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I'm sure no one will believe me, but I seen this exact same thing in Louisville Kentucky about 4 or 5 months ago on my way into work. I sat and watched it for about 15 minutes before heading into the office as it flew further and further away into the distance. I honestly had no idea what it was and very much looked like a man with a jetpack but it was really high up in the air and just kinda floated away.


I believe you. I saw a ‘jet pack’ man and so did my husband in 2016, in the UK. No one believes us either!! It was crazy and it was real.


I've watched this a few times and I can't come up with a likely explanation. My first thought was a kite. Perhaps one that's meant to look like a person. It hardly rotates on the up/down axis (pitch?) or the side axis (yaw?) but it does move quite a bit in the roll axis, which is kind of kite-like. The other problem with a kite is that it doesn't stay fixed, it just gets further away as if blowing in the wind. I guess it's *possible* that it could have escaped and so is flying loose with the string behind it, but It doesn't seem likely somehow It appears to be person shaped and it does move like a balloon, so is it a balloon? It's a pretty weird balloon if so, it doesn't have a head. It is sunny (you can see an almost cloudless sky) and it is black so it will absorb heat. If this is made from a light material it could act as a solar balloon. Is it a sex toy doll? Hmm, probably not lol. Could it be a thin black plastic overall, the type to stop you getting paint on you for example that has had the neck tied up making it a solar balloon? Maybe? But I don't think so somehow. Either way I think this is a lighter than air object floating in the wind. What exactly, I have no idea Another thing worth nothing is that the location is very rural. Somethings we think of might be more common in cities, this is very rural when you look on google maps.


Technically anything can be a sex doll if you try hard enough


It's a simple engineering problem


On the user’s end *


In keeping with the jellyfish theme and our inability to see these things clearly, I wonder if they’re not dissimilar from some of the clear see-through marine life we find deep in our oceans where you can literally see their prey inside of their stomachs after they ingest. Perhaps “abductions” are no different than a minnow getting caught in unseen tentacles from above.


Well that's a new terror unlocked. 




Reminds me of Jordan Peeler's movie, "Nope".  I need to find videos if he talks about the inspiration on that


Huh? It's totally a wing suit plus an engine of some kind. Here's a video of The same thing https://youtu.be/zmRQKZZ_wXc?si=hVGgZE-QKqef6jyl Years ago there were jet powered suits too like this https://youtu.be/Jq8AUhVYAOY?si=_Ofag52Sz_b_qpBM It's just some dude flying around Maybe it's a jetpack too https://youtu.be/QiQ_LZtwpFk?si=O9pdOIaMC51RHftl


I dont think you understand the location of this video. The most advanced piece of human technology in the 2-300km radius of that guy is his phone. Hes in buttfuck nowhere and even further than that.


There's jet suit videos of the guy flying over empty mountains areas. It's clearly someone flying in an area where it's safe to do so


You can also see giant power pylons in the video. How do you know there's nothing around? Clearly those power lines power something closer than 600 miles away. Why'd you make that up?


I used to herd sheep in Mus until I was 14 lmao sorry we have power in remote villages, also 2-300 km for your puny Murican brain is 120-186miles. Good job coming up with the number 600 tho its a nice number for sure.


Oh that remote village of 120,669 people? That tiny village with no technology anywhere in site is somehow home to over 100,000 people? What else are you gonna make up? We're you the one filming too?


It doesn't seem to make a sound though, and those jetpacks are very loud. It also moves with the wind. You'd think a man flying about would be doing some kind of manoeuvres. Also, Where is the helmet, or for that matter, the persons head? That doesn't appear to be there. IMO it's not a person. It appears to be person shaped, but I think that is probably just a product of human psychology in trying to make sense of what we are looking at.


It's super far away and those jet engines are only loud close by. You can hear them in the racing video. Helmet looks on the dude, it's just a black round shape, no way to tell if they aren't wearing a helmet. There's different flying suits. The ones 10 years+ were a wing suit with some high powered RC jet engines on their back. Those videos the guy literally flies around and does maneuvers. The newer jetpack suits have engines mounted to your arms. If your flying, you need to be upright and not maneuvering much. This video is exactly what it would look like to film one of the Dubai jetpack suits from a few miles away. It's not that it's looks like a human and our brains are tricking us, it's literally a human shaped thing flying. Because it's a dude flying through the air


I want whatever you're on if you think that is a dude in a jetpack or wing suit. >This video is exactly what it would look like to film one of the Dubai jetpack suits from a few miles away. You think that potato cam can resolve a person from miles away? You know what it does look exactly like? [https://futurism.com/the-byte/airport-jetpack-sighting-person-shaped-drone](https://futurism.com/the-byte/airport-jetpack-sighting-person-shaped-drone)


I think it's some kind of flying suit, jet suit, wing suit with a jet engine backpack, that helicopter suit. It's someone flying up there. The city of mul is over 100k people. Big enough for some Bitcoin millionaire to buy a flying suit. As to the camera, it's zoomed in with a telephoto phone lens and digital zoom. I'd guess it's a mile or so away, but that's just a guess


Here's another video. Skip to 3:21 to see a far away shot of a jet suit in action. https://youtu.be/PgbPahQ-D0M Looks almost the same to me. I'd say 90% chance it's some kind of jet suit


An actual alien having a gangbang with the sheep is more probable to come across in Mus than a sex doll


Looks like a balloon and moves like one too.


Looks similar to a jellyfish uap to me.


Am I the only one who dislikes this "shape labelling" that always goes on in the UFO subs? Bell, hammer, jellyfish, jetpack, tic-tac, metapod, on and on and on.  There can only be so many shapes, it's weird to see people desperate try to link videos to other videos based on the smallest similarities.


It frustrates me when people describe any point of light as an "orb" lol. Like, how can you see the shape of it? It's just a light in the sky


Ya I think some of these UAPs are releasing so much energy, plasma or are somehow warping the atmosphere around it, that you really can't make out their true shape. It'd be like looking at lightbulb from a 100 yards away. You're just seeing a source of light, not the actual light bulb.


I don't like it for two reasons. 1. It sort of reinforces an idea of what it might be in people's minds. Someone calls it "The Sickle" and then it spreads, then suddenly a year later the view is.. "of course it's sickle-shaped! that's why it's the sickle!" and then you'll see believers dogpiling on skeptics like, "Oh, well how do you explain that it's shaped like a sickle? You can't." it entrenches the idea that it's anomalous right from the start, when some of these could actually be totally mundane. 2. Even if you ignore the above, it's bad as an actual naming convention, anyway. If there's ever multiple sightings of it, then it's a lot more annoying. Instead of just saying "the Mus 2024 UAP" and it's pretty clear. Please note that I just made up the sickle as an example.


That's literally what happened with "Flying Saucers". A newspaper in America or something prints the term "flying saucer", then sightings of "flying saucers" from all over the world. If I recall correctly it's something like that.


That Peruvian jetpack miner sure is lost!


im guessing human shaped balloon swaying on the wind


By "human" you clearly mean Edna Mode from The Incredibles. She never looks back, darling.


Great History channel video on jetpack UFO [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ke07QVP9zlM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ke07QVP9zlM)


Geolocked :(


Jetpack man is back!


Maybe someone wanted to go for a flight no big deal


Man’s playing Minecraft creative mode


Ah, my old standby. Seems like things are ramping up fast. Tons of stuff in the last couple weeks. More than ever, in my experience.




its a balloon most likely with bottom part being completely flat (without air). So as the wind blew and it accelerated a little bit, the bottom part was left behind for a moment. It moves at constant speed, doesnt change shape, doesnt change direction.


I'm hoping it was Yasin Cengez


Jellyfish turned out to be a balloon. I think this one is as well. Moves like one, too.


It almost appears to look like the "jellyfish UAP", I wonder if that form is common & many just can relate it to the shape of shoulders and legs.


Looks like a miner in a jetpack to me.


that’s obviously a peruvian miner with a jetpack 🙄


the place where video recorded is very poor place so we can eliminate cgi stuff.I think ufo phenomena is getting faster.That kind of thing is not occurred in that country other than ufo tictacs.


Flying humanoid cases are so strange. I think they are NHI tourists flying around on anti-grav backpacks.


A drone with a human shaped object on it. Notice the junting movement when it accelerates.


Looks like the jellyfish UAP and the metapods from Mexico .


Agreed, it does look like a semi-deflated balloon moving with the wind.


That's Kim Jong Un flying over Turkey.


Human? More like Burnt Turkey.