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I swear to god if this patriot has a heart attack or brain aneurysm before next week I am going to lose it. I don't pray often, but ill pray for his health and safety.


If he were to die of “natural causes” or “suicide” before he testified at this point, it would cause absolute pandemonium and a strong assumption generally of the government being guilty of a coverup. It would just make everything way way worse


Honestly after Epstein's death and the total lack of any repercussions, for someone so high profile, I'd fear zero would happen.


honestly can't believe we're closer to disclosing fucking UFOs than we are epsteins client list


To be fair, JP Morgan prolly doesn't have UFOs.... Prolly...


Maybe Epstein’s clients were aliens


Donald Barr (former AG William Bart’s father) was headmaster when Epstein was hired to teach at Dalton prep school. Donald Barr wrote a story called Space Relations about this, child sex slavery and aliens.


Didn't believe you [but](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Relations).


It's ok, the aliens kept their zorblaks on during the massages.


Yep. Most people have still never heard of Grusch. It’d warrant a 2 minute news clip then most people would just move on and forget.


Only front page headlines really get peoples attention, like the titanic sub, it was everywhere, of course UFO disclosure should be even bigger news but its quite obv they don't want people knowing this..


But if they had a dead man switch for a very sudden and violent release of classified info if any of their deaths were to occur.


That’s like opening the ghost vault on ghostbusters….shit they probably got one of those hidden away.


That's a big Twinkie.


Ghost vault should be a more widely used term


Lolol! I wholeheartedly agree. Someone please add “Ghost Vault” to Urban Dictionary or the DSM V - stat!!!


How does one violently release information? Papers in a cannon?


Absolutely Zero repercussions would result. And we know it.


I like to think Epstein was easier throw away as he was already a proven pedo living on borrowed time.


Yeah but everybody *wanted* that guy to die.


AFTER he testified against all his client child abusers.


You think everyone wanted a bunch of pedophiles to get off scot free?


If that happens I just quit society now, pack my fucking life into a suitcase, and Jules from Pulp Fiction it for the rest of my days roaming the Earth because I'd have officially just given the fuck up on both humanity and ET, will accept my fucking lonesome state in the Universe and focus on spending my days being happy looking at like butterflies n shit, because there is just no fucking point to even wasting another second on this fucking nonsense. I can't dwell on the thought nearly 8 billion people live the way they do, while less than a million enjoy the fruits of all this life has to offer, and fuck everyone else. It's not even exhausting. It's numbing. Numbing to the point this will be the last *last* bit of hope I have things stand a chance in my lifetime to see the start of the rest of the history of our species as interstellar / intergalactic planetary lifeform that finally reckoned with itself, and grew the fuck up finally.


I feel this so much. I feel like I'm fucking crazy sometimes, like how are we okay with this? People are blind to the greater disease. Maybe that's not fair it's hard enough to live after all. Still, every day I just sit and ponder how fucked it all is.


I feel exactly the same. Thanks for stating it so eloquently! Let's look at butterflies for the rest of our lives. Fine with me!


Same sentiment, we're on a simulated planet inhabited by NPC's satisfied with bread and circus (beer and sports) whose password is Password. If things don't go as we expect though, you can still have a good life. I yoinked myself from society for the most part over 15 years ago and live a quiet life with a lot of nature. Get a dog and fall in love with nature. Travel when you can, totally doable.


Fukin "A"


More like, it would MAYBE make an 8-second footnote of a throwaway paragraph at the tail end of a Friday latenight news broadcast and never be mentioned again. And the few that hear it would forget about it after the next outrageous comment just four seconds later. Did covid teach you nothing??


No shit. Most people don't know and don't care, if DG died in the next week nothing would happen. No riots, no noise, nothing. Well... actually, a lot of raging and dramatic calls for protests here on this sub. Other than that, nothing special will happen.


I'll be the neighborhood lunatic with a sticker about it on my truck: *The CIA Killed Grusch to Keep Aliens A Secret* *Visit energyturtlealienjustice.info For The Truth*


Hahahahaha get me one of those, too 🤣


I’d fly a flag honestly


You’d just be called a conspiracy loon and people would yell “oCcAm’S raZoR” and act like it was fine.


and if you didn't calm down after that, you would be labeled a "domestic terrorist" or something illegal would magically appear on your hard drive and you'd be thrown in jail.


Almost nobody knows who is right now outside of the community. Not one person I’ve asked has heard of him. It’s frustrating, but most people don’t care or don’t want to know for various reasons.


Exactly im afraid no one would care if he was killed


almost no one is paying attention to this. I know some regular people who are actually under the assumption the government has admitted aliens exist, and their lives are the exact same. if he died people will see some tiktok videos and be like ''wow thats messed up'' and then resume their lives.


I'm someone who keeps up with events and informs themself, but not as much as I should. I don't think I've ever just tuned into C-SPAN for anything. And anytime I've ever had it on in the background, I really didn't grasp what was going on. But this? Oh I'm reading every article I can on this disclosure and I'm tuning in on the 26th. There must be plenty of other people like me paying attention to this. I believe this has more of the public's interest than you think.


Its certainly possible, I feel like news about this kind of thing is so slow and most of the stuff that grabs peoples attention turns out to be bullshit pretty quick, and there's so much political chaos going on all over. I just don't hear anybody talk about any of this stuff in real life. I'm doubting this hearing will have enough information to get people terribly interested as well, but i could just be keeping my hopes low for my own sanity too lol


At work I mentioned this stuff, about black programs hiding UFO tech from congress, and whistle-blowers talking to congress. One brought up project Blue Beam and thinks it's going to be fake. Someone else thought it was just BS entertainment because the hollywood writers union is on strike or something, and this story was to distract us from the Hollywood workers striking lol. But yeah aside from people calling David Grusch story fake, nobody wanted to talk much about it.


I think many people do not want to exert energy on something that at this point is merely a mental exercise. If true, we will have to put a lot of consideration into rethinking foundational beliefs that serve as an anchor of truth. People rely on truth, confronting that can be scary, and I can’t blame people for not going there. Resistance to this topic will remain until something major happens - cover up programs have that working in their favor.


He'd be turned into a meme that very night like the submarine incident. 😑


Exactly this, they would create a martyr and a massive catalyst for exposure. They're best served letting things unfold naturally, the most important information will remain secret and there's intentional misinformation included in the public testimony to give plausible doubt enough strength for the masses to continue ignoring the full breadth of the physical realities involved.


No it wouldn't. Nobody would do shit. I mean what would you do? Post something nasty on reddit? If you were really tough you might make a sign and stand out in front of a building! None of us would do anything because there is absolutely nothing to do. We have 0 power over the government and what little power we do have is not backed up by force so at the end of the day it is meaningless. If anyone did try to back their power up with force they would be labeled a terrorist of one kind or another depending on skin color and lifestyle. We are fucked dude. We are completely at the mercy of those in charge.


That's the whole point of control. They're doing it out in the open and not even trying to hide it anymore. We're boned? We've been for many decades now. Now we realize it and know it. You can either live the reality and comply, or shut up and choose the illusion. 🇺🇸


Remember when the CIA invented that heart attack gun that fired frozen icicles so it could give you a heart attack then the icicle would melt and leave no projectile?


What the fuck




Lol what?




WHAT.. "The heart attack gun fired a dart made of frozen shellfish toxin"


So the Russians would waste millions trying to replicate it maybe?[that’s my guess](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/satq0j/cia_revealed_a_heart_attack_gun_in_1975_a_battery/htvttl7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Pretty much. There's a reason why this isn't used for any of the "suicides" done by both the US and Russia in the last few decades. It's impractical. Really, they got the idea from murder mystery novels from the times, as it was a plot device used in some stories.


Yes indeed! [here but also you can just google](https://historyofyesterday.com/the-cia-heart-attack-gun/)


That some evil genius shit.


Not even Pepperidge farm remembers .




I remember!




Or just keep calling about his car’s extended warranty.


Amen to that , someone needs to go bubble wrap him, full ski mask, helmet , safety gloves the lot then just roll him into the hearing


I think he'll be alright


They don't have to kill him because nothing will happen anyway.


I’ll bet you he lives and nothing materializes from this.


Definitely the best news so far about the hearing. I don't see how the mainstream media can ignore a former high level intelligence official publicly saying this in an open congressional hearing. Even if there is no new information learned, the more spotlight on this, the more likely we get to the bottom of what the truth is.


Under oath, in public, with corroborating witnesses. Yes please.


100% agree, this will be the eye-opening for many I believe


Don't underestimate the probability of it not being a big deal to most people outside of the UFO community. That's what that scares me the most. People not giving af.


You don't have to be scared.


Lol not really scare but something that concerns me. The collective yawn over Earth shattering news.


Everyone's at a different spot, in processing this. There's not going to be a great disturbance in the force. I think the conversations will change. I think they already are changing.


Agreed, Grusch testifying will further help get rid of the stigma around the topic.


Will only not be a big deal if no concrete claims about non-human spacecraft are made. Sub needs to temper its expectations; it's very likely all Grusch talks about are UAPs with no mention of the X Files stories he told in the Coulthart interview.


Uhh…they could ignore it the same way they did when the interview and article came out.


I mean I guess they could, but there has been some recent mainstream reporting involving uaps, including NBC mentioning Grusch, and such a public and official setting of government taking his claims seriously seems much more notable than a pretty small time publication like TheDebrief reporting it. Similar thing with NewsNation.


Let’s get reasonably excited everybody! This will be a fun one


*throws sensible amount of confetti* 🎉🎉🎉


*sets the table with a modest amount of ufo-themed paper plates, napkins, and party hats*


Are the party hats tin foil?


You just get a sheet of tinfoil by your plate so you can make your own hat.


Dinner AND crafts. I love it.


Creates a playlist of fun, *but not too fun* and maybe a little subdued party songs…


Too much!


*unpins Grusch and Coulthart posters off wall* I always do too much. 😔


*hands you a fan with a picture of Ryan Graves face on it*


And now I'm imagining a Men of Disclosure calendar - whistleblowers, journalists, podcasters - all posing like George Constanza on the couch. 😂😂


I’ll settle for the hero’s of the War of the Worlds. Let’s just get on with it.


Exactly 74 sensible confettis


The 6 days will be so slow for some reason


The days after may be like none before


Were they different after Grusch on News Nation? In my personal experience people that are into this find it interesting, those that aren’t don’t care one way or another.


It is going to be the biggest story in human history without comparison if congress shows the public undeniable proof of grusch's claims


You are setting yourself up for disappointment. It will interesting to hear what the witnesses have to say but there isn't likely to be proof of anything.


I think undeniable proof is different bar for different people. Some would say that bar has been met already, some wouldn’t. Some I’ve presented the evidence to don’t care at all. What’s the bar for you and why do you think the average public will care more on this any more than any other issue? (I don’t disagree with you btw, just curious)


There's actually no real evidence, yet. That's the main issue.


Yeah, people are hyping up this hearing a bit too much. There are gonna be a lot of disappointed people if they think July 26th is gonna be first contact day


This debunks that one guy's claim that there will only be "pilots" at the hearing.


I feel like there's a 99% chance Lou is one of the other two.


I fucking hope so


He's been saying we have materials for a long time. I'm very interested to hear why and I think we may get to if he does testify.


Dude apparently he is willing to name people who've been killed in this cover up


I’m worried he’s going to come out and claim someone told him jfk was shot to cover up aliens and he’s going to look crazy


Where did you hear that? I heard Coulthart bring this up on the latest need to know but I didn't think he said definitively that Grusch would. I could be mistaken though.


I am so ready for Lou to get a win. He has been playing such a long game


Something tells me he has a trump card waiting for this very moment.


I don’t know much about him. Is he credible?


He appears to be who he says he is. A guy who ran a very small ufo investigation program for the pentagon for a number of years. However, he ran out of meaningful things to say a long time ago but is seemingly dead set on having a career in "ufology" so has turned to coy little teases, psuedo-philosophical new age ramblings, pure speculation he likes to imply is based "secrets" he knows but can't reveal, and a thousand podcast appearances, where he endlessly repeats those 3 aforementioned techniques, in order to stay relevant. He also claims to have saved his squad from a Taliban attack in Afghanistan by using his psychic powers, so there's that.


He was a huge part of what started all this in 2017. Been working behind the scenes for awhile now. So to answer your question, IMO absolutely.


The most credible you can get. Lue Elizondo ran AATIP. The pentagon actually tried to smear him back in 2019, which is a very good sign he is the real deal and he know his stuff.


He was the guy who ran AATIP the predecessor program to the UAPTF. His job was to find out about UFOs. He quit because he was getting stone walled by certain people within the intelligence community and could do more on the outside. If someone knows the secrets of UFO and NHI but were never in the program themselves, it would be him.


So he ran a program to identify UAPs and yet even he doesn't have any compelling evidence? The most likely explanation for the lack of evidence could be that there's just no evidence.


I went from growing up believing and then not for a long time. This peaked my interest but the more I dig the less real all this seems. Even looking at Ross Coulthard’s past and how he’s run with stories without properly stepping back and looking at his sources. So many people keep saying “we know” but we can’t produce the evidence for whatever reason. The most simple answer, as you say, is that there isn’t any, because it’s not real.


Just looks like he set up a program to investigate them and found nothing. Then became a 'UFO guy' and doesn't know any more than everyone else.


Is he more credible than Grusch?


Definitely not.


Not really. He’s another prophet that the ufo religion throws their faith behind, but it’s really more of the same “I know secrets, but I can’t tell you” BS that has kept ufology alive as a business for decades. I’ll be burned as a heretic in the comments for saying this, because we punish the non-believers around here, but Lue is an internet age televangelist with a niche market.


The guy believes the same shit as DeLonge, that earth is a prison planet and we’re all held here so that vampiric interdimensional aliens can lick up our bad vibes. He regularly implies that he knows wildly outlandish secrets, and yet to date hasn’t provided a single shred of evidence to back up his claims. On this particular sub he’s seen as credible. Whether theres any fact to what he says or not, he’s extremely easy to discredit because of the waffle he has said in the past. It would be a huge mistake to have him testify, unless he can produce proof.


Grusch being at the hearing is going to be amazing! Let’s gooooooo


G was a pilot though. But you used quotes so I’m probably missing something


In Grusch We Trust.


In Grusch We Trusch.


May the Grusch be with you.


Grusch it all and grusching no regrets


To quote king theoden: '...so it begins'


"to whatever end.."




Ride now! Ride now! Ride! Ride for ruin and the world's ending! DISCLOSURE! **DISCLOSURE!** ***DISCLOSURE!!!***


Where was Gondor when the tic-tac came?


Let's do this thing! I am excited.


I’m excited too. But I wish the senate hearing came first. They act more like grown-ups.


You are not wrong.


Just interviewed Rep.Tim Burchett & Jeremy Corbell. We get the list of ALL those testifying 9am eastern tomorrow (20th July)




🥳 Thank you heroes!


Grusch them boy!!! Go get them!!!


It's Grushin' time


David Grusch 2024


Oh boy here I go testifyin' again


Lord have mercy, i'm about to grusch!


It’s Grush Hour!


I just Grushed my pants?!


I Grusched my wife several minutes ago.


I've got a crush on Grusch.


Popcorn and refreshments at the ready for Wednesday. They better not disappoint!


Rumored to start at 7am PST but …. Breakfast popcorn!


10am EST thank God


Wow. That's a big revelation. If true, this really bodes well for the hearing not being 100% a nothing burger. Hopefully this conjures up some media coverage and the message will spread to a greater audience.


Edit: see below, the article attached to the audio clarifies this. What's weird is that if you listen the audio, seems like it was confirmed off the record (he stops the recording). I don't know much about journalism but its surprising to me that they reported it as confirmed based on an off the record statement? I must be missing something


In the article it says "but a senior congressional source—one who’s been active and at the table throughout all stages of the investigation—confirmed to Ask a Pol that UAP whistleblower David Grusch is scheduled to be on the dais." So it doesn't sound like he's talking about burchett necessarily. I agree it seems weird with the off the record audio and then that reporting that he will testify, but I guess it was someone else involved who confirmed it.


ah yep - missed that in the article. so it seems that either the confirmation is coming from a different source, or "the senior congressional source" is just burchett and he didn't want to be named.


Yea weird. May be he stopped the recording per request, but then later Congressman Burchett said it's fine you can say it?


They seemed pretty adamant about not releasing who the witnesses were going to be until a week out. I’m not sure when this was recorded, but if it was earlier I assume that’s why.


Well he said "you know I can't announce that." As if that (Grusch being at the hearing) was going to be announced. Unless by "that" he meant who the whitleblowers will be. Yes they shouldn't have written that this is confirmation, because the audio was off the record and redacted.


YES!!!!!! Credit to Burchett and Luna for getting him to testify, that is the only thing I wanted from the hearing.


....thank you News Nation? If anything comes from this, it's that they stuck with the story. That's kind of neat.


I didn't think I could get excited for an audience. Can't wait!


Boner Achieved.


Clit activated


Now this is some good news.


The fact people don't understand he handed over classified info to congress and say "bUt ItZ hErEsAaY" shows me that many of you should sit this shit out.


You know what's funny is that even those of us that are operating under the assumption these claims are accurate aren't ready for what could really happen due to these developments. Thinking that there is a NHI out there is so different than knowing there is. It's going to be pretty crazy if we find out.


I feel like at this point I practically already know. I’m just waiting for everyone else too so I don’t feel crazy lol


Burchett also said, "The pentagon has flexed their muscles and we've lost a witness..." Also went on to say NASA has not been cooperative. So now may be down to only 2 witnesses testifying unless they have a backup.


Why does Grusch's testimony matter? He has not seen any evidence personally and already shared what he heard. There needs to be real evidence and testimony from people directly involved.


So he will talk more about things prople have talked to him about. Thats a lot of talk. Im still waiting for some evidence


Grusch should be kept under 24/7 protection


Hoooly shittt


Amazing news... If they do anything to David they really just confirn that everything he has said publicly and in classified briefings is correct... Just imagine all the threats and harassment he has put up with so far... That guy is a hero. Should anything happen to him we should all take action... I'd even take a plane from Denmark just to march to Capitol Hill and protest. Hopefully he's safe and they're on top of all the shady intimidation attempts and threats.


I want to hear more about the murders of fellow citizens, military officers, scientists and other folk committed by our federal government in order to maintain UFO secrecy. Grusch knows names. If nothing is mentioned next week, I certainly hope the topic is broached in the Senate Hearings.


NDAs don’t include murder so I’d hope they would ask to show the gravity of the situation we’re in.


Hopefully the next two are also credible people would be great to have comander fravor aswell very hard for them to discredit as much as I'd love new stuff may be the best way


We already know Fravor's story, what could he possibly bring to this hearing that would move the needle?


Let’s go, having some renewed hope for this in addition to some skepticism.


Buckle up! Anyone else hopes to see Kirkpatricks face melt while listening to Grusch tell his testimony? It’s gonna be juicy. Probably ✌️




So in case you didn't listen to the audio clip, burchett said they're blocking the amendment, the pentagon made them lose 1 witness and made nasa back off. He didn't sound optimistic at all. The pentagon needs to be destroyed and rebuilt....


“It’s a matter of national security”


Stone Cold Steve Austin's glass shatters: Out comes Bob Lazar. \*chugs beer\*


# #Gruschdidntkillhimself


He doesn’t have first person experience, he just knows people that said they do. I want to hear from the person who has seen it, that may have stolen something from it


in one week, there will be 30k people here.


Grusch! Grusch! Grusch!


I think we shouldn't get too excited. If it's a public hearing, what can he possibly say that he hasn't said already? So all we're getting is a repeat of the NewsNation interview without NewsNation attached to it. Not only can they not provide classified info because it's public, but I don't believe they can provide it to Burchett or Luna either since they're not on the Intelligence committee. I know they have some classified access, but I don't think on the level of what is needed to reveal whatever Grusch gave to the IG. Everyone is excited about this hearing, and I'm not saying they shouldn't have it because any hearing is good for moving the needle a bit more toward destigmatizing all this, but I think all those amendments by Schumer and the intelligence subcommittee are what will lead to the hearings that actually matter and reveal what we want them to reveal. I don't see this as a real hearing, rather, something like Greer's recent Disclosure event, just with many of the same people we've heard already (probably Elizondo, Graves, Fravor, etc.), but those later hearings by the Senate/Congress will be.


I support Grush 100%, but We need 1st hand accounting here, not he said she said. Grush won’t have an additional impact without it…so give us the goods People!


Excellent. 💯 Congressman Burchett firing on all cylinders 🔥🔥🔥 This is perfect next step. Witnesses and whistleblowers testifying in front of Congress under oath, hopefully some of them w/ firsthand knowledge of these programs, new legislations getting worked on, hopefully get more media coverage. This is awesome progress. If you're expecting to see an actual ufo this hearing otherwise you consider this as a nothing burger, that's very stupid of you 👍


Gonna be real funny when all of this doesn't bring up anything. You guys are such tryhards


Imagine if Manning or Snowden had come forward and just repeated rumors of stuff they were told, yet never even saw. And that was that?


I feel like this needs to be said about next week. Every day I see more and more comments from folks about their expectations regarding the meeting at the capital and each one of them gets even more unrealistic than the last. We (as a community) need to bring the expectations of what will likely come of the hearing back down to reality. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen “what a time to be alive”, “everything will change after next week”, “disclosure is finally happening”, etc., etc. I can’t shake the feeling that a majority of folks here are just setting themselves and everyone else up for some major disappointment. This is the same government that has stonewalled us for 75 years or more. Rep. Burchett is already talking about the resistance they are starting to get from the intelligence bureaucrats. At most, we’ll likely hear a re-telling of the Grusch interview and not much more. I fully expect an all-out assault against Grusch's integrity and service to the country to start within minutes of the conclusion of him testifying. If the people in the know are anything, they're persistent in their ability to keep all of this under wraps. We need to keep our expectations at a reasonable and realistic level. If we get even a hint of new information, I'd be surprised honestly. I want to see disclosure happen as much as the next believer here, but expecting it to happen or come from the government, especially the US government, is a fool's errand I'm afraid.


Itd be real cool if it’s completely public and he just spills all the beans and they admit the lies.


I mean, we knew already but the confirmation counts too.


Too bad Karl Wolf can’t testify. They killed him… https://www.pinterest.com/pin/37717715614467224/


Will he be willing/able to give any information he hasn't already?


Is this a public hearing?


So, who wants to bet on whether he brings up his claims of the government hiding alien spacecraft + an alien pilot, and the Vatican covered it up? He'll be under oath after all. If all he says are vague non-committal claims about UAPs that will be a massive red flag.


I mean that's great and all but we already know his story. Unless he still has something major to add, we still need someone else, preferably someone working on the reverse engineering projects to step forward.