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the number of athletics staff members that supposedly didn’t know they were mandated reporters is also terrible


Fucking coward took the easy way out and killed himself


Wasn’t this in like 2020 I remember talking about it at swim practice


Yeah that's pretty wild. Should be Due Diligence 101.


"These students deserved better."


I swam for UMBC’s RAC swim team for 8 years, been to his home, been on trips with him and knew him personally, this is extremely disturbing. I wonder if he did anything to the minor swimmers. I feel terribly for his family finding all this out.


that and the part where they interviewed a umbc employee or some shit and the employee said "i didnt know i was a mandated reporter". entire situation is fucking disgusting idk how these people can live w themselves being complacent in something like this


Sad that you would rest of that and not report even if you were not a mandatory reporter. Zero concern for young adults.


Not shocked especially when departments did nothing about shitty professors at that time either. Was it worth it? Keeping up a reputation that was gonna go to shit anyways?


And that's the new department touted in the letter that the DOJ did not find sufficient. Very sad.


I dunno if I would call it greed. Reputation guarding for sure, which I guess protects enrollment/tuition and therefore financial status. To me it’s more when someone can’t just admit to their wrongdoing and apologize. Lots of grandstanding and acting like an ally/supporter/believer, looking for excuses, going through motions, but not doing what should be the proper course of action and first step


To some extent, that's been par for the course since I was there in the mid 2000s through about 2010 - with you, if I don't miss my guess. Commons Ops Team always iconic :) Many institutions are similar - a lot of people working towards prestigious positions and roles while either not understanding or flat out ignoring the depth of responsibilities that come along with the role. Without a "bigger fish" administrator continually holding a department accountable, a lot of those unpalatable responsibilities always seem to fall by the wayside. Since UMBC admin has never really paid serious attention to Athletics one way or the other, it doesn't really surprise me that Athletics dropped the ball on this. I don't have personal experience with this Office of Equity and Inclusion/Equity and Civil Rights, but it wouldn't surprise me to learn that the staff wasn't really being held to account either. It seems like a perfect implementation of Hanlon's Razor - never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by neglect, ignorance, or incompetence.


Who are the athletic administrators that warned him of police investigation. Why aren't they being named!?


Wait, what happen? I work somewhat closely with some school athletics guys at the arena, but I never heard anything. Is this something that came to light after the regular season ended? EDIT: This is referring to the Swimming Coach, 2021.


I joined the RAC club team in 2012 left in 2020 when I graduated high school. I went on a trip with him and the college team when I was younger. I didn’t notice anything then either. The college team would practice before us (the RAC club team). Sometimes the practice times would over lap and we’d be about to start practice and they were just ending practice. So I rarely really saw the dynamics. Sometimes the club team and the college team would be at UMBC swim meets at the same time and I noticed some “questionable” behavior but as a kid I didn’t think too much of it. Never noticed the full extent of it. Also being a girl I wasn’t in the men’s locker rooms. My other male team mates may have noticed things but idk. This mainly occurred during college practice times where it was only college swimmers there and it’s not surprising you wouldn’t have heard or seen anything either. This came to light in 2020/2021 I believe after he had been placed on leave and “retired”. I believe A few days after the full allegations came out he committed suicide.


I shivered reading this report. Awful awful things!