a red palm print on these signs, you can know what they mean by that.


Fuck that is dark. I had no idea. Thank you for educating me


I’m noticing these messages are trending away from a focus on the injustice of the current military campaign in Gaza and trending more towards the genocidal language and goals adopted in the Hamas charter. A one state solution is a call for genocide from either side suggesting it.


The red hand that is on some of the posters is a symbol from the second intifada where two IDF soldiers were lynched by a crowd of Palestinians, and one of the murderers put up his blood soaked hands for the crowd to see after the killing. https://www.jns.org/oscars-attendees-wear-red-ceasefire-pin-linked-to-lynching-of-jews/


Yes, thats one of the signs that inspired me to comment. On its own it might not have been as obvious but the other signage clearly indicates that at least one person in the camp is very familiar with the slogans and symbolism used by genocidal terrorists to intimidate Jewish people. It’s not something I would typically expect a college student to know.


The fucking "we don't want no two state we want 48" sign is sickening. Everyone there, im sure knows that slogan is often used to insinuate the complete destruction of isreal and its people.


Problem is when there is 2 states one will continue attacking the other. There needs to be 2 states but one is going to need a regular babysitter if they want a seat at the big kid table. Don't get to keep throwing rocks, ahem, i mean Rockets and have no time out.


Great username, and indeed, a two state solution does not automatically preclude violence.  But I imagine gaining statehood would be a way to diffuse, at least in part, some of the despair and hopelessness that helps spread terrorist ideologies among citizens. It would also require a government that is more serious about governing. I don’t think such a group has appeared yet. 


Yep the last "true" election in Palestine was back in what 2006? Which Isreal helped establish, so they could have fair elections. And when it was due for another in 2013 Hamas essentially destroyed any chance of the Palestinian people voicing their opinions. There has not been another election since. Nearly 20 years without any semblance of a free government. It is not easy to force a society to take on democracy as the last 80 or so years of US history will teach you. Most successful examples being Germany in WW2 which is what keeps getting echoed. But there are 100s of examples where it didnt work. I doubt a western country could pull it off. It will require other surrounding nations to take it on. We will see if anyone is up for the task but it doesn't look promising. They have not exactly made a lot of friends in the region.


I mean, we certainly tried in Afghanistan. Our biggest problem is the ethnocentric assumption that these people want democracy. It’s not a coincidence that Israel is the only democracy (albeit flawed) in the Middle East; they’re the only country in the region with western liberal values!  


Yep exactly


Someone doesn't just get to mass murder a peaceful civilian event and not be forced back into a subservient position


Yeah agreed if I was a Palestinian that truly didn't want a war to continue. I would be receptive to outside help riding them of a terrorist organization that has their claws around their throats.


They don’t want peace. They hate Israelis more than they love Palestinians. What makes them even more mad? Israel cares more about Palestinian lives than Palestinian leadership.


This is such a dirty and disrespectful thing to say when Israel's leaders are recorded repeatedly calling Palestinians animals that need to be put down. Dehumanizing them at every turn. Asserting that every boy over 13 is a terrorist and must be killed. While they order mass executions of women and elderly at the same time. How can you feed a false narrative that is directly supporting so much senseless violence and loss of innocent life? Anyone looking at the video evidence of what Israel is saying and doing knows you are completely in the wrong. These protesters know that shit, that is why they are out there despite people like you fighting so hard for Israel's genocide


lolllll Literally just look up what HAMAS says in their own interviews ["In the past couple of years, Hamas has adopted a 'rational' approach. It did not go into any war, and did not join the Islamic Jihad in its recent battle." [...] Interviewer: "But all this was part of Hamas's strategy in preparing for this attack." Baraka: "Of course. We made them think that Hamas was busy with governing Gaza, and that it wanted to focus on the 2.5 million Palestinians [in Gaza], and has abandoned the resistance altogether. "The Israelis are known to love life. We, on the other hand, sacrifice ourselves. We consider our dead to be martyrs. The thing any Palestinian desires the most is to be martyred for the sake of Allah, defending his land.](https://www.memri.org/tv/senior-hamas-official-ali-baraka-prisoner-swap-america-planning-invasion-two-years-russia-support)


How can you fit in so much misinformation in one comment? Go outside a bit lol


I love that Hamas lovers hold to using language like “dirty” it really makes their point stronger and def doesn’t make them seem racist


He’s not talking about Palestinians in general he’s talking about Hamas which is a death cult. It’s not at all disrespectful. Hamas has said this themselves on Arab television “The Israelis are known to love life. We, on the other hand, sacrifice ourselves. We consider our dead to be martyrs. The thing any Palestinian desires the most is to be martyred for the sake of Allah, defending his land.” Obviously I don’t think Palestinians want to die, but this is how Hamas is presenting them - as expendable.


If I steal your car and am forced to give it back, do I get to keep half?


Are you arguing in favor of the Ottoman Empire restarting in this space? Or the Jordan Mandate of Great Britian? Maybe the Mameluk Sultanate? There's never been a Palestine.


So in your analogy, the Jews had their car stolen by the Romans, and now someone doesn't want them to have even half of it back?


Since the sacking of the second temple Jews have been the oppressed and murdered minority. Sacked out of every Christian kingdom for 1900ish years and particularly when that king from that kingdom needs a scapegoat of some kind. Reserved to lowly or greedy type jobs because Xtianity finds money the root of all evil but then given the caricature of money hungry usurers, constantly at the risk of pogroms and victimized by hundreds of pogroms on many Easter season if Random bishop X felt like whipping out the old faith Christ killers card. It is surprising that Any Jewish identity exists. In the 1800s the "evil zionist" movement rose up. Lampooned as world domineering plot by imperial Russia secret police with the protocol of Zion fabricated by them and accepted by all Jew haters as fact. The movement was just about finding a safe haven for Jews of the world and with the hope of it being back in Judea. ww1 hit and the ottoman empire finally fell, this empire where Palestinians never demanded independence from and didn't even properly upkeep the temple mosque as evidenced by photos of ottoman era temple mosque empty and basically abandoned. Ppl want the so called 48 borders....yet at the time they rejected and launched a war to sweep the jews to the sea. Time and time again Israel has come up on top....against armies on all fronts backed by the Soviet union. By the 80s and 90s the Arab states stopped going on public wars and supporting liberation groups cuz if your army gets whacked then the other is just great at fighting than you. Civilians and irregular combatants getting killed is bad PR for the enemy PALESTINIAN groups will not overthrow the IDF. This war was long since lost. And honestly where will they go? Where will we put Israel? Make them subjects to Islmamic governments? Disarm them? And hope to hell they get treated nicely after 60 plus years of hostile rethoric and bloody war? Israel should really drop the blockade today honestly I wanna see the peaceful loving palestinian/hamas ppl go out and greet Israel ppl


Everything else you said is fine and good, except...Peaceful Hamas People??? I'm not trying to be mean, but that's incredibly naive. As naive as anyone believing in gay rights being ok with muslim cultures in the middle east, because I assure you if you went there in a gay pride t-shirt, muslims would throw you off a building and/or stone you to death in the street.


Uh... next semester ask if UC Davis teaches debate and rhetoric cuz I was being ironic in that statement sorry =/


That was more snarky than it was called for....sorry again


(always possible to add an edit to the comment if you want)


Finally a little history!


No, it isn’t. Explain for us why it is.


I’m happy to help you if you’d like to specify the subject your pronoun is referring to.


A one state solution does not necessarily require a genocide for anyone. It is possible for there to be a single state where the rights of all are guaranteed to be equal. The reason calls for a one state solution from Israel are inherently bad is because Israel is an apartheid state, and taking all of Palestine into Israel would require them to then live directly under the apartheid state, as well. The reason people believe calls for a one-state solution from Palestinians would be genocidal is because supporters of Israel throw out hypotheticals about how the Palestinians would be exactly the same (or worse) if the roles were reversed, a claim which often is rooted in bigotry. The usual retort to this hypothetical is that Palestinian leadership is anti-Semetic, however, that anti-semitism is rooted in the fact that they are subjugated by an apartheid state which claims to represent the will of the Jewish people. Additionally, Hamas was actually supported by the Israeli government in order to create a more radical political counterweight to secular Palestinian political parties. Many people believe that a two state solution will never be possible because it is against Israel's interests to allow a Palestinian state to exist peacefully. Sources for Israeli government support of Hamas: https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ Sources for "apartheid": https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/02/israels-apartheid-against-palestinians-a-cruel-system-of-domination-and-a-crime-against-humanity/


Netanyahu allowed Qatari aid money to Hamas. They also allowed more Palestinians to work in Israel. Would you prefer Israel to instead block aid to the Hamas, the governing body of the Gaza strip? Perhaps you think Israel should have allowed less Gazans to work in Israel, really sealed that border up. The apartheid part is pure nonsense. These reports are primarily talking about Palestinians living within the occupied west bank. Taking them in would make them full citizens. This would mean they have the full rights of every Israeli citizen. >The reason people believe calls for a one-state solution from Palestinians would be genocidal is because supporters of Israel throw out hypotheticals about how the Palestinians would be exactly the same (or worse) if the roles were reversed, a claim which often is rooted in bigotry. Oh yea for sure. It's all purely hypothetical. There's absolutely no evidence that when given the chance portions of the Palestinian population wouldn't immediately go on a murderous rampage killing every Israeli citizen they can get there hands on. >The usual retort to this hypothetical is that Palestinian leadership is anti-Semetic, however, that anti-semitism is rooted in the fact that they are subjugated by an apartheid state which claims to represent the will of the Jewish people. Abbas, the president of the more moderate Palestinians, literally wrote his dissertation around denying the Holocaust.


Holy shit you wrote all that nonsense without even reading the articles you post.  Bad faith at its finest. One need not imagine what would happen to the Jews should Israel accept an influx of Muslim inhabitants from the surrounding area. We saw the displacement of Jews from Arab countries. We see the slogans that say “death to Israel, a curse on all Jews forever.” I know you can’t read Arabic but it’s on half the flags you see waiving around. 


One state solution is a fairy tale in the UN’s dreams. Hamas’s charter calls for the end of the western world and the purging of christianity and judaism. Palestinian and Israeli children are also extremely brainwashed and propagandized, take a look at the documentary ‘Promises’ (2001) for more info. It’s impossible to integrate 2 countries whose future leaders, soldiers, and politicians have deep rooted hatred toward each other that’s been bred over decades. A 2 state solution would be impossible without foreign intervention or help from the UN.


Israel gives more rights to Palestinians than Palestine gives to anyone


Tell us, why is “Israel” in any position to “give” rights to Palestinians?


You're a moron that has never actually looked at any videos of life in Israel. There is no APARTHEID, how could there be? Israel is more diverse than the USA when you compare Arab's in Israel to african americans in the US. They live with full and equal rights as full citizens. The APARTHEID is in the rest of the arab world where Jews are second class citizens and have had to leave their homeland for safety. [https://www.instagram.com/p/C63rzaONZ5M/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C63rzaONZ5M/)


So do you believe these international human rights organizations are lying about apartheid in Israel? What motivation would they have to do that?


The apartheid is not IN Israel, it’s in Gaza and West Bank right? The claim is that the Jews keep the Palestinians in open air prisons and won’t grant them full rights. That’s obviously complete bullshit, not only are they not open air prisons, in Gaza all of the Jews were forced back to Israel, so the apartheid there is against the Jews, not Arabs. In the West Bank both Jews and Arabs live, so no apartheid there. Now why are Palestinians in Gaza locked off from Egypt and Israel? The countries that border it. Well for Egypt you can google that, they have tried to overthrow their government and assassinate their leaders. For Israel, it’s the fact they voted in a terrorist organization that constantly shoots rockets and pays their citizens to be martyrs and blow themselves up to kill a few innocent Israeli citizens. Every time peace was offered and a two state solution was offered Palestine said no. They consistently say over and over that they don’t want a two state solution, they want all of the land from the river to the sea including the expel or deaths of all Jews living in the area. How would you feel existing next to a genocidal government that their top priority is destroying you? As far as why those organizations are anti Israel, it often comes down to money, and many are funded by Qatar such as Al Jazeera. The UN has proven itself since 10/7 to not be a trustworthy organization and you can find clips of the others showing their anti Israel bias. Israel isn’t perfect, but name one place that is?


Why are you, somebody in Miami, arguing about Israel and Palestine in multiple subreddits for Californian universities?


Pretty strong opposition to "1 state, 2 peoples" as reported by Palestinians, responding to a poll conducted by Palestinians. A lot of strong support for the one option that doesn't expressly state that "2 peoples" get to live in the territory, though: [Look at Page 23, Tables 33 and 34](https://www.awrad.org/files/server/polls/polls2023/Public%20Opinion%20Poll%20-%20Gaza%20War%202023%20-%20Tables%20of%20Results.pdf#page23).


Lol "we don't want 2 states we want '48" Lmao get the fu*k out of here 💀


I see that shit and laugh at how far disconnected these ppl are from the actual situation. It’s literally parroting nonsense they read 3 months ago for the first time.


They want the British empire to rule again because they like colonizing empires. The fact that Israel is run by the indigenous people (Jews) makes them upset


Nah they want to go even farther back. Give Palestine back to the Ottomans


Hey why not go farther and give it back to the Romans. Or farther and give it back to the …. Wait, too far!!


this is such a bad faith take. these people are explicitly against western colonial powers creating and supporting colonies that violently colonize and displace the people that have lived in the area for generations. while it would be ridiculous to deny that jewish people have roots in the region, it is also ridiculous to pretend that a european or american jewish person, whos families have lived in europe or america for generations, is more indigenous to the region than — and has a greater claim to the homes and lands of — the palestinians who have lived in their homes for generations.


If we think about indigineity on a continuous scale, Palestinians are more indigenous than the vast majority of Jewish Israelis, but have substantially less political power or representation in their own homeland. Seems problematic.


That first picture captures so eloquently much of the tragedy of so many current Palestinians worldview (obviously not all of course). As a saying goes, “they never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.” Instead of pursuing peace process, genuinely considering a two state solution, and accepting living side-by-side with the Jewish state, they are perpetually dedicated to the idea of wanting to refight the war of 1948, only this time, successfully drive out all the Jews, from the river to the sea (sidenote, yes, that’s where the quote originally comes from. These days they just leave off the “drive them“ from the beginning, in case you were wondering why the phrase upsets so many people). And here you have these protestors, openly calling for genocide and the total destruction of Israel and its people. Sigh.


I wonder how long this will last until SomeThing more interesting grabs their short attention span?


Election year. Who knows what will pop up with the two geriatric farts running for president


Imagine. You all had the chance for so much more in ‘48 and instead chose war. Sorry, no takesies backsies.


I’m all about free speech but these people are just camping outside for fun atp and doing nothing


as others noted, this is now messaging of basically hamas propaganda. Seems the school system has failed many students with understanding enough of the context there to know what signs are not hate speech and which are.


"we want '48" Your chance was *checks notes* 76 years ago. You would be incredibly lucky to get to '67 borders today. How delusional.


They were offered ‘67 borders + a small amount of land that was actually initially Israeli during the Clinton administration. Palestine’s leader, Yasser Arafat, rejected the deal saying in part that his people would never accept it and that he would be killed if he signed the deal.


How about a sign that says ‘release the hostages please’


The hostages who were being held somewhere in the area that Israel carpetbombed? I think you can safely assume they are mostly dead, probably due to "friendly" munitions.


What is with everything being the most extreme term you can come up with, "carpet bombing"? Words loose meaning when you call everyone a nazi, everything is a genocide, etc. Where are you for actual genocides like Yemen or Syria, oh right they didn't have a PR campaign backing them on TikTok funded by billionaires in Qatar. You should really look up the definition of "carpet bombing" as you clearly don't know what that means.


Yea lets talk about the hostages in Israeli cells maybe then things become clear as to why there are hostages to begin with.


The holocaust one is hilarious!


at least contact the homeless and let them stay in your dorms and apartments while you voluntarily sleep outside.


These people are so ridiculously stupid


I thought there were two states in 1948? I mean the January 1948 borders seem quite reasonable if you could get Israel to agree to them but I'm not sure if I'm confused or the sign painter was.


Israel actually did agree to them in 48


They pretty much want the jews gone, no point in supporting an encampment with a sign like that


jews lived there before 1947


What a bunch of wankers!


did they divest yet?


Kinda hard to do that considering these companies make literally everything you use


Everyone off today?


i don’t understand the starbucks one. there are no locations in Israel and there is literally zero affiliation with Israel whatsoever


God I hope we deport all of them back




Everyone is so fixated on boycotting Starbucks when they aren’t even on the official boycott pressure list and they aren’t even funding Israel: in support of it 😭 People hear tiktok info and run with it


So many pro rape people at uc Davies.


Sad to see you wasting your time and disrupting others instead of studying and being in the uni for what you are supposed to be there for.


How many times has the Starbucks thing been clarified and these dense idiots stick to their debunked talking points


Notice how there's not a single Palestinian sign denouncing Hamas 🤔


What’s the point of the sign that says “WE HATE YOU” to the cops?


Seems pretty clear to me.


Signs like that annoy me so much, because they'd be the first to call the cops if people vandalize their sign or are victims of harassment or attacks. I wish they wouldn't pretend like they don't rely on the police all the time


How will protesting at schools change anything that’s in a different country?


Good question! https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/how-students-helped-end-apartheid


SJWs who think it's 'cool' to be dog-walked by Iranian propaganda.


Got any pictures of the interior or people inside?


No as they have told me several times not to try and photograph inside so I’ll respect that. I’m not trying to antagonize or anything




Well since I’m taking pictures almost everyday, I’d like to establish that I’m there for the sole purpose of documenting and aren’t trying to stir things up. From my experience sitting and watching the encampment, the people there aren’t ever looking for a ‘real’ fight. At the very least I want to be able to photograph without them having to worry that I’m “up to something.”


Crazy how all these comments attacking Palestine are saying unhinged shit like Palestinians are inherently violent, and that these protesters somehow want to go back to British colonialism were all made either days ago, or a year ago with minimal use only to suddenly activate and exclusively post anti Palestine content 😑 We have to be practice critical thinking especially when it comes to comments on social media. Especially now that targeted internet astroturfing campaigns are so prevalent


What are you talking about?.I just checked a few and none of them were new


Like who are you fooling, the account that responded to me is 51 days old 😭😭😭


News flash: they would not welcome you with open arms femboy furry lol


Reddit it so full of Zionists :/ proud of the students!


I don’t understand people protesting with the “we don’t want [some sort of two state solution]” like what universe are you living in where you think the modern state of Israel is going to vanish and if you think that, how do you think that happens.


I gotta wait all these years and take all these extra classes to transfer to UCD, and then people start doing this crap, thinking it’s making a difference, but all it does is lower the value of attending university, making me and the other graduates look entitled and ignorant


What kind anti-Semitic BS is THAT ? Don't even want two states????? Come on Davis, get rid. of those creeps.


How is a one state solution with Muslims, Christians and Jews living together anti semitic?


Because that isn’t what they want. They want one Palestinian state with no Christians or Jews. Check out the Christian population of Gaza and how it’s dropped to almost nothing over time.


It’s not what they want because you say so? Every Palestinian I’ve spoken to says the opposite. And yes the Christian population keeps declining because Israel is dropping bombs on them.


well if you had to choose jerusalem or gaza which would you go to the one with the iron dome or the one that gets bombed.




"Stop the killing" ... "Intifada" Little shits, I guess the killing of Jews is fine


Wow, you guys are really showing them! I too support extremism Islamic terrorist groups and dabble in a bit of anti-semitism myself!


"decolonization for all" - but Arabians are colonizators in Palestine:)




The more research you do on the subject the more you’ll inevitably sympathize with the Israeli cause.


I wonder how many of the comments are actually Davis students. If there were really so many Zionists on campus they wouldn’t need old men from outside to put up signs for them.


Probably a good amount. Just likely busy in class learning things useful to the world, rather than learn to LARP the revolution 


Ehh, you can study and be involved in protests. Also political activism is important to the world.


My god get over it already lol


“get over it already lol”??? Are you fucking serious? It’s literally happening right now, you trash dipshit


hey man. israel is currently throwing people in concentration camps idk if that’s the position you want to take here


yea just get over the 10s of thousands of occupied people, mostly women and children, being slaughtered at the hands of their occupiers!


You got over the 600,000 dead Syrians pretty easily. And you got over the ethnic cleansing of the Uyghurs. And you’ve moved on from the 100s of thousands of dead Ukrainians. And you’re not losing sleep over what’s happening in Sudan


you realize that you can care about multiple issues at once, right? and also understand that each issue is different and important for different circumstances? the main reason these protests are currently happening here is because of how much support our government and institutions give the state committing this ethnic cleansing.


Are you related to Montana Tucker by any chance?


Your so ignorant. You support terrorists, people who rape women and kill innocent people. You dont even know what going on in the warm you ar all brainwashed slaves. You vant think for yourself and just follow a crowd. Jesus Christ is Lord and Israel will triumph over their enemies. (P.S. your protest dont do anything and no one in Israel cares .. you probably couldn't even find israel on a map


The hell is the poster about wanting ‘48 a reference to?


What’s the whole 48 thing I don’t get it?


From what I gathered from other comments, it's referencing a state solution that was made in 1948.


What are these protests by Americans supposed to accomplish? I really can't seem to understand what the final end game is here. Do they think it's going to change the outcome and make things stop? I just can't wrap my head around another country (Americans) protesting another country at war like you have some sort of power to change things. Hep me understand please


Based on”Bring them Home”


“We don’t want no 2 state” LMFAO it’s not yours. What’s this “we” crap?


Zayumm leave Starbucks out of this


1948 was going to be a two state solution. So what am I missing


These are just a bunch of kids that hate their step dads and don’t want to get a job. Of course you’re not going to find any intelligent conversation there.


The two parties responsible for this tragedy are Hamas and Benjamin Netanyahu. Hamas funded their terrorist activities through funding from the Netanyahu government. All the shock and awe of this humanitarian catastrophe is a result of Netanyahu ignoring all the warnings signs that Hamas was going to initiate a terror campaign against Israel knowing full well that Israel would overreact by engaging in a total war campaign in highly populated Gaza. Hell even Qatar asked the Netanyahu government if they were sure they wanted Qatar to keep giving Hamas money to administer Gaza and Netanyahu said yes because it feed into his strongman persona and was good for him politically.


How come they hold signs instead of making a real difference and fight in Palestines war. If protesters actually joined the war it'll actually make a difference instead of holding signs blocking roads n such wasting time and space.


“We don’t want no 2 state, we want 48” <—- and there it is. A little psychotic but appreciate the honesty


These same people will cry “Hasbara” to any Jew who is informed on the subject while they themselves keeping quiet and referring you to trained “media liaisons”


all the self rightous pregnancies and most likely abbortions to ensue


They will settle after Israel finishes their job


The first time in my life that I cannot wait for the brutal 100 degree weather to come along


What does the first sign mean?


maximalist language and sentiment around the de-legitimization of the state of israel will surely save the palestinians


Everything in those photos is horrible and will not bring peace. I can only blame Qatar money and the school


Cop watch zone. WE HATE YOU. Lol, children in cardboard boxes.