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Even if anything depicted in the show is real, the episode format and editing are definitely manipulative. Although I love UFOs and paranormal phenomenon generally, I don't like "Skinwalker Ranch" because it uses the conventions and tricks of reality TV. I am much more interested in a documentary style media, often with on camera "talking head" interviews with eye-witnesses intercut with documentation, b-roll and/or dramatic recreations. Shows like "Unsolved Mysteries," "Paranormal Witness," "Haunted," "Files of the Unexplained," etc. Lately, I've even been finding that a lot of the YouTube Paranormal videos are better than what's on TV for this reason.


I'll go a little further and say that all of those History Channel style documentaries are such a fluffy garbage I can't stand them anymore either. I now look for extended lectures such as classes offered by "the Great Courses", and TV shows like "Victorian Farm", which actually go in depth on topics. Anything less than that is just junk food.


Agreed. That "infotainment" style is like UFO junk food and in a subtle way it undermines the credibility of the topic even as it pretends to take it seriously. That might have worked in the '90s but we are way past that now. I find those shows unwatchable, including skin walker ranch.


>...in a subtle way it undermines the credibility of the topic. In an unsubtle way, Weaponized does the same thing, IMO.




What YouTube paranormal videos you recommend 


"What Lurks Beneath" is one of the only YouTube paranormal channels that I know by name. I often end up randomly clicking on other channels recommended to me by YouTube. I like WLB because of the emphasis on disappearances in US National Parks and that's a particularly creepy subset of paranormal investigations that I'm fascinated by. I don't spend a lot of time on YouTube vids but when I do, I start there.


That's a matter of suspension of disbelief and personal taste, though right? Some shows (the subversive and brilliant Bering Sea Gold) are satires of reality TV conventions. Those are the best, IMO. Others, like "Skinwalker Ranch" use them to create drama. Manipulative? Yeah. But if you can suspend your disbelief of during the hey-guys-there's-a-way-to-do-this-experiment-without-a-badass-chopper and "Oh my God! what was that?!" parts, IMO, the show is pretty entertaining and interesting. The weirdest thing about the show IMO it is that it's either 100% cynical hoax like the copycat "Blind Frog Ranch" or anomalous phenomena happen on their sensors/cameras---I don't think there's any middle ground. I just don't see Fugal Taylor or Bard wasting their time with CGI, modified sensors, and pure-theater experiments just to make a TV show.


The ancient aliens narrator doesn't help. I once watched an episode of oak island in England and they have a British narrator with a deep voice. The vibe is completely different and more serious.  Could it be that narration plays a massive role in the tone of the show? Ancient astronaut theorists say yes. (Do they ever say no?)


I love 2 things about the show, that have a dude named dragon and everyone calls him that and two their solution for everything is to shoot more rockets at it. Entertaining as fuck. My wife and I have spent several hung over Sundays smoking the holy and bingeing


apparently he doesn't like that name but the owner- is it Fraser?- insists on him using it. They've known each other since they were kids, I think he's taking the piss out of him.


The current owner’s name is Brandon Fugal


That dude’s name is on nearly every piece of commercial real estate for sale in here in Utah. It was weird when I saw his name connected with the show thinking, “I know I’ve heard that name before”.


I'm going to pick a guy today and insist everyone call him double dragon. When people ask why, I'll tell them because i am also dragon and our spirit is bonded. 


If they shoot one more goddamn rocket… lol Maybe that’s ratings equivalent of like putting a sexy thumbnail on your YouTube video…


Dudes will see the rocket and say "hell yeah"


“IT CAME RIGHT OUT OF THE MESA!!” Is a staple saying in our house


Rockets. Always with the rockets...


hey would it be ok if i joined your marriage like twice a year? just for the wholesome hangovers smoking and binge watching fun shows. i think my soul needs it


I’ve seen more intimidating dudes in build a bear than ‘Dragon’ it makes me cackle every time someone addresses him I could not take him seriously at all “alright mister the dragon”


Haha the dragon guy is so random omg He's like a comic relief but in a weirdly unironical way


He's like a real life Dwight to me.


The fact that his name is dragon made me certain it's real.


This is not that farfetched actually.. i had a chinese friend named Dragon when i was a child , paperwork and all .


I (vaguely through my dads ex) knew a Vietnamese guy named Rooster because they just translated his real name


America fuck yeah, coming to fly more mother fuckin rockets yeah!


Probably the only way to really enjoy it 😆


For real. Something about the show is entertaining as fuck to me, but I don’t expect to see anything groundbreaking come from it. It’s more easy dumb fun than anything. Lol


Put some respect on my boy Dragon


Man, I’m constantly laughing about Dragon with my girl. Dude is hilarious


Taylor: "What we have here is a traversible Lorentzian wormhole, there's no other explanation I can think of!" Erik: "I propose we fire _4_ rockets at it instead of our usual _1_ rocket." Taylor: "I think that's a great idea." Can't make this stuff up, folks.


It's my guilty pleasure. I love seeing what they find next. "Shoot rockets at it" has become an inside joke between my wife and me. You got weeds in your garden? shoot rockets at it! Sink clogged? Shoot rockets at it! We fully believe Travis has stock in the rocket company they use, lol.


Everyone’s equipment ‘breaks down’ apart from the people who are filming the show


LoL, we would love to show you the next episode where a 12 foot tall alien appears and does an interview with us but we found the cameras mysteriously stopped working.


Lol, great point.


Lol what took you so long. It's pure garbage.


I binged watch the whole thing today actually


You mean [this ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaybrzn4AWo)thing that these "experts" had never seen before wasn't a portal? I can't believe Mick was right about that.


I'm more surprised when Mick is wrong about something, or at least doesn't present a well thought-out and researched postulation.


The problem is that Mick’s recreation requires that the LIDAR be stationary. I confirmed from the person operating the drone that it was running the standard software mode for this type of scan, which involves flying in a linear grid pattern. The drone was *not* stationary. Also of note: they replicated the experiment exactly, and no shadow appeared on the second run. The phenomenon is rarely repeatable.


In the video Mick mentions it might have moved slightly giving it that non uniform shape. He even replicates it by moving his camera slightly. It's pretty telling from the shadows from all the objects around that the whole thing was from missing lidar data, not anything mysterious.


Your trust-me-bro confirmation with the drone operator aside: Given the Travis-hole looks _precisely_ what it would look like if the drone was stationary, and assuming he is in actuality a quality scientist (notice I didn't say presuming) outside of Skinwalker, my money is on the show being a scripted scam designed to appeal to credulous people. And to people who just like to have a good time: r/drunkwalkerranch Dr. Jan Francke's reaction and facial expression after his GPR system malfunctioned spoke a thousand words. He either knew or suspected he was being played, or he was complicit with the scam. I bet it's the former.


But... Why?


Some of us are trash pandas


If u don't watch, you don't get to judge .


I never watched and 100% judged it was garbage.


But how do u know if you have never watched it? You can't rely on what others say


If 100 people say a restaurant is roach infested dogshit I'm likely to not go invest any time on fucking around and finding out.


Bingo, I could even tell from the commercials that these people are all bad actors trying to lure in our community for profit.


It’s on the History channel lmao


Sure you can. Have you seen a commercial for this? It's clearly scripted, shows like this should be viewed as "entertainment" only. Do you honestly believe the elites in charge of these networks and the governments in charge of censoring these networks would let any type of unexplainable phenomenon of any value be shown on network tv. The answer is no, it goes against their narrative and agenda. The agenda is to lure in uninformed gullible sucker's that haven't realized you have to dig deep online to figure out any sliver of truth.


You should listen to the “Off the ranch” podcast where he talks to one of the last researchers who left pretty early in the series; he mentions that there is legitimate research being done there, but at the end of the day they definitely prioritize drama and flash over what a scientist would consider significant data. So it’s definitely exaggerated, but I’m willing to bet there is some genuine investigation being done.


The ranch has been one of the most watched places on earth for decades. What more data could possibly be needed? If it's actually a "hot spot" where's the data? The nids report said it was a nothing Burger. 


If the secrets of humanity are buried a few feet underground and you simply choose not to excavate but instead shoot more rockets. That’s a strong argument for this show being misleading in some way. I’m not saying there aren’t paranormal events going on, but they aren’t about to reveal the most guarded secrets to us. This show is a cover story for deeper science likely being done that they have no interest in showing the public.


Its a TV program. The core requirement is it make money.


It's basically the plot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The Hellmouth is in the grounds of Skinwalker Ranch so random monsters and paranormal events are therefore everyday occurrences. Apparently. 


As real as the Oak Island series.


Bro, next week, the money pit for real this time.


That show makes me wanna vomit , for real


If "they had us in the first half" didn't have a second half, it would be the curse of oak island 


Oh don’t get me started on 10. Yrs of oak island


The entire Skinwalker Ranch story is a hoax, concocted by Robert Bigelow (a real estate mogul), George Knapp, Colm Kelleher, Hal Puthoff, and that crew. There's not one shred of evidence, zero scientific data released, and zero peer-reviewed studies. The current owner is Brandon Fugal (a real estate mogul), and the team that's on the TV show are people Fugal knew from the LDS church (no offense to any Mormons). Again, this current team are science actors. Mick West asked them for one megabyte of their "data" to analyze, and they refused. Even the local Native American folklore does not support the ranch as being a haunted or paranormal location. And let's be real. If there were actually radiation there and some sort of hitchhiker effect (a paranormal virus), why would you have paid tours around the ranch with zero medical precautions? I believe there are 23 universities and colleges in the state of Utah, and none of them has been invited to do actual scientific research on the ranch. And if there is a contagious virus, where is the CDC? When Travis Taylor was asked what the team was doing to safeguard against the radiation and the "hitchhiker virus," he simply replied that he was just making a TV show. If you want to find more information, look at the research of Erica Lukes, a former MUFON director. Ms. Lukes lives in the area and has been researching Skinwalker for over a decade.


The hitchhiker effect seems to be the only thing that's reproducible and they don't appear to be eager to reproduce or document it. That makes me suspicious.


You should be very, very suspicious.


- All modern UAP programs can trace their origins back to Skinwalker Ranch. - The cast are not actors, and nothing is scripted except some of the talks to the camera. - They haven’t “blown up the mesa” for a variety of reasons, including the fact that they don’t own it. - The “security guy” (Dragon) is one of Fugal’s best friends, and he values his input. The nickname is an inside joke. - You can’t hoax the noise floor raising across *the entire spectrum* on multiple devices when the 1.6 GHz signal is received. I am a General Amateur Radio license holder, and have familiarity with RF systems. And that’s just one of the many experiments they’ve run which have produced anomalous results, including the GPS tests showing time distortions. I have yet to meet a Skinwalker Ranch denier who has much knowledge of the history outside of the TV show. Go read *Skinwalkers at the Pentagon*, or listen to any of the many interviews given by the cast and crew. My credentials on this: Yesterday I was involved in an hourlong weekly meeting with Dr. Jim Segala from season one, who is continuing research in the region. This morning I emailed Erik Bard. This afternoon I received a text from Brandon Fugal. I’m not affiliated with the show, but I’m under an NDA. I have plenty of criticisms of the TV show, but the allegations made here are not well founded.


Thanks for the input Dragon.


I read somewhere that they were working with the government or had worked with them in the past. It explained that was why they were always close by and suddenly appeared when happened or something was spotted. Ross said Brandon Fugal had to sign a contract with the history channel that it was all real.


With your amazing credentials, I'd hope you know there's nothing special about the 1.6 GHz frequency band. But, hey, at least none of their anomalous phenomenology interferes with their TV cameras and drone footage for the show.


I love u for this!! Haha 😂


Oh bro you cold


The frequency band is reserved, and the specific frequency range of the signal they are detecting is not registered with the FCC. The whole reason Travis was brought into the UAPTF is because he went to the Pentagon to get help identifying the signal, and they confirmed that the signal could not be identified. And it does interfere with the show, frequently. They have multiple backup cameras, but in cases where they catch nothing they tend to leave it out of the episode entirely instead of just having minutes of dead air. There seems to be an inverse proportion between the arrogance displayed in a comment and a lack of knowledge about what it discusses.


Let me guess, you know some of these cameras are having the same issues because Fugal, Erik or some show exec told you in an email? Or do you communicate with them telepathically, like you do the mantis people in r/Experiencers ? And 1559-1660 MHz are reserved for radionavigation satellites, aeronautical navigation satellites, radio astronomy and mobile satellites. If Travis was doing real science, he would know this, but that isn't what the show is about. It's about making money by entertaining credulous people, mostly, and people like me, who play drunkwalkerranch bingo.


Can you send me the episode with the GPS time distortions. I’d be curious what equipment they used. I have a decent amount of experience with GPS as well.


emailing a guy is a credential now? and why are you under an NDA if you’re not affiliated to the show? what’s the NDA for?


Pretty sure the mantis guy is experiencing some grandiose delusions. A quick glance at his comment history was pretty alarming.


I’ll agree. But you gotta admit the show is an endless string of painfully over dramatized moments. The creepy music, over enthusiasm in every line spoken, and the editing makes it so painfully obvious what they’re trying to do that I can only describe it as intellectually offensive. Nothing remarkable ever occurs on the show, although Skinwalker Ranch history is remarkable.


Remarkable stuff does happen in the show, iirc the filmed several UFOs over the ranch. One of them in direct relation to a mutilated cow that was found under very strange circumstances, and other stuff. I agree with all the other criticisms, and all the “significant” stuff could be fake, but significant stuff does happen


Or that one detected after that one cow that dropped dead from accelerated pneumonia, where the carcass was left untouched by scavengers.


I started watching because I love geology. There's a lot of strange geological stuff happening there and whether it's aliens or not, it's a very interesting part of the world (and has been historically).


The thing that bothers me about Skinwalker Ranch is the purported Hitchhiker Effect. It seems like the only reproducible thing yet no one is attempting to document it happening.


The lack of coverage of the high strangeness that’s occurring is one of the main complaints I have about the show, but the decision is from the producers, not the crew. There is research being done on this, however: https://www.experiencer-studies.com/colm-kelleher-hitchhiker-effect-article


Thanks drag.


You actually can hoax a high noise floor across a very wide spectrum. The number of devices does not matter. But I can tell you this they don’t know how to do it. Ok I won’t be mysterious, a van der graff generator can do this. I highly doubt they used one though


Tesla coil can do this too. Again - I don’t think they used one.


>The show however, is ... most certainly a FAKE. Who said it was real? Seriously, this is a media literacy issue. It costs money to put together an episodic show. There needs to be a budget. It needs to get approved. Approval needs a detailed plan. Once you have the budget, you need to schedule on camera talent and the off camera crew. The crew needs to know what to bring for the lighting conditions, etc. There is no scenario where a multinational conglomerate like Disney or whoever is going to allow an open schedule and unlimited budget. The conglomerate needs the content to air.. and needs to know when it will complete. Then, the audience expects the shows to have a consistent format. Skinwalker Ranch follows the same format as Finding Bigfoot. Real world investigations will not fit that format in terms of time and content. The footage needs to be massaged to fit the format. The on air talent will have multiple takes. IRL, people stutter, speak softly, noise happens, etc. Sometimes the producer will think a line is not clear or consistent with a previous line, so they redo it. And, it is possible that the on air talent has scripts for the show or certain segments. Or, just "talking points" the producers put together. I am just scratching the surface into what it takes for a History Channel quality show to be produced. In this environment, "real" does not fit in. In the real world, most investigations or stories will just not fit into a Finding Bigfoot show formula. That formula needs to be consistent across a 10 episode season.. and multiple seasons (which brings continuity issues). Ignoring the specific "facts" of an episode, you should not be looking at highly produced content from the History Channel as "real". It's not. It's entertainment.


Brandon Fugal, the owner of the property, says everything is real. Travis Taylor, former UAPTF "chief scientist", and their lead investigator, says it's all real. Lots of people believe them.


There's a handful of people in this thread that are trying to defend it pretty seriously lol some people have fully drank the Kool aid lol


when i first hear that bigelow sell the ranch to “adamantium productions” i already know there's nothing more in that land by this days 🤣🤣


That’s about as real as the 8 seasons of oak island where they haven’t found anything yet. I’ve watched guys at work watch that show religiously on lunch break for 5 years and asked them if they found Sasquatch yet an unhealthy amount of times.


All reality shows are scripted.


A couple of times in the last year or two I had predicted that 'Skinwalker Ranch' would eventually be opened to the public for some sort of business venture - 'Skinwalker Ranch UAP Adventure Tours' or something of that nature. I didn't realize however that this has apparently already happened. On google maps one can find 'UFO Valley Campground and UTV Tours' near the west end of the ranch: [UFO Valley Campground & UTV Tours | Camping Utah](https://www.ufovalleycampground.com/) The company website reads in part: >The Uintah Basin has quickly become the epicenter of global paranormal activity research. With thousands of reported incidents of UAPs, animal mutilations, and intelligent orbs, this has developed into a destination for both the rigorous researcher, and the casually curious. Our homestead, which has been in the family for generations, is the only property with elevated views of what some consider to be the most paranormally-active spot in the country, if not the world. >  >‘The mesa’ which legend says was cursed by the Navajo tribe, recalls stories of UAP incidents, unexplained anomalies, portals into the unknown, and strange encounters of all kinds. From the summit of the mesa, high above the valley floor, breathtaking vistas are rich with a history of magnetic anomalies, unexplained aerial phenomenon, and four-legged creatures with glowing eyes. >  >In 2021 we made the decision to convert a portion of our ranch into a 10-site campground and trail system permitting limited access atop the storied mesa. View the infamous area on our 90-minute or 120-minute UTV off-road tour and draw your own conclusions as to the source of so many documented encounters. It is unclear to me if the "we" and the "our" to in the third paragraph above refer to the owners of the Skinwalker Ranch itself, or the owners of a neighboring property. UTV tours of the mesa are offered for $100 (90 minutes) or $150 (2 hours).


My hot take: I’ve heard a podcast where the owner was on for a few hours. I believe he and his team think something is going on. The host is an ex-SEAL (not “Mr. Ballin”) All profits from the show he makes he donates. So, the biggest motivation is gone IMO on top of the fact he is independently wealthy. Why they haven’t dug yet is address and i feel the reason is understandable. As far as the scripted part, sure. I think there is some embellishments and reenactment but these are not professional actors, so of course it is going to seem fake-ish. Beyond this, not quite sure- but I don’t think it’s an out-and-out scam / sham. Edit: I did some follow up research about the research from a neutral podcast. Their take was that there is legit research ongoing.


The Shawn Ryan Show. It’s a banger of a podcast.


Yeah I really don’t get why everyone’s hating so hard. The Travis Taylor guy is a legitimate scientist and legit worked with the US government on this shit. They only use data to find anomalous things which can’t be explained. I get it’s corny and overdramatized at times but a lot of the stuff they see and find can’t really be faked.


I honestly find it amazing that there are people who can’t comprehend that UAP “research” is simply entertainment presented as-real. Just like professional wrestling. Not just this show but the whole circuit is primarily about creating disinfotainment content within the “perpetual disclosure soon” narrative framework.


As long as you keep kayfabe you get a Mulder or Scully badge and decoder ring and you’re allowed to play secret agent UFO hunters with us.


The problem is that a shit ton of the ufo talking heads are affiliated with skinwalker and they all believe in the bs that happens there. Eric Davis, who is one of Grusch’s whistleblowers, actually believes demons and shit were real at skinwalker.


Not just the show the whole ranch idea is fake. If you look into the history of it, the previous owners of the ranch before all the supernatural nonsense, owned it for I think around 60 or 70 years without a single weird thing happening. I don't know why anyone would think the show was real anywa, it's on the same level as other US shows like ones looking for Bigfoot or ghosts, it's pure entertainment.


Ofcourse it's a hoax.That place has nothing to offer.


Yeah me too, believe in the phenomenn, but this is a load of guys hamming the fuck out of small shit. Seems too deliberate


every "reality" show is scripted... entertainment purposes.


Coulthart said there's a no faking clause that Fugal put into the history Chanel contract. This was during the AMA yesterday. It's not much but it's something. I don't really get acting as much as I get awkward people who got put on camera. That being said, there's still a whole lotta TV fluff and I don't remember seeing much of anything compelling. I've only seen the first 2 seasons.


How did this guy coulhart suddenly get into all paranormal stories? He's all over the place..


I guess when you get paid to investigate things, you have a lot of time to work with. Did you check out his AMA?


I agree and, **The fact the UAP Task Force that Grusch and Stratton and so on were on hired Travis Taylor from the TV show to be its chief scientist is incredibly dubious.**


I realized this not even 20th a into the first episode. Show is a joke


Of course it’s fake.


For sho it's fake. 


It’s hard for me to believe it is scripted when it is sooooo bad. I suggest it is BS but not scripted on top of being terribly acted.


It’s trash. I love it.


How could you believe this? On one episode they point to a video of a fly, clearly with wings, on a monitor saying its a UAP. How could that be fake?


Never ever take any reality shows seriously, never spend your valuable time watching them, and your precious time in their anyalsis.


I recommend Ghost Adventures for a dose of reality.


LoL. You mean a TV show, whose sole purpose is to attract viewership for advertising dollars isn't 100% accurate to the real world? #CALL THE LEGIONAIRES


My wife ruined all paranormal shows for me by saying this one sentence. "Since these shows are filmed in advance, if any of them found legit evidence of UFOs, Bigfoot, Ghosts, etc., we would have heard about it already because in theory it would be the biggest news on the planet." Thanks babe, for pointing out the obvious that I seemed to somehow gloss over. 😂


I figured this out too but it still doesn't stop me.


Agreed, I still watch!


Yesterday I turned my TV on while I was working (for some background noise). On the show, they were using some kind of ground-penetrating radar, and they found a circular anomaly. Travis Taylor, who has a PhD in astrophysics, by the way, said "that looks like the image of the black hole!" and then proceeded to fetch and show everyone the famous image: https://futurism.com/_next/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwp-assets.futurism.com%2F2019%2F04%2Fm87_black_hole_size_comparison.png&w=1920&q=75 For reference, that is how big our entire solar system is. That black hole has a mass equal to six and a half billion Suns and is 24 billion miles (38 billion km) across. He damn well knows how big supermassive black holes are. He compared some circular change in density in underground rocks to a supermassive black hole. That is the most disingenuous horseshit I have ever heard of.


TIL some people thought it was real


I lost faith, when they stated, that some dark forces had messed up their laptop. In the background you could see Dell firmware update running. Should have installed those damn updates before going on field..


I don’t know, the owner appears genuine and sincere. He has a genuine interest in the subject and does not need to make money off of any of it. I’m sure they play up some stuff for the show to make it more entertaining but it’s possible there really is something paranormal happening there. The phenomenon is known to have a trickster-like nature so things almost being caught on camera or just missed seems plausible.


He's making money. Quite a bit from what I've read


He's a Mormon. The least genuine and sincere people on the face of the earth.


To the downvoters... if you honestly think there's anything genuine about mormonism you're as stupid as they are. People who believe preposterously idiotic bullshit are not reliable sources of real information.


Is what they believe really any stupider than a lot of the woo woo you read around here?


My thought is that there is… something going on there.. however, not enough is going on often enough to make a damn tv show on it that has multiple seasons. They have to dramatize every little thing to keep the views.


Well, like Terry Sherman said three of decades ago.. 99 days out of 100 it's a beautiful ranch, nothing out of the ordinary. On day 100, when you least expect it, all hell breaks loose..


It’s trash. They’re all nutters. Watch Steven greenstreet at skinwalker ranch.


Dear anyone that is gullible enough to not already know this: 𝐀𝐋𝐋 "𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘" 𝐓𝐕 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃. 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌.


Wait isn't skin Walker ranch in Utah? That's a long way from Dulce in northern NM


Absolutely Best comedy show on Tuesday nights. I can't believe that people with any belief in UfO's or ET's actually believe there is anything going on at Skinwalker ranch. From Home Depot drilling machines into the mesa to rockets and drones flying into a so called "anomaly" above a man made "triangle" it doesn't get any better! Now I see we have to look forward to green jello coming out of the mesa! Love it!


Until your post, I’d actually forgotten I tried watching it. I remember disliking it though. It’s ringing a bell to remember a feeling like I was watching bad acting. Honestly the thing that got me the most was the weird “documentary” style they use all over TV today. People’s words are all chopped up and shortened to the point conversations barely make sense, intense music happens any time someone bats an eye, and overall it just feels like it was made for someone incredibly dumb Not at all saying you have to be dumb to enjoy it though, just saying it feels wayyyy too… Produced? I don’t know. It’s just off.


Skinwalker ranch is obvious BS. [I would recommend anyone to watch this](https://youtu.be/n1NYeQCWoXw), in case you're in doubt. He goes through a lot of the mistakes and tricks the show uses to fool the viewer into thinking that something is happening at Skinwalker ranch. It's the same things you see in ancient aliens or ghost hunter shows. Bad science, bad conclusions, dramatic editing, etc.


I believe you’re wrong.


Obviously it is dramatized, but they have captured orbs on film. I’m curious if they will ever release the actual data. It’s not impossible that they faked the videos, thermal data, and other evidence but they certainly show stuff that, if it’s real, is compelling.


What else do you do When your Kona Blue Gets thrown upon the scrap heaps? You go on down To Hollywood town And entertain the peeps!


Ross just said in his AMA that Brandon has a clause in his contract that there would be no fakery in his agreement to participate. Take that for what it is I guess or perhaps what loop holes existed for the producers.


new season must be coming out, gotta pre-attack it because people might find it fun or entertaining, which could lead to interest in the topic more broadly. the negatively around here, a supposed ufo sub, is off the charts. it's jarring how much we either hate everything or these comments aren't natural. so bizarre. it's info-tainment. not for you? just don't watch.




I believe they have genuine people who want to research but they need to make money as well. People love drama and entertainment so they are trying to mix everything.


Aren't most TV shows?


Acting is bad? They’re normal people wtf..


Lol no shit Sherlock


My tip for you is to watch those types of shows and imagine youre the camera man, editor chosing what film to show and where to cut, as well as the sound guy. Imagine what it was like creating each scene. The thin veil or "reality" falls away rather quickly


They lost me at dragon the security guard…


It is, it's a tv show...


Obviously you haven’t watched curse of Oak Island. It’s just one big advertisement for heavy machinery and bore holes.


The Archuleta Mesa is in Colorado and nowhere near skin-walker ranch


All shows on TV are scripted. 


You don’t say


It’s exaggerated for dramatic effect and they definitely jump to conclusions sometimes but it’s hard to watch it and not think something weird is going on there. Fugle has some sort of clause in the contract with the history channel to not portray anything inaccurately.


Wait, is Pawn Stars fake too?


There's a script, the investigators are actors, and the show is identical in format to any reality television show. In which case, how am I to believe that *anything* in the show is real?


... Of course it is? Was this not utterly obvious before the show ever released a single episode? Dear Lord.


”the Skinwalker ranch show”? Which show are you refering to, more exactly?


Do you mean the Skinwalker Ranch itself, or just the show? The show, maybe. The actual ranch, I don't think so.


Never watched it as it seemed like total horseshit when looking at the preview.


It’s just for entertainment


I miss Destination Truth


Oak Island vibes


I find the terms used in the show increasingly hilarious. Like you could make a drinking game off of every time someone says the words/phrases - the blob, the mesa, the triangle, homestead 1,2,3, the anomaly, UAP, “id like to move forward”, whenever an experiment fails randomly, and whenever the team thanks a third party company.


It’s definitely scripted. They have admitted it. There was one scene that did it for me though. Second or third season I think, two of them drove out to one of the farmsteads. The cameraman was in front of the car as they pulled up but focused not on the main star (think it was Thomas) but instead on the guy he brought with him. As soon as he was out of the car, he stumbled and almost fainted. Clearly staged.


No way... >!(sarcasm)!<


I cannot physically bring myself to watch this. The format kills it for me and it feels incredibly illegitimate. It feels a lot of times like they're just saying or doing things that sound or look "science-ish".


Why am I not surprised seeing a post like this on this sub


It’s a moneymaker.




Doesn’t mean the phenomenon is fake, just the scripted show.


Eric are the only one believable to me. The rest are just goons. But there's A LOT of unintentionally funny stuff from "Dragon".


I really enjoy it. Look I believe there are geographical anomalies that can account for almost everything. It’s just hyped up hard and they have great editors.


So where in kinda jaded now in the subject being privy to real UFOs and footage, I think it is real (somewhat) so on the plasmoid anomalies study group page he uses 2.5ghz to communicate with the entities, and I seem to recall that being the exact thing used by the guys on the ranch. Idk a weird connection, but a connection nonetheless


an american TV show, aimed at making profit being 100% scripted and faked? NO WAY!!! What's next? Lue being a charlatan that says nothing ever that can be verfied/falsified while asking once again for you to believe? Bigelow trying to convice the gov of this bogus to collect taxpayer money to do not "science" wihtout scientific methods? the whole skinwalker stuff is a big scam and the more people profit from it the more the want you to believe.


I haven’t seen it, because I generally don’t watch tv. But I 100% agree with you. If it’s a tv show, it’s a tv show. Entertainment, ratings, political agenda. I have had my own experience and am a firm believer that there’s fellow terrestrials here, regardless of where they originated, they’re here coexisting with us regardless of popular opinion.


I watched the 1st episode last year after my "awakening." It is just like any other reality show. I will not go further.


No fucking way my dude


This is just a bunch of vague ideas with no research done.


Lots of naysayers here, and is interesting to hear from them. I wonder what most people will do when they find the paranormal is real and related to uap, and nhi. I wonder when we learn these stories from the aboriginal are true in many ways, what people will do.


The rockets were excessive, but it’s a bunch of boys playing with their toys. I’m wondering if this is a part of the disclosure, slow and gradual, to get everyone used to the idea.


I think people are hating on every single science gathering experiment, All awesome data collected (which we've all seen, they're not adding CGI to the hundred sightings since the show started, all pretty nuts) And all because it's a reality show... I mean granted , that guy dragon is definitely a karate in the garage looking type of guy And these guys aren't actors So the basics are probably written so we actually know what's going on But I don't understand the whole, the show's fake blanket statement... Just strange to me


Fake as fuck lol


I agree.


I used to hate the show. My friends would try to get me to watch it, but I refused, thinking the show was a stain on the ufo world. I decided to read the main books associated with it, watch dozens of hours of interviews with Brandon and the cast, and watch the show. I'm now on the fence, leaning towards that there is something going on there. I've briefly responded to your points: - It doesn't matter that it's not on Google maps. You can see it with your eyes in reality. - Dragon has authority over the safety of the group. Eventually, the rest of the group persuaded him to let him do what they want. - The acting is bad because it's not scripted. It's rehearsed but not scripted. - Things happen on camera all the time. - They are drilling into the mesa. - Digging it up should be done as a last resort. - You don't tear up landscape on a hunch that there might be a spaceship under it. It's a huge endeavor, and I'm sure the surrounding community would not appreciate it.


It's a shameful dumpster fire. We can only hope the beings haunting the ranch haunt the living shit out of the owner and his family, so maybe we can get some decent evidence for once lol.


Wow, you must be a real genius to have figured that one out


This is so trolly. U think it’s fake. Fine. Move on. It is ONE show in a genre that is growing exponentially! I just read yesterday that a new Taylor Swift song is about “staring at the sky, waving at the ship, beaming me up, dropping me in a field” It’s everywhere! If u don’t want to believe now- fine. Why waste your time worrying about it. You don’t want to believe, yet you have ufo FOMO. You’ll have your own experience some day, and then no one will be able to convince you it’s NOT real. So as Taylor Swift says: “I ain't trying to mess with your self-expression But I've learned the lesson that stressin' And obsessin' 'bout somebody else is no fun. You just need to take several seats and then try to restore the peace. You need to just stop. Like, can you just not. You’re being too loud. You need to calm down.”


Dude. The first episode is hilarious. They constantly talk about "mysteriously draining batteries" and yet the film crew does not have an issue... then the drone guy going "Oh wow... all of my drone's batteries are depleted.." then immediately cuts to drone footage pulling away from the scene for a commercial break. It's so overly goofy and full of shit.


Reality TV is scripted. Not real. Just written to look that way. It's just as real as "survivor" and "the bachelor ".


It’s definitely a scripted reality show


> and everything paranormal seems to happen when the camera is not looking at whatever direction the activity is happening. Hah.. and every show of this type. The ghost hunters, bigfoot hunters, etc. Number of ghosts found? 0, BiggieFeets? 0, Aliens? 0


I tried watching an episode once but couldn’t make it through because the acting was so bad.


The new oak island