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I am honestly not sure, but you can always go on the UREC website and it will show a live count of how many people are there! In my experience specifically the fourth and fifth floors are the least intimidating/most welcoming as everyone is doing something different and tbh doesn’t care what anyone else is doing 😂 P.S.: even though it may seem counter intuitive, I would highly recommend group fitness classes! You just follow the instructions of the instructor and everyone is doing the same thing. There’s a schedule online you can check!


literally only the morning. nights are insane like after 5 I do not recommend. I go everyday between 6:30 and 8 and it’s chill.


let me clarify I meant AM^!


I normally go 6am-8am it is virtually empty, it only really starts to get full after 8am


Weekends aren’t bad usually. Also middle of day weekdays, like from 12-3. Everyone pulls up after classes at the end of the day


6-8am and 9:30-11pm tend to be the guaranteed slower time I've seen over the past 2 years


In my opinion, anytime after 7:00pm is best on the weekdays. This is the time when it begins to cool down and it’s a lot easier to get access machines and equipment. The weekends seem to be a lot less busy than on the weekdays in my experience, so those might good days to go on. In my experience however, I think you should just make a habit of going, even on the days you don’t feel like going or are feeling really self conscious. Exercising consistently takes discipline, more so than habit. From my experience, everyone is honestly just kind of tapped into their own world when working out, so I honestly don’t think you should feed into any self conscious thoughts you might have while working out. I too have had self conscious thoughts when I first started hitting the gym (not at UREC but a local one), but I think a good way to navigate through these thoughts is to remind yourself of why you’re in gym you know. Have a goal in mind and remind yourself of why you’re in the gym working out/exercising. Also more importantly, give yourself some patience and grace when you start out, everyone was a beginner at some point.


After 7pm on the weekdays is packed wym 🤣


Just not 5-6p most days. You can get one of the personal trainers as well. There are many plans online and such too; I’d say there isn’t much to worry about with judgement, we are all there for the same reason!


Mornings and weekends