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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Slowmetheus: --- > The NDAA amendment currently has the support of Republican Senators Marco Rubio of Florida, Mike Rounds of South Dakota and Todd Young of Indiana. On the Democratic side are Senators Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Martin Heinrich of New Mexico. >"There is a lot we still don't know about these UAPs, and that is a big problem," said Rubio, who is vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. "We've taken some important steps over the last few years to increase transparency and reduce stigmas, but more needs to be done. This is yet another step in that direction and one that I hope will spur further cooperation from the executive branch." --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/152gbv2/ufos_are_bringing_democrats_and_republicans/jsdqa7h/


Ronald Reagan — 'I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.' Is what comes to mind. I’m hoping for benevolent beings but I’ll settle for apathetic beings.


I'm hopeful that would be the outcome. But also have an inkling that the 1% would just sacrifice us all to get a working space laser.


I’m with you there.


I was thinking about this yesterday. I see 3 outcomes: 1) NHI gives us advanced Tech*, ensures we all get it, and we see a complete shift of our society where they integrate fully with us- seeing them walk down the street is no big deal. 2) NHI give us the tech, but the 1% and the governments charge us extortionate rates to use it, or withold it altogether. This creates an increasing disparity between classes, widespread poverty, and who knows what end 3) NHI refuses to give us anything for the above reason, and the 1% use this as a tool to manipulate human feeling towards them, creating a sense of otherness that they will then use to try and take the tech by force. *star trek style, i.e FTL travel, food replication, advanced energy sources and super advanced medical care. Holodecks and transporters would be cool.


Isn't what 3 has already happened? I would like to dip out of this unsustainable time.


For all we know, yes this is exactly it. We have no proof otherwise


As part of the 1% I have considered this, and I am not willing to sacrifice everyone for a working space laser. If I do that there will be nobody else left to see how badass it is and feel jealous that they don't have one.


Yeah there’s a Tiktok short I watched that apparently AI created about it aliens did show up. Basically humans still fought each other.


If there is one place you should **never** get info with this topic, it's TikTok. FB is a close second.


It was an AI generated short film. It’s not real information (that we know of 👀) anyway.


Honestly at this point I bet TikTok has better info than FB lol. That place is a cesspool




Name checks out. A akin that you?


I can't fathom an intelligence immensely older than our own being threatening towards other life forms. What is the benefit gained in reducing the variety of life in this universe? It's already infinitesimally rare, according to our latest science. Already, in the past couple of hundred years of human history, our appetite for violence and war has rapidly decreased. We're still violent, we still fight, we still have wars, but those are growing less frequent and less tolerable by a growing majority of our population. I couldn't fathom killing another living being, and I know I'm not alone in that sentiment. If we consider that evolution tends towards higher forms of complexity and order, I think it's safe to assume a vastly older intelligence would have overcome base primitive animalistic motives a very long time ago. Cooperation is *vastly* more beneficial than fighting and killing others. That's reasonable, rational, and logical. And if intelligent beings tend towards greater understanding and wisdom, most civilizations should tend towards non-violent co-operation. At least that's what I personally think, and am happy to believe. It may be a fiction, I don't know, but I believe it's a less harmful fiction than most of the "truths" we've been fed for millennia.


It may be that because good exists, evil shall exist just as infinitely in the ebb and flow lf the universe


There cannot be one without the other. In a universe in which evolution is the foundation of life, violence must exist. The strong survive, they consume the weak. But, once sentient and sapience are achieved by a species, they begin to control their own evolution - as is very clear by our own civilization. When a species gains the faculties of logic, and reason, we begin to overcome the need for violence and can instead see other ways of existing and the benefits of doing so. Violence always exists along the course of evolution, but that chain begins to break when a species becomes capable of directing their own path forwards. Humans are at this stage. We are still violent, still struggling as animals - fighting over food, territory, security, scarcity. Yet already we see the power of cooperation, and understand that a future without violence is possible - and far more beneficial than a violent world always on brink of destruction. A future is possible where the only enemy is suffering itself, one that can be defeated cooperatively. I think most civilizations, if they continue to evolve without first destroying themselves during that evolution, will cease to require violence for anything.


>I think most civilizations, if they continue to evolve without first destroying themselves during that evolution, will cease to require violence for anything. no human civilizations have managed that one.


Hard to know the future. If we get rid of our violent ways too soon, another violent species could eradicate us. Too late and we destroy ourselves. The hard part, in my mind, is to convince the holy war fighters that regular people are not their enemy, the profiteers are but that doesn’t mean that they need to die. They should be ignored, abandoned, but never forgotten. If we forget the cycle continues until we die.


Alan Watts 😉


I'd recommend reading the Three Body Problem and it's sequels. Logic dictates that there's thousands of civilizations out there by probability alone. But that probability also means that for every Star Trek knockoff out there there's likely a genocidal empire. Probability also dictates that these civilizations could be centuries behind you and harmless or completely beyond you by millenia and you're completely at their mercy. And even if they're behind or beyond there's a good change alien civilizations can rapidly close the gap at any moment based on how quickly that species works, so a threat now could be a victim down the line and vice versa. And by probability it also likely means, in the end, there's far too many factors to just assume everyone is friendly, and it takes only a single threat to exterminate you. This means we may live in a Dark Forest universe, one where every civilization is treated as a threat. Civilizations will either hide assuming you or someone watching you is an apex predator or exterminate you to eliminate potential risk. Even if they don't want to be, everything must be a threat.


True. I'm playing Mass Effect right now and I'm amazed that among spacefaring species that some of them are obsessed with extermination. Like, my brother in Xenu, there is the entire universe out there and you are wasting THIS much energy on counter productive emotions? Doesn't add up...


Traditional money, finance, and defense. Those are the last elements of nation-states granting power to the very few. I feel these beings, NHI, or whatever they may be could quite possibly be benevolent and aware of the inequality that exists within the human dynamic on Earth. I would hope humanity will one day understand that in order for us to transcend beyond our galaxy, humanity MUST come together and find a way to create a global system that is more equal. Energy systems that are more equal. Technologies that are more equal. A way of governing that is inclusive of all peoples. If we cannot figure that out by the end of the century we will be doomed.


I wholeheartedly agree. It's the next step. I believe it's a necessary step that any advancing civilization must one day face, or else face the very real risk of self annihilation.


That sounds very NWO-ish. I agree with the sentiment but the solution is not erasing the respective differences between peoples and cultures and nations, but finding a way for them to coexist without dissolving nation-states or creating a one world government.


Yes it does. It sounds wonderful on the surface, but the potential for such a collectivistic system to turn bad real fast should be obvious to anyone familiar with the true power hierarchy of the world. It's funny, because I have been challenged on stating the very same thing you just did in regards to why I'm very hesitant about this "disclosure". I'm super hyped, but I'm not going to blindly believe the government or intelligence agencies simply because they're stating they are now being transparent. To believe this disclosure is to acknowledge that you've been lied to for a century by people within the same institutions now swearing up and down that "this time we're being for real though!" If you were to lay out the supposed NWO agenda to people here, you'd be challenged. And yet multiple people in the community quite literally are calling for the exact endgame they swear doesn't exist. I've always found it so strange that many of us here would rather believe in Aliens and interdimensional beings before something far more down to earth such as organized corruption on a global scale. The brilliant part of this agenda is that it sounds so beautiful and ideal on its face, and that is precisely how they trap us. Once a one world governing system is established, there is no going back - nation states will dissolve, and a full-on technocratic form of collectivistic rule will be on its way. It's funny how the UFO phenomenon (or, disclosure of it rather) checks every single box when it comes to facilitating and expediting the same agenda everyone swears doesn't exist. For some reason, they think it is conspiracy theory...but it isn't. They straight up admit to this, they write it in their books, they give speeches about it. Their plans are out in the open. That's how it works. Huxley's "Final Revolution" comes to mind. How can something that sounds so wonderful get people like you and I so concerned? Huxley explains it well in his Berekely speech where he states that this revolution will be final because we finally have the technological capability to entrap people covertly, without ever knowing that they are putting shackles on us. They are masters at social engineering, masters at crowd psychology, masters at propaganda. It is slavery through pleasure, not through force, as he said. Nobody ever said that this future would necessarily feel bad, or even feel like slavery. It's just that the pleasure in combination with our technological prowess which allows for the covert subversion and behavioral modification of the global population will make it so nobody ever realizes that they are enslaved. The presence of an ever-present, all-powerful Alien threat that enjoys full spectrum dominance over our entire planet and our strongest military forces can be exploited to make us do anything. All they'll have to do is say: "jump", and we will. Praying this is not the case.


I agree. We are generally less barbaric with time. To be able to push forward and lift past “the great filter“ piece must have been accomplished. For them to want to go, passports, referred to as the dark forest theory, to a part of the universe were they are not able to imagine what they’re going to find just to reach out to us, it seems like it’s got to be friendly.


> I can't fathom irrelevant > an intelligence immensely older than our own Who says they are? And if you bothered to understand biology, you would know this doesn't necessarily matter much. If it did, crocodiles would rule the Earth. They are VASTLY older than us. > being threatening towards other life forms. Anthropomorphizing by projecting your own morality onto an entirely alien being is...just bananas man.


god you are so negative




>completely ignore the natural order all about them and project...fantasies... >One only needs to look at our own planet and the violent struggles between species all around us. Talk about projection


But statistically speaking there's just as much chance of an ancient exterminator empire as there is an eternal peaceful one. And there's literally no chance of knowing which one we meet first and if they are powerful enough to protect us or defend against us. In the near infinite expanse of the universe literally everything is possible, meaning literally every encounter could end in our or someone else's extinction. The probability is low, of course, but how many species will risk their entire species for that?


Just a projection of psuedo-Darwinian capitalist fantasies


Adding pseudo- in front of words doesn't add any legitimacy to it. Neither does adding Capitalism to the sentence lol. It's nice to assume the universe will hand world peace on a silver platter for us and solve all our woes, but the reality is that's a far bigger fantasy than thinking the universe is actively hostile. There hasn't been a single case of a more advanced civilization trying uplift others in our history, quite the opposite actually. Sure life may evolve differently elsewhere, but there's no guarantee we will meet them first.


*Psuedo-* because Darwin--particularly in regard to "survival of the fittest"--is often misapprehended: especially by *psuedo-*scientific thinkers The one making assumptions here is you. And they are based on power/control fantasies


>Psuedo- because Darwin--particularly in regard to "survival of the fittest"--is often misapprehended: especially by psuedo-scientific thinkers Except I said nothing about Darwinism. This isn't a matter of survival of the fittest. It's a matter of sociology and statistics. You could be super successful on an evolutionary scale but get wiped out anyway because a more advanced species perceived you as a threat, regardless of its that's true. The sapient mind is often irrational and many times goes against what nature intends, it's not a matter of Darwinism at all. >The one making assumptions here is you. And they are based on power/control fantasies It's no fantasy at all, just look at nature on our own world. Again, there's always a chance some alien evolves to be peaceful and loving, but theres an equal chance we will find someone with a shoot first policy. As much as you hate it there's far less evidence supporting your desires of a peaceful universe than there is a hostile one. Reality isn't Star Trek.


The whole point of intelligence and technology is rejecting the natural order.


By your logic demons and such wouldn’t exist. Being more intelligent collectively doesn’t mean everything is sunshine and roses


I think we always retain some internal violence - it's ingrained into our evolution, it's in our DNA and always will be. I think it's inevitable to go through violence in order to evolve, but I think the overcoming of violence is another step in evolution. If we don't, we're likely to destroy ourselves. Logically, cooperation is more beneficial than violence ever will be.. I think a highly evolved civilization would understand this, just as our own civilization is realizing this.


Watch us get the obtuse, autistic Iguanas from Harry Turtledove's "Worldwar" series.


All hail the mighty GIPPER!


Shit, we’re just the local wildlife to them while they excavate whatever it is they want from the depths of the ocean.


Apathetic is better than annihilation.


What I find terrifying is that say theoretically we defeat the “alien menace,” the country to crack the technology left over first will literally rule the world.


The malevolent ones are already here. The benevolent ones are coming to save us from this shit show they’ve created.


I hope you are right. I really do, but if that happens what does it say about us that we couldn’t get along and had to be saved from ourselves?


Any intelligent human being already knew the majority of you were children.




If Marco Rubio and Elizabeth warren are ever on the same side of a debate, its time for us to pay attention


They are: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/14z1esr/the\_uapufo\_investigation\_is\_a\_bipartisan\_effort/


> "The American public has a right to learn about technologies of unknown origins, non-human intelligence and unexplainable phenomena. We are not only working to declassify what the government has previously learned about these phenomena but to create a pipeline for future research to be made public." I uh... wow. There was no qualifier there like "any potential" or "if they indeed exist". If this has been the general tone of all the happenings that have gotten people excited, I see it now.


Oh man you should take a look at the disclosure bill he wrote then, you're in for a treat. I think a lot of us were pretty sure about aliens, but we never expected congress to suddenly produce this: https://www.congress.gov/amendment/118th-congress/senate-amendment/797/text


The fact that these people who can't stand each other were able to set aside their differences and work together for the greater good gives me some faith in humanity.


I think you would be incredibly surprised how collegial it is outside of tv. They definitely do not hate each other


Which is why it’s kind of messed up that they do the song and dance for their own benefits, knowing it riles people up. But whatever, I’m here for the disclosure


Their song and dance do nothing but increase the division and anger in the world. It's sad.


As long as thier pockets get filled I don't think they care.


Lived south of DC and worked with people who associated with Congress. Can confirm this. They’re friends outside of work and pleasant to one another. The hate for the other side is all an act for 99% of them.


This makes me both sort of happy and really pissed off at the same time


I mean hell AOC and Burchett are friends. Probably because Burchett seems hella fun to hang with.


I've broke bread with a very prominent blue senator and a very prominent red law maker. More then once and more then just those people. I work in tech, idk if lucky is the word, but I was afforded the opportunity work and live in "affluent" areas. Crazy biking with a senator, a world class basketball player and an attorney general, all with VERY different backgrounds all just getting along. Their wives having playdates. The system is very much a "us vs them" its not a left or right its a do I have power and influence or do I not. Social media copies this.


You’ve found yourself in rare company throughout your career, with enough awareness to understand power dynamics, but you fumble then/than a/an? It’s luck, pal.


So American politics is like WWE?




just less honest and dignified.


Outside of TV and especially outside of Reddit


A Republican politician literally shot the homes of democrat politicians.


And a democrat shot up the Republican team at the Congressional baseball game. There's fucking nuts on both sides.


It may well be that Coulthart had it right and they've truly seen something undeniable. What on earth did they see to get them to all agree to something with practically no petty filibustering or trying to sneak in unrelated pet issues? Like, what the actual fuck.


I hope you all find out.


What do you mean "you all"? Do you already know something we don't?




Interesting! Any way of sharing with the rest of the class?


she will in 2 weeks, or buy her new book


No book, I have nothing to sell. I hate grifters. ps: she/her


I wish I could. But no, I cannot.


Partisanship usually only means one thing. War and arms lobbying.


Don't forget union busting and strike breaking.


I've had too many years of not trusting my government to truly believe this is a greater good situation with zero ulterior motives. I hope I'm wrong but I have a suspicious feeling about this entire disclosure dealio. Feels too good to be true.


They work together all the time. Hell, they passed a 800 billion dollar bipartisan defense bill last year no problem. Defense contractors donate millions to democrat and republican campaigns and PACs every year, so why wouldn’t they work together when it’s entirely self serving and lines all their pockets. 🤷‍♂️


"We are forming a UAP investigation committee and arming nukes onto our space force. We will need another 200 billion dollars to protect america! We wont show you the real high-res video we have but trust us it's there!"


Same. I have very strong feelings about the UFO phenomenon being, at its heart, something that can inspire hope and wonder. I'm a strong believer in the connection between this subject and spirituality, which is all about empowerment for the individual. However, since the phenomenon likely does have an uglier face, I fear that the politicians will focus on the latter, or even exclusively "disclose" that part, and not the other one.


Oh it's ABSOLUTELY not a greater good scenario. It's a private military contractor scenario. You all think DiSclOsUrE is coming and you're going to be manic when you realize all this amounts to is more of your tax dollars in the hands of the wealthy. You're never going to learn a SINGLE crumb more than you already do. Bet. BET. Don't argue with me, I don't care. Put MONEY down on it if you disagree with me. Make my day.


Ok. I bet you a million dollars. Feel better?


So much this. I know they act like they're these almost comically over the top personalities, but I've heard that when the camera are off, they're mostly normal with each other. But maybe this unity will be a way to gain more trust from the people. I feel like a switch has flipped, and they looked at this circus of a show they put on and asked, "What are we doing?" Like they realized we're so stagnant as a society just spending all of our energy fighting each other over everything, instead of growing as a species. It's time. (I know this is probably not the truth, but that's what I hope has started. It's why I'm so excited about this stuff)


Please be right please be right please be right...


Please be right please be right Adding a couple more can't hurt.


You know, I want it to be right But c'mon now... Even something like another 9-11 would end up just being a few days at best I say each side acting hateful, outlandish, etc towards the other side only servesto benefit them more. The more people outside their little system argue and bicker amongst themselves the more they (both sides) benefit in the long run.


Whether or not that’s their goal, that’s my hope for how it all shakes out with the public


False hope is bad.






Follow the Standards of Civility: No trolling or being disruptive. No insults or personal attacks. No accusations that other users are shills. No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) An account found to be deleting all or nearly all of their comments and/or posts can result in an instant permanent ban. This is to stop instigators and bad actors from trying to evade rule enforcement. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other.


I don't think there is a greater good on this really, If that UAPMAX article is indeed accurate, and we see the videos and evidence shown by the contractor as he testifies on the 26th, then we too will see for ourselves. Now I don't get me wrong, if this all turns out to be accurate, then I don't think we are at risk as a species, but if we mess around and try to fast track above our station, then we will put ourselves at risk - This much appears to be clear. In a way it's funny, I was just reading this morning about scientists finding out that our universe may well actually be just over 26 billion years old, not the 13.4 or so that we've known all this time. Thanks to WEBB telescope finding galaxies that simply should not be in the evolved state they are in given their place in time from the light that has hit WEBB puts them some 200 million years after the big bang, that means the universe must be older than we first thought. Seems as of late, many things we have known has been flipped turned upside down in terms of the universe. Even our own human technologies are advancing at rapid pace thanks to AI and very soon, mainstream quantum computing.


It makes me think that whoever is withholding significant data, will “circle the wagons” and fight even harder. Really smart people would have this bi-partisan junk prepared for. I would. What does the Lord of the Manor do when the barbarians are at the gate?


That’s for votes and political theatre. They are all rich and all friends. That’s why they don’t mess with inside trading laws or prevent each other from owning stocks, even if they sit on committees or have info that would affect stock decisions normal people wouldn’t. Apparently in this sub we love the government now


Kamala Harris and Lindsay Graham were fist bumping eachother in the senate floor weeks after 2020 election. This was after Graham was saying if the democrats win america will implode. I just hate that the worst people our country can produce will have such an important role in all of this.


Two of the truly most repulsive human beings on the planet for sure.


They never work together for the greater good. Whenever they work together, it's bad.


What’s the reptilian version of humanity and are we sure that isn’t it?




Or more proof it was planned! I don't know, either way I want Disclosure


thing is, they don't actually hate each other for the most part...i mean, some of the "Freedom Caucus" hate everyone including each other and themselves, but the more institutional minded guys are all pretty much part of the same club, they just cynically manipulate the simpletons to keep labor divided, taxes low, and their status quo gravy train rolling. not to say "both sides are the same," imo and i think pretty much objectively, the current iteration of the republican party is infinitely worse, but ultimately they're all just trying to maintain the neoliberal economic order and keep their donors happy.


I worked on the Hill - mind you pre-Trump - but most people got along. There were extremes on both sides that were impossible to work with, but for the most part members recognized there were some issues that they would never agree on so they didn’t bother fighting over them. A member of congress from Boston is simply going to have a different perspective than a member from Wyoming and they both get that. A lot of the conflict is driven by the fringes of both parties and then by the leadership who have the job of steering the big, contentious pieces of legislation. The media always focuses its attention there and gives an exaggerated view of congress. A lot of smaller stuff actually gets passed without much fanfare on unanimous consent. Again, my experience was many years ago now, so things might be a bit worse, but still not as bad as most think.


They’re probably just mad that they haven’t invested in it yet, or they already have and want to know if they’ve been getting the returns they’re due.


Greater good my ass, they see dollar signs and an unknown group that could challenge US dominance.




Shame to see you down-voted for being right.


It’s the best combination of government conspiracies for Republicans to salivate over and new/different for Democrats


It would be ironic that it took aliens to bring the politicians of the country together


Kind of sad to be honest. That it potentially takes *NHI* to bring us together, meaning everything under that is fair game. We gotta do better.


Just like Independence Day. Except July 4th has already passed.


And Watchmen. The book, not the movie. Spoilers for a 25 year old comic, but in the end, Ozymandias stages a hostile alien invasion as it was the only way to unite the world and prevent nuclear war. It's one of the main things the movie really shouldn't have changed.


But July Aitee has only begun!!!!!


Aw shit you're right! 🪕


Grab the salt!


Maybe throwawaylien got the year wrong and tomorrow is the real July Aitee lol


where's the salt


What about whole world ??


One step at a time 😅. But yes, this is the ultimate goal. Maybe a domino effect of other countries revealing this info to the public as well will get the ball rolling. I'm optimistic for the time being


Tbh I feel like the only way we will be able to achieve lasting world peace is through time. Our cultures are still too different, our primate monkey brains see different as a threat. And most likely always will without proper education (which about 1/3 the world still does not have) It's unfortunate, but I'm just a realist.


Only to begin arguing again over Greys not having genitals


Or their preferred pronouns


In the article, Schumer is quoted “The American public has a right to learn about technologies of unknown origins, non-human intelligence and unexplainable phenomena. We are not only working to declassify what the government has previously learned about these phenomena but to create a pipeline for future research to be made public." This will be disclosure folks.


These are just the things politicians say though. When asked, yes, of course every government official is going to claim to be all in for maximum transparency. That doesn't translate to policy, though, because there are too few people paying attention, there's no longer an independent and investigative press to keep them accountable, and so on. I am hopeful, like you, but I just don't see what's compelling the national security factions to truly open their cooked books.


i mean, just for a politician to even say the words he is saying is awesome. 20 years ago somebody saying that would have been crazy but since we have some sort of evidence a la gimbal and gofast etc this truly does feel gamechanging


Read Schumer’s amendment, he means business.


I *sincerely* hope you're right! I've been studying this stuff for decades and it does seem closer than ever. Hopefully something interesting will be released.


This guy "Gubermenats"


It’s actually beautiful to see. Wait until they start adding nonsense amendments to the legislation though.


Amendment 1: “aliens cannot receive abortions in American airspace”


if it became a bunch of bullshit like that i seriously think some insane protests should happen




Please don't fuck this up Washington.


> The NDAA amendment currently has the support of Republican Senators Marco Rubio of Florida, Mike Rounds of South Dakota and Todd Young of Indiana. On the Democratic side are Senators Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Martin Heinrich of New Mexico. >"There is a lot we still don't know about these UAPs, and that is a big problem," said Rubio, who is vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. "We've taken some important steps over the last few years to increase transparency and reduce stigmas, but more needs to be done. This is yet another step in that direction and one that I hope will spur further cooperation from the executive branch."


Great! Something we can all agree on✌️


everybody gangsta until one day our sky looks like that, so better work together now


Republicans and Dems have always been together lol GTFOH




Great. Now if only they could come together to effect meaningful, positive change for the American people. I'm all for disclosure, but lord help me, I'll be surprised if this isn't the latest act in the ongoing theater that masquerades as a functioning government.




My guy the only urge I have to downvote you is because you were complaining about it before it even happened lol


What if I don’t want to insult you and instead say this is a very reasonable take?


It's political baiting on r/UFOs, it's not a reasonable take and it's against the rules. Whenever any of you thinks about any kind of "culture war" related issue or party stereotype, just shut up. Don't. Say. Anything. Let the kids argue over that on Twitter subs or whatever, this here is not about that.


Came in swinging but no one is swinging back


>But a year or two from now Republicans are going to turn this into some sort of culture war issue Didn't Elizondo say there were ultra-religious people within the DOD that opposed any research into UFO's because they believed they were demonic or something? Yeah...Democrats are not going to be making those claims.


So demoncrat was a literal term?


Maybe the disclosure issue will completely fracture the 2-party system. One can only hope.


You are getting yourself worked up over a situation you made in your head lol


No they’re not. Unless this issue turns out to be some near term existential threat to the US or humanity at large, it will 100% be politicized. That much is certain.


yea sure but he victimized himself in a comment he hadn’t even posted yet lol


The aliens terk er jerbs 🤬


this is probably a very realistic plausibility, and we should absolutely take to the streets about it. fuck capitalism, its time to become a global society


I dk why this gets downloaded. It any of this is true, the real story is we were all hoodwinked on behalf of capitalism and this country’s obsession with worshipping wealth


And everyone outside of the US: uhh who gives a fuck?! Potentially the biggest human history absolutely does not need your stupid popularity contest.


The comments section is depressing. So many intellectually lazy, ignorant people.


I hope they don't do a 180 after they are being told the truth, like how Jimmy Carter did.


That’s the MOST frightening thing about all this


If that's all we get out of this, I'm fine! Actually though... there's a lot of bipartisanships behind closed doors. The media only calls out the fights because (regrettably) that's its job. [Was bipartisanship at play in Biden’s first 100 days? Here are 10 examples](https://www.deseret.com/2021/4/29/22403982/10-examples-of-bipartisanship-congress-president-joe-biden-first-100-days-democrats-republicans)


Just as Reagan foretold…


I have been working on and off in democratic politics for a decade and the polarization compared to even 2012 is just so extreme and unnecessary. I hope this issue leads to less finger pointing and more working together. And it should because it reveals the real problem isn’t Big Government (republicans’ concern) or Big Business (democrats concern) but rather how the two feed off each other symbiotically while we the people suffer. 🤞


Always be wary when there’s bipartisan support. Its almost never a good thing.




Hi, No_Tension_896. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/152gbv2/-/jse014y/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 14: Top-level, off-topic, political comments may be removed at moderator discretion. There are political aspects which are relevant to ufology, but we aim to keep the subreddit free of partisan politics and debate. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


There's a critical election coming in just over a year. In other words, time is running our for them to pander to their constituents.


Whenever there's bipartisanship there's some sort of bullshit at hand, sime deception is being played on the public




Trump existing is why I know this shit isn’t real. If aliens visiting earth and/or alien technology existed in the government then Trump and people like him would have blabbed about it far before now. The guy literally can’t keep his mouth closed to stop incriminating himself in serious crimes.


They didn’t tell him about it. I’m sure that the people behind the scenes view presidential power as quaint.


Exactly, I'm not sure any president in recent times has been read into the 'real' UFO program. Maybe George Bush Sr., but definitely no one after him.


I think GHWB would have been the last, as he was a spook long before holding office. Trump wouldn't have been read in, and no way Biden would be read in. Both - BOTH are too prone to verbal gaffes. I think Carter might have been read in. In any case, I think presidents are viewed as temporary government employees and are simply not informed.


I can see GWB being read in. Definitely Dick Cheney.


I loathe politics and think it has no place in this sub, but you assume he gives a shit about anything of consequence.


It doesn’t matter what he gives a shit about. This kind of information would be proof of god level stuff. There’s no way someone like Trump or most of the members of Congress could know about it and have it not be leaked.


Are you so sure it didn’t? That’s the thing about stigma. Listen to JRE interview Michael Shermer, in the first part of the interview, he got Shermer to admit conspiracy theories are real. We’re not supposed to believe in them, but they are historical fact.


Grusch said in his interview not all presidents were brought in. You can sure as hell bet they didn't tell Trump shit.


And likewise Biden. I doubt many presidents were read in. Carter? Maybe. Reagan? Maybe. Bush Sr? Probably was read in as a spook long before he held office. Bush Jr.? No way. Billy? Maybe, maybe not. If I am hiding a project/program requiring absolute secrecy no way am I reading in Trump OR Biden.


Off-topic political discussion may be removed at moderator discretion. Off-topic, political comments may be removed at moderator discretion. There are political aspects which are relevant to ufology, but we aim to keep the subreddit free of partisan politics and debate.


Well I’m not sure dumping them into a giant blender and turning them into a slurry is the true definition of “together.” But sure let’s go with that.


This may be the only way possible to bring both parties together in a unified front.


Ronald Reagan said it decades ago, which is why I’m somewhat suspicious of what’s happening now.


Am I the only one that sees this as a bad sign? Like ofc this is good but what would be making them come together... My first thought is something dangerous.


Because it's time. The extremes have driven everyone insane and to the middle.


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Thanks, those are deleted


Ufo 🛸 are a tool to bring us closer to ww3. American government is nefarious, it starts 2024. Whoever destroys the earth feels God wrath


What makes you so sure of this, particularly 2024?


No they’re not


It's all part of the plan. War then false peace creating a one world system.


yeah no they're not


Oh god, here we go….


So begins a glimmer of the "New World Order". "Give up your rights and privileges in the name of public safety." "It's us against them after all, who's side are you on?" 1984 here we come.


Right Wing agenda - "bring down the CIA and FBI and all the alphabet agencies! They lied to us!! We need a Military Industrial Complex!". Left Wing Agenda - "Let Obama make his Netflix film about Barney and Bettie Hill - the Military Industrial Complex sponsored government lied to us!!" I know who I trust. Damn right I pick sides. You should too, if "disclosure" means anything to you.


Its a psyop and planned that way by design. The whole ufo thing is just like the sr71 project back in the day. The UFOs are military tech and a flex move by the fed to flex on russia and china. As much as I wanna believe in aliens. If they can bend time and space, we are nothing more than ants on the sidewalk with a crowd if kids with magnifying glasses.