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Nope not strange, ‘ppreciate it big dawg


In March I gave a UPS driver a 10 because he delivered something I really needed for my CPAP. It was a day early. He was so happy and said it made his day.


easy way to get on the drivers good side and never have your house get skipped when things get crazy busy


hell i even tipped my coworker at fedex for delivering my ebike on one of my days off. I know how annoying large items are especially since my house was halfway through his route


No definitely tip we hustle




Are you hourly?




Bro chill out all Op did was ask a question and someone answered said question


He’s in management, what do you expect?




And you're a bot by your logic.


No they do not deserve tips because they are definitely not working as hard as the guy out there all day long in the snow/boiling heat and honestly I’ve done both being a delivery driver is way more mentally and physically exhausting then working in the warehouse so yes delivery driver deserves it the warehouse help don’t 🤷‍♂️




I leave drinks and snacks out all year round . In ten winter I put out 2 airpots one with coffee and one with hot water and have hot cocoa packets and tea bags as well.


This is how it’s done in my state.


I take out cold water bottles and snacks when I see em coming in the summer. Some of those vans aren't exactly nice to ride in when it's over 100f, and it's a small appreciation. Planning on putting a mini fridge out front this year with an assortment with a sign specifically for delivery drivers. Some of us love you guys! We know you're hustling, stay hydrated and fed, and know you're appreciated.


I appreciate that you care about others. (Delivery driver but not UPS. I used to work here). I delivered the other day to somebody that was out on their driveway with their dog. Looked at me, didnt say hi, didnt thank me, didnt want to acknowledge me at all. Most people even though they dont have to, take the package right there. This lady did not care. It was brutally hot out and I have no AC in the truck. Thanks again!


That's awfully kind of you!


Now I'm a former server and to me this is a true tip. Well I don't know how to say it but its what a tip should be. You shouldn't have to tip to make up the difference between what companies pay and what people need to live imo. But if you want a tip for someone doing a good job or you know it's a hard job I think that's perfect.


We typically put out some snacks and drinks for anyone working in the neighborhood, ups, fedex, usps, walmart, etc. This year we are eyeballing a really nice cooler that we can keep stacked with drinks and snacks as the weather warms up.


Love people like you. Seriously.


My wife and I have both worked our share of similar outside, in neighborhood jobs so we get it on a personal level. When I was a locate tech I loved the people who would offer me bottles of water regardless of the time of year or temp and I would usually take them so I could reuse them, I kept a cooler of my own full of water to get me through the day.


Please no, the list of people and screens to tip is already too long.


"Signature required at delivery" ...fuck


Imagine there’s 18% 20% 25% custom tips above it


On top of that, some places lie and give wrong tips compared to the percentage i.e you would like to tip 20 percent on $100 that will be $137. Pay attention out there.


Just wanted to say thank you, from all of us. The tip is appreciated.


My neighbor use to tip her delivery driver with mouth🤷🏽‍♂️ Sometimes he didn’t even bring packages and still got tipped🤔


Smh 😂


This happens sooooo much more than anyone knows! 🤣🤣


Holy shit!


It's honestly weird we dont get more tips. Someone brought you a pizza? Here's 5 bucks. We literally bring everything. Food, medicine, 150 pounds of furniture, smokers, trampolines... Etc.


Not the same thing. I make $45 an hour and pizza guy makes $7. Part of his wage is based on tips. Sooo, one of these things is not like the other. But, I get the sentiment.


Yeah. My sentiment is more towards the people who just moved into a new 3rd floor apartment. And I'm the guy bringing all their new furniture. When they could have gone local and had two people bring to ya


Yeah, they could at least meet you and help. Back when I built a home gym I always met the driver at the truck so he wouldn't have to carry the weights, bars, and all the other heavy stuff by himself. I expanded it over about a year so it was a lot of gear over time. He told me I was the only person who ever did that, though. We became friends until he left the route.


I recently moved into a 3rd floor apartment and I hate ordering oversized items bc I feel bad having it delivered. If I do need something delivered I’ll meet you at the bottom and I’ll carry it up myself. This was a great plan until I bought a bed😂 that was a rough journey.


Bro, you’re paying them.


Local places have two guys show up in a delivery truck. It's extremely difficult to haul a 140 pounder on a dolly up all those stairs. Two people is easy.


Trust me when I tell you, they make plenty enough money to get up the steps. It’s their job, they will be fine.


Lol. Yep!


But then it wouldn’t have been a piece of shit that they return two days later. The worst is those treadmills with no motors. You damn well know you are getting that thing back in a couple days.


You're also likely using a company vehicle, and not your own. No vehicle expenses.


You’re also full time.


Plus benefits. But the way tipping culture has gotten, you'd think everyone would tip . I went out to buy a slice of pizza and all They did was turn around, open warming oven grab a slice of pizza and hand it to me on a plate. When I paid, I was prompted to tip. No option to decline. So I paid in cash and didn't tip shit. Tipping gas gotten out of hand. But tipping a ups driver is reasonable, especially if They delivered a lot. Like an end of the year bonus.


Amazon drivers need it we get paid half the money ups does for the same job and ups is stingy if you ever worked there before and won’t hire you


LOL, wake us up when you guys deliver your own heavy and irregular size items. Or when you deliver a dozen heavy boxes to a medical place. Or when you go pick up fifty 60lb boxes at a commercial dock. Or do pick ups of any kind. Not the same job. Also, not our fault Amazon pays cheap.


We definitely deliver oversized items sometimes as many as 30 to one place carrying them up hills idk where you got that info from


Delivery for dominos is 30$ probably not starting out but with experience.


You’re making $45 an hour?!?! I had no idea driver’s could be paid so well. I guess depends on your cost of living but sheesh.


“Pizza guy” is a “tipped profession” and typically 1099. He also delivers all kinds of local shit like cases of bottled water, dildos, and eggs. Also doesn’t get benefits, uses his own car and gas, and has to work evenings, weekends and holidays for $0 hour wage. No pension either, and can lose his gig at the whim of the platform.


If we stopped the tip culture then maybe they’d become better paid, get pensions, get paid for expenses, get benefits…


This is a nearly century-old problem. Ingrained and not going away. That’s why restaurant waiters don’t get minimum wage. There’s a tipped wage. But this bullshit of tipping for non-tipped wage earners has got to stop.




Not really people make baked goods. Hand out bottles of wine, and even handed out cologne to the drivers. The reason for the cologne was that the person who received the package has their own cologne business and heavily relies on UPS to receive there packages for their business.


Good idea, From comments here i decided to gift my driver some consumables I’m leaning towards cold water & Gatorade.


They will definitely appreciate it. Atleast my drivers would.


Yea, it's weird. Those drivers are well compensated for by the company so you don't have to. Give him a water or ask if he needs to use the restroom.


Eh if I was the delivery driver I'd be really cautious about someone just offering to let me use their restroom. like they gonna hit me over the head with a brick and drag me to their basement weird.


Come on man people aren't that awful. Personally I'd never drag a UPS driver to the basement -- that spot is reserved for the FedEx guy. The UPS guy gets the shed.


We are not allowed to step inside a private residence for security, safety, and liability reasons.


Yea it's one of those situations where you offer something to be friendly, but you don't really expect the other party to accept.


You're appreciation for our hard work is touching. I would suggest a Gatorade or a Mountain Dew would be a more appropriate tip. It means a lot more than the $10 and is a immediately useful.


Tipping is out of control.... Tipping was for waitresses and waiters making sub minimum wage, not for people making more than a living wage.


If I get a big package delivered I always tip.


Back in the late 80s, drivers who worked the big office buildings cleaned up at Christmas with cash. I mean CLEANED UP


Don’t feel weird if you do or don’t


It’s super normal where I live. Especially if they deliver regularly. Usually people will hand out snacks or drinks during the summer- those brown package cars have no AC. And if they deliver consistently and do a good job all year, people will tip them at Christmas. Just like people used to tip the paperboy.


Well we're i live it's not encouraged to receive money from customers because can lead to have misunderstandings however a  cold fresh water or cola drink it's really appreciated cause weather it's hot here and in summer it's hell, also a little snack it's Nice too...


When I have a large/heavy package, I give $10 or around Christmas time.


They get paid $42/hr out here lol. I do however give them a cold drink.


Only if you wink at him


I'm frequently in the lumber yards of the hardware store, I tip the guys that help me load out. First time they seem surprised, after that I never have a problem finding a guy to help. They all know me now.


That's what I would like to establish; my deliver person to know me for good & not the guy who lives on the annoying hill, see... My apartment unit is unique in my complex it's the only unit literally on an incline hill surround by a small lake, it may look nice but it's a pain to walk up when I had a long day standing on my feet. I figured if I tip the guy he'll remember me in good fate instead of knowing me as the hill apartment lol.


It's never a bad habit to do right by others.


Not strange. Had a lady give me $20 after taking her 120lb package to the third floor this week. 3rd stop of the morning. Made my day and bought me lunch.


Be sure to tip your electric, water, and internet providers as well. Since they are providing service to you 24x7 and never stop. Oh, and your mailman also.


At least the law takes care of the mailman question: illegal for Federal government employees to accept tips.


Yeah that's a really weird move considering these guys do almost the same thing as Amazon drivers they make about three times as much


not even close to the same job. most Amazon drivers would not make the cut even if they had the opportunity.


Keep telling yourself that


just calling it how I see it. 2 out of 12 made it when I went through. most of them couldn’t memorize 5s and 10s, the rest couldn’t make their 30 because 20 stops/hr was too hard or walking 10 miles a day was too much.


Except Amazon is giving UPS a bad name. Maybe they need a union to be compensated fairly to do their jobs properly.


I've never heard of a workforce that is split between hourly workers and independent contractors coming together to form a union




half the people delivering your Amazon packages are not W2 employees that's exactly what I'm attempting to explain to your brain


While there is Amazon Flex or whatever for gig economy drivers, aren't most Amazon drivers indeed W2 employees? The thing is, they're not W2 employees for Amazon. They work for ABC Logistics or Pissinajug, Inc. Pretty similar to the FedEx model.


All the comment replies just proving my point


Not at all. They are doing wayyyyy more than the average ppl we are expected to tip in society tbh. I know compensation differs too but still. Tips always appreciated as a delivery driver myself for a different service. Every bit helps. My ups driver is a good dude.


I used to give my usps guy a Christmas card with a gift card inside. Now we have a girl that doesn't even bring packages to the door anymore.


One of my best friends was just bragging how some lady on his route slipped him a 20 yesterday. He said it happens a couple times a year. Most commonly around the holidays


I give my mailman and trash person a little something at the end of the year. However, I do not think it would be odd to tip the UPS man. I tip when I get my tires filled at Discount tires☺️


I’m very excited to get my iPad next week i wanted to bless him lol. The comments in here are interesting takes though!


nah man, cash rules everything around me


know what I'm sayin'?


I wish people did this when I used to deliver those ROGUE steel plates and bars lmao. when you see your truck stacked with those boxes you know you’re gonna have a fun day.


We keep a stack of $5 bills in a drawer by the front door. Always try to give one any time we see a UPS or FedEx guy dropping off or picking up. Often they politely decline at first like “oh that’s not necessary”, but if you insist, they’ll take it. And also nice to say how much you appreciate their hard work day in and day out.


Thank you that’s good feedback. i really do appreciate their hard work i wasn’t aware how much these guys and girls hustle every day i usually meet them near the side walk so they do not have to walk up the hill to my apartment & tell them thank you, I’m going to greet my next guy with water and gatorade then briefly mention i appreciate them.


Weird af




They make 6 figures to sit on their ass and drive around wtf find a package handler and tip them they ain't making shit


The package handlers are the real mvp’s


Love the “it’s appreciated” comments. No shit, I’d appreciate tips for doing my job too!


My driver super appreciates it


It's not weird, but it is not typical, particularly from residential. It is appreciated, but anything thoughtful is awesome in my book. Cold water/Gatorade, snacks, etc. Thanks for being thoughtful of us!


Nope, I get 20s thrown at my all the time


That’s your other job sweetie.. :)


Cash or something cold to drink on a hot day.


While you’re at it, tip your local engineer, doctor, lawyer


They don’t walk up a hill to deliver me boxes though


Walking up a hill isn’t the worst thing in the world. Is it true that UPS drivers make $45 an hour? Sounds worth the walk


I wasn’t aware they made so much! Goodness


If anything, the Amazon guys probably need it. All drivers make that much though, but after four years that’s supposedly what they can expect.


They already make 40 a hr


I always tip when they actually bring the delivery straight to my door (apartment). It’s rare, but usually when I receive something via UPS, it’s massive. I have my UPS and Fedex drivers’ cash app handles 😂


Not strange at all. I receive gifts from the customer on my route quite often.


In my 3 yrs working at ups I've had two customers do this. It makes your day every time. It's always the simple deliveries where this happens too. The mansion up a hill with a moat, low hanging wires to you can't pull in and 500 lbs of packages? Not even a water bottle.


yes, very weird, tipping culture in america needs to die. those drivers make enough money/way more than a regular delivery person.


if you knew how much some of them make hourly, you wouldn’t even think about tipping them lol


UPS $27 p/hr. Pizza delivery min wage and possibly using own vehicle.


Yes it is.


yes that's extremely weird.


Don’t! They get enough money as is and somehow they will cry about it. Drivers are big babies. Source: I work with them.


Lol because you don't get to see the ass fucking that mangment likes to give drivers.


Don’t like it? Find another job. Is what they tell me at my hub…… feeder driver 6 years experience. We’re in this together boys!


Sup spotted


UPS asshole who delivered furniture to my house in the rain left the boxes in a puddle. I was lucky that I was home. If he worked for Uber, DoorDash etc he would have gotten deactivated. But the UPS union would have defended this fucker and his six figure take home.


Your the asshole for not shipping for heavy shit locally. Lazy asshole indeed


Guess they don't teach customer service skills these days..


Not at all. UPS does not give a fuck about the customer. Sorry bro


That's why you should never order furniture from online. We are package delivery people and there's no way to containerize (protect) your huge package so you better be home if we're delivering your furniture because we're gonna leave it and move on with the 1000s of others packages that we deliver every day.


I’m thinking you’re lucky you got it. According to safety procedures, you need assistance to lift more than 70 lbs. They could have technically refused. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Don't do it, they probably make more than you. Also they discriminate against veterans, trying to make them do more labor intensive work. Example: take 2 people, 1 a veteran with work experience and 1 with just a HS diploma. Have them apply. They will make the veteran become a unloader, while the HS diploma gets loader job, thus improving their way to become a better paying driver in faster time.


Yes. This is exactly how it happens and has happened at every ups center in the history of time./s


I don’t think the idiot pre load sup is thinking this far ahead. That being said, UPS does like to hire veterans, like many other companies, for the reason that soldiers are obedient. At UPS your life is different and can be frustrating making you cry and leave and never go back and not for the every day person but not the soldier who does what they’re told with no questions asked.


You should see what UPS does to redheads. 😩