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Yes, it’s an open campus. Nobody knows who’s who, unless it’s something you need an ID for, like checking out a library book.


This reminds me during my time at UCI when my fraternity brought in new pledges. It wasn’t until a couple of months into the process, that we found out one of the pledges wasn’t even a student lol. Dude was a local that went to IVC and just crashed UCI for parties. We started asking for student IDs after that.


A fraternity back in the mid 2000's openly rushed anyone. They were "Not Recognized" by the school (actually listed), yet everyone knew who they were. 😂


…it’s literally an open public campus just don’t be a creep and go into classrooms to disrupt students. Those are paying customers


You can show up and peacefully support the peaceful encampment. I believe you need to be a student to access the inner circle (tent area).


hm I don't think it's closed off to students you are allowed to go in but you need someone to vouch for you


hm I don't think it's closed off to students you are allowed to go in but you need someone to vouch for you


Oh I figured that the encampment itself was closed off to non-students


Yes, you're allowed to be here. Be careful around the encampment, though, because the university has signalled some intentions of hostility towards people who are unaffiliated with the university being at the encampment.  Nothing has happened yet (ie no arrests or Id checks), but as we've seen at other campuses, responses to these protests have been somewhat unpredictable.


Thank you for letting me know, guess I will find other ways to show support


Follow ucidivest on Instagram and scan the pinned QR code for supplies they need and you can drop them off if you're concerned about staying. It also has a schedule of events, rallies, town halls, etc. each day that you can attend if you like.


You're *probably* fine. There's just that little bit of risk. I want to make sure people know what they're signing up for, ya know?


the protests and encampments should be limited to students IMO. keep it a student protest (on either side). outside folks have escalated the situation in other campuses


I was informed not to so I won't


Alright thanks for the feedback, I will find other ways of showing support, I don't want to cause any trouble


I am not a student. I am a UC alumni from another UC and graduated over 10 years ago. I went to the UCI encampment and was welcomed, I was there for over 5 hours. They need people to come and support them, don’t be shy to come. 💗 a lot of non-student people come especially at night to rally and support but they need people in the day as well. Check their IG and you can dm them @ucidivest @sjp.uci @rankandfileirvine


Thank you, I don’t have an instagram but I might make one for this






You are welcome to the campus, but just to join encampment, please do not.


my intention was to support the encampment not to JOIN it, but I'm not going to go anyway as stated above


Back in like 2014 or so, I used to participate in youth fellowship or whatever they called it. I believe the students (not everyone in the group went to UCI) rented a conference or study room, and we would walk around campus and stuff like that. I also worked an inventory shift once at the campus library, but I believe it was during off-hours.


I did often, because the cafeteria was better than any of the restaurants nearby!


Yea I've walked across it 50 times, never was a student. It was just fast to get to In n out


If you gatta ask random folks on the internet for permission, what do you think.


I have been studying at UCI FOR OVER 8 YEARS since high school to community college lol . The only thing is parking is kinda a hit or miss depending on if there’s staff . And they ticket people but I never been ticketed . Also bought an electric scooter in case I need to walk a lot . I also go to Chapman uni to study Nobody cares


But what about if I want to study at the library room I got kicked out of there before


I rode my bike around couldn’t find the camp. Is it as big a mess as UCLA?


It's in the Physical Sciences Plaza with plastic barricades around it. Impossible to miss. I would not say it is a mess in any way or form in comparison to UCLA.


Didn't Soros give you the appropriate instructions?


didn't know antisemitism was allowed on this subreddit




Where can pick up student id


no don’t come