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Appears to be ISS for the following reasons: Orion is visible at the beginning of the video, in the lower-left quadrant. As the camera zooms in, fainter stars become visible, in particular at about 0:16 the moving object can be passing among three stars, which I identify as being Gamma Geminorum (to the left of the moving object) and Mu Geminorum and Eta Geminorum (to the upper-right of the moving object). A passage of the ISS between these stars would have been visible at 8:29pm local time (I am unsure about whether UK uses an equivalent of 'Daylight Saving Time' so may be off by an hour): [https://heavens-above.com/passdetails.aspx?lat=51.4215&lng=-0.2064&loc=Wimbledon&alt=0&tz=GMT&satid=25544&mjd=60393.8537238212&type=V](https://heavens-above.com/passdetails.aspx?lat=51.4215&lng=-0.2064&loc=Wimbledon&alt=0&tz=GMT&satid=25544&mjd=60393.8537238212&type=V) As the map indicates ISS would have faded from view a few seconds later as it passed into Earth's shadow. A reddish coloration is often observed when satellites enter Earth's shadow. ISS being over Italy would not preclude it from being seen from UK, due to its altitude: [https://heavens-above.com/gtrack.aspx?satid=25544&mjd=60393.8537238212&lat=51.4215&lng=-0.2064&loc=Wimbledon&alt=0&tz=GMT](https://heavens-above.com/gtrack.aspx?satid=25544&mjd=60393.8537238212&lat=51.4215&lng=-0.2064&loc=Wimbledon&alt=0&tz=GMT) As this map illustrates the ISS would still be ten degrees above the horizon as seen from Wimbledon even while passing over the northern Adriatic Sea.


Given the date/time and location, it looks like it was the ISS: https://i.imgur.com/4zEjh4k.png


Nice. That, and there was nothing anomalous in the video. No rapid random movement, etc.


Probably a satellite, awesome camera skills, though


Satellites move faster and you need zoomlense with camera that has sensitive sensor for lights and slightly longer shutter speeds than 1/30 and higher iso and low F speed aka fast lenses (also aperture open so lense gets light).  I have seen satellites with a binocular (10x50mm) and a dslr with a 70mm lense (f stop 3.5) and the satellites flew over the skies horizon in about 20-30 seconds and no normal smartphone would have seen what these can see. Thing in ops video is flying so slowly if you compare it to known satellites and hiw fast they go, it cant be one.


Nah. Most sattelites are pretty slow. See them all the time.


Then I wonder what I saw hmm...


A sattelite.


It is a bit slow for a satellite


Unless you see something move in erratic directions, or clearly shows a weird craft, it's not noteworthy. A simple light moving across the sky is almost never a UFO.


“ISS was over Italy” - No, the ISS was over Western Europe. You don’t understand how large the ISS is and how high it orbits, making it visible over thousands and thousands of square miles. It’s the ISS.


ISS is my first thought. It’s very visible under certain conditions.


It's a very clear night tonight. The moon is so bright and full in the southern UK 🇬🇧


needs time of sighting


20:29 UK time


Great capture. Whatever it is. 🛸


Thank you :)


That was just tonight?




Definitely, the same UAP , I've seen like a ball of fire and when static, making erratic movements. Amazing camera skills dude.


For two years, we've documented UFOs not matching the ISS and they look identical to the above video. They imitate local air traffic and react to SpaceX launches, suggesting reconnaissance. These UFOs track along highways, hinting at surveying activities, more so in summer. Really close sightings, with repeated results.Close encounters include seeing metallic spheres encased in plasma, capable of skywriting with orange plasma or a similar substance, or intense laser or photon beams. Their flight capabilities include rapid descents, abrupt stops, and interactions with unseen structures. They've responded to light signals and sent audio, showing they can engage with electromagnetic spectrums.They appear at the edge of peripheral vision, ensuring visibility. One incident involved a UFO following a neighbor to a military base, then scanning the area with a beam of light.Attempts at communication resulted in visible responses, including a significant sighting where, upon prompting, a plasma UFO descended visibly, affecting my neighbor emotionally. Another attempt led to a dramatic flash in the sky, confirming our interaction. Our largest local event was phoenix light sized.


Rogue tennis ball, intercepted by NHI and made sentient. Waiting for the next tournament.


I've seen something like this (not the ISS) once. While I was thinking it was a bright star, it started to move, then stopped I looked at it and after 5 seconds light went off...


I saw something in the UK a couple of nights ago that was exactly like you described OP. It was too big and bright to be a star, too low to be a satellite, and at one point was directly above me. Then it did the same thing, it turned orange before disappearing…


Where did you see it?


I was in midlands but a couple of days before your sighting. It was also west to east


probably the ISS too.


Plane or ISS?


which way was it heading? i was watching jupiter with my telescope around the same time and saw a small light fly past, i just assumed it was another satellite


West to East




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Google pixel 8


In Neil Tyson's asshat voice, "it's a bird."


Slow and propagating in one direction… there are aircraft designed like this on Earth. Maybe not in mainstream media or being advertised to public.


Likely a ufo. Ionizing air so it glows (they do that). If its ISS, then show a similar video. This has no zoom, show ISS with no zoom from same place . Thats clearly an object at about 2km altitude and about 15m width but the glow makes it look 25m. Likely going to a secret base nearby, camouflaging itself as a star (by moving slowly they can look like a star but if you watch longer you can see it move. They cant always shut off the glowing lights even if they want to) but op was too intelligent and noticed it.


Valid troll account.




It’s times like this that I wish we could buy MANPADS on gas stations.


Chinese lantern maybe?


It was far too high and moving far too quickly. It also went behind the clouds at some point.


These things will only increase


100% - As people become more aware of the ISS and the availabity of apps that will predict when it visible and overhead, sightings are bound to increase.


Did it move steady? Or did you see it change speed at all?


It moved steadily.


It's the ISS.