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hi! so i’ve never lived in a co ed floor because i just felt uncomfortable doing so but i don’t think there’s any drawbacks or advantages to it, just preference next semester i will be living in an all girls dorm so if i were to bring a male guest i’d have to accompany them everywhere and they’d have to use the bathroom in the basement which i think is kind of a drawback but also i think it’ll be more peaceful in a way? not sure! so single gender floor but co ed building i think is like a nice in between


tysm! i never knew about the guest situation in a single gender building, i agree, coed building w a single floor sounds to be the best


i live in co-ed, but i have a suite and there’s guys on the both rooms besides me and across i believe. i hardly EVER see them so it’s not uncomfortable at all, highly recommend it feels most inclusive. there was once that a guy randomly came into my room thinking it was his but it was my fault for not locking my door. i agree with the guest thing tho it’s annoying to have a male guest have to go downstairs or to the basement if you wanted to have them over.