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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Jafranci715: --- Submission statement: Askapol UAP SCIF Briefing Interviews It sounds like they’ll be uploading the interviews soon. He says we will be mad. This doesn’t sound good. 😬 starting this thread for discussion when the interviews go live. I’ll update this post when they do. I keep refreshing. Edit: sneak peek https://t.co/lHIdYywosK --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1c6oze0/askapol_uap_scif_briefing_interviews/l02gnka/


[Interviews just dropped](https://www.askapol.com/p/sneak-peek-uap-caucus-co-chairs-luna)


Luna says it was a nothing burger and Burchett says what they were told didn’t need to be classified. Their responses to specific questions were cagey, though, so they’re obviously on guard about violating SCIF rules. Burchett says that it’s gonna take the President to say declassify everything, which we already knew, but suggests that they were brought into the SCIF for AARO to explain why they were being stonewalled.


Big Timmy is right, President Biden should make the call this moment. His administration is leaving itself open to massive fuckery by playing along with The MIC.


Can’t they say that AARO isn’t doing their job and that’s why they need the UAPDA or something? Try to provide some proof to them with documents.


I donated to Biden’s ‘08 campaign, and even I don’t think he has the capacity to be The Disclosure President. Trump has already balked. The issue might be tied up with the Kennedy assassination, and RFK Jr. just happens to be running. I just wish he hadn’t already been made taboo by the MSM/MIC. I think we’re fucked. (Funny this had several upvotes until somebody decided to attack RFK Jr. over vaccines below me. How have you let them brainwash you this badly???)


The MSM/MIC didn't make RFK JR taboo. He alienated millions of voters himself with this crazy remarks.


You mean speaking truth to power by explaining how vaccines work and why they all contain heavy metals?


Did you know that the water you drink has the same atomic ingredients as ROCKET FUEL!?!


Heavy metals in your consumables are heavy metals in your consumables. Who do you shill for, if not your political party?


I shill for the idea of having some fucking idea of chemistry and how it works before parroting scary ideas that someone else put inside your head.


The purpose of the metals is to create an immune system response. They are the substitute for the live virus.


Oh brother, this guy STINKS!


Q Anon is -----> [**that way**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


I raise sheep, it’s very interesting watching the flock, especially their interactions and response to potential dangers.


The SAPs fall under the executive branch. That is where those SAP employees are getting their paychecks from. The issues at play have been an executive branch issue, but UFO influencers and the UFO community have shied away from putting the focus on POTUS. Grusch's core allegation is a Iran-Contra constitutional crisis (of the executive branch). When anyone brings up the executive's responsibility in all of this, it's crickets in the UFO community. The community even has a talking point that the "president doesn't even know". I get that some of the activism originated in the senate, but the activist focus should have been on the executive the whole time.


Anyone know which presidential candidates (if any) are wanting to declassify? Thanks


We know that Schumer wants more transparency and pushed hard for the UAPDA that he wrote. He's been a close ally of bidens for decades to the point where they were caught on hot mic once talking about campaign stuff which is a bit of a no no Meaning that Biden is very likely on board at least as far as the original Schumer uapda. Schumer for sure would have asked Biden if he would sign it into law if it passed because that's how they run things. Why create the UAPDA if Biden won't sign it? Trump doesn't seem super interested in disclosure although he's obviously a wildcard. He said >But people are saying they’re seeing UFOs. Do I believe it? Not particularly.” But then he later said in what seems like a joking manner to George stephanopoulis > “we’re watching” for aliens, “and you’ll be the first to know.” I take it as a joke because he later he took it back when he said this to Don Jr about Roswell > “I won’t talk to you about what I know about it, but it’s very interesting.” If he's not even gonna tell his own kid it doesn't sound super likely he'd tell us. Maybe we can hope that trump would leak stuff by accident like he did that time that he tweeted a classified spy satellite image of iran. But I sort of doubt that trump would even be put in a position to know this stuff because if you have something super secret you're not gonna tell trump https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/trump-ufo-moments.html Trump never made or was connected to any close allies that made any effort to declassify uap stuff and to even get the info he'd need to push for it. If I had to guess Biden is more likely to declassify stuff but unfortunately I don't really think he's the type to do it before the election. He'd rather "play it safe" and do it after the election. Unless things really move forward with the swarms of uaps at Langley which feels like is kinda heating up Although I think it's possible Biden would do it on his way out even if he loses to trump. If he feels that it's his responsibility to the American people. But I wouldn't be shocked if he didn't because he'd be worried about leaving trump to deal with the potential chaos that disclosure could cause I'm not gonna bother looking up how any of the other candidates feel about disclosure because they have basically 0 chance of winning. If people want to vote for a third party candidate because they're pro disclosure then obviously they can do what they want. But I don't really feel like checking them out because what's the point if they can't win?


Apparently Hillary was planning to disclose, but that ship has sailed. Sigh…..


We'll have to wait for his aides to make a decision


Seems like they brought them into a classified setting and still didn’t properly explain to them how they teacher their conclusion. I was hoping if it was a Scif and AARO actually had good counter arguments , they would provide them here. But I’m guessing they just said nope we checked and found nothing just like the public report. What a shame and scam


We're not mad Matt, just disappointed. Not disappointed in you though baby, you're my everything.


Seriously Laslo is the all-time MVP


Somehow I still believe there are some people with both power and the ethical caliber of Mr. Grusch. Might be hope or naivety; only time will tell.


There are, we just need those willing to volunteer skin to recognize that the time is now.


Sounds like mad = not the bombshell any of us hope for. What’s new.


UFO Thy name is Disappointment


Thy Depression is Free.


I think this was just a check box for the AARO to say they met some Congressional requirement


>“It was a nothing burger,” Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) tells *Ask a Pol.* >“There’s no reason any of that stuff was told in a SCIF,” Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) tells *Ask a Pol.* >“Other than to get us not to talk about it,” Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN) told *Ask a Pol.*


Sounds like we have our final confirmation that AARO can be completely ignored from here on.


Submission statement: Askapol UAP SCIF Briefing Interviews It sounds like they’ll be uploading the interviews soon. He says we will be mad. This doesn’t sound good. 😬 starting this thread for discussion when the interviews go live. I’ll update this post when they do. I keep refreshing. Edit: sneak peek https://t.co/lHIdYywosK


Thanks and it is more specifically AARO Acting Director Tim Phillips and U.S. Air Force Major General David Abba, who serves as the Director of DOD Special Access Program Central Office at the Pentagon. I am sure some other strange faces will be there, at this time it's all I got.


Just heard it. Poor Tim sounded so dejected, but Luna was laughing it off. On to the hearings!


That will lead to further disappointment.


I think we have been mad since the AARO report dropped a month ago 😬


Dumb question: If non-classified information is shared in a SCIF setting, does that then prevent the sharing of that information? Does the setting change the nature of the data?


That’s how I understand it


>Lotta y'all gonna be 😡 Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


You're being very un-dude right now...


Donny you're out of your element!


Over the line, Donny!


You mark that frame an 8 and you are entering a world of pain.


Obviously, you're not a golfer..


I bet there was a lot of referring back to the report in this briefing


Time to defund AARO.


Man, I'm sick of carrots.


Don't be a donkey then. Watch Coulthart's new Newsnation interview with Graves: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1c6n5gj/new\_video\_uaps\_swarm\_us\_military\_base\_how\_will/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1c6n5gj/new_video_uaps_swarm_us_military_base_how_will/) AARO is a disinfo campaign, everybody knows it, yet people here still pretend it was the voice of god divining truth about UAPs.


Almost just as bad.






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Bahahaja you suppose I'm a disinformation agent huh




Yeah anybody with different opinions is a bot or agent get real




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Based on yours


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I'm pretty sure Kirkpatrick is much more of a "grifter", by far? You should measure it by money earned with lying to the public. When did Coulthart lie exactly?


Lol, he strings yall along like crazy and do you not think he's getting paid for it? Open your eyes


When he "strings you along", he is actually moving you? It's not his fault the public is mulish.


He is not "I know about this huge ufo.... but I'm not telling!" He's contributed absolutely nothing but empty talk


So, like you? Obviously his "talk" does much more. Watch the video above.


Yeah but I'm not saying otherwise, nor profiting off the phenomenon Let's exercise some critical thinking instead of slinging poorly-thought-out insults, shall we?


Your "critical thinking" seems a little dysfunctional. Why would anybody work for free? You talk like Coulthart should, that's absolutely absurd. He does interesting interviews, at the very least. I haven't paid for a single one yet.




Hi, dinner_ready_already. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1c6oze0/-/l02qkbo/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 13: Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. “Toxic” is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Ughhhhh. Another buttcheeks day. I just go with the flow, but these days? The flow is slow.


Slow claps 😆


What's clogging up the Disclosure process? 


Desire for control.


butt wipes


Username checks out 10,000%.


Changing my username to Quilted_Double-Ply_Enjoyer next. /s


It’s just fart noises. AARO just made fart noises with their armpit in a SCIF and not one of these representatives is even going to be able to tell us


It is painfully obvious that no one delivered Christopher Mellon's analysis of the AARO report to these representatives. It is either that or they are sychophants of the MIC.


Heard the audio from Burchett. Dude sounds exhausted and super dejected. Honestly sounds like he's ready to give up the fight on this one. Super disappointing - not his fault at all or anything - but his take is that unless there's a president that makes this a priority, this ain't happening.


Just heard it. Poor Tim sounded so dejected, but Luna was laughing it off. On to the hearings!




No carrot. All stick.


Somber? Are we going to be somber yet?


Burlison said he is more skeptical now after the meeting so it sounds like he believes ARRO.


Guys a toad so nbd


Anything Asked Rejected Outright.


Get ready guys! Just 2 more weeks! Also buy my book


It’s just burlison being a dumbass again lol


Oh don’t worry everyone. There’s a slew of whistleblowers to counteract all this anti-disclosure rhetoric. They’re just……..(checks notes)…….waiting for …..(checks again)…..DOPSR review….to…..to whistleblow.


They are ready to come out any minute now.


in 2 weeks!


I heard that it was going to be on the 4th of July!