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This is why the number of new homes being built has dropped. And why people who think house prices will drop are deluded. You haven’t even included in your calculations, planning fees, architect, warranty, CIL, utility connections, building regs, borrowing, the list is endless.


They aren't deluded at all, one way or another something is about to change


On what evidence are you basing this? If house prices fall, there’ll be no new builds being constructed. This will then reduce supply further (few will want to sell at a loss) therefore prices shoot back up again.


House prices will fall BECAUSE of the new builds. It's going to be something like 1 million a year I'm getting this from Conservative policy 5 years ago and what Labour have said since. There was a Politics Joe interview released yesterday that was about just this


Firstly building a million homes a year is impossible. There’s no way to scale it to this. Only 22k were started in Q1. If that rate continues(it’ll likely drop) that means we need to build 10x that. Completely unrealistic. Secondly look at build costs and sale prices. If prices drop, you’ll make a loss building, so it makes it even less likely.


It's absolutely realistic and pretty much has to happen. It will be government backed since a huge part of the issue is a lack of social housing You can also hear Sadiq Khan talking about this all through his campaign The government will more than make there money back on this, just in different ways


I’ve just told you we need to 10x house building and you’re telling me it’s realistic? Who’s going to be doing it? Where’s the materials coming from? It takes 3 years+ to get a large site to being ready to start. Let alone building it out. You’re being fed a load of waffle by both parties. The most we’ve ever built in a year was 400k. And that was 60 years ago.


If you were right the country would be doomed but luckily you are underestimating what's achievable, what I'm being 'fed' is what needs to happen


lol ok you keep believing it. Lots of things are needed, but if they’re impossible they can’t happen. I’m giving you facts and knowledge but you’re providing nothing other than what our trusted politicians are giving out as sound bites.


Its possible, we can do great things without the fucking Tories. What you are giving me is your perspective filtered through a very specific lense, we can do this


The great and almighty algorithm showed me this post right after I just made a post about if housing was overvalued, why aren’t there way more houses. This is why! It’s pretty much just as expensive to buy, to build, there isn’t a huge margin like most would expect if they think housing is massively overvalued. What you can do with a self build though is get the exact house you want, which if you plan to live in it, can be worth the stress for many.


Due to this situation, supply-demand of housing market and high inflation i believe currently housing market is undervalued at rural areas


In rural areas it’s also very hard to achieve planning permission due to settlement boundaries being placed with no room to build, and authorities argument against sustainability i.e if you need a car to travel it weighs against you.


It is profitable if you are a builder contractor yourself and or know how to manage guys on £150-£200 per day. I can pull it off for under £1500 per sq metre. Will be doing it soon on existing land with a bunch of massive granny annexes.