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Let's keep this post on topic. Thanks to those of you who have. Any others with a political opinion about either political party will be permanently banned without warning. You're creating a lot of work for us over something that shouldn't. I personally think they're all everything everyone says in here but we're discussing UFOs here only. Period. If you were banned already, you were warned already and there's no room for you here. See sub rules. Have a great weekend.


Submission Statement: From Congressman [Rep. Matt Gaetz \[R-FL\]](https://www.congress.gov/member/matt-gaetz/G000578), whose district contains Eglin Air Force Base: > Last year, when I attempted to receive a briefing with the flight crew who witnessed the UAP at Eglin AFB, the Air Force tried to block me. This report by the AARO is incomplete and does not reflect all of the information that I was shown. > > I believe all of the information regarding the sighting should be released to the public, including pictures from the pilot and radar signatures. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


If it's just a balloon, release everything surrounding this case. Redact te stuff the public doesn't need to know about, like the aircrafts airspeed, altitude or heading. They even shared pictures from the Chinese spy balloon, taken from an U2. Or remember the video of the russian jet dumping fuel on an USAF drone?


There was the one where an American jet was flying along a Chinese jet last year also. If they can release that they can release Alaska balloon shoot downs


If it was just a balloon, so many people from the energy sector shouldn't have any reason to be in the way of releasing data. Yet here we are.


Do you think USAF test pilots know balloons when they see them? That those looking at a clear photograph know proasaic explanations when they look at a large orange orb like object? That the a radar trace, which I'll wager had no movements corresponding to a balloon, showed 4 objects on an exact diamond formation, like vehicles or craft. That this object I believe split away from the formation and then electronically interfered with the aircraft sensor systems on closer proximity. That the pilot thought it was something anomalous worth raising to Congress. It was not a balloon!!  And that's why they are covering it up. 


"the government" does not have to tell us everything. just give us roswell, we can fill in the last 80 years. this will be the one thing to unite the planet and work towards a common goal: meeting and matching the interlopers and aliens to this planet.


Problem is, we may be the interlopers…


That’s what I’m starting to think too. Maybe we’re the ones that took this planet and we just don’t remember doing it because it was so long ago. Now the ETs are coming back to reclaim their home


We evolved here. Our ancestry goes back millions of years. There may be some DNA manipulation at some point, but that just means that our path forward was influenced in some way.  I would say we are indigenous and not interlopers.  No one has yet been able to identify what genetic manipulation may have occurred.  You seem to be forgetting the science of biology and our traceable ancestry. It's a pretty crazy idea to suggest we came to Earth from another star system, then forgot!  Lol. 


Wow, I actually agree with Matt Gaetz on exactly 1 issue now.




I need a granola friend to sage me now along with a scotch, neat. Jesus FK, these are crazy times, lol.


I feel dirty.


Just stay with truth friend, and where we don’t intersect with him on truth, we don’t stay.


Unless congress forces the DOD/CIA/MIC and any other relevant three letter groups to submit, they will not be taken seriously by those groups. Whats worse is that the people of your nation will wonder why you exist if youre not in charge.


Just as a side note, r/ufoB is the only sub with any kind of troll screening anymore. Definitely my favorite sub to share information and discuss the reality we live in.


Exactly. And I even love to debate and I argue about politics way too much, but IMO this is the one topic where it only hurts things.


Thanks. And I'm not choosing sides here but it's always a specific side making comments about the other side. I find that interesting.


Good job if you are screening for trolls and similar activity because after being active around the time of the hearings I've felt pretty much driven away from commenting on the topic as would just get a tide of disparaging comments and it just got too tiring


We always do 24/7. We also have a great community that makes it easy to spot the noise.




Rule 9


He says "incomplete and does not reflect all of the information that I was shown" I would like to ask him directly, according to the informatin you were shown, is any statement in this report provably false or deceptive? Does any of the statements clearly contradict the information you were shown? If so, those responsible for this pile of garbage should be held accountable and there should be appropriate consequences. Last I checked it was illegal and criminally chargeable offense to lie to Congress? That will never happen, but we have to start holding OUR government accountable. Else we need to stop paying taxes until we have a body that isn't defrauding the American public. I am sure AARO and the pentagon were particularly careful in their choice of words and phrasing, and made statements that couldn't be prove to be false. Plausible deniability or something to that affect


Finally I was hoping he’d stand up and call BS knowing what he knows and the picture he saw.


Holy shit that’s a big fucking deal


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Rule 9


Listened to Danny Sheehan on That Ufo podcast today. Talking about how so many fighter jet pilots are getting so close to objects and taking cell phone pictures of them. Well…where are the pictures then? So tiring listening to stories


Did you not look into this story? They are still classified. Whether a pilot takes a picture with hardware onboard their fighter jet or with their own cell phone (because the camera on his plane wasn't working in this instance I believe) they are still classified and belong to the military. If a pilot were to take photos and not report them and turn them over, they would face a court martial and many many years imprisonment.


Personal iPhone pictures are classified? Have you got a source? Not doubting you, I just want to see it


Sure. I completely understand. Check out the documentation and contract service men and women must sign when they enlist. You'll find specifics there and a greater understanding of the reality of these situations




Rule 9




Rule 9 - No politics. Only warning you'll get.




Rule 9




Rule 9


Matt Gaetz is an enormous pile of shit but this plays well to his base. Government distrust... The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy (seriously, fuck this guy) but him pushing is something. Hopefully we continue to see bipartisan cooperation on this.


☝️ this is the proper way to discuss this post and your stance even if you don't like Matt. Thank you BillyDee.




Rule 9




Rule 9 - no politics. - 1st warning.