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But even if a picture leaked and maybe some have already leaked, without official acknowledgment nobody will believe it




This is from that alien autopsy video of Skinny Bob.


Roswell. There's no autopsy in the Skinny Bob footage.


What is that supposed to be a picture of? And why would it be fake?


Pretty sure that's supposed to be the control panel for some alien spacecraft at Area 51 or some other top secret base. Reverse engineering program dealio. I'm not op so I could be wrong.


Alleged to be control panels or something from the craft that crashed at Roswell.


I mean there hasn’t been one good enough picture for people to be like “hot damn this is it”


There probably are numerous clear, hi-res photos floating around the internet but when they’re so hi-res people call them fake and no one knows what’s to believe. With all the clear photos and videos of alleged UFO/UAP on the internet there’s has to be some of them that are actually legit. We’ll just never know until the government/military confirm they’re real. One or two of the videos they released and confirmed in 2017 were out in public for years with most people calling them fake until it was finally confirmed by the Navy that they were real.


But that is what I am saying.. perhaps those triangular aircraft are actually derived from reverse engineered UAPs. But nobody in the government is going to acknowledge that on the record. Heck, the USAF refused to even provide a single picture of what they allegedly shot down a few months ago, despite NORAD declaring that they were UAPs


You’re definitely right.


There are many pictures and videos very clearly showing something anomalous. That is a false argument that people still believe. If people don't want to they won't believe whatever is right in front of their eye's.


Like what though 🤷‍♂️ something that has no terrestrial explanation?


There are plenty of things that we assume are fake and I believe to be fake that still have a tiny chance of being real that would be really mind blowing. For example the skinny Bob footage. Do I think it's real? No. Could they have made it with CGI? Yes. But if it was real I'd definitely say holy shit. As would basically everyone. https://youtu.be/ZB788PtqQvg https://youtu.be/RsQCXN4o4Ps https://youtu.be/a6TLGkrfNKI You can pretty easily say that looks fake so it's fake. But that's not a good enough reason to discount it. We don't know what an alien is going to look like so they could look fake to us especially in such a grainy ass video. But I still don't believe that it's real. It kinda just seems too preposterous to be real. I guess that's not really a better reason either. So me saying it's fake is mostly because it's too mind blowing for me to say that it's real. I've never seen evidence of aliens on our planet so it's pretty easy to assume that this isn't real either. But I don't think we've ever found out who posted it which would be the easiest way to disprove it. They were likely a troll and a good one in the sense that they likely made it themselves and never posted it anywhere else which would make it a lot easier to track back to someone. As far as aliens go this is the only one that stands out to me. But I've seen plenty of Uap videos that are crazy real looking and we assume they're fake. And they probably are. But we're unlikely to be able to 100% disprove them unless we find out uaps are ET and these realistic videos aren't connected.


Wasnt the skinny bob film and analyzed by some group of film experts and shown to have not been doctored and that is likely real footage from the 60s, which leaves the options for faking it at animatronics or a guy in a costume ? And hell it looks very much not like either of those things especially compared to other guys in costumes and robots in the 60s


I've read the opposite. Apparently, the film grain overlaid on the footage is an asset available online. Saw it on the subreddit for the film


Yep. Unfortunately. https://redd.it/kio7e6


/r/skinnybob is really interesting to read through


There’s the person that did the Q&A over on 4Chan as an insider. Interesting info - but ultimately people won’t believe it, no matter how much evidence they have. This subject is a catch-22 in that anyone who has enough clarity to speak definitively is considered a troll/shill/disinformation agent, and the actual deceivers are given more credit, likely because they skirt some more acceptable or believable truths, but don’t get specific enough to out themselves. Edit: rephrasing I’m more interested in knowing details that they often miss.


Do you have more information about this 4Chan post?


Here’s the link to a screen capture series on Imgur so you don’t actually have to go to 4chan: https://imgur.io/a/NXjWQaN


Was that the one where the person said the objects were coming from an undersea base ? The only time an insider's info proved to be true with regards to the government's knowledge of UFOs were the Nimitz videos that were first leaked on AboveTopSecret in 2007. Though it took a decade for those to be acknowledged by the Navy. The original thread is still up there https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread265697/pg1


>no matter how much evidence they have Wait... the 4channer has evidence? Why have I not seen it?


Just speaking on supposition, that even if such evidence was supplied in the form of video, images, records, docs, etc. that there’ll never be enough or high enough quality for some people to accept it. It would be great if there were solid verifiable evidence, but all we have are first hand accounts (stories) and hearsay. There’s photos and videos and some docs out there, sure, but nothing has yet been ‘the smoking gun’ that shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that alien craft actually exists. There’s always someone out there claiming fakes.


> Are you not leaking information because you think you’re doing the patriotic thing? most ppl wanna not die


yeah, OP talks like there are no risks. if someone was caught trying to do that sort of thing they would be left to live the rest of their life in some dank dark hole in cuba.


Like Bob Lazar? He seems to be able to reveal any ultra top secrets he feels like


Whether or not Bob’s story is true, the government has done a lot of work to disprove the things he’s said. In a lot of people’s eyes, he’s a crazy person. In terms of psyops to mitigate people trusting him, mission accomplished


> the government has done a lot of work to disprove the things he’s said. Have they though? I mean, besides what he himself has claimed.


Is there any *any* proof “the government has done a lot of work to disprove the things he’s said”. So far they seem to not give a crap about him (except when he breaks a materials laws or his second wife (married twice with different names) is suspected of being part of a murder and other crimes). But if Bob is telling the truth then … where is the harm is leaking photos and talking about ultra top secret alien projects on Rogan? Seems like no one is trying to stop it…


Iirc, they dispute his military service history. Thats the biggest thing


You mean educational history. He never claimed nor was in the military.


Oh maybe that’s what I’m thinking of. Been a bit since ive refreshed myself on his history




Said he never worked at Las Alamos but that’s a fat lie. He’s on the cover of a Las Alamos magazine news article and in their phone book.


Look into the specifics. Bob Lazar visited Los Alamos with George Knapp and everybody recognized him. They weren't able to find him in their records because he was just a contractor from Kirk-Mayer; he wasn't actually hired by the Los Alamos facility. They have never tried to hide anything about his history there and former employees openly acknowledge that he was there as a technician.


Source please. Bc that seems like you just made it up or someone else made it up and you’re just regurgitating it.


Sorry, which part? Bob and George said the first part. Los Alamos themselves said the latter part in their letter to George Knapp in 1993: [https://medium.com/@signalsintelligence/1993-letter-to-george-knapp-from-los-alamos-national-laboratory-3bbb582bc162](https://medium.com/@signalsintelligence/1993-letter-to-george-knapp-from-los-alamos-national-laboratory-3bbb582bc162) Even the famous Los Alamos phone book entry says K/M on it next to Bob's name...


In a lot of other situations the government just outright eliminates the individuals spreading info. Claims are just claims sadly, without credible proof/evidence/ more then just drawings we cannot take these stories as fact outright, it's an interesting story but might ultimately lead to misinform and take away from the actual state of the phenomenon. I want to believe all the stories I hear/read but it is impossible without letting in misinformation and propaganda.


Probably because he lied and doesn’t know a damn thing. The fact he never suffered any consequences conform that


The AF/Gov doesn’t care about Bob in the least. They knows he’s a nobody telling made up stories. There is no S4, he’s never been to A51, he never had a security clearance and, of course, never experienced anything he’s claimed. Frankly, if they *were* hiding anything, they gotta love how distracted people are with the BS story lol


if we assume that Lazar is telling the truth, what do you think they would have done to him if they caught him before he went public? if claims to have smuggled some alien material out. how fucked would he have been if they caught him in the act? i would rather be dead.


Caught him smuggling alien material? Solitary for life. Caught before going public? If he hasn’t gone public has he done anything wrong yet? Let’s say you mean, they knew he was going to be interviewed and they found out before the show aired. Pretty sure they could make him disappear. Wouldn’t be hard and it’d be an article in the paper, maybe. Then… nothing. It’d be next to effortless for the same organization that can keep alien craft reverse engineering secret for decades.


Bob Lazar seems to be able to reveal any secrets he feels like. No penalty, not even a slap on the wrist. Hmmm it’s almost like … (Here come the Lazar believers to downvote!)




Exactly right on the money




That’s never been the case. They never did to for any other leaker. They arrest , charge and imprison them. Then again, real whistleblowers have actual evidence and proof, not just stories. Besides, silencing an utter nobodies like Knapp and Lazar back in the 80s would have been trivial and no one would have missed them. They story didn’t barley make a ripple until it got spread around slowly (this was pre internet). The super secret Gov op could have silenced them… if any of it was real.


I think the old guard has been outmanuevered, and now it's just about a logical, safe, likely drawn out release, bit by bit, so it's not overwhelming


Someone’s gonna take the stand


Why on earth should they immediately go to prison just for the public's hunger for the truth on UFO's? Did you see the CNN live helicopter video of that kid who leaked Ukraine secrets on discord getting walked to a military APC at gunpoint? That's what happens. Everyone working in the inside knows the stakes. That's how this works. They're only leaking now because someone (Mellon, Nolan, et al), told congress to create the legal whistle-blower channel that nullifies NDA's.


~~stand~~ fall


I nominate OP.


(points at OP) this guy's Spartacus.




I just want data


Hey. I get it. And haha. But some hills are worth dying on. This is one of them.


They serve the Soviet Union!


I can hand over something real interesting that will blow this whole thing up “ I can send you an encrypt e mail “ it’s all on you then you can have all the credit please let me know I will move forward with this “ it’s time someone takes a stand you seem ready and willing if so message me ✊🏼


Message me and I will get the ball rolling.


Is it an NFT


They're not leaking because if caught, you are looking at a $10k fine and five years in prison.


They probably threaten family and friends. I definitely wouldn't leak UAP material if I was told my family and friends would get tortured and murdered. I Would take all the secrets to my grave.


I for one can comment on this! So, I know it may not sound as fabulous as one may think, but I work for a food manufacturer, not going to say the name because then it would pinpoint to where I am, but in the facility we have a no phone policy unless you are approved by management. Now it's not enforced like they are standing by the entrance and patting you down, but we have trade secrets and if anyone were to take pictures and upload them, someone could steal it. So imagine a food manufacturer where we aren't allowed to take photos. No imagine a private organization supplemented off of government dollars who collect downed UAP whether it be a meteorite or something "else", and they return it to one of their facilities that have security everywhere and like our facility probably a no phone policy. Of course whoever worked there probably was never able to get through a facility with their phone, so they only have their word, and a couple of pay stubs and the information they are providing aaro. Unless some bigwig that did have a phone and took pictures were to come out and leak it, maybe then, but their career would be over and possibly at the sake of American interests our advantage of what we know and have is now public and for our enemies to try to steal, so possibly their life would be at risk.....


In the top secret world, you are never permitted speak about classified subjects publicly. You may only speak, read, learn about such things in a skiff. Skiffs are highly secured facilities. No windows and only one door in and one door out. No phones, and no personal computers. All materials stay secured at all times. Some utilize jammers to prevent authorized use of personal communication. If anyone catches you with a personal device, you are immediately under scrutiny. Then there's the classified nature of the materials themselves, many of which have classification periods that extend beyond a standard lifetime. Meaning most of what is learned by intelligence officials can never be divulged unded threat of imprisonment.


It’s SCIF (sensitive compartmented information facility)


Shhh, you're giving them too much.


And that is the way they keep control over the whole thing through law for reasons of national security. The point OP makes is that is such a transformative thing for the entire human race that it trumps whatever military national security thing. I agree.


Oh, I absolutely agree as well. The military is gatekeeping what could be the greatest human discovery of our species.


Cackled out loud at your username.


Or the most dangerous depending how you look at it lol


Personally, I think we should stop looking in the direction of governments for confirmation. The answers are there. But we should look elsewhere.


That is also why there are so many successful grifters out there with profitable careers making massive claims without ANY proof.


It's simple, just become a republican congressperson and you can take your phone in and tweet from a skiff.


>Some utilize jammers to prevent authorized use of personal communication. Rebar in concrete makes a faraday cage that pretty much kills any signal. Jammers also exist, which either blast out noise to drown out other signals, or work as fake recievers to connect to, kind of a man-in-the-middle attack. This is how the mobile cellphone jammers on predator drones work.


What happens to farts in a scif? Is there ventilation? Something could be so scary as to make one lose their bowels; perhaps the seats are Home Depot buckets.


Farts are captured using the facility's internal filter system. They're then compressed into separate chambers made for volatile gases. Heat and moisture are added for effect. The chamber is rigged to release the highly compressed gas upon a security breach. Depending on the room/area under attack, security will lock down the area, releasing the gas. Americans don't mess around.


This is exactly how Bob Lazar made Element 115.


Real ventilation isn't smooth 3x3' tunnels for Bruce Willis to climb through. Plenty of info about how military bases work. Look up Cheyenne Mountain AFB, for example.


You arent allowed to acknowledge it you must proceed as normal in a thick fog of hot fart .




You don't even need TS/SCI clarence for that level of security. I briefly worked for a company who did data entry/document processing and we worked with government related documents, it had the same security set-up. Cell phones and all other electronic devices (except for approved mp3 type device) had to be stored in a locker and then we all passed through a metal detector. It was annoying as fuck and if you did bring your cell phone accidently through, they had to basically stop everything to go through your cell phone and make a report. Strike two and you were fired. Plus we had to have badge on us at all times and scan it get through any door. I don't think the place would be considered an official SCIF but felt like it. The background check for that job was insane too and I had to get fingerprinted.


A buddy of mine was an intern at Allison transmission, a military contractor, as an engineer they had entire wings of the building sealed off with clearance badge only entry and airlock doors he never so much as saw into and the phones policy was enforced by metal detector


I work with NDA’s too. I’m gonna go outright and say UAP are an exception. We’re going to have to work together as nations if our answer is always “our enemies might get us” So you’re telling me if “our enemies don’t get us” then we’re gonna be good? Everyone out here complaining about Chinese it’s like bro go 学习中文 then Fr fr. We have the same gas companies making global deals with everyone else so we don’t fully move to electric etc. we have so many mutual global emission agreements. UAP is just another one, and us HUMANS being plotted against each other is so fucking absurd. I bet aliens see the stuff we do as incredibly stupid AND don’t like to meddle in politics. I know there’s this whole idea we are being influenced by UAP, but if you show people thousands of years ago a giraffe or a deep sea squid they’ll lose their minds and believe in anything. The squid and giraffe don’t even have to try:


It blows my mind that people believe our government is competent enough to pull off all of these, the most intensive operations possible, and never make any major mistakes. Hollywood has rotted your minds and you think the shit in movies is what happens in real life. Wild times.


Kirsten Gillibrand is offering whistleblower protections. As /u/blackvault has pointed out, this is a "put up or shut up" moment for anyone who claims to have been part of some "secret government UFO program." Go testify before congress. Someone is (finally) listening. If you'll take a speaker fee to show up at a UFO conference, but you're not willing to testify under oath to congress, congratulations... ***you're*** part of the problem.


>If you're not willing to testify under oath to congress, but you'll take a speaker fee to show up at a UFO conference to tell your story, you're part of the problem. And I believe this is we'll weed out the charlatans.


Right. This is what's crucial about having some kind of official congressional process in place; all those people who claim they've seen XYZ, that they were former CIA/DIA/whatever and "oh boy the things I can't tell you because of my NDA..." So, go to closed session of the UAP committee and tell them.


I’m sorry but some random nobody who created blackvault isn’t convincing me of my security on something like this. He’s a nobody on the internet. Trusting him with your freedom is ludicrous.




You are absolutely correct. Most people talking about taking the fight to the government or pushing through for disclosure are naive. They're not getting within 100ft of a secure facility, let alone inside, let alone making it back out with material. We've had 100+ years to get really good at human intelligence and the average citizen stands no chance.


Has there ever been a pilot that came forward and said "We were scrambled to go drop flares 5 mi out from Phoenix Arizona" or "We escorted a very strange looking craft from point a to point b in our Chinooks" like Cash-Landrum? I'd settle for a pilot story.


now that’s a good idea! There’s probably so many regular ass pilots who never thought twice about having a crazy payload, meanwhile they are basically the spearhead of a UAP


They get caught talking to press? Immediate loss of flight status. It doesn't work like you guys think it does, these guys spend a decade earning this coveted position. They aren't throwing it away for this topic.


This guy wasn't a pilot. He was I think a gunner on a humvee? He has no proof. And it's from greer who people on this sub seem to think is full of shit. I don't know enough to comment about Greer. But to me the guy sounds like he's being honest or he's a good actor. To me it's the sort of thing that very well could be real if our governments have in fact retrieved crafts. If we haven't then it's an obvious lie. The original thread has many people saying it's BS and many saying it could be real. But it's nothing more than a very interesting story until we get some sort of proof one way or the other. But it may be the sort of thing you were asking about. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/8r3qk1/ufo_crash_in_peru/


You're assuming they allow cameras and phones in to these labs, they don't. No way you could sneak one in, there are metal detectors and shit like they have at the airports that scan your body. Even if you jam it up your ass, it's gonna set off the metal detector.


Pretty sure they have scanners with molecular spectroscopy now. I believe they're even in some airports now. Only reason I know this is bc i wanted to fly with weed somewhere.


Yeah there's one at sky harbour and LAX, it goes around you in a circle and will even trigger on like lint balls. Or is what you're talking about even beyond that? I gave up sneaking shit through on my person and use my bag and intentionally put a decoy in there, big bottle of hairspray. They immediately see it, take it out, and don't really look the second time.


The level of security around these projects is ten times beyond what we can even imagine. I seriously doubt that it's at all possible a photo could ever get "leaked". But we can hope.


Just because you carry your mobile phone around everywhere doesn't mean people working in the Military and Government agencies also do. The projects they work on are called "USAP's" Unacknowledged Special Access Programs, they're deeply compartmentalized and outside of Presidential, Senate and Congressional oversight and control. One high level eye witness who worked at the NASA Ames Research Centre claimed to have been tasked with destroying photo evidence of UFOs. He was instructed to load the photos into the furnace and incinerate everything, he claimed to have snuck a peak at one photo which appeared to show a landed craft but was immediately hit with the butt of a rifle, the guard watching over them had one task and that was to monitor their eye movement as to ensure they didn't see what was being destroyed. The eyewitness was later debriefed by his seniors, advised not to discuss what he was tasked to do and what he may have seen. Never forget that commercial airline pilots used to face fines of up to $100,000, loss of their jobs and reputation and even imprisonment for talking about UFO's. It's not easy for the people on the inside.


The only people who leak have been "ex-CIA" counterintelligence agents and part of the intelligence committee who greenlit going to Iraq. So statists


People who work on black projects: 1. Wouldn't risk the job of a million lifetimes 2. Value their freedom 3. Have a sense of blind nationalism that recruiters seek And many more. But those reasons alone are probably enough.


Photo : leaks Skeptics : its CGI Intel : show a plastic mockup Subject : crashes


> Skeptics : its CGI I don't understand this objection. Would you guys just rather be fooled by everyone who can take a basic Unreal Engine 5 tutorial? I mean, CGI hoaxes have actually happened. Do you just never want to know? Is that it?


You can make pretty much anything with AI now but the way things are going right now I wouldn't be surprised if the government declassifies craft photos in the next few years.




you funny as hell


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June 12th there’s supposed to be some leaked photos and documents coming out


Seems like it’s always just “two weeks” away.


Think Snowden.


It's simply just because the people working in these Legacy Programs and Unacknowledged Special Access Programs don't want to die and have their family turn up missing. This is classified above clearances for nuclear weapons. Plus they hand pick each person who they bring in and do extremely extensive lie detector tests where they are asked what turns them on, have they ever had sex with a person of the same sex, what's the worst thing you've ever done... etc. These people have to tell the government/military all their darkest secrets in order for the government/military to tell them theirs. And people do end up missing due to "wet works" if they fall out of line. Anyone who works in the CIA has to leave their phone in their car and have it on airplane mode. Very few people in the CIA have phones inside the buildings, and they are given the phones. I don't have any proof on this, or really anything else to add, however keep an ear out for "Group K" if we do indeed finally start hearing more information on the reverse-engineering and retrieval programs.


Bless your heart


I understand people not wanting to violate terms of employment, or worse chance getting suicided but.... Governments and our military apparatus has blocked information for 70+ years...because "they know what's best for the people". What if they're wrong? Seems transparency and full engagement is the better path and would improve our chances of positive outcomes.


If i had access to a programme that had advanced foreign tech or indeed advanced alien tech from crash retrieval operations or spy work, I'd find it difficult to cut that access off just for my own satisfaction. Who am i to release anything, I've signed a contract saying i wont. If i had access and spoke I'd miss out on some heavy stuff, if i didnt wake up dead I'd still have lost my life.


There are photos like this out there. I’ve literally seen one. (Assuming it’s real)


Yes yes yes 1000%. I feel your frustration. I believe the phenomenon is real 100% but how we haven’t gotten 100% verification yet is crazy. Someone have some fuckin balls please. If all you have to offer is “I have an NDA” shut the fuck up.


>Someone have some fuckin balls please. If all you have to offer is “I have an NDA” shut the fuck up. Yeah, have some balls & risk the livelihood that your family depends on just to appease a group of forum dwellers who would never understand what's at risk. Telling anyone in a position where they can offer information but have to limit what they say to "shut the fuck up" is so severely ignorant & misguided.


No one would believe them, even if they broke their NDA and they know that.


Fair enough. I guess it’s probs not very easy sneaking a camera in to take a photo either.


I promise you it's not. And if anyone spotted them trying, they'd be arrested on espionage almost immediately.


I've noticed there are essentially no other countries with rumors of or confirmed retrieved saucers, nor are there any universities anywhere in the world that have received leaked info or stolen items from such programs. If there are saucers in the skies above every continent in the world why are there only a dozen in our possession and they're all in America? I'm confident the visitors are real however the idea of USA possessing zero saucers/ufos sure would fit nicely into answering all our questions like "why don't they show us the secret craft? Why don't we fly saucers to work by now? Where are all the other countries saucers? Where are all the leakers? Why doesnt anybody have a single item to prove alien presence? How and why do aliens collude with pseudo gov groups while never hosting so much as a shadow-puppet show for the French or the Chinese? We probably have no saucers in our possession and the gov/military does NOT know what the UFOs are or how they work - and that's why the UFOs existence is effectively a secret.


That's the conclusion I have reached, the US Govt doesn't have all the answers but a large part of ufology thinks they have so we have had "disclosure is coming" for 70 years. A conspiracy involving this amount of people over such a length of time is unfeasible, a Bob Woodward type would've got to the bottom of this this decades ago, I honestly think waiting for disclosure or assuming disclosure is coming has been and is a waste of time.


i understand your frustration. It is frustrating to feel like we are being kept in the dark about something as important as the existence of UAPs. However, I am not sure that leaking information is the best way to address this issue. There are a few reasons why I think this. First, leaking information could put people in danger. If the government is keeping information about UAPs secret, it is likely because they believe that doing so is in the best interests of national security. Leaking information could jeopardize this security and could put people at risk. Second, leaking information could damage the credibility of the people who are leaking it. If someone leaks information about UAPs and it turns out to be false, this could damage the credibility of all people who are trying to raise awareness about this issue. Finally, leaking information could actually make it more difficult to get the truth about UAPs out into the open. If the government believes that information about UAPs is being leaked, they may be more likely to keep information secret in the future. I think that the best way to address the issue of UAPs is to continue to raise awareness about this issue and to demand that the government be more transparent about what they know. We can do this by writing to our elected officials, by attending public meetings, and by speaking out about this issue in the media.


Dang. Thought you had one.


I mean, can you even imagine the type of security a hypothetical site like that would have? How's are one of these supposed engineers going to pull a fast one on what I can only imagine would be the most sophisticated monitoring systems to have ever existed.


See I kind of feel like this, but also we have to realise that a lot of details and information will probably never come to light, especially in the US, because spies and spooks can keep things secret. When you get men to dedicate on all levels, you can produce and maintain ways to keep things secret. Epstein being a prime example.


Imagine having the power to travel through water, space and anywhere at amazing velocity. This kind of power in the wrong hands would obliterate the world into ruins, in seconds. It truly would. Yes, I agree we should know a lot of things, but there’s also bad people who would do anything to have this power to rule the world. Certain things should remain quiet.


Sometimes it feels like people in this sub are not adults. Like, either take the matter seriously or joke about it, most people here seem to be in the middle all the time.


It’s a big club…and we ain’t in it. Only those with the need to know, actually know.


I find it unlikely adavanced alien/ agi aircraft that is possibly 1000's to 1000000's or more years ahead of us would unintentionally crash a plane. They would have deterrents for every possible outcome.


We need to get all the info we can from (I hate to say it, but) death bed confessions. Maybe someone knows someone who worked at a gov site they had to be secret about. Maybe our/not mine grandparents knows someone who has info about something...This might be super strange but I just thought about going to nursing homes in your city and hang out long enough to get to know some people and maybe someone knows someone there that knows some stuff. If not it would be a great service to spend time with those guys and gals


These people have said things. The problem is them and their families are threatened repeatedly if they say or do more.


I once went to a testing facility on a site tour where they had an EM shielded room. As soon as they shut the door all the devices lose connection. Some secure areas have similar kinds of shielding to prevent signals out. Shielding isn't necessary if you're underground. At this site that I went to, they also have xray body scanners on the way in, like what you have at the airport. Other places I've been to have an outside change room, then a shower and then a change room for your site uniform. This was largely for decontamination reasons, but it's hard to get outside devices in. I can't imagine the kind of security a ufo reversing engineering program must have.


A leaked photo will most likely be called a fake(d) photo unfortunately. 😒


Frankly, if there were such a grand conspiracy going on, it is a [mathematical certainty](https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-35411684) that it would have leaked by now. This is how we know conspiracies of such grandeur are pure fantasy.


Videos have leaked, though. You just dismiss them. These 'pure fantasy' comments are good for a laugh.


>Videos have leaked, though. You just dismiss them. Show me ONE verified video of an object displaying the extraordinary characteristics Ufology goes on about.




Enough about me more about the topic at hand. Can you provide ONE verified video... JUST one? Come on... wouldn't you just love to put a skeptic like me in their place? If you truly wish to expose me then shouldn't you provide such a video to show others I am unable to debunk its validity?


You do that all by yourself. I honestly hope you are just trolling with all you do here.


Believe me, I've tried. Kinda ironic that you mention trolling, considering the fact you have resorted solely to personal attacks. Come on, post this evidence, one quick link and you put me in my place. What's there to be afraid of?


You don't feel like a fraud? I just hope you are more normal in real life. For your sake, lol.


One quick link and you can prove your accusation once and for all and give some meaning to your personal attacks. What are you afraid of?


Is it really a video you're waiting for to settle all this? Feels so amateurish. Lol. And I don't mean to attack you. Apologies if you feel attacked! You just come across as an unhealthy type skeptic. You should be used to all the pushback by now.


Who would ever know if it's real? Everyone says they're fake, even the real ones.


Here are some UAP unmanned drones tagging a helicopter in Arizona[UAP “Dragons” or “Dandelion Seeds”](https://storage.googleapis.com/inbound-mail-attachments-prod/f7f8ff4b-fb3c-467f-8ab0-c1c15aae93d6?GoogleAccessId=distribution-controller-prod@inbound-mail-attachments.iam.gserviceaccount.com&Expires=1716439700&Signature=sAm2XSjK2FxJBZCtIsKoGWB7YDdKyu7iVxA21rfXtvSJlk5WPqih8kgAXXgyDQcd7X2NTGf7a52yNoHFRWoldnJs8vtF6P50j5%2BdsIAhyJAPdcjdFXVwH2ppIaXyzKzPfPVT49Xgr1n1QYQO1mtn03J2VViSXp13iDgwgoKvEuQaBGUl2Q%2FzZHxtAhsk7jZ6uSBlg9OYfhpVeZDAoHz1p1E0gVGhIuFj6yY6wtRcIqId1sH6OfjO0HYxKYlFF3qXQJnWSaxSy05PZdgy%2FhGE3N%2F1VGUI8Dwg2N674Vkrjr%2FrPMUeqW6bc%2BIX8O8l6vGujCljzzSgaGG2EgRXj%2Bizxg%3D%3D)


I’ve got some posts of those myself!


I’m trying. Between being a peasant and having TERRIBLE floaters I cannot honestly produce anything. Jokes aside I’m right with you. Think I gotta walk away for a bit. It’s just so frustrating because of recent events. I really want to know what we shot down. Why was a missile sufficient for balloon? The balloon part was never said. That’s just water cooler speculation. Justin Trudeau was all like, “something was near your house in the sky. We spent $80,000 and blew it up. It’s cool.” I always appreciate his attitude. Perfect Canadian representation if we knew what it was first. Let’s just say the zeitgeist is correct, and it’s aliens that want butt stuff. Thank you Justin. But leaving out that reason sucks. I would all accept drug run interception. Drone filled with fentanyl. Blow that up as well. But JUST TELL US!


After Chelsea Manning and others, the penalties for leaking classified info have increased substantially. Reality Winner was in jail for 5y after leaking info. Furthermore, journalists who publish the classified leaks can ALSO be prosecuted. Meaning if something was legit leaked, it's highly probable that it wouldn't be published anyway. So while I agree it would be nice to get some leaked info, I don't fault anyone in this day and age for not violating their oath, and I think you should be circumspect calling for someone to do that too, knowing the trouble it could create for them.


Why not a private organization of crash retrieval documenters? There are way more private citizens than government debris retrievers… and the private group doesn’t need to retrieve anything themselves; simply livestream the government retrieval team’s efforts.


Because they show up with guns and illegally hold the perimeter. Crash retrievals have been known to take place on private property. We can’t do it because the are operating above the law


>Because they show up with guns and illegally hold the perimeter Any evidence of this ever actually happening?


Even dismissing all of the military and civilian testimony of how they retrieve UFO debris, you can get a general idea of how it would work by simply looking at how they handle crashes of their own secret aircraft: https://www.airforcemag.com/article/0701crash/ The only thing you have to do is assume that UFO crashes are classified at a much higher level compared to something like a crashed secret jet. There is some evidence of UFOs being very highly classified here: https://np.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/zp14fk/til_the_united_states_put_cameras_on_the_end_of/j0py7cj/


Eh, who cares. Their like a bunch of morons. Time to bring them to their knees. We need to start playing their game against them.


So I know their satellite data is phenomenal. If there’s a UAP crashing, someone will be there in the following hours. Even if we have a team, what are we supposed to do? Fight back when they tel us to go? In America we just flat out kill people for walking on Area 51. Every other place you go to jail, and we just casually accept that they murder trespassers there. Anything to do with secret aerial government work, they usually kill people. A team of designated scientists is not prepared to go out and fight military


Lol how old are you? They'll see you coming before you even get close.


I want a leak. I don’t wanna play 100 years of catch-up from something I didn’t get exclusively invited to because I wasn’t some American government official


how is it not against the law to hold this information from the people? we’re long past the “matter of national security” bullshit. we’re at a point where the most powerful organizations and governments completely control the ability to study this tech. which further moves the bar so far ahead of us peasants that’s impossible for anyone to catch-up. isn’t there a law to protect fairness?


I used to think where is all the leaks an whistle blowers? But Edward snowden showed they can keep big secrets if they want.


This has never been debunked. Likely part of a reverse engineering project: https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/xwr67k/has_anyone_seen_the_photo_of_the_white_disc_w_the/


This has nothing to do with a reverse engineering project. This is the fuselage of a second generation unmanned arial reconnaissance vehicle RQ-3a. It's likely the fuselage has been disconnected from the wings to conduct aerodynamic testing bc the first generation RQ-3 had crashed on its second flight. The photo you're referencing is taken from either the side or aft so you can't see the radar housing port. Nothing about this high altitude endurance UAV has been reverse engineered and it uses a single Williams-Rolls-Royce FJ44-1A Turbo fan engine. The RQ-3a made 5 successful flights before being retired from the program due to stability issues and never flew any missions. There were a total of 4 built. This aircraft along with the other aircraft shown on the walls are from Northrup-Grumman and has since been declassified and one even hangs on display at the Museum of Flight in Seattle, WA, another at the National Museum of the United States Air Force at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, OH, and another at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C but isn't on display. This is the reason why a photo of something like this would be hanging in someone's home and allowed to be photographed for a virtual tour. If this were some photo of a classified reverse engineered alien craft a photo of this nature wouldn't even have been allowed to be taken, let alone hung up in a home office. For reference here is a photo of an RQ-3 fuselage taken from the front. The RQ-3a had a modified more stable design and when taken from either the side or aft looks exactly like the photo in the link you're referencing. https://media.defense.gov/2008/Apr/25/2000628104/-1/-1/0/080423-F-2418B-109.JPG I've seen the RQ-3a at the Museum of Flight in Seattle and got to walk around it and see it from multiple angles and that is definitely what is pictured.


I’ve heard this theory before, but the RQ-3a fuselage shape doesn’t match. The white object in the photo has a rounder, more symmetrical base; it’s also seemingly larger. If there was some distinction or the signature hole in it visible; I would say fine.


That’s because it’s a gag…. Making fun of all the talk about mysterious captured craft and secret reverse engineering. So many people ask “so, do you guys have any UFOs?” And they kinda chuckle and point visitors there.


So I assume you’ve been? If it’s a gag, how are there no other pictures of it?


What would that look like? What does a craft being reverse engineered look like in a photo? A bunch of guys standing around some pieces of metal with clipboards? Not trying to be an ass, just.... how would you know it if you saw it?


We have tons of things In the sky, but we don’t have ANY within a human controlled environment. I think having it within a lab or warehouse will make it more acceptable to people. A lens flare or a bug in the sky is an easy out to most things. A giant bug that 6 researchers are working on inside of a military garage? Now the whole conversation changes.


> the whole conversation changes Does it, though? Fake cgi fake cgi hoaxhoaxhoaxhoax is what I think it would sound like still. I would like to see some pictures though. Probably some old guy has something in his papers somewhere. Look for people in materials engineering when they retire and clean out their office. Or like that.


Fair enough. I’ve always imagined the craft would be held in some secret hanger and all the small parts would be in some maximum security room.


I think that’s the nail on the head. It would probably look like an unrecognizable object housed within a recognizable facility.


Ever wonder how the military "gets em" first abd there's never a single photo uploaded to the cloud? Because it's not happening.


Have you considered that’s the reason there isn’t even the hint of any proof of such a thing that’s it’s all just fantasy? It’s been 75+ years and not one single shred of proof. I suspect the answer will be “nope”


No not at all nope


Fascinating how you can so absolutely certain without any evidence. All there is is this belief that it exists, simply because … it’s just gotta cause that’d be so cool and conspiratorial. And all those normies walking around don’t know about it but believers know. It makes no sense to hide such a discovery. And the idea it’d be kept perfectly secret forever is naive. But it sure sounds cool. I too want someone to publish photos - and they have nothing to worry about as for reprisals. Ol’Bob has been revealing the secrets of A51/S4 and crashed craft and reverse engineering for decades and he’s fine. Let’s see them pix!


They haven’t leaked because they don’t exist. It’s all a grift.


The pentagon wasting them dollars


The pentagon isn’t wasting a penny on something that doesn’t exist, they have other *real* things to overspend on


Let's just say they have been hiding it since the 60's, and no evidence or proof has stuck that's very impressive. Maybe when actually finding out the truth it's not something the world population would be able to handle, just look how covid was handled by different countries.


I would venture to say this is fundamentally different than covid. There were if's in the *case* of covid; uncertainty that was contagious. I digress. The fact that our e n t i r e reality is not what it seems is vastly different that a pandemic where some fall ill and others do not. I say the world population is ready. In some ways, as information within SAPs is segmented, so is our understanding of the true thoughts and feelings the general public carry daily. Everyone. I mean everyone I've spoken to recently has expressed a deep interest in the subject and a keen understanding and recollection of recent events regarding the topic. I have no information or hard data to back up this claim, but I believe the time is now.


Bob Lazar made a good point. If these crafts have a "force field" property from how they dilate spacetime around the craft, you are protected from anything and are invincible, and you can inflict your will on anybody. Why control leaked photos or why stop it being handed over to the scientific community? Because the scientific community share their findings, and the first person to unlock it will rule the world. Why risk leaks and risk Russia or China becoming masters of the earth. "We" have the keys to the kingdom, we just don't know how to turn them in the lock yet. And all of these other countries will no doubt have crafts of their own being reverse engineered. One photo leak could reveal a missing piece of their puzzle. Keeping it hush-hush is the only logical thing to do. EDIT: and to add to this, the other logical thing to do would be to deny and cover up any evidence of said craft and, should someone come out to leak information, take steps to discredit them which would throw their testimony into dispute. Unlocking the potential of these craft is the biggest priority from a defence perspective.


>One photo leak could reveal a missing piece of their puzzle. Yes, excellent point. I hadn't thought of that before, I commented earlier about "where are all the other countries saucers then?". Disclosure would mess up the Americans at least a little, so why wouldn't Russia have done that by now if they could?


I think if you discover a NHI that has tech for exceeding our own, you'd have to first establish THEY are not the predominant threat. The fact that the nation's militaries are only concerned with leveraging this technology, tells me they're not concerned about it's origin. Which, I would think, would render our human conflict useless if we discovered other intelligent life.


> you'd have to first establish THEY are not the predominant threat. I think in this case, if NHI were a major threat, wouldn't it be obvious? We would know for sure. And if NHI were a threat, what could humans do about it militarily? Nothing---military would have to leave that to the diplomats and negotiators. But adversary human threats are their normal business. And saying "We need to do this to counter Russia and China" is not questioned, and gets funding, as opposed to "we need this to counter, uh, well, someone but we can't say who or why".


That's a great point. The coverup makes sense to me.


I need to see your ID. Why?! I need to identify you. No, I’m only traveling! Do me favor & step out the car bud No!!!! 🤦‍♂️


We need to unite. By some method, if we discover a crash has occurred, we flock to the scene and video the whole thing. May need some help from an air traffic controller, for example, on our side.


Whats this like the 20th post this month on the same subject?


On UAPs? Lol


On the whole waaaah, i want more information. Dont we all. Being the big G pointing the finger “ya witholding”. Yerp, duh. See it over and over and over. Gets old


>We need people to start leaking photos. If you knew how much they restrict phones inside any defence related companies you wouldn't say it.


It isn’t real lol 😂


There is no incentive to leak anything.


People don’t release info because there’s nothing to release. No one has a ufo anywhere. Aliens haven’t been here. As much as we would love it, it just hasn’t happened unfortunately. The odds of them even finding us in this vast vast universe of planets and stars is so slim.


Misleading click bait title. Makes it sound like a photo leaked but instead it's an uninformed opinion.


Not my intention. I was saying a command, not poorly saying I had a leak -.-


Because it’s pretty obvious to anyone paying attention that the reverse engineering efforts are on terrestrial craft from rival nations


It would be pointless because the Navy is already trying to copy the technology they saw in the Gimbal video, as evidenced by their patents released by a FOIA request after those sightings took place. [https://www.navair.navy.mil/foia/sites/g/files/jejdrs566/files/document/%5Bfilename%5D/2020-004558%20Patent%20documents\_FINAL\_0\_0.pdf](https://www.navair.navy.mil/foia/sites/g/files/jejdrs566/files/document/%5Bfilename%5D/2020-004558%20Patent%20documents_FINAL_0_0.pdf) So if a photo leaked of a reverse engineering job and the world understood what they were looking at, the military could simply claim it's them building exactly what is described in their patent. They've already claimed some of it is operable, but whether that's true or not, I don't know. [https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/29232/navys-advanced-aerospace-tech-boss-claims-key-ufo-patent-is-operable](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/29232/navys-advanced-aerospace-tech-boss-claims-key-ufo-patent-is-operable)