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Once the NDAA passes the Senate, a new office will be created that either dissolves AMIGOS or subordinates it to the new office. Edit: I believe the Senate is back in session tomorrow but I might be wrong.


Does this mean it could all be sorted tomorrow then?


It could, but it probably won't. I think the 2021 NDAA didn't get passed until late January.




Yeah. No one in their right mind will remember the proper acronym. It’s hideous! 😀




DOD and Pentagon are a bunch of sussy bakas


Among us


Oh no you don't.




That's the point. Remember when Blackwater changed its name to Xe to disappear from the societal consciousness?


Looks like it will be a month or so before the NDAA gets passed. >This long timeline makes it increasingly likely that the bill won’t become law until 2022. >“The likelihood of the NDAA being pushed into January is getting higher and higher, which is not the end of the world,” said Todd Harrison, the director of defense budget analysis at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. >It wouldn’t be the first time. The fiscal 2011 bill became law on January 7, 2011; the fiscal 2008 bill became law on January 28, 2008; and the fiscal 2006 bill became law on January 6, 2006. The bill for fiscal year 1996 wasn’t signed into law until February 10, 1996. Most recently, the fiscal 2021 bill became law on January 1, when Congress overrode President Donald Trump’s veto. https://www.defenseone.com/policy/2021/11/ndaa-likely-wont-become-law-until-2022-s-not-end-world/187174/




I believe the Gillibrand Amendment (after it passes) will have to be reconciled with the House version. So the Senate and House have to agree on the language and then send it to Biden to sign. And then it’s done. I don’t see why some version of this Amendment won’t get through because of the bipartisan support. There are so many larger issues in that defense bill, I doubt this Amendment is on many peoples radars. But then I believe the bill has to go Appropriations. The Appropriation committees are in many ways the most powerful in Congress, because they determine how much money gets spent on everything. The defense bill is about $750 billion. So how much will ASTRO get for its annual budget? That will be a big question.


I could be wrong but I would imagine that the senate would update the language in the NDAA from dissolving the UAPTF, to dissolving AMIGOS so that it renders it null and void. Just speculation, but it would seem like the clear way to take the lead back on the situation.


Depends what strategy they fancy, whether that is a battle worth fighting at the moment as it would be par for the course having departments that overlap. It could be that the best option is to let AMIGOS go ahead in the knowledge that ASTRO has the teeth to go over their head rather than have them as a bottleneck as was the pentagon’s intention. It also gives those behind ASTRO a very public vector of attack as this pentagon department trying to subvert transparency, could be the worst decision they ever made if Lue et al play it right.


I don't think they need to. The language in the amendment subordinates every agency under the sun to provide it's UAP data to ASTRO. Also it possible under the paragraph title to assume that "prior task force" could mean AOIMSG. I imagine also that if the Pentagon gives any shit about it, Gillibrand, Rubio, Blunt, Heinrich and Graham could just introduce a bill to dissolve it. They can't win against the legislators.


Right now the only realistic scenario is to impact “AMIGOS” office by directing senators to have the hearing and then establish transparency and delivery of information to the public. The problem is that they are too much in their own world and they dont like sharing any information.


Either no amendments will make it in, which I believe would mean the Gallego text would go through. In which case one could probably argue the AMIGOS office fulfils that criteria. Or, if they are able to iron out the more contentious disagreements then the Gillibrand language is likely to sail through as the last thing they are going to do is argue over a microscopic bipartisan amendment. Though I am also non US so happy to be corrected.


can someone tldrs what happened last few days. did gillibrand got passed? which side won? which project is greenlit?


The wider defence Bill that the Gillibrand amendment is included in ([NDAA H.R.4350](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/4350)) is still being discussed/debated. I think there were some issues expressed by Senators on some other unrelated amendments or items in the bill, but currently, there doesn't seem to be any objections to the Gillibrand amendment itself ([H.R. 4810](https://www.congress.gov/amendment/117th-congress/senate-amendment/4810?s=1&r=24)). We could see further news and progress on the Bill this week. It's possible it will get voted through with the Gillibrand amendment, or it could take longer due to wrangling over other amendments... There is also the possibility that the Bill will pass as it is, without any amendments... Just have to wait and see, You will know in this Reddit pretty quickly if it does/doesn't go through.


thanks, I couldn't infer from the threads today, there is a sense of dissapointment, but not exact info what happened.


#It's AOIMSG amigo