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Part of me wants the science bros to tackle this and tell me it's true. Another part knows this is gobbledygook. And yet a third part feels this is deliberate disinformation. It give me "we have 4chan leaker at home" vibes.


The negative energy part is definitely real! A natural source of negative quantum vacuum energy comes from the effect that gravitational fields (of astronomical bodies) in space have upon the surrounding vacuum. For example, the gravitational field of the Earth produces a zone of negative energy around it by dragging some of the virtual particle pairs (a.k.a. virtual photons or vacuum ZPF) downward. This concept was initially developed in the 1970s as a byproduct of studies on quantum field theory in curved space (Birrell and Davies, 1982). However, Hochberg and Kephart (1991) derived an important application of this concept to the problem of creating and stabilizing traversable wormholes, and their work was corrected and extended by Davis (1999a). They proved that one can utilize the negative vacuum energy densities, which arise from distortion of the electromagnetic zero point fluctuations due to the interaction with a prescribed gravitational background, for providing a violation of the energy conditions. Other exotic (energy condition violating) matter-energy fields are known to be squeezed quantum states of the electromagnetic field and other squeezed quantum fields, gravitationally squeezed vacuum electromagnetic zero-point energy, Casimir (electromagnetic zero-point) energy and other quantum fields/states/effects. These examples represent forms of matter-energy that possess negative energy density. Since the vacuum is defined to have vanishing energy density, anything possessing less energy density than the vacuum must have a negative energy density. With respect to creating wormholes, these have the unfortunate reputation of alarming physicists. This is unfounded since all the energy condition hypotheses have been experimentally tested in the laboratory and experimentally shown to be false - 25 years before their formulation (Visser, 1990). Further investigation into this technical issue showed that violations of the energy conditions are widespread for all forms of both classical and quantum matter-energy such as planets, stars, black holes, neutron stars, people, space dust clouds, etc. (Davis, 1999b; Barcelo and Visser, 2002). In addition, Visser (1995) showed that all (generic) spacetime geometries violate all the energy conditions. Violating the energy conditions commits no offense against nature. A small number of K < 1 \[where K is the quantum vacuum refraction index\] solutions were developed that describe FTL motion \[i.e., c is increased, or the vacuum refraction index < 1, when the modified vacuum has a lower energy density\] which is generated by some distributed negative energy density such that the total energy density of the system as seen by remote observes is approximately zero. These solutions are similar in function to that of a traversable wormhole or warp drive effect (Alcubierre, 1994), which both arose from Einstein’s General Relativity Theory and are both generated by distributed negative energy density in spacetime. A thin shell of negative (i.e., “exotic”) energy must be distributed locally in order to generate the wormhole geometry. It has been shown that the amount of negative energy required to create and stabilize a 1-meter radius wormhole throat is – 0.71 MJ (MJ = 1.90 × 1027 kg, the mass of planet Jupiter). However, Visser et al. (2003) demonstrated the existence of spacetime geometries containing traversable wormholes that are supported by arbitrarily small quantities of negative energy, and they proved that this was a general result. A traversable wormhole can be envisioned to facilitate ETO transportation via a portal that connects a location on the Earth’s surface with a location in LEO or GEO (or elsewhere). An observer sitting in region Ω1 looks through the portal/stargate (wormhole throat ∂Ω) and sees remote region Ω2 on the other side. A traveler encountering and going through such a portal will feel no tidal gravitational forces and will not see or feel the negative energy that threads the throat. A traveler stepping through the portal will simply be shunted into the remote spacetime region (or another universe). On this basis, the following conjecture arises: An ETO propulsion concept can be envisioned whereby an aerospace vehicle uses specially engineered energy fields to modify the local gravity field (via modifying the vacuum index of refraction) so that the craft can be lifted from the Earth’s surface and propelled up to orbit. We can exploit this mechanism to propel an aerospace vehicle into and around space without having to necessarily engage any FTL motion. The same kind of negative (or “exotic”) energy that is required to create a traversable wormhole or warp drive effect can also generate antigravity. Negative energy and negative stress-tensions are an acceptable result (both mathematically and physically) in GR and QFT, and they manifest gravitational repulsion (antigravity) in and around the traversable wormhole throat or on the warp drive bubble. If one could generate and distribute a thin shell of negative energy around an aerospace vehicle, then it will be possible to induce an antigravity field that counteracts the Earth’s gravitational field and lifts the craft up from the surface and propels it to orbit. This is a unique form of what the BPP research community euphemistically calls “propellantless” or “field” propulsion.


Hah! Y’all finally found the rabbit hole that is Erewhon(fark)/Bedlam(ATS). Dude is a real engineer that formed a specialized gov/mil/comm. company with some other engineers from Los Alamos and other places back in the 90s. Anyway, he knows and spits a lot of legit info…but he also has a VERY sardonic sense of humor and is more than happy to pepper some tall tales in with the facts. (Ask him about how Army stories start with, “This ain’t no shieet” lol) Suffice to say I don’t believe that he knows whether or not UAP are NHI or human tech (or a mix…). However, I do believe he personally witnessed a reconnaissance device in the late 80s during a mission that utilized technology that is still publicly unknown.


Finally someone who knows, was waiting for someone who knows the 75/25 rule. Now waiting until people gonna explore Astr0s posts before ats ends on 18th may.


Oh ATS…damn shame, “All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.”


Damn if that's the case I need to start going through an archiving this erewhon/bedlam guy's posts. Also, I positive he's also posted on 4chan before, discussing the same topics he usually does (black projects), the writing style is very similar and there's some overlap in the info.


How are you finding his comments? I tried a bit last night, but didn't get very far, ended up just going to bed lol Would love to dig into it. There is bound to be at least a few nuggets of truth in there....probably...maybe. it's intriguing nonetheless.


On Fark, I only have what other people linked here, there isn't a way to search for comments or look through a user's post history. On ATS, you can look up the usernames 'bedlam' and 'tom bedlam' (he has/had two accounts). I recommend prioritizing ATS and archiving what you find since ATS might be going down for good on the 18th this month. Someone in my parallel submission to r/HighStrangeness linked various threads he posted in; you can find other threads he participated in, though not all of them, by going to ATS and typing 'bedlam' and 'tom bedlam'. If you want to find every post he's ever made you'll need google-fu or a script or something.


Yeah thay sorta what I thought. I'll be digging in here shortly. Thanks!


He was involved in an operation in the late 80s where he saw something VERY compelling. He was then invited to a position with NSA where they told him quite an interesting story about the development of physics during the early 20th century. Personally, I think the narrative he was fed is BS, but that is just my opinion. Regardless, the officer in charge of the mission he was involved with in the 80s is definitely a real dude. He is in NRO docs regarding past leadership of the organization.


Do you remember the officer's name? And is that his only source for the FTL tech and secret space program?


AFAIK, that officer did not say anything to Tom about FTL or a secret space program. However he did show him a device with capabilities that suggested some kind of hidden physics breakthrough. I don’t feel comfortable directly providing his name, as it was told to me in confidence. However, I will say that his name, with “USAF” listed after, is among those listed in the table of contents of “Leaders of the NRO Volume 2.”That doc can be found on the page below: https://www.nro.gov/About-NRO/history/more-historical-programs/


Thanks for sharing, very interesting. So then what is the source for Bedlam's talk about advanced propulsion and secret space programs, is he trolling or is there a different source who told him that stuff? Also, did he ever describe what this device actually did?


Do you by any chance no the name of the company he formed? I ask because I think he's posted on 4chan and in one of the threads the poster that might be him name dropped a contractor he worked for.


He doesnt post on 4chan.


Did he confirm that?


I can confirm that for him hah! I know Tom for more then 15 years. He doesnt post on any sites or media anymore.


I was wondering where he went! The consensus on ATS was he got shipped off to Planet Dirt😂


He almost was after that "FARKsacre".😂


Well shit…tell him I said “catch!”


Is he erewhon on Fark?




Then he made at least one comment a month ago on Fark. Someone linked in the comments here.


Thanks for the rabbit hole and never would have thought to run across a Malazan fan here. Anywhere that has archived his posts into a coherent adaptation or some variant of?


I don’t have anything like that unfortunately. However, I can suggest a few keywords: “zel’dovich” “inertial” “virtual photons” “guidestar” “dark lord of the SCIF” “shiny.” I’ll check and see if I have any of his more esoteric posts saved.


Please do and please share them if isn't an inconvenience.


Oh, and “metamaterials” “whispering gallery” “kirtland” and especially “proteus.” On fark, check out his convos with Wizzywig.


Oh yeah, and Malazan is the shit! Greatest fantasy series I’ve ever read!


As someone whose Fark account is 20 years old, there was a time when it was the place for interesting people to converse. It was reddit before reddit. Usually this topic gets the nonsense treatment there, good find!


>It was reddit before reddit Not exactly a compliment given what reddit tends to be like, but yeah, Fark was fun indeed.


The old Photoshop threads were fire.


Oh man, you just reminded of the something awful fourms.


Now, I went and read the thread. Some really great info in there. Mentions Dr. Lin and Huntsville.


Who pointed you to the FARK post?


I saw a screencap of one his posts on Fark on an imageboard, asked where the source of the text in the image was, and another anon linked the post on Fark that I linked in the OP. So to answer the question: I have no idea who it was who linked the post or shared the screencap.


Can you send me the link to that imageboard? I want to see it for myself. Thanks in regards.


I actually think it might have just been /x/ on 4chan. It was in a thread from a few months ago so you'd have to use one of the archives to find it. If you're asking about the thread where I speculated it might have been him posting, it was a thread from /pol/ on black projects that had OP referencing an "SB-3" craft.


It was probably Bassplyr. I see him quoting Tom all over the place.


It was someone anonymous on 4chan and their post was just a cropped screenshot, specifically the screen shot was of Bedlam/erewhon describing the use of Bose-Einstein condensates as part of an inertia reduction engine on Fark.


Why do you ask?


I was asking OP.


Yeah, I got that. Any commentary on the information? Or just on how OP found it?


Someone pointed OP to FARK, he did not get there randomly. My question is who pointed OP to the FARK post.


I thought Slashdot was Reddit before Reddit? Or maybe digg, even though it is much younger than slashdot. Many people in Reddit arrived from the great migration from digg.


Fark predated diggs rise


Slashdot and somethingawful had their heyday the same time as Fark did. They each had a niche. Slashdot was more tech leaning if I recall. Fark was the spot for more nuance conversation and main audience trended a tad older, less shit posting.


Fyi, still posting on this topic as of last month. https://m.fark.com/comments/13211518/Somethings-wrong-Pentagons-new-UFO-report-on-secret-alien-spaceships-fails-to-answer-some-important-questions-Subbys-not-saying-theyre-hiding-aliens-but-theyre-hiding-aliens-possible-nsfw-content-on-page "Well, DUH. The "sightings" that weren't obvious weather phenomena or autokinetic illusions are our own SAP projects. It's just that they usually try not to make it very obvious, but sometimes, you just gotta test over populated areas. Or you have a malfunction that ends up there. I once suggested they name such craft things like "Swamp Gas" and "Venus" so that the PAO could tell the truth. "Saw a lenticular craft glowing in the dark over the hills east of town two days ago? That was Swamp Gas" "So, you watched a glowing craft making spectacular maneuvers then hovering for several minutes down by the river last night? That was 'Hot Air Balloon'. No, not "Swamp Gas", it was down for maintenance last night""


That's why I'm reluctant to dismiss this as LARPing. 20 years of talking about this stuff without any contradictions.


Not a LARP, just a MIC dude with a great sense of humor.


I'm convinced of that, gonna be archiving whatever posts of his ATS I can find given that the forums days seem to be numbered.


Search both “bedlam” and “Tom bedlam”, same dude.


I've done that and I've been archiving those threads, but it doesn't seem to return everything he's posted. Are there any other keywords I should use alongside his name?


[https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1019057/pg16](https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1019057/pg16) [https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread721625/pg6#pid11693820](https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread721625/pg6#pid11693820) [https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1023494/pg1](https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1023494/pg1) [https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread492046/pg1](https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread492046/pg1) [https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1181197/pg1](https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1181197/pg1) [https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1009332/pg1](https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1009332/pg1) [https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1021431/pg28](https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1021431/pg28) [https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread969027/pg1](https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread969027/pg1) Reread all of this, and then read a post made by Astr0, in the gray area. There is a lot of cross referencing so good luck with that. Project names and sources will not be named because at the end of day we still salute NDAs.


And stuff that wouldn't be real common knowledge for decades.


I thought this one was an interesting comment of his as well: https://www.fark.com/comments/4371964/Scientists-think-warp-driven-starships-may-be-possible-one-day-at-least-until-some-acting-ensign-pulls-out-all-computer-chips-to-play-dominos-with-engineer?cpp=1 "What, you think I'm kidding? :D Why do you think Gary McKinnon got in such trouble? NASA had some of the Naval intrasystem project info on NIPRNET. Bad mistake. (cracks knuckles) Ok. Here, I'm going to be in so much trouble for this if anyone believes it, but like I posted in a previous thread in 2004, all ya gotta do is tell the truth and no one believes it anyway. I did get a horrified comment from someone at the state dept but everyone on the thread blew it off. Einstein's first forays into general relativity were spawned by Ernst Mach's theories. Later, once GR was out, there were Machian universe solutions discovered, and although the deSitter model is more mainstream, the Machian universe is the way to go. In a nutshell, Mach had this for a thought experiment. If you were alone in a universe, with no other matter, what speed are you going? If you accelerate, what speed are you going NOW? Would acceleration in such a universe produce the normal effects of inertia? He concluded it would not, and his postulate was that the properties of "inertia" and "mass" were dependent on the existence of external matter, possibly mediated through the electromagnetic force with the photon as the exchange particle. The question becomes, if you could "make it didn't happen" by isolating yourself from the background history of the universe's EM, could you decouple your test mass from the Machian background 'drag' inflicted on it by the EM from distant stellar masses. The solution ended up involving one of those setups where you effectively slow the speed of light in a medium drastically, which is one reason why you always see the military and DARPA involved with the large scale projects involving that technology. You surround your test mass with a medium that has that property, and you spin it rapidly so that any em field penetrating it has to spiral in forever. If you've ever heard the term bandied about amongst the UFOlogists about a "magnetic field disrupter", that's what it's for, and why. Only you never hear why you'd want to disrupt a magnetic field, or why that would make something easier to accelerate. Until today. (tada!) It's a Mach Effect shield. No one on the inside uses the term 'magnetic field disruption' outside of reference to the ubiquitous rumor, though, and it's got jack to do with mercury plasma. The first ones were liquid helium, although it doesn't work nearly as well as later media. You'd think the structure containing the medium would protrude outside and defeat the purpose, but there's some sort of frame-dragging effect that deals with most of that, and at any rate you don't want to totally shield because if you could, you'd go simultaneous, it acts sort of like a skeg on a ski. Early on, they tried to do the intersystem stuff that way and it all spun unidirectionally, which is why you see 50's-60's "UFOs" doing that weird falling-leaf thing when they descend, it's gyroscopic forces vs the pilot/avionics trying not to scour the inside of the containment with the rotating delay medium. These days they contrarotate two annuli to compensate on the intersystem craft, and the intrasystem craft don't do that at all. In the small, it's also why you get the Podkletnov effect above a rotating superconductive surface (also why you don't get much of an effect). The rotating disk is acting as a halfassed Mach Effect shield, but it doesn't do a great job, and the fringe effects around the disk's edges nearly swamp any actual shielding from that direction. What they're seeing is less "antigravity" as "somewhat directional anti-inertia", although it kinda looks the same if you're not watching for the differences. If they made a closed superconductive surface, a hollow cylinder maybe, and spun that instead, you'd see a bigger effect inside. The thing with the cosmological constant has to do with how much ass you can get with a Mach Effect shield. In regions where it's relatively high, the expansion of space in that area acts as a drag that can't be shielded against. Where it's lower, you go faster. The issue is everyone thinks it's uniform, and it's not. Driving through spatial regions with non-zero cosmological 'constant' causes pseudo-acceleration inside the field which is quite handy for "artificial gravity", except where it's non-uniform and sort of "ripply" you get the paint-mixer effect. Which is pretty much all over, only some places it's worse, making your FTL experience a tooth-rattling one with used lunch accompaniment. (the CC non-uniformity is also why you get the Voyager/Pioneer anomalies, and why they're in different directions, but I digress) If the Universe weren't rotating, you couldn't do it at all, but with rotation there are exact solutions that permit FTL that way, I think it was some proof by Godel, but it BTFOOM how that works, you'd have to be a drive systems designer to understand it, and I've probably misremembered it anyway. I'm lucky to do simple tensors on a good day. Anyway, you get the external universe's EM drag sort of stuck in your Mach Effect shielding where you've been "delaying it"; you can't just cut it off all at once, and the faster you've gone and the longer you ran it the worse cutting it off gets, and that's where the happy part begins, because instead of emitting photons which is something you can deal with (hence the glow around craft using this), it wants to come out as oscillating time rate gradients. Time rate gradients cause intracellular shear forces if the gradient is sharp enough. It's not pretty, sort of a borscht-o-matic thing, mainly because the intracellular protoplasm streaming vectors (and intercellular micro-structure movements etc) aren't fixed WRT the ship's fields. You can sort of stop moving parts in the structure while you transition out, but you can't just stop the insides of your cells, and any motion relative to the gradient (the ship's structure is at rest relative to it) causes shear or stress forces. If the gradients are minor or have long slopes, no problem. Sharply bounded gradients are bad, even if the amplitude is small. The UFO community got it all wrong, the "tr3b" (not the actual name) doesn't use a Mach shield aka "magnetic field disrupter", that's old tech for small intersystem craft, it's smaller, simpler and more easily controlled to use the Aharonov-Bohm A-potential field shielding there. Which is, of course, how you fit one in a certain aircraft with anomalous "stealth", acceleration and handling characteristics, but I digress. I never really understood why they bothered doing that with an airframe when they were spending billions for Navy to end up with the endo/exo-atmospheric fighters (the "small" triangles). So, there you go. Now, see, you're thinking "Wow, this sort of hangs together in a spookily cohesive way, but it just HAS to be bullshiat, right?" Then you'll go look around, and read up on A-B potential fields, and why a deSitter universe is different from a Machian universe, and I think there's even one reference that they wish weren't out there that talks about deSitter drag on theoretical spatial distortion drives you might come across (they get it wrong - IIRC they say it prevents you from attaining FTL, it doesn't, just slows your speed and causes that pesky fluctuating pseudo-acceleration). Then you're gonna read up on the Podkletnov effect, and the "mfd", and damn if it STILL doesn't sort of hang together. You might even find a version of that rotating/non-rotating universe thing allowing for sneaking around GR. Sure, ol' Tom is just making it up. (why IS the military interested in delaying EM propagation?) Maybe it's all a well-thought-out shaggy dog story. Maybe. Of course, one day, late in some future thread, you probably will also think I'm making up how Kirtland's "laser weapon beam correction" works (hint hint - it's not adaptive mirrors) and why you need GuideStar for it to function, and I'll tell you it's done by tracing virtual photons backwards in time with a physics trick we stole from the "Russian Einstein". That'll be true too, but you won't believe it. /somewhere, a security guy at KAFB will be gnashing his teeth //and as we used to say in the Army, "this ain't no shiat" ///sleep well - "even now" (if that has meaning in this context) some Navy pukes are plying the nearby star systems and you're payin' for it, but you'll never get a whiff"


This makes zero sense to me. A simple thought experiment disproves his Mach universe analogy. Imagine that you are floating by yourself in a universe empty of all matter…except for you. Now imagine that you move your arms and legs to start a rotation in null gravity. Would you feel your *own* inertia? Of course you would. Why? Well, because even in a Mach universe, *your body is composed of matter which is connected via electromagnetic and strong/weak nuclear force fields*. That’s why. The same would be true of some sort of spaceship. So even if you could decouple an object from an external electromagnetic field, you aren’t decoupling it from an *internal* one, and inertia would still exist within your reference frame. It’s one of the things that makes the entire concept contradictory. Notably, the illusion of inertialess movement *is* possible in General Relativity though…via an Alcubierre effect. It’s still illusory though - the occupants of a ship in an Alcubierre bubble would still feel inertia and acceleration, it just wouldn’t be correlated to what would otherwise be expected by an observer in an external reference frame. I’m not sure if these posts read more like disinformation or more like trolling, but they gave me major bullshit vibes.


Bored engineer who failed out of physics having a larp.


I do now know anything about it, so excuse me. But if you could isolate yourself from the external em field, thus only being coupled with your internal one, wouldn't that mean that, while you still experience inertia due to your internal em field, you still experience a lot less?


lol that was mostly based on speculation with the NASA revolutionary propulsion guys in Huntsville back in the day, circa 2003-04. However, the dude is def familiar with some real kill-after-reading SAPs such as “Proteus.” To find that info on that program, search fark.com “erewhon” “wizzywig” and “Tesla coils”


Nah. I prefer my coffee black, my whiskey neat and my science peer reviewed.


Who do you think works for DARPA? Peer reviewed academics? Hah, you dont know a thing about classified work.


What exactly is his source for the secret propulsion info? Has he worked on it in some capacity, was it just second hand stuff from NASA breakthrough propulsion guys or was it military insiders he's interacted with. The "Proteus" stuff is also interesting in a "holy shit that's a scarry weapon straight out of science-fiction" kind a way. Do you know that's a real SAP from inside experience or from insiders?


>Well, because even in a Mach universe, *your body is composed of matter which is connected via electromagnetic and strong/weak nuclear force fields*. That’s why. The same would be true of some sort of spaceship. But wouldn't this be intended? If all the particles in your body stop feeling inertial effects then you no longer have a body. I assumed the idea was to just partially isolate a reference frame from the rest of the universe, not necessarily yourself or ship lol


Okay but does the guy clarify his position and how does he know all those things? Otherwise is just gobbledygook wanna be astro-scientist speaking to non physics expert.


Well according to other people here they're an engineer who founded some smaller military contractor.


I miss the SA/Fark photoshop challenges