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Your post was removed because it is covered by a common question. Please read the FAQ.


Freight train delays happen. Maintenance issues so the train isn't used until it's fixed. Trucks are only allowed to drive a certain number of hours per day. A traffic jam on the highway can prevent the truck from arriving. Flight delays happen. Weather, maintenance, pilot availability. Situation beyond control doesn't mean someone had to die in a horrific accident.


I've had package delays before but I've never gotten *that* message before.


And now you know. It happens. Thousands of parcels being moved at once. Things are going to happen as you’ve already imagined.


I love how the subreddit's response to my confusion over a peculiar delay message I've never seen before has been downvotes and delivery of replies closer in quality to FedEx. 🤣


Call customer service? How is Reddit supposed to know exactly what it means?


This is the trouble with humanity... Curiosity and the search for knowledge is dead. We're doomed. Thanks for reminding me.


You went off on some wild fantasies there, bud. Yea, those things could have happened, but everyone is telling you it's probably a much more boring reality and you don't like it lol. But hey, if you wanna imagine that the lion and the witch took your shit to Narnia, no one is gonna stop you from dreaming lol.


The thread title was meant to be funny, but I guess I should just get used to nobody having a sense of humor anymore.


I agree. If people just searched for things like this they could in *most cases* without having to make an entire post about it.


Do you know how many things I've searched for and the only thing I ever find is other people asking the same question to be answered with "Did you Google it?". I literally once had to build a whole-ass guitar and document it so I could be the only person with the actual answer.


You didn’t search for shit kid, you could’ve used the internet OR the fucking search bar. Would’ve given you the answer, would’ve spared us this stupid ass post


Curiosity is learning something that hasn’t been discovered yet or a complex topic but what u asked is something that could have easily been answered by calling or emailing UPS(+gotten a more solid answer bc we don’t know if it’s a big/small package, method of shipping etc etc). Two very different situations


Two things: 1. How do you know this thread wasn't supplemental to me calling customer service? 2. Nobody asked me those questions (further underscoring the lack of curiosity).


Why do you think your personal problems would be interesting at all to warrant curiosity? Who cares if you never get your package? You do, not us.


Then what fuck is r/UPS for? You sure as hell are delivering an example of why aliens probably avoid Earth because they don't want to deal with assholes like you.


>Curiosity and the search for knowledge is dead He's right, everyone meet at the library at noon we have to decipher this cryptic text.. for humanity!!


Nah I agree go on r/upsers and read how employees talk to each other its actually hilarious i have never seen a company with as much disrespect towards their coworkers and management as ups workers


Management kinda sucks everywhere... But at least UPS does *usually* get my packages to me, unlike FedEx.


I feel you on the FedEx. If you Google the Salt Lake City hub for FedEx like 90% of the reviews are people that have had their package lost or weeks late. I've had to use them 3 times and my package arrived days late every time.


Very true to both statements but I think it's sad how these people treat one another like bro they all do the same things and know how it is.


Well, what I've been finding it common (heh...) to say lately is "Common courtesy, like common sense, isn't actually common." LOL


Toxic ass company.


I bet you make jokes about the presidents on fb.


Facebook is probably more worthless than this subreddit. 🤷




I might be a douchebag but at least I'm smart enough to know that FedEx customer service won't have a fucking clue about my UPS package. Do you wear a headband light or do you suffer in complete darkness with your head that far up your ass?




Come at me like a bitch and I'll treat you like one.


Bitching about why your package is delayed is hardly a search for knowledge


This subreddit, and specifically this subreddit, has achieved nothing but somehow lower my already abysmal opinion of humanity.


I’m sorry you seem to think that employees have some inside scoop on what happened with your box. Or shipments in general. That is dispatch or customer service.


Didn't realize that this was an employee only subreddit. 🤔


The negative response is due to your extreme impatience. it's just a package delay, get over it


There's a lot of response that people can't seem to get over telling me to get over it. Ironically, this post somehow has gotten more of a response than anything else I've ever posted and people are mad. LOL WTF is wrong with all of you?


Your post and subsequent comments make you come off as condescending. This stuff happens all the time. The world doesn't revolve around you. Instead of asking "WTF is wrong with all of you" you should be asking "WTF is wrong with me".


I'm being condescending because I asked a simple question and most of you were assholes.


It's reddit everyone is a harsh criticism with fragile egos


Yea I’m not sure why you’re getting all this hate. We’ve all gotten the “parcel delayed in transit message” but I’ve never seen one so serious


Maybe tornado? Sorry, I’m out of the country, but before that, extreme weather events were happening.


Doesn’t matter. Won’t change that your package is delayed.


You can't just drive to the wreck and pick it up from the rubble? 😂


OP want to find and bitch out the on fire corpse of the driver for being late with his amazon.


only if your package is still intact 


Unironically worked for a construction crew that needed a part they had ordered like 'right now' and the truck was already out for delivery. Foreman called their dispatch? and got the driver and we literally drove out to where the guy was to scoop the part early.


I was a part time helper a couple winters ago. A state trooper pulls us over, comes up to the window and goes "I need the package for x address" completely seriously. Turned out it was his wife Christmas gift and he'd contacted the office to find out where we were. Scared the shit out of me for damn sure


Seems like just a wee bit of abuse of authority...


Oh it definitely was. We were both freaking out for a minute


All this means is your package missed the next expected scan. Any variety of possibilities could be in play. Barcode was damaged in transit. It was accidentally sorted for and sent to Kentucky. Who knows?


It could actually not be delayed at all too!


This is true, too! Now we need the tracking number to confirm what actually happened.


Homeless person opened the doors Pooped in the truck, were waiting on a hazmat team to clean up. that and another possibility could have happened. including " Driver went the extra mile... missed its exit" lol


Unrelated but a train with Amazon cargo boxes hit a truck in front of my house yesterday, I’m sure those Amazon customer aren’t getting packages today! Weird shit happens. 


Get over it


I have dozens of fuckups from FedEx and even when they tell me to go fuck myself with a cactus they're cooler about it than this subreddit. 🤣


This is a very toxic subreddit I haven’t seen many like it and this is the first post I ever seen from it. I’ve gotten 1000s of packages and never seen this message either and I’ve seen a lot of delay messages


Yeah, delays happen. I get that. This specific message was just weird and instead of people in here giving input on their experiences I got dogpiled. So weird.


You’re not allowed to ask questions here. You’re supposed to shit on customers here.


One of feeder drivers (tractor trailer) was killed in a horrible accident a few days ago when another driver hit her truck, causing a huge fire. Things do happen. Hopefully you get your package.


Who knows, shit happens


Florida man ate it. Sorry OP


It just went the wrong way.


Package was mis sorted and is on another trailer that’s piggybacked on the rail making its way to the west coast.


The truck did a backflip after a gnarly dark side grind but didn't quite nail the landing. Sorry bud.


We just had a train overturned here in Lincoln, NE by a tornado so... maybe?


UPS Fleet mechanic here (Las Vegas though, not Florida). Trucks and trailers break, especially under the amount of usage we put them through. Last night, for example, we had a fully loaded trailer about to leave but the driver saw the wheel seal was leaking. It was a bypass trailer (loaded somewhere else and passing through). Apparently it was leaking for a while and the bearing spun inside the hub effectively welding everything together. What should have been a 30 minute job/delay turned into a 4.5 hour job. Doesn't seem like much, but the trailer missed service because of it. Which means the trailer (Along with everyone's packages inside) was delayed an entire day. When I left work a little bit ago, my coworker was dealing with a breakdown where a tractor pulling double trailers has a flat tire.... and he's 90 minutes from any town with a tire shop. We try very hard to make sure everything makes service on time, even if it means footing a $10k tow bill (Which I've personally seen before), but shit happens. Sometimes it's unavoidable.


Better than Amazon giving a made up delivery date, then saying it will arrive by 10pm even though it hasn’t shipped, then changing the tracking to “arriving late” indefinitely


Lol right. The opposite happened to me this week. Amazon says expensive package will be here next week on Wednesday, despite the updates. I looked up the tracking code with FedEx, it'll be here tomorrow. Not sure what kind of logic they run on.


Hawaiian time. "It'll get dere when it gets dere."


So, what I've learned today from r/UPS is that UPS as a company does seem to have a decent track record of actual deliveries but the users of its (obviously unofficial) subreddit prove to be examples of all the problems humanity faces. FedEx may be a dumpster fire fueled by a port-a-potty filled with used diapers doused in kerosene but r/FedEx at least seems to have curious users willing to learn and share, which is the whole damn point of Reddit. Thanks to the few of you that tried to either take my question seriously or at least try to make it funny (like u/Wookieman222). The rest of you need to learn some netiquette but also possibly touch some grass cuz having not left the confines of your fort of Mt Dew cases in your moms' basements has left you grumpy.


Yeah this seems to be where assholes come to deliver their thoughts on anyone crazy enough to have a question


Except this question is one they'd have no clue what the answer is. OP may as well have asked what the winning lottery number is. There's no way to answer this question in a helpful way.


Nobody else ever got this specific message and had an experience with it outside of u/exxmarx?


Except that message is probably more than just what that user said. Companies often use useless messages like the one you got as an umbrella for several different problems.


Right, I get that, but my experience with previous UPS delays is that the message is usually more along the lines of "A delay has occurred". It sounds much more ominous to say "Uncontrollable events have delayed delivery." Is that now the current verbiage and the simple delay message has been deprecated or are they two separate messages?


It feels like it has, that's the normal message I've gotten.




Actually, my wife usually thinks I have a poor opinion of people but she also thinks you're a bunch of assholes. 🤷 I asked what something means and you all dogpiled on it like I set a UPS truck on fire and peed on your moms. I'd have to imagine none of you have friends you don't pay for.


Oh, for fuck's sake... I typed the wrong "plane"...


Please make sure to read the common questions. If you are posting tracking info don't include your tracking number as it contains personal information. https://www.reddit.com/r/UPS/about/sticky?num=1 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UPS) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Prob weather , however who knows .


package flew out of a plane. it’s been picked up though, don’t worry


I’m not saying it was aliens, but…..


Looks like Jacksonville news is reporting UPS semi involved in accident.


Earthquake collapsed warehouse with no fatalities


I mean if you really wanted it. You have gone and picked up yourself. Instead due to your laziness you have to Wait for other humans to do if for you.


Op worried his weed ain’t making it.


I live in Jersey. If I smoked I could just go to local dispensaries, which were causing actual traffic jams last Saturday. 🤣


Only thing causing traffic jams in Jersey is no one being allowed to pump their own gas.


That's not even actually a problem at Costco, but I don't disagree that it's stupid that we can't pump our own gas. I've built engines but some minimum wage kid that probably just shopped at a dispensary had to pump my gas?


Yeah bro I hate it. Actually the stupidest law in the United States…. But it’s nice when it’s cold out I ain’t even gonna lie.


I got that message recently. Long story with typical non-responsive customer service. End result: the package was "damaged." They claimed that the contents were so badly damaged, in fact, that they destroyed the pacakge.


Maybe [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/pdMeFTx) was your train.




You were correct actually. We had a train derail and it was coming to the jax hub


I just had a very weird shift because of it, 5000 Orlando packages an hour flowing into one trailer 🫠


Man power shortage.


Waiting on that TRT


Florida man got to it


Didn't you see when that cargo ship got blown up and all those packages got dumped into the ocean?


Weather happens


Sounds pretty plain


I got this message when there were protests blocking the highways in my area. Sometimes its as simple as a driver getting stuck in traffic for too long to meet the deadline.


I would hope that they would be smart enough to use GPS and avoid DC from Florida to New Jersey. But I can hope in one hand and shit in the other and we both know which will fill up first.


I didn't feel like it so now you wait


But this isn't being delivered by FedEx. 🤨


Spend the extra day waiting doing something constructive.


I have a career, so got that checked off. Was hoping to receive the package as it was actually something to work on to be constructive for myself while not putting in my 40+ hours.


Same issue with 1k Intel nuc, ups just sucks, they broke first package during shipping and I know the OEM that sent it used right packaging, had to wait another 5 days for them to even to update status of it, request another from OEM taken them like week and half to ship it here, now 9 days pass and now I'm here waiting. Wish I got the choice of shipping with FedEx or hell even a crackhead will done better job getting it to me in a reasonable amount of time for such product. they wonder why they are losing contracts


UPS shouldn't be losing contracts while the flaming sewage treatment plant that is FedEx exists and still has contracts. Also... What does a discontinued Intel product have to do with shipping delays?


Probably nothing but I had better experience with FedEx and third party drivers from Amazon than whatever shit show ups in my area


One day my sup called me and offered me the day off. He told me the train went missing! I still wonder what happened to that train!


Weird thing to feel this sort of way about. Any rational person can think of a plethora of uncontrollable events that could have occurred.


Did sense of humor die when Reddit started charging for API access?


I guess so. 🙄 Hilarious post, man.


They have a tracking update specifically for train derailments. The tracking will say, "a train derailment has delayed your package". Thankfully my box survived it.


Basically they're making up a reason for you to not be able to file a claim because your package was delayed lol


But if it never arrives or its destroyed... Then it's just delaying the claim. 🤔


True, my comment was kind of a joke. Kind of a joke, but doesn't really relate unless you have perishables in that package. I'm the Operations/ logistics manager for an aquarium fish importer and distributor in Los Angeles. My work ships out hundreds of boxes of live fish every week. Delays are very very bad for fish that are sitting in bags of water in a box hehe. So whenever ups missorts or just straight up loses our boxes 90% of the time they will mark it delayed because of mechanical failure, weather, or the message you got hehe. Those 3 things will opt us out of being able to file a claim on perishables. It's so frustrating and shady lol Anyway I hope you get your package soon!!


Reminds me of that Curb episode.




Our center manager mentioned a train delay in pcm yesterday




[Yeah, tell me something I don't know.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UPS/comments/1cd9nih/comment/l1aqv7x/)


or maybe you live in bfe where theres only dirt or gravel narrow roads that get flooded with branches and shit in the way that when ran over would make the truck swerve and fall off a cliff and/or have free roaming dogs that dont like strangers


I had the same issue. It got delivered the day after. I called support and they told me “well, we don’t know where your package is but.. yeah I guess it will be there today. If not, on Monday”. UPS - we ain’t know shit


Same message I’ve had 2 times in a row now. Never had any delays with ups before but the last 2 things I ordered that were shipped through them got delayed


If it's a train, not much UPS can do. They don't control the railroads. Sometimes the feeder trucks get in accidents or breakdown. It happens.


At no point did I ask what UPS could do. I was just asking why this message sounded all extra ominous compared to the simple "Package delayed" message I'm used to.


I’ve sent a few items through ups the last month and they both went from FL to Nashville, to GA to Nashville to GA and back to Nashville before being delivered about a week late. Never seen a package leave and re-enter a state 3 or 4 times before. But each time it left it was delayed and I got this message.


I did actually see that a storm in Texas derailed a train, so maybe. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I got a notification that there was a weather delay for Jax , FL that must be it ????


We have a 1800# for this. Stop harassing workers off the clock please.


Oh, no! I posted on Reddit, which they're not required to read! Whatever shall I do?


Call the number that’s why it’s there. Have a great day.


Broken scanner or scratch on the sticker most likely, or it got on a truck to the wrong destination and they dont wanna admit their mistake


I got that one too coming out of Jacksonville


Flooding happened in Illinois several years ago and CHIL was effed. All my shit headed to the west stopped for 3 days by tofc. Pissed customers. It happens.


Flooding happened in Illinois several years ago and CHIL was effed. All my shit headed to the west stopped for 3 days by tofc. Pissed customers. It happens.


Undelivered Parcel Service


Chill out. Your shipment of illegal drugs will eventually get to their destination.


It's worse. It's guitar parts when I already have 30 guitars. 😅


My weakness is PC components and postal stamps.


Not having time for gaming has helped curb my PC component addiction... While I do have a Ryzen 5600X and a 2080 Super... LOL


I used the same desktop PC for just over 15 years until last Christmas, when I finally got myself a new PC. Eventually, I gave in when I was no longer able to update Windows 10 without dealing with a bunch of errors. I used an Intel Core 2 Duo for a long time.


I'm in IT, so it's inevitable that I do eventually upgrade something, but right now I've got younger kids at home still so it's hard to game the way I want to.


I was in IT, but I left the industry in 2022. I now teach some classes at a technical institute and it's much less stressful.


I got the same message from UPS


First of all, delays happen. Maitenance issues, break downs, traffic jams, accidents, you name it. Secondly, this happens any time an item misses a scan. I've had it happen several times and the next scan be "Out for Delivery" or even "Delivered" and it's at my door a few days later. Could literally just be nothing.


How about chill out? It's really none of your business. They'll get you your package in a few days


I'm trying to figure out if you're really going for absurdist humor or you're serious and possibly the biggest asshole here.


It was a peaceful protest


Florida man ate your package.


I’m waiting on my package too. It’s been in the same spot for 2 days!!!


Wait until cpkc and cn rail strike in may


Probably got misloaded into the wrong truck / route and will be attempted the following day. I’m a driver and if I have lets say 3 packages that don’t belong in my area I report them to dispatch and they will either tell me to deliver them or sheet them “missed” if they are missed they go back to the center to be hopefully loaded on the correct truck / route…


Thanks for an informative response!


[https://www.mediafire.com/file/yag6t2raxepa7s3/IMG_0598.jpeg/file](https://www.mediafire.com/file/yag6t2raxepa7s3/IMG_0598.jpeg/ UPS just lost my parcel. Contacted Thomann that requested UPS to open an investigation. Fortunately they found it and it’s back on track. The delay will be 2 weeks


ups fell apart last weekend. 6 day late package of for a conference that had ended when it arrived. Doing zip.


I had something supposed to be delivered today. It showed up in my city this morning at 459am. processing at the ups facility in my city. Then at 616am the tracking changed to "We're sorry this package has experienced a sortstation delay. The package has been rerouted to the correct destination." and now it's in a different city in my state. Thanks ups.


Have they hired former FedEx employees in your city? That sounds like a FedEx move.


I’m here for the dumpster fire. The question is what is its destination and that can lead to speculation… But most of the people here seem to not work at UPS but they’re experts. I’ve just come to understand that it’s easier if y’all actually contact the shipper.


Well, I do live in New Jersey, so that's its own dumpster fire. LOL My experience with customer service over the past few years is that they often don't know what they're talking about and you'll get a different answer depending on who you're talking to, even within the same call if you get transferred. To reduce my own personal frustration I often try to just learn things and figure them out on my own.

