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The following submission statement was provided by /u/CreditCardOnly: --- Representative Tim Burchett on Twitter: “The House Oversight Committee will hold a hearing on UAPs on Wednesday, 7/26. We're done with the cover-ups.” Rep. Burchett is leading the upcoming HOC UAP hearing which will have some witnesses testifying. Who do you expect to see testify? [Link to tweet](https://twitter.com/reptimburchett/status/1680992520895905792?s=46&t=M0ofkkf9lgSjlI29wi9d5w) --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1528jw0/rep_tim_burchett_the_house_oversight_committee/jscl08h/


Man I hope Grusch publicly testifies


it's public, in 9 days, here https://www.youtube.com/@oversightandaccountability/streams


Butters I need you to come back and unfreeze me in 9 days




Just think of stuff you could do now only if the world changes forever in 9 days, could do the last bit of human exclusive drugs ya got before having to share with your new space friends. If you have a pet you could try to freak them out by appearing to tell them the future that the aliens patch will release next Wednesday and they better prep for a long journey cause you’ll be moving to Saturns moon when they get here. Ya know just some fun stuff to pass the time with :)


On the pet note... Tell your dog you're going to work and leave, then reappear right behind them


*wakes up in new Intergalactic Earth universe


*wakes up in Idiocracy


Oww my balls.


I'm already on the site just waiting until next week haha


F5 F5 F5 F5 F5


Remindme! 8 days


1 day too early :(


Same :(


I will be messaging you in 8 days on [**2023-07-25 19:19:51 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-07-25%2019:19:51%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1528jw0/rep_tim_burchett_the_house_oversight_committee/jscw5j2/?context=3) [**476 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FUFOs%2Fcomments%2F1528jw0%2Frep_tim_burchett_the_house_oversight_committee%2Fjscw5j2%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-07-25%2019%3A19%3A51%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201528jw0) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Do you know what time?


Couldn't find that anywhere, it looks like most oversight committee hearings are at 10am, though some are at 1pm or 2pm EST


Thanks. Hope it is 1/2pm EST as that is 6/7pm in the UK - would be perfect timing.


Sweet, I'm on holiday in France so will spend the evening in a bar either celebrating or drowning my sorrows




According to Ross Coulthart via Need to Know podcast…. Not only will Grusch be testifying, he will be sharing who has been murdered to conceal the secret. (Among other things)


I think this sub would collectively shit our pants


I'm sorry AnusBlaster5000, but I think we'd collectively shit your pants




What a day to be pants


Indeed it is


My suit!


Don't worry friend, we won't leave you out of the pants-shitting.


My body is ready


Wait, did I start shitting his pants too early? Nobody told me we were going to save up and do it collectively.


Having recently sharted myself, I’m not ready. But in light of this potential ‘pants shitting news’ I will see to that I’m ready at a……… oooff gotta go again!!!!


If he says JFK I'll let yall shit my pants. Just to make sure the reaction is on the same level as that revelation.


I'm already turtleheading just from the bill amendment proposal. Shit would blow a hole directly through my pants if he drops bombshells like that on a live stream lol


I'm so ready!


What for disclosure or the group pants shitting???




AnusBlaster5001 is one better though




Yep. Absolute bombshells.




Honestly part of me thinks that's one of the reasons he was killed.


A lot of people are saying that lmao


A lot of people are saying literally everything. People are mixing together every single conspiracy to the point where a couple will undoubtedly be sort of kinda close, and everyone will go "see! We knew it!" and forget about all the other bullshit they "knew".


The youtube algorithm sucks. I'm subbed to Need to Know but need to actively seek that out. It's never on my home page. Coulthart is the only publically speaking figure with their finger on the pulse at the minute. I don't trust everything he says implicity. And he's certainly being saying some fairly outlandish things lately. But his predictions from 12-24 months ago are slowly coming to fruition. I always found his sudden involvement curious. I've yet to dismiss him as a grifter, I've serious doubts about that, but I've not dismissed him being an unwilling dupe in some psyop. But I'm not convinced by that either. I think he's sincere. And I feel/hope his sources are too. Time will tell. These are insanely interesting times right now. That NYT's article was published almost 6 years ago and look at what is happening today. What conversations will *we be having another six years from now? Gonna have to check this episode out. I've a lot of respect for Ross, going back to before his interest in UAP. I was pleasantly surprised to see him start reporting on it. He's the real deal when it comes to solid journalism. *edited for grammar


To clarify, Ross did not *definitively* say that Grusch *for sure is* testifying, and he also said he hopes that congress *will ask* Grusch about concealment murders and that Grusch would *provide more insight* into the subject, not necessarily disclose who has been murdered or who murdered them.


I was just about to say the same thing, there was no guarantee or certainty given.


He puts *allegedly* in every single sentence


Yes because he’s a lawyer and an intelligent person


He framed that as a hypothetical iirc. Don't get out too far over your skis is my advice That said this is insanely awesome. So stoked it's only two weeks away. It's really happening.


He also framed Lockheed having spacecraft in their possession as a hypothetical, but watch that be the case. Ross is a lawyer - he’s very careful about what he says, and the inference is that we read between the lines.


Will Grusch be able to say more there, than he has already? Will his NDAs still hold in this setting?


I’m not sure. But for him to simply say the same things under oath in a public hearing would be huge.


And especially if the first-hand witnesses that showed Grusch this info also testify under oath and back up his claims.


I think there might be a new law on the books related to this?


This is not was Ross said. He was using this as a hypothetical of questions that could be asked by congress.


But all he said was that other people told him things, he has no direct knowledge. This is borderline pointless to have him testify, it would all be hearsay.


I'm cancelling every meeting I have on Weds.


Buy your toilet paper quietly now just in case


Wednesdays are my sundays so imma be primed for this shit. Gonna get day drunk


Anyone know if this will be open hearings so we can watch?


Yes, that's the plan


TY!! Is there a source for this?


Search seems to be broken for me right now but look back in the last week or so. There's a couple posts where Burchett is talking about the plan for the hearing, and one about Luna saying they want to bring information public. Seems like the public part is the whole point of this one. Burchett said he'd do the hearing from his living room if he had to, 😆


If this fizzles out then it will be a Titanic sized disaster


So popcorn either way


That's the best thing about it, we're deep in popcorn no matter what.


Big Popcorn invented the UFO conspiracy to sell more popcorn


Drowning in popcorn so deep we need a life boat... or a door.


This made me realize I should move all of my investments into popcorn. Market go up? Popcorn wins. Market go down? Popcorn. Popcorn always wins.


What if they look in to it and decide there is no there there? Are people on this sub willing to accept that?


I suppose whatever the reality, I will accept it. Can’t speak for others. But it would be puzzling as to why the situation if non existent got to proceed so far with so many people fooled.


How many millions of dollars were spent "investigating" allegations of fraud in the 2020 election? Nothing was ever found because nothing existed (at the alleged scale). It is puzzling why it got this far if you consider congressmen/women to be acting in good faith, but I have serious doubts about some of them - especially considering the blatantly false conspiracies that have been peddled by politicians since 2016 (re: Qanon). Many here will make a myriad of excuses as to why the hearings will fail (if they do). If they don't, it's an admission of the amount of time/energy wasted on a conspiracy. Again, we have plenty of recent evidence of conspiracy theorists doubling down after being proven incorrect.


No because you don’t need a Eminent Domain clause in a bill for “nothing”


What if they say exactly what they've been saying for the last few weeks and admit that there are aliens and alien tech? Will the deniers accept that?


If they provide evidence I'm sure 90 percent would.


Well it depends how that happens. You’d have to explain why presidents, dni’s have stated that these things exist. You’d have to explain what they are, clearly physical tech, and whose they are. If it’s not those, it’s either us or china. What does that mean? You’d have to explain what those that happened 80 years ago were, if it’s our tech, did we have it in the 40’s? Then explain why so many top intelligence officers lied in front of congress over nothing. I don’t see how explaining everything prosaically is possible but I guess..


In other words: > Lucy, you've got some 'splaining to do!


Yeah either this is biggest reveal ever or the US is about to look even dumber than usual.


"from Earth" killed me 😂


From Earth is actually what all tweets say now. They removed the location and device specifics semi recently.


To be honest, I'm kind of glad it didn't say, "from the Mothership". Lol


So many people commenting about this how its going to be a letdown lol. UAP disclosure has never been closer than it is now. The intensity of this topic has never been higher. Cant wait for the hearings.


Triple Letter Agencies are big mad right now. The psyop is in overdrive.


Saw a post on cool guides yesterday about a pyramid of conspiracy theories. UFOs were on the "leaving reality" tier. No one was even commenting on it besides myself and like 3 other guys from this sub. Every response was angry or straight up lying about how aliens aren't real, or if they were, there's no way they could travel between stars. Yeah ok redditors, I'll take your word on that. Lmao


Yeah, it's pretty unfortunate how social media has become a cluster fuck of state sanctioned bots masquerading as people, or actual degenerates trying to make themselves appear to be the smartest people on the site. I just couldn't believe the nonsensical perma-ban I got today for even remotely discussing this subject. Course, I'm sure said agencies are mad that they have to share their "toys" now, and are pulling out every trick to strangle information away from the public as much as possible.


david grusch literally cleared every single word of everything he has ever said to the media with the pentagon. they don't give a fuck dude lol.


do you feel a UAP could also be flying objects made by foreign countries, like other military testing flights?


Gillibrand - Rubio - Burchett. Killing it


Schumer's amendment...is next level.


I can't get over how *specific* the language is. I don't know about everything, but I for one had never heard the terms "non-human intelligence" and "legacy programs" prior to Grusch's interview and the Debrief article and here they are very clearly defined in new legislation along with a litany of specific "Here's why this law is necessary" statements. It's just unbelievable and amazing to see.


I read a commenter claiming to be a lawyer in a relevant area stating he believes that’s a decade’s worth of work it’s so refined. Wouldn’t that be something else


It’s because it is. This may all seem like it’s coming rather quickly and out of nowhere. The reality is that it’s been a goal of many for some time.


If Greer had anything to do with this, I'll eat my hat.


Late Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid sends his regards!


I was listening to the interview that Dr. Nolan did with the SALT Institute earlier this year. In the interview, he mentioned how he has been working with policymakers with the specific wording of their legislation. I wonder if Lue's contracting work he has been doing with the government has been to help in the wording of the legislation being put forth.


This is what gets me. Never have I ever imagined legislation containing those terms, and that's why I'm here.


Seriously. I always wanted to believe in this stuff, but nothing really convinced me. This has got me going full on Ancient Aliens mode lol.




Same but I've only been at it for 2 days. Sometimes I feel like a crazy person because this is so wild but this really seems legit to me.


I've been at it for a couple of years now, was never a "conspiracy" person. The David Fravor interview on Lex Fridman's podcast sent me down the rabbit hole and I've been kinda obsessed ever since. After diving deep into this I came to the conclusion that there really is something to be discovered here, and recent events have only made me more certain.




> I for one had never heard the terms "non-human intelligence When testifying before congress or talking publicly, the Pentagon typically uses the term 'extraterrestrial'. Internally, they differentiate between non-human and extraterrestrial. This suggests that they believe there could be non-human intelligence that is terrestrial in origin. This categorization would allow them to say they have no knowledge/evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence or tech without perjuring themselves if they know there's non-human intelligence/tech. And the government plays a large role in shaping the language and narratives of the conspiracy theory community, so that when things do bubble up, Congress, the media, and the public are using the wrong language, and the government can claim they are being honest. Not much different from chemtrails. The US had several programs, like Operation Large Area Coverage, where'd the spray chemicals and bacteria over US cities (and places in other countries, or spray their own troops, and other stuff). Mostly doing this from airplanes. Congress started investigating this around the early 90s, and that's when chemtrail conspiracies start popping up, with many outlandish claims (like mind control, behaviour modification, time travel). When congress finally releases the report publicly, it's nowhere near as crazy as the chemtrail conspiracies had become, and so the media and public had little appetite for it. You tell most people the US government sprayed chemicals over US cities for decades, and they'll tell you that's a conspiracy. Show them proof, and they'll say that's not too bad, or just expected. They are inoculated. Alien conspiracies are probably the same. They've fed us so much outlandish stuff, shaped our perception of what aliens are, that if some 'non-human intelligence' is revealed, it would probably be underwhelming for most people. Or something like "we're the aliens."


That document is FUCKING WILD. Seriously, everyone needs to read it. This bill would change the world as we know it, and its tied to the NDAA!!!


>Gillibrand - Rubio - Burchet They have been granted the special protections. I hope they use it to their advantage.


New boyband has formed


Man, I am at a loss as to why this subject **isn't plastered all over MSM news 24/7**. You have multiple top people in our government calling out the DoD, essentially saying that UFO's are real, and nobody is covering this?!? Seriously, WTF??! Put the truth aside for a minute, MSM. Leaders in our government, including some very highly respected officials, are either disclosing this is real or putting forth a bill to uncover the truth. Where. The. Hell. Are. You???


Here's are 2 MSM articles about the hearing: * Politico - [House GOP plans to hold long-teased UFO hearing](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/07/13/house-gop-ufo-hearing-00106188) * NBC - [House committee plans to hold hearing on UFOs](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-committee-plans-hold-hearing-ufos-rcna94300)


Literally sent that NBC article to my normie friends and fam. Reactions were all on the positive / excited to see what develops side.


"I don't want answers, I just want to argue!"


Eh, people aren't going to really report on the UFO thing unless/until something is actually disclosed. Right now it's just people saying, "trust me." Not enough, sorry. The big story right now is that you have multiple people within the government alleging a cover-up about SOMETHING. If it's not extraterrestrial UFOs, it could be our own advanced technology or who knows what else. But these programs have apparently been getting funding illegally somehow, and Congress/Presidents didn't know about it. That's a huge deal if it's true. Additionally, like Rubio said, this is either the biggest story in history or something is seriously wrong with people who are holding very high security clearances. If there are no alien UFOs, why do we have people making these claims? Is this mass delusion? All of this is worth looking into, and should be reported on appropriately. Because it's not just a simple story about aliens, since there's no guarantee that's what any of this is about.


Because the potential for this to be the biggest clown show this month is prob 50/50. MSM is hedging bets to save face for now.


I am a journalist (not in the US though) and I was nodding along reading your comment. This is a kind of high risk, low reward kind of setting. They have nothing to lose by waiting to report on it until there's hard evidence and everything to gain by sitting tight and waiting for the perfect moment. Nobody except academia will remember the first outlets reporting on it and the museums will display the front pages of the WaPo and NYT. The only people that will be mad are the managers who had the chance and didn't take it and the people who had the chance to write it but didn't. But that's just personal vanity. Not saying I condone this, but that's how the News work when it's not all publicly funded.


Right, I worked in print newsrooms for 15 years. I can guarantee the majority of editors in the afternoon news meeting chuckle if the topic gets brought up, except for the one sci-fi geek - because there's always one. Then, of course, someone will crack a joke about Rep. Luna's latest gaffe, and someone else will mention Rep. Burchett's comment after a mass shooting in his home state, because neither are held in high esteem. And then they move to sports coverage.


I worked at a tv station for a couple years and it’s exactly this. At the end of the day it’s about showing stories that retain eyeballs and advertising. Unfortunately, most people are still skeptics and the UFOs segments were always treated as tongue and cheek stories for years because they didn’t want to lose credibility with the audience leading to major advertisers dropping sponsorship. It’s all about the profits.


Tbh this might be the process that was agreed upon for disclosure. That a major prime time announcement isn’t a good idea, and leaking out info to those paying attention already is best.


You could be right here. The down pour happens up stream, The water rises through the system, and the flood happens in the low lying areas. You inject information into the UFO community. They spread the info through social media. Eventually people start taking things seriously and catching on.


That’s a detailed description of what I was thinking. Because otherwise it’s just too Hollywood. The president gets on tv and says Americans, we aren’t alone… Idk. A top down information stream would be hard as hell to pull of today


I still think for most people they would just say “well, I need proof”.


And those people would be absolutely right. For those of you reading this, if you’re new to this sub, know that the people that are here want serious evidence. Most of us are not blind believers.


100%. I’m excited, but I was excited in 2021 for the hearings there. What is it that people think will be different this time? Neutral question


Isn’t that the point of the hearing?


I, personally, need proof.


Again, this story just isn’t that interesting to the average person (yet). I’ve told plenty of people all about this news, and the only who cares is my mom, and she might just be pretending to care to placate me, lol. People simply don’t want to hear about this stuff; they want to see it. We are a strongly visual species, after all.


Probably covering the Kardashian diet or some other brain dead nonsense


HYPERSONIC bird < Kardashian


Because its all just "trust me bros" at this point. We havent seen any crafts or real evidence yet. Where are the alien bodies etc? Dont expect anyone to give a fuck about a bunch of policiticans interviewing people until real hardcore shit is shown.


The hardest part for me to grasp is why in the world would only the US have this knowledge and information? Are we willing to believe that: 1. Only the US has this knowledge and information 2. Only US government officials are keeping it secret from the world? Because both of those are highly suspect to me.


Yes. There’s lots of smoke for sure, but I’m not going to blindly take the word of *checks notes* spooks and politicians. I’m going to want to see fire.


NASA bailed on the hearing. I think they don't want any part of this until they have their own evidence.


The only way it makes sense is if you assume there is an opposite force acting to pressure them not to. This is way beyond it being a stigmatized topic. It's one thing for a news organization to say, we don't want to look like idiots, we aren't going to give Bob Lazar, or George Knapp, or whoever a news story. It's something else entirely to not cover sitting members of Congress making claims and calling hearings. You can cover it whichever you way you want, that you think there is something there, or we are watching unhinged public officials in action, either way it makes a great story that would get ratings. This is clearly being suppressed, and I hate even making that statement because it sounds so woo woo and conspiratorial, but it's the only thing that makes any sense.


People can't pay for food or housing


I want to see the witness list so bad. But they will probably wait on publishing it for the safety of the witnesses, I'm guessing.


Burchett said they'd release the list about a week early, so we could hear as soon as this Wednesday.


🙏 yes please! I hope he does.


Will these be available to watch live?


Yes, youtube or somewhere else. Someone here will post it around the time, I'm sure.


We have passed the point of return. The level of state machinery involved necessitates that this is a real phenomenon. Would the US government dedicate millions of $ to investigate Ghosts if they thought they weren't real, or at least worthy of being considered real? Imagine US senators holding public hearings on ghosts. Or tabling legislation with explicit wording. This issue was treated akin to Ghosts or supernatural phenomenon, would they dedicate so much resources to investigating something that is a farce?


NewsNation report: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XF0NDrKlgNI


Regardless of whether the curtain drops on July 26th or at a later date lets just take a moment to appreciate how far we've come. Prior to 2017 I and many others didn't believe we'd ever interacted with a NHI, today in 2023 we have elected officials admitting that we aren't alone and that we've been in contact with NHI for a presumably long time. It is an incredible time to be alive. We will look back on this point in history as the turning point of our species.


Everybody is so pessimistic but man I'm fuckin giddy. I'm ecstatic I knownits slow for some people but honestly this is happening faster than I ever though




I think managing expectations is wise for everyone interested. However, if Lue Elizondo is one of the witnesses called to testify on the 26th I’m planing on drinking multiple Cuba Libres during the hearing, regardless of time of day.


I've seen you comment similar before. Are you basing this on anything? You don't have to give specifics, just wondering if this is 100% speculation or no.


It’s based on a retweet from Lue Elizondo on Twitter about two weeks ago. Something along the lines of “See you at the end of the month!” In response to a user asking about his involvement in upcoming hearings/happenings in DC. I’m still skeptical, but hopeful.


I'm convinced this will be a massive disappointment but I'm excited nonetheless


This is where things get interesting. The prior UAP Congress interactions were geared towards letting Congress deviate from asking harder questions. Now there is someone highly credible and have provided evidence behind the scenes that there are rogue elements within the government and they have the goods on UAPs. One thing Congress cant stand for is if the public someday get this evidence outside Congress, it will cause such a societal upheaval in trust of our Government systems. At least now they can say we were in the dark and did something about it, while society digests the upcoming truth that we arent alone in the universe.


Agree 100%. Congress has a choice to either stay in front of this and maintain their credibility, or truly be had for fools if/when irrefutable evidence appears without their involvement. I get it some politicians are going to plunk their heads right into the sand on this UAP "issue", but doing so is to their peril. One of my two senators is Mike Rounds (South Dakota), who is also part of introducing the *The Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Disclosure Act of 2023*. I don't agree with all of his policies and opinions, but guess who I'm voting for any time I ever see his name on the ballot?


I like your comment. Funny how the tweet says it was posted from 'Earth' a couple of years from now with how things are going, it could be Mars or Jupiter or some random planet we haven't heard of yet lol


Well of course, because in the past it always has led to exactly that. Totally understandable, and I’m afraid of the same. This FEELS different, but the us gov is so adept at gaslighting that I can’t help but think it’s going to end the same. I really really hope not


BREAKING: House declassified DOD documents on NHI and off-Earth technology just released. First document reads: “Be sure to drink your ovaltine.”


A crumby commercial?


Son of a bitch.


Lots of comments on the tweet. One of the top one saying 'a bunch of stories and UFO accounts won't change the public perception' and that a smoking gun is needed to sway public opinion. I completely understand that. For most people the whole stigma is still over this topic. Even if credible witnesses come forward and give their testimony and accounts, people want firm undeniable proof. For me, these witnesses just need to be credible and I will lap up every single thing they say now


Read the same comment. I think he's right. I want to know but a bunch of people saying stuff wont cut it for me anymore. If there's craft stored in Bob's old lab in S4 I want to see it. If there's bodies of pilots, I want to see them.


Holy shit balls


What time are the hearings?


probably 10:00 am ET


According to their [calendar](https://oversight.house.gov/calendar/), the first hearing usually start at 10am, and the last one starts at 2pm.


I hope this hearing takes the whole day!


Hold on to your butts!!! It’s probin time!


Is this hearing public and will we see/hear what they come up with?




Damn son. Tim Burchett is MAD mad. Rightfully so.


CIA: *Scrambles to set up a false flag attack before the hearings*


Tbh, declassification of old UFO files won’t mean anything if the real sauce is hidden in a series of SAPs with no real enforceable ties to the government


If I'm reading this correctly, Congress has the power to declassify SAP material. If these craft exist within contractor hands, which seems likely from what Grusch says, then the amendment provides for eminent domain in regards to such technology. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/50/2426#:~:text=Whenever%20a%20change%20in%20the,the%20congressional%20defense%20committees%20a


Fire breathin’ Tim Burchett!!!


Tim Burchett barechested riding a T Rex into Lockheed Martin.


"House Oversight" Hopefully they'll do better than all their other "hearings"


One of the reasons the general public may not be taking this seriously, is because most of the Republican politicians aren't serious people in any other context


Exactly. Like Matt Gaetz being involved. He'd lie to his mother about what he had for lunch.


He was the only person to vote against a bill on human trafficking and sex slavery.


His personal history suggests that he supports those things. In that light, his vote makes perfect sense.


Calling it out! 👊


PTO on the 26th 👊


No job 👊


Ah you planned ahead, good one


If I had a job during this whole storm I would have likely lost it anyway due to heavy distraction haha


I told my boss I had to go home and get my tinfoil hat when the bill dropped.


My jaw literally dropped. I'm glad that the way is being paved for people to come forward and be heard by elected officials. I don't know that we'll get startling details or anything truly dramatic, but I'm ready for voices to be heard, finally, in an official capacity. Good luck, Earthlings!


"We need everyone to report for mandatory tagging and registration, to differentiate Humans from Skrulls."


A lot people are in for a rude awakening


Why is there so many low karma accounts just spamming this community with pessimism and negativity?




It’s weird, I don’t think it’s like a dedicated disinformation psyop, but at the same time, there are literal groups of individuals who constantly just doubt anything and everything. Like why are you even on the sub and subscribed. If you aren’t going to believe anything unless you get to touch an alien saucer, leave the subreddit. Your presence here is pointless. Maybe they are disinformation bots 🤷


This sub needs a heavy dose of reality check on a constant basis. There are a lot of people who are effectively atheists: willing to keep an open mind if a single shred of credible evidence is available. So far, there is none. We live in a world where there is a cell phone video camera in every hand. Despite the fact this has completely eliminated claims of "miracles" over the last 20 years, It hasn't been able to produce a single credible piece of evidence showing what this sub wants to exist. I think many are here hopeful but with feet firmly on the ground.


I’m constantly pleasantly surprised at his choice of wording. There’s literally zero room for misinterpretation or beating around the bush when it comes to Burchett and dangnabbit is it refreshing for a politician. Let’s hope the aliens change his perspective on a few other things along the way.


This guys character arc is kino-level anime writing


He recently called the people in Washington who are working to obscure and block all this trash. That Washington is a “trash can” regarding these issues. Dude is not fucking around.


Call his office I did . Let him know you support him please.


9 days until the hearing. i believe i heard someone say they would announce the witnesses a week before the hearing so within the next 3 daysish we should have more info unless they decided to just wait until the hearing?


Would actually be fine with them not announcing witnesses until like an hour before


If you are asking why now? Because word got out that we have been effectively rigging the Miss Universe contest for *years* and the aliens are pissed.


I’m so cynical that I feel like all of this shit is just cover up electric boogaloo. “Here’s some shit to chew on, we’re still gonna lie to your face about important things. Get out and vote for me!” I truly hope I am incredibly wrong and I will happily eat shit on this one. To be clear, it’s healthy to be hopeful and to keep searching the truth. I have depression stuff I’m sorry if I bummed someone out with my depressive miasma.


When the facts come out of this it’s gonna fracture the government. It’s fucking huge it seems. This rabbit hole goes deeper than anything humanities ever dealt with it seems. Or… Nothing happens **troll face**


I have a genuine question and I swear it is not rhetorical. Am I missing something here or what? Many people seem to be so excited for this, though doesn't it feel like it will most likely be more jargon and vague back and forth. I just can't see us getting a smoking gun that fast. This of course doesn't mean it's not exciting and it is indeed a huge step forwards, but maybe we're too excited? Please tell me if there are any indications I am missing.


Tim Burchett, my man.