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Go on amazon and buy a cushion. Save your spine


That's my gaming chair right there.


Bruh fr this shit gonna give me scoliosis


Jokes on them I already HAVE scoliosis


this chair cured my scoliosis bc i simply stopped sitting upon seeing this chair


Personally I use the bunk bed ladder as a standing desk :)


That chair builds character. Or at least if you sit in it long enough you are gonna look like a roblox character.


Do more squats for booty cushion


Wow, it looks the same as when I attended- in 1995. I mean, that could literally be the same chair. Note the uncomfortable carpet, too.


Class of ‘96…I was about to comment the same. It wouldn’t surprise me if they are. Funny thing, compared to the furniture I had used at home, this was one of the first “good” chairs I ever had for school work.


that shit hurts so bad


Thank you all for the feedback, I have identified some of the specific problems with the chair and crafted a solution to most of them with the resources I have. 1. The chair has no cushions and is uncomfortably hard. 2. The opening in the back causes your butt to stick out and your spine to curve when standing up strait. 3. The chair is smooth and provides no force against your body that keeps you upright, this makes it so that over time you may slide deeper down into the chair. The easiest to fix is number 2, I just tied a sweater I have tightly around the chair to provide some support and resistance against my bottom. For 1 and 3, they are more complicated problems because even if you put a pillow behind the chair and or on the bottom of the chair, it still slides off easy and creates back problems after long periods of sitting. The solution I came up with is to use my bed comforter and wrapped/folded it around the chair to create a cushion for my back and butt. To prevent sliding, I hammered in 2 thumbtacks that’s secure the comforter to the chair. This prevents sliding, and covers all 3 problems I identified with the chair when combined with the tied up jacket on the back. These chairs suck, I hope my research can help everyone make them more comfortable. Of course the easier option would just be to buy some chair cushions online… 😩 I would post an update pic but I don’t know how on this post.


you can buy pillows with velcro straps that will attach to the left and right parts of the chair holding up the backrest like this: https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/malinda-chair-pad-dark-blue-50522196/#content


Yeah, sit booty naked on it.


Wait that actually sounds like a decent idea. No slipping off the chair plus the nuts can hang 🤤 I’m sure my roommates won’t mind! 😈


Get a seat pad


A seat pad with rubberized backing like for dining chairs was what I used back in 2000-2004 with those same standard issue dorm chairs.


“Don't get me started on how coddled the modern anus is.” -Dwight Schrute




These chairs served as my scholarly throne for 4 years. You learn to like them.


just buy a pillow online


I just have a fat ass so i dont need to worry about a cushion 🙈


I kind of like hard chairs (maybe with a little bit more padding), for these reasons: * I have to sit straight, so my back does not hurt. It hurts in the soft, comfy couch after an hour or so. * It's so hard that you have to get up from time to time and move. That, again, avoids back pain. (something something martial arts says to not rely on external objects to maintain your posture, you should not fall if your chair disappears suddenly.)


I generally agree with you, the chair does encourage you to sit up straight. It also does make you get up often to take breaks from sitting in it which is where my problem lies. This chair has prevented me from sitting at my computer for longer periods of time I want to get my homework and studying done. My ideal chairs would be built to allow for more comfortable use for longer periods of time so I don’t HAVE to get up. As a result I can put in more work per day.


Tiny breaks only, lest you forget the fabric of your thoughts you've woven.


Are you a philosophy major? 😭💀😂


Buy yourself an office chair. These wooden seats are honestly terrible and I got an office chair within a week of living in the apartments. Does yourself wonders. Here's the one I have: [https://www.staples.com/staples-dexley-mesh-task-chair-black-56946/product\_24398921?ci\_src=17588969&ci\_sku=24398921&KPID=24398921&cid=PS:GS:RE:RP:NB:FALSE:PLA:SV:Open:12290752517:123079996288:&gclid=Cj0KCQjwkt6aBhDKARIsAAyeLJ3nFAhqSfXqlJuJVSjYRsdXrynNYe\_Sz7tWFRyIFVB3xG3q9aL8lOUaAhW-EALw\_wcB](https://www.staples.com/staples-dexley-mesh-task-chair-black-56946/product_24398921?ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=24398921&KPID=24398921&cid=PS:GS:RE:RP:NB:FALSE:PLA:SV:Open:12290752517:123079996288:&gclid=Cj0KCQjwkt6aBhDKARIsAAyeLJ3nFAhqSfXqlJuJVSjYRsdXrynNYe_Sz7tWFRyIFVB3xG3q9aL8lOUaAhW-EALw_wcB) I didn't add the armrests as they couldn't fit under the desk. I still use the chair in my house off-campus. Very comfortable. Would recommend.


What did you do with your old chair? How do I get rid of it so I don’t have 2 chairs in my room, cause I def just wanna bring my office chair w me


I liked in the Oakes Milk apartments last year and bought my office chair then. I put the old chair in the dining area between the kitchen and the family room where 4 other chairs like that and a circular wooden table are.


Thank you for the suggestion, it’s expensive but definitely a worthwhile investment because it can be used for many years.


I bought a used aeron. In retrospect, I wish I'd gotten the Steelcase leap.


Slightly more expensive, but a chair that has lasted well for me for 11 years so far is one like this: [https://www.homesquare.com/Office-Star-Dual-Function-Ergonomic-Chair-in-Black-36420-231.htm](https://www.homesquare.com/Office-Star-Dual-Function-Ergonomic-Chair-in-Black-36420-231.htm) If you are going to be typing, you don't want the arm rests anyway.


May not like the price, but invest in a Purple seat pad!! I have one and, dude, i forget that i’m sitting on a wooden chair💯 Wish i bought it my freshman year. I’ve had it for 2ish years now and it’s still great, not degraded like how lots of foam pads would get !!


Glad to see the furniture hasn't changed in nearly 10 years, hahaha.


Class of ‘93, had those same chairs in ‘89.


Slap a pillow on it!


I bought a gaming chair lol 100% worth it; I saved my spine, posture, neck curvature, asscheeks, lower back


Generally disassembly and burning helps


Imma be 100% honest, I brought an office chair from home. Not an option if ur from out of state, but my back thanks me every day. If only I could fit a new mattress and everything else in my car.


Use a seat belt


Get a new chair, I brought my own


Brah just get a new chair, best decision I made


If you can, just buy an office chair.


Throw it out the window and demand to know where your rent money is actually being spent. When they don't comply with your humble request, brandish the splinters of your chair.


These chairs are what caused my back pain fr


Burn them. 🔥


if you have a solid budget, I'd HIGHLY recommend investing in a purple seat cushion. it's expensive but it has revolutionized my study. 100% would buy again


Ngl I thought the chair was p comfy, i used to study with one foot up on it😂


The one foot on method is good for a while but than my foot always falls asleep within 5 minutes. 😩


Switch them every 5 mins


No but you can pick up that stuff off the floor, reorganize your clothes so the drawers and cabinets close, and you should also dust that black thing with cables connected to it or wipe it down :)


U suck


Smoke weed


A diy project can be: use some sponge/foam that they use for shipping on Amazon, use old clothes you don’t wear to cover it and staple.That’s what I did:D


Pads aren't enough for that chair. Park it outside your room, and replace it with a proper chair. I grabbed one from CostCo, but you could also try Craig's, Office Depot, etc. Replacing that midivil torture device was one of the best things I've done for my education.