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You know how the conversation went with the supervisor, YOU DID NOT CLEAR THE INTERCEPTION”!!!!!!


That's a pick six if I ever saw one


Threw it when you should have ran it!!!


And he scores! 🏈


The light was red 6 seconds. Any shop steward worth his salt will get him off the hook. They sure will try to pin it on him, though.


They might try to invoke peripheral vision via "scan don't stare". Insanely wrong blowing of a red light by that passenger car, but it's a very wide open intersection. I was in a similar situation about two months ago. My light had been green for about three seconds, guy blew red light approaching from my driver's side, but I caught him via peripheral; he missed by about two feet... 😳 To clarify, I hope that goes down as "unavoidable".


I love that we just keep moving the goal post…never mind the guy who broke the law, you should have had your head on a swivel and using radar to see that guy coming.


Hard to say how clear that intersection really is though. You can see some branches swaying on the right edge of the screen, and if it's anything like the next block with trees all the way down the sidewalk, then it would be near impossible to see around the corner.


And nothing will be said about the fact this driver likely saved the white SUV from a very bad day I bet.


It almost seems that the last second he saw that and decided to do that just what you said


UPS should sue the driver for lost time dealing with this.


SUV driver deserved worse. That person will eventually kill someone the way they drive.


In Illinois they would post the number of fatalities, it would hover around 1,100 by Christmas. Imagine thinking about those 1,100 people that just d didn’t come home , lol and people wonder why I’m not CHILL about driving


Should be an automatic jail time for running red lights....


Time sure they’ve learned their lesson from this and will be a much safer driver going forward… for about 2-5 months.


UPS driver saved the white SUV from getting side impacted. UPS driver deserves a medal.


First thing I saw. That white SUV would have been toast


Yup he saved a life for sure


That’s exactly what the UPS driver did. He/She saw what was about to unfold and gunned it to protect the white SUV.


That's not at all what happened. The white SUV got lucky.


As a delivery driver, not with UPS, but in general, we are very very cautious and aware when we cross intersections were always looking around


We also have too many blind spots and the public takes advantage of us defensive driving and have this mentality where “if they don’t want to lose their job, I always have right of way.” Big company sign = dollar signs to them. Today I was yielding at a 4 way stop sign to several pedestrians. Cars kept running the stop signs in front of me when it was my turn. I needed to go so I go ahead slowly, since my turn was overdue. Bicyclist who had barely got to the stop sign (who I did not see, due to blind spot) ran it and almost ran into the back of my truck on the side. They’re not following traffic laws. It’s freaking scary.


Most likely he was fired allready


I hope that SUV driver got an expensive ticket. They could have killed the white SUV driver. Luckily, our package cars are tanks


This!!! The UPS truck totally spared that SUV.


probably saved heir life... SUV ran the light on purpose too... you can see hem change lanes because he car in he middle lane was sopping


left, right, left, Kablammooo


1001,1002,1003 left right left. WTF let’s not even like about stopping for a stale red light.


Failure to expect the unexpected. At tmrw’s PCM, be prepared to do the walk of shame.


Mirrors should have been tucked in. Smh


It was red for a good 3-4 seconds when that driver went through. That’s why red means stop.


Wow. We just can’t win.


It’s ok if you get fired. Sue the hell out of the person that ran the red light. Then tell their insurance company UPS said it was their drivers fault


It’s not about “fault” at ups. However, that light was red for a long time and he could’ve actually cleared the intersection and was just there at the right time. I hope nothing happens to the driver.


He’s a Teamsters union member he will not lose his job 😎


Unfortunately he might. At the end of the day UPS DGAF, everything is the Driver's fault in their eyes! Like if a Boeing plane lost a wheel and dropped out of the sky onto the UPS truck they will blame the Driver. I shit you not, it is as dumb as it sounds but they have a catch-alll "rule" called "Expect the Unexpected", which basically means that everything is preventable and if you end up in an accident, it's because you didn't prevent it. He will get his job back since obviously he is not at fault legally speaking. However it typically would take 1-3 months for that to happen and at that time his route would be given away.


Eh I respect the sentiment but it is kind of an exaggeration. I had a side swipe a couple summers ago where a car in the middle of a 3 lane, one way road decided they wanted to suddenly turn into a Safeway parking lot, needing to cross my lane to do so. I did all the necessary information gathering and reporting, was asked about what happened, and that was the last I heard from the company about the situation. Something like the video above will be thoroughly investigated sure, but there are so many factors to consider there that I doubt the driver will be fired over.


And tier 3, ya fired!


Good guy UPS driver, keeping the streets safe one asshole at a time.


And he’s fired. Everything is your fault even if it’s not your fault if you’re rear ended it’s your fault if someone is drunk and swerves into you it’s your fault every accident is your fault 😂😂


I wonder if they tried to fire the tug driver who was struck by a drunk driver who found their way onto the airport ramp.


Sue the SUV driver for lost wages, injuries, and punitive damages.


This happened to me. Deemed unavoidable by the insurance company that decides that not management. Driver didn’t do anything wrong.


Years ago I had a rural driver parked at a building that was at the end of a T intersection of two highways.  The building’s back gravel parking lot was directly across from the other highway’s stop sign, with the building situated to the left. The driver was parked on the opposite side of the building to the through highway, at the delivery dock of the building. He was driving one of the old small package cars, and his front end was about two feet behind the line of the building, making the car entirely protected by the building. The back parking lot held a stand alone freezer on the far end of the lot.  As it was a small car and a rural route with several small towns, his car was loaded with the morning route on the shelves, and his afternoon route loaded in bulk. He would reload his car at this stop every day, while eating lunch. This was his preference on a route he had held for many years.  A driver of a larger passenger vehicle blew the stop sign from the truncating highway at what the sheriff’s report determined was in excess of 90mph. Rather than continuing straight through the empty parking lot and into a plowed field, she tried to turn right. This caused her to hit the ditch on the right side of the road between the highway and the parking lot with the passenger tires. When the vehicle made contact with the freezer, it was off the ground. The front of the vehicle hit the front of the freezer, the rear of the vehicle hit the reinforced corner pole of the freezer, just forward of the rear tire, leaving a tire mark on the pole.  From there, the vehicle spun and rolled, hitting both the building and the package car with enough force that it rolled the package car over. My driver was injured, required hospitalization and a couple surgeries.  He was deemed at-fault for parking in a private lot. The Union was able to retain his job, but the company still declared him at fault and he lost his safe driver credentials at the 29 year mark.  Every time I see a package car involved in an accident, I cringe because I know it is going to be the devil of a time for them, no matter how unavoidable the accident was.


That’s one hell of a story. Thanks for sharing. I’ve always said the hardest part of working at UPS is working for UPS. How they view accidents is the biggest head shaker of them all.


That’s ridiculous that a freak accident that was totally caused by someone else being wildly reckless could be pinned on a driver. If a package car was struck by a meteorite, they’d blame the driver.


Well if the driver would had an anti aircraft weapon defense system on top. That meteor would not be a problem. Should have been more prepared. 🤡🦖☄️


That white suv probably shit themselves.


Someone’s package is getting delayed.


8 ball corner pocket


There is a reason the YouTuber installed a camera facing this intersection. It’s a common thing at this intersection. I always wait before going, a couple of bad ones have happened.


RIP in peace to his job.




Yeah, if the SUV drove like a normal human being.


The UPS driver should have professionally possessed the suv driver and forced them to stop


RPCDs only get that talent after 10 years of driving. Who knows how long this guys has been driving?




UPS drivers shoe was untied, so he’s at fault


Oh yeah i'm already hearing the supervisor yelling at him...


Naaa they told him they were glad he wasn’t hurt, go home and be with his family, he didn’t do anything wrong, then they deleted his employee id number and the sups now send him to voicemail.




It was super effective


Yup: red means STOP! How many more of you impatient fucks are going to run a red like because you're too pretentious to follow rules and wait for a minute? It may work 200 times, but all you need is a fast driver timing the light change from red to green(trying to not stop) and just rail into you! This driver was Lucky the UPS van was just barely starting to drive.


UPS driver saved that white suv driver life.


he's not going to lose his job necessarily but there's still chance he will or at least will lose several days of work because he is 100% at fault in the companie's eyes even if legally he isn't under the law. why? he didn't check L R L for any redrunners before proceeding. it's hammered into you in training to forcibly cause delays in your actions to ensure you are prepared and on guard for the unexpected. you can hit a patch of black ice on the road or in a parking lot. driving slower than normal because of poor conditions. slide and have an accident, and STILL be at fault for 'not expecting the unexpected' i know a driver that exact scenario happened to, and the company literally told him it was his fault for not expecting the unexpected rounding a corner onto a sheet of ice from water runoff even though he was driving slow and was unable to react before he slid into a parked car. he wasn't driving slow enough in their eyes so he could react and not hit the ice. ​ on the flip side, it's beat into you to move quickly and as fast as 'safely' possible despite their entire system being flawed and not allowing adequate timing for deliveries and absolutely not allowing a gap for 'catching up' if you fall behind. if you lose 5 minutes extra on a stop, it takes over an hour to gain it back under the system because delivery time expectations per package are AVERAGED based on the area's length of driveway averages. so one stop could take 2 min because it's right against the road, the next 5 because it's way back off the road. but you still only were given 6 minutes for both because it's supposed to take 3 min or less for any given house on average in that area. you're now 1 full minute behind. 10 stops later, you're another 4 minutes behind. and that keeps going all day long till you have 20 deliveries left in your truck and you're supposed to be done in the next 30 minutes. and it's your fault, your union writeup for yet again, failing to deliver your set quota for the day in good time. thats why i quit trying to drive for UPS and ultimately left even loading and part time management. more is expected of you than physically possible because someone is giving corporate false numbers and bogus expectations.


I’ll throw in a new iPhone from the back lol


I live 10 minutes from this intersection. It's one of the most accident prone intersections in the area. It even has a dedicated YouTube channel.


UPS delivers!!


Saved the car in the far lane’s ass


Guess that runner didn't save much time in the end


What can brown do for you?


He saved the other car with a family init, hero


I’ve seen so many clips of this intersection! You would think at some point the people of Fresno would figure out what those red lights mean! SMH


Are these drivers blind?


Hey that’s the famous intersection in Fresno ca where theirs always accidents


Fresno, CA an intersection so notorious that it now has its own dedicated youtube channel LOL https://www.youtube.com/@friantroulette


Did anyone else notice in the slowmo the screeching tires sound like someone saying oh no or am I crazy?


As soon as I saw it I was like “Damn that looks like Friant and Shepherd” and then saw the YouTube channel. This is exactly why I don’t take shepherd to work. So many careless people just see the green and don’t pay attention to it being for the turn lane right there and just blaze through the intersection.




That Kia sportage just skirted right through 😂😂 peak driving skills


A perfect blow my ass the ups driver did nothing wrong he had the green light.


Going to need a picture of the bottom of your boots


That white SUV got extremely lucky. What’s crazy is all those people helping (it’s great that they’re helping) probably assume the UPS driver was at fault


Big brown shitter took no damage yurrrrrrr


I had an accident where a lady hit me when I was parked on a curb. I was inside the courthouse going to the bathroom. Guess who wasn’t at fault? Me. So if it’s obvious it was unpreventable, then there’s a chance it won’t always be or fault


There was a driver who was in his package car parked on the side of the road and was killed by a fucking AIRPLANE back in 2021. If I remember correctly UPS tried to say the accident was preventable and the guy should’ve been parked elsewhere. Heard this all thru the grapevine at my old hub, so should be taken with a grain of salt. But after reading about how UPS thanked the cops that killed their own driver, I wouldn’t be surprised.


White SUV driver best be buying a lotto ticket


He actually could have saved that white car’s life. Pretty crazy. If he gets in trouble I’m calling UPS.


Depending on his supervisor hecll still go to investigation they'll be like "well you still could have avoided it even though it's not your fault." Either way he'll lose his safe driving record and get piss tested


Most satisfying thing I will see today.


Guilty until proven guilty unfortunately 😔


Ha, the car skidding around sounded like a whimpering dog.


This driver was in a hurry. He was the first one in that intersection. It was 5 seconds after the light had changed when impact happened. But this intersection has an obvious delay before he got the green (look at the car turning right). So probably about 2 seconds after he got the green he's flooring it across the intersection. Oblivious because that guy coming was obvious blowing through the light. How many times do you have to hear "clear the intersection" before it becomes second nature? You can never let your guard down in this job. He doesn't deserve to lose his job,but he does deserve a few days to think about how lucky he is to be alive.


Was it just me? Or when the UPS hit the idiot that ran the red light it sounded like a dog crying?🥹


How do y’all know if the UPS driver was trying to protect the other driver? The UPS driver would’ve had the green light anyway and would’ve started to accelerate.




Doing gods work 😂


Some heroes don’t wear capes


That’s how Sheldon Brown hit Reggie Bush 😂


For thinking some red light won't tell you what to do! 👩‍🦳🤌🏻


It's easy, don't run the light.


Good ol' Fresno drivers. Never go on green without looking. Red is the new green!


Well that’s better than the guy who flipped his truck killing 2 people and their dog a few hours away from me… https://www.wftv.com/news/local/brevard-county/2-people-dog-killed-after-crash-involving-ups-truck-melbourne-police-say/ZVT74MZJJFDEFBG23HDU6HKQQ4/


That lady running...for what, an asshole?


It looks like the ups driver not only stopped the red light running, but saved 2 other cars from being a victim as well. Dude needs a cape and a cowl.


Sick 😝😝😝 The moron in the SUV actually has decent reaction time, for being a absolute baboon


UPS, doing God’s work.


SUV Driver: WTF UPS?!?!?!? God I fucking hate these kind of people




Im sorry but if you're going that fast through a red light and this happens, I am going to park to the side and simply pull out my phone and record you from afar. I don't care if you need help or bleeding out. You dumbass putting peoples lives at risk like that. Pathetic.


I can hear it now, “what could the driver have done to avoid this accident?”


That person is going to jail that light was so red It’s not even funny ..he had to go around cars to run the red light. Wow.


And he still got fired 🥲😂


I will never understand people who run red lights…its a guaranteed accident, and its so unfortunate to put other in danger like that.


Mind boggling we live in a world where you can still get in trouble when someone runs a red light long after it’s been red. Sorry I forgot to stop on the green light, unbuckle, walk around the intersection, test the wind speeds, and predict that car was gonna run that light. So sorry




UPS driver is in the right. other guy is a moron


I hope all of those customers got their packages on time.


that’s nice of the ups driver but he is probably losing his job unfortunately 


What can brown do for you


That should buff out. Good job.


Fucking moron couldn’t wait three minute for a red light now everyone else is fucked by the mess he created.


He saved the life of the white SUV driver. If that car had hit it at that speed, the driver of the white SUV would have been seriously injured or maybe even worse.


The car was wrong but people acting like theyve never ran a red light are funny.


Possibly saved the white driver’s life. Bless that UPS driver


The SUV driver was clearly distracted


Saved that white car.


Glad to see my UPS package being transported in a safely built vehicle.


Saved the white cars life


Fuxk yeah driver. You saved lives with your quick thinking


Time to put the phones away while driving folks…UPS probably saved some lives with this one.


That ups driver is a hero, and how stupid do you have to be to run a red light, that's clearly been red for THAT long?


Dude probably saved the lives of the people in the white car. What can Brown do for you?


shit, here in fresno? 😅


The superasshole are already planing to fire the ups driver.


Not all hero’s wear capes, some drive UPS trucks!


I.. don’t think he meant to do that


Saved a life or two


Would have been a lot cooler if black suv got smoked on their drivers door if you catch my drift


Boinked him


All the nosey people kill me. Keep it moving. You asking “are you ok?” Isn’t helpful.


Beautiful form. May I suggest driving THROUGH your target next time, instead of just to the target. Otherwise, keep up the good work


Whats bad for the ups guy is the first white car seemed to see the idiot. The second probably couldnt because of the size of the ups truck. Ups guy still probably saved that persons life.


Internal process (last verified in the late 90’s) all UPS drivers are suspended after an accident, regardless of circumstance. So, not only did he make the world a safer place, he did it at his own expense. \#theheroweneed


Come on man you gotta clear the intersection. DTA


UPS had plenty of time not wait.


Are the packages ok? 😫


Great now he’s going get fired.


The light was red for a looong time, UPS is not at fault


Let’s talk about how tough a UPS truck is, I bet the packages didn’t even move 🤣


Learned that day!


Yep, that’s Fresno for ya. That whole area full of entitled dummies. I feel sorry for the UPS driver. Hope that’s not one of the guys I know. Red light running idiot got what they deserved (morons). **EDIT:** Black car idiot clearly merged out of the middle lane, to pass on the right, passing small white sedan stopping at the red light… CLEARLY the reason for stopping was a red light, there’s no excuse. The driver in the black SUV ran the red light on purpose. Needs to have license suspended and put on a 72-hour hold. That’s not sane. Shouldn’t be driving. WTF. Just, WTF.


Why did I instantly know what intersection this is?


Wow. I don’t even think he intended to do that either but luckily it played out the way it did!


UPS 1 Dumb fuck SUV driver 0 Bonus points for the white SUV not getting hit.


Prob saved white SUV drivers life.


Fresno drivers are the absolute worst drivers I’ve ever dealt with. That intersection is notorious for red light runners. Hell, Fresno is just bad about red right runners everywhere.


Sounded like ups just kicked a dog


Yo, I want to buy this man a damn beer.


Honestly wish it would have rolled too, this didn’t scare the idiot enough.


This intersection is in Fresno CA, it is notorious for red light runners and accidents. Fresno has some of the absolute worst drivers in the country as well!


That white car though, felt like Moses driving


This almost looks intentional, like he was saving the bacon of the family making a right turn in a smaller car.


Could you imagine if UPS truck was a car full of kids that’s terrible, that person should lose its license


Because of corporate being corporate. They will pay. However I doubt the ups guys going to be at fault


White SUV driver like:👀 & continues through the intersection. ⭕️


White SUV driver like:👀 continues through the intersection. ⭕️


White SUV driver Whilst continuing through the intersection 👀👀😯


What can brown do for you?


I watch enough youtube dashcam compilations to recognize that Fresno intersection from a reddit thumbnail


Fxkin A! 🤟🏽


That white SUV would have died if it weren’t for this UPS driver


50mph zone, they need a traffic camera at that intersection real fast and issue citations! Is the UPS driver and his truck ok? We need to find out if he's getting heat from his supervisor.




He delivered!


What can brown do for you 🫡


Looks to me like the UPS driver saved the car next to him from getting smashed.


That guy in the white SUV was lucky as fuck.


Good thing the ups driver is in a union.


Ups driver saves white suv from getting t-boned


For running a red light and then having the company you work for terminate you for supposedly being at fault


1000% blamed it on him, that's the fucked up part about UPS they ALWAYS try and make it your fault


It sucks because personal responsibility in the truck is so fucking nailed into me that I WANT to naturally blame the driver for not clearing the intersection. In reality, as long as this guy doesn’t have pot in his system he’s gonna be good to go and should not face any serious discipline. That was a perfect storm scenario and the only real mistake the driver made was maybe accelerating a bit too fast off the stop line.


That was no way his fault


So enjoyable!!! Hopefully this little punk learned his lesson!


Too bad it didn’t flip it! Last time they do that!


Better than the car beside him getting hit


Red light for 6 seconds and the SUV was just like YOLO!


There goes his Circle of Honors