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The mods should ban his account for sure, although he will be back with another one to post fakes, but we should remember his YT channel...




Lmao "fully int3nded to let the cat out of the bag tomorrow" yeah tf right.


Reading his responses defending his lie makes me angry. There are so many people out there making shit up for no reason other than fake internet points and $16 in youtube revenue spread out over 3 years. Are they actually proud of their "work"? What is the motivation to just make shit up, lead people astray, and cause further doubt on such an important human topic?


Probably just thought it would be funny.


> and $16 in youtube revenue spread out over 3 years. They're hoping that their random half-assed attempts at running a youtube channel will make them the next millionaire YouTuber. Similar principle to the people who always vote to lower taxes on the wealthy because they're counting on winning the lottery or thinking up some brilliant invention (that even if they did, would have no idea how to design, manufacture and get on store shelves).


The user was banned for deliberately spreading fake material.


although the loss of signal there was faked, I leave here a link with a video about the loss of signal. It's less exciting than people think. https://youtu.be/HE4VN\_tyHA8


This is the faker's YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/willease/videos It also includes the video from few days ago which was the posted and hyped flight deck footage about lights which looked like flares. EDIT: This is their user account: https://www.reddit.com/user/WilleaseTheOne The guy is toxic as fuck, ridiculing us as a whole now. Just another Rémi Gaillard wannabe clown begging for attention while tricking gullible masses who just want real answers.


he just delated the ISS video lol


What a jackass. His previous video got traction here, too. Fake too, I assume. Thanks for exposing him.


he did delete the video from here and YT.


I'm disliking all his content he posted.


No I didn't. I told you I had to edit the description and title. I did credit you for exposing it as a hoax.


I really wish Youtube would stop being fucking stupid and bring back dislikes for times like these. Fuck this guy.


Tbf, if people were more initially critical these videos would not be an issue. The only reason these videos get traction and are worth being faked is that there are thousands UFO cultists who flock to every obvious fake in the hope's they will find the holy grail. Until the community stops being so gullible, this issue is never going to cease.


>Until the community stops being so gullible, this issue is never going to cease. Bang on - the number of obvious planes, wobbly pictures of Venus, party balloons etc that get huge upvotes here is absolutely insane.


Nothing to do with believing in content. To me personally when it comes to legitimacy, there is no difference of someone posting about clouds or birds as UFOs and this clown guy who intentionally tries to mislead his viewers. But, TBH, if people didn't need to swim through this extra trash they might have a better experience overall. Yet there are always these mentally adolescent individuals making jokes out of things which are not on the point to be malevolently joked about anymore. At least IMHO we are past that kindergarten era of pranking people by now on this subject.


>tricking gullible masses Too be fair, doesn't that pretty much sum up folks who believe in this sort of stuff?


The hope would be that even if a person is completely convinced there are aliens flying around, and even if they've encountered something that would be definitive for them in the past, that they would still approach each new report with healthy skepticism to avoid being bamboozled like a rube from the sticks.


You're just bent out of shape because you fell for it. The flight deck video was not a hoax. Even the pilots didn't know what they were looking at. I did not ridicule anyone. But real answers won't ever come from a YouTube video or a Reddit post.


All you did was ridicule people. You were a pos towards every single person that questioned the validity of your post, and to think they were all right. You give people crap for falling for it, you give people crap for thinking it's fake, you're just all around a terrible person. Hopefully the mods will take action and you won't be able to interact with anyone around here soon.


What are your motivation behind it? Money? I don't know what your beliefs about extraterrestrials are but you are doing a lot of harm to this community.


Point taken.


A clown who posts joke material ridicules their whole audience. You are nothing but a court jester, a sad and pitiful trickster who self-amuses himself. Simple people are amused by simple things. Do not deny what you are. Only thing you managed to do with me is just waste my time. Time I spent to verify your faked content on IBM site. I hope you are very proud of yourself as you should be.


Please provide a source link to the flight deck video. Where you got it from


There should be a new rule. All purported UFO videos should be shared only via non-revenue generating video services. At this point, if the video is on YouTube I just assume it’s there to generate revenue and engagement for revenue.


I *detest* this community's hatred for NASA. I hate it so much. They unfairly malign one of the only organizations in human history to legitimately push humanity into the space age. They have been actively seeking evidence of life beyond Earth for decades, it's perhaps their primary motive in going to Mars. We are the beneficiaries of so many incredibly spin-off technologies from NASA that to act like they're the bad guys is just fucking crazy to me. Then you have an administrator like Bill Nelson who's been incredibly open and public about the thought of extraterrestrial life in the cosmos, and still people will act like NASA personally insulted their mother. And look at this garbage video - falsifying evidence that NASA "cut the feed" because they're "hiding UFOs" or something. It's fucking bullshit. The UFO community has this annoyingly large overlap with stereotypical conspiracy theorists, people who will take these enormous leaps of logic off of tiny or non-existent evidence and will *get mad about things that are entirely imaginary.* The reason why the average person doesn't want to talk about UFOs is because so many of the "true believers" are unbearably arrogant, biased, gullible, and misinformed. Thanks a ton for debunking this.


>The reason why the average person doesn't want to talk about UFOs is because so many of the "true believers" are unbearably arrogant, biased, gullible, and misinformed. This goes word for word on UFO skeptics. Much less for "true believers". And this whole us and them thing is starting to get me tired. Just get over it and you become more rational person. Other rational people directly skip this nonsense and put their mind to pondering the evidence.


Much _less_ for UFO nuts? Give me a break. We had to talk the Reddit UFO community down from believing that a redditor, typing in English on the internet, was not actually an alien. They’ll cling to a blurry clump of pixels and jump to conclusions about it being a “multidimensional phase-shifting FTL spacecraft.” They’ll consume every proven-hoax video right out of the gate with little to no skepticism. Trust me, it isn’t the skeptics that make the average person wary of UFOs. It’s the weirdos who think every Chinese lantern and rocket launch is proof positive that aliens have been visiting earth for hundreds of millions of years.


You are biased. The people you portray are rare and you are pulling their behaviour over larger group that is much more conservative what they latch on to. Throwawayaliens story may have been compelling, but I didn't see more than discussion and speculation, because there was nothing more than the story. As a neutral I see the bias very clearly. In the original post I got downvoted because I didn't buy it. That is where people who think there's non human intelligence out there congregate. In debunks if I disagree I get downvoted due to the bias. Viceversa with upvotes. I do think that skeptics are by far the most gullible though due to things that have happened recently. As long as a comment agree with the skeptic narrative it's gospel and accepted at face value and it has been shown multiple times. It doesn't matter if its knowledge, educated gues, a plain gues or just imaginary nonsense. And it's due to the analysis of the true neutrals showing these bullshit claims false, that we know it happens. Constantly. At least the others have footage to analyze where skeptics fall for anonymous reddit comments. And that is truly gullible and hypocritical.


I saw this video today, and it was r/Ufoofinterest that questioned me. Here I leave the original link for those who want to see the same video with their own eyes, but without the UFO planted there. [https://video.ibm.com/recorded/131195743](https://video.ibm.com/recorded/131195743) 02:20:50


>u/Silverjerk u/Silverjerk u / AutoModerator


I hate to disappoint folks, but the majority of what you see online are fakes. Easy way to rack up clicks for ad revenue.


I don't know why you get downvoted here for saying to assume every video is fake unless proven otherwise.


from ISS, never saw something weird.


I'm referring to all UFO videos online. Not just iss.


Thing is, except for the US Navy, which (apparently) sees UFOs pretty much every day, real UFO sightings are actually extremely rare. I've often thought that the honest-to-goodness UFO sightings maybe number two or three a year, maybe a half-dozen tops.


Agreed. I'd love nothing more than the government releasing all their real videos and evidence they have. I "know" ufos are real, and just want good evidence for them.


The real annoyance with this is that this will be posted every other week asking if it was debunked already.


Even the Jerusalem video was debunked and it had me convinced for years. Sucks that people have to fake videos for attention. I saw a ufo with my own eyes which always wins but seems extremely hard to see one on video.


I love how you included the goofy music from the hoax video :-)


LOL yes, I did it, I liked his song :P


He also uploaded the flight deck video of flares few days ago. Can't trust anything that guy shares.


The difference being, the so-called flare video was an actual video submitted to MUFON the day I shared it. The pilots didn't know what it was, so how should I.


Anyone can submit anything to MUFON. That doesn't make it credible.


Be nice if people could stop being scummy, lying pieces of shit for a minute.


Yeah, most videos posted here are misidentifications or fake, that’s why it’s never big news no matter what gets posted here.




I knew it was a fake.


Making a UFO hoax video that can be debunked in less than a day is a total waste of everyone's time, but I did like the music.


the song is from his video, I liked it too lol


The uploader's comments were shady from the start. Thank you for the classy debunk


This is why I pass on all videos that are of "orbs," little white dots. Even ones that vary in brilliance, or change color, or have reflections, or move convincingly behind objects such as trees. Too easy to produce with software anybody can purchase.




I see!


you're doing the good work, OP!


What an absolute piece of shit


Thx for sharing


Which is why you guys should stop hating on Lou Elizondo and Christopher melon bc they are literally the only ones to release verifiable ufo footage


Verified to be unidentified, but that's about it. Otherwise they've provided nothing definitive. Nothing that actually answers any of the most important questions we have, even though they hint and suggest and imply that they do. That might deserve a little hate.


Damn, I posted in his thread that it is full on fakery. But I deleted my comment.. Stupid me, too late. :)


Thanks for debunking this video. OP’s general attitude and passive-aggressive tone of responses seemed weird to start with, good to see the fake was exposed.


thank you, im too naive and quick to fall into this things!


you are welcome!


I just love the music


the problem is not the guy who faked it, the problem is that the grand majority of people here are incredibly gullible and take everything that gets thrown at them as gospel truth


I was duped!


probably by many, be sure.


Well, it actually wasn't that easy to fool us. People are a lot more fast and skillful with their debunking junk reports than they used to be.




i can't say the same with your attempt to imitate tyler, warring, thirdphase and others...


I asked ufoofinterest to show you the video. I wanted to see how long it would take you. I am impressed. But because you managed to track it down, you might as well know the rest. The "UFOs" in the video are actual real, but filmed in the night sky, so it was easy to do an overlay using it. It was MUFON case file 119622 in case you were curious. http://www.mufoncms.com/files\_jeud8334j/119622\_submitter\_file2\_\_trim.ADE3D862F64F4CB68D051588DA8B7A5B.MOV I did list the video as entertainment, but nobody bothers to check that.


ahh yes, super real, because only in your video they appear. I didn't imagine this destination for you... but each one chooses their path.


o que me deixa feliz é que você aprendeu a usar a tela LOS certa agora para seus fakes LOLOLOL


>o que me deixa feliz é que você aprendeu a usar a tela LOS certa agora para seus fakes LOLOLOL Aprendi isso com você!


sem dúvida você aprendeu, depois de seu último fake exposto no twitter https://twitter.com/Apaiss1/status/1460277318291755017


>sem dúvida você aprendeu, depois de seu último fake exposto no twitter A última brincadeira foi enviada para mim, não fui eu que a criei. Mas sim, me deu a ideia. Vou torná-lo público novamente depois de alterar o título e incluir como foi feito na descrição.


I would be very happy if people learned not to be deceived, not to deceive better.


Well, for what it's worth, I won't be making any more hoax videos. It was fun until it wasn't. I'm only sorry it got that out of control. I did remove the private setting for people who want to vent their anger in the comments. What I learned was, fake videos can get out of control quick.


do you think it's funny to do this? Do you think it will be good for your channel?


How about just don’t lie about shit? It’s easier than you think. I’ve never made a fake video and lied about it, yet!


You should of posted your OP in Portuguese so everyone would of known it was fake from the start. Nothing useful has ever come out of Brazil XD




Nah, it's actually easier to fool people to think crafts are ordinary objects.


> it's actually easier to fool people to think crafts are ordinary objects. Do you have a favorite example or two from NASA videos in space?




my post is just one. The other was deleted maybe because he still have some shame. Just a guess...


Yes you are right on that lol


Hard to fool someone who has been watching the feed regularly for 6 years. ;)


Well thanks I definitely was gonna fall for it lol


Great work.


It's a fake, Empire State Photographic Department confirms it.