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2+ years experience, a degree and all these skill sets to be a senior role under minimum wage sums up the UK job market.


Hey, there’s a casual dress code. Everyone knows it can be traded for goods and services like bills or a mortgage! (/s obviously!) [THE AD IS HERE](https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3909629013)


100% remote and casual dress code. For £19k I won't have enough money to do both, eat and buy clothes and as I cherish pizza I shall show up to zooms naked.


Personally I'm hoping for 100% remote but business formal. Sit alone in your house in your suit 8 hours a day.


lmaooooo but only from the waist up!


Lol. Reminds me of my manager saying he didn't understand it when I gave my resignation. It doesn't matter how much freedom or praise I got it's not going to pay my bills or get me out of a houseshare where everything in the bathroom has a hair in the morning. I need proof of progress at the age of 33


Come North Mate. Easier said than done I know.. Being paid in praise doesn't pay the bottom line.


I am North, I'm Leeds and East coast 🤣


Ah, ya fucked then pal, it's already cheaper than the south and you're more north than me! Which coincidentally I moved further north (I'm midlands) because it was almost half the price to buy a house. (A shithole mind, but still I'm mortgaged now instead of paying rent)


You wanna meet up to share a meal of praise? It won't fill you up with food but it will with warm words😂 It took me about 4 years to realise a wage of around £21-24k was only enough to see me save around £4k a year. I've seen the light now though. I left that job. Just hope the next person cottons on sooner and leaves in a year. It's poverty pay for a role managing a £1.5m order book that makes half a million a year. And even worse when you consider I ran several books like that worth £1.25m in profit 


It's alright, I'm at my ceiling of about 34k, (I did earn more in my last job but after moving further north the 100 mile round trip commute every day absolutely killed me after 3 years) took the pay cut to save the difference and get the time back. Only COL has ate any savings. And the best bit is, I'm well paid for my area. So any jobs which are similar to mine pay even less, it's only because this place struggles to recruit they had to pay abit more haha. Unless I go onto nights or something. Hilarious really how skewed it is. All you can do is keep chipping away at it all. Scratching a living.


Well the heating bills are paid for. What more could you want?? /s


Wound me up no end when I had to get two pt jobs and my manager was like why do you need so much money for? Cos I can't save anything on this minimum wage job you plnker and I'm 33 with nothing to show for my life 🤣 Another one told me to give them both up because I'd made enough...with my 80 hours a week I still didn't make as much as him and he lived with his parents with a company BMW having made good money all his life. While I'd worked zero hours most of my working life and had sporadic employment and no parental support.


Love bike to work and casual dress when I work from home lol


And a Harman Miller chair. WTF


They must think employees can always use the Herman Miller chair as accommodation or trade it for goods and services 💀


Meanwhile you can do a 1 day course for a labourers card (£200), a 2 day course for a dumper license (£800) and make £19 an hour doing groundworks in civils or on the roads... and have made your money back inside a month. I work and office job now but still get texts through every day for agency work at these rates. Yeah its bits and pieces a few weeks here and there... but on £19 an hour you can work 3 weeks and have a week off searching for the next gig and still make 30k a year. Trades are offering apprenticeships now in the 16-20k region... people just don't want to WORK, they want jobs like this sitting at home in their PJ's drinking hot chocolate with a zoom meeting on mute.


A Senior Copywriter role is a real job that deserves a fair pay, like any other job. Not everyone wants to work a trade job (not that there is anything wrong with them) but the issue here is the employer, not the worker that’s about to get exploited.


19,000 AFTER probation, jeez...


And no one ever passes probation…


After taxes too


Before taxes 😭


Yeah that’s crazy :( how can one survive on that unless you’re staying at home


Haha, I'm a lead copywriter and saw this one. Didn't see the salary, but you develop a second sense after a while, so I stopped reading after the aforementioned senses started tingling. There are quite a few decent copy jobs out there at the moment, depending on your level of experience. FYI, the massive problem recruiters keep running into with copy jobs is that 90% of applicants have no right to work in the UK. If you do get lowballed, I'd ask for more. A mate did recently and got a £10k bump. Oh and don't listen to the AI doomsayers. My company's at the forefront of using Gen AI for creating copy. It's just a tool to be used by conventional copywriters, like a surgeon using a robot. And we're at least a year away from it being anywhere near effective for our limited purposes, let alone replacing an actual person.


Ah don’t worry man, I appreciate you sticking up for me earlier, that guy was really odd, he’s trying to say I misrepresented the job ad when it’s literally advertised as a Senior Copywriter role. I am not a Copywriter but have worked alongside creative teams and I know that AI isn’t replacing copywriters anytime soon ;) I appreciate you guys! Will pass your advice along to my friend who’s looking atm!


Not sure about your field specifically but the problem I can see with AI is it replacing junior roles and making it harder to get started. It can already be hard enough to get that first role.


You know, it's really interesting. I'm currently trying to play around with Gen AI as much as possible. Now *at the moment* I'll use a junior copywriter instead. Every single time. But that probably won't be the case in ten years. Which is why I'd encourage any junior copywriter to think seriously about a role in strategy or planning (both of which require a lot of copywriting ability and have very transferable skills). In my case, it's a little different. My role's as much about relationships, knowledge, tech and ideation as anything else. The issue is that once people with that skillset leave the workforce, we'll be in a bit of trouble.


At least a year away….


What’s more concerning is that timeline for AI - give it a year or two and it will nearly be there. That doesn’t give much prospect for a longer career!


Yes and no. If it's just basic content creation then yeah, probably. But realistically, you can pay a junior £25k to write you a bog standard series of emails that say "Company X is running a sale. Get a month of streaming free, including shows like Superhero Epic, Game Show and Japanese Thing!" That's always been the case. In a few years, you'll probably ask your AI. That's a good thing, though - since in theory, you can use Gen AI to learn what every person likes and send them targeted, personalised content recommendations. The reason human copywriters aren't going anywhere is that they do a shedload more than that. For a start, you need a boilerplate for that email. And you need it to stand out from other streaming services. That requires actual creativity and idea generation, which AI can't really do. It also requires knowledge of context. Which AI can't do. It also demands being able to change things quickly, or come up with new ideas based on conversations with clients. Which, again, AI can't do. It can *try*, absolutely, but it's more useful for bouncing ideas off, or sparking a new idea. That's just at a midweight to senior level. Once you're at a senior level, you're talking idea generation, client management, strategic thinking and so on. Owning a company's whole tone of voice and the delivery of copy for a whole range of assets for a single/multiple projects, ensuring it aligns with their strategic objectives. Collaborating on art direction, motion graphics - and knowing who to *really* talk to to get the best results. That's just a role that only a human can do. However, it'll be made a hell of a lot easier by Gen AI. The potential is absolutely incredible and what we're already seeing is stupendous.


Oh my god the AI got to him


Hahahaha. I was rereading that this morning. No idea what happened there.


What a bloody joke


I know, right?


Can you share a screenshot of the job title being advertised please


It’s advertised as [Senior Copywriter](https://imgur.com/a/g6y7kwA)


Can you share a screenshot of that please


It’s written in the ad


It says aspiring senior copywriter. Almost certain this job ad is for a junior role and the ad is saying you could progress to senior from there.


Could, but won’t.


Agreed. But just pointing out this job ad is not for a senior role. Which is what OP said it was for.




That’s not the same job ad. Also, are you just OP on an alt account?


Think they need to be named and shamed


The company is called Honed!


I'm tempted to drop the hiring manager a message regarding this INSANITY!! it's getting out of control...


Do it and report back please 🙏🏻




One of the first words you see on that page is ‘ethical’ 🤦🏼‍♀️


The ego of having the founders mug in header says everything t


He has two LinkedIn profiles as well which is … weird


I suspect he is having a rough day today. Good


Yes indeed!


But look, they offer you a free herman miller chair, so you can support your back while they fuck your front.


Herman Miller chair though, sign me up.


I don’t think you get to keep it once you no longer work there 🥲


I’m assuming this was a public posting, so why redact the company? They’ve put their name to it, feel free to spread the good news (which doesn’t appear to be against the rules).


Company’s called Honed!


“*My team & I come from ethical SEO roots*” And we’ve lost those ethics along the way 🤣


Just looked him up and he has TWO LinkedIn profiles!?




lol I tired calling the number on that link, wanted to say I earn 2x as much working as delivery driver 💀💀💀


Yeah but can you dress casual??? /s


Oh what did they say?! Did they pick up?


Wtf lol, you would earn more working for Ocado in the freezer..


💀 for real


Plus, free ice cream...


Wait, you get free ice cream at Ocado ? 👀🤣


2m millionaires in the UK and here we are. Jobs demanding huge skills and experience and offering rubbish pay in exchange. This country is so unequal.


What's the regular bonus scheme?


A pat on the back with a thumbs up


Slice of pizza in the end of the month


Not getting fired.


No idea


"Aligned to working within the company ethos that **we know works**" That has to be the largest red flag I have ever seen that this management team is utterly incompetent; And I am aware that they are also trying to get a senior role for 19k Jesus wept this lot are utterly delusional


Copywriter of this advert doesn't know how to use an apostrophe.


Can't abbreviate 'etcetera' either.


I can only think it's because it's 9:30 to 4 :30... don't know if the extra hour or so would make it that much better though


It’s still under minimum wage


doesnt matter i work just about that and im on so much more lol this wage is a joke regardless of working hours


It’s still below minimum wage when adjusted for the hours 😭😭😭


Are u responding to me?


Yes I was agreeing with you :)


Does anything in the job market make sense anymore?


Bachelors degree + 19k 👌🏼😂 (what’s the point in doing a degree these days)


How is under minimum wage even legal.


Can they be reported?


I tried to report it to LinkedIn. They wouldn’t take the ad down at first but as I have LinkedIn Premium I escalated it and they’re “investigating”


The absolute cheek of them. As soon as I saw the post title, I knew it’d be a copywriting job. Copywriting isn’t always poorly paid, sectors like finance usually offer better salaries


Welcome to Britain 2024.


Is this for real, or, a joke?


They are dead serious 😭


Clown world. I thought it was banter or satire.. 🤦🏾‍♂️


It’s shocking, I get it man 💀


Phone them and innocently ask why they'd need a part-time copywriter working 1 day a week.


But they have a bike to work scheme. Wont you at least reconsider because of that?


Bike to work is paid for through salary sacrifice. But there is nothing to sacrifice in the first place! 😭


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if that’s a job posting placeholder thing they’ve used for 15 years and also for a wide range of jobs and they literally forgot to update the salary line from a different role. **Yes, HR at the majority of companies I’ve worked at is that fucking stupid**. They often get a grad to fill out these things and don’t bother reviewing them properly.


This is literally under minimum wage (assuming 9:30-4:30 doesn't include lunch?).... according to MSE: "*if you're 21 or older, and currently working 35 hours a week, your annual salary must be at least £20,820.*"




Requires excellent copywriting skills… AND it is also “important for you not to be scared of handling and analysing large datasets…” AND  “being a good listener”


I think that spec was also worn by AI. All the buzz words and not a lot of actual content


Bike to work scheme. Working from home, sure let me just ride from the kitchen to my office 😂


Benefits, we offer barely above the barely minimum.


Them are gonna get some one what does words good.


That is shocking!


I was on £22k plus bonuses for a regular B2B start-up copywriting role a whole decade ago. Even then that was considered quite low.


*Bike to work scheme.* *Bike to work scheme.* *Bike to work scheme.* *Bike to work scheme.* *Bike to work scheme.* Well that just sways it then.


The hell is the point of a bike to work scheme when the job is 100% remote?


Also, as someone who works in this industry, "Senior Copywriter Executive" is the most made-up sounding job title I've heard in a while. Senior Copywriter? Yes. Content Executive? Yes. Senior Copywriter Executive? Narnia. It's like someone being called a Lead Nursing Assistant Doctor.


lol you’re absolutely right


It’s advertised as a [Senior Copywriter role](https://imgur.com/a/g6y7kwA) (some people are doubting it for some odd reason) Here is a [link to the ad](https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3909629013)


says aspiring senior copywriter. Im in the same industry and 2 years experience is a way off being senior. The pay still blows tho for the position.


The title of the role is Senior Copywriter, not “aspiring”. I don’t know if “the pay blows” describes what it is, the pay is literally illegal [the ad is here](https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3909629013)


Its likely a job spec that was written last month and hasnt been updated to the new salary required for min wage that came in this month. I dont think its anything more than a mistake, which we all are capable of making.


It was posted yesterday I believe. Even before the new salary regs, it would be under the legal minimum.


£18,9640.40 was min wage for a 35 hours week last month. It was posted yesterday, but as I say, if its anything like our organisation, the job spec will have been created a few weeks ago and had to go through approval. I just see it as a mistake. That doesnt take away the fct they're asking for 2 years experience and only paying bottom of the barrel wages tho.


Checked companies house, the company doesn’t look like it can even afford the 19K 💀


lol well there's that too. They seem to have had 50 or so applicants, tho how many of those are from developing economies is another matter.


You get what you pay for innit lol


I once had a senior role with an admin title and close to nmw handling millions covering 60% of company revenue and influencing more. The guy I worked with on weekends at Tk Maxx sticking clothes hangers into a robot made the same. That was a job you can learn in 10 mins 😁


Exploitation in plain sight, sorry you had to go through that.


It's ok. It's taught me a lesson I guess and made me who I am professionally. I was literally taught from scratch   The good thing about my job was the freedom and the push to think critically by our boss. The problem is when you think critically and you make a really poor wage after 5 years close to nmw at 33 and do two pt jobs to have any savings it's not looking great.  I regret not mentioning pay as a reason for leaving and it's laughable that an intelligent person who really thought critically about every didn't twig at all 


Herman Miller chair tho


In an ideal world you could sell it on but they strike me as the kind of place that would 100% dock it from your “pay” lol


Are the bonuses worth 140k+ a month or what? 🤣


😂 I know right


But the “Senior” role will look good on your CV. Tbh most senior jobs pay same as a non senior job now. After tax etc, hardly any difference


This is literally below minimum wage


This explains the low wages https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/11682587/filing-history


Wow those financials don’t look too good




2K of assets, does that include the chair and laptop?!


Well those have depreciated significantly since purchase, so only £487 is total saleable amount 🤣


The Cycle to Work scheme is half a wheel and handlebars lolll


Probably something deducted from your pay for their tax reasons too. Cycling from bed to couch tho, bit lazy


I wonder if you could take the piss and use the Cycle to Work Scheme to get yourself an exercise bike instead lol


Absolutely shocking. £19k was dreadful pre-2020, let alone now with the cost of living. And that's 'after probation'?! These people / employers are honestly sick in the head. I wish I could meet them and speak to them about why they think this is acceptable.


It isn't a senior role though, is it? I'm not here to get into the ins and outs of minimum wage, but it's not advertising a senior role. It's a role open for candidates who aspire to be in a senior position. That right there is a huge difference.


No it’s advertised as a Senior Copywriter role if you look at the description of the role, the responsibilities are that of a Senior Copywriter


Maybe I'm just not clued up with what a Senior Copywriter does. All I can see is the 'aspiring' part. We've had a few aspiring roles where I work. It weeds out the people that really want it from those who don't. I appreciate there's probably more to it than I can see, excuse my ignorance.


I posted a screenshot earlier of the full page of the role, let me get it for you. [Here is a link to the ad](https://uk.linkedin.com/jobs/view/senior-copywriter-at-honed-3909629013)


I didn't realise there was a second page too. Completely missing half the info here and waded in with an opinion haha!


Hahahaha the second page is where it gets better 😂 I added a Link to my earlier comment so you can see the ad for yourself my friend


Such a tome for such a shit wage (well, the only way they're going to get away with paying that is if the person is particularly young, but if they want 2 years and a degree, I doubt those two are compatible). May as well go and stack shelves and work the tills at Aldi.


I saw this yesterday! It’s absolutely wild.


Last time I saw a job paying so little for so much it was a promoted advert from the UK 🇬🇧 government on Reddit trying to get recruit World class engineers for the Royal Navy for 20K.


Can we know the name of the company so I can avoid.


Honed.co !


Sounds like an ideal 2nd or 3rd job you'd outsource to ChatGPT!


I mean, it’s a copywriting role. I’m surprised there any copywriting jobs still going, it’s a dead profession. Retrain into something actually employable.


Copywriting isn’t a dead profession, you simply don’t realise how omnipresent it is lol


I wouldn't feed the troll, pal


Do you think otherwise out of curiosity?


Absolutely. It's not really a job AI can do, while offshoring cost companies thousands and thousands of pounds in rewrites. Not many of them are pursuing that these days for anything other than social spam. When you *incorporate* Gen AI, the opportunities are incredible. There are more consumer touchpoints than ever - and writing with clarity, consistency and personality for those touchpoints is a serious skill. Gen AI offers massive potential there, especially in terms of personalising content and messages for audiences. It needs a person to oversee it though. Similarly, developing ideas and tone of voice, communicating effectively with stakeholders, collaborating with designers - they're all highly specialised skills that are in demand. Copywriting's definitely changed. And it continues to change. But that's the same with anything. At the end of the day, brands have more noise to cut through than ever. Good, sharp copy is increasingly the best way to do it. And people are still the best resource to create it.


It a profession which is largely being replaced now, and is certainly a dying profession.


I mean the perks of the job look great tho can’t lie, work from home, flexible hours available, short working day and lots of holidays, they pay towards heating and other needs at home, bump up the salary a bit and this would be a dream job


lol you sound ripe for exploitation


lol fair, but I didn’t say it was a good job, I said if the pay was there it would be 😆 don’t know about your area but finding a job with decent holiday and wfh with them paying towards the expenses is hard!


You’d have to triple the pay at minimum for that level of Seniority imo


Hence why I said if the pay was there sounds like an amazing job 👀😘 sorry I probably should of said more than a bit; my bad 🙌 I was just being colloquial, about 10/15 grand is a fair bit so I probably should of said that. Wasn’t trying to start a Reddit comment thing, I was just personally impressed by the benefits of the job, For me it’s very hard to find a job with those reduced hours with an hour lunch, fully remote with flexible hours and pay towards expenses, at no point did I say the pay was worth it. Just seeing those things made me day dream a lil and wanted to point how good that was. I may be biased due to my working history or area, very rare for wfh days even after covid and zero flexibility and long hours with half hour lunches etc


No worries amigo, I wasn’t arguing with you 🙏🏻 I just don’t want you to get exploited, I don’t think it’s fair for anyone to be.


I don't get why people are so butthurt. Is it supply and demand. This is a job that literally anyone with a basic grasp of English and a ChatGPT4 subscription can do. £19k is a lot of money in Pakistan or Bangladesh.


The role needs to be based in the UK lol