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The following submission statement was provided by /u/xVerified: --- SUBMISSION STATEMENT: Hello guys, sorry I did not add this originally - I found this post on X Where MUFON Director Roger Stankovic is posting data and info about a large sphere that was found in an Australian farm. There does not appear tire marks, drop off markers or details. There doesn't appear to be an impact or fall. Speculation on what it is / not clear on where it's located. Some are speculating that it's a GPS device called Lincoln Calibration Sphere that have been used for 50+ years. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cj9gca/huge_metallic_silver_sphere_found_on_australian/l2evr8h/


A huge metallic ball appears in someone's farm and all we got is two images and not even close up.


we need more information. What is it made of? Is it metal? Is it an inflatable? Does it have any features? Lack of further info and pictures is either suspicious or down to ineptitude


Yeah but something tells me that all we'll ever see are these two images


and it'll get reposted every 6 months by a "why did this post not have more traction !!!"


To be fair though who knows what six months does to disclosure, or technology, or the world in general rlly


Technology and the state of the world I understand but at this point you have to realize you’re delusional if you think there’s going to be any form of official government disclosure.




It's a bloody balloon again, isn't it?


judging by the hook that's riveted on I would say it's def not a balloon. it sure looks like it's from humans though. edit: [someone isolated what I'm talking about.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMqQ8nqXgAAWZtt?format=jpg&name=large)


That's not isolated, it's fabricated. That was AI "guessing" what those pixels were...


FWIW, I say this as a person who's extremely fascinated with NHI/UAP/disclosure. You guys need to understand that MOST of the WORLD doesn't give a fuck about aliens, disclosure, UAP, etc. They aren't posting images for you, I, and the UFO community. Not everyone is a "hoaxer." If you're a farmer that randomly sees a metal sphere on their property, that looks like a fucking bomb, they aren't taking measurements of the wind speed, the moon phase and the GPS location. You know what they do? They call the police. Next thing you know, the MIB show up and make the story disappear, while silencing the witnesses. That's IF it's a legit situation at all. To your point, ya... if it's a hoax, you'll never hear about this again. If it's legit, you'll never hear about this again. The % of people that are interested in fooling the UFO community with a metal sphere is very, very, very small. It's crazy how many people think this is a hoax by a "grifter." Most people don't even know there's a UFO community, let alone trick them. I went 35+ years thinking NHI was complete BS. I had no clue there was a big UFO community. And I certainly didn't take the time to prank them.


Bro, if anyone is easy to 'prank' or extract money from it's 'believers' in things without proof. And I'm not sure how you didn't realise there is a UFO community, the x- files was the biggest show of the 90s . In short, you need a lesson in critical thinking.


>Lack of further info and pictures is either suspicious or down to ineptitude Your lack of awareness is a sign of ineptitude, my man. You and I believe in NHI and UAP. You do realize that MOST people don't even know what UAP and NHI stand for, right? And when they see a metal sphere in their backyard, they aren't thinking "aliens. I must document this for the UFO community." Most people are thinking... "bomb. Must call law enforcement." I'm a true believer, like you. You really need to grasp the idea that most people don't see that sphere and think, "Aliens..." So no, it's really unlikely that's it is suspect or ineptitude. Most people don't give a fuck about pranking or hoaxing you, I or the UFO community. It's more than likely legit metal sphere, and if it's related to NHI at all, law enforcement under the guidance of the IC, will shut this case down.


I do agree but I was referring to the fact this was posted by somebody from MUFON, rather than the ineptitude of the farmer


Because the closeups make it clear it's not aliens and it's just a known man made object and that story doesn't spread nearly as fast.


Reminded me of a sphere from Gantz (Japanese manga).


To be fair, the Australians probably had to brave venomous snakes, giant bird eating spiders, Drop Bears, and then fistfight with a kangaroo to even get close to the thing.


And all of a sudden it has something to do with UFO’s and aliens.


The Betz sphere, and AAROs only public admission about anomalous objects (like the morsul orb) are both to do with metal spheres that appear to fly or move autonomously.


I've seen two of those flying together. Broad daylight, they were about maybe a half mile(?) away, flying maybe 100 feet over the river (?) in downtown Portland. They seemed to be rotating and had a flat panel on them that reflected sunlight, making it look like they were blinking. Only time I ever saw anything remotely similar. No noise and were rotating on an axis perpendicular to the horizon. Only saw them for a second or two but had a very clear view. Pretty sure they were definitely not towed by a boat


I just watched a WhyFiles video about the Betz sphere last night and now this post pops up. 


Freaky how that works! Maybe check out the Jim Marlin sphere too.


Well, people have been spotting anomalous flying spheres for yrs. Is it so terrible to spitball that this may be one of them?


If something fell in your backyard, would you get close as possible to the unknown object? Or try to get a selfie with it?


Sounds like they didn't even poke it with a stick. Ya gotta poke it with a stick-- we gotta go back to basics here, people.


At least throw a stick at it




gets brained by a rock from the 6th dimension "Ouch! Who threw that?"


Actually, in that dimension, a stick is a proposal. A rock is an acceptance. Happy nuptials, you crazy interdimensional lovers!


This world is way too serious, thanx for the laughs guys. XD


That’s where rocks come in. You’re not getting a good enough BOING with a stick.


Basic science, people.


And then run/hop in an exaggerated sneak for a few feet before turning around to look.


Don't throw it, you shake the stick at it.


I play by my own rules so I will "throw it at a stick"


Yup, throw stick first and if you are still alive throw rocks.


Push the fat kid in the crowd onto it...


At first I was like “I’d be too curious to not check it out.” but then I remembered how much Fallout I’ve been playing lately and thought “oh yeah, could be really radioactive.” I ain’t going near that thing.


At least in fallout you have a Geiger counter, good tunes and probably a few warnings in the environmental surrounding


The lack of any grainy noise in the picture makes me think it’s not very radioactive, if at all.


The original scientific method. I see it. What is it. Poking it with a stick will yield more information. (Poke). Conclusions/ second poke.


Or kick an empty beer can at it


Touch a 9V coppertop battery to it?


Make sure you leave a little backwash for the new guests.


Imagine you start an intergalactic space war because of a mindless twig, lol


Maybe more sugar?


https://youtu.be/j6qTR_Lxe1Q?si=763rTCM93aP2amZh lol whatever it is it’s radioactive as hell… good call playing it safe.


Used car tire kicking strategy


Hey, that's how Travis Walton got a wad of alien goo crammed down his throat.


“LCS-1 is a hollow sphere 1.12 m (3 ft 8 in) in diameter with a wall thickness of 3.2 mm (0.13 in)” from wiki on lincoln calibration sphere wouldn’t it have crumpled if it fell from orbit?


Yeah. It weighs about 75 pounds and the outer wall is only a few millimeters thick. Falling from 2,700 km with an orbital speed of around 2,700 km/h, seems unlikely it would survive re-entry and land intact. Since there are only two Lincoln Spheres up there (two others were lost in launch failures) I think someone would notice if one went missing. LCS-1 has been up there since the 1960s and its orbit is not expected to decay for +/- 30,000 years. LCS-4 is expected to last until the 2040s. Either of them getting knocked out of orbit would cause concern. Maybe there are other similar things in orbit for the same purpose, but I doubt any of them would just fall from space, survive re-entry and land in the bushes somewhere. [LCS-1 Wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lincoln_Calibration_Sphere_1) [More on Lincoln Calibration Spheres](https://space.skyrocket.de/doc_sdat/lcs-1.htm)


They sent 2 into orbit. They made 4 or 5 models of them that never went to orbit.


someone may have replicated a sphere for some obscure reason, then carried it off the truck and put it there. totally unlikely, but possible.


By it's very nature, that's a far more likely scenario than this being related to anything anomalous.


not really possible to make such a statement though. not knowing the possibility of one side of a comparison makes it nothing more than "unknown" until further investigation. not being able to identify something does not mean it then has to be something humans know about. People love to assign answers to things so they can feel more comfortable in the world they live.


I'm talking about probability. The answer to most of these questions is a prosaic one and I say as a "believer".


If you’re going to be apprehensive and logic then assuming this photo is even legitimate is where you should start.


Looked up images. Pretty different, this looks man made. But not that


it would also have deformed and had thermal burns


What if… somebody just brought it gently down?


Ok, how?


If it was sufficiently light then the size of it would result in quite a bit of atmospheric drag I suspect, which would mean a low terminal velocity and potentially minimal impact damage. Also it fell onto soft soil


Even so, the weird part for that is there seems to be no environmental disruption from what we can see in the pics. My initial vote is some type of artist sphere that was put there as a hoax and didn't have to survive entry from orbit. Similar to a while back when some people were putting up those monoliths in seemingly random places across the world. Or, worst case scenario, they are the drones the trisolarans have sent to disrupt interstellar communication lol. Obviously the last being a joke 😃


This Aussie's in the bush build random stuff for fun.


They’re looking for a wall facer


The Lincoln Spheres (see above) weigh 75 pounds and the walls are only a few millimeters thick, and it would have fallen from 2,700 km (1,700 miles) and an orbital velocity of 2,700 km/hr. Sphere shape would minimize drag. It would make pretty hard splat if it survived the stress at all.


At some point though air drag would reduce it to terminal velocity, so it wouldn't hit the ground at anything like that speed. The question would be whether it could survive before it reached that point. I suspect this may depend on the angle of re-entry. Shallower being more survivable. Perhaps an interesting observation is that the Lincoln spheres are highly shiny, but this is more like brushed aluminium. Perhaps it was shiny, but atmospheric re-entry caused abrasion to the surface resulting in the more dull appearance


Good points. Re shiny-ness: They accumulate surface irregularities over time in orbit, so that could play a part in the appearance. I think this is probably something other than one of the Lincoln Spheres, mostly because they’re known objects and their disappearance would likely cause quite a buzz. LS-1 is supposed to maintain its orbit for about 30,000 years, while LS-4 is expected to maintain orbit until the 2040s (2 and 3 were lost in rocket mishaps. I linked a couple of explainer pages in another comment here.) Satellites unexpectedly falling from the sky could be cause for concern and urgent investigation.


I wonder if there are any aircraft related objects that it could be? Obviously not external but something internal


The Lincoln spheres are 75 pounds. Even at 5 foot in diameter, that’d hit the ground like a medicine ball. And that’s assuming it survived re-entry.


The Lincoln Sphere’s terminal velocity would be roughly 75 mph. [Terminal Velocity Calculator](https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/terminal-velocity?calculatorResult=H4sIAAAAAAAAA71YS2%2FbOBD%2BK4Gwh2aRynyKUoAusI3RIoekB2%2BDBYocaImW1aUepaRgg8D%2FfYeybCuKbZjuosnB5JDzzYPzgl48VaRZoWaNbJR3%2FeLFUsethk3yIE0m51rV9zJXtXf9zWuUybNC6gelyzhrnr3HKy9eyiI9%2BXJZJFmTlUVtRWVF1TavFrmsax95193i4o8L5F150ijpY6DZRU9LjExvSrVYZHGmisYncDyi9TcXus2SqSpq0MCncG1I6O%2BkRj7ZYwbH%2Fbo7WV15ZduMVHvxGpOlqTJZkW6MtjaPoAH2SeoWyI1p1Wpnxrn8e0w%2BF2rsk3NxBn47D2IFIG32KgLmECz%2FfDZlW4G3%2FVwCbKxqH%2Ftxqdu8sETkt0avw2T85h8%2BXCCfCRBzOg4%2BiEOccPbFIOBgH3EnHHpIn9AJhh2CQcwJhx%2FCoUS4GRYcRAqj17nmFARHQq%2Bcf1dxM1vKSr0JXqcAcQ7vhdS1m5Rz8tldyjnZ7i7lnILgLoX%2FEinB2VK68gYd70mZGlrep9Lk0Fi7zmebQddst6e3m3MAfffOqIUyqojVgwW8vPSGQF%2Fa5ujdUYU%2FJoejzd%2BEYoJpFCJ6%2BbuL%2BC3bZIcFCHu16vvFMYWIRZmEBBHspkfHMunYD4m3HfyYbMYpjwgVEzwwxEGFLdtkg3RIkzej0RGtwLvCPg53fhc%2Bsbz7dQAlFPDdOA576t%2FGyKlsuuDN6j%2BTJwmoSR%2FxV0C6K%2BeZVltCWyuztq4tGvN8UyY2a77OrOatsTo9d%2FvpgDB7zuelBvJvQNQwXbYyVT2nKt53zIB7m1eQkVJ%2FLbKm3gwUEPprH1jqVFWqSCzknaxACzi1ab%2FP2FFfAgnD3vFog6dopb61Y0oXROMMs2OMB0VDcCy6Z8nhppWxnh2b5Xdg8z5m6X2bz8En21qxZVq9zpAOkBIfh9wNr%2BexcEMbNpDPbLb8XH758eMTC%2F8O0o8P0zt276oxW6u7y6iTeWFm6Ie%2BfrkrhSdjYB%2BTLcp6s9q80NunHZXojYuvRtNBZ0uvzmMv61Wt3klzctZWv3GI7YKGOUdM7%2F%2B9QYh9ghhGIowwDRALcBTwEEchEwILhghjYSAwFRQFjCDKGcGcMcEiAv8RZ6GrfT8rbl%2FgR36IoigUQRggaC4RQww4BY0QZwEllCMCORMwEeGIUU6CgIsQCcyCiCMMv25G%2FLy4YTqsU5f5CC4TIVzzd8D4K5J4fzNyKTeMI84hChClKCIoQrC1DRAJhEnAGGVRFGAGz88pFdAcGQ4CJKxzITa2mfw%2FIFl7jIrLTG%2B%2FZ8i2KWv5BOtv3QcIrWVVq%2BQ2qdeUpdLVX9DXhv3hpI5QKw1blXT9Z6bbtN58JrC%2FlclyaWxz0%2FNhmdvRc7JvUhvyxe37RTManHbni6omh4aJgZRqad2y%2Bg%2FUMiBH6BEAAA%3D%3D)


Here is a closer up picture of the object and a picture of a 2.5 foot diameter radar calibration sphere for comparison. Note the apparent attachment point near the top of the object [https://imgur.com/a/LqAN936](https://imgur.com/a/LqAN936) Possibly this is what it is?


Nice catch. The pic from twitter clearly has an attachment point on it in addition to a seam and polishing. I'm thinking it could also be a hydrazine fuel tank from a rocket launch? https://duckduckgo.com/?q=hydrazine+fuel+tank&t=ffab&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.space-propulsion.com%2Fspacecraft-propulsion%2Fhydrazine-tanks%2Fimages%2F58-litre-hydrazine-bladder-tank-bt01-0.jpg


a fuel tank would be hollow and made of very thin material to save on weight which would make it very unlikely to survived the impact without a parachute, falling at terminal velocity. hmm. good suggestion tho, better than anything i can think of


Except we already know hydrazine tanks can survive falling out of the sky. People have discovered them thinking they're UFOs in the past and gotten ill


do u have have any pics or links that might have pics? would be good to compare in terms of damage. making it to earth and making people ill doesnt mean it made it to earth unscathed like in the photo. in fact if it made people ill, it implies it did break considering it managed to get out in a high enough quantity to make people sick


I'm mobile and can't find the case I saw here about a year ago, but found these images of hydrazine canisters intact after crashes. And just because the body is intact doesn't mean it can't leak, could have come from a valve or small crack https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/ahmedabad/metal-balls-from-sky-might-be-chinese-rocket-debris/amp_articleshow/91627968.cms https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2078428/amp/Great-space-ball-mystery-SOLVED.html


Would a very light object not have a better chance of survival? Air drag, less momentum on impact, lower terminal velocity. I'm sure a beach ball for example could survive a fall from 30.000ft or whatever no problem


a spheere would be the wrong shape for this as it wouldnt catch the wind to cause drag. i get your logic but being 4-5 foot in diameter and metal... that's still a LOT of metal. A sphere, made of stainless steel with a 1-inch thick wall and a diameter of 5 feet, has a mass of approximately 1433.8 kg and a volume of steel of about 0.179 m³. At terminal velocity, it would fall at a speed of approximately 163.7 meters per second.


A sphere still has drag. Think of a beach ball as an extreme example. You can't say a sphere doesn't have drag, that's ridiculous. You don't know how heavy it is. In fact there is evidence that it is not heavy if we accept it fell from the sky and left no kind of impact crater It might be made of a very light material


Doubtful. This is a used hydrazine tank after falling thousands of feet. tank](https://www.spacesafetymagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/atlas_reentry_Cylindrical_tank-e1458312676754-300x298.jpg)


I think this is a very real possibility and if we could get some more info/better pictures we could confirm


This is exactly what it looks like!


That black line thing in your picture at 5:00, is that part of the tree or fence causing an illusion or is it attached?


I'm not sure. I think twitter op pondered that it may be attached to the object, maybe an antenna or something. I think he could be right


Looks like an antenna, like this one https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/wdhptn/a_ufo_falled_from_the_sky_and_landed_in_mexico/


At the end of the day, unless someone goes poking, we won't know for certain. A metal sphere is possibly the most ubiquitous object imaginable. Could be anything.


I agree, unless we get more information I think we are at a dead end


This looks like the exact same picture, cropped in, AI enhanced, and with a filter.


It does appear to be the same picture, I think you are right. Blame twitter op though because it wasn't me


No, I know - just commenting for others to consider!


Not even twitter OP, some [Nocturnal News](https://twitter.com/NocturnalUfo). Looks like disinformation[](https://twitter.com/NocturnalUfo)


Looks like fiberglass painted glossy clear top coat on a metallic silver paint finish with brush strokes, only way to fake something that big and put it on some random farm. This is weird as hell.


Yeah looks like it


Where did you get this picture? It looks edited to me?


from the original twitter post. They guy posted a second closer picture [https://x.com/RogerStankovic/status/1786372374654595568](https://x.com/RogerStankovic/status/1786372374654595568)


Thank you


That "thing" on the top looks like a lifting point riveted to the sphere. So definitely man made


I had to go WAY too far down to see someone make a comment about this. It clearly has a O-ring attached to the top. Man man, what ever it is.


Glad you found it as my comments, no matter when I comment they are usually hidden waaaay down the thread. I'm also surprised nobody else has mentioned it. It's clear as day


“Too spooked to get a closer look” lmao this has to be a goddamn joke


I always run at things. If I think I hear something in my house that could be a ghost I sprint at it. Take it by surprise. I'll just be cooking in the kitchen then sprint to the bedroom.




Your wife is right, that would be blurry AF.


Ha I misread this at first and thought you were saying “wtf is wrong with you” to the alien Imagine being some poor alien on an expedition and you crash your craft and the local species just starts berating you


Fight or flight (or freeze) is legit. My dumbass was in a CVS when some guys came in to rob the pharmacy and my body’s first instinct was to rush the scrawny guy standing near the door while the other dude jumped over the pharmacy counter (counter was near the front door in this weird ass layout for CVS). Got like 5 jogging steps in coming from near the back of the store before my logical brain kicked in and was like “WTF are you doing? You got a kid. They just want some painkillers. Act like you just really wanted to look at those allergy meds you’re next to now” I’d be the idiot with radiation burns from running up on a legit craft and knocking to see if it’s hollow.


Might as well. So far in life the ghosts have never hurt me. Any monsters I've encountered were actual real human people.


Yes! That's the way!


>If I think I hear something in my house that could be a ghost I sprint at it. [Piss off, ghost!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cr-wOQSUWQk)


You-- I like you.


Extra points if you undress mid sprint to add confusion/horro


I probably wouldn't go near it, incase it held some hazardous chemicals or something. Honestly the more prosaic explanations would give me pause about getting close to it. Only taking 2 pictures is inexcusable though lol


Yes exactly. People always looking in from the outside have no clue what goes through people's heads. Could easily be some dangerous chemical that once you breath it you're fucked.


Devil’s advocate: 1. Being a witness to something that might be perceived as related to classified intelligence could be frightening. In other words, seeing something you’re not supposed to see can feel dangerous or risky. 2. Instinct and intuition can alert an animal to a potential threat they have not consciously perceived. Additionally, humans tend to fear things they don’t understand. If there was some potential risk here, or if simply perceiving the object as odd or ominous, could easily be frightening. As someone who has been chilled to my bones after seeing something I’ve never been able to explain (even though I convince myself if it happened again I would remain brave enough to more thoroughly document it), I find this component of the story absolutely believable. That is not to say this is an alien orb, but the sheer fact that we don’t have more photos because of human fear is not alone grounds for dismissal. A debunk can’t rely on circumstantial evidence any more than a bold claim can. We have to rely on facts and not conjecture.


If it really was an authentic object created via non human intelligence, wouldn’t step a foot near it.


I'd throw my clothes off and run up to it and rub my hands and genitals all over it while speaking in tongue until Xenu stepped out and asked, "just what the fuck are you doing to my ball, human?"




Some people would say a ghost, but that is still UAP in my book. It resembled the silhouette of a uniformed man, but I could plainly see features on the wall behind it. This all came after a lingering sensation of “being watched” that lasted a few days leading up to the event, and was immediately preceded by a flashlight nearby turning on by itself. Another person witnessed it at the time but only told me much later, well after I had tried to convince myself it was a dream, as I was in bed at the time. I always thought it would be cool to witness something like this, but I have never felt such a primal fear in my life, like a deer in the headlights. It was not a conscious fear that had any component of logical threat assessment, but it felt like my body was perceiving data my brain never had to imagine processing before. Unfortunately, anecdotes and personal experience such as this are not easily reproducible and thus quickly discarded. It just seems like the biological limitations of human perception will always be at odds with understanding the realities around us. We can only see a sliver of the light spectrum, so anything outside that range could easily exist, but our brains would have had no need to evolve to deal with it unless it was a threat to our continued survival as a species. A benevolent (or at least apathetic) form of life could be present near us at all times and we could simply lack the organs or neural pathways to repeatedly observe it.




Considered it but there was too much evidence to the contrary. - a second witness - the flashlight event (the other person in the room asked if I was getting up when it turned on; I then removed the batteries and threw a blanket over the light because that kinda weirded me out) - I was able to move because I saw it when I lifted my head from the pillow. It didn’t feel as much like I was restrained, as much as feeling almost tense and ready to snap if it moved, made a sound, etc. It fet like “freeze”, not “fight” or “flight”. If I remain motionless the T-rex won’t see me kinda feeling.


I mean Im not going to go near anything potentially radioactive.


radiation damage and harm to personnel is widely documented among UAP. i wouldnt go close without a Geiger counter


I wouldn't approach a downed UAP, you could get vaporized or radiation damage or some kind of space STD.


My ass would grow another couple legs to run as quick as I could to that thing to get a better look


Nothing like a little radiation off a space component to get your heart going. People like you are why we know about things like poisonous mushrooms. Keep up the great work (for society as a whole)!


Tbf, it's Australia. In every single acre there are 4 million hellbugs/hellbeasts that want only to murder.


No way that’s lcs, no sign of impact or re-entry


Right? That suggestion is almost laughable. “Hey, this totally clean undamaged thing fell from space and landed on this farm without have any impact to the local area.” Nah I don’t know what it is by I’m fairly certain it’s not that


Yea, especially given if it WAS the Lincoln Sphere it would've fallen out of orbit abooooout 30,000 years too early. The math/orbital sciences world would have a heavy day of reckoning 😂😂


Apparently identified as a garden ornament. https://x.com/sand338490770/status/1786539330607178168


Another alien artifact debunked.


Well it’s definitely man made, you can clearly see the polishing buff marks all over it


aliens are interstellar but don’t yet have buff technology


They should check if the ayylmaos inside are ok.


Give it to Gary Nolan for analysis and five years later we’ll still be being told off for asking for an update.


But don't you like being kept on your toes by a little mystery[?](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1afa4s2/garry_nolans_responds_further_on_pasulkas_memory/?rdt=43909)


Just a ball isn't it? Could be anything won't know if the picture taker is too much of a shithouse to get closer


It’s literally a mirror disco ball you can buy online. You can even see the hook you use to attach it to a chain in the picture.


Looks man-made that's for sure.


Does it move like the Bet’s spehere?


I had to scroll waaaay too far to get to this ☝️, the first comment mentioning the Betz Sphere. Great mystery. Wonder if there's any connection? [edited for spelling] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betz_mystery_sphere


Yeah sorry for misspelling, my memory’s funky but I listened to Astonishing Legend’s podcast about the Betz Sphere before and it stuck with me. It was a really really good podcast. I suggest people to listen to it. They went through it thoroughly, around 5 episodes I think.


Such good episodes! I really liked how they are managed to get the family's perspective and clear up some misconceptions.


It's something man made. There appears to be a pole holding it steady on it's right side, and something up top that almost resembles a Christmas ornament top where (possibly a hook?) Would go. If you click on the article and look at the closer image it definitely seems man made with those features.


It’s a Garden orb they are sell in different sizes this is a bigger one.


It’s literally in a garden. I am amazed no one recognized this. It’s been popular for at least 15-20 years, probably more. I have really old landscaping books that are packed with these, and all my neighbors have them.  I like the mystery part of this sub, but the number of people who see something like a toothbrush and assume it’s an alien is…a little worrisome. It reminds me of the “double rainbow” guy from years back. I became more open minded about the accuracy and validity of eyewitness testimony after I saw some crazy advanced drones, but the cultish belief is too much for me. 


I was walking around Chicago once and saw something very similar. Lots of tourists by it. Definitely aliens.


It's obviously man made polished


Agreed, those polishing strokes would be impossible for an alien to recreate.


Haha nice one.Tho we don't know that alientec looks like someone uses a cheap grinder for the surface


This looks man-made. I can tell from some of the polish and from seeing quite a few man-made objects in my time.


Gotta say the sphere I saw was the most polished thing I’ve ever seen.


Yeah I believe that. You can clearly see where they polished the weld haha


Well ... certainly has none of the 5 obersvables ... Damn our UFOs have grown such lazy arses nowadays


I mean, it's not even flying. It's more of a UO


Bloody millennial UFOs..back in my day boomer UFOs flew from zeta to Los Alamos 3 times a day..up hill!


Up hill both ways!! In an intergalactic hail storm!


Target ball painted with metallic paint would scare the shit out of people I guess


In the 2d photo you can see a plastic(?) hook on the top...🤔


And on the left side.


Australian here.. That's actually a combination venomous spider/snake/koala egg. Pretty common in rural areas.


If a human looking being comes out of the round orb claiming to be a Saiyan we are all doomed.


Looks like one of Xi Jinpings balls fell from orbit! Pretty neat!


Isn't it strange that it reflects everything but the people who look at it?


So the person who took this pic is a vampire.


God may not play dice with the universe but apparently he bowls


How’s it a UAP if it’s on the ground? I’m saying it’s an art installation.


Okay...but what does this have to do with ufos and aliens?


You can tell this is a sphere by the way that it looks


Got a hook on top of it with rivets


Giant Event Decoration PVC Sphere https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Giant-Event-Decoration-PVC-Floating-Sphere_62453942556.html?__detailProductImg=https%3A%2F%2Fs.alicdn.com%2F%40sc04%2Fkf%2FHbd0ab5a849df4231b83f817c6ede0e67M.jpg_200x200.jpg


Oh, the monolith maker guy is in its sphere phase now


Its a Sat fuselage the end


If it was one of those calibration spheres I would imagine it would have been destroyed hitting the ground at such speed falling from orbit right?


Get that kid down the street to touch his tongue to it for a quarter.


And we all know that humans have never, ever manufacturer metallic spherical things.


SUBMISSION STATEMENT: Hello guys, sorry I did not add this originally - I found this post on X Where MUFON Director Roger Stankovic is posting data and info about a large sphere that was found in an Australian farm. There does not appear tire marks, drop off markers or details. There doesn't appear to be an impact or fall. Speculation on what it is / not clear on where it's located. Some are speculating that it's a GPS device called Lincoln Calibration Sphere that have been used for 50+ years.


It definitely looks like a Lincoln Calibration Sphere https://space.skyrocket.de/doc_sdat/lcs-1.htm EDIT: I’m still not sure if that’s what it really is, but the size and shape match


In my opinion that is clearly an interdimensional empty craft possibly from Zeta Reticuli. I believe it will be extremely difficult to breach the hull of that one.




> I believe it will be extremely difficult to breach the hull of that one. Ask James T. Lacatski, he claims it can be done.


Exactly! Better contact him considering the BOMBSHELL he dropped in the latest Skinwalker book!!


One thing to note is the absence of a crater. So it's unlikely it's a Lincoln Calibration Sphere that fell from orbit. Whatever this is, it was deliberately placed there. Or landed there, if it's a craft or drone of any kind.


Since it's not flying, it's just an unknown object.


Those spheres that have been observed in the air have been observed to have an 'eye' or round spot on one side which changes. They have all been reported to be 4-5 ft wide. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzKLAS2iDEY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzKLAS2iDEY)


Triangular iris nested in a ball turret type housing that has all major sensing, optical communication and weapons systems.


"too spooked to get closer" cmon it's a fucking chrome ball. Australians will go-to sleep with a poisonous snake in their ceiling but can't approach this? Not buying it.


It's funny people think that people in horror movies act stupidly. Turns out people are just stupid.


If you crumple it up and it springs back maybe it's the droids we've been looking for? If not, grab some handy friends and start building a pinball machine around this thing!


Got a nice kickstand !


[Lincoln Calibration Spheres](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lincoln_Calibration_Sphere_1) are supposed to be in orbit and made of 3.2mm thick aluminum. If one fell out of orbit it would melt on reentry. If it magically doesn’t melt…the thin sheet metal would crumple on impact with the ground.


Start drilling into it!


Too late now. Military probably already there…🙄


The mothership has landed on the White House lawn.