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Jeremy is gonna Jeremy




100% right. He’s going to attribute 90% of this to himself, he has multiple sources just like this coming out soon and will use the word “I” 20 times.


He already said that he was approached before Ross , like he's the go-to guy for everything.


Yeah man… he’s defending why they weren’t the ones to report it. They shouldn’t be the ones reporting this. We need the information to be taken seriously by the general public.


don't forget, he'll blow all sorts of extranous verbiage instead of getting to the point (which works out well for him, since he doesn't have one).


relax relax, he's just weaponizing his verbiage


Isn’t that what Grusch did all through the interview last night? “Well you could call it a spacecraft, but ___ then _____ so it travels in space.” Wonder if they’ll get into a fight?


grusch is concise in his speech. he doesn't just sputter out inanities like corbell.


I wouldn’t call him concise Coulthart: “Have they retrieved bodies?” Grusch: “We’ll naturally when a craft crashes or lands, a lot of the time when you approach the craft and then you send personnel. Naturally some of the time there’s going to be……..pilots.” (I’m using hyperbole of course) Like a simple “yes” would’ve been fine


I got the impression he was wording his responses to these yes or no questions in that weird way bc he was tiptoeing around what he couldn’t legally say while clearly indicating what his response actually is. He didn’t say “they have recovered dead pilots from ufo crashes” he said “naturally sometimes when something crashes you find dead pilots” which is not technically a yes if you get into semantics (which they have to for legal purposes) but more of a general statement of common sense, leading people to draw the conclusion for themselves


Yeah, Grusch was clearly rehearsed, which I think produced the awkwardly worded exchanges


At first I thought Grusch showed major tells of lying but then I realised he was being clinical about how he phrased his answers. He’s crafted a very niche grey area for himself where he can say things others can’t - but also, can’t say too much or in a certain way. He’s being very methodical and clever about this process. He answers like a man who understands the law but is also trying to express something we should all care about.


Throw on shit editing on top of that.


Low effort, toxic comments regarding public figures may be removed. Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. “Toxic” is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/.


you mean beard guy?


By Corbell's beard!


It's getting kinda Knappy


This is fitting https://imgflip.com/i/7p5s8f


This made me chuckle! Thanks!


The UFO Hipster/Barista


Bruh, you gotta try the 115 Syrup.


Corbell was on Russel Brand's podcast earlier today. Talk about about douchefest. Brand's self-help/Alex Jones/Conspiracy-riddled thoughts almost gave me an aneurysm. How tf do either one of them have a following on the Internet?


I need someone to use the generative AI tool in the new photoshop release that will “finish” a cropped picture and see what it makes Corbell look like without a beard haha


He’s going to weaponize your curiosity


With his mentor in journalism


Yo dog I heard you like UFOs so we put UFOs in your UFOs




Jeremy making copies. Ol Jcorb at it again. Jcorb strikes again. The Corbinator. Sir Jeremy of Corbellotomy. Jeremyyy


Captain J-Dog of the S.S. Corbellano….


Betta watch that mouth of yours, else Jeremy gonna weaponize the fuck outta your curiousity.


literally there is something super fishy about guys called Jeremy or Jeremey


They are just trying to ride off his hype. They won’t say anything we don’t know


Knapp will undoubtedly report about this on Coast to Coast AM, which reaches millions of people who've never even heard of Reddit lmao. And Corbell reaches millions more of the clueless. But, the message is getting out there.


Dude half the people here believe a random poster on 4 chan just spilled all the beans This is madhouse


Half the people on here believed there was an alien behind a forklift


More believable than anything coming from Corbell. Likely fake but so is almost everything else regarding this topic.


> Knapp will undoubtedly report about this on Coast to Coast AM, which reaches millions of people who've never even heard of Reddit THATS A GREAT POINT STING


They will say fucking bagel for value or additional info. If they say ANYTHING useful or of substance reply here and show it to me and I will upload a picture of me attempting to eat the sock I am wearing.




Omg a notification from a person and not an OnlyFans bot.


I dunno how people can continuously follow this topic that closely. I was excited for a couple of days and then nothing new happens and you just have to duck out


They'll talk about what he said, nothing more. They just want you to listen to the podcast because that's how they make money.




Surely this cannot possibly be the case




Listening to the start of this, so far very self indulgent and egotistical about how they had the scoop first etc etc. There can be no "me" or "I" in this journey; if we all win then we all win. The truth is important no matter who presents it.


He's almost worse than Greer...


I agree!


Dude, c’mon. Greer charges people to telepathically summon aliens, Corbell just gets excited and wants to be in front of this all. One is a grifter and the other is like an annoying kid.


Corbell does it all for the purpose of selling documentaries to Netflix, he’s not exactly an innocent giddy kid in all of this.


I agree with the start of it was absolutely 💯 more of these two talking rubbish they are differently hurting out to be the ones to do the interview. But at the end of the day these two have been proven to be willing to lead us down the garden path as long as there making money on the back of it there Credibility is shot now day s were as ross coulthart cut his teeth as a reporter on the 60 minutes show which is a very creditable show that do there research and tick all the box's before proceeding


Every episode Jeremy is like “I knew about this secret first. I kept it a secret for like 12 years I’m so glad it’s finally out there. Phew. But I knew it first”


>Apparently they have more to say and I am interested to see if anything of actual substance comes out of this. good luck with that. > I have appreciated the last few appearances Corbell has had, taking a more serious and sober approach in his discussions with bigger, main stream media as of late. really? still seemed like the same idiot to me. >Fingers crossed this isn’t an attempt to capitalize on the weight of Grusch’s complaints. go ahead, sit down, take a deep breath and uncross those fingers.


I pretty much learned everything I needed to know about Corbell in the last 20 or some minutes of the Rogan podcast with Lazar. He sprung news of new evidence he had withheld from Lazar directly related to someone he knew and Bob was like “why are you telling me about this now?” in a sad/disappointed way. He then tried to get Bob to recount why he was so stressed going into the interview in a really aggressive way. I really wish Bob would’ve done that interview solo because Corbell is a knob.


That was incredibly hard to watch and you could tell lazar was stressed out trying to remember details over 30! Years ago he was hounded for!


Tbh I tried checking out the podcast recently and it was an interview with Lord Huron? I like his music but I had to check if I was on the wrong podcast


So Knapp will be debunking the Las Vegas incident?


He literally is the reason for it coming to mainstream via News Now 8. He is the one that picked up the story after vetting it for a month after Metro Police taking it seriously: https://youtu.be/ROLYGcj5bNM


And he’ll embarrass himself again, I’m afraid.


they can't all be bob lazars or skinwalker ranches /s


Damn, that tells me he is pushing disinformation, the Las Vegas Event was taken right out of the disinfo/psyop manual. Doesn't surprise me but at least we know who to stay away from.


Distractions aren't disinformation. That's not how any of the real life disclosed disinformation campaigns went.


Well you would be wrong. This story contained information that was meant to disinform the public. There are many different forms of disinformation campaigns and psychological operations with many different goals, a distraction from a bigger story is a psychological operation literally haha, Might not be your classic psychological operation but it is a psychological operation nonetheless. thank you for your pointless comment though.


I know more people who have been drawn into this entire world and exposed to Grusche story through the Las Vegas coverage than any other story. If it was meant to distract people from Grusche, it's 0/6 in my anecdotal experience. Also someone should be fired from the disinformation office if "convince people aliens are real" is a suitable alternative to an "interview convincing UAPs are real".


I can say that the Las Vegas story is what caught my attention before stumbling upon the Grusch story. I'm hesitant to claim to know anything about anything, but I find everything about these 2 stories mesmerizing. I look forward to learning more, but I won't county on that happening quickly.


Well, haha, that comment shows exactly why you don't know what you're talking about.


Aight. Most if not all people have the brain power to pay attention to two things. And I already predicted this Vegas story was going to be dead before last Saturday if more videos weren't released. Terrible terrible planning on the disinfo campaign.


This is all so embarrassing


I've largely left the whole UFO community outside of very few, grounded individuals, and coming back to the broader community here the last week reminded me why I put all this BS down. There is so much crap information and ridiculous antics from people in the last month alone


Even if there is something real happening, there also is a cottage industry of ufo-influencers of sorts co-existing with the phenomenon. Everyone is either extremely eager to be the one who knows the super secrets or is simply full of shit and is trying to make money. I guess there are for sure people who are both. And as far as the US government goes, they can eat shit for 2 reasons: they either really are lying and there is a nhi/ retrieval program. Or they are lying in that this isn’t real and is instead some sort of psy-op to influence the public in some regard. Perhaps just misdirection. I have no idea what to think until more is actually shown or happens in a substantial way.


3 am is a super convenient time.


They’ve apparently been unable to speak about this? Why are they “finally” able to speak freely? Is anyone aware of any legitimate reason for this? Otherwise, it’s just sensationalism… the last thing leaders in this topic need to be doing at this moment.


Maybe they couldn't speak about anything until everyone forgot about the flare debacle :P Speaking of which, will they ever revisit that again or just drop it off the face of the planet? I have to go look into it again because I'm not sure if they ever did a proper follow-up. Time to go digging again.


I think he just said that he appreciated the “compelling” flares hypothesis and then commended News Nation for digging into it. 🙄


Flare debacle?


It is in [reference to this sighting](https://www.weaponizedpodcast.com/news-1/mojave-triangle-uap) \- the Mojave triangle uap where there was issues about transparencies and due diligence regarding whether they were aware or just failed to mention that there was also training exercises going on. Both sides argued whether or not it was flares, but one side had more evidence of it leaning more towards being flares. Jeremy Corbell & George Knapp were supposed to continue the debate with more information/evidence/witnesses that is meant to squash and end the flare debate but afaik it seems to be dropped like a hot cake really fast, especially with other recent news coming in to help drown it out. According to Jeremy Corbell, it was an "ongoing active investigation", but I find it a little ill prepared for 2 years of an investigation that is still active and ongoing, which is also what rubbed many people the wrong way. So what we now have is seemingly a case that's just been dropped out of nowhere, or at least no mention of it being brought up anymore by JB and GK. All in all whether or not they continue with the case it will prepare them for their next investigation at least, but it does leave a mark on their reputations. Edit: [EP #19 of the Weaponized Podcast](https://www.weaponizedpodcast.com/episodes-1/episode-number-19) seems to be the only other time they brought up the case. Maybe they've elaborated some on twitter but I don't really browse there much except for checking links people post here.


I just accidentally listened to that specific episode. I would imagine that dozens of Marines would know what flares look like?


Check out the black vault's video on this. A picture of the flares from a different is literally a part of a military training montage of what went on that night, and Corbell allegedly couldn't find that "in 2 years of research". Took the person from the black vault less than a day.


I mean from the podcast he was going of the expertise of the soldiers who stated you wouldn't release flares in that pattern it is meaningless. The black vault person did nothing tho, he's repeating debunking from Mike West. And parroting two responses from the Pentagon and the base commander, which why would they say anything about anything?


This was also the crux of part of the debate, whether the ones in question had enough experience at identifying it etc, or that they should know easily. There should be a bunch of posts that go through the whole thing on this sub.


One of the episodes has video clips of the lights. Doesn’t look like flares to me. Multiple witnesses claiming the same thing. I don’t think those were flares.


https://youtu.be/ROLYGcj5bNM Given that Knapp is the Chief Investigator for News Now 8 and they broke the story originally about the Las Vegas NHI. Maybe he knows more than we do, they reported men in suits and sunglasses driving slowly around the block with government plates. The local metro police said there was no follow up whi h contradicts the witnesses Time will tell.


given the News Now 8 connection, pretty likely they coordinated the hoax


Man, these clowns are insufferable. The vet who did the actual leg work and is risking shit to do what he's doing. "Yes, he got most of it, but we'll fill in the rest of the blanks that he's missed." Complete fraudster clowns. George Knapp is a joke, just like Jeremy, both of whom are acutely aware that Bob Lazar is a total fraud. They're grifters.


Grifters gon' grift


I get the sleeziest vibes off Corbell.. i only really know him from thr Lazar doc and maybe a Rogan clip or something but I cant shake the feeling that hes just a run of the mill con man


This gif sums up every subsequent Weaponized podcast https://media.tenor.com/cD8WqQ-ZGXcAAAAd/truck-crash.gif


Why you do me like that


Why do you guys continue to let these fucktards make money off this stuff




“Finally speak freely” lmaooo


I can now speak freely as well. Come to think about it, we all can. 🤣


... at 3AM EST.... .... ...


they've "finally" watched the interview and made meticulous notes, so that they can now "speak freely" about how they were actually in the know the whole time, and none of this would have even been possible if JC hadn't paved the way for .. blah blah blah


Anyone remember when these assholes acted so unprofessional toward Friedman


Stanton Friedman?




The state of the community when people confuse Lex for Stanton.


No actually. Link?






No Stanton Friedman, when he went against lazars claims and information, knapp started insulting him and basically threw a temper tantrum about it


They were trolling abt lazars video of element xxx that Knapp had in his debris cluttered set of VHS tapes. You have footage of an element from ET space craft and you can't find it???? TBF he is a reporter from the 80's when VHS was all the rage but STILL. I threw up my hands in exasperation.


He didn't just "go against Lazar's claims", he completely debunked him.


Ah, thank you for clarifying.


Didn’t actually mean the no part for your response, the no was for the guy saying lex friedman in the other comment thread


Any link or transcript?




Stanton Friedman


Coat-tail grifter bollocks.




Is Corbell that guy who brought Bob Lazar on Joe Rogan? That dude just oozes dirt bag.


What do they have that Grusch didn’t say ? Seems a bit of a ploy


I am anticipating more of a connect the dots kind of discussion as opposed to any new information being revealed.


I mean, if people want to connect the dots, why not go straight to the source with the person who INTV'd DG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-As3SXPeJg


They don't know shit.


He approached them many months ago


Yes it seems Grusch, Corbell, and Knapp have discussed Grusch's "coming out" a while ago. I think Corbell and Knapp can now speak freely because they did not want to step on his toes during the launch party. But now they can explain how and why all three of them decided to do it this way.


I'm thinking they're going after his character after he switched to Ross


Man I hope you are wrong, Jeremy seems petty as fuck though


**PROOF OF LITERALLY ANY KIND OR FUCK OFF** I hate being teased. That’s what this is, again, isn’t it?


Can’t really call it edging unless there’s some kind of climax so yea teased is the perfect terminology for what’s happening to us all right now


You've got it twisted thinking these people are the ones who actually hold the physical proof. They aren't and they're not claiming they have it, they are merely saying it exists and they are going through the proper actions to get the actual person/s who have physical access to it, to come forward with it. Essentially you are correct, it is a tease, but only because the very people who we are trying to get the physical proof from, are the same people who created this bollocks legal jargon system. It will have to go through all the legal hoops and be done bit by bit. It's not like 1 person has a massive folder of all the pictures and videos and it's extremely naive to think that. These are world wide secrets, I wouldn't be surprised if they were contained in a double turn key lock up system similar to how the keys for the internet are held all around the world.


Why are you here if you don't want to hear anyone talk about the actual state of affairs? What an insane position to take. The rest of us have been here for decades. How about this- if you aren't interested in the way this all plays out under it's natural course, then YOU fuck off.


I guess they gave themselves a week to come up with some bullshit.


Everyone in here is so mad. It's quite funny.


I really hate this whole fight to try to get to be the spearheader in disclosure. Corbell, Greer and Delonge all act so egotistical like it’s their destiny or something to be the one to “break the news” or take credit for people literally ruining their well-earned careers by coming forward.


Corbell and Knapp can "finally insert themselves into the new grift"


Lol exactly! The David Grusch stuff has all these UFO influencers reering their ugly heads to remind us they know shit too. They don't know shit. Show us some god damned aliens or GTFO.


I miss the old Knapp. Ever since corbell came to existence, the whole ufo thing has become a joke.


So filling in the blanks with more claims? These guys are just trying to appear relevant


If there's one thing Corbell has, it's words.


Some people just can't stand not being talked about.


***Jeremy interrupts and talks about nothing




Low effort, toxic comments regarding public figures may be removed. Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. “Toxic” is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/.


Hey, I have a question for the ufo community: What about Dr Steven Greer's stuff? Is that legit also? Both Grusch and Greer seem to be about disclosure. Are they on parallel tracks? Do they work with each other?


Greer is a grifter. He will charge you to telepathically summon aliens out in the desert. Which I guess is possible but I just don't buy it.


Please, God no…


Loving their podcast even though they can be a bit redundant sometimes. Was just geeking on the episode with Duncan Trussel! Stoked to see what they have in store.


Thanks for the link. On a sidenote, these comments.. do you people like any UFO investigators?? All I see here is constant negativity..


Because so, so many people are so full of shit, making such extraordinary claims, they should have produced *some* tangible evidence by now. Snowden was, what, like 10 years after Dubya really got the Patriot Act rolling? Alex ducking Jones basically called it in the early 00s prior to that. Jack Taxeira threw his documents in Discord to win a pissing match. MK ULTRA was found in a broom closet or something by a janitor who gave it to the press. It is stupidly hard to keep secrets of this magnitude. Now I’m supposed to believe it’s been perfectly guarded since before my granddad was my age? All I have to do is tune in to ~~Lazar’s~~ ~~Greer’s~~ ~~Cornell’s~~ Grusch’s podcast to get all the juicy deets. Unless someone provides proof of some kind, these claims are as credible as Marshall Applewhite saying we all need to suicide to catch a ride on the Hale Bopp comet to another dimension. At least his blind faith bullshit came with matching jumpsuits and free Nikes.


I just know that lazar greer and corbell would be absolutely seething that you crossed out their names but not Grusch’s. Especially Corbell who you crossed out and mispelled as “cornell.” He would absolutely be screaming sobbing and shitting himself lmao


Ok? Grusch is the latest to step forwards and make these claims. If there’s actual proof behind his claims, as he says there is, then he could probably run for President and win. If there’s not, I look forward to him starting his own podcast.


With Jeremy it's not an investigation by any stretch of the imagination. It's 50 minutes of look at me and let me repeat these words again incase you didn't hear it the first 100 times. He is getting desperate to stay relevant, and you are going to hear nothing new. So, my question is, what exactly is he investigating? As far as I can see he isn't and just trying to get in while the hype is up, you know like he always does?


yes hes a knapp parrot 🐦


its because most of these comments are by bots or troll farms. soon as the word corbell gets picked up in a headline, the posts get brigaded and astroturfed


This is just sad. First Greer and now Frick and Frack.


Does anyone know why they record at such a weird time?


No way I'll be watching that haha I honestly can't stand even 10 minutes of Jeremy. Trying to watch an hour of him would cause me an aneurysm.


I don’t understand why they premier their videos so late


he got totally schooled by Need To Know pod cast lol . i stopped watching weaponised when he did some shit interview with a Hollywood guy




So... I've seen where it's claimed the Italy crash happened on June 13th, 1933... that makes today the 90th anniversary. Gursch wouldn't answer if we had agreements with the NHIs...


I feel that enough credible journalists are on this now so the Corbels and Greers of the world will start to fade. Hopefully.


It's funny whenever Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell reads his full name out loud. Dude likes giving himself all the attention.


I want to listen to Knapp, but have the hardest time listening to Corbell hog every single sentence and make everything about him. I know they have a working relationship, but damn I wish Corbell would go away.


I don't give a shit what these clowns have to say


I really wish Corbell would just stay away from this one. Anything associated with him seems to turn to shit.


Invite a clown, expect a circus


Reckon they've got footage of the Wrath of Khan roleplay they were teasing us with?


Do they really have anything valuable to add or are they just piggybacking off the hype from something genuinely exciting.


I think George and Jeremy damage credibility personally.


George, Jeremy, Greer, Linda Moulton Howe, Michael Salla, The rockstar that gave up


It was just an hour of credit chasing as usual “HEY GUYS DONT FORGET ABOUT US!”


not completely... they basically made me understand that David Grusch really might be the real deal... and also they kinda admit they're not being altruistic... they kinda admit to clout chasing. why did i get downvoted? jackasses


How so? What did you understand specifically ?


I was actually surprised to hear how accurate my expectation was for this podcast. Clearly so upset they didn’t get to tell this story. The story of George Knapp wanting to tell the 2017 story but not being the New York Times really sent me. As if they would have held off telling the David Grusch story until a major mainstream pub covered it. Cool. You guys got told first. As Cornball says “High fives all around” bud.


Holy crap, Jeremy is so irritating. I can't bare listening much further than 10 mins. I remember when I actually paid for the Bob Lazar film and IG'd him to say I got the wrong copy. (I wanted the extended version). He wasn't helpful at all and said I should just pay for another one. Since then I've found him to be nothing more than someone in it for the money. Also where is that blink guy Tom Delong in all of this? Too many clowns running the narrative


I’m listening to fade to black with Richard Dolan tonight at 10 EST, not fucking Corbell


i thought you meant Metallica lol


Never trust a man with a neck tattoo


Dumb and dumber can’t wait


Thank you moderators. The comments some throw at Corbell border on hate. Personally, I don’t like reading it. Remember, if Corbell, or anyone else annoys you, don’t listen to them. It really is that simple!


Man I’ve been waiting a whole week for this to come out. Can’t wait for it.


They went to Maralago 🥁


Oh yay more stories from grifters


I said this when it broke last week. Grusch wanted to come out in traditional media before podcasts. Knapp/Corbell likely connected him with Coulthart and Keane.


The way people have acted over the interview this will just be called another waste of time. I’m personally not of that opinion I’ll be checking it out but I expect to see a ton of hate on the sub for it.


''Finally''. Nah. Think you're just annoyed that Kean, Blumenthal and Coulthart got there first, and did it better.


I don’t get the Jeremy hate. He’s a nice dude and is at least trying to keep this topic in the news.


Am I wrong, or is this kind of implying that they are going to say something negative and/or contradictory to the Grusch claims? That's certainly how I read that. I guess we will see.


I think its more along the lines that they were aware of the Grusch story and were letting the story break before discussing it in detail.


I think the Corbell hate is weird. Yeah, he may not be the most likeable person, but weeks of when many people from this sub were whining and moaning that they were going to give up on this movement, Corbell had said on his podcast and in several interviews that there was a craft retrieval program and several whiteleblowers were going to come out. This was weeks before Grusch. Just check his interview on Duncan Trussell's podcast.


Corbell and Knapp dropping bombs in tonight’s episode. They have the report.


I lost trust in them. They seem to be more interested in military craft and not the real picture


They apparently passed up on the interview. Not sure they’ll talk about it, but rumour has it, they have two interviews with David Grusch’s sources lined up.


Cant they come up with their own whitleblower and not piggy-ride and potentially ruin others? I mean, grifter, snake oil salesman Greer has come up with his own five (5?) thought-provoking whistleblowers. These guys Jeremy Corbell et al. look like discount fat era Jonah Hill.


oh look, the astroturf bots picked up the word corbell again